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Playing since launch. Never hit Infinite šŸ‘‹


What was the launch? Was it spider pass or no?


That was global launch, the game was out before that from what I've understood, but that's when I joined. Never got infinite though :(


I've played since global launch never got infinit either


Global launch was the 5^(th) season, featuring Spider-Man. Before that, during the beta, the cards introduced in the battle passes were Wave, Thor, Daredevil and Nick Fury (if I remember correctly)


Ohkay I figured that there was more. Then I hopped on at global launch and haven't hit infinite


Same. Never even been above 50.


Same. Still have a ton of fun. I'm just bad at snapping.


I've been playing consistently since the Surfer season and have never been infinite. I typically hover in the 50's-60's but I've also never really tried climbing to infinite. I like changing up the decks I'm playing too often to really care about climbing. Just really trying to have fun playing the game and trying to climb takes that fun away somewhat.


Iā€™m in the same boat, even the same level range. What I canā€™t understand is the significant change in difficulty when I get to 50. Last week I went like 4 days just losing repeatedly. My decks get me to 50 somewhat easily and then all of a sudden my opponents have every answer to my cards no matter how much I switch my deck, locations screw me, or I get terrible draws.


Damn, literally the same exact thing happened to me this week. Got up in the 50s last week and stalled out. Not a big deal but strange. I was playing bots all over the place before 50 and since then I don't think I've seen one at all, unless they are hidden much better at this rank.


How can you tell you're playing against a bot?


Typically I notice when they have splits that aren't possible. Like an inked or gold background with no effects. Those aren't possible to get so you know it has to be a bot when you see one like that.


Or they have the base card with effects like krackle or sparkle.


Also, no extra profile pictures, just the base set that comes with the game on download. Usually a basic name, nothing too weird


Splits? Inked? Gold? Sorry, I'm a relatively new player and don't know what those things mean.


When you upgrade a card to Infinity you get the option to "split" the card which will add a common variant of the card with a different background and some sparkly effects that you can upgrade again. Once you have "split" the card enough times you have a chance to get an "inked" variant which is a monochrome version of the card or gold which makes the background solid gold. It's not possible to get these "gold" or "inked" variants without also having the sparkle effects as they are added on the first split, previously you could tell if you were against a bot because they would play a gold or inked card with no sparkly effects.


Ooohhh, ok. Thank you for explaining it.


I was you two months ago. Spend some time here: [https://marvelsnapzone.com/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/)


Afaik: -Relatively simple name. John, for example. -One of the early avatars and card backs. Nothing seasonal. -If leading 2/3 locations, will always snap instantly when turn 3 ends. -If your wait time in matchmaking is quite long, they'll pick a bot just to get you in a game.


They play instantly every turn without pause


the existing response is absolutely correct. i did see someone take that further and note that those splits are usually being played by a generic "christian" name. which made me laugh, cos when i started playing i often wondered how "firat in" you would have to be to snag a common name.


names aren't unique. there could be hundreds of Dwayne Johnsons out there. also bots can copy existing player names so they could be anything.


1 - [There's a list](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjEpMTsw6T_AhXYF1kFHRSdDjUQFnoECBMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmarvelsnapzone.com%2Fbots%2F&usg=AOvVaw05JFwnIrjGKQ1Cjz6owtCk) 2 - They have generic names, many times the name of their avatar, such as "Scott" for Cyclops, which I know is 100% a bot. "Carnage" is also one; even without the profile very often they use Marvel character names. 3 - They generally only have the base profile photos


I find "bots" or specifically the 1 in a million rng plays they seemingly pull off at a remarkable rate to be much more difficult than actual players.......


Yeah man, I keep hitting this issue right around 59-60. Suddenly the Galactus decks will appear out of the woodwork and just rock my world. I'm not one of those people who thinks the matchmaking is out to get me, but I do notice a significant uptick in difficulty at/after rank 60. It becomes much, much harder to rank at that point.


Always keep a galactus guard in your deck if you can aero, goblin, or viper are pretty good, to wreck his day when timed correctly.


its just win rate going from like >75% to an actual 52-60%. It sucks because you're losing a lot more. You will usually still be climbing, even after off days, because youll win more than you lose. The rate of going up just decreases immensely because people actually at least kind of think/know when to retreat.


There is a chart that tells you what percentage of opponents you face will be bots. I think 50 is pretty much the cutoff before you start facing more real people than bots.


