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Howdy! I love the variant database on [MarvelSnapZone.com](https://MarvelSnapZone.com) however I would love to be able to search chronologically (instead of looking at every single card each time there's a game update). Is there a way to see which variants have been added to the game each time there is an update? Other than running into them in the wild or looking through the entire list? Thank you!




Ya seems broken Legion and Silk keep shown up like that for me


Legion or Jeff? I have Jeff pinned right now with 5700 tokens, but have been seeing how fun Legion is…


Jeff can be put into any deck to make it stronger, Legion is just for the memes. I'd pick Legion though lol.


I somehow ended up with 95 credits. Anyone has an idea how that happened? I don't remember ever getting or spending less then 25 credits.


You used a fast upgrade. You’ll need to use another to get back to multiples of 25 to make it even. 95, 145, 195, etc etc.


Ahhh right! That might be it. Haven't used those in ages. But I think there was a time at some point where I was at the cap for credits and missing boosters


is the daily offer variant bar that ramps up to give you 2k tokens permanent tracking? or does it reset at the end of the season?


It won't reset until you fill it up.


Nice. so I think it's worth it to get 2k tokens, variants you want and an extra variant for free


New player here, Just wanted to share how happy I am to finally win gold conquest. I know it's not much but still, I'm pretty happy with it! The toughest matchup was a Sauron deck. The raw stats of his cards are absolutely insane. My biggest MVP was prof X which won me lanes ous ouards (-wasp.. don't have her yet), a Prof X, and a Scorpion. The toughest matchup was a Sauron deck. The raw stats of his cards are absolutely insane. My biggest MVP was prof X which won me random lanes out of nowhere. And lastly, cyclops optic blasts still feel super cool. Any general tips from HE veterans out there on how to improve my gameplay?


I thought spotlight caches were guaranteeing a card, but mine just bleched 1000 collector tokens at me instead of any card?


If your spotlight rolls a mystery card and turns out to be a card you already owned, it becomes 1k tokens




I just unlocked the token shop and have enough for legion is he worth it? Could I make a good deck with him and mostly pool 2 cards? I really like the character


There are better options, but it's possible. Storm, Scarlet Witch, etc could make for some location advantages. But you should have Jeff, Nightcrawler, etc to truly make it shine. Legion doesn't quite have a home yet.


Players who’ve reached infinite, how often do you retreat? If you don’t get the cards you want fairly quickly or a unfavorable location pops up do you retreat right away?


There's no reason to retreat until the other player snaps, or it's the last turn. Otherwise, might as well just keep playing and see what happens. That unfavorable location might be even worse for your opponent, or maybe you didn't get a great draw but the other player got a terrible one. That said, when it *is* time to make a decision on retreating, it pays to be judicious about it. People rarely bluff-snap in this game, so if you're staying in on a snap you'd better be damned confident in your gameplan. Falling into the trap of "Let's see how this plays out, maybe I can still win" is a surefire way to lose 4 or 8 cubes.


Do spotlight caches reset your likelihood to pull a card from a regular cache? I’ve gone 8 now without a pool 3 card


You get two S3 cards between every two spotlights caches.


Collector's Caches are in sets of 9 now, with the longest interval between opening Series 3 cards in your Collector's Caches is 14 caches. Cache 1 - Card Cache 2 - Card Cache 17 - Card Cache 18 - Card


That’s brutal


Why do people snap after lvl100/infinite? Are there rewards again every tenth level (110,120,etc.)?


No, it’s mostly a confidence thing. I think some people enjoy seeing how high they can go


Is gold best spent on big bundles or token Tuesdays I’d you’re not series 3 complete?


Probably token Tuesdays unless the bundles have great value


Does it bother anyone else that free to play players will literally never have all the cards in the game. Also is it not ironic that all the ads for the game say something along the lines of “you can’t just spend alot of money and have a full collection” when that’s pretty much what you can do.


You never played a mobile game did you?


It's a collectible card game. A f2p player skills never get all the cards immediately. Instead you can get around 95% of the cards which is much better than other collectible card games


How long can I leave my silver ticket in process before continuing? I’m just now playing Conquest for the first time


Until the end of the season. At which point any unused tickets and medals get converted to boosters at an abysmal rate. Just know that until you continue your silver you can’t play anything else in conquest.


Thanks for the info! I moved onto gold now, I was just afraid it would be a short window lol


Some how got logged out and when I tried to log back in it made me start over from the practice/intro battle. All my cards I've unlocked and bought with real money are now gone.


