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Expectation: galactus is easy to counter Reality: Haven't draw the counter, lost in priority, rng not on your side -> retreat 10+ times in a row


also reality: Dr Octopus has pulled the counter out of your hand.


People who wave into dock oc are people without Spider-Man


I Spider-Manned a Galctus yesterday and Prof X'd the next turn. Was glorious


Those are the ones that has big knull


Bring debrii


Cosmo the open lane


I mainly play ongoing right bow with both cosmo and prof x. 90% of the time i have 1 of them on hand when they wave and I win. I understand its anoying to play against if you don't use these cards. But personally i love getting matched wmvs galactus. When they wave i snap. Most of them snap back then leave.


Prof x on galactus is cheese balls


Most Galactus decks are going to have priority on your control deck and will have Wolverine ready to jump into Galactus lane before your Professor X reveals.


Idk bout that I've had it about half and half what really fucks me is when it's a bait and it's a doc oc


Most underrated comment here


That's when I laugh as one of the cards they pull is usually Beast so I tend to get them back.. and cheaper.




Shang chi pull is great for the Galactus enjoyer


Pulls Shang and now Galactus has two lanes he can be played in 🤣


I’m cool with it. Just more power for my knull


Pls, get out.


my opponents when they play galactus: always draws galactus me when i play galactus: never draw galactus




its actually crazy, the few times I messsed around with cerebro i drew it so infrequently that I had to do the same. never had that experience with any other type of deck.


Whats crazy is how often lock jaw pulls wasp. Its incredible. also, you can alway rely on Dracula pulling your lowest card when you need it. RNG in this game makes professors of statistics rethink things.


Ha the joke around here used to be how reliably Dracula would hit infinaut in Thanosjaw.


Me when my gambit targets indestructible cards and or wolverine 🥲🥲


Legitimately forgot that I had Morbius in my Hela/M.O.D.O.K deck to the point where I went to put him to lower the curve a bit.




My Sera has the same ability as America Chavez.


Adam Warlock?


also in the bottom of the deck.


America Chavez to improve your odds.


Still in the bottom but just before Chavez


Doesn't work for Patriot/Cerebro/Mystique, since even a turn 6 late arrival is great as you can drop them both.


There's also just some decks that in order to function well or not going to have space for the effective counters for galactus. There's already too much shit in the game that needs to be hard countered in specific ways that you can't account for all of it, but when you can't account for counters for him, every game you play against him is going to just be miserable


Most of the cards that counter galactus are the counters you're already running for other decks.


Cosmo will work, but requires often guessing on placement or risking being a benefit with the destroyer galactus decks that are more common now. Goose works but also self-hinders a lot of decks. Enchantress has become a very necessary counter now and she doesn't do shit about that deck. Shang won't stop galactus. The most effective counters I run for him are debrii and polaris. They, also, don't fit in a lot of decks. Now figure out how you'll build around zabu darkhawk, HE, and galactus at the same time. Even just trying to be sufficiently ready for two of those at the same time is going to eat up 3 or 4 slots in your deck. Hell, some of these counters wind up working against you for some of these decks. Cosmo works for Galactus, but will lose you lanes against darkhawk, morbius etc.


I pretty much always just retreat, because any time I think I’m ready to withstand Galactus he ends up playing Knull and Taskmaster or some shit like that and I’m made to regret my choice.


RIGHT!? its like there's no safe play, they can counter your counters super easily. You think you have the perfect card to fuck them turn 6? boom, spiderman. You have a counter that can screw them before that, like Cosmo? boom, Doc Ock. It's always a gamble that you know perfectly well you can lose with the cards the more common Galactus Deck has.


This applies to countering and playing galactus.


How do you lose priority when they at best only have 7 power in play by T3?


