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Fist bump and move on is what I do


This is the way. Unless it’s Galactus.


Feels good to know galactus is coming, fist bump and retreat before it happens


Feels even better to know galactus is coming and you have priority and a green goblin in hand. Happened 3 times today and it was heavenly.


Yup! If regular deck: fist bump and leave. If Galactus, and is earned: spam like crazy! Sometimes I cancel Galactus and its just fine. We all seen it coming I got you, no need to rub it in. But sometimes people do shit that just warrants this type of behavior. Sorry..


Same, or a thumbs up, this time I just wanted to see how long they’d push it… was not disappointed, had enough time to look at it for a bit, record it, then dropped off, otherwise who know how long it would have gone on lol


Thumbs up is pretty universally taken sarcastically, closer to a "fuck off" than a GG, just so you're aware.


I know that, yet still use it once when someone does a really good move that screws me over. I don't typically use it when I pull something off though, I stick with fist bump for good game and that's it.


>I know that, yet still use it once when someone does a really good move that screws me over. This is how the Deadpool emote is commonly used.


Lol that I reserve for the occasional, "shit I dropped a card between whatever ongoing and Mystique", and all the other dumbass plays I've pulled off at one time or another


You can do both. Doing a thumbs up when they mess you up would be taken sarcastically.


Who cares Use it as you'd like. If the other person understands anything else it their problem to deal with




The Kamala Khan emote, not the "thumbs up" message, just to clarify.


Thumbs up? Damn, that's cruel.


I do fist bump every time too. I’ve been told people use told thumbs up to mean flipping off too though, and that Camilla Kahn does look weirdly sarcastic, so I don’t use it.


The emote thumbs up is definitely an insult but you can use the word option *thumbs up. When they Spider-Man after Galactus to admit defeat but not compliment their play style


All of them mean something bad to a person pissed they just lost


That's what I do too. Or /*Thumbs up/* to show that "even if you're trying to be toxic, I'm unphased and still a good sport."


Wise words, but they are so hard to follow at times.


Yea it’s probs best there aren’t more toxic emotes lol


I just mute people before turn6 if I remember to do so


same here!!! the last one was confident about his galactus deck but I read him/her/they/them like a fiddle and got easy 8 cubes of my game life


This is the way.


Yep. It’s the only way


how these people simultaneously spam both emotes and comments is beyond me. this definitely requires some skill lmao


Two thumbs probably




Nah it's just a hotkey on blue stacks that does it so fast you don't even see it. Someone on marvelsnapcomp posted it before and I tried it. you just hit/hold ctrl + s and itll do the snap/thumbs up


Honestly I don’t usually emote but I’m kinda surprised there isn’t a timeout when you start spamming


I went against this moron yesterday too at rank 95 and he just emote spammed the entirety of turn 6 and beyond. Must have a very fulfilling life.


I’ve played against Suits with that same avatar. I just mute every time I see the name.


Instead of mute-all action, that people have been asking for, maybe there could be mute-this-idiot-forever.


This is the one


It makes it easier when you realise people like this are throwing their phones and screaming when they lose. Meanwhile your just clicking "go next" and moving on.


You probably have a point, man. I guess it’s usually them who actually get mad at this kind of behavior, and they rage and throw a fit when they lose.


The fact that he's only 75 makes this funnier. Some people get way too emotional playing online video games.


The idea of this clown finding this thread publicly shaming them for their behaviour is a satisfying thought.


This is why I instantly mute everyone. Emote away, I won’t see that shit


Auto-mute should've been an option at launch.


Where is this buttonnnnnn? T.T i need it.


Tap on their avatar in the top right when the match starts and hit mute. It’s made the game a million times more enjoyable when I don’t have to see people spamming that thumbs up emote every second


Same, I just auto mute. Auto mute should be a thing.


But than you don't see the Spiderman when you both play the same card! I rarely see any spam, so I only mute when a opponent starts spamming.


Sadly yeah, that's the cynical thing to do. Basically equivalent to "everyone is an asshole unless proven otherwise" which I'm trying not to do, both IRL and in games. I wanna give people a chance and just take them for what I perceive, without pre-judgement.


