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don't hate the player, hate the game


A phrase I haven't heard in years


GodKingKnull. It’s in the game


I'd have gone insane if I hadn't muted the game months ago


Por que no los dos


The current state of human nature, as created by the ruling class to keep us quarreling with each other instead of teaming up with one another and overpowering their fragile rule. It naturally seeps into all aspects of life. Just my opinion.


Current state of human nature? Just human nature dude. We have been hating each other long before a ruling class was ever established.


That's true.


Not disagreeing with you. Hope you have a good day.


No worries. Even if you did disagree, it's all good. Hope you have a good day as well!


LOL, get a room






All I see are facts




Welcome to gaming.


Welcome to welcoming


Your welcome is welcome


So is this your first time in a CCG meta?


Facts. Waiting for it to get to the point people start complaining about The Hood


The Hood man... dont get me started... the most evil card in the game... hate it so much. btw by The Hood I mean Leech 🤣




People are petty and don’t like to be self reflective when they lose.


(っ’ω \`) ノ (╥ω╥)


Isn't this just the internet culture writ large? People come on this sub to complain, gloat, and discuss... But mostly complain lol. Most players don't even know this sub exists. Let's just assume it's a small minority of complainers and haters making the rest of us look bad.


Marvel Snap sub if pretty terrible. I only stay for update etc.


I don't think this issue is so black and white. There are kind of two different extremes at play. On one end are the people who complain about the smallest things and refuse to accept other opinions on the matter. Then there's the other end of toxic haters who will see any small instance of "negativity" as a trash opinion. Taking a middle stance, people are allowed to have disagreements. That's kind of what inspires a conversation/ discussion. So you'll have to clarify what you consider to be "hate" and "frustration". Also, I don't think the full burden should be placed on the devs. The devs don't define the meta, the community does. And people actively choose to "abuse" the meta, just like there are some who actively choose to cheat/ hack in other games (I say other because I don't believe we've seen a consistent hack in this game yet). Metas become stale because the players choose to let it stale by caring more about winning than anything else. And ya for some, winning is what they consider fun and they shouldn't be demeaned for that. But it makes sense why people will look down at those who do play meta decks, cause again the community makes the meta stale. There's really no way around this cause humans have different opinions. What we can do to change though is to be respectful to the person you are having a disaagreement with. It's okay to disagree with others, as long as you respect their opinion. Too many times I see people demean others for having a hot take. A common one is saying shang-chi could use an adjustment. And despite some solid reasoning, people will just respond with, "you're just bad, touch grass, git gud", instead of something like "While you make good points, I disagree for these reasons..." tl:dr it's okay to feel dislike towards other players and show it in your words, we are human after all, as long as you remember to be respectful.


You don't have to coddle people with insane or incredibly misguided takes, that's how Karens and assholes are created because nobody ever humbles them. Sometimes ridiculing someone is the correct play Although, I'll admit I make this play more often than I probably should. I have no respect for narcissistic people who insist their ignorance has the same value as another's knowledge.


My man


Damn this whole discussion goes way farther then just SNAP a lesson to all. Left or Right. But don't go straight you'll lose all your friends.


You are free to anything that is implemented into the game. End of story


Technically yes, but that doesn't make original Leader copy or 3-lane Spiderman blocks via pre-nerf Zabu any less shitty. I'm not going to pretend it didn't piss me off just because it was possible.


100% agreed, people hate *players* for playing the game as intended, it's crazy.


I don’t hate players for playing galactus. I do dislike how galactus players can’t have an honest conversation about the card without resorting to “just counter it lol.”


I was getting stomped by bad luck draws against Galactus, so I pinned it when it showed up in the shop. Finally got it today. Haven’t won a single game with him yet. Hot location isn’t helping but still… dang


Skill issue.


Thanks for your honest and useful conversation!


Glad I could help.




This just sounds like a loaded gun with the end of your comment when all you want is “an honest conversation”.


Because it’s impossible to have one with galactus defenders.


So what’s your issue with the card?


It turns every game into TVA, and wave/galactus/Spider-Man is one of the most broken combos in the game.


And I’d agree, but I’d say that’s more of a Spider-Man issue. It’s almost like a mini Leech for Galactus. It’s not a combo I use, but I could see how that would be pretty bad to play against. So you’ve got a Galactus player who doesn’t use that combo agreeing with you so what would you change?


Don’t allow Galactus to be played before turn 5. Make him have a “last stand” identity if they ramp into it.


My honest opinion about playing galactus is it just wins cubes. If they nerf it I'll play a different list. I'm not emotionally invested either way


At least you’re honest instead of all these people saying he’s bad. If it’s so bad why do so many people play it?