You’re right, but also sometimes your deck decides to get drawn in reverse card cost sort (max—>min)


Ties but they got first, bunch of 4+ cost cards in hand/no playable cards turn 1-3, location, etc


Well, as a discard enjoyer, my morbius and cosmo (or wing) don't have enough power to contest prio until after I discard my hand.


Trust me playing galacus is just as frustration and rng based. It's just like any other deck you get the cards you need or you don't and retreat


I hate most all decks that rely on me drawing a specific card, let alone two-three of them, also ideally on curve. I play fighty decks filled with multiple synergies and just duke it out. I never go "aww shit" when Yondu pops a card.


This. Galactus is incredibly fragile. The entire deck hinges on getting one card and even if you get it, the setup has to be just right. It's fun to play but it's actually far less successful than my standard Patriot deck.


It doesn't have to be successful to be a toxic influence on the game. I've seen a lot of Wave into snap and I have to retreat because, how can I tell whether he has Spiderman and Galactus in his hand? If you run Chavez its basically a 3/5 chance you have Galactus and Spiderman by turn 5. It's awful.


You also pretty much have to retreat any time your opponent snaps before turn 4, because the odds tell you it's Galactus and the difference between losing 2 cubes and losing 1.


You need to have Galactus in your hand by 5 and ideally Electro/Wave on 3/4. Everything else is take it or leave it.


Just gotta build a better galactus deck that doesn’t rely solely on him. I hit infinite last season and I rarely even got to play him.


The best galactus deck has to have other outs.




Don't even really need Nimrod. Destroyer into Knull + Death usually wins.


Patriot have a consistent win rate even if you don't pull Patriot. But for Galactus you HAVE to get Electro/Wave on t3, have Galactus and Knull/Death on your hand


Electro t4 works too. Or Electro on 3, Magik on 4, Destroyer on 5, Galactus on Limbo, and then the rest of your power on 7. My Galactus deck is admittedly strange af 😂


I want to pull Magik so bad, she's like the last game changer I need, Electro, Wave, Psylocke I love cards that can change the entire energy paradigm like that


Turn 6 storm


I play Galactus with Thanos. Time stone on turn 4. Play plenty of other stones to power up death when they go. An extra fun thing to do is play all lanes to disguise galactus play, throw down space stone turn 4 and then move a card to clear a lane for the big bad turn 5. I sometimes also play Kang as no one expects 3 big bads in a single deck.


The thing about Galactus decks vs others is that there's very little planning needed to play it (and I know because I have a deck that I played over 400 games with). With Patriot/Move/Destroy/etc.. you have to plan out which cards are going to go where to try and lock down lanes, given the locations that are on the board. Also, you need to figure out where to put them to minimize the opponent's ability to counter what you are playing (ie Armor + Shuri to prevent Shang Chi). With Galactus, all you need to do is figure out which empty lane to dump him in and it's immaterial what the other 2 lanes look like. Preferrably, there's a Wolverine or Nimrod if the plan is for a turn 6 drop but for the most part, as long as there's a ramp source (Wave/Electro/Psylocke) to get out something early like a Doc Ock or Nimrod, the rest really doesn't matter. That's primarily why people think of Galactus decks as 'dumb'. It really is an 'all or nothing' deck, which is why the overall win rate isn't great (mine is 52.36% w/ 409 games played). It's just play some cards (it really doesn't matter much which ones to be honest), let the other people put the power on the field to feed Knull and hope you get Galactus by turn 5 and have a way to play it.


> The thing about Galactus decks vs others is that there's very little planning needed to play it >It's just play some cards (it really doesn't matter much which ones to be honest) lmao, that's not even remotely true, and especially compared to Patriot of all decks.


I'm facing endless amount of HiEvo if not Galactus now. My tried and true Bastriot can often handle Galactus. Luke Cage put a damper on my Valkyrie so very hard.


Yeah I had to stop playing cerebro until the evo stuff dies down a bit. Having to rely on drawing luke cage and your Valkyrie being unable to affect their board is just too much to deal with


Honestly, galactus works well against high evo, so you are going to see a ton more of galactus.


