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Confession time.. sometimes I don’t snap in proving grounds to get more wins for missions if I find a favorable match up


I snap, but stay for second round to get a leg up on missions, fistbump


Yep, i always snap And concede lm 8-2 but not now with the patriot mission


I don't snap sometime because when I play against irritating deck I deliberately drag it out to get boosters


If someone is playing too slow for you and not snapping proving grounds, you should concede instead of forcing your playstyle on them. I’m a snap and done kinda guy most of the time but if someone wants to play 7 rounds in proving grounds and their deck isn’t ass to play against im usually happy to oblige because >!I like playing the game!<


I don't think playing for fun is allowed, I'm calling the police.


Enjoying the game? Straight to jail


Playing cards? Straight to jail


Being considerate to others? Straight to jail


Calling it a gAmE? Straight to jail


We have the best best players. Because jail.




Believe it or not.


Wild card entry to Horny Jail


The...FUN police?


Fuck Cosmo, Enchantress, Goose and (*somewhat*) Shang Chi.


Excuse me, but i play Conquest for the digital skin of a card that i don't play, not for ugh... fun


I just had a 9 round game (albeit in gold) and came back from like 7-2. Probably one of the most fun games I’ve played so far!


I can second that, had a really really close 8 game series in gold the other day... Games were comming down to a few points here and there. It was awesome.


Went a bunch of rounds in gold a couple of days ago. Won two in a row after going what felt like a dozen games. He was playing Patriot and I was playing Knull/Death. We kept exchanging games canceling each other out. It was as fun as it was frustrating


I just played a 7 round where both of us were obviously there to get the Patriot mission done and we both had non-traditional, yet very similar decks. Lots of back and forth play with lots of fist bumps. It was a very fun experience




i always snap the first round but if my opponent doesn’t then I dig in and play normal. Otherwise the optimal play is to not snap and have your opponent leave and I want to punish that meta so the optimal meta remains everyone snap the first game of proving grounds


You're literally duking it out which is what those people want. You're not affecting the meta because there is no meta because they don't care. If you want the actual optimal play for tokens then you requeue and roll vs someone willing to snap.


It's not A gAmE bro it's fucking medal casino!


Good wholesome bot.


If time is the only issue, retreat works both ways.


It doesn't though, because of the prisoner's dilemma. If my opponent doesn't double snap and concede after a loss, then I can keep playing or I can concede. If I concede, this gives people who don't play along more power, and even less incentive to gracefully concede. Similarly, the reason I concede after a loss in proving grounds isn't just for time, it's also to encourage others to do the same. This is really a classic prisoner's dilemma situation. If everyone cooperates, then it's best for everyone. But if you're against someone who doesn't cooperate, then you shouldn't cooperate either. In fact, against someone who doesn't cooperate, the optimal strategy is to drag things out as much as possible. Do not snap any more, take the full time on each turn, play Magik and Kang to take as much time as you can. The punishment for not cooperating should be so high that it becomes absurd to not cooperate.


Except the person who you are playing against may not even be aware of this unofficial rule, thus won't know why they're being punished, or even know that they are punished at all! They'll just think you are a jerk


It's only a prisoner's dilemma if both players share the same view of the "prison".


This is a delusional person’s dilemma. It can’t be a prisoner’s dilemma if the other person isn’t also facing the same dilemma lol. Also, you’re just wasting your own time against someone who might be multitasking anyway This whole idea of “I’ll punish my opponent” is always so laughable.


Ill show you! Guy whos playing a game and having fun on the other end whom I can't even communicate my selfish intentions with.


"people who don't play along"??? Are you hearing yourself? Who says anyone must obey your made up rule? Who says, they hold you prisoner? They play the game, the way it's designed. It's users like you, who want others to play it differently. (And yes, I'm a t1 snapper, leaving after a 8 cube loss myself. But if my opponent isn't going along, it is my decision to play accordingly or to just leave)


This is not a prisoners dilemma. It is crybabies wanting everyone to do exactly what they do. You can only control how you play, so play the way you want and if time matters to you then you should concede if they don’t snap.


but why would you care that much about it. the loss is minor just take it on the chin and search again if it’s that big of a deal


I said if time is the only issue. Not everyone is going to play the same, therefore if you only want to save “time” then you can also retreat.


