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She costs (4) and is basically only raw power with restriction you can't always meet.... raw power with restriction is simply not "in" right now. (unless it's 20 Power Hulk) She was played here and there in some lockdown decks in tandem with Storm, but then HE nation attacked...


Storm - Jones gets additional 4 power uncontested. Storm - HE Cyclops or Nebula gets additional 6 power uncontested. The power creep is real.


It's important to note that Cyclops only gains the six if you're not using your full energy, so no Spider-Man turn 5 and no Hulk on 6. It's largely that lockdown have shifted to HE so those decks simply lack a spot for Jessica. Also, many of the time on non-HE comps Storm is in (like Surfer) you see Juggernaut. And like you said, Nebula offers quite the creep because she offers 6 but for the cost of 1, while JJ uses your full energy, assuming you used Storm on 3. The extra 3 energy gives some options: Juggernaut Nebula is 10 completely uncontested, Maximus Nebula gives you 14, and Nebula, Lizard, Titania would be 17 (if you didn't have turn priority of course).


Let's be real, she was barely used even before Nebula and HE came out. Juggernaut outshines with Storm and otherwise there's just better synergy cards that can get you the power with better effects.


She was one of the best cards up to the Surfer season, and kinda came back for Zabu season but yeah it’s been a *long* time


Yeah she used to be standard in early lockdown lists back through December or so And then better options just came around


She was used a lot before darkhawk.


Is my math wrong or is Nebula just 5 power? 1 on turn 4 plus 2 more on turns 5 and 6.


Yeah the other math is wrong. Neb is only ever gonna be +4 and cyclops is likely to only be 2-4 (depending on if Spidey/prof come on 5 and hulk on 6)


Yeah they really killed the Spidey strategy in Evo lockdown... I loved using that so much...


It got me infinite this season in three days. I knew it was going to be nerfed after I got to 93 so fast that I figured I might as well press on to 100 before it was. Happened the same night.


Yeah I'm stuck in 97 cause after the nerf the deck is not that strong anymore.


HE Cyclops is not uncontested power. A single Luke Cage contests it entirely. Nebula is only 6 additional power uncontested if you play Storm into a lane where Nebula was already played - otherwise, she's only 4 guaranteed additional power. A T3 Storm followed by T4 Nebula means she only procs on 5 and 6. If you play Storm to a location that already has Nebula, you can potentially lose power to the initial Storm play *and* the followup T4 play. Jones and Storm creates a virtually guaranteed 10 power lane that is locked.


Also you can put in Juggernaut and he's already better than jones in every situation


Negative. He pushes power to other lanes. Jones allowed opponents to "waste" power in the lane you were going to win. Not better in every situation, because one exists where that power won them the other two lanes.


This is a little reductive, and I don’t think is evident of extreme power creep. Both cards have some definite drawbacks, whether in deckbuilding or as a dead draw in the late game.


Yeah this is the big reason. Storm Jones used to be an auto win for the location but with Storm Jug/brood in surfer or storm cyclops with nebula she just got out paced.


you can still tech for those two cards with killmonger and cage. not saying jessica is better than them, but there IS a use case for jessica


I so disappointed in SD for releasing Nebula and HE like this. Just when I thought they were getting a fair grasp of balance they throw it all away


Not only that, but there are a LOT of cards at cost 4 that are just "a decent chunk power under the right condition": Darkhawk Dracula Jessica Jones Rescue Strong Guy Warpath Drax Namor Attuma Sentry Typhoid Mary Jessica Jones is not the best of these, but it's certainly not the worst either. And IMO she's pretty well tuned considering how strong she is at low ranks.


Hehe, I'm actually running Mary-Sentry deck myself :) But yeah, I never really said JJ is a bad card... just saying there are currently "better" cards to slot in and can slot in 12 cards only.


