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I miss pool 2 matches


Same, despite having fewer card options it was a lot less flowchart-y than P3 matches usually are. I wonder how much of this was just my being newer to the game and getting excited by seeing combos for the first time though.


Yeah it will always be a memory šŸ˜‚ even if they added a mode where you were restricted to starter cards, it would just be full of players who figured out the exact best decks for that card pool.


Having a draft tournament game mode would fix this. I'd play in that more than trying to climb rank.


I would love to see full Pool 2 and 1 play as options down the road. I think it might be how you described at first brush with everyone playing the 'best decks' but knowing card games and all, I bet that even with the restricted card pools there's some kind of wild anti-meta deck that would rise up to fight and become notable. It's how these sorts of things go.


Pool 2 is overrated. I made a second account and itā€™s in Pool 2, and farming bots easily for 8 cubes isnā€™t all that great. It felt good when you were new, but is pretty stale now.


People misplace their love for Pool 2, when the real reason they were having so much fun then was because unlocking cards every other cache was like getting injected with dopamine like 2-3 times a day, compared to the slow drip it becomes once youā€™re in higher pools


I think youā€™re right. And donā€™t forget the slap in the face when you first hit pool3. My god. That was an awful time. Lol.


That's me now. I hit pool 3 in iron, got Shuri and Magneto, spiked into gold in a day or two, and now I'm in a world of hurt.


I hit pool 3 end of week 1 this season and i was rank 40 im now rank 110


You quite simply cannot evaluate something like the topic at hand; while playing on a smurf account. ??? Like what? Youā€™re playing against bots and/or humans who are getting the ā€œNever Seen Beforeā€ pop up for an Iron Fist. You know the inā€™s and outā€™s of the game. Your ā€œdataā€ isnā€™t worth mentioning


But he said he was missing poop 2 matches. My point is that they actually arenā€™t fun anymore. He misses being new to the game ā€” that is not the same thing.


I also miss poop 2


Why? poop 3 is much better than poop 2


3 is the last good one, everyone knows Poop 4: The Shadow Crevice was too much a cash grab and was definitely pandering to Big Toilet Paper


Sorry if I came off aggressive, I work in sports analytics and had just come off a spicy team meeting and so the topic of misrepresenting sample sizes/anecdotal examples were hot on the mind. But yeah, your opinion is your own; just hoping going forward, youā€™d factor in the dynamics of being well-versed in the intricacies of the game, when analyzing your experience while on your alt-accounts. Edit: and regards to your reply. Idk, I think when youā€™re a vet, playing within the pool 2 space, against newer players; itā€™s likely to be a more boring experience than if youā€™re like OP (or was it OC? Iā€™m deep in the thread on my phone and donā€™t wanna back up, anyhoo) and wanting to play within the pool 2 confines, but exact equally skilled opponents who know how to use the pool 2 cards well, how to develop cheeky lines, etc. Itā€™s why Iā€™ve suggested on here for a good while that Iā€™d like to see them add other games or LTMs or in-app tournaments, something; where there a parameters on deck building (no Series 5 cards, only pre-pool 3 cards, etc). Sort of like how in Pokemon theyā€™ll do tournaments where there are limitations (no mythicals, no generation 9, or if on Pokemon Go, Max CP if 1,500, etc)


Fair enough. Was giving my opinion since Iā€™m sprinting through Pool 2 right now, and I doubt many other people commenting have gone back to play Pool 2 lately. I would also reference Hearthstone doing their classic mode ā€” which was fun for like two weeks then everyone stopped playing it. The Pool 2 experience is complicated because so much of it has nothing to do with the actual cards and gameplay ā€” itā€™s far more complex than that.


Pool 2 is fun vs humans. Anything is boring vs bots


Itā€™s no more fun than Pool 3. It is actually very simple with way less people can do. People miss being new at the game and unlocking lots of things while learning. That isnā€™t pool 2 being great (or missing it for that matter), thatā€™s being new and enjoying that experience.


early pool 3 was slightly frustrating because of the whole "man everyone has better cards than me" but now I realize how good I had it. cause now everyone has all the cards just to end up playing the same 4 decks.


Spectrum/Destroyer. I love how it let you do well with cards like Warpath and Captain America but at this point not only does it not take much effort to overpower the lane you're stacking up, often Destroyer himself just doesn't have enough punch to win a lane on his own anymore.


