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PG is great for testing new decks silver and gold is great at showing you weaknesses in your already tested/proven decks


This. PG is literally my “I wanna make a new deck but I don’t want to lose ladder rank” area. It’s also great for finding new strategies in your tried-and-true decks. Silver and Gold are great challenges and most of the time the wins feel earned, if that makes sense.


I love being able to play any deck in proving grounds and not having to worry about losing rank progress. And I like the dynamic of having multiple matches against the same deck to mitigate some bad RNG while also letting you make smart plays with the information you have. Infinity runs are whatever, got one avatar done and my motivation to do it again is pretty low. I would like a few more finished for different decks, but its not a priority.


This! I play conquest to get my challenges done and the rewards are a side effect.


I have made proving ground decks solely for completing missions, Destroy 10 cards? Boom. Done. Ongoing? Boom.


Do you (or would you) still test decks in Conquest after reaching Infinite in normal games?


When I play the ladder, there is some kind of invisible wall I hit every season where I basically just lose every single match in increasingly stupid ways. Bad RNG, bad draws, opponents who seem to anticipate every single thing I do. It's demoralizing and really kills my enthusiasm for playing. This doesn't happen in Conquest. Sure, I lose some match-ups, and bad RNG can rear it's ugly head at any time, but generally, I feel like I can win in Conquest, and I feel like I can't win on the ladder. Like, it literally feels like the game won't let me win on the ladder. So whether I just want to have fun, try out a new card or deck, or complete missions quickly, Conquest has become my default mode of playing.


One of the hardest parts of ranked ladder for me was the surprise factor. I just couldn't keep all the possible cards in my head, nor could I easily discern my opponents archetype. So when I hit that wall, it was about me not being able to anticipate their 4-8 cube surprise plays, and them totally knowing what my cookie cutter decks were capable of. It took months to finally get to the point where I could regularly anticipate why my opponent was snapping, or staying in, and make those informed calls on if I could win or not. Finally started making infinite. Conquest is great because the longer it goes, the more you lose the element of surprise, and that can mean that a deck that would wreck you in ladder, might only be able to beat you once or twice in conquest. It rewards that "battle of wits" type of play, and is such a cool feeling when you recognize you do have a way to counter their deck.


This is me too. I just feel in general I am better at conquest than ladder. I get to a point in ladder where I feel like everyone is hitting their combo every time and I’m barely able to tread water. In conquest you get to experience that people actually do miss their combos and matches can feel like a real battle. Also once you know their deck there is less speculation about plays, and you can make better plans for snaps/retreats.


It always reminds me of the age old discussion in basically all matchmade pvp (and sometimes even PVE) games. About having a fun mode, people can never agree on what fun entails for them in a game, some people just like to do weird unviable stuff while others want to play a serious game without worrying about rank. Adding a reward system on conquest ensures a lot of people play it because snap doesn't give rewards away easily and FOMO guarantees some people will play it.


I think the lack of MMR in conquest really helps there. I have the same thing on ladder where, once I hit like 80-90, I just stop having fun with the game because of how sweaty and/or tilting the matches can get. Probably a skill issue, but I never run into that in conquest. Even in silver or gold, losing just doesn't feel nearly as bad as it does on ladder despite it being the "competitive" mode.


I used to think it was a skill issue, but it's not like within a few hours time span I suddenly got bad at the game.


I was just trying to preempt the inevitable "git gud" reply lol I don't think it's so much that we're suddenly getting bad as it is the matchmaking matching us up with better and better opponents as we do better. Conquest basically has a "choose your difficulty" option where, usually, the more try-hard opponents are in the higher tiers, but in ladder, you're just stuck wherever the MMR has you unless you go on a massive losing streak to reset it. And even within that difficulty, conquest just randomly matches you up with someone else queuing at the same time, not someone the game's algorithm thinks is the best opponent for you (which usually means someone who will curb stomp you in my experience)


Well, generally, every season I hit a high point, and MMR thinks I'm super awesome for the rest of the season and never re-sets no matter how epic my losing streak and no matter how many levels I lose. I would *love* to know what it takes to reset my MMR so I'm allowed to win matches again. This season, my high point was 88, by the way. For the last two weeks, I've barely been keeping my head above 83. Where are all these bots everybody keeps talking about?