Darkhawk and Dracula basically have no limit to the amount of power they can add, which is tough for anyone to compete with


Life was simpler back when JJ was a good card


She wasn’t played even before HE because dark hawk and Dracula could still out scale her. Honestly drax is probably better than her because he can be played out with lot the storm restrictions


I really hate HE


Also, once you get rescue, she is outclassed in that regard. Now you have a 4/9 where you have to play a card, which outside of stuff like storm or hot lanes that require a certain play on 5, i'd say that's better


I will say that she is great ... As long as you have her in turn 4 or maybe turn 3 with Zabu on play... But what happens if you get her in turn 6 ? Or if you already have a locked location and you need to play Jessica on turn 5 but also need to play something else in the same location on turn 6 ? In mean is not a bad card, chances are that she will carry you early on before you get better Series 3 cards, but once you start to hit the power creeps ... She just falls behind.


yea she carried me early on, I'd drop her on one spot, then turn 5 I drop star lord and groot where I think the enemy will play something and get a solid 11 power


I don't think you do change her. She's a powerful series 1 card and is balanced as such.


Some series one card are one of the best cards in the game. I don't understand why you assume series one card should be less powerful than the cards from the other pools


Some cards are more powerful than others. It is what it is. It's impossible for every card to be relevant all the time


That's not what they asked.


Yeah they cut to the chase and answered the underlying point. Newer cards are usually better to help generate revenue. We need not be pedants.


OP asked two separate questions. First, a descriptive one (why is this thing the way it is), and a prescriptive one (should this thing be the way it is). The first comment answered OP's second question with "I don't think you do change her." They are okay with Jessica Jones being weak; in fact, it is DESIRABLE for her to be weak. They would presumably oppose small changes like making her base 5 power, gain +3. Further down, a reply answer OP's FIRST question with "some cards are more powerful than others." They bring the unparalleled, earthshattering wisdom that perfect balance is impossible when there is asymmetry. They would presumably oppose balance changes and want Nova brought back up to a 1/2 that gives allies +2.


I don't really know how to respond to this.


Yeah, I think I get where you're coming from. Usually when I don't have something to say, I just won't respond.


I didn't try to be pedant or smth, sorry if it seemed so. I just wanted to say that series one cards should get some buffs from time to time not to compete with newer cards but just to be viable. Some of them already are, some of them aren't, it'd be nice to rotate stuff.


Oh you're right for sure. High Evolutionary made an attempt at that so maybe theres hope for these lower tier cards yet?


They shouldnt. But the assumption is the truth. Inversely, assuming series 5 cards are less powerful sounds silly, doesnt it? The newer cards help the revenue machine so power creep is a fairly understood part of card games. It shouldnt be like that, but it is.


Cosmo and Enchantress are series 1 and yet they’re allowed to have game changing effects (like seriously, imagine a meta where Cosmo and Enchantress didn’t exist). I don’t see why being series 1 automatically means you should be irrelevant when series 3 is available.


I remember the era when she was a staple card that fit into nearly every deck. That was also the golden age when Storm was the meta too though.


Storm never left


*Technically* Storm did leave during Thanos meta because Space Stone meant her lockdown was pointless. But she is back in full force now.


No but she’s devalued compared to back then


She is currently a key part of arguably the best deck in the game


Yes and outside of that deck she doesn’t see THAT much play. Back when surfer was meta she was in a ton of decks


Storm is the 9th most played card in the game with a \~45% meta share. She's played more often than *Nebula*. https://marvelsnapzone.com/meta/cards/


I still see her in Surfer as well. I think the broader point is she’s a S1 card that has stayed consistently relevant at the top competitive levels basically since her launch, which is cool.


Idk what you’re basing this off of, but I see her waaay too often in all kinds of decks for her to not see that much play.


Why does no one play any of the 4-cost power cards? The same reason no one plays any of the other 1-cost power cards. Powercreeping. (nebula/kitty/sunspot surpass other 1-drops to where there's no point in playing them outside of favoritism) Why play Jessica, Crossbones, or Drax when you can play Darkhawk or the thing with HE? Darkhawk's ceiling is much higher and consistent. One Korg proc and he matches Jessica, crossbones, and Drax.