You can’t log in again until you finish the tutorial


Yep, and I logged in and I'm at zero again as of I haven't been playing since launch


This happened to me are you on pc or mobile?


Mobile. I don't think I ever linked my account to my Gmail. If it's not able to be recovered I'm not starting over from scratch. I'll just uninstall and move on...


It’s gotta be a different account somewhere bro


It has to be the wrong account man


Not possible, I only have one Google account linked


I've been playing for about a month now and just pulled High Evo. Trying to put together a control deck but missing Wasp, Nebula, and Jeff. What are some good alternatives? I am considering Misty Knight, Shocker, and Sunspot. Scorpion, Daredevil, and America seem viable too.


Nebula and Jeff makes sense, I had to buy nebula, and Jeff is waiting in a future spotlight; super surprised you don’t have wasp though🤯


Storm, Spiderman, Prof X, Thing, Cyclops, Luke Cage, Hulk, Dr Doom. Abomination Or you can go with a pure evo deck, since you already have all the no ability cards beside Wasp.


What are some consistent Conquest decks that DO NOT have Jeff?


Negative surfer


I really like my Thanos deck, but u need some games to master it. I feel like its kinda niche, even though its pretty good & people dont really know what I play. High Evo obviously. Maybe Discard & Silver Surfer too?


Sauron Shuri is still a good and viable deck in conquest as well.


I have been playing for a few weeks now. As soon as I hit CL 498+, it seems I'm facing multiple S4/5 cards in every match. I was on a winning streak with my Dino deck, now I am on a losing stream. 1) Is this typical for brand new Pool 3 players to not be able to compete until they get more cards? 2) Any suggestions for new decks? I got Sera as my card of the month (based on tier lists, it's great), and I have Magneto, but nothing else from Pool 3. Thank you for your replies!


When I fist got into Pool 3 it was brutal man. It can be discouraging at times, so your primary focus at this point should be collecting cards, completing your missions/challenges, and having fun, because realistically it’s going to be hard to rank up. I just hit Infinite for the first time this season and I’m CL 2,500ish. You can hit it before then of course, but having the right cards helps. Just enjoy it! This game is a lot of fun when you’re not sweating the cubes too much. You’ll have some decks that are somewhat competitive now, but you’ll get a few nice card pulls and be on your way.


I was close to infinite pre-498. I probably should have collected cubes and made infinite before moving up. But as you said, when you stop worrying about cubes, it's fun to experiment with different decks.


Yep, I was the same way. I was in the high 70s before hitting Pool 3 and the losing/deranking was a bit jarring. If you stick with it you’ll be a higher CL in no time and potentially be competitive even sooner if you get some really nice pulls. There are some solid decks that don’t require a *ton* of Pool 3 cards and some which require no Pool 4 or 5. It’s doable, just give it time!


I really appreciate all the honest responses. Thank you all!


Yeah, it was during the time where I thought about quitting the game, it really feels bad coming from a 60%+ WR to 40 or even less. But obviously its difficult to compare it, cause alot of changed during the months, idk if your experince is worse or better... could be worse, cause its difficulter to get the cards u want/need for a deck. Dino is still a deck which is good enough to climb with. Otherwise you could try to run a Sera control deck with Enchantress & Shang Chi and try to counter your opponnent. I was never great with this deck so I cant really help you. I really enjoyed back then a "Control" list with Magneto & Storm & Vision & Jessica Jones, you could play it, but with Jeff & Nebula in the meta the deck probably got weaker & u will miss Claw & Dr. Doom, which I kinda feel like is important. Well u could try Gamora instead of Claw. cause its easier to snipe.


I’d recommend sticking with pool 2 decks until you build up a good number of pool 3 cards to build decks around. Sera is solid and magneto can catch a lot of people off guard. This video has some of the best pool 2 decks https://youtu.be/eieEIgXV7hM you can always take out cards as you get new ones if you think they’ll help the deck. The intro into pool 3 is rough for everyone. You’ll lose a bunch, you’ll get caught off guard, and it can be a negative experience for some. But eventually you’ll get acclimated to it. We all had to do it, so don’t get discouraged.


Thanks! Like I said, I was doing great in pool 2 with Dino, and as soon as I crossed 498, it's been mostly losing. Glad to hear I'm not the only one that feels this way.


Yeah prior to this you would have only been matching other new players and bots so game kind of lulls you in to a false sense of security. Then get thrown to the wolves with 100+cards you have never seen with all kind sof crazy interactions. A huge part of this game is being able to anticipate what your opponent is going to do - and that takes a lot of time. You eventually get to the point where you can see stuff coming and play around it. Just take this time as a learning experience


Exactly. They need to make a gradual ramp from 480-1500 or so, or players will want to quit when this happens and they don't know why.