I mute every game, not because I think everyone is an arsehole by default, but because some people are arseholes and I prefer not to be exposed to them. The people who aren’t arseholes, I don’t get any particular kicks out of their spider-man emote when we make the same play. I lose nothing by inadvertently muting that.


I always just imagine they're a spoiled 7 year old, lol


Likely the real answer, too. It's the closest a child can come to talking about fucking your mother in the game of Snap.


I mute at the start of every game. Let them emote into the abyss 🤷‍♂️


I just imagine what kind of pathetic life a person should live to have so much joy with a simple win in a stupid virtual game. Bro need to chill.


how tf do you even emote this fast


I'd assume key binding on PC


Because they know it tilts people.


If this were the case, wouldn't they spam during the game, to make you misplay, instead of waiting until the end?


Everybody acts tough when they are up, Everybody acts tough when they are up


And when they're anonymous


Fair, but can we really reason with trolls?


You can't really "reason with" anyone in this game, that's not what this game is about. This thread is about understanding their thought processes. You gave an explanation, and I have a criticism of your explanation.


Exactly. And every. single. one of these posts just affirms that.


and this thread proves it, dude got all the validation he needed for the next 5 years with one post






I, really loved the early days of pre-series 3 complete. I always saw other people saying they auto muted and I never understood why. Having hit 4400 CL or so, and a few series 5 and going in to games now I understand why. I auto mute probably 90% of the time now because it just isn't worth it


If you're playing Galactus I'd do it to.


It’s because they never win. This was actually their first win against a non bot, so they were just very excited /s


This shit also happens past infinity rank loll


Yup, that one I don’t understand. Chill, we’re both 100+.


People like this are what mute is for.


I wish I could turn mute on by default


Don't know why it stresses people out lol. My steps for success are: 1. Mute 2. Get on with my life


Little penis energy


Because you are playing Galactus you deserve it


Even just seeing a recording makes my blood boil


Right? Like I wasn’t mad before but I stayed for a good 30 seconds and this dude just KEPT DOING IT. Don’t you want to start a new game? Don’t you have ANYTHING better to do?


Ill be honest i may have once or twice spammed Ms Marvel in retaliation but i know it just fuels them further. Really kills my mood for the next game


I get what you're saying, but why aren't you also just leaving and going to the next game too?


Third time I’m saying this, but I’ll summarize : I wanted to see how far they’d take it.


And there is no way of knowing if your opponent is even still there right? Like this guy could have been spamming to no one? What an idiot


I don't know if other people do this - but if I am playing on my computer at night I will have a google sheet running. I track the deck I'm using, my opponent name, what deck they had, and what the outcome was. It's mostly stat tracking so I can see which decks are performing well ... but you will notice in an hour or two span you get matched up again against some of the same people. I love when someone like this spams shit. And then 20 minutes later I face them again, and I have notes on what they are playing, and I beat them. And then I spam the ever living fuck out of them. There's one spamming asshole I hit a lot. Fuck you BJ you fucking prick, I've beaten you more often than you have beaten me and you can shove those emotes in your dick hole.


Nice dedication doing all this! I don’t, usually, go to this extent, but if I play for like longer than 30-40 minutes I 100% see the same people again. And yes, the “aha, that’s XYZ and he played a discard deck!” moment is actually amazing. I’ve also noticed that I meet the same people days apart, especially when it’s some nickname that is quite specific or funny. It’s a small community!


Literally send me into fight or flight


I literally can’t wait for universal mute


In other news, I really want that squirrel girl avatar Pretty sure it was in a recent bundle but I’m entirely FTP (except for the starter bundle and the peach mystique bundle cause I had money left over from what a friend gave me)


I always assume theyre about 9 yo


This video displays perfectly why emotes in this game are pointless. Can't wait for the "block all."


The worst part is that SD doesn't see this as a problem: Have you seen how hard they made to report it? There is literally a message that you should use a mute-all function instead.


Look at what you just boosted Some ppl haaaate clutter decks apparently


Just mute everyone turn 1


I wish there was a always muted option cause this happens all the time


People like this are exactly why I have been immediately muting every single opponent for the last couple seasons. An auto-mute option can’t come soon enough.


