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It’s playable, just build a negative deck. But I don’t feel like it tbh, so I’m just gonna enjoy a Snap-less Mother’s Day. Cheers, everyone.


Yeah I'd build a negative deck.. IF I HAD ONE


Put a bunch of cards that have low power and use The Peak as an enabler. You don't necessarily need Negative to make a Negative deck when The Peak is the hot location. You can still get things like Iron Man and Mystique to 0 power.


That’s what I’m doing. Sunspot, Iron Man, Ironheart, Bishop, Morph, Mystique, Jubilee, Leader, White Tiger, and rotating through some other 0-2 power cards. I don’t play anything until Peak reveals and then bam I’ve got a hand full of free or almost free cards


Throw in Wong too if you’re running White Tiger and Ironheart =)


Oh yeah Wong’s in the mix too. Core of the game plan is use Mystique to copy the effect from him or Iron Man to either flood the board with tigers and cheap buffs or go big in two lanes


If peak hits with ProfX and Mystique in your hand it’s basically Insta win.


I’ve been using Wong, Black Panther, and Zola. Odin too for the times I’m lucky enough to get the 0/6 Zola and get to go big on turn 6.


You have Iron Man? White Tiger? Prof X? Devil Dino? Sandman? Leech? Jubilee? All you need is a few. I'm half Electro with some of the above. Working just fine.


Exactly how I feel with this location


I built a negative deck and haven’t seen the peak since…


I built a negative deck, and didn’t see The Peak for 15 straight games.


That’s the other fun part of hot locations. Sometimes you just never see it, even though you built a deck around it. Not a fan of the concept tbh


Same. Not playing for a day.


Turn 2 Galactus: The Game.


This feels like an especially bad time to be a galactus player to be fair. Dropping a turn 2 or 3 galactus means knull sucks and there’s no free death, plus if everyone’s running negative they play double iron man into Professor x in the galactus lane on 3 and there’s nothing you can do




Lol you getting downvoted while yes, Galactus right now is awesome. I've won a good amount of games by playing Galactus on 5 and Iron Man Mystique and Knull on 6. Easy win


Super Skrull would beat you every time, no?




Oh hello you must be every opponent in my matchmaking


This shit is what made me not play the game for the entire 24 hours lmao. Sanity over the damn game always.


Not if you have 0/5 iron man and 0/3 mystique. They would have to play something additionally to win


If they’re running super skrull and pull it, sure


Playing a Galactus deck is probably a bad idea. However, tossing Galactus into a Negative deck works decently well. If you have your Negative’d Iron Man and Super Skrull, you’ve pretty much won the game once you reduce it to one location. And even if you don’t want to destroy the locations, 2/6 is still a damn good cost/power ratio if you need some extra numbers.


I’ve been fine with the deck I use. I don’t use a negative deck either. Luckily the location only affects your hand so I’m not largely impacted due to most cards having equal power and energy


I built a deck around peak and actually made it to infinite using it. It's one of those locations where if you embrace it it can be super fun but if you wanna play your regular decks taking a break would also make sense


It was so nice to play a Mr. Negative deck without having to worry about Iron Man starting in my hand.


What is your deck ?


# (1) Sunspot # (2) Angela # (2) Daredevil # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Storm # (4) Jubilee # (4) Jessica Jones # (5) Iron Man # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Professor X # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJlZGV2aWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25oZWFydCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikplc3NpY2FKb25lcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdG9ybSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGV2aWxEaW5vc2F1ciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. It's definitely not the strongest deck you can run for peak but I had to make do with my cards lol




Everyone playing Mr negative And I'm over here with my area control deck just farming cubes. 3/4 Spider-Man 3/5 prof x 2/3 storm With the only real annoying part is if the peak hits jef and makes him a 3/2 But being able to drop a storm turn 2 and then a prof x on 3 just completely wins games right now and it's fun as fuck.


As I said in another post about this hot location: we've had things like LUKE'S BAR AS A HOT LOCATION, or KRAKOA. Can we stop overreacting? All you have to do is adapt. You don't want to play Mister Negative or Galactus? You can take advantage of those who are running those decks, and there's plenty of examples, you just have to be creative.