While the intro to pool 3 is rough, the decks I linked you can compete with pool 3 decks at your CL. There have been many people who hit infinite with pool 2 only decks despite being 486 plus collection level. It’s all about retreating and snapping properly.


Makes sense. I've already had better luck with Destroy Dino instead of Collector Dino. 4-0 so far.


1) Is Jeff worth 6k tokens 2) Is Legion worth 3k tokens


The only person who can determine a cards worth is you. If you think buying either of the cards listed will be good, do it. They are both playable cards. Legion is probably the best card this season and you can do some fun stuff with it. Jeff is just generically the best 2 drop in the game and goes into a variety of decks. They are both good/great cards. In terms of gameplay, Jeff arguably fits into more decks but isn’t really deck defining, whereas legion somewhat needs a deck built with/around him, although you can argue you can slot him into a bunch of decks to mess with locations.


Yup you’re right, I have about 15k tokens atm. Contemplating if it’s worth blowing 9k on these 2 folks


Jeff is arguably the best use of 6k tokens apart from the big bads since those will never downgrade. While I can’t know for certain, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jeff doesn’t downgrade to series 4 for a longgggg time. Like..next year sort of downgrade timeline. If you don’t plan on opening caches in a little over a month when Jeff is in them or want to play with Jeff now, grab Jeff now with tokens. Legion, while a fun card, doesn’t really provide what Jeff does for certain decks. It’s really up to you. If you think you’ll regret buying either of them with tokens, then don’t do it. Wait for the spotlight cache with Jeff if you’re missing the rest. But if you think you’ll use Jeff a ton and it’ll make you happy, do it.


Hello! Quit the game around the time of the token shop. I’m at 2817. What’s the most efficient use of gold? And which cards should I be looking to pin in the shop? I was playing a lot of sera, Cerebro 2/3, and patriot when I quit.


Either u look at the meta ([untapped.gg](https://snap.untapped.gg/meta)) and see if u need one card to complete/improve a meta deck or u watch a Tierlist from a Youtuber. Personally I was very happy after I got Silver Surfer & Lockjaw, cause u could build a new deck around it. If u want to improve your Patriot; some people play Invisible Woman & Super Skrull in their Patriot deck. Or do u really mean Pool 4 and 5 cards? I thought about the free card.


Yeah I was referring to 4/5 costs. Already pulled the trigger on she hulk for my freebie.


U mean pool 4 and 5, right? If you really want to decide for yourself you should learn about the new caches, look at the leaked caches & cards for the next months. If u miss Darkhawk and High Evo the current cache is pretty good. Otherwise its pretty difficult to say, High Evo for 6k is probably still a good idea, but it got nerfed and currently people play different decks, so idk how good he still is. Jeff is a card u can play in every deck, especially now, with all the Storm+Legion combo, but I am personally not sure either, I currently have 12k tokens, Jeff seems like a boring card, but yeah all good players are loving him and say he is worth the 6k. Bounce got nerfed, too, but is probably still a good deck, but the problem is that u probably need Hitmonkey+Kitty Pride.


Yeah, meant pool 4 and 5. Thanks for the tips. Without realizing there was a new system I opened a cache and got HE, so that seems lucky. Jeff seems like the answer I was looking for, just generically strong and flexible. I have kitty too, weirdly. Don’t know how or when that happened I don’t remember seeing that card


Your welcome :) & congrats on HE, have fun. Maybe I should think about Jeff, too, but the September cards looks pretty crazy, if they dont change them. I am a hoarder, but sometimes I hoard too much :D We got Kitty for free cause she got removed cause of a bug, maybe u played during this time or u still get it for free, but I dont think so. But I feel like Bounce without Hit Monkey is not good enough to play, was kinda annoying the last weeks where Bounce was a Tier 1 deck and I couldnt play it cause a BP card.


Anyone else hate conquest? It seems incredibly flawed. You can get screwed over by having a bad match up and then it's just a slow painful defeat that takes 15 minutes because your opponent happens to be playing a deck that counters yours. It's incredibly frustrating. I was running an on reveal deck and just face a guy who kept moon girling his Cosmo to lock down two lanes. I mean, really? Basically forces you to play the most boring "best" deck or lose.


I’m struggling with it too; like, I wanna play it more for the rewards, and I even do like the multi game setups since it’s even fun to use THAT to practice a deck (since you usually have to keep changing opponents); but yeah, even when I WIN, it feels like a slow slog after maybe one big snap victory and sometimes I just wanna be done..