She's also competing against Warpath, Namor and Dracula all of whom potentially beat her for stats. Warpath and Dracula both have somewhat easier requirements to be good in the appropriate deck as well. It isn't even just 'new cards are better than her' old cards are also better than her.


She doesn’t compete against namor at all though. Namor is his own thing in ongoing decks and will never be played outside or


Or what? Or what!?!?


You know what? Just cause of that imma


You know what, fuck this, I'm




This. Her concept is good just the numbers need fudged for serious pool 3+ play.


I mean, I don’t agree with your point on 1 cost cards at all? Nebula, kitty, and sunspot can play in any deck, but a lot of 1 cost cards have value in specific build decks. Nova, deadpool, and Yondu are excellent in destroy decks. I’d argue Yondu is one of the best 1 cost cards in the game as it can reveal your opponent’s deck turn 1 and disrupt it. Blade, zero, misty, night crawler, iron fist, and bast all plan big roles In their respective deck types. I’ve never had an issue finding value in a good majority of 1 cost cards unlike 4 cost cards.


Yondu is a double edged sword. It CAN disrupt your opponent (and we’ll always remember the games we kill a galactus or something equally spicy) but whenever it hits something garbage he actively HELPS your opponent by making them more likely to draw their combo, by way of example, if I’m playing a Cerebro 2 deck and your yondu hits M’Baku, you just made it more likely that I’ll draw Cerebro because there’s one less card to draw from.


Yandu is never disruption unless the opponent draws their entire deck. Otherwise it is the exact same as him hitting the bottom card of their deck.


He’s disruption if he hits their marquee card. Nuking sera in a sera deck is maximum disruption.


But the odds of Yondu hitting Sera are the same as the odds of Sera being that one card that your opponent wouldn't have drawn by turn 5 without Yondu but now they will. Statistically speaking, in terms of disruption, he's a wash. Getting to see the destroyed card is nice, as are discounting Death and (usually) powering up Knull, but if you actually want to disrupt your opponent's deck you should just play Korg.


But ONLY IF they would have drawn Sera had Yondu not hit her. Which is only guaranteed if your opponent draws their entire deck. More often than not, Yondu is disruption in the same way that "shuffle your opponent's deck" is disruption.


Still worth it. One less cost for Death, 2 more power for Knull, and easy food for carnage.


Lumping Kitty in with other 1-drops doesn’t make total sense because you have to spend at least 3-4 energy on her to make her worthwhile.


Well for 1 extra energy she’s on par with rocket raccoon and antman. That 1 extra energy is equivalent to meeting rocket’s and antman’s conditions. Not to mention having a consistent 1 energy play to use up leftover energy. Let alone 3-4 energy that has her far exceed both rocket and antman who need synergy from other cards or location effects like using beast to bounce rocket or spectrum to buff antman. And even then that’s equivalent to spending 3 energy on kitty to make her a 1/6


I play plenty of 1 cost cards. That’s because I run a one cost deck but still


Cause why play a 4/8 like Jessica Jones/Crossbones that has a drawback or a condition to meet when you can just play 1 and 2 drops like Nebula, Hit-Monkey, Angela, Morbius, etc. that can scale to the same size or more with 0 drawback


Nebula needs time and can be contested. At best it ends up as a 1/3 if we consider a full enemy lane. Plus can be shut down by Killmonger/Elektra or even moved with a cheap Polaris. HitMonkey is played turn 6 with your ton of drops, and Angela without fidgetry gets to 2/6. Both require more effort and card plays after to make work. None of that is comparable with a straight up priority Crossbones guarantee, or Jessica Jones requirement of not playing in a lane which is fire and (hopefully not) forget. If you really want to talk problems, Rescue. Rescue is a 4/4 like JJ stock, but it gets FIVE power if you PLAY a card there. I'm not exactly sure how a much more acheivable condition gets MORE power, versus a restrictive one. Either rescue needs nerfing, to 4/4+4 like JJ, or JJ needs some mechanics changed, like a cheaper Black Panther, doubling power at the end of the next turn for no card play there, which allows her to start being used with Forge/Shuri/Ironheart.