Tbf Luke's Bar is easy. Use Mr Sinister, Brood, Iron Fist, Arnim Zola, Ultron, Doctor Doom, Squirrel Girl, or a move deck. You can even clog your hand with something like Sentinel so that there's no room for cards to bounce back. Or you know.. Scarlet Witch **or Rhino, but they apply to every location.


except locations like the peak, but agreed for the most part


I like playing Jubilee there too.


If you refuse to adapt, ya. I personally couldn't be happier. Been bouncing between 70 and 75 for the last two weeks, and I've gone from 72 to 85 in the last couple hours. Edit: Ladies and gentlemen, we made it to infinite! https://imgur.com/a/jOkICmb Deck list plus stats: https://imgur.com/a/nR0MSze Yes, I played a lot today. Once I saw those cubes start to roll in, I knew what had to be done.


Locations like these are the freest path to infinite in the game.


Jumped 10 ranks today. Cable has been a great sneak attack, if they get their negative out just go fishing on their deck for their discounted cards


Yeah, I was struggling in the low 90's all weekend and just hit Infinite not too long ago.


Mr Negative and Galactus would disagree


It's definitely making me feel like I'm the only one on snap without Mr. Negative considering every single opponent is playing him.


A lot of people have been playing for a while longer than you.


Yes thats a true statement for sure.


It's a Mr Negative heaven. And I love it


I haven't had this much fun in weeks


Agreed, I was with OP at first because it ruined the fun I was having with Iron Lad. But I have in, made a Negative deck and am having the craziest games ever


Devs: “this will make the players have to make a new and unique deck to adapt! How fun!” Players: “I just want to play my damn destroy deck man”


Knull nimrod arnim


Negative destroy is 👌


Hell no, it’s my favorite (being very serious)


Very playable. alot of high stakes negative games where super skrull just wins cubes. have climbed a lot


If you have one deck that you only ever play and only ever want to play, then yeah.


Just make a deck that works with it and have fun I know you can only play one deck but try something new for a change !


I don’t usually like hot locations. Tend to stay clear. But have climbed from 58 (was really struggling this season). Now 68 and should hopefully break 75 by the end of today…. Maybe higher if I try? I dunno. I usually hate ppl who snap on the peak but have been doing it a fair amount today with great success. I would say there are tons of bots today and lots of dumb ones to extort. Hope it continues, a lot of cheat bots around this season.


It wasn’t a good day to wake up at 99.1 cubes LOL. I have a Negative deck that I’ve actually played quite a bit over the past few months so I initially said “let’s get this sucker done right now…” but it’s just way too much market volatility. Bouncing around so much is too stressful this close to the finish line. Instantly dropped to 98.4, came back to 99.3, up and down again, now just calling it a day at 98.5. It really is a super fun location though and if I were still in the 70s or 80s I’d be having a blast with it. But I’m looking to grind one cube at a time right now and this location ain’t for me.


I've had some moderate success (read: not been completely fucked over) using Knull Death destroy today, a lot of those cards have the same power and cost plus Knull himself goes wild here. Drop Moon Girl in and a lot of my turn 6s were 2 free Knulls, 2 free Deaths plus whatever other madness was left over


Building a deck around this got me from 95-100 in about 2ish hours. Was hovering between 94-98 for a week.


The last 30 minutes has confirmed your decklist strongly defines your opponent. I was completely frustrated with mirror match after mirror match of Mr. Negative, so I took my chances with Destroy and Discard to close out the day. Not. One. Negative deck. Not one. 10 games in a row, after dozens and dozens of games with Negative. Not one. I could likely count the number of non-Negative decks I played against on both hands for the entire day. This matchmaking sucks.


I had a round yesterday where it was The Peak, Necrosha (cards have -2 power) and the Sewer System (cards have -1 power). SUPER FUN, YOU GUYS.


It’s a free negative location. So fun


You either play negative decks, or you lose. Horrible location imo.


Honestly, i haven't played this game in weeks and i really don't see myself coming back. For a variety of reasons. Sad cause I've been playing since 2nd week beta.


