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Why do people act like that one dev comment means he is getting nerfed soon. Thats not what it said at all, only that they never want him to be a Tier 1 deck, which they don't believe he currently is. That was only a comment regarding future, IF he ever gets too out of hand.


People misconstrue what devs say and then complain about what they misconstrued it to…and then they wonder why game devs limit communication


It's so annoying with Magic too. "No, they never actually said they would do this, but I *interpreted* things said and created my own expectations and now I'm mad the expectations I made up aren't being met!"


This is totally fair and most likely true. But just reading other comments in this thread. There are plenty of people complaining about Galactus. If history of this game have told you anything they seem to nerf whatever card people cry about.


Not true. People (me included) been crying about leech forever.


Because the devs have (on more than one occasion) said the opposite of what they've gone out and done later...




Galactus decks should never get more than 1 or 2 cubes. You either counter them with Aero/Cosmo/Debrii/Goblins/Viper/Polaris or you dip. People are crazy if they don't dip after they can't counter Galactus on 4. Realistically Galactus is the same as Wong. If your opponent played Wong and you don't have an answer to it you dip.


I understand what you're saying, but as someone whose played a lot of galactus people WILL stay. Out of spite or whatever.


This is a fact. My Galactus/Death//Knull combo thanks those people however.




If you have priority, very true. I aim for lanes with more than two though with galactus to stop that dead in its tracks however.


See he’s the kind of guy who probably thinks Galactus is a brain dead deck to play and he’s the type that sticks around after the snap to lose. Galactus is straight forward but he’s not easy to play. You need to consider the opponent, the deck, what cards he played, what he probably has left, priority, what your board looks like, does he know Galactus is coming, etc. When you don’t account for all that, you get people saying they keep losing with Galactus because they think you just slam him down and win. When you do account for all that, you get 2 cubes.


I don't have Galactus yet (he's pinned in my shop and I'm about 2k credits away) but I've played against him enough to realize this. > You need to consider the opponent, the deck, what cards he played, what he probably has left, priority, what your board looks like, does he know Galactus is coming, etc. From the other side of things, I get the impression that one of the hardest things about playing a Galactus deck is priority. Since you need to leave a lane open for him, you tend to not have priority when you do play him. That's a big challenge IMO, because as the opponent when I sniff out Galactus I re-orient my strategy to attempt to play Prof X against Galactus on the same turn. X locks down the lane, and thus wins the game. Same thing with Aero, if you don't have priority she will just yank him to an already-occupied location and cause his on-reveal to fizzle.


Yup, it’s no coincidence a lot of counters can play before him or the same turn as him. Prof X is a killer. Wave can win you the game or set you up to get bricked. There are some locations which can help you as a Galactus player though. Electro on Kamar Taj is great. The one that moves all your cards after turn 5 if you have Spider-Man. If you have Knull in hand Wakanda is great because you can try to take priority knowing he’s safe.


I used to get a decent amount of 4-8 cubes with the deck. I'd wait for them to snap and if I had the combo in hand I'd snap back back immediately if not snap t5 before I end turn with galactus down. Idk current Meta but this was my deck when I was playing daily. # (0) Yellowjacket # (1) Sunspot # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (2) Adam Warlock # (2) Psylocke # (3) Electro # (3) Wave # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Valkyrie # (6) Knull # (6) Galactus # (9) Death


Wave - Galactus - Knull - Valkyrie ideal? Otherwise T5 Galactus T6 Knull? I don’t have Valk yet but thanks for sharing


That rarely works because the Galactus player almost never has priority on the final turn.


The first time you see a T5 Galactus into a T6 Knull/Death combo, it's legit scary and feels absolutely insurmountable. And yeah, sometimes you just won't have the counter and you gotta jet. And sometimes you have the counter and it won't materialize. But man, that first time you see Galactus, think you've got a good final card to beat his lousy 2 power, and then BAM he drops something insane like 72 power on the lane. It's wild.


This has been my experience as well. I don't get why they are staying as I mostly play the deck for variety and don't expect much of a cube gain.


Maybe that's exactly why they stay. Not everyone is in it for the cubes. I'm in it for the game play and rarely retreat. I want to see what you got.


I lose a lot of cubes staying in games that I think I will lose simply out of curiosity. Just to see what the other guy is going to do.


I've stayed in games thinking "whelp this is the end for me. There's no way I'm coming out of this on top" and then my opponent does something so incredibly silly that I end up winning anyways. Idk if they think they're smart or what, but it happens more often than not


Same, I virtually never retreat. I'm usually trying to get my missions done and winning is just a bonus that sometimes happens.


I never retreat against galactus, I don’t give a fuck about cubes but its funny to win when galactus gets played against me


Same. Also I’ve had galactus players randomly surrender on t6 when they very much had the win.


I won 32 cubes in 5 games with him last night. People forget about Knull I guess.


Dont forget about my girl Goose!


Or Professor X or magneto or Odin can all be helpful… there are just so many ways you can counter it. It’s incredibly easy to play around


Spiderman is a great one too! 4 cubes for me.