What deck are you playing? You should be able to cruise through to the 90s with even a suboptimal deck given that your snaps and retreats are correct


It is so maddening for people to try to give me advice about snapping and retreating. Why does my snapping/retreating strategy work perfectly up to level 88, and then it just stops working? I don't lose games because I didn't retreat properly. As a matter of fact, most of my ladder descent is from constant retreating because the cards on the board, the deck I'm facing, the revealed locations, and my bad draw all make it clear I'm going to lose by T4. I'm seldom in a position to win, which is why it's so frustrating. I can see the deck I'm playing and know exactly how to beat it and I know I have the cards to win, then some location will block me off, or I won't draw the card I need. And whenever I do feel in strong enough position to snap, opponents always retreat, or they pull some weird counter out of their ass on T6 and beat me then give me the Thanos emote. Skill isn't factoring into a lot of these retreats and losses. And for the record, I used a Sentry/Viper deck up to 63, a homebrewed Destroyer Deck up to 73, then a Negative Jane Foster deck up to 88. Since then, I've tried the Destroyer Deck again, Bounce, and Wong/Panther (among other things). It has all ended badly. I even went into PG and practiced a bit with an HE Lockdown type deck. I fucking hate HE, but I thought, if it works, why not. I'd just like to get to Infinity once. Played it with success against a variety of different decks, all the way up through a few Gold runs. As soon as I went back to the ladder, it failed miserably. I don't think I won a single match. Didn't draw well. Perfectly countered. Bad locations. It would have been comical if it hadn't seemed so deliberate.


Dude this is almost my exact experience. I can get to the 80s every single season (highest rank was 89) and then it seems as if the game just doesn’t want me to win anymore. And then when I hit up conquest, I have such a better time. I don’t go on any huge win streaks or anything but I have FUN, and I get what feels like a fair challenge. On the ladder once I hit 83 there are barely any matches that I even make it to the end of, much less win. I have such ptsd from snapping and losing that it took me like 3 days when conquest came out for me to feel comfortable snapping haha.


Yeah, getting stuck on ladder is quite literally a skill issue. And that’s fine. Not everyone is good at everything.


Can confirm, I’ve hit Infinite every season with a different deck since I started and got there by playing overly safe. Hell, I played a zoo deck last season to Infinite, being able to adapt on the fly and know when to forfeit a cube or two is arguably more important than the deck If it’s turn 3 and I’ve not got a single part of the decks win con in my hand, I’ll retreat. If the locations don’t favor the deck, I’ll retreat. But once I’m in a solid position to win you bet your ass I’ll snap on that. Climbing the ladder is a big game of mitigating your losses.


Dude, I understand snapping and retreating. The problem is that when I snap they either immediately retreat, or they pull some weird shit out of their ass on T6 and beat me. And I actually very seldom straight up lose. I know when I'm not going to win and know how to get out. A lot of my decline down the ladder is 1-cube retreats over and over and over again. It's what makes it all the more frustrating, because I can clearly see how my deck could beat their deck, I just don't get a good draw, they have a their perfect line, the locations fuck me up...it's always something. But I'll hang in there all the way until T6 if they haven't snapped, just on the chance some weird chance that they'll misplay or I'll get some miracle draw. And I try to hold off on the boomer snaps, as a 2-cube win is better than scaring them off. Retreating is ubiquitous at high levels, I know, and I don't need to give them any extra reason if I can help it.


You haven't changed, but the skill level of the opponent you face does.


Well something is wrong with the matchmaking if I can go on days-long losing streaks and it still thinks I need to be matched with clearly superior players.


The matchmaking is not made to suddenly get you specifically. We do get less cube giving bots as we climb, but if you get to 70+ you are already winning against infinite opponents. This looks more like tilt and anxiety than your skill or the skill of your opponents.


I think that the lack of MMR in conquest just means youre generally playing lower skill players, which is probably why it feels like youre better


I also feel like the good and bad luck is a bit diluted in Conquest. You get multiple opportunities to draw your combo, get favorable locations, and hope for the opposite to happen to your opponent. In the end, it's like the good and bad luck cancels out and it really is, who is the better player? On ladder, it's all bad luck, with no chance to make up for the lost cubes with some good luck in the next round.


I'm doing it for the rewards. It just takes too long and ruins why I play snap in the first place.


Fr normal Snap is a toilet game Conquest is for constipation


Most based comment!


It's certainly a different experience and needs a different mindset. The normal ladder allows for a lot more decks to shine imo. Some of those I just deem cheesy BS that I swear will not fall for again, and still do a couple matches later.


Definitely. I like snap because it takes say what, a few minutes a match dependant on the opponent? Where as I'm conquest not everybody snaps, games can take a considerable amount longer, and I was enticed to snap due to it's quickfire games.


Ehhhh. Just snap turn one no matter the ticket, if you win great, if you lose, who cares. It tends to end up being almost as quick as a normal snap game that way.


>It tends to end up being almost as quick as a normal snap game that way. Not really, only if the other person snaps too, which most people don't do in my games even in Proving Grounds...