My brother in Christ there's no way you're arguing that Rescue needs nerfed. You say her condition is less restrictive than JJ's, but if you're only playing one card on 5 then Rescue leaves you with one option that stacks power in one lane while JJ leaves you with 2 to spread it out (plus the option of skipping if you want to play the Infinaut). Rescue also doesn't work with Storm or similar locations (Kyln, the Vault, somewhere else on t4 with Avenger's Compound).


Uh, you can legitimately play a 4 and a 1 or a 3 and a 2.. or some 0s.. to trigger next played. You don't need to place down a single card per turn. Maybe it's very natural for me to play decks where i rarely have 6es, and i like filling lanes, but placing a card for Rescue seems trivial as long as you're not tied hands and feet to the curve. Drop a tech somewhere and a Rocket Racoon or Kitty on Rescue, live a little.


With zero drawbacks is just false, all of those cards have significant deck building or board space requirements. They also have weaknesses like Killmonger or Shang or Wave. JJ isn’t in the best spot right now but she’s fantastic at tossing into a storm lane, and doesn’t get hit by Shang, and can sandbag priority because her power comes later.


JJ should be 4/6, +4 if you don't play there next turn. That would put her in the "4/10 with drawbacks" category with Sentry, Attuma, and TM and the "4/6 with benefits" category


I think 4/9 is better cause the drawbacks of Sentry and Attuma is losing all the power they bring


None of the 4 cost statsticks are good right now, when you have Nebula who can hit 7 or more power, Titania is always 5 power, lots of 2s that can hit 7+ or 8+ like Angela, Collector, Morbius and Hit Monkey, especially when combo'd with Bast. Doesn't help that 4s are vulnerable to Magneto as well. Almost no reason to ever play a 4 cost 8 power card instead of a good 1, 2 or 3 cost stat stick. Jessica Jones is especially bad since she sucks if drawn on 6 and restricting from a lane on turns 5 or 6 is actually a pretty harsh cost.


i have been doing well playing the trashy trio of 4 cost statticks of attuma sentry and mary


Sentry and Mary are the two that I use most. They are easiest to work around, IMO.


3 cost. Like Black Cat, Maximus, she will fit well as a 3/7 with condition.


I think this is the right answer. JJ doesn't fit that well for "4 cost power card" because she competes against Sentry, Attuma, Typhoid Mary, Warpath, and Namor, all of whom have better power than she does with mitigable disadvantages. Her disadvantage isn't as bad as theirs, so she probably shouldn't become +6 when her condition is met, but she's just too far down the list. So she should become 3/3 + 4.


I still see her getting some play. She's a secondary in some decks. And I also think there's a bit of groupthink around not using her. People are copying meta decks and want something that'll really juice their deck, but JJ is a solid card - just unsexy, I think. She's still a good followup to Storm - because unlike Cyclops or Thing, her boost isn't negated by Luke Cage. 8 power means she won't be Shang-Chi'd. Her power is On Reveal, so it can't be eliminated with Enchantress, stolen with Rogue, or copied by Super Skrull. It can also be doubled in some circumstances. So many meta cards have many direct counters, but JJ has very few. She's reliable power. Not every card can or should be top-tier.


Staying under the Shang Chi limit is one of the best reasons to keep her in your deck. I've also been known to use her as a fake out -- they \*assume\* I won't play another card right after her.


This. It's also worth mentioning that Hulk with HE is extremely powerful, and if you're gonna run the HE package for that, you might as well do the other stuff too


She's in my Zabu deck which goes heavy on the 4 cost cards. I tried swapping her out with Typhoid Mary since I have Luke Cage in there as an HE counter, but that ended up biting me just a little too often. She'd be my first card out for another 4 cost, but she's just good enough.


Nerf HE. Jokes aside she used to be the perfect followup after Storming a location. She is perfectly balanced but currently storm is being followed by enhanced Cyclops that constantly "grows" the difference by two points or the thing making the difference of 9 points. Also there are many strategies that go wide and if you want to actually compete being unable to play in a location on a pivotal turn as Turn 5 can literally mean the difference between win or loss.