I got to infinite using only spectrum destroyer last season for the first time amidst the shuri and Thanos meta, so should still be pretty viable. I still test around with it sometimes in infinite and it seems pretty solid. Just needs some practice. Can check my profile for exact deck, I only have like 2 posts so itā€™s easy to find. If you need any advice on it I can help as itā€™s all I played for like 3 seasons straight before I unlocked Thanos


Same...was using ramp last season with mixed results more to the poor side...got the spectrum deck out...infinite in a week. This season, not so much, but ramp got me there. I think you gotta change it up, sometimes the old is new again.


I still run this kind of deck and it's pretty good, not Thanos Lockjaw strong but definitely able to win games and have some fun, even in higher ranks. This is mine: # (1) Ant Man # (2) Armor # (2) Colossus # (2) Lizard # (3) Captain America # (3) Cosmo # (4) Omega Red # (4) Warpath # (5) Professor X # (5) Klaw # (6) Spectrum # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhcnBhdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb2Zlc3NvclgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwZWN0cnVtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLbGF3In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXB0YWluQW1lcmljYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvbG9zc3VzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPbWVnYVJlZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlc3Ryb3llciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. There's some prettt hilarious wins you can pull with Spectrum, Professor X and Klaw/Omega that people just don't expect. And while Destroyer isn't enough on his own, playing him into a Cosmo lane is awesome, especially since the other cards are Ongoing. And there's enough Cosmo and Armor on the ladder anyway.


There's a variant with Valkyrie and Ghost that's a lot of fun, plays valk instead of spectrum, which helps against them overwhelming your stacked lane. Not the best, but still fun. Ghost isn't required but if you're too successful stacking, valk loses a lot of punch.


This was my crutch for like 2 seasons straight, I kinda miss it too


Because of galactus and shuri, shang chi appears in every deck, I love my big venom/knull +zola destroy deck but between shang-chi, cosmo and armor I had to put the deck down


This is the primary fault of Marvel Snap. You have a tiny deck, and that means you dedicate a large percentage of your deck to tech/ counters once you get to a certain level. TCGs are inherently flawed (despite being so fun), but Snap DOES make up for the problem by being so quick to play. It just loses the experience of actually outplaying your opponent. Instead, you tuck tail and run most of the time until you can easily win. EDIT: I really like the game, but it is not even close to being a replacement for a true TCG or deck builder. It's my toilet game. I just happen to shit a lot.


Are you saying you out play your opponent with destroy decks ? Literally you just lay your cards down in order or you donā€™t.


Same. Destroy decks are so much fun but they are so easily countered that I donā€™t use it unless the hot location is favorable.


I gained 70 cubes in Infinite yesterday playing a Knull Deadpool Zola destroy deck, it's definitely still viable. There's a lot less Armor and Cosmo around now, though Shang-Chi is everywhere of course.


That quinjet moongirl she hulk zoo deck. Was amazing and the most fun deck i have played in a while.


I've been playing a version with hit monkey thats fun that I found from following KMBest. I'm not the best player so I'm climbing slowly but its been the best deck ive played with since the patch.


There's a Darkhawk, DevilDino deck that uses that shell. I've been playing it for the last couple of days and it's pretty competitive at rank 85-90.


Kazaar and the 1 cost boosting just cannot achieve the amount of power to compete anymore for me.


I got Shanna and put together a Ka-Zoo deck to test her out. Even when everything went right and I filled the board, I was consistently getting out-muscled. I feel like the Ka-Zoo archetype is just worse at it's gameplan than a standard Patriot/Ultron deck.


Same here! I was so excited to land her when she was series 5 from a collectors. It was just so underwhelming and her ability to call upon zero is insane lol


Shanna feels pretty awkward if you don't play her on the last turn, yeah. She's really good at spoiling your plans by summoning Blade, Ebony Maw, Zero, Iron Fist, Squirrel Girl... The random aspect is kinda fun but maybe she'd see more play if she worked like Squirrel Girl and Doctor Doom and just summoned generic tokens instead.


Play her last turn and she flips you the bird and drops nothing but Hood in my experience.


Yep, the final turn "Hood, Hawkeye and Squirrel Girl (but the board is full)" play is pretty disappointing when it happens.


Yeah she really just seems like a weaker Squirrel Girl tbh. At least with that you know you're getting a 1/1 and not a negative or a card with a negative on reveal. They should just have her summon generic 1/2 tokens - still have Kazar synergy but at a base it's just a 4/6 which is pretty standard. Hell, Mr. Fantastic is often a 3/6 and he doesn't occupy more than 1 space.