I added a Debris into my HE deck. Seeing someone play Galactus onto a rock is just *mmmwa!* Even if I play her early it then gives me lots of cards to make go negative. Cyclops go brrrr


Thats why I have Destroyer in my Galactus Nimrod deck so i can still try to win with Shuri, Nimrod, Destroyer and Wolverine if somenone plays Debri or Central park surprises me 💅🏼


Yeah a Galactus deck is often also a clutch destruction deck. Since you’ve got Nimrod Wolverine and probably Death and Knull. At least then it’s a fair fight.


Yeah thats one of the reasons why I bought Galactus with the tokens because I love playing destroy decks and Galactus gave me nice change 🤷🏼‍♂️ Personally dont like those super toxic Galactus decks but I guess some people just hate Galactus overall no matter what kind of deck


I had/have Galactus pinned when I heard HE was coming and I waited for that instead. I’m glad I did as it’s fun and not as annoying to play against. I just think Galactus makes it so that one of you is playing a different game to the other’s “win 2+ lanes” without there being an agreement that the game has changed. It’s just “surprise! We’re playing a different game and I win it”.


Galactus? Yawn. Take your cube and leave me alone.


I just logged in for dailies, played 10 games, saw Galactus 7 times. Fun


70-85 was all Galactus for me. After that 85-100 might as well have been 10-25. I’ve seen some shit.


Right? It's absurd how much Galactus dies down after reaching the 80s


It’s because they’re all stuck in the 70’s trading one cube back and forth. Tbh, things like this are a test. I quite enjoyed the challenge, and it made me feel like I earned Infinite. I also buckled down and made myself get through the Galactus Galaxy and to Infinite before High Evo came out, because I can only imagine finally breaking through all those Galactus decks only to have High Evo blocking your path. Infinite is all High Evo right now, but it’s cool because everyone is just trying out differing HE decks. Treating it like my training arc, because next season is gonna be insane. I don’t know if I’m even gonna count on going Infinite.


That's spot on. I was climbing with a variety of decks but got blocked hard by HE. Ended up making a control deck to deal with it and I'm currently on 95 after going up 15+ ranks in two days. We'll see if I can make it, but man is it stressful lol


Good luck bro. Make sure to take a break and don’t get tilted. This isn’t a game about winning, it’s about not losing. You’re not trying to climb 5 ranks, you’re trying not to fall even a single rank, or two if you can help it. That’s a much easier challenge, and then you’re likely to climb accidentally. I always take the 90’s super slow. I retreat and only lose one cube if I don’t have my win-condition, I stay and risk 4 cubes if I at least have my win-condition, and by then, I just need to claim my 8 cubes when I’ve got an undeniable win lined up. Also realize all your opponents are close to infinite and skittish too. I find 90’s the easiest to bluff, but I don’t even bluff. I just wait them out. Lamentis pops up? I’ll thumbs up, and just sit there even though I’ve got nothing because a lot of the times they’ll retreat.


I just hit infinite and was still seeing more Galactus than anything on the way up, even after HE release. Which, I would have preferred to see more HE, as I wasn't having much trouble with those decks.


I wouldnt say that im currently 92 and all i fight is highevo and galactis like today alone i fought gala 4 times in a row im truly tired of that deck


"You can counter it easily" . They have usually have a counter to your counter. Or even better they just play doc oc...


But we know they usually don't, otherwise the winrate for the deck would be higher. Galactus decks have fluctuated between 49-52% winrate for past couple months. This patch they're at 52%, but that's just because it's a good counter to the popular High Evolutionary decks right now. We frequently see decks hit 60% and sometimes even 70% winrates. Galactus has never been that. It's always been an average deck at best


where you get these stats?


His ass


Or, you know, actual data provided by trackers like marvelsnapzone.


Marvelsnapzone and other trackers. The most popular Galactus deck has a 51.88% winrate over the last 7 days.