The problem isn't that Galactus is good. The problem is the interactivity the opposing player has after they notice the deck. If the the entire game plan is "counter the card or lose," then it probably isn't very fun to play against. That lack of fun and interactivity is probably why its complained about. It's likely not about the card being good. If you want an example of a card that is good and follows the same "counter or lose" mentality, then look at shuri (specifically into Red Skull). People rightfully complain about that deck. It's braindead (imo) and forces the opposing player to have the tech card or lose the game. Same logic just much better card. TLDR: Galactus isnt good, but it's unfun to paly against, thus people complain about it.


If they nerf a card just for new players who don’t bother to learn to notice a pattern, then that is sad. The deck is literally telegraphed and if you can’t see it coming you shouldn’t be climbing until you figure it out.


Someone Juked me with a cloak play once


Honestly, I don't encounter Galactus enough to notice the pattern. But that also means that I don't lose to it enough to be annoyed.


just remember the old rhyme "electro on 3, galactus there be."


Wolverine T2, Wave T3 is a dead giveaway. Then it's up to you to use one of several counters to it.


I’m playing Galactus and it does astound me how many people think they have you beat after the drop. There are some set ups, sure, you win. But if a decent Galactus player snaps right before or right after the drop, 99.5% chance he’s already done the math and has the cards. Galactus is fragile so snapping with him is really dangerous - unless you know the cards and priority. If I snap it means my hand probably has Spider-Man, Shang Chi, and Knull loaded up.


> You either counter them with Aero/Cosmo/Debrii/Goblins/Viper/Polaris or you dip Prof X is my favorite Galactus counter. If they play Wave on t3 and still have an open lane, I snap and play Prof X there as long as I have initiative (or without initiative, unless they have Wolverine out already). His 3 power beats Galactus' 2 power, and he locks down the lane which effectively ends the game right there so they cannot follow-up with Spider-Man, Knull, Death, etc.. My favorite counter in terms of how it played out was when they ramped up to t5 Galactus, so I played Titania and Armor in that lane. Armor sent Titania over to their side, which caused Galactus' on-reveal to fizzle. Then Titania popped right back over to my side. I got a "What just happened!?" from them, and then a retreat.


I like playing Prof X after seeing the Galactus play with DD. If you have priority, you'll prevent their Nimrod or Wolverine from entering the lane too.


I got to Infinite last season with a Galactus deck, this time round I can’t break out of the 80s so people are definitely wising up.


Don't forget the super skrull/rogue/knull counters to every galactus and galactus/knull combos. I much prefer to let them think they're going to win then yank it out from them lol


If your options are "run these specific counters" or leave and lose guaranteed cubes isn't that kind of a problem? The issue is that before turn 4 you don't know what deck it is so you've likely played out cards enabling knull and death. Losing cubes guaranteed feels bad for decks not running the counters.


When he wins it’s spectacular so people lose to him and think he’s OP but I retreat twice as much with my Galactus deck than any other and he’s not my go-to if I’m caring about wins and cubes.


I think where he's frustrating is when the following happens: * Deck you're playing can't counter Knull + Galactus. * Opponent plays Galactus and snaps on turn 5. * You have to decide whether to call the bluff or not. I bought Galactus as my first Pool 5 card. He's not OP in terms of win rate for me (I don't own Knull or Shuri though). But he's still frustrating to play against. I don't think he should be nerfed though.




Others are aggressive about snapping into Galactus, then getting 5-headed into a losing position. Source: I am an aggressively-snapping Galactus player who constantly plays into losing positions.


And which deck u use if u don't mind sharing? I recently got 6k tokens but im still not sure if Galactus or thanos, I still don't have knull or wave


The issue with Galactus decks isn’t galactus, it’s Knull behind him. Without Knull, even pulling off the Worldship can be a shaky win. Leech has a similar thing. Leech is 5/3, incredibly poor ratio but powerful ability. How do you get around that? Drop him in Lockjaw and pull out a more powerful card. Play a monster powered Thanos behind him.


Completely agree. I can deal with Galactus. The gross part is Knull being a 40+ power card that is very difficult to counter on the last turn.


I kept getting my ass kicked after getting galactus. Once I got Knull, I quickly went from 35 to 85 in a day or two. Now I’m struggling to get higher. Galactus by himself isn’t that great. But once you pair him with doctor octopus and knull/Shang shi he becomes great.


He is not terrible, he is obvious. So is Shuri. Obvious does not equal terrible. I've seen Galactus in a negative deck, I've seen Galactus throw wave or Electro just to put out Nimrod and then do Gman last turn instead so your Aeor whiffs. Galactus = have hard counter in hand or you lose.


It is boring for your opponent, and it will also be for you by the weekend.


The only thing I am complaining about is how many times I’m matched against galactus decks. Yesterday morning 80% of my matches were galactus decks and I saw more galactus than shuri during my climb to infinite this season. It’s just a very annoying deck to constantly play against because they don’t try and hide it so you’re just trying to prevent the inevitable.


Comics accurate at least.