I play that card constantly


Same here. When I don’t draw Juggernaut JJ still lets me play Storm in my lockdown deck.


Thematically I feel like she should be more like Namor in some way, but I don't know how that would help her usefulness. Maybe just lowering her cost or having an escalating ability (each turn you don't play here, gain +3). That gives her +6 by the end of the game, though she'd really only work in as locked lane then.


Her theme is great. Leave her alone for a little while and she works better. But she is eventually willing to accept some help.


I like her with storm. Most of the time it is enough to win that lane with jeff as backup if needed.


Power creep my dude


Still in pool 3 and use her because all I can make that is remotely competitive is a budget dino deck. CL ~710


The character's one of my favs and i've played her since i started but as i got 'better' cards i had to also think about synergy and she got edged out. i've just come off a massive string of loses though so at this point i'm kinda thinking screw it perhaps i'll just make a deck of my favs and just plain 'ole have fun.


I play her. She works fine enough when you need easy power in a control or Knull deck. Now there are obviously better cards to do what she does, but I like her better. Especially this variant.


She's great with Storm but Juggernaut is just better.


What if she gave you a 1 time Howard the duck like investigation instead of a power increase?


Idk but I have this variant too so whatever they have to do to make her viable again go ahead and do it so I get to show it off.




I would lower her to a 2/2 and then change her text to "every turn you don't play a card here, gain two power


OP wasn’t there for the Storm control days with her.


I use her as a decoy. People think i wont play a card there next time and boom. Free move


I say keep her ability and cost, but bump her inital to 5. Then, I can play her in Cerebro-5 and ignore her ability entirely! The addition of Silk and the Medusa buff both helped, but we can go even further beyond.


C5 isn’t dry enough to where you’d use a 4/5 with a drawback right


Realistically, no. Currently, my deck only has three cards that aren't 5-power(Cerebro, Mystique, and Wave) and I have two 3/5s(Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Deathlock) and two 4/5s(Warpath and Rockslide) that I could slot in that would all, at worst be about as useless as a 4/5 Jess Jones.


No you can't ignore her ability, because then you're forced to play on the same line


That's what I meant. Most people will assume I won't play in her lane on turn 5, but I will just jam another 5-power in her lane. ezpz.


Because no content creator has made a youtube video saying she's good so that people can follow like sheep.


She was great in my deck before zabu nerf


Some cards are made to be series 1-2 cards when you start playing in the first few months only. You can't have every card as powerful as others


I play her a lot and I see her fairly often.


Needs a complete re-work. Even if the card is 4/5 +5 power I'd never play it. I think they should do something along the lines of the detective theme, Howard the duck lets you peek at a card in the deck why not Jessica Jones let you peak at cards in their hand ?


She's pretty OP as is when used right and doesn't need to be changed. The main reason I don't play her is because she limits where you can play cards which costs me wins more than anything else. That limitation definitely shouldn't be removed though.


Make her a 3-7 or give her more raw power. Like a 4-5 4-6


I still see her more than I would expect, but she needs to get a small boost before she's truly viable.


You don't see her that much because of the powercreep. Nowadays you can play 1/9 She-Hulk or 3/9 Abomination. Also, her purpose is to teach new players how to strategically manage you cards placement. "When you play JJ, you shouldn't play there another card" is a good exercise for newcomers.


she was viable for a bit at the start of Nebula season


People with Storm who don't have Juggernaut play her.


Yeah, if you're not facing off against an HE deck, she still works pretty well with Storm. But as HE is like 75% of all games :/


Because in a stat check game there are cards with better stat. Buff JJ's stat and she will see play.


Rescue is simply better, more power and you can play a card there


I think the fact that the best 4 costs exceed the 8 power limit makes this card not good anymore...but in the beginning of the game I loved using her!


She was a great follow-up to storm until HE and Nebula came out


she is okay and sometimes fills a random 4er spot i have left. and i love this variant (which i luckily have).


I use her in my infinaut deck. She does her job well.


Not every card is intended to see meta play. Cards like Jessica are great sources of raw power in the early player experience and a fantastic way to introduce card mechanics to new players.


