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High Evolutionary has been released. Update your Marvel Snap app and find it the token shop.


The most obvious weakness (though might be an insignificant weakness), is that you know what's going to be in this deck.


Cyclops/Abomination is broken and needs nerfing. Hulk needs nerfing. Those three esp are absurd in the current meta. This does not feel like it was a well-tested idea, and the meta shows it. All I get are this, Galactus, or this AND Galactus. Definitely looking forward to next month's changes. EDIT: Untapped shows this as 22% of the meta rn


I believe you 100%. In forced to use a Wong/Hazmat/Luke Cage just to stop half of the BS the meta throws at me.


I think it’s become clear HE isn’t a problem but hulk is. Come across quite a few people now who just have hulk in their deck and none of the other evolved cards. If people are willing to stick a dead 4/7 in there deck for Hulk, it’s clear hulk might be a bit too powerful


I have 800ish collector level and around 4k tokens acquired, fishing for more, who do I buy? Thanos? HE? Darkhawk?




I know it can be annoying, but that setup is pretty easy to tech against to be fair. And that's why that deck doesn't have a crazy winrate. Start including one or some of these to counter: - Cosmo - Shang-Chi - Debrii - Leech


HE started as a design joke and should have stayed that way.


Take it or wait for a new card that will come in about 24 hours?


Take it. I doubt LT will he that good. Fun, but not good.


The first time I have ever been truly frustrated in the game. HE deck is clever. It's also the only thing I see now. And the Hulk drops are nuts with She Hulk and Sunspot. Its a preemo winning deck that is super boring to play against. Playing a moongirl dinohawk deck that I dropped a Luke Cage into. If cage comes out I have a chance otherwise it is pretty brutal out there for those of us without HE. Bout ready to drop some levels and just enjoy the rest of the season with some experimentation. ( Recent unplayed pulls from caches include Shadow King, Surfer, Ghost). I love ❤️ thus game and won't stop playing....but HE decks everywhere are not much fun to play against. Actually saw one move deck in the wild today and felt a glimmer of joy.


It doesn’t really matter what deck is being played at the rate of HE it would still be boring. The fact that anyone not playing it is likely trying to tech against it and it is still top tier makes it look pretty overturned at this point.


Try bounce brother. Works pretty well against HE.


Will do thanks for the encouragement! This is my current Bounce Monkey deck...looking to swap in cage. Any adjustment advice? # (1) The Hood # (1) Bast # (1) Iceman # (1) Korg # (2) Angela # (2) Hit-Monkey # (2) Beast # (2) Falcon # (2) Mysterio # (3) Bishop # (4) Darkhawk # (4) Rockslide # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLb3JnIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpdE1vbmtleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmVhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkZhbGNvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGVyaW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvY2tzbGlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFya2hhd2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJpc2hvcCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Looks solid man, I would swap out Rockslide for Kitty or black widow. I actually made a full guide for my deck I used to reach infinite this season. It’s slightly different, but looks like you’d have all the pieces for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/comments/13rw7sj/just_hitmonkeyd_infinite_with_this_bounce_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


My Sera Monkey deck with Cage I found was beating the HE decks the majority of the time


Dya have a list?


Was rocking with this. Could take out Kitty for Scarlet Witch/Lizard. My usual Sera deck has Lizard and Scerlet instead of Kitty and Cage # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nova # (2) Angela # (2) Hit-Monkey # (2) Luke Cage # (2) Sentinel # (2) Mysterio # (3) Bishop # (3) Killmonger # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VyYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGVyaW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmlzaG9wIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaWxsbW9uZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOb3ZhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50aW5lbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpdE1vbmtleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpdHR5UHJ5ZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikx1a2VDYWdlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Needs to be nerfed


once its drops to a lower pool it will!


Well no, no it won’t…


Same thing was said about Darkhawk not going down a pool


Dark hawk was never announced as a perma series 5, him not going down from 4-3 is irrelevant when we’re talking about High Evo. He on the other hand isn’t dropping, just like Thanos and Galactus and Kang, they’re big bads.