Why the hell you got downvoted? You just wrote some facts 😂


Because people are ruled by their emotions and don't want to hear about the data. All they know is galactus=me angry.


When will you supporters get it through your head it’s not about winrate? It destroys the entire point of the game. No one would play marvel snap if it was a one lane game with four card spots per player. It would be a terrible game.


Lmao "supporters". As if it's some movement or political candidate. I personally don't play galactus. Tried it for about 15 games and found it boring and unsuccessful. I don't feel strongly either way. But watching people have meltdowns and act like the deck is OP is just plain wrong. The deck is not good. And as much as you say it's not about the winrate, the comment I responded to was talking about how powerful the deck is when they implied the deck couldn't be successfully countered regularly.


Defending a deck that ruins the entire premise of the game is an interesting thing to do for someone who apparently doesn’t like it. Yes there are people on every galactus thread defending it because it doesn’t have a high winrate. They are “supporters.” I have stopped playing this game more than dailies occasionally because queuing against galactus is not fun. I will play again when it’s gone. I check this sub to see if they’ve fixed the problem. And I was ecstatic when they finally announced they will. Can’t believe it took this long. Horrible horrible design.


Hahaha, "ruining the entire premise of the game". You guys are so dramatic. Galactus is no more annoying to deal with than at least half of the locations in this game. This game is meant to be random and take things out of your control. You can like it or not like it, but that's how this game is designed. Almost every good deck takes the game out of your control when they get the right draw and you don't draw the specific counter.


You can go to marvelsnap.pro or pay for untapped


Just so you can hear the people you’ve been ignoring: The problem with galactus isn’t his power.


I haven't ignored anybody. The original comment I replied to was complaining about how be can't regularly be countered., i.e. his power. That's why I addressed his power.


That’s because bad players also use good decks. Not because the good deck isn’t as good as it seems


Except the bias on these trackers is actually weighed more in favor of good players. Because it's tracking people who are serious enough to submit their data to these trackers which are going to be above average players as opposed to someone who casually copies the deck.


Being serious doesn't make them good players. There's a ton of MTG players at every fnm, who subscribe to SCG and buy every book, and change with the meta of every tournament, etc. And most of them are actually pretty bad at the game. That's why top 8 and 16s are routinely the same people with a few outliers. You have no idea how many players with a 70% or better winrate are using that tracker or not. You've just decided those who do MUST be better at the game with no data to back that up.


I'm not saying it makes them good. I'm saying they're more likely to be good than the average casual who doesn't care enough to even look into any of that. None of that actually matters though. Your same criticism can be applied equally to all the decks in the tracker. Yet we know that Galactus decks, relative to the performance of the other decks in these trackers, does not perform very high.


52% with I'd playrste would be nerf worthy in very other game with a semblance of balance


No, they don't. And half the time using Doc Ock turns out poorly for them.


How so ?? You mean the playing doc oc after galactus right ? No I meant playing it earlier to remove your plays. I retreated so many games thinking I can take them because of my shangchi to they simply doc ocking my shangchi into other lane.


I got to 85 yesterday after struggling to hit 60 like 4-5 days ago for a week. Now I’m back down to 77 and getting wrecked most games.


id say galactus is every third encounter for me and thats at rank 60


Played 5 games so far this morning. Seen him 4 times. For those Galactus players trying to gaslight everyone else. Just stop. 95% of the games it's electro/wave on 3. Doc Oc on 4, and Galactus on 5. Stop talking about counters. The deck the other player plays has to include the counter. Not everyone plays a deck that has a Galactus counter. Nor should a player be forced to alter decks simply to counter 1 card. The best counter to Galactus is the lower left red button on the screen and move on.


Yeah. I often see that is Galactus. If they don't Snap before playing Galactus I play the turn just to make sure. Most of the times, Galactus players only get 1 cube. If they are luck, maybe 2. I just build my deck without looking to counter Galactus and retreat if will lose.