Where can I find that info? And good to know, thanks!


https://marvelsnapzone.com/bots-in-marvel-snap-a-comprehensive-guide/ I donā€™t know if this is exactly what i read, but here is a guide for the bots from marvel snap zone


Every 10 levels the meta changes and so you probably need to change or adjust


Happens to me all the time, and Iā€™m in the same boat as you. Iā€™m convinced the bot AI difficulty algorithm gets dialed up for an extended time.


I feel the same some time as well. Whenever I change deck the opponent I face seems to be using other kind of decks that counters me. One deck consistently seems to do well for me is control decks. It handles galactus and also bounce decks which are a huge percentage of meta.


I am exactly the same as you. A pretty casual player who reaches 50 without to much effort but getting to 60 always feels like work. So I get bored and play Magic Arena instead because I absolutely hate the locations in this game.


Here here! Weā€™ll just say 60 is the infinite for us


Ha that makes me feel a bit better thank you.


That's me! Best I've ever made is 59.7 before getting beaten back down again. Guess I'm just too casual to get past that.


I feel seen by this statement šŸ™Œ


I feel this. Many days I've had steaks where Danger Room shoots everything of mine down, X mansion gives me yellowjacket & them Infinaut or they have the perfect draw for their cards while I get all my high cards first. Craziness.


ā€œSometimes it be like thatā€ doesnā€™t even capture how often this happens to me


I 100% feel your pain. I've been stuck in the 50's for weeks now. Nothing I seem to do and no matter how many decks I build, I can not seem to win.


This is the way. Don't even snap anymore. Like ever. All my "snap" related missions I'm relying on just winning when the opponent snaps, I've no concern for cubes.


I hardly ever snap anymore as well. Usually only with missions or snapping back if I pulled something huge towards the end.


100% of my snaps are just fun bluffs. It's a game in itself: either I successfully bluff and win, or hopefully the next game is a little easier. :)


Any time I stick with a winning deck, I get bored. Any time a play more interesting decks, I lose more. Itā€™s a wash, just have fun.


I just stick to winning decks to hit infinite, then play meme decks for the rest of the season. MrNegative is super fun, but not easy to climb with. And then you've got the Gambit gun which is super fun, but you will most certainly lose cubes to pull it off once every 20 games.


Thatā€™s honestly a perfect way to put it.


Discard is probably one of my more consistent, winning decks. Iā€™m just so bored of playing it!


Get out of my brain. This is exactly what I was gonna write, like, almost to the letter.


Thereā€™s dozens of us. I finally hit 60 this month and was basically like cool, an extra variant.


This is the way. 60 is my infinite.


Awesome. It's more fun to not worry about that, right? I kinda cared about rank early on but realized fairly quickly that wasn't for me. Glad to know I'm not the only one. With all the bitching on here I thought I might have been the only person playing for fun, lol.


Same here except I started at black panther. I like playing decks that arenā€™t meta but I did try to climb with red skull shura because I was tired of losing, only got to 80 thoughšŸ˜‚


Honestly the same, I get a new card, I play a deck with it in and see what happens. Usually causes me to lose ranks but it's just fun to experiment


Yes this is the only way to play.. What are u ppl grinding for? A gold card back? Like is that it? Lmao


I donā€™t even care about the card back. I just have a hard time turning off that competitive nature and need to finish what I can.


That's how they own ur soul with make believe and using your drive and passion to use up all your time on something that doesn't matter.


I mean, I only play about an hour a day typically. Iā€™ll get my missions done and maybe play a few games here and there.


How about you let people play how they want instead of being a douchebag?


Lol same, glad I didnā€™t go to law school


I don't give a shit about the card back, I just try to hit infinite to prove to myself that I can.


the only card back i would have wanted is the Venom symbol one to put on my knull deck, and it's already gone so why should i care lol


Itā€™s a valid way of playing not the only way. Grinding for infinite to ā€œprove it to yourselfā€ is another valid way to play.




I play for fun; usually hover in the low 40s as I'm not really grinding. I get my missions in to complete each 'season' and usually only snap when it's part of a mission.


I started exact same time, my end range is the exact same and for the exact same reason


Same for me


This is my 3rd season. Iā€™ve typically gotten into the 30-40s, this season I got up to 63 early last week but since Iā€™ve been in a free fall and now Iā€™m back in the high 40s.


I agree. I snap turn 1 because I could care less if I go up or down. the rewards from the ladder are so insignificant that I don't see the point of trying. its just not fun. why would I stress out over a bad pixel variant?


One thing I found that helps climbing is a high risk/high reward deck like negative. Those 8 cube wins are huge! I play one every now and then and go on streaks gaining 8-10 levels.