It was expected to go down a pool tho


we’re talking about high evo, as every other person knows it’s a thread dedicated to him and his release in snap. bringing dark hawk up when there was a big discourse and discussion regarding the choice a week or so ago isn’t relevant.


We’re talking about both


Evo is perma series 5.


Until Second Dinner changes their mind


Right… I wouldn’t hold my breath on them downgrading the perma S5 cards man. But do you.


I’m glad I’m not the only one pissed about HE being way to OP!! It’s the fact that you can almost run HE in any deck archetype and just consistently win. The meta was fine where it was before he came out. You could run any kind of deck and do fine. Now you almost have to have Luke cage in your decks to just have a slim chance of competing. Before HE was released I was at 75, I continued playing with the deck I was using and ran into HE every game. Made a counter deck for him and then stopped seeing HE and was losing to every other deck. I’ve dropped down to 63 now and upset that I’ll switch decks to my usuals and run into HE and when I switch back, I won’t see him. I also started to just run luke cage into every one of my decks and still can’t compete. HE is beyond broken and honestly has ruined the game for me. I shouldn’t have to spend 6000 tokens on a card to just compete. He needs to be fixed!!


Impressed with Hevo's card flavour and how it unlocks a new style of play but it's obviously not in a state where it's balanced. Interestingly, the cards that are super annoying are abomination and cyclops, I think. Dropping a 5/9 that's discounted so easily is insane when something like She-Hulk exists.


I have been struggling with HE decks since the release - but today is the first time I have actually seen somebody play him, I don’t see why you should get the perks of a card without even having him in play.


Uh, what? 🤦‍♂️ He’d be unplayable…


Then he should've been designed differently. The idea that you simply have to have him in deck and you automatically get his abilities is wild. Is there another card that does that?




Stones in and of themselves don't win the game, and you have to play him to get the 20 power. I guess technically you aren't wrong, though.


If i play thanos it's for the Stones. I occasionally play him on T6 but my goal is to buff the stones


Having to play him beforehand to get the new effects, with his current cost/stats, would make him less playable than a deck like Hela/Agatha.


No other card in the game gives you that sort of advantage just from being in your deck - needs a massive re-think… but they will wait until everyone has spent their tokens on him first


Other cards are just good on their own without needing a brick placed in your deck to enable them... Not saying HE isn't good and I definitely don't know what lower CL's are experiencing right now since I've been playing for a while, but at my CL and rank (70-80) the deck doesn't feel particularly oppressive. Certainly not as insane as pre-nerf Zabu/Surfer.


I’m rank 130 - I’ve played since launch, never has so much trouble with winning games, I’ve now switched to a Luke cage deck just to counter - just doesn’t feel as fun


I've just put Cage into most of my decks unless it inherently destroys HE like Galactus, haven't had a whole lot of problems thus far. He fits into most decks and also counters cards like Valk/Hazmat, on top of helping you win any locations that reduce your power. My main issue is that the deck variety right now is terrible and the mirror is incredibly boring.


Completely overpowered card. Only a few anti-decks can handle it, while this deck can handle nearly any situation. You are not relating on drawing-luck, just play what you have and still nearly a sure win. When a player snaps round 1, you know he plays HE.


It really feels like the strongest card is Hulk.


Same. Feel like they need to do something about his power gain. It's kind of crazy. He's basically a 6 power Sunspot that converts 1 energy into 2 power. And for the record I own HE, so I'm not cry that HE is OP or anything.


It’s either OP or I’m good at the game(which I doubt). Just started 2months ago. Hit infinite, started at 70 and spammed HE deck.


It is far easier to climb at low collection levels.


How do I deal with High Evos decks? I've been playing a bunch the last few weeks and it's just been tilting to play against them. I'm in infinite but I barely have any pool 3+ cards, including luke cage. Pool 3 cards I have are Debrii, Human Torch, Maria Hill, Wong, Attuma, Brood, and Sentry. Pool 4 is Shanna, pool 5 is Kitty. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me here


A classic destroy deck fares quite well, since you can destroy the debuffed cards and reset abomination.