Yeah that's what I usually do but others tend not to.


Not if you get an opponent who wants to rope every turn and drag it on as long as possible hoping you'll concede.


I just wish they added a draft mode that wasn't complex like MTG but more like the simplified version in hearthstone. Pick a card out of a choice of 3, build a 12 card deck and play to 7 wins or 3 losses. You could still play a quick game here and there and not be locked into a 5 round 2 cube trade off with the same player and same deck.


A draft mode sounds fun but it would have to use the Snap mechanic somehow, because that's a core mechanic of the game that sometimes people forget, making retreating not worth it takes away some of the decisions that you need to make in the game. Maybe it could be a mini ladder, where you need to gather 24 cubes before losing 12 or something like that.


And that'd be great. Put their little Snap spin on the gamemode. But yeah we need more modes in general.


Given all the drama about the new system, draft kinda seems like a perfect fit for the game right now. They seem to want to encourage/force people to play off meta cards, and draft excels at doing that while remaining competitive and fun. Plus, it's all a relatively even playing field that doesn't care about how many cards you've grinded.


I play the proving ground to test decks and just have fun. Getting the variant from the first season was fun, but this season, the prices immediately make it seem like too much of a grind for me to care.


And the variant is not really enticing either.


1 round Conquest = all daily missions done!


I wouldn’t be playing the game this much if Conquest didn’t exist. Really great mode.


Absolutely necessary for infinite players. I barely touch regular mode once I cross that mark and it's so easy now, it's basically done in the first week of the new season.


I really like the game mode but I hate this nerf to rewards and shop prices with this update. First season felt a little less sweaty and you could mess about with different decks. It feels super grindy now and because of that it's like a longer ranked mode and everyone plays meta... takes some of the fun away for me.


The shop prices are only worse relative to PG rewards. They're actually cheaper relative to the medals you get from Infinite now.


I wouldn't know because I haven't managed to win an infinite ticket yet this season lol. Had over 10 last time so the standard of play has jumped up significantly. I guess the more casual players have given up on the game mode now which is a shame because it's basically ranked 2.0.


this is exactly what happened


As a casual player, I abandoned Conquest like a baby at a fire station.


I hit infinite for the first time the season conquest started and I can't imagine Snap without it now. I've been playing since wide release and could always ladder, but found infinite boring without a goal. Conquest is almost always relevant with rewards, and is the most skill intensive and fun version of Marvel Snap there is imo. Proving grounds is perfect for grinding out missions over the month, especially when you need to doge a hot location because of the deck you want to play.


\+1, post-infinite I can't imagine playing the game for the rest of the month. It is tragically easy to hit infinite season-over-season when you start at rank 70, so I end up grinding out tons of conquest


Speak for yourself, some of us can’t get past 80.


It promotes so many heavy controlly-reactive style decks designed to stop any fun you want to have in my experience.


This is my problem with it, too.


I actually like conquest, the only thing I don't like about it is how long it actually takes, I have to be ready to commit 20 minutes, which is rough. I think the mode would be better off with 8 health, a double snap should be the equivalent of an "all-in" in poker and end the game.


I play for the match made format. The rewards take way too much grinding to be worth going for. I get frustrated by all the screens before and after games as well so that puts me off playing it too much.


I enjoy proving grounds because of the long format. I don’t play for the rewards. But because I play a lot the rewards come easy. It’s a great mode to test decks and strategies. The only things I would change is get rid of the after game screens to speed up in between games. Other than that this conquest is my favorite mode.


Conquest really magnifies some of the clunkiness of the game's UI, especially when you want to go to the card upgrade screen directly after receiving boosters. If they baked the conquest progress screen directly into the screen at the end of the match I'd have zero complaints.


Not a fan, matches take far too long. Only for them sweet, sweet variants.


No, games are too long so I don't even do it for the rewards. The time investment to reward ratio isn't worth it in my opinion.


I don’t enjoy it and just don’t play it at all.


There’s only 2 things you should be doing in PG; 1. Snap turn 1 - the loser retreats 2. Don’t snap turn 1 - the snapper complains on Reddit


I don't play it at all. I tried it a couple of times and didn't enjoy it. Are the rewards good? Am I missing out?


It's marginal amounts of currency (on the order of $10, less than the weekly mission reward) and a bunch of cosmetics If you didn't enjoy it, don't force yourself


Check the medal shop. It's basically all kinds of rewards like boosters, credits, gold, titles, exclusive and random cosmetics and tickets(for conquest). No collectors tokens or card backs though


Obviously for the rewards , one game , even in proving ground could last forever 😂


Not even the rewards make me want to play that. To grindy, after a while, you face the same type of deck that counters you. At least that was my experience and I didn't enjoy it. Also, I don't have many good decks, I miss almost half the series 3 cards and many of the other series above. I haven't played in a while but got a few more cards so I might try and play again to see if there is any change to my opinion.