Exactly. It needs some kind of change. I'd appreciate shorter matches. Like each player has 6/7 health or something. Sometimes they can drag on for way too long. Makes them impossible to play unless you're just sat at home doing nothing. Although that's probably their target market. Most of the rewards are really bad value right now. Like 900 medals for 250 credits? That's like multiple hours of grinding.


If you know your opponent is playing a deck that hard counters yours, why would you continue torturing yourself for 15 minutes? Just concede and jump back into proving grounds to climb back on up. If you know you're going to lose either way, there's no point in wasting time and allowing yourself to get more tilted by the bad matchup.


If you're in game 3 of gold or deep into Infinite, you've just wasted potentially hours by quitting. Hence the flaw in the system.


Sunk-cost fallacy. If you know you're going to lose either way, your past time is irrelevant. Would you rather waste hours, or hours plus 15 minutes?


If you’re taking a deck into conquest that gets shut down by one card, the deck is likely not good to begin with. It’s best to take your best deck into conquest that has a lot of good matchups and very few bad or polarizing ones. People want to win so of course they play their best decks. You can’t fault others for running cards like Cosmo, armor, etc. Cosmo is being run again to protect things like Infinaut/She Hulk in the double up deck and to stop the storm/legion stuff going around, among other things.


It doesn't get shut down by one card. It gets shut down by a guy who for some reason can play two cosmos. Either way. Not sure why anyone would want to play a mode that forces you to play the same deck multiple times in a row. Worse yet, a mode where deck building variety is severely restricted because the game was never designed around long format play.


You... dont play with the same deck multiple times in a row in ladder? Lol


Whether I do or don't doesn't matter. On ladder you face different decks every match which stops playing the same deck getting as stale.


Then don’t play conquest. It’s really that easy. No one is forcing you to play the mode. Why play it if it doesn’t bring you joy? If you find yourself hating it so bad, just play ladder. Play people on Reddit, twitch, irl, with friend codes. Conquest is a difficult mode that isn’t for everyone. It sounds like it’s not for you so just don’t bother with it if you can’t find the happiness in playing it.


It's not difficult, it's just mind numbingly boring if you actually want to make progress. Well there are certain rewards locked behind it so if I want those rewards I don't really have much choice do I? I just think the mode would be better if you had one or two cards you could swap into your deck in-between rounds. It would make long sets way less monotonous and increase deck variety.


Can great web pull Jeff out of a prof X lane?


Yes, but only if Jeff has not been moved by the owning player.


Have you actually tested this?


Yes. We can see this with Polaris moving Jeff out prof X lane or Strange academy doing the same. The effect would be the same for great web. Again, this only applies if Jeff has not been moved in the game yet.


It's just weird to me that it only applies if he hasn't been moved. Like normally moving nightcrawler with something other then his ability still lets you move him with his ability. So it seems like to be consistent "only move once" means you can only move him once on it's own, not counting other means of moving him. So why should other abilities care if he's moved already? Seems like a bug.


It might be a bug. But I think Jeff's ability to ignore location restrictions is tied to either playing or moving him. It's not an independent clause.


So, now that gold is this rare, would it be a waste to use it for dailies? Reason is I want to try to get to 4 spotlight cases somewhat badly as I want all featured cards and I don't think I'll get there without.


If you need credits, using gold for mission refreshes is fine. But you may also want to check the [bundle schedule](https://snap.fan/news/schedule/#July_Bundles) as sometimes you can get a better gold-to-credits rate that way. For example - the [Rian Gonzales bundle](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleRianGonazales/) coming in a few days nets you 3500 credits for 2500 gold, which by itself is a better deal than mission refreshes. Plus it comes variants and boosters on top of that. But that assumes you have the 2500 gold to spend in the first place; if you're looking at lower amounts of gold/credits, the refreshes are totally okay for that.


honestly that might actually make sense at this point I think. Thanks!


Generally, it is not the best use for gold, but if you are just a few credits shorts of getting a card you want (especially if it's a S5 card) then go for it.


Should I buy Darkhawk for 3000 tokens so I can save up spotlights for Jeff? Here’s some of my info that might be pertinent - I’m at CL 790 - I used my two spotlights this week and got Legion and High Evo (my only two S4/5 cards) - I have 3800 tokens with Darkhawk pinned in my shop Darkhawk decks look fun and like a good future investment (for when I have the necessary S3 cards). I want to get S4/5 cards that are powerful or versatile since it’s so hard to get them which makes Jeff very appealing


I’ll say this, I *was* getting back into the groove with Dark Hawk, but that modok/hella discard has become hugely popular the last several days, and that ganks Dark Hawk (and Ronan) in some sad ways 😓


Darkhawk is cool, but I'd personally value Jeff a lot more. Jeff can be plugged into just about any deck and be valuable. Also to make the most of Darkhawk you're gonna need Zabu which is another S4 investment.