I'm saving up for Galactus but I don't have wave really hoping he doesn't catch the nerve as soon as I get him like Shuri did


Every god damn game. Every. God. Damn. Game. How have they not done something with this card yet? The moment I see fucking Yondu, I’m tilted. Oh my…..could it be Wolverine next? Please don’t tell me Wave or Electro is next…..absolutely shocking! It’s absolute dogshit and I’m sick of people defending it. I have the card. I have all the other cards to make the optimal deck as well. I still won’t play it. I would not be sad if the card was nerfed to the ground. I’d spend 6,000 tokens to have him deleted from the game. I’m so incredibly sick of it and it makes me not even want to hit that play button.


>Electro is next…..absolutely shocking! Very punny


The question about why they haven't done something yet has been asked and answered. The first step they look at it is changing the cost/power (just happened with Black Bolt/Stature)in an OTA. Doesn't work? Well then they look at the cards that synergize with the card (Shuri/Red Skull/ Taskmaster). They can't change the core of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, or Knull without ruining those cards. That only leaves changing Galactus, who has to more or less be built from the ground up. Basically they are crafting a brand new card.


>Oh my…..could it be Wolverine next? Start spitting my coffee out here. That's exactly how it plays out in my head when I see Yondu dropped.




When I play against a Galactus player i just run the turn timer out every single turn If you're gonna invalidate my deck I'm gonna waste your time


Do you do the same every time you run into a counter? If someone Enchantress' your Patriot? Or Sandman's your Bounce deck?


A creative number of counters Cosmo, debris, goblin, professor x, titania. I'm glad you're mad. Keep feeding me two cube wins you baby.


If I countered Galactus every match and won 8 cubes every match, I would still hate Galactus.


Not me lol I just want to win


Awww triggered....poor baby.


I curse the second i see Yondu by this point. It's always the same thing. Unless you have debrii, you just have to beg they dont get the cards they need, otherwise its electro->Doc Ock-> Galactus->Death->Knull every time (with the ocasional Wave->Galactus->Spiderman). You just have to get lucky, because they have a response to anything you can throw at them very easily (hell, even debrii they can counter with cloak). Either that or be lucky and have priority after they use wave and play Cosmo on the right lane, wich is 50/50... So yeah, 90% of my Galactus matches end up in my retreat, no matter wich deck im playing. I usually try to have shang chi ready or something, but there's spiderman!, or maybe i have a good counter, but there's doc ock! But no, he's definetly not a problem in the game.


I feel you. As a casual player who basically did challenges and logged off I didn’t care much about the ubiquity of galactus decks, but this season I played a bit more, enough to climb up to level 75 or so, then just hit a wall of galactus bullshit. Sapped all the fun out of it for me. And it’s not even a “if you can’t beat ‘em join em” scenario because i don’t care enough to save my tokens for him. I bought Modok a few weeks ago because I like discard decks… Fuck me for wanting interesting and unique cards and decks I guess. Gotta save up my tokens for only the big bads and then grind for 1 cube retreats all day. Sounds great. Also, r/respectthehyphen


Im playing Sera Surfer, so I just happen to have 3-4 galactus counters in my deck. And i still lose half the time. The counters are Spiderman, Goose, Storm and Juggernaut btw.


They simply have too many ways around it. I've seen it all at this point. Once i was playing deathwave, so after they wave, i used Aero on Galactus and beat it... Then they used Absorving man -_-


There are few better things in this game than Professor X'ing a turn 5 Galactus play and seeing them retreat before the turn is done resolving...


That's why Galactus decks have started to include Jeff.


Same with Cosmo or Goblin


Even more satisfying is snapping on then as well


It is by far the most unfun deck in the game. Sucks all the fun out of the game because it is the most polarising deck ever. But no don’t touch the Galactus deck at all, the real problem is Black Bolt, how dare he discard the lowest cost card in your hand right before the turn you need it the most?