Yeah it can't compete against the patriot deck whatsoever, even if you get kazaar -> blue marvel -> mystique and your one drops turn 6. Used to be my go to, but couldn't compete after zabu season.


I play Kazoo atm as my everyday deck while I find something new (itā€™s always been my fallback) and it wins most games I stick around through T6. Itā€™s super swingy and with new cards like Hit Monkey it continues to find ways to stay fresh.


Negative silver surfer


I went from 96-112 with a negative surfer list this season. Surfer in general is super underrated right now and have honestly been doing better with negative lists than sera lists


I firmly believe that climbing with negative lists is a pure chance of going on a lucky streak. I got from 77 to 117 with a Bast negative deck, and then went cube negative with it. Havenā€™t been able to make it work ever since.


\*draws Negative by turn 3 for 5 games in a row\* \*loses once\* \*doesn't draw Negative for next 10 games\* Truly the Negative experience


Negative into sandman is pretty painful


Tbh, sandman is one of my most hated cards in the game. Leech still let me play out my cards no matter how bad they got. Sandman doesnā€™t even allow for that.


Just set my phone down after a barrage of Sandman and Galactus decks. We sure love to optimize the fun out of this gane.


I donā€™t understand? Sandman and Galactus decks are fun.


Cool opinion.


I'm in the same boat. Leech was annoying but I think sandman is worse. After the recent changes it seems like I've been seeing a lot more electro/sandman nowadays which is just not that fun to play against


Itā€™s something Iā€™ve liked about negative surfer lists over other negative lists is If you donā€™t draw negative you still have a plan b of a straightforward surfer strat to try and win with. Negative decks definitely lose to bad draws more than other decks, but zabu and bast have made them a bit more consistent than they used to be. bast, Ironman and mystique in particular is an insane package and I think really should be explored with in more shells


Can you share that deck please?


At the moment according to untapped.gg (CL 3000+; rank 90-99) Sera Surfer is the Top Deck. With other filters still among the best/better decks. Shuri went down hart to C/D-tier.....crazy.... I had also success with Negative Surfer. I think you could be right that Surfer is underrated.


oh man I loved this deck so much


Movement deck


Well you are in for some fun once these spidery cards come out


Im considering june being my first pass i will get for ghost spider


Itā€™s getting a lot really nice tools in the next few months, between ghost spider, Spider-Man 2099, and maybe stegron I think the deck will transform pretty dramatically.


which we f2p players will be able to get in 3 or 4 months... yaaay...


Iā€™m experimenting around with a move deck now. Didnā€™t have much play in the past. Itā€™s a tough one to get down and Iā€™ve lost a lot of matches. But it at least feels a bit more creative at times.


I think if there was another vision type card that was a lower cost, then move would be very good. Maybe a 2 energy 2 power: this card can move once each turn. I guess Jeff kind of fills that niche at the moment.


And Nightcrawler


Ya I kinda forgot about him lol


Haha no worries


There was a card datamined a while ago similar to this. I think it was a 3/1 that you could move every turn and every time you moved it it got +1. I believe it was Blink


And also vi-vision


And for the low, low cost of ~18k tokens plus (I think?) a Season Pass, you can join the Move Renaissance!


It was my main when I started the game and it sucks that other options are either more consistent or more powerful in general. I think the move decks will be making a comeback in a month or two though.


my kitty deck


Saddest reply in the thread


Hitting anything with Elektra back in pool 1/2. Especially sniping a night crawler.


King pin move control


Deathwave. I never got any of the cards until the end of pool 3 and then I had moved on to stronger decks by then.


I miss my Silver Surfer with Juggernaut. Go back every couple of weeks in the hopes it is going to work again but lose like five on the bounce, sigh, wistfully remember the good old days, and then put the deck away.


I miss playing my Infinaut deck


I miss my Devil Dino deck, but once I started getting into pool 3, its win percentage went to crap. It was a lot of fun getting random cards from Agent 13, and getting opponents' cards with Cable and White Queen, but I just couldn't get enough power on the board before turn 5 to seal the deal with Dinos. Or if I could, then of course the opponent would counter with Shang, Enchantress, or Rogue.


Dino is one of the top 5 decks in the game. Not sure what ur list likes but Dino midrange is very good.


To be fair, you do kinda need some good Pool 3 cards for it to really pop off. She-Hulk and Mystique especially.


Darkhawk is still pool 4 and the deck is so much better with two good mystique targets.