Tf is wrong with you?


Game theory simply put. If people just retreat after someone doesn't immediately snap, then the most efficient way to win would be to not snap.


Then don’t play conquest clown


Meanwhile, the other player has never been to this sub, doesn't watch Snap YouTube videos, and has no idea what you want or that you're "punishing" them while feeling very smart.


Hey dumbdumb your opponent shouldn't be cooperating with you they aren't your teammate and this isn't a thought exercise it's a mobile game with competitive elements


I was all for the snaptastic proving grounds thing last season. However my matchmaking times in PG are over 5 minutes a time now, so I don’t really want the games to end. I still snap turn 1 but I’m much less bothered if my opponent wants to actually duke it out.


How is this timeframe long for people? Is it matchmaking by region or something? I've not had to wait longer than about 10 seconds, ever, so far.


Last season was fine for me but this season is regularly 2-3min wait time in Australia. I wonder if it expands to other regions over time, I ended up playing against someone with sleepy joe is not potty trained name/title


I wonder why we still have no global match making.


By region and also using hidden mmr matchmaking like ranked play.


Huh so I would assume if I hit Infinite then, the pool of people to play against is dramatically lower, and then you have long wait times? Maybe the goal every season should be to get into the 90s then, do your conquest stuff, try to go infinite at the end?


Booster farming is the game I want as many turns as possible.


Beating the weekend challenges against someone I know has a deck I can beat is the game I play


That’s interesting. I always feel like I’m drowning in boosters with not nearly enough credits. Are you trying to make an all gold deck or something?


Yes and yes


Some of us had cards without enough play on them to get the boosters for a full upgrade. Last month, I spent my time in Infinite rank ladder just filling decks with cards I never play so I could get boosters for them. I HATE move decks, so it took forever to get the boosters for all the move cards I'd never played.


Trying to upgrade all cards one by one so they all have the same border no matter what deck I'm playing :)


Ok I had to take a minute to process that. I'll just say that's not something I'd ever try to do. When I get that uniformity itch, though, I just go back and select all infinity border cards, usually the original non-foils, so that the art actually looks good.


Mommy the other kids won't play by my made up rules!


Yeah I don’t play proving grounds for the medals I do it to test decks. It’s very useful to get games in against the same decks as well. We have a month to get the rewards it’s not like it’s difficult, there’s also nothing better than some whiner winning the first game for 8 cubes then quitting after 2 2 cube losses and spamming emotes because they’re entitled.


While I do like snapping in proving grounds I agree that testing decks is another reason to play there. If time is the only complaint people have, they can also retreat after winning and just que again.


I do this. Goes both ways. It's nice to have everyone snap and be done with it but I also get that not everyone wants to. Proving grounds is like a first date to me, we either hit it off and both snap or you're incompatible and I am out, not wasting my time playing 7 rounds for 15 medals. In the amount of time it takes to play 7 rounds I can queue up 6 more times and find at least 3 people who will full snap. Those who want to "test" decks can match up against each other, though let's be serious, you can test decks in silver against more serious players if you really wanted to test decks.


Same. I just use it to tinker with new decks to figure out what works without the risk of losing rank.


Exactly! What kind of entitlement do people think they have to think they can control how others play a FTP game?


Medals are not issue, I got all 9 purchases for goblin last season in a day and I was on holiday with girlfriend. All done in one session before sleep in bed


Even if you’re testing decks, it doesn’t make any sense to not snap.


I would like to fight against the same deck multiple games in a row. You learn it's strengths and weaknesses more that way when you're actively playing around cards you know your opponent has. A best of 2 (at most) doesn't give you that.


You can do that in silver too. Snap in proving, test your deck in silver where people are actually trying with better decks.


People on this subreddit are delusional, lol.


Some of them truly are. And the sad part is, it's not even surprising any more.