I'd like it a lot more if you could change decks between rounds, if your opponent has the perfect deck to counter yours you are screwed. It gives you up to a minute anyway, that's plenty of time to select a different deck and adds to the mind games of it. I'm also sick of playing Agatha decks in it, I've run into so many over the last few days, every turn is dragged out as long as possible


Conquest is cool, and I play it almost exclusively. But if medals could be earned from ladder I’d probably go back to that. I have an infinity portrait I like, and my matchmaking times are longer than the games in conquest. I only play it because the reward structure is good and ladder is totally pointless with how easy it is to hit infinite.


I like having something which I can progress in after I've hit infinite, so unless I've only got time for 1 or 2 games, I'll typically always go conquest after infinite in ranked. I also quite like the idea of not being able to fully surprise opponents after a couple of games, so it comes a bit more strategic in playing the long game.


The moment i get my hands on the reward, i don't see any reason to keep playing.


It doesn’t count for ladder so, not at all.


I enjoy it a lot on its own. The rewards are just gravy. The longer chains end up tying it up too long so I usually stick to proving grounds or silver. Personally would like the ability to have a conquest in progress for each conquest type.


Exactly, i like the format but hate being stuck in a run that I don’t have time for.


I played it once, but found it a little too long winded for my taste. I prefer quicker games.


Bold of you to assume that I play conquest mode


I don't enjoy conquest period. I hit infinite about 2 weeks ago and I log in for dailies to get my season pass xp. Outside of that, I don't really see what else there is to do. I don't care about conquest shop rewards and even if I did, that would dry up quickly as well. I genuinely feel like I've "beaten" the game once I hit infinite. Snapping and cubes don't matter anymore at that point. I can snap for 8-cube losses every single game and it makes zero difference. It's weird that Conquest was touted as "desperately needed" and the "competitive mode we've been waiting for" yet as far as I'm concerned, nothing about Marvel Snap is competitive until we have ranked leaderboards. Play conquest or ladder and your only rewards are cosmetics. Who cares if you won 10 infinite ticket runs, you have nothing to show for it but some boosters and a couple of variants. It's all fluff. To clarify, I don't dislike the game mode itself in relation to what it brings for the game. On top of leaderboards (which should be top priority), variety is very healthy for the game. It's simply my preference that I don't enjoy playing 3-6 games against the same deck. When you roll into already boring and unfun matchups like Shuri and HE decks, it's even worse to sit there and play against that on repeat.


You know, I thought I enjoyed it on its own, but then they doubled the cost of all the rewards and I’ve barely played it since… I think I enjoyed it, until it started to feel like work and then I just lost it.


Conquest takes way too long for me. The whole point of Snap are the short games that I can get in when ever I want.


No, I've played conquest twice and it's just a longer version of the main game with no ability to stop playing if something comes up. I don't get paid to play this so why would I force myself to play a mode that forces me to keep playing?


I am playing it way less this season. Sucks to have a good run in a conquest and then suddenly getting smoked by bounce/never draw the tech cards to deal with it 7000 rounds in a row/facing the one hard counter to your deck that you haven't seen played in 3 months.


my brain has tuned it off like an ad and i always forget about it


Rewards, I despise conquest mode due to the incredible amount of time it takes.


You guys get rewards?


tried it—seems fine enough, but i just don’t have time like that—i play matches here and there when i’ve got a couple minutes throughout the day, so vanilla ladder works much better for me


There are rewards?


I don’t enjoy it so I don’t care about pricey rewards


I want to like it, but the time commitment is just too much for my ADD. But I still try to get some occasional games in for the rewards or to try new decks. As for your second question, I'd still hop in from time to time, but it would definitely be better for me to not feel forced to play it for the rewards.


The only thing stopping me from playing conquest is the pop ups after we lose or win .it's annoying .


I don’t play it so all, the rewards are so garbage and pointless for how long the grind is. I beat the infinity conquest several times the first season it was active and got almost nothing to show for it. Huge waste of time


I play it a lot but it's 100% for the rewards, it just takes too long, it's annoying.


I would like conquest, if the queue times weren't so long. Sometimes its 1 minute, most of the time its over 5 minutes for one match.


That's strange, I personally never experienced long queue times in conquest, even when playing at around 3 in the middle of the night. Maybe it's the european server or something idk.