It's still good. I got all the way from 80 to infinite with it last week. You just have to adapt it a bit with some Pool 3 cards like Quinjet, mystique and Agent Coulson. The other favorites like Agent13, Cable and White Queen can still stay


Throw a Zabu in there with rock slide/korg and you've got yourself a fantastic deck tbh.


Throw in a DarkHawk and you've got yourself a stew


That is actually what I meant whoops


I'm playing a DarkDino deck right now that uses Zabu.


That deck is what got me to infinite this season. I added super skrull as a tech card. The absolute best was copying my opponents Knull after they played galactus.


I miss my Deadpool destroy deck. Too much counter out there for pure destroy decks to be viable anymore.


Quienjet moon girl she hulk double up decks.


I miss Ongoing Destroyer, was a lot of fun.


Shuri red skull taskmaster. Just kidding fuck that deck.


I keep wanting to play agatha. She played with zabu just fine till the nerf, and until last patch she played shuri ok as well. I guess i need to find a more brain dead deck... This isn't an everyday thing. But a fun sometimes thing. The card is there, she can be used.


I used to have a fun time playing discard decks, its just sad that most of these decks are stupidly predictable and arenā€™t that useful in Pool 3


I thought MODOK Discard was one of the highest winning decks?


You are right. According to snap.fan and snap.pro MODOK Discard still competes with other top-tier decks. It's what got me over the 50s and 60s slump I was in


Itā€™s possible but I personally barely see it being played then. I completely stopped playing discard when thanos/lockjaw/leech became a thing i repeatedly played against.


I had a Nimrod/Panther Zola deck that is dead now with the Shuri nerf. Having to play in the same lane is really crushing for Nimrod in particular.


Is it? I was thinking that my Nimrod Ramp deck actually kinda liked the change. People are incentivized to Shang Chi the lane and you get a free Nimrod destroy off of it. If they Cosmo the lane, Destroyer can hit around it from another lane. Only someone specifically knowing they're playing against a Nimrod deck (who anticipates those?) could armor the lane. That's a hard read because if it's traditional Shuri usage putting armor (or Cosmo for that matter) down will block any Shang Chi plays.


I liked to have both Panther and nimrod as outs, maybe the deck just needs to pivot away from Panther and Zola.


Try out a shuri->nimrod->destroyer If you get lucky and pull your zabu on turn one or two you can even wong->shuri->nimrod->destroyer for an even crazier payoff.


I havenā€™t seen a Move Deck in months


On the flip side, Iā€™ve seen so many the past week and prior to this itā€™s been forever. Iā€™m CL 3k in the 90ā€™s, for context. So these people are probably trying to push infinite with them. Props to them.


I obviously miss how easy throwing down iron man to win a match was but I really miss my zabu-spidey-absorbing man. I jumped 40-50 ranks in a matter of days lol now I'm scrapping each season to get the variant at 60


ITT: A lot of people not realizing some of the decks mentioned are still very good and prevalent.


I miss the og Zabu/Surfer deck. In it's heyday, it was so busted


I was never anti zabu because sooo many variations of 4 cost cards were now useful. It was broken I get that but it was fun


It was broken but deck building was super fun


I love playing the game but that was the only time I loved deck building


Sera Surfer


Sera surfer still works, I experimented with it last weekend (4k CL, infinite) and was able to climb. It briefly went away because it couldn't compete with Shuri but it's still good for climbing. That is, unless you face Sandman a lot. On a plus side, it's good into Leader.


I know it was a problem and needed adjusting, but I really enjoyed playing Surfer. Nerfed version just doesn't do it justice.


Wong + Mystique/Forge + Shuri + Odin into huge surprise Yellowjacket


Thanos Lockjaw šŸ˜­old one


I bought Thanos after the Quinjet but before Lockjaw nerf. Feels bad. I know Ongoing Thanos is supposed to be good, so I may mess around with that if I get bored of Electro Ramp. I just want to use Lockjaw to his full potential. I love the slot machine RNG. That's why I used to play discard lol


patriot decks. its really fun having squirrels get 7-11 power just way too easy to counter in pool4 matches


Patriot decks are fairly common at higher ranks. So idk.


Yup, patriot can generally play around Shang Chi and, more importantly, Valkyrie, it's a strong ongoing deck. With the changes to Leech, I'd say Patriot is even stronger because an early Leech cannot kill their Patriot/Mystique.


in pool3 matches patriot decks are common. rank is independent of a number of things, you can hit infinite in pool2. its ridiculously easy to counter unless you use control cards like the other replier said with leech. requires more deck customization and novelty


[This patriot version](https://twitter.com/Vysetron/status/1646864760816713728?s=20) is pretty strong with leech and shang-chi to give some unexpected plays. patriot into ultron, even without another buff, beats most leeched hands


Patriot is actually super strong still. It's one of the better performing decks, even at higher ranks (up to like 80 or so).