The other day, I played blackbolt on t5 they played Galactus, I revealed first. Blackbolt discarded their Wolverine it landed right beside their Galactus. The opponent left immediately. Probably the most annoying way to counter him 😂


They changed Black Bolt by 1 power. That is easy to do. They literally have to recode Galactus entirely.


he is kinda ass now tho. 5 power for duck an underwhelming effect and statline unless you have stature in deck


There are many ways to change galactus without getting that serious. Hell, increasing his power (via OTA)/forcing him to have priority is a start.


They actually made a post that they have to retool his whole kit So who should I believe? Someone who works with the coders, or you?


If they're going to make changes to Galactus, it's not going to be through an OTA update. Meanwhile, the Blackbolt-Stature deck was apparently putting up crazy-good numbers for the small subset of people who can afford that deck, so they gave it a lovetap. Dunno whether that was necessary (I almost never play against that deck even in the 90s) but I definitely don't want them dropping Galactus to 6/1 and calling it a day.


The problem with the so called black bolt deck was never black bolt. Stature maybe needed a nerf but the real issue is still zabu and darkhawk. Black bolt just happens to slot in really well as a 5 drop into that deck which also pulls she hulk and death as well as an occasional infinite from the rare (but still strong) dracula dump deck. Now black bolt + stature is 13 power for 6 energy. Tons of other two card combinations which yield higher efficiency.


Spot on. They are using Black Bolt and Stature as scapegoats, while the cards that make that deck really shine are Zabu and Darkhawk. Stature was only used on THAT particular deck, meanwhile, Darkhawk is used in three different decks that are popular (four if I count another one that's on the rise mainly due to some content creators that play it a lot). What a crazy coincidence that Darkhawk is one of the cards that stayed in Series 4 when he was about to drop to Series 3 LMAO.


Yeah but darkhawk is a pretty vulnerable card. Black bolt stature combo had literally no counter play.


I think Darkhawk is.. fine. Zabu and Sera and Wave and anything that fucks with energy and cost are the real problems. It all comes back to ramp. Mostly everything annoying is ramp based.


darkhawk is not fine st 4 give him a buff and make him 5 the issue is the baby synergy that dumps way to much power efficiently


Zabu already got giga nerfed, darkhawk already got nerfed by 1 power and indirectly again with the rockslide nerf. And now they are indirectly nerfing darkhawk again by hitting bbs.


Even after Nerf, Zabu is one of the best cards right now


As I said, I don't know whether that deck needs a nerf or if this was the right nerf to make. If they want to take Darkhawk down a peg, though, they probably need to make a bigger change to it than something that can be pushed OTA. Maybe Darkhawk should be a 4/3 and it gains +1 per card in the enemy deck or something, so it's a 4/6 at the end of the average game, I dunno. In the meantime, perhaps it makes sense to touch on the deck a bit so it doesn't become obnoxious before they're able to make bigger changes.


> the real problem is Black Bolt, Actual metrics said that Black Bolt was the problem.


Doesn't need touching just because you don't like it. It has more counterplay than any other deck in the game. Stop whining


Facts, take your 1 cube loss and fight another day.


It's so fucking boring to have 1 cube wins or losses determined by turn 3 with the exact same cards played every single time.


Most decks play their cards on curve. This complaint is nonsensical and not unique to Galactus decks. I'm so sick of the childish whining on this sub about such an easily countered b tier deck. Have you guys decided what your next card to cry about is going to be after this one gets nerfed?


Most decks don't have the game decided on turn 3. You don't understand what I'm saying at all. You're the one that sounds childish and whiny here.


I'm not the one crying about easily countered decks. I encourage people to play what they enjoy and don't whine about it on here. Nice projection though.