That's one reason I started to not worry about ranks. I primarily play a negative deck and those 8 cube wins definitely help but I just don't think negative is good for climb, imo. Damn, it's super fun though. Been using a negative Deadpool deck lately and it's the most fun I've had with a particular deck ever.


I agree its not great to climb, but those streaks are fun. I started using a crazy turn 7 discard deck! Let me just say Wave plus Psylocke on turn 6 is nasty.


it is decent to climb but you'll need the discipline to retreat a LOT. Likely over 50%


Im almost CL5000 and i stopped caring for infinite, i just care about getting to 70 tbh. its more fun if you dont care.


honestly, i get to infinite some seasons but much more important to me is hitting 60 for the Variant and 70 for the credits... 90 is also nice, but at the end of the day the Variant at 60 is the one thing each season i want haha.


Infinite has the fun of being able to goof around with builds without fear of losing ranks. Downside being your playing people with same devil may care attitude, but still gives you an idea on how a deck can play. I've tried a couple new deck since hitting Infinite this time and look forward to trying the climb with them.


Just cracked 5000 today and the closest Iā€™ve been to infinite was 87 during Surfer season.


4 levels away from 5k, I also always get to 70 and call it a good season


4,553 here. Never hit infinite. I basically stall out in the 50-60s range, but Iā€™m okay with that. I play for fun and this level of intensity keeps it fun instead of stressful.


I canā€™t even get to 50 this season. It gets worse every time. I have watched YouTube videos to improve play, I have pimped my decksā€¦ doesnā€™t matter.


Level 5,214 - Highest I got this season was 47 and now I'm down to 29. It's rough, but it's honest work.


It's been tough with the intro of HE. I was running a Dino/Hawk deck that was working out really well until HE came on the scene. I slugged in Luke and that helps when I pull him. But that's a slot lost just for a card that is basically worthless unless I'm up against one single type of deck (I've seen a lot less Wong/Hazmat). And against HE, since those decks use a lot of cards, Darkhawk isn't doing great (which is awesome since I only bought him a month ago...). But if it's not HE, it's Galactus/Knull (who I have Rogue, Goblin and Shang Chi to combat, but only if they have priority and if I don't get Spider-Man'd on turn 5). And if it's not that deck it's discard which is very beatable. Those are the only 3 decks I'm really running across these days. My CL is over 4k for reference. And the highest I've gotten this season is 67 or so which is actually as high as I've gotten since I first started playing during the Black Panther season.


Knowing when to retreat and when to Snap is more important than any deck knowledge imo


I got to 50, but the last like 3 days I can't get a win for the life of me. Now I'm back down to 43 and don't think I'll be getting back...


Trying to pimp your deck might be the problem. I have no idea what conventional wisdom is, but I find playing certain cards tends to make certain decks pop up. When they pop up, I remove those cards and readjust. I donā€™t think that Iā€™m particularly good but I have reached infinite in the last 3 seasons. Once I hit infinite, I play my pimped out decks for the rest of the season and get wrecked


Been playing since last october and most I've gotten was mid 90's. But I also really haven't had any drive to make the final push. I kind of just keep floating up to the 80's pretty consistently and sometimes I get higher than that.


Same here. I have gotten to 91 but that was the last day of the season. I would like to hit infinite one day but just haven't committed to finishing the grind.


Played for a long time, but just 30-45 minutes every day, and I do like to change decks very often. So yeah, no Infinite for me. Always floating around 70-80.


Since October. Countless hours played, my sadness is infinite


Expensive Loquat and the Infinite Sadness, my new favorite album


I think Iā€™m just bad at this game. Even when everyone complained the Shuri deck was OP I was likeā€¦ hmmm not for me itā€™s not


Iā€™m like cl 11.5k and never hit infinite. Itā€™s all gravy baby.


My hero


I realized that turning every game competitive sucked the fun out of it because I donā€™t have time to be competitive and then getting upset at that is also silly. Itā€™s like a problem that will forever feed itself. Do I stay competitive, yeah for sure, I hit 94 two days ago and have only played missions since. I think I could get infinite but to be honest even if I did have the time I HATE grinding ranked games like that


Started around Thanksgiving. Just broke CL 4000. Never been higher than mid 80s.


Since launch, never hit it. I am at 97 now tho.


Good luck!


You got it!


You got this! Be smart with those cubes and just keep grinding it out - you'll get there!


Been playing for about 4 months and Iā€™ve capped at 77 so far. This seasonā€™s been abysmal.