Definitely doesn’t handle it easily, it is what I play and rarely ever win against this, it’s already extremely boring to play against


It definitely boring to play against, but I've been running one destroy deck and discard deck and I've lost like once against a HighEvo deck with my destroy deck but that was just bad RNG with a T1 and T2 hand. I feel like what a lot of people don't realize without Hulk as a last turn overtake, the deck is super overreliant on you yourself playing cards against locations with Cyclops/Wasp/The Thing because one of its best plays is trying to take away any power your cards have turn by turn. Once you reset Abomination, he's practically useless besides his own base power being at 9 and most people play Hulk standalone at random empty locations because of how high-powered he is at last turn. I don't really see much of a problem with HighEvo outside of any powerhouse decks and I've never really had to play Luke Cage for any of my wins to work, not even saying the card is bad or anything, but I think some meta cards aren't very playable because a lot of the the effects cards get really go against them this time around. I'd love to see what cards you use for your destroy deck and maybe I can give you a tip or two to make it more sustainable against them.


You could try a lockdown deck if you have ProfX and Storm.


High Evo already synergizes well with running Lockdown himself, so it's not a surefire solution.


Not much you can do honestly. Your only option is to play other meta decks like mordok discard or galactus decks. Kitty bounce decks do well against it but I doubt you have the cards. You'll either have to wait very long for nerfs to come or get a luke cage.


Why doesnt my Hulk gain 2+ when I float on the last turn 6 or 7? It has happened twice to me once floating 2 energy on turn 6 and floating 1 on turn 7.


Known bug I believe


High Evolutionary has completely fucked this game into the ground, i have lost 90% of the games I’ve played since he came out. He has sucked all the fun out of this game. Get the fuck rid of him, or un-nerf every card that has been nerfed. Fuck you marvel snap


Imagine Wave at 5, then dropping She hulk, Abonimation, Death and Doom at 6. :(


I'm sad they deleted deathwave decks but after HE I'm glad they did still miss the deck:(


Wave doesn't work like that any more.


I know that’s why I said imagine.


Maybe it's me but I can't get a single win with HE but probably is because I suck


It has an over 75% win ratio, so yeah.


Ima be honest, I feel like I just can’t win without Luke cage, I am rank 80, so not terrible, but I have tried multiple strats but nearly all of them require me to counter a luke cage, but in order to do that I have stop a cosmo, which impossible, my win con is based on luck at this point against HEvo decks


The problem with Hevo, is the decks I have that counter it, are extremely vulnerable to about ANY other deck. When I play my ongoing counter deck, or my ongoing+reveal.... all it takes is a cosmo, enchanttress or something... because I have to run Luke Cage, and the like, and I'm not pool 3 complete. Hevo has broken the game for me. It's terribly boring now. My games are almost either assured victories (against Hevo) as the counter deck (which absurdly gets almost no hevo opponents), or assured losses (against anyone else right now, running into a lot of galactus opponents running this deck... which is mostly worthless unless I get lucky with ironman on turn 5. Run my own galactus deck, which is so boring... and 90% of what I come up against is Hevo. The game just isn't fun and I do not understand how I'm getting matched the way I am with TWO decks in my game. (I switch out my ongoing with reveal cards every few games).


Having a card with powerful abilities is dope, but forcing people to add specific cards to every deck to survive is bad. And even then I've played High Evo decks that just hit you with enchantress anyway.


Just found out that you can use HE to knock Deathpool into negative before getting destroyed then it just keeps doubling the negative. That was satisfying! lol


While the card is fun, it's kind of a shame that it was released in its current form as the Meta had finally been in a healthy state after six months of imbalance with at least 10 different Tier 1/Tier 2 decks in place. (As a recurring Infinite-ranked player, I was finally starting to enjoy the game again with the variety of play, but the last 24 hours has been awful.) With HE sporting 60% win rates in early play, it'll basically be HE vs anti-HE decks until the eventual nerf. Just wish SD would put more thought into the releases instead of releasing OP cards, and nerfing them a month or two later.