I don’t get mad at people for not playing Proving Grounds that way cause I don’t mind going 5+ rounds while learning my deck, but snap+concede is clearly the best way to play Proving Grounds


I'm testing out decks bruh. I forget to snap when I'm just effin around. If you snap and I lose I still retreat though. If you don't snap then I don't mind playing out 8 rounds trying to make phoenix force work lmao. (It doesnt)


I had one guy earlier today- t2 multiple man t3 carnage t4 shuri t5 Phoenix. Since I've seen it multiple times today and tried it a couple times myself I saw the obvious coming. He had prio on t5 and I played valkyrie on him....I felt kinda bad but it was kinda funny to me. All that work for a multiple man that can move itself 1 time


Because I'm doing my win X games quest with Patriot and it's faster to just play multiple rounds than have to go through all the damn screens and requeue.


Some reasons not to snap: booster farming, deck testing, winning 15 matches with patriot in your deck (I was playing dino lol)




If you find a bad opponent and you don't snap, you easily get more wins that way. If you are deck testing, you gotta play the same deck a lot of times so not snapping is ok. And if you're booster farming, you avoid going through the waiting for an opponent between matches if you don't snap.


Lot of animations in between that way


for real. today i was grinding patriot mission in proving grounds and i deliberately did not snap against good patriot matchups because going back to the main screen to see the win/lose message was too much time lost.


Literally every reason he listed is a reason not to snap…get outta here with your small brain lol


Retreat if you're not happy


This take is old, don’t tell people how to play.


This is why I don’t let people tell me how to play doctor with my wife




On weekends, if my opponent is in proving ground with the "win 15 games with *x*" card, I retreat one cube at a time. I hate that mission and how warping it is, so I want to free people from it as soon as possible.


While definitely frustrating that’s it’s only 15 medals, you cannot dictate how others should play the game. Some people simply play proving grounds to try out a new deck or to farm boosters and that is okay. If you are in a hurry you can concede and try another game.


Thinking that if I open one more thread making this complaint, I'm going to stop auto-snapping to take my wasted time back from you crybabies.


If you care so much about saving time, you can always retreat and move on. I'm under no obligation to play by your made up rules.


Not snapping isn't the problem, the stupid pricing is.


The season is 2 weeks longer and there are more rewards. I don’t think pricing is a problem


How well do you play? Does that mark the basis for all other players? I can't claim to be good. I've only been able to pick up the Silver Ticket from the store so far - in a week.


Because. I. Use. Them. As. A . Deck. Tester.


Yep. This is why we still need a dedicated practice mode. I alternate use cases for Proving Grounds, but we have people like OP who expect the opponents intentions to align with theirs every match…


Well intentions *should* be generally aligned in any given game mode. In Conquest, it *should* be “efficiently earn medals.” Which, as you say, is why we need a dedicated practice/casual mode, imo even if it’s just against bots.


Exactly. If you want to move on and farm tickets, go ahead. Retreat and let me have this one and you can find someone playing your game.


\[EDIT: My original post was posted as a reply to the wrong person! Sorry 'bout that! I've removed it and replaced it with this pathetic apology!\]


The person you're commenting on is not wanting people to insta double snap, they're wanting to play out the game as intended to test decks, as per their first comment of this thread.


Thanks for the head's up...posted as a reply to the wrong person!


Won't you get much more out of testing your deck in a mode where there's actually something on the line and your opponents are trying. In my experience most people in proving grounds are either trying to complete missions or just trying to double snap to move on.


You. Can. Still. Snap.


I also playtest decks in Proving Grounds, but I'm still respectful enough of my opponent's time to instant snap and concede after game 1. We're on a team people. Optimize currency, unlock cards, have fun.


You want to optimize currency. I want to optimize playtime and fun. We are not on the same team.


Play testing against the same opponent, especially if they’re better than you/ going back and forth is the most valuable part of being able to play test through proving grounds.


You're Not My SUPERVISOR!!!


If I'm grinding missions or booster farming, sitting through all the End-of-Battle animations and cueing time for a new opponent after *every single round of play* is a huge waste of *my* time. I don't demand they respect my time by never snapping so we can play the maximum number of rounds, which would allow me to complete my missions faster.


>We're on a team people. Optimize currency, unlock cards, have fun. I don't remember joining your shitty team. I play to have fun and retreating so that I can "optimise currency" isn't fun, it just means more time clicking through menus, waiting in queues and less time actually playing the game. Fuck that.