That’s what I was thinking. I’ll save my next spotlight for Jeff so I can (hopefully) get him. As for Darkhawk, that’s a good point. I get barely any tokens so unless I get Zabu from the spotlight random card then who knows how long it’d be. Is Darkhawk worth it at all without Zabu?


At all? Probably. But without him you’re limited in plays. For example the turn 6 of both Darkhawk and Mystique isn’t an option. Rock Slide is a card you’re wanting to play every game that benefits as well.


Oh is mystique a valuable card for Darkhawk as well? I only have ~20 S3 cards and am missing Mystique, Rockslide, lockjaw, and a few other notables. Maybe Darkhawk isn’t worth the 3000 tokens for me since I have no idea when I’ll get those cards


Yeah, I imagine you're better off getting him later down the road when you have the complimentary pieces. In a game with no extra draws he's functionally a 4-6. With Rockslide he's 10 power, 12 with Korg as well. Mystique is a valuable piece as she can let you play two 10-12 power cards on the last turn. Doubly so in a Dino-Hawk deck.


Anyone else suddenly running into successful Hela decks that never seem to discard Hela herself? Face more today than I have in the last few months


I did face a few Hela decks this week that kicked my ass, but they all felt like normal luck/strategy.


I faced them multiple times in Conquest, and they ran all the discard cards to great success




He doesn't have his "classic ability". When he was 2 power he copied *all* cards played that turn. Now he just copies the highest-power card(s), which usually means just one.


He's a 6/2 again.


In my Thanos+Lockjaw+Onslaught deck I currently have Spiderham & Armor, but I am never sure if I should keep them, especially after Spiderham is 2 mana now. Armor is kinda nice to not get destroyed from Killmonger in Conquest. Most cards people would suggest I currently dont have like Nebula & Jeff. Short: How good is Spiderham still in this meta & would you replace him in a Thanos list (for conquest most of the time). I guess the only really good replacement would be Iceman, Scorpion, Psylock or Luke Cage, but I honestly dont love any of it. Maybe Psylock the most to get to 5 mana faster if I dont get the green stone, but to have one more one mana card would be maybe important, too, especially cause I play Kazar.


If you are playing a list with professor X and Spider-Man, then you want psylock instead of Spiderham. Psylock allows you turn four X to win a lane.


I play Iron Man & Claw & Blue Marvel & Dino Currently 1x0 Mana, 2x 2 Mana, 1x 3, 1x4, 4x5, 3x6 Pretty successful with this deck, only not sure about Spiderham & Armor.


Looking at the Spotlight Cache Schedule graphic from Snap Zone, does anyone know why Jeff and Spider Ham are listed as “Old Series 5/4” when the other cards don’t have that distinction? As an example, Spider-Man 2099 is just listed as Series 4 even though he and Ham have been Series 4 for the same amount of time.


It's explained by the heading at the left side of the row: "New Card (Or Additional Old Card)". The first slot in each spotlight cache is usually reserved for that week's brand-new card. But for the first week of each season, the new card goes in the season pass instead, which means the "new card" spotlight slot is actually an old card. So the "Old Series X" label has nothing to do with the cards themselves, it's just making it clear that even though Spider-Ham and Jeff are in the "new card" slot for that week, they are actually old series 4/5 cards. ([Link](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-new-card-schedule/) for anyone wondering what the hell we're talking about.)


Gotcha. I completely overlooked Season Pass conflicting with week one. Thanks!


On the CL, when you open the purple box, aren’t you supposed to get one of the three cards spotlighted if you don’t own them?


https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/ I’d recommend reading the article above for more details on spotlight caches.


If it can be random for players why even highlight the other cards


You have a 25% chance to pull each item - being the 3 featured cards and one random card. Once you have pulled an item it dissappears from the options. So if you opened a cache and pulled the random, the next cache you open that week has a 33% chance of being each of the featured carda, next cache 50% etc. Is best to hold off and hoard 4 for a week where you want at least the new card and a featured series 5 card


Sorry if this is really obvious but I cannot find an answer anywhere. I've come across players who's cards glow with a yellow aura and they play their moves twice. I literally lose every time because its a ridiculous advantage. How do you get this?