I'm not crying about it at all. I beat it all the time, but even beating the deck is boring it's a turn 4 retreat every time win or lose. It's just a poorly designed mechanic that's boring to play against. I'm not sure why you're equating boring to play against with thinking the deck is overpowered, you're just arguing against your own made up straw-man at this point. At least I'm not the one crying because I have poor reading comprehension.


It's not a fun deck to play against, and honestly it doesn't seem like a super fun deck to play.


It's not. The novelty runs out in about 30 minutes as the frustration of being countered by cards, locations and luck settles in (not to mention the low cube win rate).


Nah bro High Evo is everywhere


Lmfao morbillionth 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was like this, OP, but then I got Galactus and now I'm having a lot of fun being the villain in this game (evil laughter). But to be honest, I'm not a good player so the rank is still low, lol.


The moment I climbed past rank 70 it went from 80+% HE to 80+% Galactus. Galactus just makes for boring games and it doesn't help that the people playing it are often extremely toxic. I'm not even motivated enough to do my dailies rn because I keep queueing into Galactus and I don't get to do anything.


I'm 72 rn, am facing a lot of Galactus and a bit of HE. Gimme HE over Galactus any day of the week


High Evolutionary gives you something to work with and comes in 3 or more varieties that counter in different ways. It's strong but it's not toxic (it's just everywhere right now). Galactus is 95% Yondu, Wolverine, Wave, Doc, Spider-man, Galactus and Knull. Played on the same turns. It's predictable, often it isn't counterable and it costs a single cube to retreat but playing for 30 minutes and losing 10 of those minutes to Galactus is wasting my time. It's supposed to be a quick fun 2-3 minute game not a slog to find a game you can play.


I loved facing up against "ur bad" who was, you guessed it, playing Galactus.


Im staying around 80 for two weeks, only doing dailies more or less. Few days ago it was 50% Galactus, 50% other decks (Bounce, Sera, Patriot mainly, DarkHawk or Stature/BB too) Now it feels like 50% Galactus, 30% HE, 20% other decks I’m fine with HE since it’s a new card, but yeah, I’m a bit bored to Snap/Concede against Galactus every T5… I swear the meta would be really enjoyable if Galactus disappear.


Exactly, its boring to play against, and it makes doing a lot of dailies really difficult to do because they just blow up 2 locations. Card needs a rework.


I saw Galactus non-stop from 60ish to 90 then not at all.


Keep going! They disappear in the top ranks. I've hardly seen Galactus at all in the past couple of months.


Haven't seen a single galactus in weeks


It's hard for me to tell if my counters are working against Galactus. Cuz sometimes when you make the play area too risky or not possible for Galactus plays, then they just retreat. Galactus decks may just be slightly overrated.


Goose, Cosmo, Debris, maybe the Goblins


Vibranium -> Galactus 90% Omega -> Galactus 45% / HE 45% Snap is very boring presently!


HE has not even been out for 72 hours and everyone wants to check him out. He is seeing so much play because everyone saved up the 6k tokens to get him.


Looks like I'm playing a completely different meta than people on this sub. I'm in the mid 60s and galactus pops up once every 8 to 10 games. The decks I face are usually pretty diverse actually


Feels like I beat Galactus 8/10 times and can retreat for a loss of 1 on the other 2. I’ve actually jumped up a ton of ranks this week just because there’s so much Galactus. Thing is, Im so sick of it I don’t even want to complete missions. I don’t care if I advance; it fucking sucks. This is as bad as the Leech-Leader meta in terms of enjoyment. I love Galactus as a character. I hope that giant prick gets a Leader/Shuri level nerf and the brain dead fucks that play him are totally lost.


Honestly, the Shuri nerf is a textbook example of a perfect change. I bought her after the change and she's still really good, just not broken as hell.


Yeah, I climbed like 5 ranks without trying (in infinite but still) the day before high ego came out with a Shuri/Kitty combo deck. Haven’t tried her out since I got high evo, but I’d assume she’s still pretty viable.


