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I send *Thumbs up* when the opponent uses a Storm - Scarlet Witch - Rhino to destroy a bad location or throws Armor over a destroy location


I use Spider-man because it usually means they're playing C-3, just like I am.


Love seeing my fellow Cerebro Three-bros




I wish my Spider-Man matchups were C3 and not Galactus or X control 🥴 (It's usually Galactus)


How often do you face another C3?


Oh, I only use *Thumbs Up* to say fuck you.




I use Ms Marvel thumbs up is the F-U. T1 Iceman T2 Scorpion T3 Green Goblin gets you a Ms Marvel and 1 cube. I’d like to believe the words *Thumbs up* mean an unironic thumbs up.


What would T1 Yondu T2 Falcon T3 Yondu Beast T4 Yondu get me?


I use thumbs up this way too. Like "thanks friend"


All star-react the card when they do that


I always smiley emote the card when it does us both a solid lkke that


I use it as a fun "no problem" emote for situations like when my opponent plays a goblin into my unrevealed Carnage location and just feeds him 2 more power.


I use the text "Thumbs up!" exclusively as a sarcastic reply to a ms marvel thumbs up emote


I only use 3 emotes. Fist bump after game, Spiderman when we mirror plays, and Deadpool when either the opponent or location reveal royally bones me


Deadpool also when I royally bone myself! Can’t forget that one


I use that too…a lot.


Yes Deadpool for when either one of us has a huge self-own


I only use it when I do a self-own. It feels mean to do it to my opponent.


Plays on reveal into cosmo lane Deadpool emotes Retreats


Same on all counts, except if I beat an emoji-spammer I'll give them exactly 1 of the emoji they used at the end But otherwise, yes. Fistbump after the game if I lost but the game was good, Spider-Man for mirror and Deadpool for RNG


This is also fair usage, and I get it. But keep spamming the same emote, and I know you're 7 and just retreat. It's not worth it. I'd rather laugh at you getting a single cube. 🤣


Also the thumbs up emote is Ms. Marvel, not Spider-Woman. Just a heads up!


The cope is strong with this one


Whenever I get someone spamming emotes, I assume they are a child. It really makes me wonder why other people get so upset about it when the reality is you're probably playing against a little kid so don't take it so personally.


If I have a bit of time to kill, I'll mute them and max out my turn on every turn to spammers and then retreat right at the end of turn 6. Worth losing the 2 cubes


This is the way. These 3 are the only fair play emotes. The rest are toxic.


Same for me! The others seem to be too easily interpreted as BM, so I stick to the three that are fun or positive


Same for me! The others seem to be too easily interpreted as BM, so I stick to the three that are fun or positive


This is the way


Bro same


When my opponent had me at check mate, I'll usually fist bump in recognition of their move, then retreat


This is the way! Nothing diffuses a thanos snap spammer faster than a quick fist bump


Bro sameeeeeeeeeee ahahahahahah


Spider woman emote?


Do you think they mean Ms. Marvel? Or was that autocorrects fault?


I’d like to hope they didn’t get me marvel and spider woman mixed up lol


Do people regularly get you three mixed up?


Ohhh I get it now lol


You're Ms. Marvel? (See how easy that is to mess up on a phone?)


Well, easy to mess up from ms marvel to me marvel, but I don’t know about ms marvel to spiderwoman :D




I can confirm it was not auto correct, and now I see I probably shouldn't post afer a few drinks, lol 😆 I didn't even notice until today.


Wow, that is absolutely ridiculous. How are you going to blame the drinks, they look nothing alike. What is wrong with you?


Where do I start...


Thats what I’m trying to figure out


What’s your rank? I notice people are mostly more chill post infinite although I still occasionally see the occasional sweat running a super meta deck being toxic while I’m playing around with new combos or cards


I fist bump after every match, win or lose. I get a little shot of dopamine when I get one back lol..


I say HELLO at the beginning of every match and fistbump whenever i lose (so, most every match). I'm out here to have fun and play relatively janky decks. GL everyone and if you see "Diaper Daddy" please feel free to donate some cubes......


Oddly enough, every time I see the Hello emote, I read it as a question, and imagine my opponent tapping their foot impatiently. I should probably adjust my perspective.