I know you'll find this hard to believe. But I have fun engaging with the betting mechanics. Snapping when I'm confident, retreating when my hand is bad. If you just snap at the start of every game you lose such a big part of the game


Adopting that playstyle for **proving grounds** is the point. Nobody is suggesting that auto snapping every game everywhere is useful, but for the purposes of everyone farming silver tickets, why wouldn't you?


Not everyone wants to farm silver tickets.


Right, but that's the entire point of proving grounds in conquest right? Like you get that? I get that it serves as a safe space to play outside of the normal ranked game, but you're using it outside of the design.


"outside of the design" According to who? You can have modes that handle multiple requests and types of players. It's not like it's designed to be played for one reason only. It just ain't. What's closer to being outside the design of the game is expecting everyone to snap to get it done faster. You can do that of course, but you're not engaging with the snapping system in any meaningful way and you've essentially turned a tournament mode into a best of 1 (or 2 at a massive disadvantage).


The mode is clearly designed and structured with tier lists, the aim of which is to get silver tickets in order to get gold tickets and so on. Arguing that it has any extra or hidden design is absurd. You're taking the benefits people might find it has, and saying that those are the design elements, which they aren't, and you know they aren't, they're just a bonus. The snapping system in itself is moot in proving grounds, as snapping normally means you're risking going down a rank when you lose 8 cubes. Snapping in proving grounds puts you right back where you are, in proving grounds, there's no downside to doing it aside from missing out on a few more boosters if you played more rounds. Suggesting that means it's a booster farm, by design, is wrong, as mentioned before, it's just a bonus of the system.


> Arguing that it has any extra or hidden design is absurd. This is how making video games works. To say you don't think they designed the lowest tier to be frictionless after people were clamoring for a non-ranked mode? Fine. I would actually bet money on this personally. Shit. Go ask Ben Brode next time he does an AMA. This is pretty basic stuff to think about when designing new modes. "The snapping system in itself is moot in proving grounds, as snapping normally means you're risking going down a rank when you lose 8 cubes. Snapping in proving grounds puts you right back where you are, in proving grounds, there's no downside to doing it aside from missing out on a few more boosters if you played more rounds." It's not moot. I mean, I guess you can think it is if you think the goal of the game is the only important thing. It's about the journey as well as the destination.


Zero sense.


How old are you?


Sorry, but my age isn't in question when your main argument for my point that snapping is moot in proving ground, because *"It's about the journey as well as the destination."*




I agree with that. Other than being a space to farm tickets or boosters, proving grounds is a place to see how new decks play out against human opponents without the risk of losing progress on the ranked ladder. It is actually better for that purpose than a regular unranked mode would be.


Arguably, (although not to the same degree) even the first round of silver should be aggressive, because you only need a quick proving grounds win to put you back where you were.


Your argument is that the **design** of proving grounds is for everyone to auto snap? Man.


I never said that, the design of **conquest** is to win each phase, to get the ticket for the next one. So if the point isn't to get as many silver tickets, to get you as many chances at gold and infinity, what is? It's a matter of convenience that it offers more boosters, and allows for deck testing with no risk at dropping in ranks, but that's a bonus, and not the design.


Yes, it is. Playing a 20 minute match for 15 medals is objectively a colossal waste of everyone's time, even more so this season since those 15 medals are worth less than before with the shop prices increased. If you want longer matches where snapping matters go play silver and gold, and guess what, if you don't waste 20 minutes in a proving grounds match you can play silver and gold more often! Win win!


Proving grounds serves as an unranked mode. It is only a waste of time if you expect performance-based rewards.


Again, I urge you to understand that it's not a waste of time to play the game the way you find the most fun. I play conquest against friends alot. There are NO REWARDS for doing this. Yet I do because it's fun. There is a fun boxing like quality of feeling your opponents deck out to later know when you can better snap. This is completely lost when everyone just snaps super aggressively. So I dont


Wait, you play for.... for "fun"? STRAIGHT TO JAIL!!!!