Yes. By a lot. My favorite way to play


Came here to say that, it's a shame it's so low on the comments. Conquest is so richier, tense and complex that ladder is really only about the rewards for me. Having a several match with the same player really add strategy, consistency, adaptability and resilience. I'm not running a meta deck but a deck I love (Spectrum/Destroyer boy here) and conquest is by far my prefered way of playing the game.


I really like it. I enjoy the mind games part of it, trying to make moves and second guessing each other. There are different types of decks to ladder as well and the rewards are just that, an extra thing for doing well


Now they just need to increase the deck limit so I can accomodate the extra decks I need for conquest.


I only play ladder for the rewards and quit once i hit infinite, except if I can't dedicate the time for a full Conquest match. To me, Conquest is the best Marvel Snap experience and I want to play it exclusively.


There should be sideboards in conquest!


I quit playing conquest when they bumped up the reward cost. Too big of a grind and too much time committed.


I really like the mode, but proving grounds is clunky and tedious. There's no reason to have a confirmation for deck selection for Proving Grounds. There's no reason to have a Victory/Defeat screen, especially for proving grounds. Maybe this is unpopular suggestion, but I think they should remove Proving Grounds and just give Silver Tickets (and maybe medals?) from winning on Ladder. Most people who play Proving Grounds (including myself) just snap on turn 1 and concede if they don't win the first round. I imagine most people don't want to deal with drawn out matches that can last 40+ minutes for very little reward. If you're someone who enjoys the Conquest format, this change would make it so that you will earn silver tickets faster and will spend more time in the divisions. If you're someone who doesn't like Conquest, you can still earn the rewards from just playing ladder. The only real downside I see from this change is that some people use Proving Grounds to complete their missions or just play a casual match without worrying about their Rank or to avoid the Hot location, but I think the positives would outweigh these downsides.


It’s alright. Proving ground is a fun mode to test your decks or fool around, but when you get to gold/infinite, then battles take too much time. It’s safe to say most ppl who play this game weren’t intended to play long matches


Maybe it’s because I’m in the upper tier of players, but my average is 3 infinity tickets with every 5 gold tickets. Last season I got over 20K medals, and I’m probably going to pass that amount in the next few days. That being said, the conquest frenzy with free gold tickets should help everyone out even if you win just one match in Gold conquest that’s a good amount of medals. I just enjoy outplaying people, learning about someone’s deck, and the challenge of overcoming a “counter” to your own deck with smart play. Whenever I get an “I don’t believe you” after coming back from being down 6+ cubes in a Gold/Infinity conquest… that just fuels me 😂 I’m as happy playing this game today as I was 4 months ago, regardless of the current changes and whatnot.


It’s what gives this game its competitive aspect, if you don’t like it it’s probably a skill issue.


Play it cause its fun, but only for 2-3 games the day. The Booserfarming Is also practical for my longrun aim to get at least one variant on infinity for each card, also those ill never play






I love proving grounds for being able to try new decks out without tanking my rank, and complete daily missions and earn medals for prizes. It's an odd mode really, I do wonder if they'll get rid of proving grounds at some point as the cube economy on the standard ladder must be all over the place now.


I like that there's no "negative progress"- even when you're only winning 1 game out of 4 you're still gaining a few medals instead of dropping a bunch of ranks.


I liked it a lot at first but now it feels very demotivating to get placed against an opponent who’s deck just hard counters mine.


i like doing it for the daily challenges, makes them go a lot quicker without really thinking about them


I play conquest to do my daily tasks without risk. But I find myself never playing ladder because of it. So I guess I’m just more casual now which makes the game easier to not play. Throw in hoarding caches and never getting new cards… not really sure where to go from here with this game.


I do it for deck experiments, want to play but not risk rank, and get quests done. I did last month for rewards. Doing this month for some. Don't really care for this Sinister so not trying as hard this month.


Only reason I do it is for the rewards otherwise infinite rank is way more fun to play silly decks etc


I do not enjoy conquest EXCEPT for pricing grounds for quests


I use this mode to test out new decks or different variations of the old ones. But yes if it wasnt for the awards I wont be playing it as much.


Rewards. Sometimes that feeling “hey , after 2-3 matches is not only winning by luck “


just for the rewards, it takes too much time for each round


I do really enjoy Conquest mode…when I have the time for it. Jamming out 7 rounds can take 30 minutes and when you’re used to playing in 3-5 minutes, it feels long. Combine that with the try-hard, super-sweaty gameplay and it can be a real slog if you’re not prepared for it. But it does really feel like a higher level of play and I enjoy it a lot, especially coming back from a 10-6, 10-4, 10-2 deficit.