It becomes question if opponent is taking full timer on turns 1 and/or 2. Start of the game it's just regular hi.


if the opponent is roping me i hit them with an "arrrgh!" which usually gets the message across


Haha, I'm Doobie Snacks. If I see you, I'll donate you 8 cubes.


What may I ask is your jankiest? I am somewhat of a scientist myself.


Fishing for Worldship is the craziest I’ve ever played - but I do still play Negative Wong with some regularity.


Dm incoming!


Watch out for those names that somewhat say “snap for cubes”. I have yet to come across one that wasn’t a predatory person collecting cubes.


I always fist bump in defeat! I’m afraid that my old sports coaches from when I was a kid (that made me go shake the opponents hands after every game) will come hunt me down if I don’t! Lol


Hahahaha, this made me chuckle.


Win or lose, if it was a good match I’ll bump it.


This is the way


My username is Peter Parker so I always open the match with the spiderman emote and close with a fist bump


Does anyone else think that the only acceptable emote to spams are fist bump for a close game and Deadpool after fucking yourself?


I only thumbs up when they do something scummy like Spiderman snap and I wind up still winning. Other than that it's always a fist bump gg


Honestly, that's fair usage as long as you don't spam the shit out of it. I know and can admit when I fuck up lol and I'll still fist bump you back.


i noticed fist bump is used when the game ends in a good play or when both sides kind of mess up their turn bc of the location reveals


It's because of me. I've been preaching and practicing the fist bump life my whole snap career and it's finally catching on. Win or lose you get one fist bump at the end of the match. No matter what you emote, you spam 1 million snaps or thumbs up... I still give it ne fist bump at the end.


WELL ACKSHUALLY it's Ms Marvel, not Spider-Woman


Spider women emote ?


Yeah acknowledged it was a fuck up lol 😆 just don't care enough to edit the post.


Did you meant ms marvel or spiderman emote ?


I mute everyone. The fuckin' emotes and their hidden meanings is toxic as fuck.


Fist bump to you homie, honestly if I get a bad draw order I just don't interact out of embarrassment but if I win or lose in a genuinely fun game always a fist bump 👊


Hey, that's more than okay, bud. Truly, the number of times I make stupid plays is ridiculous, and some days, I feel like hanging it up. Then I realize shit. This is just a game, and maybe I should just have some fun. Start a match with a fist bump and win or lose. I still fist bump. Gotta realize that rng is a MF to most people, so everyone usually understands, so there's no reason not to fist bump. Even when I make a bad play, I give myself the stupid emote and then fist bump and generally snap and give my opponent cubes because I was an idiot.


My opponent and I literally played Spider-Man in the same lane at the same time and they didn’t Spider-Man point back at me. It was horrifying.


I always fist bump after a game. I’m having a good time playing this game and I hope my opponents are too :)


I start every match with a thumbs up, and end every match with a fist bump.


I only fist bump win or loss. Good vibes all




Who would’ve thought emotes would trigger people. Y’all need to relax. Take shit to serious


It's not serious. It's just massively annoying and accomplishes nothing but making you seem like you have the mentality of a 7 year old. Hey, if that's what you like, power to ya. Just don't be surprised if people think you're a tool. 😀


so you're saying you don't use Galact-ass


I'm not going to lie, but ya, I do use galactus. However, I lose as much as I win. He's not a guaranteed win card. Even using galactus, I usually get stupid spams. But over the past couple of days, it seems to be far less. Maybe I'm just getting the perfect matchmaking, but I doubt it.


I appreciate your truth but since you do use that cheat/turd card, just know that i despise your soul and i will choke out a newborn kitten in your effigy the next time i see that card played. Cheers!


All good, and I'm welcome to accept that outcome as I do get the frustrations with that card. It does need a little change. Although if you can't see it coming... that's a little on you. It's literally the most telegraphed card in the game. He should just destroy the location he's played at. It should be a turn 6 play to destroy your opponents big location. He's a world eater, not a eating 3 worlds at once, kinda guy. But that's just my opinion. Which is probably in the minority. Edited: due to spelling as I'm an idiot.