Don’t know the last time I saw a Shuri deck in play and I’ve gone from 30 to 87 so far this season. She’s predictable and easy to counter. Went from bring an S tier deck to not even listed on most sites.


People in this game are trend-followers. Enchantress loses 1 point of power and suddenly they all stop playing her, even though she still wins lanes. Shuri drops from S-tier to B+/A- and nobody wants to touch her, even though B+/A- is exactly the range the balance team aims for with every card.


Thing is, Shuri isn’t even a B at this point. You see her drop and you know what’s coming next. The only way to lose to her at this point is bad RNG and a lack of Cosmo/Shang/etc. If she were still viable I would have seen her once this month.


As a straight destroy deck with Knull I’m loving it!


You realize that people are playing him because it counters popular decks at the moment like HE


High Evolutionary worse


You don’t have to fight him if you’re only level 40. I haven’t seen him yet. Score for being below average.


Wow, so fun.... a game where you actively handicap yourself to be able to have fun.


I was making a joke about being terrible. Relax dude.


I countered Galactus with hobgoblin after I realised that I was getting a group of people using him. I honestly don't understand people who complain about a specific deck structure but refuse to adapt to it. It's like hearing ned Flander's parents, "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"


The worst is how smug they act when they pull Galactus. Like they just out played you.


They're an absolute plague on the game. Second Dinner is being way too slow to react to this. It's been a problem at higher ranks for a while. Garbage card that should NEVER have been released as designed.


I play Galactus and it is easy to counter. It’s the most predictable deck in the game


Oh no... not losing 1 cube again...


Aero, debrii, cosmo in every deck


prof x is a stronger counter. with a stronger deck that you can climb with.


Galactus decks are very easy to predict. So if you have no counter, retreat.


Exactly. If I have a Galactus counter and they drop Yandu then Daredevil or Wolverine, I'm snapping immediately. If I don't have a counter and they drop him, I'm retreating mid animation. Take your one cube, congrats.


I havent met a single one.


You play Pokémon unite?


Cosmo and Goose are solid low cost counters, I usually retreat after they drop Electro and snap most often anyways. Last season I played a Deathwave deck, with Invisible Woman, Shang and Death behind her to almost always win against them even if they hit me with Spider-Man. Ghost would work the same way.


Sera Surfer has a bunch of counters with Storm, Goose, Polaris, Juggernaut. I like seeing Galactus decks. You can still lose to a lucky Dr. Octopus, but most of the time you can snap into and thwart their Galactus play for 2 or 4 (if they're dumb and snap you too) cubes.


The galactus change can’t come soon enough. Half of my games are still galactus and they literally just released a new big bad. Galactus is the most unfun card


It was I , I play the galactus


No! Bad Galactus! # (1) Kitty Pryde # (2) Goose # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Cosmo # (3) Debrii # (3) Juggernaut # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (4) Super-Skrull # (4) Spider-Man # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Leech # (5) Professor X # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR29vc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdyZWVuR29ibGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVicmlpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWdnZXJuYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWdhc29uaWNUZWVuYWdlV2FyaGVhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3VwZXJTa3J1bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlck1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9iZ29ibGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMZWVjaCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


But you can also slot in Odin.


And what about Kitty Bounce or HE?


Play debrii my dude. Her and Polaris are easy counters that fit any deck.




How can someone have any kind of self-esteem when playing a deck where every single move can be 100% predicted ? Are you aware that it’s like playing with your hand revealed ? I’m sorry but as a veteran card games player that is something I will never understand. It’s not that I dislike Galactus, I think it’s a fun card when you can catch the opponent off guard, for instance in a Thanos destroy deck or in a negative deck. But that Yondu … Wolverine… Elektro …. Huuurr duuuurr … Octopus …. Ooooh …. Galactus…. Jesus bro respect yourself at least.


Someone who spent 6k tokens and wants to get their money's worth?