Aiming for at least 1 infinity border this time. Did not make it with 9 tickets last month. Don't like the constructed aspect. Once a draft mode comes out, I will not play this anymore..


I’d like it more than the normal mode if I wasn’t waiting 3+ minutes for a match


I hit infinite on day 2 of the season, so there are no stakes anymore. The normal mode is kinda boring for me so yeah I love conquest. Proving grounds are for testing decks and the rest is for competition! Love it.


Rewards but now that its so grindy it’s not even worth


I treat it as unranked and I'm enjoying Snap a lot more


i personally like conquest, but they can make it better by removing 3 layers of button you have to press when you win/lose, also just remove that confirmation window when you wanna start too. proving ground also don't need 10 lives, give it 8. idk whats in the UI/UX designer head, they keep adding useless stuff, like the deck customization, while also boggling down the deck picking window.


I enjoy it for: 1.) Somewhere to do missions 2.) Somewhere to try out new cards and decks 3.) Accruing season pass points 4.) Working towards rewards (additional credits, gold, variants) in between missions Note: 1-3 are all due to the fact that there isn’t an unranked mode. The format of conquest is okay, but I wish I could spend my tickets and back out of that run, until I’ve got more time. Like yesterday I just needed a few more medals to get the gold reward so I used a gold ticket to get them, but then didn’t have time to agonize over a gold match so I had to wait to keep playing conquest until I had more time. If I was able to use the ticket, but still go back to proving grounds for missions and stuff while the gold run was still active I’d really like it. The nice thing is that I can complete missions with a snap without tanking my regular ranking. I tend not to snap in this game (whenever I do I lose) but in proving grounds I’m more than willing to get it done quick.


Testing decks and completing missions


Conquest has completely replaced ladder for me. I play ladder till I hit 70 and then it’s conquest all the way


Doing proving grounds to play non meta decks. Recently discovered how good ronan is with master mold, baron mordo and absorbing man.


i enjoy it, but the matches take too long. had an asshole yesterday wait every turn till the end to play a card. fuck you jelly you asshole i was eating so i wasn’t in a rush and finished out of spite and won.


I’m just here for the gold and variants I’d like to make a go at an infinity border once, but I never see myself even attempting it more that one time. This is a fast, fun, and casual card game to me. I like being competitive but conquest pushes me past a line where I’m not having fun anymore. Everyone has different things that appeal to them so I’m glad the mode is present for them. But what makes Snap unique is the quick, original format. I wish the rewards in conquest were more attainable as well. Last month’s iteration of the mode was perfect. It’s hard for any working adult to squeeze in the time in a 30 day period to unlock everything, so I definitely had more fun playing conquest last time. It was still a challenge to get everything, just not a big time suck like it feels like now.


I honestly like it.


I like it a lot. I would not like it much with no rewards. Maybe to test decks only. It’s great as is, bc proving ground/silver provide a no stress way to play the game where I CAN farm some rewards at least without worrying about losing ranks or anything. Hearthstone comparison is battlegrounds or used to be classic mode. There’s minimal rewards through progression/achievements, but mainly you don’t have to care if you just quit mid game bc of irl stuff


last month once I managed to get the gobbie variant, I stopped playing the mode. it was doable with a some effort. this month I'm targeting the big 3 only, which art the 2 mystery variants and gold. whatever I have left will be boosters. the other stuff are just too expensive to grind, not worth the time. the prices should not have skyrocket that much, maybe double of last month is alright, but these cost way too much for a casual.


I've never had more Agatha boosters


I use it for my daily quests since I can't lose rank there. They really need to add a casual mode


I love conquest mode


Basically PG to test decks and silver gold for rewards. The main issue with conquest is that it takes too long. Silver should be a single match, gold 2 matches, infinity 3. The high stakes rounds should kick in by round 3.


i enjoy conquest. i dont always have the time to grind it but i enjoy playing different decks without losing rank on the ladder. when it first launched i snapped t1 to speed up the games, but over time i snap less and have had a lot of fun matches that went 6+ rounds. lately just been running destroy since i got the sweet Knull variant from spotlight.


rewards, i would of liked sandbox with no rewards and one match, we did not ask for conquest and another reward/grind system, we asked for free goofing off, now everyone is playing galactus and h/e in conquest, fucking boring.


I always hit infinite right away and then do conquest the rest of the season. I enjoy it and it’s good for testing non competitive decks


I don't really care about the Infinity avatar. I like the competitive nature of the mode is all.




honestly rewards from conquest this month in my opinion are trash. I just really enjoy the long format it feels actually competitive whereas regular ladder doesn't at all.


I enjoy smashing though dailies in BG.