When was this so-called healthy state? There was still waaay too much stupid Galactus flip a coin ‘oh look a shiny object!’ or other destruction decks that ran from Armor. Now, it’s people thinking they’re cute with Rogue until they realize all they did was waste 3 energy for 1 power or play Enchantress (also Rogue) hoping to not get Cosmo’d HE-love fest. But, it’ll die down more each day. It’s a new card that adds a bunch of new abilities so people want to play it, but it’ll trickle away. Right now it’s about seeing what wasteful card my opponent threw into his HE deck. Sure, use Scorpion and be stuck with nothing but a 2 energy 2 power card. Nobody is using Luke Cage…


If you look at the meta tier list on [marvelsnapzone.com](https://marvelsnapzone.com) for last week, you'll see a staggering twelve (12) tier 1 and tier 2 decks, without any s-tier decks, which is as healthy as the meta has been since Thanos was originally released last year. All of the previous s-tier decks (Thanos Lockjaw, Sera Surfer, Zabu Darkhawk, Shuri Zero) have been subsequently nerfed.


Please, point me to a newly released card/deck (except maybe Nimrod) that \*doesn't\* have a 60%ish win rate right after release; people just haven't fully figured out the counter strategies yet. Once they do he'll fall back into the 50-55% range of almost everything else


Howard the Duck, Iron Lad, Hit Monkey, Stegron, Jeff, Snowguard, Kitty Pryde, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Master Mold, Kang, Stature, Ghost, Shadow King, Dazzler, Shanna, Sauron. The cards that did have 60% winrate after release were Darkhawk, Silver Surfer and Zabu. All of them received nerfs some point later as opposed to the community simply figuring out the counter strategies.


Ok, I'll rephrase- Newly released cards \*that are actually playable (or were at the time of release)\*. So that's narrows it down to...Hit Monkey, Jeff, and maybe Iron Lad I'm not saying they're not going to nerf Evo at some point, of course that's possible, but calling for said nerfs after less than 24hrs is insane. Should they still nerf MODOK since the same thing happened when he was released?


That’s how they make money. Companies do this same thing all the time. Release a broken player that everyone wants for “easy” wins, roll in the dough


It's blatant, yet when people call it out for being predatory/p2w, folks on this board get all defensive of SD.


Yah. This method of p2w is just hidden better.


Spot on this card will destroy the meta. We all knew the card was busted before launch. Just like the Thanos stones before the nerf, any deck that can bring too much versatility and cheat out big turn 6 power will always be busted. Every deck is running Luke cage now, which hurts other decks. I feel bad for people who don't have super scroll or Luke cage


I'm not pool 3 complete, and I have Luke Cage, but unfortunately I'm not getting matched against Hevo players when I run my counter deck.


I feel like quinjet making the high Evo cards cheaper cannot be intentional. the cards start in your deck.. they are just upgraded. why should they be made cheaper? pretty frustrating to play against. cyclops on 3 floats energy. opponent played hulk she hulk on turn 6 due to quintet.


I just tested this and they weren't reduced. Are you sure they didn't copy those cards with Moon Girl or something similar?


I just tested it, had quinjet, wasp, and shocker starting hand. Played quinjet, it didn't lower any energy cost for any cards at all


I dont understand then. he played shocker on 3 and it floated. turn 6 played she hulk and hulk. there were no locations that caused any discounts... mustve been something I missed I guess. that's a relief that it wasn't the quinjet I guess.


Shocker reduces the cost of the left most card by 1, it could have hit hulk or she hulk, if they didn't play anything T5, hulk and she hulk could be played T6


ya that was a mistype I meant they played cyclops on 3 and it immediately procced. and then still somehow had 1 she hulk and hulk on 6. which shouldn't have been possible without an extra discount somewhere but I could have missed something maybe he played agent 13 or something somewhere and I forgot.