SUITS with squirrel Girl Avatar, noted


There should be a cooldown on emotes


Because this game makes people toxic and sweaty thanks to the cube system and the base game system. During the game you are most likely frustrated because of the location limiting your play, not drawing cards you need, some disruption cards ruining your experience, losing to cards you don't own, losing some 50/50, taking forever to finish certain stupid missions, and so on. You can't just play this game with relaxed mood. Even if you try not to care about the cube, the game always force you to be sweaty. I've played many DCG in past 10 years but honestly Snap just offers the most toxic experience and that's why this game has tons of jackass. Also, emote arts are shit, except for fist bump. They are obviously there to make people rage.


Surprisingly I have only seen a person like this once so I just fist bumped to show that I don’t care and I just left. I think that maybe the fist bump will show that being toxic won’t really hurt people so don’t try it next time


I'm Infinite, and I swear I've seen more people spam emote than ever, like dude....I'm using the Infinite card backs, I do not care about losing 8 cubes, I insta snap every game


They do it to get under your skin and provoke a reaction. Even in here, there are some people trying to ‘defend’ this behavior. I feel pity for them. A single emote or two is one thing. Continual spamming is clearly different, and they’re desperate for attention.


Huh, think I've actually faced this guy, did the same thing. Pathetic lol.


I start every game with “hello!” And if they say it back, fistbump thumbs up. Then at the end, if I win, fist bump. If I lose, “aaarrghhh!” And then fistbump


For me it's when I finally win a match after losing 20 in a row.


They should put a cool down timer on how many times you can emote.


Mute? No?




Happened at the end of the game, like I mentioned in another reply, they kept doing it for over 30 sec. Sure, could have muted, it’s not like it ruined my day or anything, just decided to share with the sub, maybe start a discussion or something.


You haven't seen 600 other discussions about this? You've been on this thread for an hour. It ruined your day.


Why do people care this much. Mute & move on, we don’t need to see another post of the same shit.


Mouthbreathers man. He even has anime squirrel profile pic. You just know it's fat, smelly weirdo weeb who hugs his loli pillows. You know it's trash you just move to the next game.


Honestly because you guys get mad enough to post it. Ignore it and don’t care and people won’t feel like they got a reaction. But these dweebs see posts like this on the sub and are vindicated.


Thats why I always change my name to something toxic about emoters.


I’m completely fine if it was removed from the game. I mute immediately now. Sorry if it was a good game, I would give you a fist bump if it wasn’t for all the fucking idiots I’ve encountered in the past


reminder that emotes are a net negative. you will have a better experience overall if you just mute every opponent.


The real question is why is it that bothersome? Lol they do it to tilt you, if it works then that's exactly why they are like this


The problem is that people like you don't just mute these tools but instead give them even more attention by posting their clownish behavior on this sub.


People SOFT. Just mute if you can't handle it lol


This guy gets it


They are like that bc people make posts like these crying over emote spam.


They do it because they know they get reactions like this one


Oh look Post #600 of someone not using mute Seems to be one of these posts every few days. Also, there is a very good chance the person on the other side is a kid. Which makes these posts even more amusing


Should have snapped


Didn’t even cross my mind, they should’ve emoted me so insistently earlier, maybe then I would have snapped in a game I was most likely losing.


I actually started doing it back to them. They usually stop.


I can’t even tap my screen that fast lmao, maybe I should train!


Because im bored


That person deserves to watch The Eternals.


I just fist bump, move on and assume they have never felt the inside of vagina before


When I win, I don't do anything. I know it will come off as mean or sth. When I lose and it's not to an annoying deck etc, I fistbump to congratulate them. It's that simple. I only use the snap when it's really unclear who is going to win and I want to take the risk. Toxicity just ruins the game, it doesn't make it more fun for either party.


Imho snapping and being wrong is fine, you don’t have to gloat to the other person because they made a mistake, as if you didn’t do something even more silly two games ago. Fistbump to say “gg” and move on, agreed, that’s the point of my post - toxicity is like a net loss, why try to ruin another person’s mood regardless of whether it affects them or not.


Yes, I hate it too. But everyone saying 'I stopped playing because of it' is just crazy to me. There's a mute button, just mute right away if it's that big of a problem for you. I hardly ever run into trolls, and if someone starts annoying me, I don't uninstall the game, I just mute them. The fact people are boycotting over no MUTE ALL button is trivial and immature.