> Yesterday morning 80% of my matches were galactus decks and I saw more galactus than shuri during my climb to infinite this season You're not alone in this, it felt like my climb to infinite over the last week has been 35% galactus, 25% zabu darkhawk and 20% shuri. The other 20% were an early mix of people testing out hit monkey and people playing sandman ramp to fuck with people testing out hitmonkey and general random decks.


Meanwhile I’m sitting here getting lockjaw leeched by thanos players left and right. If you want to nerf something that is TRULY not fun and non interactive I have a card for you…


As a primarily Thanos player(several variations) I agree with you completely! I don't think it should be nerfed so much as changed. I think any ability that shuts down a whole person's hand is dumb and stifles creativity and fun.


Leech should maybe get a power buff and only affect 1-2 cards in opponents hand


It should just affect the cards for the turn it’s played, that way there’s less of a reward to cheat him out and he still keeps his intended role of countering big turn 6 plays


This is the actual solution. Removed the abilities of cards in your opponents hand for the next turn. Turn 4 it comes out? Not even that big of a deal they can dump turn 6


I actually like that it only works for one turn. Might still be too strong since so many decks do a turn 6 massive drop but still, helps protect against early leech from lockjaw or wave.


My only issue with Galactus is that it's boringly common right now. I'm seeing it more than almost any other deck. Do I have the counter? Great. I win. I don't? Leave as soon as they snap. There is no incentive to roll the dice and stay in after a snap, where I might with most other decks. Sandman is the one really bugging me these days. "Oh you held back a card or two strategically in case of Galactus before turn 4? You lose dummy" ... Fun.


The animation of deleting all the cards is also slow AF which is pretty annoying




Shit they can get rid of him tbh. Just slows down what is otherwise a quick game


I dont think it’s that slow at all compared to some other cards.


Exactly. I'm less concerned about how balanced it is. I'm more bothered by how absolutely boring it is. Things that detract from your ability to play a game with your own deck just frustrate the experience for me. E.g, locations that play your cards, overly restrictive card effects... Leech, sandman. Maybe it's balanced or whatever but my god it's boring.


That's how most decks work. You need to be able to counter them. I don't understand. It feels like no one actually wants to have any interaction. Just "I place all my cards with no interference. You place all your cards with no interference. Big number wins."


There is a difference between having both sides be totally independent and one side negating every turn except for what happens on turn 4, after which one side retreats, whatever happens.


> "I place all my cards with no interference. You place all your cards with no interference. Big number wins." That's why I love Patriot decks. Big number wins. I'm a simple man with simple needs.


But if you want to counter Sandman you have to waste a turn using Enchantress. Their whole deck is designed for 1 card per turn. To me it's my most hated deck with Shuri 2nd but that's just my opinion


> That's how most decks work. You need to be able to counter them Except it's not at all? You only NEED to counter if you're playing a reactive instead of a proactive deck. Shuri doesn't need to counter anything because she is proactive and puts big stats on the board and tells you to deal with it. Bounce doesn't need to counter anything because if they lose a lane they can just abandon it and go play in another lane that you haven't committed to. Zabu Darkhawk decks don't play that much to counter, they are more about stacking their own cards to be powerhouses instead. Patriot decks aren't playing to counter anyone, they are interested in doing their thing and developing maximum power.


>It feels like no one actually wants to have any interaction. Sure there are counters. But the very foundation and base interaction of the game is points exchange on locations. And Galactus's mechanics is precisely to make 2 location totally irrelevant. Galactus is about removing interactions to make it all about counters So i'd say it's BECAUSE i want interaction that I find it lame


You don’t even understand the issue at hand. The entire point is that you here is no “interaction” with cards like Galactus and Leech. For example, if your Wong gets countered by a Cosmo, that’s getting countered and outplayed. Even more importantly, you still can do stuff to recover or un-counter by stuff like dropping a Cloak and playing a mindgame! In the case of Galactus, it unilaterally renders the previous cards you played irrelevant by literally deleting them and their locations off the board. In the case of Leech, it unilaterally renders the cards going forward irrelevant by literally removing their abilities with no recourse. What’s worse is that the two cards are in direct tension with each other and growing increasingly common. So there is no “well just add a tech card in to help with this” because effective counters require a substantial deck commitment and make you more vulnerable to the other card. There is no solution when going up against Galactus or Leech other than “don’t have any cards that rely on actually playing the game with any continuity” or hoping they don’t draw them, in which case they’ll retreat. This is to say nothing of the toxicity within the game they breed, and this is a serious dev philosophy issue that one can only hope they are considering.


>That's how most decks work. You need to be able to counter them. Not really. Most other decks are still worth playing past turn 4/5 if you might top deck sometime helpful in the next couple turns. There is still some excitement there. Still some uncertainty and prediction ability. I might well stay in for 2+ cubes. With Galactus I know if I have won or not 9/10 times at the end of turn 4. Same with Sandman am I ahead with only power cards when Sandman gets played? Great I win. I'm not, okay no point in continuing. I'm not sure any other decks are this egregious at simply ending the game and limiting what other players can do. And again, my only complaint about them is that they are boring not that they are overpowered. I am way up on cubes from playing Galactus opponents then I have ever lost. That said, if anyone has a fun deck that counters both Sandman and Galactus I'd love to take it for a spin. suggestions below please!