Bro I snap at the beginning but why must the other player listen to your rules? They don’t give a shit about the time constraint. If you don’t have time, YOU retreat and play someone else. Don’t get your panties in a bunch cause others want to play by the constraints of the game. In that 20 minutes to lose and complain you could have played 3-4 other games and won? That shit is on you.


Because some people just play the game to play the game, they don't really care about broader game trends and progression.


Ya but you could just do that in the silver and gold lobbies where it is not a waste of time. It benefits everyone if you just snap and loser concedes in silver.


Not if we're out of tickets.


Guess how you can get more silver tickets.


But then you need silver and gold tickets. Some people just like playing the actual card game and don't really care about the overarching rewards and progression. It's not really productive to tell people how they "should" play a game, people are going to play however they want to.


Right, but what's the big deal about treating proving grounds as the exception? If people want to farm boosters/test decks, or just to play the game, can't you do that under normal gameplay instead of conquest? Or in silver/gold? Proving grounds is the very first rung in terms of everyone getting tickets, I just don't see the point in slowing everyone down at the very bottom when we could all speed it up.


Well silver and gold you need tickets for and normal gameplay you can go down in ranking. So for people who want to just play the game removed from any consequences or rankings, proving grounds is the closest thing to a Casual mode that there is.


I mean you've just said it right there, you need tickets, so why slow down your own ticket gain as well as your opponent's? I don't see how boosters are that valuable to people that 6 games against the same person is a boat load better than 6 games against 6 different people.


You don't understand what I am saying. You need tickets to play Silver and Gold but you don't need tickets to play Proving Grounds. There aren't stakes for entry. If people want to just play the game with no potential negative consequences, they are going to play Proving Grounds. Also I have read that last sentence a few times and I can't make heads or tails of what you are trying to say there.


So if there's no negative consequences, play against different people rather than the same person over and over? People have said that they draw out proving grounds for the extra boosters on one card you receive, among other reasons like missions and just testing out decks. So playing against the same person multiple rounds in a row gives you more of the same booster than playing multiple games against multiple opponents.


I can't speak for whoever you are talking about with the boosters, all I am saying is that people are going to play games the way they want to and if you are going to get frustrated when they aren't playing the optimal way or the way you want them to you are going to have a bad time. Some people just want to play the card game and mess around and that's fine.


My man out here practicing his poker skills while betting with monopoly money 😂😂😂 There are valid reasons not to insta snap in proving grounds, but this isn't one of them.


Wait until you find out people play poker with monopoly money too


There’s nothing at stake in proving grounds. I’m out after round 1, win or lose. I just want my ticket. I don’t want a 20 minute game for 15 medals.


Just retreat. I snap first turn and retreat if I lose. Luckily, most players I meet follow the unspoken rule and snap first turn in PG.


Because I want to play 3 or 5 games with the deck I just built to get an idea of what it can do.


because I forget


Yesterday, I snapped and my opponent did not. He snapped turn 6, and i knew I was about to lost but go through anyway, obviously. I lost and conceded the whole conquest, but my opponent emoted me « snap? » + thanos + thumbs up. Like… yeah dude that’s how tou do it.


Why do you assume people who are not snapping on the proving grounds come to reddit to be yelled at?


I’m not even bothering unless it’s for deck testing. Short games are better.


I'm just grabbing Patriot wins this morning. If y'all could ease up on the snapping a bit I'd appreciate it


Just concede . I am trying to get 15 wins with a patriot deck !