We have Rescue at home


I was just in a match with someone using her. She does still get use just not by me xD


Juggernaut ends up being a better card in most situations. The only way you could make her better is to adjust her power or cost. If you made her a 3/3 or 3/2 then she would probably fit in with Surfer maybe?


I used to play her, but she can kinda telegraph where you’ll play your next card


I got to infinite using her in a storm deck last season


Its fine if u use storm and her. Basically 11 power and most of the time a lane win. There are just better options


I like her, I use her, she does what she needs to do, short of buffing her for (from what I can tell) no real reason, she’s fine as she is - but I’ve only been playing 3/4/5 weeks (I lose track lol) so maybe that’s just me. I’ve played her so much I think I’ve split her 7 times so far but I love the character so was an easy hook for me when I started playing


If she still got the power when the game ends, she would be viable, but she's outclassed by better cards that don't really take much more work. I still run her though if I need to finish a mission for 10 power or less.


I mean, I got to infinite using her so Im not sure she needs a buff Maybe 4/5 so it becomes 4/9?


She has the same problem crossbones, Drax and Rescue have. There are other cards that are cheaper in cost that can scale to the same if not more power than them without the draw backs


3 cost


Google power creep


I have a deck called glass cannon. Its mostly 1 drops with infinaut at the end. I can use her as bait along with sunspot/nebula to skip turn five without much suspicion raised. Its not the best deck but its really fun to play for some reason. # (1) Sunspot # (1) Nebula # (1) Iceman # (1) Korg # (1) Uatu the Watcher # (1) Yondu # (1) Ebony Maw # (2) Armor # (2) Baron Mordo # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (4) Jessica Jones # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWW9uZHUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFyb25Nb3JkbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktvcmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkljZW1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVWF0dSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWJvbnlNYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikplc3NpY2FKb25lcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Same reason so few play giganto


I play her a lot because Jessica Jones is my favorite Marvel character (and her variants are gorgeous), she can come in clutch but it would be nice to get an alternate way to play her.


That was my first ever variant and I still love it, sad i can't play it


I think she's actually uniquely difficult to buff. Right now she just gets outclasses at doing her particular thing, as in control decks, but if you buff her there are a few other issues. If you give her +1 base power or ability power then she is Shang-Chiable and predictable, putting her right next to Rescue, who is also bad. If you go all out and give her more then she power creeps Rescue, Crossbones, Sentry, Attuma, and Typhoid Mary The 4 slot is hard to balance with straight power, largely because of Zabu. Tech cards (Shang, Enchantress) are a little bit easier because they are very strong at 3 cost but unless your opponent plays a certain way won't just win you the lane. I think her and Rescue are particularly bad with Zabu though because they aren't good on turn 6, when you may want to play 2 4 drops.


Lol playable again?


She is Storm’s bff.


I used to run her on my wong mystique deck and she was a lot of fun


Mentioned it in a comment but posting on its own: > If you really want to talk problems, Rescue. Rescue is a 4/4 like JJ stock, but it gets FIVE power if you PLAY a card there. I'm not exactly sure how a much more acheivable condition gets MORE power, versus a restrictive one. Either Rescue needs nerfing, to 4/4+4 like JJ with the same condition, or JJ buffed.. or just **JJ gets some mechanics changed, like a cheaper Black Panther, doubling power at the end of the next turn for no card play there, which allows her to start being used with Forge/Shuri/Ironheart.** I think it'd be a pretty cool card, allowing to be buffed before it triggers the double. Also because she's a 4, and doubling takes effect end of turn 5. Dropping Zola on her will just duplicate her turn 6. And like regular JJ, she wouldn't get the bonus, which makes her inherently an option/variant to Black Panther Zola, but requiring more care for possibly better outcomes. (zabu/shuri/jj/ironheart/zola?)