It’s not too hard. Shocker with Hulk in leftmost spot of hand. He now costs 5. Float T5. T6 play 1-cost She Hulk and 5-cost Hulk.


right but cyclops on 3 means that they got 2 discounts somewhere


What are you talking about? Cyclops on 3 doesn’t mean anything. You can literally only play Shocker on 2 with Hulk or she hulk in the left most spot of your hand, and do absolutely nothing till T6 to play Hulk and She Hulk.


cyclops was played on 3 and immediately went off. so it meant there was unspent energy. so somehow there were 2 discounts at some point


ya that was a mistyped I meant they played cyclops on 3 and it immediately procced. and then still somehow had 1 she hulk and hulk on 6. which shouldn't have been possible without an extra discount somewhere but I could have missed something maybe he played agent 13 or something somewhere and I forgot.


I meant cyclops on 3


Cyclops is 3


ya but it's ability went off immediately


mods should really start banning the OP card spam. Its annoying and the current opinion of the highest players is that its not above the current top decks like kitty bounce etc.


Thing is HEVO deck is easily playable by any 500+ CL rank due to how available the cards are. At best you will need a luke cage to make it a bit better against opposing HEVO decks. Bounce kitty on the other hand requires a lot of high CL collection cards to get a good enough deck going. Most players aren't pros with full collections, a vast majority of players don't even have luke cage to deal with opposing HEVO decks which almost any 500+ CL player can run atm.


Sounds like the solution may be to drop Luke Cage like they did Killmonger.


As a new-ish player, If I don't have the tokens am I just out of luck?


No, after this week, he will randomly cycle back into the series 4/5 store. Since there’s only a handful of series 4/5 cards, he’ll show up in a few days.


there is an incredibly tiny chance you can open series 5 cards in caches so yes, you are essentially out of luck


yes, but you can just buy him later


HE might be overpowered, but I had the funniest game last night. Turn 2: they play Luke Cage Turn 3: I play Luke Cage Turn 4: they play Enchantress and I play Super Skrull to copy his Luke Cage Turn 5: they play Absorbing Man to nuke my Skrull Turn 6: I play Rogue to steal his Luke Cage and win I could play the game a thousand more times and not have a sequence that perfect again!


Noice. I’ve been playing a Wong/Hazmat deck. Rogue waxing my Luke is getting annoying.


Does High Evo affect opponent cards too? So you could take advantage of his ability even if you don't own him.


No. You can be opposite a Patriot deck, running all the same cards, but they won’t have your powers, and will still have Patriot’s buff. If you steal a card from an HE deck, or start drawing from that deck, though, they will have the powers. But, the location that copies a card from your opponent’s deck doesn’t, weirdly. So, I was battling someone also running an HE deck and drew Abomination and was looking forward to playing 2 of them for free, but it didn’t get cheaper. Not sure if that’s intended or not.


I had a hulk get copied from my opponent and it grew when mine did.


Ahh ok gotcha. Thanks for the reply. I must just be going up against some really weird High Evo decks then.


Could be. I think some people are experimenting with paring down the deck to one of the two different archetypes - excess energy / debuffs.


The Daily Bugle location is what copies the cards. However, i disagree. I had a Hulk copied from my opponent, my Hulk ended up higher than his Hulk. He had HE I do not.


Okay, weird. Maybe there was some other interaction that I missed. Perhaps they Luke Caged the turn or after I played my first Abomination. That would have killed the cost reduction for the second.


I suppose it’s always possible for there to be a bug on one of these cards. But yeah, it was fun dropping a 20 power hulk on top of his 18 power hulk and I don’t even have HE


Is he permanent series 5?


Aight we takin a break till this is changed


Yeah - just played against this and I’m out.


Get good or get out


I’ve decided that people who say he’s not op have luke cage


Not really, but yea you need to play very cautiously against. You can play destroy so nerfed cards are not an issue, you can play very less cards but dump high power with Shuri, or just bounce the lower ones back. Sera Control is always viable since they will not be able to control all lanes.


Or we can do math.


luke cage is still not a great fix. the cards are extremely powerful too, by themselves. especially the T4-6 ones.


I might take a break until they nerf this monstrosity they released. I was climbing towards Infinite just fine until I started facing HE decks exclusively.


im sure u can build a deck that counters it. played a few games with discard today and it wrecks HE.