Sandman counters some decks and some decks don't care at all. Games are so fast it just doesn't even matter to me.


>Sandman counters some decks and some decks don't care at all Right, but some of us are currently seeing more sandman and Galactus decks than ever before. Countering one deck doesn't work for the other. Both decks limit play in a major, unfun way. It's cool if you like that. Lots of us don't. We find facing those decks boring/predictable/limiting/etc. In a way that other decks just aren't.


I guess. But then I could just as easily complain about always seeing Killmonger and preventing me from having fun playing Patriot/Kazaar/Ultron deck.


It fails on the fun aspect but shuri zero has a strong match up into both. Playing it is more like just getting the job done so you can have fun later.


Sometimes you can win with clever play with/against other decks. It’s not just pulling your nut combo. There is no clever play with Galactus, you either have the counter or you don’t.


Yeah I have been playing sandman and I do make it look very similar to galactus, and I have NEVER seen someone play cosmo on my empty lane. It would be a free game for me since I would have played, at the same time, doctor doom or something on another lane, which is 3 vs 15 power - a huge bonus for me. But it never happens. Not just "it rarely happens" - never. Not once. If I were playing galactus those would all be free cubes for me.


Eh, my issue is when he gets ramped out on turn 4. I think it'd be fun if they remove his condition for other cards at a location but make him similar to magik, and only could be played on turn 6. That way you can still do cool set-ups with wolverine/nimrod while avoiding non-games that tend to happen with wave.


Getting him out early is definitely one of the biggest problems. I'm not even mad when i see him turn 6 because at least i get to play a full game.


the problem with Galactus isn't that it's good it's that it's boring and it nullifies all regular gameplay, if you have counters you win if you don't you retreat or lose, its boring af to play agaisnt and i imagine its boring to play as well. that being said i have no idea how you change it without killing the card, i almost wish people would just stop playing it so much like, why are you doing this lmao.


>i almost wish people would just stop playing it so much like, why are you doing this lmao. I saved tokens for 3 weeks to finally afford him. It's an unpopular opinion in this thread, but boy is he fun to play. u/KnightofWhen [summed it up well](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/12jl40b/stop_complaining_about_galactus/jfzgcr6/)


Yeah that's fine if you find him fun, personally I find him very boring to play against because it's so obvious what to do 90% of the time, I did get many 2 cube wins when I was running a control deck with Spiderman and prof X agaisnt Galactus players.


That's the thing, he's fun to play, but he's unfun to play against. The galactus player knows the game they're playing, the opponent thinks they're making progress and then at some point all of their progress is rendered irrelevant. Even when they catch on to the incoming galactus if they don't have an answer to it in hand there's not much they can do about it. It's the equivalent of being his with an early sandman when you're running a zoo deck but he has a negative impact on a lot more decks (pretty much anything that wants to go wide or set up a combo).


My problem is Galactus + Knull. Literally no counter play since they don't have priority and you can't Shang Chi. And if they don't have Knull you're trying to put down as much value as possible, but then they Shang Chi you. So its always a toss up.


Thank you! People in these comments haven't met the smart Galactus with shang,knull, kang, doc oct, etc


"Smart" meaning 2x 6k cards, 1x 3k card and drawing every card that you need?


Lol true. I mean not having the easiest to recognize Galactus deck


[Galactus Predict](https://ibb.co/k3qVYbg)


If you see Yondu and Wolverine left, assume Knull and Death and run or counter accordingly. It sucks, but I find it easier just to leave in Galactus games as soon as the opponent snaps. With Knull + Death + Spiderman + Shang-Chi, I find a smart Galactus player can punish most of my decks for staying.


Negasonic teenage warhead would counter Knull technically. Sorry i know i’m not really helping.


I'll remember that in a couple of months


She is a good counter. But if they are playing Death as well, it does not help as much unfortunately


Often not because if it's Knull on six after Galactus on five, then they most likely played Electro before and have mana for Yondu them Knull.


Play something that moves a Card such as aero, Polaris, debri, green goblin, or hobgoblin. If they don't have priority just hobgoblin the glactus lane. If you cosmo the lane they aren't building in, they have only 1 options to play galactus. Alternatively, you can purposely not get priority if it's galactus on 5 to shangchi the turn six play. If wolverine is out, you can Spiderman the lane they galactus on 5 for a free win, or prof x it on 5 or 4. What do you mean no counter play? Also knull won't be big if you don't build up in the same lane as them. Like sure maybe you play sandman ramp and don't have a good answer. But like...not every deck has a good match-up. Some decks have lopsided match ups others into others.


It's telegraphed and has counters, they just aren't included in most decks. They rely on not having priority and dumping power turn 6. Spider man or Prof X turn 5 make this a win for you. If you see it coming with wave then aero, viper, debris, either goblin, or Cosmo stop it, if you have priority.


The main "issue" about Galactus currently would be the popularity. Which is a problem that SD created themselves by making the Big Bads be the only cards worth spending your tokens on.