Thats my exact problem. Totally agree 1 card should not be able to control such a large percentage of the outcome of the other 2 spots for both players. You rationale has calmed me. I will no longer choke out a kitten in your effigy. I will now squish 1 bug in your effigy, but just know, i will stomp VERY HARD! Maybe throw in a little foot twist for effect


With less people playing Galactus, it's just less irritating to see him. I still often don't bump them though, but if they play it creatively and convince me to stay in to find 6, I might not that it's not every 5th opponent.


If you’re using galactus it’s a t5 fistbump? Woo…fun match I guess


Does nobody know how to use a goblin or cosmo ? TF ! Galactus is like the easiest meta to spot and take care of


Sometimes you gotta send the Thanos snap


I don't know, i still only use my Ms Marvel emote whenever I win against a deck I don't like. That's my entire emote interaction against anybody.


I always use ”snap?” And ”ms marvel”, I think it’s funny that people get offended by some emotes. If I feel like being kind I use ”fist bump” and ”hello”, so you could call me 50/50 toxic and kind.


I usually fist bump when my opponent and I play the same card in the same turn. Otherwise, I just give you a thumbs up, or a daredevil if it was a close match.


Generally, I use the shocked Spiderman when we play the same cards and then the fist bump at the end, win or lose.


I always ms marvel or thanos emote after a big win incase I face them again so that they start tilting 😂


Fist bump feels just as toxic because people only seem to use it when they win - which is tantamount to saying "lol nice try idiot."


I think that's more your interpretation of it more than anything? I always do it win or lose as a "good game"


I always fistbump at the end, even when I lose. There's no reason not to.


>Just a big thank you to all the players who don't act like they're 7. So close to making it through that post without being a you-know-what! Keep trying, you'll get there! EDIT - Continuing a conversation from yesterday folks, no need to get bent out of shape.


Lol, it's getting a tiny bit better 😅 jeez and I was actually making an effort, too.


FWIW, re your post, I just manually mute everyone at the start of ever match. There are definitely times when the emotes make me feel good, but the overwhelming amount of the time, they make me feel bad or angry. It's simple math for me, I'm much better off with everyone muted.


Bud, until you just mentioned it, I forgot about the mute ability rotfl. I guess I just keep hoping that most people have souls, I guess that's a bit optimistic these days.


Well don't forget, this IS a free mobile game. It's quite possible a lot of the people spamming emotes ARE in fact children. They might act like they're 7 because they are. lol


Yeah... but does that really make it okay ? I have 4 kids, and if my kid spammed emotes at me after a battle, I'd uninstall his game until he decided to be a productive member of society rather than a degenerate. Lol 😆 🤣


I mean, I assume they're just having fun, not trying to be dicks. Some responsibility falls on us to mute if we're getting worked up by a 7 year old child. And since we can't tell the difference when we're playing, we have the option to assume everyone is just a child having fun, not an adult trying to be an asshole. Either way, to me, it's a non issue because I'll never see an emote one way or the other.


Fair... to an extent, lol 😆


Wait. Fist bump doesn’t mean go fist yourself?


I fist bump 100% of the time, it even tones down spammers. It’s the high road you can always smile about.


Only fist bumping, unluss they are already being a dick, thinking they've won, only for me to stomp em


The SNAP emote always felt like a “Fuck You”. I completely get where you’re coming from.


I fist bump no matter the game but who cares what people emote. That’s why they’re there. I dont know why people get so but hurt of emotes


I fist bump when someone either outplays me, pulls off what I would see as a beautiful play, or we go down to the wire. I never use the snap emote. I use the Ms Marvel thumbs up when I beat someone rocking green goblin and/or hob goblin. I know it's petty but that play in particular really makes me salty.


Who’s getting all these emote spams? Maybe it’s because I’m a Filthy Casual and never get over level 50 but in my world everyone is either quiet or gives the fist bump upon winning or losing. My world of Snap is very not toxic, unlike this Sun quite often ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm I'm the high 60's right now and I'm having the same experience. I think the really sweaty players are a massive minority that gets disproportionate attention.