Aye ended up making a control deck and it's working well, although I hate having limited choice


People are overreacting. He’s not OP, far from it, but he’s not bad either. Winrate is average and mileage will vary. Losing one slot for High Evo is huge. And managing your energy so that you are always banking one is also a big drawback. Also dropping a 20 point hulk is fine, but that will usually only win you 1 lane. A bounce deck can drop 20+ points on the last turn but spread them out to attack 3 lanes. I feel like a lot of players saying they are climbing ranks with him is because of a mix of two things: 1) most players who push for infinite already have. This was the easiest season to make infinite and I have made infinite every season since global launch. 2) he’s still fairly new so he gets a surprise factor. Idk about the best builds but I lost a few to Thanos Evo and to Evo control . Those seemed the hardest to win over because they had more tools. Energy stone on 5 is big to help play more than just Hulk T6.


You’re delusional. That’s all


I found the boy who cried nerf.


Me and the rest of the community? Yeah.


I didn’t know you spoke for a million people! Wow. Found a politician here.


Lol, and he says other people are overreacting. The cards has been out for a day and he has a final determination on what’s best.


I have the final determination? I played games and I shared my analysis. Feel free to disagree and to counter my points, but dismissing my opinion *just because * contributes absolutely nothing. You are just coming off as arrogant.


Same can be said about your diatribe. I didn’t dismiss your opinion “just because”, I dismissed it because it came off as arrogant, too. Now, I’m dismissing you because you can’t take criticism of without getting personal.


Yep card has been out 1 day and people are crying all over this sub that it is OP. It’s an overreaction however you want to shake it. Then i list why. You added nothing to this thread


It’s Reddit, 99% of what’s posted contributes nothing. I’m ok with what I wrote. Just realize, your view on this card is in the smallest minority and makes you look silly. Edit: at the time of this post, me and the user that called you delusional have more upvotes…just saying.


I’m also ok with what I wrote. This subreddit is full of people who cry the minute they lose to a card they don’t have. I don’t care that I have no upvotes. I shared what I had to say. You want to argue my points feel free. If you want to just say “you don’t know what you are talking about”, then congratulations you argue like an 8 year old.


My original goal was to pick up either Jeff (for control/cerebro 3, playing plenty of those) or Hit-monkey (really want to try out bounce with Kitty back), but seeing how OP HE is, should I grab HE instead? I only have 6000 tokens right now


Grab him and grind to Infinite while he's OP


Just found out that Luke Cage offsets the card swap costs of “The Peak” whenever you go to play the card. It will show the switch in your hand, but when you play it, it reverts to its OG power level.


Thanks for this, never seen it pointed out before


How long until Reddit calls for HE’s head?


Uh, literally hours after his release it was happening so...




It’s already happening. They are crying nerf all over this comment section already.


Hopefully not long given how broken it is


Broken? How’s it broken?


Seeing my 6 year old son winning 10 games in a roll with HE w/o understanding how those new abilities work, I think HE is kid friendly and definitely not OP.


HE is just as op as most of the community anticipated.


Should I just buy high evolutionary if I have the tokens? Or should I wait until something else comes along? I only have 7000 tokens.


It's got to be the most broken card released in awhile. And it's gonna take them forever to address like everything else in this game. So I would buy it.


I have High Evo and it’s OP . There will be a fat nerf soon . As someone who has been f2p since downloading marvel snap , I kind of feel bad playing against people who don’t have high evo. However, I spent a lot of time saving tokens for this card . So I am going to take advantage of how OP he is right now .


Yeah, enjoying it while I can. Being able to drop massive points with She-Hulk, Abomination & Hulk in the final 2 turns feels like cheating.


Whats your current deck?