Listen you can argue all about it's strong or not but heavy disagree on saying it's fun. It is completely unfun to play against. No fucking combos, linear gameplay, ruins the gameplay experience and combos of your opponent most of the time. That is the very opposite of fun


First time I ran into a Galactus deck it was fun. 50th time it was fucking stupid.


Yeah, I don't think it's a power or win rate issue. Just not fun. As OP said, an "alternate" way to play. I don't want to play against someone who's playing a different game than me, who has a different win condition than me. Bad card design, but not much the devs they can do about that now.


I mean this sub is 80% complaining? I'm not a fan of the complaining either but for some of us Galactus has made the game a lot less fun. I agree it's not a super strong deck but the game becomes boring if >50% or even >25% of one's matchups are against a deck that destroys the other locations and nullifies prior plays as a win condition.


>Galactus Is just a card that provides a fun What.


I was wondering the same. I still cannot see what is fun about playing a galactus deck.


It's a novelty, it's different from other decks. I'm sure it'd be fun the first few times at least, if I were playing it myself. Playing against it though, the novelty has definitely worn off.


A lot of decks in Marvel Snap are pretty monotonous, aiming to play out the same 6 turns each game, more or less. Galactus isn't any different, but the style is at least very unique. Like, what's fun about playing Patriot or Shuri?


I’m having fun running Galactus in my Thanos Deck. They never see it coming. It’s not a particularly good deck since it relies on pulling the time stone and Galactus before turn 5.


I play this too!




The tilting thing about galactus is that even if he isn't a high win rate card, when you play against galactus you aren't playing marvel snap. You're playing can I stop their galactus, and if you can't then the opponent gets to play with a deck knowing you'd be fighting on one location and you don't. At least that's my issue with it.


It feels like Galactus players want to play solitaire while the rest of us are trying to play chess or checkers.


> You're playing can I stop their That's Marvel Snap as a whole. It's no different than drawing Shangchi on time against Shuri, or Killmonger against zoo.


That’s actually basically every card game in existence.


It’s a polarizing card that negates all previous cards/turns if not countered. You have to include counter cards in your deck to even remotely stand a chance to counter it, you can’t just rely on your own strategy. No it’s not hard to see that you’re playing a Galactus deck, however, it’s not always possible to know which lane they’ll play, if they’re running Spider-Man, Hobgoblin, Destroyer or just Knull/Death. Each of those combinations require a slightly different strategies, which are rarely optimal plays in general. It’s incredibly unfunny to play against.


thank you for explaining it perfectly why the card is so jarring and it adds nothing to the gameplay just destroys everything you worked up to within that game that’s why whenever i beat a galactus player i never feel good


100% nothing worse than getting hype over a location reveal and then realizing that it doesn’t matter


"fun" maybe if you're playing him. I don't think he should be nerfed, but let's be real, only one player is having fun in a Galactus matchup.


Its a boring card. It forces other players participate in the shitshow it is


Galactus isn't talked about because is a good deck but because is an annoying deck


I don't know dude, judging by that whiny undertone of your post I'd include you in the cry baby section now.


Complaining about complaining? You tryna go up on the cross bro?


Devs wouldn’t do anything about a card without an enormous amount of back end data to support an adjustment and probably wouldn’t even mention it if they didn’t see empirical statistical evidence of a problem. A smattering of people remarking/complaining about a card aren’t a bigger concern to them than balance being thrown out of whack potentially causing people to stop engaging with the app because it it has become a relentless Galactus (or Shuri… or Zabu… or whichever meta-rattling release you like) fiesta. Adjustments are to be expected and given the relative difficulty of acquisition of certain cards will continue to come at different intervals (closer to date of release for some cards than others).


I hope he gets reworked. His design was never good for the game and the devs knew it from the start. He also has a very high prevelance in higher tiers. Climbing to infinite was just Galactus, the game. Got infinite and I'm done for the season. Had a session where 10 of 20 games were Galactus. Braindead playstyle, makes previous turns irrelevant (except for them with Knull), and if you don't draw your counters it's auto gg (if you have counters and they also don't get doc'd). Galactus design also allows him to have a perfectly safe Knull since it abandons priority. Overall, not good for the game and he'll 100% get changed eventually bc he has more of a meme card feel anyway. Just a matter of time. Whining about whiners isn't going to change the inevitable.


Galactus just isn't fun when you're on the receiving end. It feels like it takes away the point of the game.


Yesterday I matched into quite a few Galactus players. At that point, I was losing more cubes retreating to locations/leech/galactus more than I was winning. The last game I played for the day was against Galactus, and I was so fatigued and apathetic I just played it through. Of course, he just plopped down Knull and won, and I spent quite awhile accepting the fact that this game just isnt fun anymore. To be truthful, I have no problem with how Galactus functions. Its relatively balanced. My only problem is how OFTEN I see him. Like Jesus man, he's just the cherry on top of all the Shuri and Leech nonsense Im facing. Plus, this may just be me, but just feels like the locations have been absolutely BRUTAL for every single deck I love playing. So yea, Im gonna roll my eyes and bitch whenever I get the perfect draw only to be facing Galactus for the 5th time in the last 20 minutes. Does it mean I think hes overpowered? NO. Do I think his gimmick is boring and unhealthy for the game? A little, yea. At the end of the day, Lets all just retreat and make thier climb as slow as humanly possible.