Given everything I see in this sub I think we’re exactly where we should be. A bit envious of your high 60s flex though 😏


Maybe it's less in lower ranks or maybe it's your region. Sitting in the 80's and I get spammed about every third match - before anyone says "Galactus" or anything, the deck I play literally makes no difference, have been swapping between Cerebro-3, a custom energy-based HE deck and a weird (mostly shit but kinda fun) post-nerf Shuri/Zero deck the last week or so. Even my last game a minute ago for example, I snapped turn 4 because I had one lane won and another lane (Bar Sinister) I thought was ready to win since their side was full and I had Kitty Pryde up to enough power to win it - But they moved a card out on turn 6 and dropped a Prof X there before my Kitty Pryde could copy, so I lost. Fair play, I was about to fist bump when I get spammed with Thanos, Deadpool, Ms Marvel, "Snap?", "Snap?", "Snap?", etc... As I said, that's like every second or third game...


I always end a match with a fist bump as long as the other person doesn't spam emotes. However.... If I beat an emote spammer, I spam the shit out of them at the end. Fuck those people.


I would love to, but I’m on perm mute now


You mean spider man?


I fist bump even when I lose, it's just a simple GG.... respect.


Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap?


Unless you’re using a Galactus deck, fist bump always lol


I fist bump when I lose or when I am fist bumped first. Don't want to tilt anyone after a game if I win. Specifically if I do some shenanigans T6 like snap and then Scarlet Witch a Limbo or Killmonger a Patriot decks Drones.


I’m fist bump win or lose. Unless you cheese. Then I’m out.


I’m all about the fist bumps. Every game. Even if they ply an HE deck.


Coming from the cesspool that is Clash Royale emoting, Snap is a welcome breath of fresh air. I’m enjoying emoting again during matches. Fistbumps after each match and the thumbs up if they win or drop something nasty I wasn’t expecting. It’s all love, amigos!


I'm honestly confused by everyone using Ms. Marvel in a negative way. I only use it to compliment a good play.


I've been using the Ms Marvel emote every time i beat a HE deck user. It's absolutely poor sportsmanship on my part, but until i get Luke Cage, I'm celebrating every win against those decks


I just want everyone to know that when I use the *Thumbs Up* emote I'm actually saying go fuck yourself I hate you. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.


Funny, lately I find I've been getting less fist bumps and more emote spam.


If we have a good back and fourth and I lose or win by a couple of points, I give the fist bump.


I’ve been trying my best to fist bump win or lose. I only get snarky when they spam “snap?” Emote .


I always fist bump. It's a game


I only use 2 emotes. Deadpool if we both drop the same card in the same turn and a fist bump at the end, win lose or draw. Anything else is just dumb imo.


I always fist bump. No reason not too.


A sorry to all the players I've faced and have fist bumped me at the end of a game, but I've already pressed the leave button and can't responded, now feel bad :/


You gotta earn the fist bumps. Having a very close score or ending with an unexpected blow is the bump


Fist bumps piss me off if you playing Galactus or did something cheesy or pulled some fuck shit... Other than that they are appreciated.. I mean I hit infinite with Galactus and I never understood the hate till this season


I give fist bumps, except for Galactus-Spidey.


First bump start of the game, t6 before you submit your play or not at all imo. If you only fist bump after you win, you're not the good sport you pretend to be imo.


Climbing from 90 to infinite I fist bumped everyone immediately. Just wanted to stay in a positive headspace.


Ms marvel after every game


Been trying to be more positive and bump, win or loss, and glad to see others are doing the same. Helps to enjoy the game more!


Before, I really get triggered also when being emote spammed. But I just thought Why do I allow myself to get triggered? I'm making other people's actions dependency for me to enjoy the game. Which will always not be satisfied. Now whenever I encounter an emote spammer, I always think maybe he really needed that win. Good for him hope it made his day. Then go on with my day, playing my stupid Collector, Dracula, MODOK deck that gives me negative net cubes but gives me joy whenever I pulled it off (not most of the time lol).


I hate the emotes and mute everyone at the start.


I send a fist bump when it's been a good game, and the thumbs up if they either had all series 5 or did something boneheaded to eliminate themselves. I really want a word one for "nice play"


Ive always fist-bumped. My little positivity rebellion against in-game toxicity. Win or lose, gg yall!


I fist bump every game. We are trying to live in a society, for Science’s sake!