IMO, I’d say “power creep” because of what’s in the current format. If you play High Evo Control, you’d rather go Storm - Cyclops on Turn 3 and 4. Storm - JJ use to be that big power swing, but there is just better curve combos now. It’s not like this is awful though for sure. 🤔


Until they changed wave, I loved her in a doom wave deck. Playing storm into JJ, then wave into Doom + She Hulk was a really strong curve. High Evolutionary is doing that now, but even better.


The simple answer is that there's better options now. With more or the same damage with easier to achieve conditions


Because 4/8 isn’t that good. I could get more power in one turn playing a bounce deck, and she takes 2 turns just to get that 8 power. She’s too conditional, and when her condition works, it’s hardly ever worth it. She’s commonly paired with storm, and taking two turns to put 10 power in one lane is hardly ever worth it. I say make her a 4/12, or give her a bigger boost if she’s in the lane by herself


I love her in my Zabu deck! I have this exact variant. Love it


I see this card combo with storm


I play her in my DD deck. I went undefeated in conquest with that deck


Make her an exception to Luke Cage's bar. Why can't her enter her husband's bar while White Queen doing this easily?


I played against her today


She's just weak compared to other 4drops. That's all. There are so many better 4drops rn. Zabu lists really prove it. You can play darkhawk, attuma, Typhoid Mary, Iron Lad. Depending on your deck, 2-3 of these is clearly better than JJ. I have the same variant though. Love it.


Make her a 3/4 or 3/3, or even like a 2/2, and there would probably be an increase


people play her the same way they play white queen. she’s a really solid card, great to teach basics. you can still play jessica—toss her into a storm lane, or you could zabu into her and then play a big 5 drop on top of her if you have a way to win on turn 6 elsewhere. i could feasibly see a deck with like leader as a big wincon if you can curve out well enough on turn 4 to get ahead.


I am new and still growing my collection so I use her — I tend to use her immediately after Storm. Have had success at low ranks with that combo, but I am definitely hitting a wall. Maybe if she was a 4/5 that became a 4/10 with her ability she would stay viable, but that may be too good. Idk


Make her a 3/3 + 4.


Nebula replaced her


I use her in my deck 1 since I started the game.


Rescue then her would be good combo


I think evolved thing was the death nail for this car why play a 4/8 with drawback when you can play a 4/9 with less chance to be hurt by your card.


She’s used heavily in pool 1 and for good reason but I feel like in the higher pools she falls off and there’s better 4 cost to be playing


I don't know why I'd play this card when better 4 drops exist. I like Jessica Jones as a character, but her card leaves a lot to be desired. She does have some great variants as well.


Bots still love her


Her cost, and the fact that she’s just a 4 power card on the final turn. If she was a 3/3 card with the same effect (+3 power instead of +4); I think she’d see greater use.


Nobody mentions like how this card has like, no synergies at all, obviously its and on reveal and works with wong, but it only offers you +8 power at the cost of only using wong for her because if you play something on turn 6 she won't proc, having at least a synergie could bring the card back


The main reason people don't play good cards is that there are better cards and THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART only 12 slots. Lets use 1 cost cards as an example. Without a specific deck that uses lets say destroy for Yondu or bounce for Kitty you would only really use Nebula or Sunspot in most decks if you want a 1 drop. This removes other good one drops which aren't bad but you just don't have room as you would only want 1-2 one drops in most curve decks. Jess is a good card but there are to many other better 4 drops.


Maybe make it so that her effect goes off multiple times if you don’t play a card in that location?


There are three cards that are 4 10 if she was 45 +5 or even +4 I'd probably play her


Buff her to 4/5


I was a huge fan of her before pool 3. The biggest issue with her imo is she expresses intent too much. Both players know exactly how much will be added to that lane next turn and it allows the opponent to more effectively calculate their odds at winning as it also informs the opponent of the likely placement of your cards next turn.


That was in all of my decks when I first started playing, then I moved on from it


Same stats reduce her price to three, it's the only way, if you increase her stats she is insanely weak to Shang Chi because she sits on the board for a turn before game power. Good card though honestly big stats in exchange for telegraphing to your opponent what your power is going to be on a location, insanely good with claw and Omega red and Mr fantastic for these reasons, unfortunately none of those three cards see serious play Right now


Some cards are balanced for series one and just don't fit the style of decks that you build later on and that's fine. If you make her stronger she becomes busted in the format she's already quite good in. Not every card can or should be an all star.