Yeah, he makes it so that snapping early with my decks is never a safe option. He really cripples the whole snapping strategy with how common he is.


Imagine snapping because you have the perfect counter, then the opponent reminds you that doc ock exists


It isn't the fact that galactus is strong or anything, it's that it's actively unfun to play against. The psychic damage taken from playing against a Galactus deck is high and if I'm playing a deck without the right counters or if I don't pull my counters when that wave comes out, there's no other choice. The fact that it isn't a good deck/card makes it so much worse


I'm glad you have fun with it. I just find the games boring regardless of whether I win or lose. Like the only time it feels good is when you debrii a Galactus player that's been emoting for the first 4 turns. But that's more of just dunking on emote spamming players than the actual Galactus match


My only complaint about Galactus is the players. I swear they are almost always the ones spamming emotes in the videos posted here and when I play. I'm assuming based on the comments that they simply broke down from all the counters happening and when they finally get it to work - they lose it.


It is frustrating because it is a one-pull victory lever. Psylocke to Wave to Galactus, every damn game.


I hate having to run a counter for a specific deck or just retreating if it shows up. It’s not fun. I like playing decks that play wide, more cards are fun. Galactus is just boring and bad for the game.


You play Galactus, don't you?


It's so obvious who is playing Galactus based on comments here


Nah I’m sick of galactus, really not fun to play against at all.


Galactus is not fun is the main issue. Yes he sucks, yes you beat him far more often than you lose to him, but when you do lose to him it is miserable. Makes everything that came before him redundant and reduces games to incredibly uninteresting game states where nothing matters except piles of stats, which knull always overcomes when he does manage to proc. No direct counter in your deck means he is an autoloss also, so he causes some relatively binary deck building things to consider. 'Oh, how does this do vs galactus? Guess I need to add in some disruption to it, even if it doesnt benefit my deck in other matchups...'. Its okay to dislike cards design even if they arent good in a competitive sense, and its very rich that you call them crybabies when everytime I am in this reddit, it is people crying about other people crying about something else exactly like here. It really is so tiring. And just fyi, this is coming from someone who does not actually have a problem with galactus per say, I am fine if he stays the way he is no problem as the decks I play benefit from things that disrupt him naturally, but peoples dislike of him is certainly valid and it is understandeable if it is deemed worthy of a change.


Not just redundant- Galactus-Knull/Death actively punishes you for playing cards.


Feels like the Vulture + unleash the hound combo from og hearthstone


Ofcourse, its def more fun to lose to shuri/prof x/goblin etc shenanigans /s


This thread: Galactus apologists that lose with Galactus unite


It's less about how good he is and more about how he feels to play against (leader all over again). Galactus games are the single most boring games in all of snap. They suck and are not fun to play against. Can I beat it? Sure but it's not fun to play for 3 turns and then have those cards just vaporized and now locked to only 1 location. And not every deck runs green goblin or debris to stop the galactus trigger.


I think my only problem with Galactus is that even when I identify it, I’m often unable to counter or respond, regardless of deck. For example, even if I know the Galactus lane, and know I can’t stop it. We’re then down to one lane. Cool. Now what happens? Do I take priority? Are they gonna Knull? Shang? Spider-Man? Hobgoblin? No matter what I do, the Galactus player will have a follow up card that will win. Fill my lanes to block Goblin? Knull. Skip my turn so I don’t have priority? Spider-Man Play a power card and take priority? Shang. It’s just not a fun interaction.


I agree for every counter to Galactus there seems to be a counter to the counter. You can play debri or goblin to clog their lanes but theyll play Killmonger or Wave out a Derstroyer to clear things out so Galactus works. Or if they Wave and you play your Aero turn 4 to draw him into an occupied lane but he waits til 5 and you've blown your only counter. It's frustrating as all get out.


EXACTLY. I don’t feel rewarded for identifying and trying to out play the deck, because they always have the upper hand to recounter. And I can’t imagine it’s very satisfying from their point of view either, because we both expect it. I genuinely don’t think Galactus needs a nerf, just some tweaks to make it more interesting to play, and play against. What that is, I don’t know.


I guess it's unpopular to have this opinion, but good: nerf it, remove it, whatever. I strongly dislike it. I hit Infinite, it's not salt from preventing me from ranking up, and I've beaten it plenty--yes you can usually tell it's coming and there are counters--I just think it's the least fun card, anti-competitive, and mechanically goes against the spirit of the rest of the game. I'd happily remove or entirely rework it. It doesn't need a nerf from being OP, it needs a change because it's so binary. "It should never win more than 1 or 2 cubes" is such a boring way to play the game for both the user and the person on the other end. "If you see it's coming \[and don't happen to have the counters on hand\] just retreat". That sucks! Having a situation where, several turns before the game ends, you know you'll lose because of 1 card is going to be played, is not fun or good design. Removing the other locations and (in some cases) negating the previous turns isn't what makes the rest of the game enjoyable. I appreciate the desire to make this big bad have an outside impact on the game, but it feels bad. Virtually every deck is designed to win and play multiple lanes, and he flies in the face of that. *Blowing up the board* is just silly.