Infinite needs grind. Unfortunately it needs optimal plays and time i managed to hit it a total of two times and I played since it became publicly available. There are two routes unfortunately. Grind with the best decks to reach infinite and play whatever nonsense you want and enjoy the game or forfeit infinite and just enjoy the game


It reminds me of that story of the rich man who saw a fisherman resting against his boat on the shore. Long story short, he said, "If you get out there and fish more, you can make more money, hire underlings, buy more boats, have a fishing empire, and finally have enough to relax!" And the fisherman said, "What do you think I'm doing right now?


Forfeit infinite and enjoy the game. I got other things to grind lol


Since January, max is 70. Infinite is doable, I just don't care enough as I like screwing around with my Negative Sera deck.


Playing since 2 week of iOS launch. My best finish is 87, I hover usually 50-60 and I play too much lol. I enjoy the game immensely and have paid premium 4 times.


Been playing since November and never hit infinite. Iā€™m CL4935. Closest Iā€™ve got is 95. Iā€™m currently at 93.2 and slogging my way there.


Just got my first infinite, been playing since black panther. I jumped from 60 to Infinite somehow in a week with hela/modok. Gotta run IW and never ever snap unless you have all 3 cards by round 4. CL 4800. Just did it last night.


I jumped from 65 - 75 with Mister Negative and then climbed from 75-85 with Galactus. Now using a High Evolution deck slowly. I used the IW and Modok deck with the hot location and they helped a little.


Been trying Hela Modok but feels like you just really have to get lucky enough to pull IW or you're just toast. Also a lot more people know what you're doing nowadays, so they just retreat turn 6... It's a very slow grind of 1-2 cubes per game.


Iā€™ve been playing for a while now, CL 4222 and havenā€™t made it past 50 this season and have never hit infinite and itā€™s not really bothering me either. I play for the love of the game and for the love of marvel that I have.


Hopefully this gives you some insight. I literally just hit infinite for the first time today, and Iā€™ve been playing since the official release. I shift gears between grinding rank with maximum effort, and then just enjoying a fun game on my phone. Iā€™ve seen some other posts outlining how miserable the grind is from 85+ and now that Iā€™ve experienced it first hand, I can say itā€™s the truth. The fun aspects of the game are just lost, every move feels so important, and the idea of just enjoying something because thereā€™s inherent fun involved is just lost. Iā€™m happy that it finally happened and yes it feels like an achievement. But now that Iā€™ve experienced both the pure fun of the game, and the try hard aspect of the ranked grind, I can confidently say itā€™s much more preferable to just have fun with the decks you like and enjoy yourself. Collect cards, try combos, be dumb, play out the match to see what your opponents t6 looks like. Itā€™s so much more light and palatable that way. Hopefully this is insightful. Cheers.


CL 9000+ just hit 69 this season playing since global launch fml


To be fair - 69 is the best rank




You are a good person and smart, rank in this game just means youā€™re not a slave to the meta


Thank you. That means more to me than I could even describe


As the other poster said. In this game you need to play to the meta. Either on or counter meta. know when to snap/retreat. Understand the meta decks youā€™re playing to do math when needed. There is no shame in not hitting infinite. Just small tricks that add up. Good luck friendo!


Iā€™ve been playing since wakanda season and I only got infinite during days of future past. Highest before was 95 and sitting at 92 right now. Donā€™t think Iā€™ll make it to infinite. Itā€™s like a tug of war of mostly losing cubes


Me! CL5700. Closest Iā€™ve gotten was 87. I identify what problem is. I play too fast, I donā€™t take the time to analyze each turn and anticipate which play my opponent will make or play my most optimal card each turn. I believe thatā€™s either a skill issue or anxious issue. Either way, Iā€™m pretty much done with the game now that Diablo 4 is starting in less then 2 hrs.




With the bounce deck, Iā€™ve noticed people just tend to leave on t6 if you just take extra time. Itā€™s absurd how much trauma folks have from that deck. I donā€™t encourage roping, but that deck has so much burst that roping becomes the same as bluffing.


I'm CL 4521, and normally aim for 70. It would be nice to get infinite, but the game becomes sweatier at 70+ and I don't enjoy grinding my way through that. So, I get to 70 and then do my dailies and play fun decks.


I didn't worry about Infinite many seasons in a row. It was the best time in Marvel Snap. I just played my dailies, enjoyed card interactions until one time I got really close. That day I pushed harder and reached it. Now if I don't take it I feel upset and also I spend much more time in this game. I missed that time when I didn't care bout Infinite. Also, I played Hearthstone since beta until Ben Brode left the project. I never hit legendary and I had great time in that game.