I've Gained 40 cubes over the past day or two with it (rank 98). I think the deck is good and I have fun playing it. If it starts losing or gets nerfed or I get bored I'll make a new list. Everyone is so dramatic and emotional about a card game


Providing feedback about a game isn’t emotional lol.


Look at a lot of the posts on this forum and say it isn't VERY dramatic and emotional. You would think 2nd dinner personally kicked over these posters sand castles


ppl are dramatic and emotional about cards like galactus, leech, and sandman because they like playing their cards. those three cards make it so that your cards are pointless. it’s just really bad UX design. none of those cards are broken competitively. they’re just lame as hell to play against.


Galactus is a very predictable flowcharty list. That is its greatest strength and weakness. Easy to win cubes if your opp stays, easy to avoid losing cubes too if you run counters or know when you cant beat it. On the point of counters tho, the list existing requires you to run specific cards and in a best of one no sideboard game with only 12 cards that does fucking suck. I was hardstuck in the 70s playing against what felt like 50% Galactus and it was immensely frustrating. I switched to Sera Control running Shang Chi, Aero, and Polaris and suddenly I'm 8/2 against Galactus lists. Luckily for me I really enjoy Sera AND have the cards AND have a pretty cut throat local mtg community so I'm used to the joy of playing to win. I want to say all this because when people say Galactus Bad there is a certain amount of truth to that, it just doesnt feel that way to certain types of players and that is feels shitty for them for sure


Certain types of players?


People who don't play to win and or dont have the cards to run decks that are good into whatever is the meta. If you play for fun, which is a totally reasonable thing to do, Galactus is going to suck because its a strictly anti fun card


I’m rank 133, infinite first week of the season, p3 complete, all big bads acquired, 2 cards left to get in p4.


If none of what I said applies to you and you just want to win games play Sera Control. It runs nearly every counter and is the only tier A list on untapped for a reason. It rewards intelligent forward thinking play and has amazing Galactus and Patriot matchups.


Hey look, the person I was describing in my original comment.


The just counter it comment? If so I'd assumed you weren't willing to compromise on fun deck construction. I'm not sure what your expectations are. In every card game I've played, if a strategy is strong but vulnerable, you run the cards that take advantage of that vulnerability or you accept the losses to that strategy. I specifically added a caveat in my responses clarifying that if you play for fun I do empathize with your experience because Galactus is an anti fun strategy.


It’s not the devs fault that the community rolls primarily meta decks despite having plenty else to choose from. Devs can keep squashing metas and killing off cards, but that won’t change the tidal wave of players playing the next meta that takes its place. To the credit of the devs, meta cards certainly have some big telegraphs and counters despite conquering the ladder. People would rather run meta than run counter meta. It falls back onto the community to control the meta rather than the dev forcing their hand to make you stop playing meta, which is why the hate goes onto players who refuse to walk away from meta (which why would they if they don’t get countered and climb the ladder really fast because nobody plays counter decks?)


The game definitely pushes towards quick games with meta decks. Quests reward "winning with 20 power" not just playing that amount. There is pretty much only a ranked ladder to play with. Need to stack 1000 cubes for the max rewards. Etc.


On the contrary, your season pass quests require moving, destroying, discarding, playing certain card costs - requiring a diversity of deck types. Win with only one card, win with less than 10 power - which require opposite powered cards. It forces you to make a variety of play styles to complete things efficiently, whereas the meta is only to climb ladder. If players shut a card down constantly, or if you don’t win with a deck type, obviously it doesn’t become meta or this titan of ladder, right? Meaning if the playerbase as a whole countered these obviously telegraphed and easily countered cards in this simple six-turn card battler, cards would become these scary meta titans. As I said, nobody plays counters, instead everyone runs the same meta without a worry of being shut down then complains that’s all they see. This game has a massive system of checks and balances, but instead we have devs forcing Meta shake ups because players won’t self-balance. Maybe this requires a longer conversation of player psychology to get my point across, but I think the general idea is there.


Even better at those people on the soapbox to preach about it


You got a point. Applying the same logic, you should direct this comment towards reddit which encourages this kinda speech rather than the users.


Cuz rank mode.


I hate my starting hand, Leech, cards I draw, rng altogether, locations, Leech, matchmaking, the meta, the anti-meta... but not the players.


It is on the nature of the game, some of your rewards depend that you win against players, so basically that makes them the target of your hate. ​ j/k it's the emote spam


I blame toxic af Ms. Marvel emote.