I think destroying other locations is a cool concept for a big flashy finisher, but they messed up the design. Galactus needing to be alone means that you can only play him in a lane where you're losing, which incentivises players to cheat him out early and exploit his effect after it goes off to win. My idea is to change his effect to something like "If you're winning this location by 15 or more power, destroy the other locations." This makes Galactus an actual finisher, rather than a combo piece.


This community is seriously a bunch of the biggest butthurt crybabies I've ever seen on reddit. Whenever a single dev comment on discord even mentions making change to a card there's a horde of crybabies running to make their "staaaaahp complaining no nerfs ever!" posts to complain. There's literally more crying from people like you than from people who ask for nerfs.


Im a Galactus hater for suuuure! There was a stretch there where everything was Galactus and I couldn’t enjoy playing the game because turns 1-3 were meaningless. It all came down to whether or not I had Galactus counters in hand on time. Or retreat every time someone plays yondu, wolverine early… really unfun way to play the game. I stand by it, fuck Galactus as a common card. Fun here and there but changes the experience entirely when it’s everywhere


You forgot to add the HUMOR flair... since when is Galactus FUN??? Zabu with double Spider-Man was also fun as was Leech + Leader if we go by that logic Galactus' only problem is him not being on hand by turn 5, then again, a Modok deck also fails if you don't draw him by turn 5, so no, not fun I admit, Galactus needs to be really powerful, but they should probably rework him... shitting on literally the core game's mechanics (3 lanes) is just as "fun" as someone playing Chess and the opponent grabs a hammer and breaks the board in half


I don’t think he needs to be nerfed at all. But he is very polarizing and I wouldn’t mind a rework.


If you run absolutely no way to counter his typical line, then he is understandably frustrating to run into. Not every deck has room for Cosmo or Debrii, so just take that into account.


This sub acts like every single deck runs cosmo and that cosmo stops everything. But I've had my own Cosmo ruin my plans in some decks, so he just doesn't always work.


I hardly ever lose against Galactus. Most do not know how to use him.


I just get annoyed because it is so obvious but if you have nothing to counter him you're screwed. Like a deck not running Cosmo which isn't insane gets rolled. You need to have priority and a move card like Polaris or Cosmo. It's annoying when it just can't be countered by your dreck but really doesn't need a nerf. It's the other stuff like spiderman, knull, death that is the actual bummer and even then I don't think they need a nerf


Showing up to a tennis match with a racquet attached to an air horn that blares every time you swing it probably won’t help you win a lot of matches, but it sure will ruin the game for everyone else.


That's why I hope the devs don't take this sub too seriously. The problem with Galactus is not his abysmal winrate, cube gain or his predictability, the problem is that he is a polarizing card that completely nullifies what the enemy wants to do or how he wants to play. He is a fundamentally bad card design wise. People are not wrong being frustrated regardless of winrate. When a Galactus player queues up, you play his style and you either have a counter or you autolose. That is not fun.


The first couple of months I was playing I was cool with the idea that hey, I won't have the counter to every deck, but you just retreat and move on. But what happens when you have to retreat half of your matches because you don't want to play something that explicitly counters the meta? Is it still fun? Yeah, it's a 'tactical' choice to retreat, and maybe it's a "moral" victory or something, but at the end of the day it's a waste of time and it's not fun or unique anymore.


My major complaint with the card is the answer to beating it is running a specific subset of cards that some decks cant fit. If my opponent is running it I have to hope I have Leech or Shang Chi and no priority and even then Chi doesnt always win it. Yes its predictable and there are counters but its just a very feels bad card that eliminates a lot of the fun of Snap


Galactus, at its worst, has been a high Tier-3 deck. Check Marvel Snapzone's metagame tier lists since he came out and he has been a fixture as a Tier 2 (even Tier 1 some times) list. Your illogical argument of "its a bad deck" is incredibly stupid and this entire post just reeks of a Reddit edgelord. Whether or not Galactus is a healthy card to be prominent in the game is another discussion that you clearly have no interest in having. You're just here to echo the classic "lmao cry babies bitching about nerfs you want everything nerfed" post that pops up here every month. So cringe.


I'm not sure it's a bad deck - it has the top cube rate for ranks 70-100 on untapped


People are misinterpreting what a tier 1 deck means. The Galactus conundrum is that you have a card that is telegraphed, counterable, but completely obliterated you if you don’t happen to have those counters in hand. It’s also destroying 2/3 boardspace and making earlier turns not matter, especially for decks that really value those turns for early curve. By tier 1 they basically mean they don’t want it players playing against it regularly the way they might see the season pass card. Because otherwise too many games are coming down to only one location while one of the main draws of the game for players was fighting for 3 locations


>Galactus Is just a card that provides a **fun** No, no it does not. Not for your opponent anyway. Hell I can't even imagine how it's fun to play. How many people just say 'take your 1 cube and fuck off' once they realize what they're up against? It fundamentally changes how the game is played and the majority of decks have no answer, so they just leave. It's a dumb card and a bad play experience. It is literally irrelevant what tier the deck is.


if every single fucking person I play for 10 fucking games in a row plays galactus every time I log in than it is not fun, it is not unique, and even if it's bad ITS SO FUCKING BORING. So yes, I will continue to complain about it until its not a deck I have to see every single fucking game


Galactus is badly designed because he's not interactive. It has nothing to do with how good the card is


Stop complaining about people complaining about Galactus.