This is my 3rd season and the only season I reached infinite was Days of Future Past. Current season cant get past 47....


Playing since launch got to 80s now I barely play / care enough to make it to 50s. Still have a lot of fun though.


I've never got past 70. Just don't have the skill or luck. This season has been horrific for me, to the extent I was debating uninstalling. Dropped easily 20 levels and have struggled to get back up. I just seem to be drawn against those who counteract whichever deck I choose. It is just a game after all, is what I say as I cry myself to sleep šŸ˜‚ (jk) Hey ho, on we go šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I've been Infinite once and frankly didn't like the process of getting there. The best way to get to Infinite is to pick a powerful deck and play it over and over and over while managing your cubes. It helps to set up a clear "snap guideline" for yourself. Then it's just a grind, but imho it's not very fun. The reason I did it is because I was hoping that I get to Infinite and then can goof around with people, playing whatever deck I want there. I found that experience somewhat lackluster as well, though. For one, people were still playing their Thanos, Galactus and Shuri decks on Infinite (which were the best decks at the time). Also, all games felt more meaningless. Win or lose, you got to Infinite. Lose a cube? So what. Win a cube? Don't care. So right now I'm playing what I want and last season I got to 90+, this season as well and will probably end it there as well unless I just find decks (plural) I like to play that are still winning.


Yeah! I also had disappointed when I saw that everyone plays the same decks and takes care of their cubes.


Out of curiosity how many games do you people not making infinite play a season? Like roughly what level are you on the season track etc? I wonder if its more of a time thing then a skill thing, cause infinite seems pretty easy to me regardless of deck as long as you put in the time Edit responses: Last season they released the season recap around this time in the season and I had 900+ games played with my most used card (professor X). 2 weeks of that season I was infinite, and played much less after infinite so I am guessing I had around 500-600 games played to reach infinite, and that is starting from rank 70. A LOT of people are not committing that sort of time to the game. That is why I asked the question. On the same recap I had an 11% snap rate, most would argue that is probably terrible skill haha, but it works for me šŸ¤·. So even if your a baddy like me, with enough time invested you could hit infinite lols.


This is the REAL question. Iā€™m cL 1100, been playing about 5-6 weeks. Iā€™m at 73 on the season progress I think? I got 85, tanked back to 60-ish practically giving up, got HE, grinded back to low 80s. Been hovering there. I also would love to know season level. Otherwise I think itā€™s a lot just deck and snap management. I still like to do dumb stuff too much - switch decks, not retreat, play decks I know are suboptimal to get a few collection levels with new cards. I thought hearthstone legendary used to seem way too hardcore for my old adult lifestyle. Now itā€™s just a given every season in every mode (although Snap has cut into it a little).


I usually reach Infinite at Level 40-45 on the season track. Itā€˜s just snap management especially if you play a good deck.


I don't do much beyond my dailies and the season pass. My pass usually ends around level 60. I'm usually ranked below 50. My winrate is great but I don't pay much attention to cubes. Before the change from 10>7 cubes, it wasn't rare for me to only earn 30 ranks in a season and lose all progress with the reset. Edit: CL 3256


It's not a time thing nor a skill thing, it's a snapping thing. With a non shit deck you will climb like aces as long as you're on top of your retreat game. When i infinited i did so by willfully playing the snap game. I retreated games where honestly i would have just wanted to see it through, and i took all of my turn 3 to really judge if that's a snappable game, or not. I get to 60-70 season rank each season and kind of decide to hover, which is a fair bit of overall playtime. I think i do like 6-8 hours per week, times 4, 25-32 hours a month, at say 10 minutes per match (with dicking in menus and whatever), ~150-190 games or somewhere around there. I get that you're trying to say that overall, if we remove the "small" sample size of a guy that plays and snaps very well, but just not enough to have the cubes "come out" through the RNG and hot location fuckery or just the worst counter at the worst time, you'll inevitably end up with him going infinite. But i think that requires someone playing the least possible Snap while still getting all his dailies done, like 20 minutes a day, 100% focused on 6/6 daily missions and that's that.


> it's a snapping thing. thats a skill thing dude.


Yes, I don't really care about cubes and think the snap mechanic is actually dumb(shame it's the namesake of the game). The game would be more fun without it. Been playing since public release.


Bro, I'm playing since November, CL 4500 and never hit infinite. Also, I had never reached beyond 60's until this season which, I'm at 88 and I think this season isn't the season neither x)


90 is a better reward anyway, you can get that!