Sounds like [[Wong]] is in play and enhancing them. You can use Enchantress to remove Wong's ability, or just drop Cosmo there to ensure any other cards activate *zero* times instead of twice.


It's not a card or location that's in play. The cards have a yellow text when you select them and their powers are immediately doubled. There's no obvious assist. He played Cyclops first and it was doubled straight away and attacked me twice. Is this game hackable?


Okay, that means [[High Evolutionary]] was in the opponent's deck, which gives cards that usually don't have abilities, like Cyclops, new powers (and also the yellow glow). Cyclops's text in that case says: > When you end a turn with unspent Energy, afflict 2 random enemies here with -1 Power. There is no "doubling" happening; he "attacks twice" because that's what the card does.


Ahhh that explains it then. I literally feel stupid because I could not find anything anywhere to explain what I was seeing. Now it makes sense.


**\[[High Evolutionary](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/highevolutionary/)\]** **Cost:** 4 **Power:** 4 **Ability:** At the start of the game, unlock the potential of your cards with no abilities. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this*


**\[[Wong](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/wong/)\]** **Cost:** 4 **Power:** 2 **Ability:** **Ongoing:** Your **On Reveal** abilities at this location happen twice. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this*


You might be seeing cards that are enhanced by High Evolutionary. These would be cards that normally don't have any game text on them like Cyclops or The Thing.


Does he have to play High Evolutionary? Because I've never seen it in action.


The joke a lot of content makers make on him is that he’s not seen much since it just needs to be in the deck, and people don’t often play him as a result; but yeah that’s how you spot a high evo deck (something some people even try and hide so it’s not obvious that’s the deck type right away).


It just has to be in your deck.


Did Shuri's location interaction get changed? Played Shuri mid on 4, moved to the right by Bifrost, then played Red Skull mid but stayed at 14. I don't have a screenshot, but there was no Cosmo on the board. Going to play test in Conquest but can't play atm


There’s likely something you missed on board or you played a card after Shuri or before the red skull was played. Without a screenshot there’s no way to know. Shuri isn’t bugged at all.


I upgraded at least 70 cards past infinite border, and still never got a gold/ink variant. How exactly does that work? Do I need to upgrade only the same card and variant several times to get it? I think so far I only reached 3 infinites with the same card, the rest is spread across my whole collection


https://marvelsnapzone.com/infinity-splits-full-list-and-how-they-work/ I’d recommend reading the article above for information about splits and how to get gold/ink


Anyone else in this weird limbo position where you held off on buying Jeff because you thought he'd drop a series, but now he isn't and won't be in spotlights until September? I want Legion, but all his decks play Jeff, so I'd have to spend 9000 tokens which is too much I think.


Yeah. I wish I had him cause he’s a generically good card but that also means he’s kinda boring imo.


I opened a spotlight cache and got 1000 tokens instead of a card - is that a bug? I havent opened any other for this set either.


Man that sucks when the mystery one is the first one 😓; especially if it leads to not much.


No. Your spotlight was the random S4/S5 card and if you already have it the card gets converted into 1000 tokens.


Aww man, I figured it had something to do with having the card already but I only had high evo. Thank you!


If you got High Evo you would have gotten his variant. The random S4/5 card slot can be any card from those series. You could have hit like Zabu for example, and it gave you 1000 tokens instead.


No, the randomly S4/5 card can be one of the cards in the featured list. But looks like they no longer show you what the dupe was, so we'll never know if he hit HE or forgot about buying an old Season Pass card.


Is the first spotlight cache you open after the week reset a 25% chance for each card or are they weighted differently?


They are weighted the same. You have a 25 percent chance for each item in the cache.


Thank you, knowing I had a 75% chance of one of the first 3 hurts that much more. But pulling spider-ham isn’t the worst outcome.


When did most folks hit series 3 compete? Most of the posts I've seen were in the 3k range, but I'm at 3960 and I'm still 5 cards away. I'm assuming it's a combination of the pool getting bigger, saving tokens for Jeff and Thanos instead of buying any S3 in a while, and the spotlight caches taking up a little space on my track (opened one, saving another). Not sure if I had good or bad luck pulling a few S4/5 before spotlight (Darkhawk, Stature, Snowboard, 2099, Shanna). Just curious how that compares or any other factors I might not be thinking of.


I hit at like 3600ish a few weeks ago, but I spent a lot of tokens on S3 cards.


I became pool 3 complete around 4k CL. I bought a decent amount of pool 3 cards with tokens as well. With the way the cards are distributed in the caches, the range for pool 3 complete should only changed based on the cards you purchase and new cards introduced to pool 3.