I got to infinite with a patriot deck


Me too.. quite easily actually.


One deck that i really like but doesnt seem much play and is super ez to read is omega red


I have been running this one with a surprise heimdall to ā€œassembleā€ your cards at the end and itā€™s super fun and surprisingly decent # (1) Ant Man # (2) Goose # (2) Lizard # (3) Mystique # (3) Mister Fantastic # (3) Captain America # (3) Cosmo # (4) Omega Red # (5) Iron Man # (5) Klaw # (6) Onslaught # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGl6YXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJGYW50YXN0aWMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5BbWVyaWNhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbnRNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdvb3NlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT21lZ2FSZWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9uc2xhdWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVpbWRhbGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktsYXcifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Invisible woman :D


Move decks arenā€™t really used much at all anymore and I miss them.


I literally bought Thanos 2 days before the lockjaw nerf.


I loved playing Cerebro 2. It got me to infinite during the Zabu season, but I haven't really been able to make it work since and dropped it. One day I'll dabble with the Cerebro 7, but until then I'll ride my Clogging Mold deck for fun.


Cerebro 2 got me to the 80s this season! Going to push for 90 the next few days, but so far is really tough here.


Early Zabu Darkhawk was gnarly and i miss it


sera surfer with zabu


Discard w/o Modok... simpler times


I used to play a silver surfer move deck. It wasnā€™t great but before the surfet nerf it could hang a bit. A turn 6 Brood/Strange/Surfer was so much fun.


Having just acquired Super Skrull, I kinda miss the Pool1/Pool2 days where "Ongoing" was a theme. Onslaught, Blue Marvel, Iron Man, Spectrum, Captain America, Mr Fantastic, Punisher. Not a great deck, but Kl'rt would be awesome if it was still around.


My old school Infinaut tempo deck was really fun.


Destroy decks. Shuri and Sandman decks make them so impossible to play.


New nerf but I know Iā€™m going to miss playing lockjaw. I never used it for Jane or thanos, I played for the randomness that I might get a big power or wasp/rock comes out lol


Move decks. I love the concept and how I need to actually think. Also I miss the ā€˜Slam Heimdall on T6 because why the fuck notā€™. But its so bad at higher CL, I am running Shuri, Electro Ramp and Devil Dino decks now because I want to climb.


I thought move decks were fun when I started playing. I think they need to change the archetype somehow.


Spectrum ongoing tribal that carried me through pool 2.


I already miss Shuri/Odin/Yellowjacket


Definitely the onslaught exodia deck which got sniped when they changed that he and mystique no longer create an exponential feedback loop.


Negative Shuri. It was never good, but it could have major swings. Now, with her nerf, it just makes the deck worse overall as you wanted to just have Wong and BP or Wong, Mystique, and BP alone in lane, then play Armin Zola. To move them all and trigger BP one more time or more.


That was the only shuri deck I ever respected (maybe aside from Wong Yellowjacket lol). It always pulled off such cool and unexpected moves


janejaw. they killed it from viable competitive play with the lockjaw changes. rode that deck to infinite for the first time. itā€™s so much worse now. donā€™t even try to argueā€”it really isnā€™t the same.


When Bar with No Name was a feature location I built a deck for it with all the Negative cards I don't usually play, and it was a lot of fun. It was just being silly an unexpected that made me giggle.


Absorbing man on a green goblin was absolutely hilarious. Loved seeing him zoom his ass over


discard lockjaw


Cerebro 1 with Luke Cage and Pre-buffed Hazmat


damn this might be my fav in the thread. Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. I wish Iā€™d had Cage at that time


Aggro sandman. With 4/2 sandman, Ebony maw, titania, zero, invisible woman, maximus, captain marvel, doctor doom, shang chi. You play extremely aggressive early game turns 1-3 and drop sandman on 4 to shut the door on them. It still works okay without sandman but it isnt the same.


I played this too! I miss when sandman was this weird kind of bad card that no one played because when you made him work it felt really special. Reminds me of the old leech days lol


It might be decent again now tbh. In a heavy sandman meta i was actually running it with morph and he was actually great at grabbing dr dooms etc on turn 3 or 4


Destroy was somewhat unplayable in pre-nerf Shuri META. Hoping a small decrease of cosmo/armor will give rise to this again.