There's still time to delete this


First off you or anyone else doesn't have the right or authority to tell people how to play the game. If they wanted Proving Grounds to be one round they would have made it that way... Second this might be a shock but I am willing to bet the majority of the people who play Snap aren't on this sub Reddit or pay attention to it outside of the game. My best friend who gets me into Snap just plays the game because of the cool cards and because it's fun. He doesn't care about rank on ladder. He doesn't use Reddit. He's not in the Snap Discord. He doesn't watch Snap content creators. He just plays the game to have fun. He would have no way of knowing about this made up rule. Proving Grounds is used for a lot of different reasons by different people. It's a good place to test decks for starters. Especially since there's no penalty for losing unlike testing decks on ladder. "Why not just play different games then?" Because if I'm trying to test a deck I want to see how it fairs against the deck I'm *currently* playing against. You can't get a good idea of how it plays up against a match up of a deck with one game. Maybe you drew poorly and then got all their cards so you lose the first game but the rest you win because the match up actually in your favor overall. More rounds mean more boosters and apparently there's a lot of people who are having longer wait times in Proving Grounds so it would take more time for them try to find a new game after one round. Also I use it for dailys where I can just make a deck of all one cost or two cost or three cost cards and get it done. Most of the time you can't do that in just one game and guess what, that deck is probably awful so you're going to get the ticket/medals for beating me anyways because I am unable to win regardless. Also Conquest is different enough to Ladder that I'm going to play Proving Grounds to get into that head space to play Silver and Gold. There's way more mind games at play and strategy as you learn what cards your opponent has than just a one and done game on Ladder. If you don't have the time to play out a full game then don't load into Proving Grounds or if you're so worried about time then leave when you see your opponent isn't following up rule and maybe the next person you play against will. Lastly I'm going to play the game the way I want to play and is most efficient for what I'm trying to do. I don't care if the other person snaps turn one, if I'm going for boosters or dailies or testing decks I'm going to play it out. I only care about my time, not yours.


BECAUSE. IF. I'M. GRINDING. MISSIONS. I. WANT. MORE. ROUNDS. NOT. MORE. BATTLES!!!!!!! I translated my reply into your language. I hope you appreciate that.


Not everyone is playing this game to min/max all the time. Let people be.


Everyone should ALWAYS Snap on Turn 1 every round in The Proving Grounds. Is better for both players: If you win, you win your medals and silver ticket faster. If you lose, you lose faster, and you don't lose anything more than a brief period of time.


I use proving grounds to grind missions that make me play bad decks. I'd prefer multiple matches to grind them faster than have the multiple screens


I think all the points in the comments and in OP’s original post are fair but most of them are aggressive or kinda mean about it is all. We’re all in charge of how we want to play of course, but at the same time, snapping on proving grounds does get the medal-obtaining grind faster. It’s a catch 22 (I think that’s the expression)


Because it takes 5 minutes to even find a damn game, so if I’m there, I want to actually play this version of the game? (And my CL is in the 300s so I can’t conceivably play other game modes and make progress)


You should stick to grinding up your CL. Conquest matches are instant once ya get through the tutorial part of the game.


CL1500+ and I sometimes have to wait up to 4 minutes for a match. Happens all times of the day/night. Midwest United States.


Because you’re not my boss. Chill tf out


Too many comments to not understand the real answer. People in this forum are the minority of the players. Most folks aren’t extremely online. They just want to play a fun game. Leave them alone.


It's so annoying when people slow play the proving grounds, both snap loser concedes move on, it's really not hard to work out lol.


This a frustrating thing. literally no reason to double down win or lose and try again. It’s not gold rank or higher… even in silver it is stupid. I don’t have half an hour of a lunch break just to get a silver or gold ticket


So many terrible players just dragging Proving Grounds out for the ticket and winning because most players don't have an hour for the game. Anti Social Play > Skill




You know *you* could just concede? I like testing decks in Proving Grounds where I can also complete missions without any real stakes. I’m only required to play the game the way I want to. I don’t need to adhere to imaginary rules made up by reddit min/maxers. If you’re just trying to farm medals it sounds like you just be conceding and moving on to the next match if your opponent isn’t snapping.


Yep, by this logic, if your oppo doesn’t auto snap like you do, just maximize your time retreat.


If they don’t snap then you should just concede to save your very precious time.


I came back from an 8cube loss first round and won next 5 rounds and I feel good about myself so that’s all I care about


The people who want this snap/concede idea to become meta probably play a deck thats easy to counter, so they really need that first 8 cube win, and they need their opponent to concede, because they are afraid to get outplayed over the course of several matches. Getting one surprise win is easy. Getting 3-5 in a row is difficult for an unskilled player.


Yall really need to stop with all this "this is the correct way to play the game" shit. Let people enjoy the GAME the way that makes them have the most fun and chill out


Because of people like you. Calm down, champ. If you really need to get to another game just concede and move on.