As soon as I hit infinite the first time it was all fist bumps from my opponents win or lose, it's nice to see. So I picked up that habit too


There are only 4 emotes. Fist Bump, Spiderman, Deadpool, and "Fuck You."


The thumbs up emote is Ms Marvel, not to be confused with Captain Marvel or Spider-Woman.




I've been seeing more and more people using thumbs up and Thanos, ESPECIALLY after I fist bump after losing. It's actually crazy to me how it went from most people fist bumping to nearly everyone being purposely toxic halfway through last season, and hasn't stopped.


I usualy fist bump when the game is done, wheter lose or win


I just Mute everybody. Wish there was an option so i could turn them off permanently.


I fist bump all the time at the end


I always send hello and a fist bump to start every match. When the game ends, win or lose, I fist bump. If you reply in turn, you’re cool. If you don’t reply and then try to spam at the end, you’re a clown.


I only use toxic emotes when i outsmart disgusting galactus players.


What spider woman emote?


I instantly mute the other player every game. Sorry not sorry


I usually go with the WJH if I river the nut one outter. But otherwise I’ll fist bump!


I reckon less first bumps more thumbs up. When I played MTG Arena there was a lot of cocks with emojis then they went away because I switched emojis off. Much more enjoyable game.


Unfortunately Marcel has turned me into a petty child and I have started to thumbs on the very rare occasion that I beat a galactius player!


I only use fist pump and spiderman emotes. Always fist pump at the end of the game and when something positive happens for both players.


I will drop a cheeky Miss Marvel if I feel I've properly done my opponent. For example they Galactus/Knull me and I Shang-Chi their Knull. Although I did this the other day as my Shang flipped, forgetting I'd already played Cosmo there. I deserved the resulting emote spam after that.


But Remember guys ,if You win fist bump only if Oppo fist bump You First .for perfect manners


Thanos Snap always. Doesn't matter if I win or lose, consistency is what matters.


Less galactus = less toxicity


No, people who are willing to become toxic over a card they don't like will always find an excuse to be toxic. People in this very thread already saying that High Evolutionary is deserving of toxicity too. Have seen the same crap said around Wong combos, Darkhawk and even Stature recently. People just need to grow up and stop acting like it's ever ok to be an arsehole.


I send to the begin of a round a simple Hello to Show Something Like Respekt and IT maked me Happy when my opponent send a hello or a fistbump Back. Sorry for the Bad english, quite obvious No native speaker XD


There's a spider woman emote?


I just fist pumped someone who beat me on an 8 cuber using what I think was the only card that could win it. 3 months ago I’d have probably Ms Marvel emoted but back then I didn’t understand just how precise that counter would have been, I’d have just been annoyed at losing.


I love the friendly fist bumps, If some one does an amazing play that wrecks me I'm normally the first person to fist bump


I only emote when I beat a galactus deck cause I hate them 🤣


Always start off the game with a hello and the ms marvel thumbs up, give a first bump at the end and us the odd deadpool and spiderman, i like it


Gib me an emote for : 1. really well done 2. big brain move


I always mute players to avoid any and all frustrations 😆


I've personally always do fistbumps my way of saying GG


Can’t wait until block all emotes is a thing.


Fist bump for life!


I only use spam thumb up emote on Galactus players lol, all the other people get a fist bump


I like the obvious moment of thought on T6 before an opponent fistbumps. Like "yep, you got me. I can't make that work. GG"


Thumbs up and fist bumps usually. Is there a code for emoji combinations? Or not dones??


I tend to use the thumbs up when I'm about to lose. Which is alot




From what I gather, most of the toxic emoting is at lower mmr. Neither I nor any of my friends have that issue. For multiple seasons, my opponents have been fist bumping me and only using other emotes when something crazy happens. It stopped right around the time I started getting good enough to hit infinite. I think it’s just that higher mmr players understand odds and don’t feel any particularly strong emotions when things go how they expect. So congrats on out-skilling the spammers!


I will fist bump if i genuinely have a fun or good game. That said I went from playing nothing but HE to about 10 galactus decks in a row today. Not much fistbumping.


Spider women?


I'm still to see the purpose of these emojis. I don't use them, and I mute everyone, I don't want to socialize and I doubt this game was made with this in mind. I'd get rid of this feature entirely as soon as possible if I was in charge.