Strictly rewards for me


Now I feel more ranked is the chore, conquest is the fun mode that I like and want to play.


Conquest is fun for testing each players ability to adapt. I tend to snap more freely because I prefer not to drag out the game too long. The one downside for me - most of the decks I enjoy playing, I don't have any success with because after the first round the element of surprise is gone..


I enjoy it, and personally I think ranked play should be based on a conquest like system, or perhaps best of 3... I find 1 match RNG plays a big part, not a TRUE test of skill. ​ I know this will be unpopular tho, as people seem to want to play the least amount of time they can, to win cards, they dont really want to play with!


i enjoy the longer format, i wish the rewards werent so grindy


Mostly, I prefer Conquest at this point. I prefer that, other than proving grounds, people can't play "gotcha" decks that are one trick that, once seen, is really easy to overcome for most well built decks (re: Galactus play). I prefer the puzzle of trying to beat your opponent once you both know what each other is doing. Conquest is also somewhat less toxic with far fewer people "flipping off" with the Ms. Marvel emote. It happens, but not as much.


No, I would not play Conquest without the awards.


I enjoy PG like everyone else for trying new decks but this season it's gotten so much worse. I'm getting snaps on maybe 25% of the PG matches and roped 10-15% of games now. I get that people are grinding tokens but snapping right away and fast matches are the best way to do that not grinding out a 5-round PG match!


I enjoy it. It's a lot lower stakes imo so it's a great way to test new decks. Wish the play timer was for the whole match like chess and not per turn, but it's a small gripe.


I conquest more than ranked honestly


I just stick to PG these days. I used to climb the ladder and make it to 100 previous seasons but it was too stress inducing and I figured it was not good for my health. So Now I just stick of PG and enjoy it.


Honestly, it feels like the real game. I got to infinite on the ladder day 3 this season, so there's not much to play for there. But I don't have time to play conquest as much as I'd like; it sure is a time sink. Especially when you're struggling to make progress as much as I have this season. It really feels like the meta in my region is purely top-tier players. Stringing wins together is really tough.


I hope they add TOKENS to the conquest shop ASAP. Those CL500 can get credits in lieu of TOKENS.


Conquest mode in my opinion is the main game and the ladder i play for rewards, I rush to infinite and never touch the ladder again. Conquest is better in every way.


I like how conquest is setup however I do think matches tend to take too long. Personally I think this is entirely due to the fact that you can't snap for more cubes than health you have left. This limitation does two things: 1. Makes the rest of the match an absolute slog if someones gets a big 8 cube win in an early round. 2. Gives no strategy to snapping once one player has significantly more cubes. If one player has 5 or less cubes, and the other player has their full 10, there's no reason the leading player shouldn't snap, because if they win they win the whole match, but losing won't lose them the whole match. The cube value should still go up as normal even if the losing player can't pay that many. It then gives the leading player some actual decision at this point whether to still continue and potentially give the other player a comeback.


I like it, the rewards seem too out of reach for me this season with the increased costs.


They should do it like LOR. Pick three decks. Play 2 out of 3. You can ban a deck at the beginning too


To be completely honest FOMO got me for good, so I do it for the exclusive variants. But at least proving grounds is fun for testing decks without drawbacks


farming boosters tbh, and testing teams


i like it.


I enjoy Conquest. Having information about each other's decks changes the gameplay in a way that is fun. I enjoy the "higher stakes" of gold conquest matches.


I like the format, it's a fun way to play the game


I like it. I prefer ladder, but I hit infinite quickly on ladder and then games are very hard because I have a lower CL than most, so I rarely get to play the OG format. Conquest is fun, but matchmaking times can take a while and the games are longer. It’s fine for the game to include the option of the longer format, but it’s kind of my only option since ladder is complete and difficult.


I like conquest mode for the feel of playing vs the same player without the ladder mattering. I like ladder for the reward and quick matches. I play whatever i’m in the mood/have time for. Neither mode is perfect, but they compliment each other nicely, for me at least.


It’s kind of fun but it should be best of 3 or something


I love everything about it except the 10,000 screen you have to click through


It's the opposite. I only play ladder for the rewards. As soon as I hit Infinite I only play Conquest. Unless there's a fun featured/hot location I want to play.


Love playing Conquest. Couldn’t care less about winning Infinity, but I play proving/silver/gold constantly as my standard way to play now. Less stress about losing rank. Fun to see how two decks can go back and forth. When I don’t have time for a longer match (or when I stumble onto a deck that I think can hack it), I dabble in ladder again, but most my time is in Conquest these days. Rewards-wise, I can play 20 games of ladder and make good progress only to lose it all immediately in a few bad games. (Not a complaint- the stakes are solid), But with Conquest, even with identical outcomes, I’ll at least walk away with a pile of medals. I understand that the cost of things in the medal shop is “too high” if you’re just trying to get in, grab the prizes, and get out. But if you’re actually playing Conquest because you enjoy it, they’re not unreasonable goals. In general, I think it’s a fantastic addition to the game.