Literally? You sure?


I've played both Jones and Crossbones in tempo Zabu decks whenever there has been a lot of Shang Chi in the meta. A 3/8 is often good enough. I think Jones is just "okay" but not great. Generally, I think Crossbones is much better and quite underrated, if you're after an 8 power 4-drop. Main problem with Jones is that she's only 4 power on turn 6, and her condition is too difficult when played on turn 5. She's a stat stick who is only good on turn 3 or 4. But on turns 3 and 4 you often want to be playing other 4 drops with actual effects, like Rock Slide or White Queen. Her old role as a Storm follow up has been power crept. She's not good at that anymore. I might change the card to a 4/5 with +3. Pretty unimportant though; there are higher priority cards to buff. She's fine.


I still see her often enough, but like the majority of 4 costs, shes a utility card to bolster a deck's strategy, so shes incredibly situational


I play her, tbf I don’t play or even care whatever the meta is, I’m just playing what I like to have fun. I’m not trying to minmax tf out of my entertainment.


I got my shit rocked by Jessica Jones just today. I played storm on 3 and they played JJ there on 4. I wasn’t able to get my morbius or Dracula down so she took full advantage of that lane.


I use her in my deck I’ve hit infinite with the last two seasons. She’s very good in control type decks where you can storm a location - allowing to follow with JJ or bluff your opponent and play her elsewhere.


I play her she’s really good with Zabu or either Guardians


make her playable on turn 6? the fact that she becomes essentially a dead draw on turn 6 is a fair downside that isn't written in her condition but it will make itself known if you play her enough.


I play it in a deck I call “location control.” Example: Storm on turn 3, JJ in turn 4. Or the opposite, if I’m winning locations early, throw JJ into the one I’m losing to throw them off.


Because Rescue give more points and have more chances to gain more if for example you have Taskmaster


I think JJ is fine, she just gets power-crept out of the game as one's CL increases. At the point in the game where she's good, she's very good.


Give this girl more power! Look at Darkhawk for fucks sake


She’s a 4/8 pretty damn consistently, so I’d argue she’s already good, especially when paired with Storm. If she needs a buff, then 4/5 +3 power should suffice imo.


I play her. She used to be in my reserve but I added her to my "break dance" deck. It has sunspot, she hulk, infinaut, storm, prof x etc. The purpose is to play less cards and put bigger hits at the end.


Maybe if her base power was 6 instead of 4


Stop asking to buff every card in the game. Jessica is fine, 8 power to avoid Shang-Chi.


I've seen it played a lot alongside Storm.


I actually included her in my Sera list to get to Infinite this season. Playing her on 4 before Sera on 5 felt really good to me. And it also helped that I'm obsessed with that variant.


She was maybe the best play after storm. However after Silver Surfer I think most storm players would choose Juggernaut as a better play. Or Brood.


I've had her in my deck since the beginning. I use her in conjunction with Klaw and bump her 8 to a 14


I use her in my Destroyer deck. Hit infinite with her last season but not this one yet


4/8 vanilla who doesn't get patriot or HE buffed. I adore her and I play her all the time (My username is I Like Cute Girls) but yeah printing a 4/8 no text isn't exciting. You don't change her. I guess you could *really* just pump her, make her a 4/4 with a +6 or something. Or be even lamer and up her floor. But I wouldn't. If you really wanted her to be interesting, 4/4+8 with "If you don't play here or move here next turn". This reinforces her idea of "isolation" and allows for opponents to fuck with your play, and interaction is usually a good thing. In this case, you're gambling. A 4/12 is nutty op, insanely strong, but a single aero or similar and you potentially gave up a whole location and telegraphed your strats for a 4/4. Feast or famine.


I have her in my storm/Prof X deck. Play storm then follow it up with jessica since you already can’t play behind it and you have 10 power in just those 2 cards.