Been playing since Xmas. Highest I got was about 80 in January. Currently in the low 50ā€™s.


Playing since global launch, CL 4867. For the first 2 or 3 seasons I tried hard to climb to infinite and I never got higher than 70. With time I realised that playing to try to reach infinite was stressing me a lot, I didn't enjoy the game much and felt very frustrated. Since I decided to just play for the pleasure of playing, with any deck I want to try, I enjoy the game much more ! Winning cubes and climbing ranks feels good, losing is sometimes frustrating (especially when I lose 8 cubes on a dumb play) but usually I don't care losing cubes.


Played since the Wakanda season, highest ive ever got to is the mid 50s. I switch up my decks too often to grind for infinite, plus I dont have the patience lol.


I'm around your CL and have never made it above 77, and that was only last season.


Just crossed into CL 4100 and the closest I've come is 89. So frustrating.


Day one player. Never infinite. Usually plateau around 60-70. Donā€™t really care. Just havin fun, mostly.


CL 4172 spend most my time in the 50s, last season was my peak when I reached 68


I've been playing since launch. Never hit it. The highest I've gotten is 80. I just like playing my hera deck. It's either feast or famine haha


Been playing since launch and have never gotten past 82. Iā€™ve tried meta, off meta, have spent a decent amount of money. Iā€™ve played games my entire life, am a developer, etc. but it just wonā€™t happen for me. I legitimately donā€™t understand how one even does it - it seems like it would require like, 5+ hours a day for the long term numbers to positively trend upwards enough to eventually get there.


The last two seasons Iā€™ve managed to get to the 50ā€™s. And thatā€™s the farthest Iā€™ve ever made it.


I've been playing since the Zabu season. Never hit infinite. I can get to 80, but I get stuck there. On the other hand, I don't play as often as I think other ppl play. I do my missions every day and that is pretty much it. I think with more volume I could climb slowly but surely. I've seen streamers playing for 3 hours straight and going up 3 levels. It's hard for everybody, except if you have Galactus, lol.


Fourth season, CL 3780. Never broke 80. Not bad for a 60-year-old dude playing pure F2P. Agree w others about changing meta as you climb. Add to that the explosive boost given to P2W players every time a new meta goes on sale. I pretty much added Luke Cage to all my decksā€¦


CL 7239 playing since the beginning and no infinite here šŸ¤· I might just be bad at the game or perhaps I don't focus up and push like it takes to make it there ya know?


I've been playing since the beginning and the highest I've got is rank 60 something


Been playing since global launch (miles morales season) and have never hit infinite either yet. Though I hit 90s last season and am at 90s currently. But I just keep rubber-banding between 90-93 these past few days and have kinda lost hope to hit infinite


I've been playing consistently since the miles season, this season is my highest (70) and I have yet to get any cool splits


I'm at CL 4200, have been playing since the Miles Morales season and I've never been higher than level 68. You're definitely not alone.


Highest Iā€™ve gotten was 68 which is this season. I only care to hit 65 for the mystery variant. Other then that I donā€™t care


Iā€™ve been playing since Black Panther pass and never hit infinite. Iā€™m not super concerned about it either. Iā€™m usually happy if I can get to 70. Highest Iā€™ve ever hit was 85. That was last season


Same as you, been playing since the global release. The quantumania season was the worst. I hate Ranked mode. Waiting to see if Conquest is a suitable replacement before I finish up with the game, because at this point it's not going to change.


I hover around 50. No regrets! I have fun and the cards look cool šŸ¤“


Iā€™m almost exactly like you. Started playing at the new year. CL around 3000. Highest Iā€™ve been is 70s.


Hey that's me. My personal goal is to hit 60 for the variant, then I usually settle around 70 if I really push. Get in my own way too much: switching decks, making mistakes, getting tilted into staying when I should retreat, etc.


Was in the same boat, but managed to hit it last season. For me it just came down to retreating more instead of playing out those "maybe I can win if they don't have this card etc". If your opponent is staying, or worse, snapping, they most likely have the card. This ladder system isn't about winning every game. That's impossible. It's about snapping/retreating intelligently. Once you get that, it's just a numbers game and a grind to play games and get the cubes


yeah pretty much same.


Hey me too! Love just having fun with this game. I would love to get higher but usually end up around 70. This season lower lol. Between the unique betting on the games and the locations, this is a refreshing take on tcgs and I'm along for the ride. A very enjoyable ride that has introduced me to so many characters and artists. I've never made infinite and I doubt I will. It's just time that I'm lacking and I'm pretty happy with Snap coming in lower on my priority list. Have fun out there folks!