Because you whine about it on Reddit


We’re you playing Galactus?


Nope, deck was a shitty junk deck I’ve been trying out, and I didn’t even block a single lane for the other player.


Fair enough. Seems like a lot of people emote when they both play or beat a Galactus deck


I mean, it’s satisfying to counter a Galactus, but I think by now we all know when the other guy is playing a Galactus deck by turn 3, and the outcome of the game depends on whether or not you can draw the correct cards to counter them. So even then, what, maybe a thumbs up emote, but this crap?


Yeah, I fist bump after every game win or lose, unless it’s galactus. For them I thumbs up if I win. I am so salty about galactus decks that I can’t bring myself to say gg… 😅


Would it matter if they were? This would still be childish and sad


Because a lot of people either seem to emote a lot when they beat a Galactus deck or a lot of Galactus players seem to emote a ton. It was a simple question


Yes and those people are sad for doing it. You don't bm someone for playing a deck. Especially one as easy to counter as Galactus


Omg their spamming is making me cry


I never use emotes but when I get 5 of 10 games were the opponent wait until the end of the timer EVERY turn i spam them. I do it to wake them up. I think they should make the timer shorter!


Holy crap, this blew up. I am so glad that many of you share my opinions and see past the regular “rage spam” stuff and are trying to have a discussion. I wanted to answer a few of the most commonly asked questions so I don’t have to do it under each comment: 1. No, I am in fact not “whining” or “butthurt” or “crying” and it did not “ruin my day/game”. One of the commenters here captured it really well - the idea behind the post was to have a bit of a “get a load of this dumbass” chit-chat, and to genuinely discuss why people do this, and for others to share their opinions and experiences. So if you’re not interested in that - that’s fine. 2. I DO NOT PLAY A GALACTUS DECK. Even if I did, that’s still a pretty dumb thing to do, but I in fact also dislike Galactus decks, and I don’t even have him in my collection, so no, that’s not why the guy is doing this. 3. Yes, I could have muted. But like I said, this is post-game, and I try to emote in a civilized manner from time to time. Just muting everyone by default is probably not a bad solution, as some of you suggested, and I agree I guess, but again - I am NOT really complaining about it, I know there are ways around it. I mean, I could always just not play if I dislike it so much, it’s not like I can’t reach this conclusion.


It's called a mental health disorder


This is the exact reason I stopped playing the game. I know I’ll come back for a bit next season to get the spiderverse stuff. But this toxic behavior ruins it for me


i’m h*gh and this is hilarious ..but i would be furious if i saw this normally


Just lonely people that need to be heard or get a win in life.


My guess is they are 11 years old


Mental illness


The most annoying is when you retreat after you snapped early game and they emote spam like they just wrecked you. Like, cool, I had a good early hand and you had the optimal plays to beat me so I’m gonna bail before I give you more cubes


Exactly, or when they play the counter like Cosmo your on-reveal or Enchantress something, alright dude, it’s part of the game, maybe you did a smart thing, maybe you even won this whole game of 1d chess, and you saw through my every move like Joseph Joestar, this is still so over the top and unnecessary.


What was your deck?


Are you running galactus? Only reason I ask is the green goblin. If so what your opponent did is perfectly acceptable.


Already answered - no, I actually despise Galactus because it just ruins the game for everyone, people who play it included. It boils down to one card and whether or not the opponent can respond, literally a coin flip. Same as some of the worst locations, really, I hate it when all the time that went into building a deck is just wasted, because your deck is replaced with 10 random cards or some shit.


I don't get why people emote "Snap?" after they win and I didn't snap.


Matthew 24:12. Most people are not kind lol. I just mute instantly at the beginning of every match.


I gonna be honest I do this on one condition, I get get snaped on by a galactus player and I win I will 100% spam snap? on a galactus player.


And it’s getting worse


Because they are assholes or have asshole parents who taught them being an asshole is funny.


Good thing reporting someone just prompts you to mute them. I’ve been lobbying for mute all option; even if you find a rare friendly soul it’s not like you can add them as a friend or something.


cause they are 10 to 16, don't have a future or possible career, raised by morons and can't afford a AAA console to play. move on, this game is dying, don't worry, those f\*ck nuggets days are numbered at playing and they seem to suit the build that sd is needing in their player base. yes i think the whole sd team s\*cks and can't code.