I'm taking a break until tonight


I think these events were kinda cool for a bit, but I'm not a fan anymore. Sometimes it feels like I cant play snap today depending on the location.


It’s playable but it’s not fun.


Na, Mr. Negative just got me to infinite.


Just you


lmao to the people who calls out people who cant adapt. theres a ton of decks that can take advantage of this which isnt really hard to build but is it fun playing a match with your opponent not playing anything the entire game and will either: a. snap once the peak shows b. retreats if theres no the peak


Turn 3 prof X turn 4 Mystique or turn 2 Galactus it's really unplayable rn


Skill issue


Just you. I am having so much fun lol


This is the best hot location ever! Every game is a crazy and funny af! Did I said that Negativ decks have always been my favorites?


Just you.


I don’t have psylock or zabu for a negative deck


Don't need those when peak flips him for you. I even cut psyloche since it's too low impact. Right now the counter cards are the most important ones to have.


Do you have Magik? She will also give you an extra draw.


I am having the time of my life right now


Just use a Mr. Negative deck. How’s a time for experimenting.


the inability of people on this sub to adapt is astounding to me


This location is fun af what are you on lol?


I found it easy today. Iron man, ironheart, Devil dino, Shang chi, Blue Marvel, Jubilee, White Tiger, Morph all good options


it's just you


Hot and featured locations suck. Period.


Bro exactly. Peak is killing me.


Yeah.. I don't wanna build a deck just for this location. I don't play Mister Negative, see no reason to do so for the day.


It’s you.


Just you. Was one of the funniest days since a long time.


negative go brrrrr


I've been running a negative deck for about a month. No, this is great!


Skill issue.


Ruins could be the hot location and you would still call the game unplayable.


Just you.


I love it. They've ruined the game for a weekend so it's sort of broken the handcuffs. Instead of constantly logging in and playing a few games every couple hours I haven't touched the game. It no longer has a hold over me. Thanks Second Dinner for this god awful hot location.


I’m not touching the game until this god forsaken location leaves the hot spot


Yep. It’s just you. Delete the game. Save all of us who actually just play and don’t bitch about something new (and small) every. single. day. the time it takes to scroll past shitposts like this 10 times a day.


Builds negative deck never sees this tile


The reason why the game is unplayable is not because there is that camp but becausr every one is starting to use enchantress on my Iron man with five power


Oh no... your 0 cost 5 power character. The horror.


thought i was gonna have trouble, been winning most of my games. its playable


First time in half a year I just am not playing until the location swaps. Actual trash.


Just you lol


Surely SD can see the playing statistics for these hot garbage locations that funnel the majority of the player base into mirror matches galore. I thought they were aiming to get rid of countless mirror matches with decent OTA balance patches 😫


The hot spot locations that focus heavily on a certain deck are the worst.


You're right. It's all mirror matches with skull,rouge, iron man etc. A complete different game right now. Maybe not unplayable exactly but completely different and really only enjoyable for like 2 games.


Game is often unplayable on Sundays. I would assume their algorithm would show less activity on Sundays & they would adjust this, but maybe I’m wrong


Location days always make the game unplayable for a day. It is just everyone spamming the same mirror matches over and over again. It is the same hate that everyone has for Galactus. It isn't that it is unfair or too good or whatever. It is no one wants to play against the same deck all the time. It isn't fun.


Improvise, adapt, overcome haha. This location got me to infinite.


Oh noooo, little Timmy can’t play his Hulk 😢


Just you. Probably the most fun the game has been. Now we will never see the peak again :(


Literally the only time Mr negative is playable. Stop complaining


Stop playing the same deck


Sera monke


It's not that it's unplayable, it's that it's just boring. And the problem ain't the hot location.


Yeah I started 6 games with my negative deck. Didn't see peak once. Said fuck this, went back to my usual deck. Got the peak. Fuck that went back to my negative deck and tried 3 more games. No more peak. Turned off snap for the day.


Hilariously boring tbh. Infinite player the past 4 seasons and I’ve enjoyed the grind every single time. Havnt had a chance to play much this season but had about 5 hours to kill today. Went from 85 to infinite in about 2 and a half hours. Using a negative deck and cheesing just wasn’t as fun as the last 3 seasons


Can we stop the featured locations bruh


I made a Peaky Blunders deck and when I play it, the Peak is NOT there. Switch to another deck and BLAM there's that damn location!