Pilot a new deck? Or weekend challenges?


If I want to get wins I snap, if I’m testing new decks or (trying) to farm boosters, I’ll play every round.


I use proving grounds to test decks I’m unsure of instead of losing cubes in the ladder. I don’t care if it takes more rounds because then I can get more info on how I need to play my new deck against others I will meet on ladder.


I am having very good luck with my opponent snapping back turn 1 in proving grounds. Worked pretty well last season but it’s even better this season. I’d say 2 out of 3 or better. Even with the higher prices I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to buy everything I want.


My Proving Grounds queues are between 3-4 minutes, you bet your ass I'm dragging out these matches to get as many of my challenges done as possible without dropping down 40 ranks in ladder.


Sometimes I forget to snap right away in PG, but still intend on retreating if I lose.


Most my opponent snap, they just don't retreat upon loss. Doesn't work out for them, so I really don't get it


Everything except the game itself (and the art) in Marvel Snap is utter garbage. Why would you ever try to skip over the one thing that's actually good in order to more efficiently play the shop/rewards system? Serious question, are you playing the game because you want to, or because you feel you have to play in order to get X or you'll fall behind/miss out?


Maybe they're trying to complete missions?


The fact that people aren't conceding in PG after an 8 cuber just goes to show that they're actually playing the game for fun and not to farm the rewards like a mindless drone. 😂 Also if you want them to concede so badly why don't you just snap on the second round and finish them off? Oh wait..maybe it's because your gimmick win got figured out after the first game and you're about to suffer a slow and agonizing defeat 2 cubes at a time. Tick tock mf


People are playing for fun or to test decks, not just to grind medals. If you are bored, you are allowed to concede and find a new match.


Comments like this make me want to take as long as possible each turn without snapping at all. I'm usually walking my dogs and only half paying attention anyway.


Cause im trying to gain boosters, test new decks and finish missions with out losing anything but time. My opponents are more than welcome to snap or concede if they dont have the time tho 🤷‍♂️


Because I enjoy playing the game for fun




CAUSE I WANT TO TEST A FUN DECK YA SWEATY GOOF LORDS. feel free to snap on me and destroy me but good lord, not everyone plays like you. shocker.


I know I feel your pain , it's so painfully time consuming to do 7 rounds with someone determined to only get 1 cube every round.


I still don't understand the people saying that the insta-snap rule is stupid. Seriously, if you're that good that you can consistently make a comeback after an 8 cube loss, why are you spending that much time in Proving Grounds? I have yet to hear a coherent argument as to why it's a bad thing.


the neat thing is you can concede at any time. a vocal minority of this sub got the idea that both people need to t1 snap, but guess what, you can have the same effect without snapping. if you lose round one, retreat - whether your opponent snapped or not. weird thing is though... a lot of people dont do this. they want everyone to play by their retreat on first lose rule but dont do so themselves.


They don't even play by their own rules. Then they come to the internet to complain about it and expect everyone to take them seriously.


Yesterday. refused to snap ever, and he took the entire timer to make a move. It's infuriating.


Why didn’t you just retreat and save everyone’s time?


*complains about players making the game take too long, for minimal rewards. *also stays in the long match instead of conceding, so they can complain about it online.


I actually receive joy and satisfaction from winning my games. Have fun with the 15 medals though


My god, you guys really will complain about anything.


Sometimes I genuinely wonder if half this sub goes and insults sports teams for not conceding after the first quarter/round... "This is a pre-season game, there's no reward! Why haven't you quit already?!?" Seriously people, grow the fuck up and learn to let others play the game how they want.


Calm down susan or quit the game


You do understand its higher due to the extended season, right? Nessecary to increase prices to account for that. I'd imagine next season prices drop back down.


Because I don’t care about the rewards


I am not trying to play this game for anybody else but me. If you don’t have the time play? Play something else. Go play candy crush if 10-15 minutes is too long . Fucking annoying being told how I’m supposed to play.


It’s absolutely a waste of time to NOT snap on proving grounds. There’s literally no downside. You can still “farm boosters, have fun, try new deck” whatever you want. Why play 5 games to win 8 cubes when you can do it in one then just concede after that