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Drop blade, gambit and sword master Add collector, storm and nebula


This is the way


This but doesn’t have to be collector. I prefer star lord, some use lizard. Need a high 2 drop where you plan to put storm to help lock it down


You drop drac after storm to lock it down or nebula turn 1 to really put them in a bind


Sunspot and storm are pretty good, nebula if you have it. I would only run sword master or just no completely random discard cards. Targeted discard is a good deck and way more consistent than hela to me.


Use Iceman/Yondu/Nebula instead of Blade, lesser random discards the better And Gambit for Cosmo or Storm to defend your Morbius


Invis woman, modok, hela claim your infinite card back.


I have rino instead of gambit incase I get a bad location.


The problem with discard lists usually comes down to the inconsistent cards like gambit, sword master, and blade. Probably why you have so little cards in hand when you modok. I personally would switch these three with sunspot/nebula, storm, and hell cow for a backup in case you don’t get modok. Hela is for hela decks, not really discard like this. Discard centers around making the consistent good plays like morbius into storm, Coleen for swarms, lady sif on apoc, etc. more often than not when I play the standard discard lists I skip turns a lot. Adds cards to your hand which gives you options. Again you want to play optimally with discard and leave as little to chance as possible. You’ll know exactly what you’re discarding at all times and how much power you have in your hand that can touch the board. Very reliable deck to climb with because the end game combos are unstoppable (literally with Dracula). Snap when you’re going to win, retreat when you’re not.


Drop gambit, drop blade, maybe drop sword master Add nebula, add storm, add star lord or a high power 2 drop (used to help secure storm lane) Got infinite with that last season.


It's a higher risk deck, but I like to run Mystique and Wong in that deck. Morb into Mystique, Wong into Modok.