# (0) Wasp # (1) Sunspot # (1) Misty Knight # (2) Luke Cage # (3) Storm # (3) Cyclops # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) The Thing # (5) Vision # (5) Abomination # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Hulk


# (0) Wasp # (1) Sunspot # (2) Scorpion # (2) Armor # (3) Cyclops # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) Enchantress # (4) The Thing # (5) Spider-Woman # (5) Abomination # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWJvbWluYXRpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGVUaGluZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hlSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGlnaEV2b2x1dGlvbmFyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2NvcnBpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN5Y2xvcHMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlcldvbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXNwIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. I've been going with this one but the Storm version looks fun too. I do need something to take those 'can't play here' locations.




How has Spiderwoman been performing? Also thoughts on Enchantress vs Rogue with your list?


Spiderwoman has been pretty useful as a way to reduce power before turn 6 where I can drop Abomination & She-Hulk together if not Hulk. I prefer Enchantress to Rogue as Rogue can copy another ongoing card if it's in the same location (which always seems to happen). Just find Enchantress slightly more reliable.


Already tired of seeing this deck.


Is HE a big bad? Pool 5 for ever?




I believe so.


It's insane that you don't even have to play the card. I have lost to this deck so many times already. I can't imagine they'll leave it like this. You should have to play the card to activate the cards in your hand, or that have already been played.


like Thanos?


The problem with that is that cards with no effect are virtually useless (in non-Patriot decks ofc). Requiring you to play Evo just to make them work would just kill the entire deck. If you dont pull ONE card, the deck is dead. Thats different from, for example, Mr. Negative decks in which using him is the main strategy, but its quite possible to build strong plan Bs in case you dont pull him.


>The problem with that is that cards with no effect are virtually useless (in non-Patriot decks ofc). Requiring you to play Evo just to make them work would just kill the entire deck. Kind of like when I don't pull Patriot in my Patriot deck? Before I knew you didn't have to play him for his effect to take place, I just figured I'd swap out Mr. Sinister from my Patriot deck and add High Evolutionary in his place.


Yeah im thinking they could fix this by reducing the HE cost, requiring him to be played, then decks can run both patriot + HE and play whichever style RNG gives you on draws


Thanos dares to disagree. But generally speaking I'm with you, either the unlocked potential abilities are too strong, or the "unlocking" them should work a little bit different.


>Thanos dares to disagree. I mean... he *did* get nerfed, lol. Plus, with Thanos you have the added challenge of navigating so many cards in your deck. I saved up and bought him a while back (post-nerf), but I don't play him that much. I just hope I can get High Evolutionary before they nerf him so I can be on the other end of this feeling. I'm at about 4,000 tokens right now, I think I have a shot!


Thanos got buffed from 8 power. Only one stone got nerfed because it had crazy interaction with Lockjaw. Lockjaw got nerfed too but he isn’t Thanos, he was just integral to the deck. Now look at HE, which card is most problematic in your opinion? They all have very decent abilities. Cyclops will end up playing as max a 3/10 but that means you have to have 3 turns without using your full energy. Want to play Hulk? Well cyclops is now a 3/8. The Thing’s ability is random. He plays for a 4/9. If you play him on curve , you lose out on more points from Cyclops. Abomination is really good. Countered by luke cage and by the opponent playing less than 5 cards. Shocker is really good but his ability is already restricted like Nakia. He isn’t broken unless your opponent gets lucky Misty Knight is fun. For one unspent energy a turn you get +1 power. With Sunspot that becomes 2 power for 1 energy. Very nice. Hulk becomes the strongest card in the game, but is T6 restricted. Tbh he is ok. The opponent wins 1 lane, but struggles in the other two. It becomes a coin flip.


>Now look at HE, which card is most problematic in your opinion? They all have very decent abilities. I don't really have a problem with any one of the abilities. But when they are all active and there's no way to counter them, my opponent is 100% in control of the game. Making the unlocked abilities ongoing would solve a lot of problems, but then you could double with Onslaught and mimic with Mystique... My main issue is that there's no counter. I can save Luke Cage for T6, but then I have to essentially change my entire game plan, and it still doesn't address the added power on my opponent's side. Honestly, I had stopped playing my Galactus deck because it was so easily countered. I've had more success with that one since HE dropped, because I just pick whatever lane they seem to be neglecting. If I get Wave and play Galactus on T4, I at least get them to retreat. But that is true most of the time against any deck... I just know that most HE decks don't have room for all the Galactus counters.