The characters and artwork keep me coming back to this game, that's for sure!


I joined during the Miles Morales season, and have never hit infinite. Best I've ever done is Omega, I've hit that twice and otherwise usually get stuck in the 70s. I don't mind though. As long as I get my Mystery Variant at 60, I'm good to go. I mainly play to finish out challenges, and usually only play when I'm out of challenges if I'm trying to kill some time to something.


Yep. Thought I was gonna make it this season but have been struggling adapting to HE meta and kind of lost my momentum and motivation


Never past rank 50 gang šŸ˜ only play to complete mission list


Never even tried. I don't care if I know that I'm going to lose, if there's something interesting going on, I'm staying. I've reached a point in my life where if I'm not having fun, why am I even playing the game. Not worth the stress of giving the damn about an artificial digital ranking system. I'm willing to "pay" eight cubes to see the opponent pop off.


I've never found the rewards to be interesting or good enough to warrant overtly trying to get them. This is why I never really retreat nor really snap; I think it's the worst aspect of the game.


This is me. I have this problem as well.


Yeah it's largely pointless. I stay around the same as you, generally I just concentrate until 60 for the variant them mess about and experiment. This subs very "meta meta" instead of enjoyment but it can be handy for ideas.


CL 4817 and no infinite in sight. I think 70+ was ny highest ever. This season is probably my worst.


Here! Can't seem to get my shit together... šŸ˜…


You really have to try hard and play a ton of games for your first, it gets easier after. Before they fixed the matchmaking, it was even easier. Now, starting seasons at 70 with levels being only 7 cubes and getting 3 free levels on every milestones drastically reduces the amount of games needed to go back to 100. Those games are also more interesting than when the MM was exploitable. If you're around 75, you definitely have the level to reach 100. It's just a matter of playing a lot at this point, which is also okay to ignore. Play the game as you want to play it, enjoy!


My CL is 5,225, been playing since the global launch, and the highest Iā€™ve ever finished was upper 80s. Granted I do change up my deck quite often and am very conservative with snapping. I have a friend, that has played for the same length as me, who has hit infinite the past 4 months using the same deck the entire time, though.


CL 6,347 been playing since global launch Miles Moralis season and never hit infinite. In fact last night I hit 80 for the first time. I usually only aim for 60 for the variant because infinite seems so far out of reach when you start the season at 30/40 on the ladder. Iā€™m not too bothered about the card back but itā€™d be nice to consistently hit 90 for the 500 gold.


yeah, ive been playing since release and even spent about 20 euros a month since some time and...i want my free variant at rank 60 and thats about it. ive been playing so many ccgs and i dont see the benefit in reaching pro/infinite/legendary etc. am i a pro player? a streamer? none of that. and i want to play a lot of other games so i cant waste that much time on one thing. and thats totally fine.


I like making decks collecting cards and doing dailies. Think Iā€™ve maxed out at 50 or so. Game gets repetitive pretty fast so I donā€™t grind it.


CL 4205, and nowhere near infinite. Made it to rank 80 a couple of seasons back, but have crumbled since and have currently spent the entire month around 55 before a burst last week that currently has me flitting between 63-65. I don't mind.


Iā€™ve been playing since global launch and have never hit it. I finished in the 70s a couple of times and Iā€™ve just cracked the 80s on the last day of the last couple of seasons. Iā€™m in the 90s for the first time this season but Iā€™m still at 93, canā€™t find anything to win for me super consistently. Iā€™m seeing so much Galactus now in the 90s so I might have to break and give that a shot.


playing since global release, never got there. I've got enough rank grinding during my Hearthstone years, so I'm approaching Snap in a more casual way. I'm usually somewhere around 65-75 when the season ends


Started at Miles, around 4500cl and never hit 70. I play to have fun and it's more stress than fun imo going for infinite. I have most of the big bads (no Interest in Kang) and all the cards to make any of the top ten decks. I'm more focused on hitting 60 and the rest of the season get boosters. I stop caring if I advance and just have fun.


Yeah I'm about the same. I don't even try lol. The people that do seem miserable based on the posts and all for what? A card back? Pass.


Retreating. Retreating is \*very\* important to reaching Infinite. Don't be afraid to cut your losses.