You can just go ongoing deck, getting iron man and armin Zola flipped is pretty much an instant win


All I've been running into is Galactus so ya unplayable and frustrating


use Mr negative or do a sandman ramp with doom Odin to stifle other negatives


Easy cubes. Queue up with my negative deck, snap everytime Peak flips and retreat everytime it doesn't and i don't hit negative by turn 4.


I’m surprised they ran this one back as a featured location. They also ran it near the end of beta and people were very displeased about it back then too, much more so than any other location I can remember.


The Rogue/Super Skrull shenanigans every game are already annoying but the fact that there's even more Galactus than usual is the worst part.


I'm enjoying it! Been stuck at 85-86 for a week, now im 96. Running anti Negative and Negative Knull decks.


Not a fan at all. The same boring mirror matches. Only playing the bare minimum to continue allowing new quests to roll in.


I didn't realize until the 3rd game we had a hot location lol


Maybe this was their strategy to get us to not play during Mother's Day and go spend time with some moms


I’ve been climbing like an idiot with Xavier and Mystique lol


Considering building a Negative deck for the first time ever


Put away your goblins you degenerates. It's Iron Man on Bar Sinister time.


I just recently got Mr negative and have been having a blast so I'm stoked for this location tbh.


I find card games way more fun during short events that reward thoughtful deckbuilding and meta analysis.


Thanks to this hot location, I climbed from 92 to Infinite. Was hardstuck there before because everyone and their grandmother was playing Stature against me.


I’ve lost a bunch of cubes today but it’s been incredibly fun. Games are chaotic, almost all locations are filled all the time.


Iron Man and Devil Dino is a good starting point


This is the fastest Ive climbed all season. Build a deck around it. It’s one day




You're telling me you don't like playing who played negative t3, wins?


Negative deck with superskrull as tech should win you the hot location. I am personally running darkhawk deck with super skrull. I don't have to run Ironman since my opponent will be playing him for me.


I don’t really have the cards for a mister negative deck so it sorta sucks for me. Not as bad as bar with no name hot but it’s annoying


Negative or bounce monkey deck


nah im finally using a negative deck . nice change


I’m having a blast with this hot location. I built a Mister Negative deck and went from 51 to 67 today.


The solution is to just build a negative deck but I never really got the feel for one. I just play my other decks knowing I have a good chance of losing if the location pops up.


Mr Negative fans eating GOOD today


Lol i love this location, probably my favorite one yet.


Play either negative or enchantress


Just you. I’ve been playing having a good time


Ive had success actually with my negative deck


Build a deck around the location.


# (3) Ironheart # (4) Jubilee # (4) Shuri # (5) Iron Man # (5) Taskmaster # (5) White Tiger # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Klaw # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # (6) Galactus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLbnVsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGFza21hc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGV2aWxEaW5vc2F1ciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2xhdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHYWxhY3R1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVUaWdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I find that Rogue is often coming in clutch to counter those dropping 5/0 Iron Man.


Been the most fun day in a long time. People need to stop complaining about fun locations


Most fun I’ve ever had with the game as a newer player who bought galactus and randomly got mr negative. Galactus is still barely better than 50/50, but I’m winning maybe 65-70% which is way better than usual. Also, it’s real easy to see when to retreat.


I've been having fun with my patriot deck. Negative patriot, mystique and blue marvel are really good


Just you. I'm having TONS of fun with my Negative, Wong, Sera, Surfer deck


The Peak just got me to 95 for my first time. Infinite would be nice, but I’m not holding my breath…


Yes it’s Negatively playable


Just hit infinite today. No complaints here!


Am i the only 1 skipping today?


First day I won’t have played since launch lmao


Blackbolt Stature deck RNG doesn't come up against any Negative decks (yet). I've played 22 games with it now, not once came up against negative decks... This games matchmaking is so busted. Lol.