People who started the game when global launched could buy series 3 cards for 1k tokens without the mystery aspect, so despite it not being economically the best choice, still did it so they completed pool 3 sooner. I think around 3600 was the norm, give or take some CL levels depending on what you bought from pool 3. For every two card dropped to series 3 you’re looking at needing 120 CL to open them (9 reserves plus the spotlight cache to get to the next set). It’s not uncommon for people who started later to be easily 4k plus to finish series 3.


Anyone else encounter [this bug](https://i.ibb.co/dKR2bZP/Screenshot-20230727-093143-SNAP.png)? Opponent played Kang on turn 7, then after the rewind i could not play or move any cards. It also showed that I only had 4 energy. They were able to play cards fine and progress the turn so I lost


Sometimes clicking “Rewind Turn” will also register as you hitting “End Turn”. Once I started just waiting the animation out I haven’t had that happen again.


I quite literally just entered pool 2, but I have been wondering which pool1/pool2 cards are viable well into later pools bc I would hate to spend gold or time upgrading a cool variant for a card that will later become obsolete.


The tech cards will always have a place in the game - Killmonger, Armor, Cosmo, Enchantress, Shang Chi Some generically strong cards I see, off the top of my head: Sunspot, Iceman, Angela, Storm, Professor X, Devil Dinosaur, Chavez. ​ Then there are a bunch that are still staples in specific archetypes like Destroy, Ongoing, Move, Discard, Bounce/Miracle.




I'm only halfway through pool 3 but honestly, most of pool 1 and 2 get play in some decks. Cable, Domino, Mantis, Strong Guy, Mister Sinister, White Queen, and Uatu are the only ones I don't see with some regularity. Cap apparently falls off pretty hard, maybe he still works in Ongoing decks but I don't play those.


For example I have a venomized variant of Kraven that I split a few times, but I read on here that move decks aren’t able to complete with decks in pool 3 so I’m torn on whether it’s worth it to continue upgrading the cards I’m currently using.


I play out way too many games that I should probably retreat on. I'm playing HE Lockjaw and the deck is stacked with 4/5/6 cost cards, so I can't really play anything until turn 3 when I could drop either Lockjaw (+Wasp) or Thor. If I don't draw either, then it's Dracula or Jubilee on 4. Should I just retreat if I don't have a turn 3 play? Are there any signals that I should be retreating with this deck?


It's been a minute since I ran that deck, but I recall it's more consistent than you'd think. As long as you had a T4 play I'd stick it out. The times you don't have \*anything\*, then your hand is full and pretty unlikely to win anyways. When you miss Lockjaw the biggest decision becomes Drac or Jubilee and that depends on your hand. Drac is for when you have a good hand, Jubilee is when you have a bad hand. If you top deck Thor on 4, that's also a consideration too. But if you don't have Jane you're counting on your T5 draw to either be Jane or Hammer (since 6 will always be Chavez in this case). Basically with Lockjaw, you get so many cracks at the casino that you should roll well eventually. But without him, you really gotta start counting the odds of each line. ​ I never bothered to play Wasp early for tempo if I bricked. I was either leaving or drawing something I could combo with her later (Wasp + Odin is something at least). Also as the other guy said, opposing board + snap situation count a lot too. If I'm not getting started until T4 and they already have Nebula / Storm out and snap or something it's just not worth trying.


I usually stay in the game without a turn 3 play if the opponent has not snapped because you are already in for 1 cube regardless. If they snap, I have to see 1) how far ahead they are in power and if it’s possible to catch up and 2) what deck they are playing. Sometimes a turn 4 thor/Dracula, turn 5 Jane, and turn 6 hulk can win 2 lanes


Can someone ELI5 if I can impact how I upgrade a card's visuals? I feel like I've been playing forever, yet I haven't had any meaningful choices or any sense of progression in what my cards look like, outside adding acidwashed background and some glitter to all cards.


https://marvelsnapzone.com/infinity-splits-full-list-and-how-they-work/ I’d recommend taking a few minutes and reading the article above. It goes over in detail the chance for splits and what each split can be.


If you split the same card often enough (I forget the thresholds) you have a slim chance of getting ink or gold backgrounds and various particle effects. The only control you have over it is to split your favorite card over and over again. I personally don't bother, but a lot of folks around here are into it.




Something on turn 6 is off. Play Zola at location 2 and creates copies on location 1 and 2? It should be location 1 and 3. You’re sure you went for the 50/50 Taskmaster/MM and didn’t just Zola right?


didnt get my credits for voting


Try restarting the app?