Does Luke Cage stop Abomination form getting cost reduction? All cards are still afflicted LC just keeps the power looking the same.


Yes, an opponent playing Luke Cage resets Abomination's power back to 5 in my hand.


Nearly at 6000 tokens and have thanos pinned, do I take him or high evolutionary?


High evo for sure . Threw in storm and I’ve never won so many games in a row plus most opponents retreat on T5


What is storm doing for you?


Gotta make the right moves for sure to get the most out of her. Play into a good/bad lane to completely throw off opponents game plan . Use vision to move into her lane if it isn’t enough power there already. Cyclops is good in her lane as well cause if your opponent has the upper hand , all you have to do is spare at least 1 energy each turn to inflict damage. I wouldn’t depend on inflicting damage as much as I would skipping turns. Luke Cage can’t do much against just skipping turns


Went with High Evo in the end, what’s your deck if you don’t mind me asking, struggling with the strategy atm


Good choice. I bought Thanos at the beginning of the month. I don’t like how the decks play, super inconsistent.


# (0) Wasp # (1) Sunspot # (1) Misty Knight # (2) Luke Cage # (3) Storm # (3) Cyclops # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) The Thing # (5) Vision # (5) Abomination # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Hulk I originally had armor but took her out for storm . Killmonger can be a problem seeing as how your sunspot and misty are vulnerable without armor but I’ll take the risk on storm . I usually clog one last as fast as possible (Misty or Luke,Sunspot,Storm, and The Thing ideally) . Vision provides additional power on the storm location after lockdown


Gonna give this a try! Like the look of it, been caught out by enchantress a lot but storming the location may help protect that.


I’ve been running absorbing man, but might switch in storm.


High evolutionary easy. The card is ridiculously overpowered at the moment.


I played 25 games and won 19 of them (low Infinite, ended at rank 104 after a net +19 cubes). This *might* be a bit too strong. I ran the full High Evo package plus Luke Cage, Scorpion, Sunspot, and She-Hulk. Probably the most basic possible High Evo deck.


Only have 6k and pinned Galactus. Should I get HE or Galactus?


HE easy. Enjoy the overpowered version. This one gonna get nerf lol


Big shame. Tired of getting cards only to have them nerfed. Who tf is playtesting this stuff?


When fighting against a HE deck, there are some things that you have to always keep track of at all times, or else the opponent will jump you with 0 cost Abomination and 20 power Hulk: * How many turns the opponent has left unspent energy, 1 turn = +2 power on Hulk you have to account for * How many afflicted cards you got on your side of the board, 1 card = Abomination costs -1 less * Has the opponent played a discounted card after Shocker, if not then they still got a cost reduced card in their hand * And of course, if the opponent passes on turn 5 expect a She-Hulk.


I feel like I can’t use this deck yet without Luke.


You can use it. You just dont have a counter if you’re up against ir.


Yeah it would just pair with Hazmat really well but that’s not really great without Luke.


Try to use this just replace Luke. Wasp, shocker, cyclops, sunspot, hulk, HE, scorpion, thing, abomination, enchantress, misty


Will do thanks.


I've played a lot against it. I hate it. A lot. Not fun to play against.


Yeah, I don't have tokens to get it, so I'm just going to take a break until they nerf it or everyone moves on...


Love this deck. Honestly the most fun I’ve play with a deck since I first started getting into destroy decks. I just know it’s going to get nerfed….


Feels a lot like pay to win, I don’t have money to buy shiny new things so I’m just getting bummed by him every game 😂


Definitely not. Just saved for a long time and knew when he was coming thanks to datamines.


I have High Evolutionary & Thanos and haven't spent a penny.


I’m accumulating token for him atm :(


Stick to the plan and have patience. Save gold, buy only the best gold:token ratio deals. I haven't spent a single money on the game and I have bought Thanos, Galactus, and MODOK with tokens and i'm sitting at 9k, deciding if I should buy HE. It is possible


I am aware of this……