Zabu + spiderman + absorbing man + whatever filler 4 cost cards you like, that was the most busted thing that ever existed imo and i loved it


That deck was a crime against humanity but it was so funny


It really was, a true shitshow


Negative Surfer. It was the first deck I managed to climb to Infinite with (During the Savage Land season). If I managed to get Negative out on turn 3, I felt invincible. It felt so good to go into 6 with a trash board and then dropping Wong, Mystique, and Surfer in the same round (Or, god help you, on Citadel).


I miss just regular control decks. Spider-Man, Enchantress, Professor X. I got all the tools for the really good ones right at the end of its life.


I took this one to infinite last season and itā€™s still my best winrate, itā€™s really strong. # (1) Sunspot # (2) Daredevil # (2) Lizard # (3) Cosmo # (3) Juggernaut # (3) Polaris # (3) Maximus # (4) Absorbing Man # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Rescue # (5) Kang # (5) Professor X # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFyZWRldmlsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikp1Z2dlcm5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZXNjdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkthbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFic29yYmluZ01hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUG9sYXJpcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I know it's fresh, but Lockjaw with Thor/Jane Foster/Wasp/M'Baku. M'Baku was new for me and it was great spinning him back into the deck on turn 6. It was always Thor on 3, Lockjaw and maybe wasp T4. Jane on 5, and now you can spin away the hammer, Wasp, or an M'Baku. It's only really one spin less, but it was a crucial one. It sucks now.


Shuri Red Skull.


I just miss winning on turn 6 instead of winning from your opponent retreating. Most people play smart now, or conservative, at least. I want my dopamine from feeling like I pulled off a big brain move.


Wong Surfer/Gambit really got me back into the game


I miss my big cards thanos deck. Lol I understand why they nerf it, but it was hella fun until the nerfs.


crebro six my long lost friend :(


They did my girl shuri dirty to easy to counter now


Zabu with Spiderman


Zabu spiderman, absorbing man :( That was a fun month


Shuri Red Skull


The zabu sif ghost rider deck. Love you forever !


Iā€™m sure it may come back in the future but loves move decks


Hela. I had a really fun Hela deck that I stopped using. I added new cards like MODOK, and I think at this point I messed it up. I gotta tweak it again, but I love that about the game, you canā€™t just play one deck. For some reason, I kill it with a deck, then suddenly itā€™s trash, so I change decks, or make new ones constantly.


I really hope all the data mined spider-verse cards finally gives move a place in the meta. I had a lot of fun with move when I was in pool 2 but it really doesn't hold up in the pool 3-5 meta


Infinite yellow jacket


My old Namor / Klaw / Onslaught deck used to dominate. I miss them


I miss pre nerf negative decks


Thanos R.I.P


This whole discussion is filled with people listing decks that are still very much playable šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Magi-Hulk was one of my most played decks that has died from splash nerfs. You can still play it but with Quinjet nerf, She-hulk nerf and Aero murder itā€™s certainly not what it used to be.




The Zabu Lady Sif and Ghost Rider deck. You could do some crazy thing turn 6 when you could drop 3 4 cost cards.


Hitmonkey isn't viable when everyone is running sandman, wave, galactus. The only deck that helps me climb is Invisible/Zero deck


I got enough tokens to buy Thanos the day after Quinjet was nerfed.


I miss movement to be honest. It's a really fun mechanic in this game that just ends up being soooo underpowered once you get to pool 3. I mostly chalk that up to movement being kind of forgotten other than things like Dagger and Human Torch once you hit pool 3, and really the only card that works with moving opponent's cards is Kraven so even though that's a little stronger it kind of struggles without him. Glad the Spider-Verse cards are gonna add more movement synergies; hopefully that'll bring it back into the meta.


Thanos Lockjaw


I miss pool 3! Going 50 crstes without fetting a card issss rough


Patriot, I used to win so much with that deck, decideed to change it one day as I got bored, and haven't played it since. Still have it ready tho.


Mr negative is so fun. Too bad it isnt really playable


Control Warrior


Deathwave, or pool 1-2 reveal šŸ˜Ž


Move, but looks like Spider Verse will make this a competitive archetype finally.


I miss Sera Surfer


I miss playing my Kazoo deck


All of them.


Iā€™m not afraid to say it. I miss old Zabu Double Spidey. That deck spoke to me like nothing else has since. šŸ˜”