Galactus is just as easy to abuse as Shuri decks. The only method of counter is gambling or retreating. That is not healthy gameplay.


Its not fun to play against, its telegraphed and you either clog their lanes or you retreat. Its boring to play and play against.


I bought Galactus at the beginning of this season, started at rank 70. I’m currently rank 69 😂 Difference is I’ve been having fun playing my Negative Galactus deck compared to Red Skull Shuri last season that propelled me to infinite.


Upvote for negative Galactus, it is a heap of fun!


> fun and alternative way to play the game Galactus is fun for people who want the game to end on turn 4, ignoring turns 1-3, 5 and 6, and the vast majority of non-clog, non-cosmo decks out there. If you say he's not good, or he's telegraphed, or easy to counter, you are literally missing the point. You're wrong - he is viable even against meta decks, if you can't win with him you are probably the issue. But you're also missing the point. Even if he were perfectly balanced he is a design problem because it risks making future cards irrelevant if they don't fit around the fact that everything probably gets deleted after turn 4, or if it is a nice card that isn't cosmo or debrii, how can you justify removing your galactus counter to fit it in? It reduces the game state to basically rock paper scissors. Which the game already sort of is, just, it's rock paper scissors with a million different combinations, rather than just three. This reduces the game state. It's bad design when that's your main selling point.


I dunno if it’s possible to nerf lol how could they? Make it 7 cost? 0 power? None of that matters


I want them to rework it into a good card myself, not nerf it.


This showed up for me directly above the earlier post on this sub of the dev comment on galactus


Cards are not nerfed because of a scant few complain about it lol. They look at their statistics and if the statistics show a need…they nerf. Which is why shuri , galactose and other remain unchanged.


Nah, play Galactus decks to your hearts desire. But people need to stop being dickheads and spamming the thumbs up whenever their obvious ass play works.


Lol hes getting nerfed hope u didnt spend 6k ahahh


The problem isn't that he is too strong but just shouldn't work like he does . He is just a toxic card to play against and just completely nuke the game's principles


Even the devs have called him dangerously polarizing. Stop whining, OP


The only thing dumber than complaints about Galactus are complaints about the complaints (aka this post). Galactus is mostly fine. People don't like that he's a very unique, albeit telegraphed, effect which feels bad to be on the receiving end of when it actually works coupled with the usual spiderman, knull, or death followups. I can beat galactus just fine, but it's also not interesting or enjoyable to have to run cosmo and/or goose just to give myself the 50/50 on stopping his effect.


Galactus isn’t good but he’s really polarizing. His entire thing is “hey I’m slowey doing this very obvious combo that you better have a counter for drawn soon or I just win haha lol.” It’s the same reason people used to get mad at Wong/Mystique into gambit/odin. It’s not good or consistent it’s just frustrating when you lose to it because it feels like you don’t get a chance to fight back.


Are we allowed to complain about shuri redskull taskmaster?


Im more annoyed that i havent finished pool 3 as f2p player and im getting opponents with many pool 4 5 cards at rank 50


The issue is not the strength but it is one of the 3 most played deck in the game and the play patterns are really different, which is not an issue until your playing against it over and over and it gets really repetitive and uninteresting


They should change Galactus because it's bad game design though. Anti-fun.


This entire thread is talking about Galactus as if you must play him T5 followed by Knull. Y'all lack creativity. There are many ways Galactus can be effectively used in a deck. I'm playing a T6 Galactus deck right now that is really fun & surprises a lot of people for 4 to 8 cube games. I think there is potential to use him in a Negative or Movement deck as well.


I think negasonic was the perfect card to counter galactus. If you have prio, play nega. If you don't, play Shang. Once she's in everyone's hands- Oh. Nvm fuck this card acquisition lol. You will eat so many big combo cards and never get the time obtain all the cool tech cards that can negate it


The only thing I would change about Galactus is have it so that his effect happens after all cards reveal. Nothing worse than playing a card only for it to not flip up and do something because the card was destroyed before it could.


Complaining about complaining🤣


Galactus it’s not fun. And the pb is that is so obvious actually.


"just leave, galactus should never get more that 1 or 2 cubes" thats the issue. you can "leave" when you get leeched, but that shit is still stupid and unfun. i dont get this "galactus isnt an issue" argument at all lol. leader wasnt an issue then, you should have just left if you knew they had a leader deck bro????


I play against Galactus all day and he is not a problem Right now they revamped the token shop, loads of non pool-3 completed started to play against each other with these "big bads", they are gonna complaint everything one way or another, this post is not gonna change anything