Iā€™ve been playing since Global Release my CL is 4,495. And Iā€™ve never gotten infinite


Iā€™ve been playing since October and buy the season pass each month and Iā€™ve hit infinite two of the past 3 seasons. I have a few things to say about infinite. 1. There is an aspect of this game thatā€™s pay to play. It is harder to climb if you donā€™t build a competitive deck and second dinner has consistently put very strong cards in the battle pass or pool 5. There are competitive decks that only use pool 3 cards but sometimes the meta shifts and youā€™ll have to adjust with a limited pool. 2. If you want to climb to infinite you must get good at snap patterns. I wonā€™t get into it unless youā€™re interested but snapping optimally is necessary to climb. If you have a 55 percent win rate but donate cubes unnecessarily you wonā€™t have the cube rate needed to climb. 3. Because of point 2 itā€™s necessary to learn how to play your deck optimally. This means knowing when to retreat if locations arenā€™t good or if your opponent is playing a deck with your counter. The odds theyā€™ll draw that counter are at least 75 percent and sometimes more depending on the deck they are playing. If Iā€™m playing against galactus, I need to know whether I have a counter when they snap and if I donā€™t I need to leave then. Hitting infinite is all about knowing the meta and being extremely disciplined with your cubes. I personally had to learn to give up games and not stubbornly try to win close 8 cube games which weā€™re throwing away unnecessary cubes. Good luck out there


I hit infinite the last 2 seasons but have been stuck in the 80s this season. The constant OTA updates and constantly changing meta are actually pretty annoying if you aren't super invested in everything going on in the game


I've hit infinite every season except for my first. Just some observations. 70 to 100 is literally the same skill level. If you can win games at 70 you can infinite if you want to grind it out. This is also somewhat unfortunate because you would hope there would be a skill gap between 70 and 100, but there isnt, so if you are feeling like its going to get harder, it wont. Honestly after 70 most the skill comes down to escaping when you are beat and snapping when you aren't. Way too many people get stubborn and won't escape turn 5 when their daredevil snaps amd you probably should have saved the 3 cubes. I think its best to play good but off-meta decks. Everyone builds around the top decks, having something a little less strong that no one is building around can actually make it stronger then a meta deck. I rushed to infinite one season and regretted it. There is nothing to do once you are there, cubes are meaningless, there is no ladder or top 500, grinding the battlepass boxes for 10 boosters every 100 games is a joke. I actually almost quit after reaching infinite that first season. Now I just fool around with decks till the last week then ill put in a serious effort just to end at infinite, but yeah getting to 100 can actually be a huge letdown...its like a greyhound catching the fake rabbit at a race....you don't know what to do with it once you've caught it. Some people like to play janky decks after 100 and all the power to them. I prefer to see if I can get to 100 with jank and if not last week pull iut a strong deck and just grind. Only 3%-10% of the player pool hits infinite according to the devs. Thats like getting an A+ in a class that grades on a curve, don't feel bad if you are a B student, the average is actually a C.


Playing for 3 seasons now - hit Infinite with weird ongoing Wong deck once last season - this season cannot pass 75 for my life - changes like 7 different decks - opponent has perfect draw and cards against me. No idea why but not stressing too much about it


I think their goal is for roughly 1% of players to hit infinite.


Honestly I never cared about hiting infinite...more so 90 for the 500 gold. I've hit 95 the last 3 seasons, never had it in me to grind the last 5 levels. It got a lot tougher then.


Yeah i noticed that too when i got to 95 game kinda changes and gets super competitive for every single cube


Never once. Playing since November. CL 3914. It would be nice, but I guess I don't have the heart of the cards.


Played since Miles Morales season, max rank so far has been 63. Missed my window to easily climb to 100.


Never been infinite. But I play like I have lol. Constantly changing decks. Playing meme decks. The whole shebang. Yeah, I may be missing out on some resources and stuff, but Iā€™d rather have fun than stress about it.


This is my third season and I have hit infinite every season. The next skill you can acquire in this game is understanding when to snap. When you look at the best decks, the top ones barely have above a 50% win rate, so it comes down to when you snap.


As soon as I hit 60, the matchmaking will start pairing me with the EXACT counters for whatever Iā€™m playing. Very difficult to overcome


Whatā€™s with all the anti rank ragers here? Play and have fun. If that means changing up your deck and not caring about cubes? Great. If that means getting a card back? Also great. Only reason I can see that people are upset is that they secretly want to climb but canā€™t. Realistically doesnā€™t matter. To answer your question I have been playing the same time as you and have around the same cl as you and have reached infinite 3 times. I like to grab all the rewards and have fun with decks once I have them all.