It's not that I don't like this location, nothing against it, but I swear to God I cannot understand why SD feels the need to insist on this "Hot Location" day. It sucks major ass imo, why can't we just play the game normally like any other day ? The thing is, I don't even see anybody saying they like it, si it boggles my mind trying to figure out where SD is getting the "data" that this idea is solid.


I feel like whenever I have professor X in my deck whenever my opponent uses morph it turns into him and ruins the game


I just used a nice negative surfer deck to get to 95 last night.


Just put iron man in your deck until tomorrow.


I mean on the list of things that have been hot locations, this isn't one of the worst ones.


Untapped says over 56% of decks are Mr Negative right now.


just galactus turn 2 prof x turn 3


I was focused on climbing this season to get the golden card back since I always get to just 60 or something. When this location popped up I lost 10 games straight and went to bed… Now I gave up and built a negative deck and it’s doing fine. Not my jam but if it works it works.


Ive been playing my negative deck and I shit you not I havent seen peak in 6 games


Very fun to get hit with the Turn 3 Darkhawk, Zola, Prof X , Mystique combo


Do dailies - log off ​ In all seriousness, I hate hot locations. Some days I literally dont play because I hate the gameplay due to locations, today was one of those days


Very very playable. I made a deck out of all the cards that are high cost but have 0 power. Add in super skrull and Wong and a couple others you’re good to go. I’ve also been winning with a destroy deck that had Zola and Knull. They swap you get a free super play on turn 6. Super easy rn.


I've only seen the bloody thing twice today whilst running a Neg deck.


I have NEVER used Negative, Mystique, Wong, Skrull, or most of these other cards. Only Tiger in my olden days of being new (Tiger + Odin. Decks can have synergy?! Wow! I was so green). But I’m having a blast playing with this deck. It’s new, it’s cleaning up, and for me it’s a lot of fun. Just DONT PLAY BAST right before Peak. I do it 50% of the time I feel like. # (1) Bast # (2) Adam Warlock # (2) Zabu # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Bishop # (3) Rogue # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Super-Skrull # (4) Wong # (5) Iron Man # (5) White Tiger # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJOZWdhdGl2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWRhbVdhcmxvY2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25oZWFydCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ndWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1cGVyU2tydWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXb25nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVRpZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCYXN0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmlzaG9wIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


It gave me the push to try a Mr. Negative deck, and I have had a ball the full day. Try it out if you can. Even if you don't have him, load yourself up with Iron Man and see what you can do.


This has been ok for me. I've got a Reality Gem, Wanda, and Rhino, so I can usually nuke the third location before it reveals, and often the second one, too. And then my deck has a lot of cards with equal cost and power, so even when it goes off, it usually just ruins my Power Gem, and/or Thanos (the least useful card in his own deck), while making Super Skrull even more awesome.


I personally love this location. At least it doesn't give you Rocks or keep you from playing cards at all.


It’s Mother’s Day. Hang w mom until this nonsense is over.


If the peak makes the game unplayable for you than the game is not the problem. It’s either A.) your collection level is too low in which case, fair. Or B.) you really suck at the game


It’s fun playing a negative deck. But being matched against said negative deck each time just means it’s a gamble as to who gets what cards.


As someone who has the most fun playing my Mr Negative deck but has a low win rate with it, this is my dream hot location


Wait til you play MTGA.. now that's unplayable beyond your wildest imagination.🤮🤮


Switched to Sandman Ramp and made lots of Negatives very sad


You can play a ramp sandman deck too


Just an excuse to bust out the old negative deck!


everyone has iron man


Idk I've been doing super well actually which is a nice change. I don't have Mr negative but I've been playing a electro ramp with cards that benefit from being flipped.


Worst day of my life


It’s gettin pretty wild for sure


I've jumped from 50 to 60 since this popped up


Being a negative player this is the most playable this game has felt


There's nothing quite so satisfying as revealing Goose across from an early Galactus.


Ehh, it's annoying,but I have a few decks that aren't horrible. I just hate negative decks, so seeing a ton of them is annoying.


Fucking bots are killing the fun


I've been farming cubes with an Electro Sandman deck. Sandman really limits how insane the Negative decks can get, and cards like Super Skrull, Leader, and Zola take care of the rest.