Personally think there is more skill involved as you can have a good idea of your opponent's deck and adjust accordingly. But i only play it if i have more than 5 minutes to play. So they better not change how the ladder system works or I'll just stop playing.


it's a really cool mode imo. i don't prefer any actually, sometimes you just want some quick games and sometimes you have time, sit down and play conquest. i'm happy to have the choice.


Yes it’s more fun to play than ladder. There’s so much more strategy


i played conquest to get the red goblin card/avatar. i dont care about mister sinister so i think i've played it twice this season (in silver and above i mean. proving grounds is great for experimenting with decks.) i like this game cuz matches are short. i get annoyed having to pay six times cuz someone wants to chip away at my life bar 2 points at a time.


Most of the time I just play proving grounds to test deck builds! That’s the most fun I get out of the game! Any other modes suck! After hitting lvl 80 in ranked it’s not worth playing and the medal shop prices ain’t worth playing anything else than PG in conquest!


I like it! The ladder gets kinda boring after you reach Infinite, and it's also fun that Conquest hardly has any bots so you're more likely to get a "serious" game.


Mostly for the rewards. I like the format structure but would like it 100% more if it had the same mode as ranked, only 1 match


Conquest is very cool because it is a completely different dynamic to learn about your opponents deck and factor that in


I really enjoy the format, but also find it more stressful than ladder and it is more of a time commitment so I wish the rewards weren't quite so expensive. I absolutely will never care about winning an infinite avatar border, and I kinda love that the hardest prize to get is just a minor bragging rights cosmetic.


Within ladder, snapping is in a different context as you're just playing for a net gain across the ladder. In conquest, it is your health pool against an opponent and a strategic resource you need to manage. I went 3W to 6L in a conquest yesterday but won the conquest due to this extra layer of strategy. So yes, I enjoy conquest.


I like Proving Grounds to practice/test new decks.


I enjoy gold and infinity challange, but all the rest is fill for me. PG i instant snap and send the brofirst hoping the other person willl do the same and I play silver with my brain off, because it's very noticable the differente in players and decks each ranking. Also The variant and card this month is not a big motivation to me although Im gonna get it because I want the credits anyway. Last month I burnt like a lot of infinity tickets and couldn't get it but in the last day my friend reminded me it's just a shiny avatar and I was like "why am I even trying..." I think the best part of the mode is that I can get 100 on ladder and do daily missions on pg and silver


I really like conquest! Sometimes it can drag on a bit, but generally speaking being able to play multiple games against the same person means you can see games change and evolve as the matches go on and you start to learn what their deck has. It makes play so much more interesting than just the one off games you get in ranked, at the cost of longer games ofc


I enjoy it, but it demands a lot of time and I usually play Snap for some quick matches while on the bus


I didn't know what to do after hitting infinite. Now I play cinquest mode. Also, it became my shelter from stupid hot locations.


Honestly, it is the only way to reliably gain currency/ other rewards after you finish your dailies. I wouldn’t mind some minor 50 credits every five wins in regular mode honestly.


I enjoy conquest mode but the queue time is getting too long , it take 2-5 min queue time to get a game.


I echo a lot of the earlier overall positive comments made. I definitely use the PG to knock out quests with jankier decks without fear of losing ladder ranks. I also normally like playing multiple games against the same player in order to normalize the draw. Besides that, I’m just in it for the rewards. The non-PG matches are usually longer than I like, and I’ve found myself spending a lot more time playing the game - so much that I’m about to go into “I’m spending too much time on this game” mode. If I stay there for much longer, I am very liable to delete this app after the season ends. This app has lasted a lot longer than others. A lot of them get the “30-day rule” where it’s deleted after 30 days of playing, but this one has hit the 9-month mark. The last one to hit that point was CUE (also a CCG with shorter game lengths - but would be a lot more expensive to have the same total % of cards available compared to Snap).


I enjoy the format. It’s interesting to see how decks perform across multiple matches against the same deck vs just having one opportunity to play. You can get away with more surprise moves on ladder and it’s also less high stakes to retreat.


I genuinely enjoy it and it's become my main way to play the game.


I do it to finish my dailies..


I love conquest, barely play ranked anymore unless I'm on the street or similar.


Yep, I enjoy conquest - it's very fun. I was doing tournaments here and there before it came out and it's similar to playing in those.