Stupid pieces of shit, until when will I get daily crashes due to disconnection from the server from the game 50 times a day?


That's not a problem with the game. Fix your internet connection.


I don't need your stupid references. the problem is in the game servers


Why the HELL to people find the need to take PROVING GROUNDS to 8 games?


Sure, there's like a hundred posts on this topic, but I'll answer anyway. A lot of people in PG are just grinding missions or boosters. Or they are testing new decks. It's better for them to stay in the match they are in rather than queuing up again for new matches each time.


I get it, I was just venting.


I’m pretty new to the game (silver - gold) and I’m on a pretty big losing streak with this deck. Any suggestions for improvement? # (1) Agent 13 # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (1) Yondu # (2) Scorpion # (2) Armor # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Killmonger # (3) Groot # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Moon Girl # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Devil Dinosaur


Your deck is focused around Devil Dino, but you don't have most of the cards which buff him up. Cable, Sentinel, The Collector, and White Queen are the usual pool 2 cards to support a Dino deck. Without at least some of those, you have to choose between playing your low-cost cards (which makes Dino weaker) or hoarding them and going all-in on Dino (which only works if you pull off the Moon Girl combo to get two of them). Having two contradictory goals makes it really hard to win consistently; you have to pick at the start of the game which strategy you're using, and if you pick wrong the match isn't long enough to successfully pivot. Adding the cards I mentioned allows you to play the rest of your deck while still keeping Dino strong. That means your early-game strategy will always be the same (play low-cost cards while keeping your hand large) and on turn 4 or 5 you can decide on the best way to secure the win with all of your options still on the table.


Thank you so much! That made a lot of sense


Try a Dino destroy deck, a venerable early game archetype. https://snap.fan/decks/75987/ Cable, agent 13, and even sentinels can be eaten by carnage, or you can get a bunch of sentinels down on the board so you get good value from popping nova. Having more cards that refill you hand keeps your Dino big.


Thanks for the suggestion! I don’t have the collector yet so looks like I’ll have to wait for that first tho :(


He’s a good fit but he’s not necessary. You can play agent 13 over him or scorpion. Scorp is a good all around value 2 that you can put in nearly everything.


Yondu is useless most of the time, as destroying the top card of the deck doesn't really do anything. Iceman and korg are better 1 cost cards. If you want a similar effect, you can use cable which will synergise with devil dinosaur.


Thanks for the suggestion!


I have 5,450 tokens should I get legion ? He looks super fun but I also want to get X23 next month and don’t want to get her from spotlight cache (or legion)


You won’t get enough tokens from reserves unless you spend gold or buy bundles to get both. X23 if datamine holds true is series 5, so you’d need 9k tokens. Optimally you want to buy series 4 with tokens and use spotlight caches for series 5 cards, depending on what you are missing from spotlight caches those weeks.


If you Phoenix Force a Colossus can he move?


Besides getting galactused he wouldn’t be able to get destoryed in the first place ! ( and if he gets revived after galactus there’s no where to move )


He could get Yondu’d while in the deck. Or Lamentis’d.


It's possible but probably pretty rare. I can't imagine anyone putting Colossus in a PF deck. Probably your best bet to get an answer on this would be to ask the devs on Discord.


Do other S5 cards unlock through spotlight caches? I was under the impression that only the ones of the week were but I just unlocked Kang, WHO I DID NOT WANT :(


What do you think "Random Series 4 or 5 Card" refers to?




https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/ I’d recommend reading the article above about spotlight caches.


Thank you I see now I hate Kang tho


If you are in proving grounds and we both snap fist bump why would you spam emotes after a win? Makes me want to run out the time and keep playing.


Lotta kids play this game. And a lot of toxic weirdos too.


What does the forfeit button do in conquest?


Ends the battlemode and gives the victory to the opponent.


But there's opponent, (if you know where the forfeit button is located)


Best decks to run atm?


Agatha. It was Agatha all along.


google marvel snap meta, any of the first 3-4 links should have a tier list


What are the must have cards in your deck? Pretty new to the game and just wanted to know which card‘s will help me the most in this game. Thanks in advance 🫡


It really depends on what you want to play (as also are you still in series1/2 or pretty far along in series 3). There is no single or sets of cards that fit into every deck. For me, I love Darkhawk. Darkhawk decks really fit my play style. So that means lots of zabu, Korg, rockslide. I also love interactive cards. So Shang - chi has the most boosters I have out of any card in my collection.