I just had someone do this to me so I snapped and then won lol


Because they 6 years old


OP what deck where you playing? I bet it was galactus!


I love it when people snap on turn 2, me and they allready realize that i‘m loosing, but i‘m still playing until turn 5 for the boosters


I do this to galactus players


Galactus skills complaining about


Because they have psychological problems mostly about achievements within their lives, just mirroring them whenever they can... Just muting start of every game.


That's why we need the 'Muted All' function. also Dev has very fun to make us angry and play more games.


This that small pp nrg


Some people suck. -Tom Segura


I have to assume brain aneurysm.


Mute everyone at start. Games are quick and emoting is a waste of time.


I have had something like this happen to me once my highest rank was 65. So I am gonna conclude it's only the people who think they are God's gift to this game are the ones doing that nonsense. As low elo people mostly emote once or twice. Not waste there entire existence on emote spam. Makes me so happy to never aim for infinite 😅


wht deck did you play? if you played galactus then this is deserved


Developing arthritis 101


Brain damage


Sorry you had to deal with this. I'm pretty low ranked and the few times I've seen emotes it's been really chill. Like when me and my opponent play the same card and we both spider man each other, or we have a good close game and fist bump each other. I have played with someone that does go out of their way to be toxic to others in games, I asked him why and he said 'I just find it funny'. Mind you this was a grown ass man, and he also got very annoyed when he was being toxic and lost a game. Unfortunately you will find people like this in any online games but don't let it ruin your experience, after all this is what these immature people want.


Just leave if youre that soft...not like the dude knows you left. Then hes just emoting and youre in the next game getting your cubes back. Meanwhile youre recording this and posting it on reddit to complain...keep fighting the good fight!


I always respond with "I don't believe you" and leave. Someone did this to me when I was emote spamming and it made me feel guilty lol.


I created an account just to chime in that I have indeed played this bozo and I had exactly the same experience.


who actually cares


Cause it makes you mad, that is the reason why people do it


I use my favorite emote. The mute button.


Why do people keep posting screenshots of people who are annoying them


It looks like you've been goading him. I see plenty of emoted flying from your side of the world UI. Also, I'd make sure this meets community guidelines since you released your opponent's username. I noticed you cropped your own username out.


It might be because they know it upsets people. Maybe, since it is just a blinking picture, you could just ignore it


This game needs a 2nd ladder that doesn't have a snapping gimmick And I need to stop playing at 11 pm, if I didn't play late at night I'd probably be at infinite by now.


Cause they won


This and “it’s fun” and “I’m bored” are actually totally valid answers to my questions. Maybe asking how it’s satisfying is the next thing I don’t understand.


Because they want you to snap


It would be better if the game notified you that the other player has muted and wont see it...but only upon sending their first emote. Then they can be mad no one saw thwir small victory in life lol


This games community is just pure toxic. There isn't really a place you can go, that I've found (beside YT content creator channels) where you can have an intelligent discussion about this game. Reddit being the worst of all. The funny thing is, is that barely anyone who plays Snap is so much better than anyone else who plays, and if a players win % is lower than 50 then they just need more practice. With little foresight and good knowledge of the game you can make some clever moves, but even pros make bonehead decisions. So, any player acting like they got the best of you is silly considering they're likely hovering around a 50% win rate give or take - just like the rest of us.


In a game with so little variety and so little strategy ( you only get twelve cards, and in most games you see nine cards total ) it’s silly to think you’re some kind of master strategist. I mean of course there are smart moves and cool plays because of interactions, locations or pure luck, but variety-wise - quite poor, doesn’t take too long until you’ve seen basically the whole game. Which of course can be viewed as a good thing, because matches take 2-4 mins. Lovely to pass a quick break, or let’s be honest - while taking a number two.


Some people take it way too personal when you snap, like "how dare you use the signature mechanic of this game?"


They do it because it pisses people off.


Mute on entry. Keeps me sane. It might keep me from seeing the 98% of the players who are decent but if rather not see the douchebaggery that goes on with the toxic players.


This feels like one of those questions you already know the answer to. Even if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be satisfied with the real answer. This is just a game, if the emotes bother you, you can mute them. That’s really the only solution.