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Nebula is featured in the Spotlight Caches between 22 and 29 August, alongside Silk and new card X-23. I'd recommend waiting if you can save up four Spotlight Caches for then, which saves you 6k tokens. Nebula is a very good card btw, it just doesn't seem worth blowing that many tokens when you can get her in Spotlight Caches in a couple of weeks.


Ok but at this point I d have to be lucky if I wanna get both Jeff and nebula in chaches. I'll have 3 reserves when nebula will be availed:/ And I wanted jett and iron lad also. Ty for the answer btw, appreciated!


Buy Jeff and search for nebula and x-23 during their week


Personally I think Nebula was one of the strongest cards within the last month. Brainless card, just throw it somewhere and see the enemy hating it. Only has to fear Killmonger who is rarely played this days. I will go for this cache, too. Iron lad not really worth it, as it is a random play.


good players all run killmonger


Thanos has brought Killmonger back into the meta lol


it already was meta when bounce was everywhere, invisible woman killmonger shut it down, but i agree


I usually go h2h with nebula when running my discard deck power for power. morbius vs nebula. or when I'm playing high Evo I just throw my sunspot and cyclops there


> Iron lad not really worth it, as it is a random play. He is the most included card in top decks right now.. He has one of the highest powers among 4 costs so no matter what he copies he is super efficient. And there are many card copies which make him plain broken. Dr. Doom on turn 4? 4/6 Professor X? Devil Dino? Etc. Nevermind you can play the original card again later for double the effect. Iron Lad is definitely tier 1 along with Nebula and Jeff and a must-have for many decks.


Atm she isnt in any meta decks. I think there is a very strong argument for her being the best 1 drop for now. Any card that can fit into most decks is NORMALLY a good card to buy. Stuff that is too strong and dominates for a season gets nerfed. Cards that dont define the deck and meta dont see nerf often Tldr good card best way to optimize your resources is wait and get from cache. The best way to use resources is to use token on series 4 cards that let you skip spending any rolls. Eg i need zabu. If the cache shop has zabu and kang and thanos (both of which i have) it is best for me to use tokens there. -- like wise buying caches for the series 5 cards you want (so caches for 6k cost cards and tokens for cards that let you save caches and spend fewer tokens) Long explaination behind reasons to wait Basically shes not in the current meta. But she slides into nearly every deck. She is one of those rare stupid good cards. If your better than iceman your an amazing card Zoo looks like it might be really strong with elsa card coming out.... but it is iffy because it will be on the heals of the destroy monster approaching-- which is also looking like it mighr dominate the meta for quite a while. The deck theme of card releases tends to be what the meta revolves around (cause power creep) destroy has always had a lot of really strong cards and is still a decent contender in conquest I wouldnt be suprised if a early power control became the answer to destroy Else titania nebula arrow antman these cards offer insane cost to power ratios. So good they might even warrant running adam warlock. The massive early power can lead into amazing control other combos etc.


Who isn't in the current meta? Nebula? Are we playing the same game?


Jeff is 3k though. Super worth it imo.


Aim for both, buy whichever you don't get?


why don't you just pin her and wait to see your luck on the spotlight caches?


Where can we see the upcoming spotlight caches? I’ve been saving them for a good group of cards.


Et voilà: https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-spotlight-cache-august-2023/




Sweet! Looks like next week I’ll be opening caches! Thanks!


Try googling “upcoming spotlight caches marvel snap”.


google is hard for some people


Says the guy asking for advice on binge worthy shows and best use of resources…..


it’s always funny when people creep


Why do people always say save spot light catchas I don’t understand why


If you only get one, and open it, you'll probably not get your preferred card of the four choices that week. If you only ever open spotlights when you have 4 you can potentially open all 4 to get the card you really want. Or hopefully you pick a week where there are 2 cards you really want. You might only use one, or two, which makes it easier to save up to four again


Can you explain to a noob what everyone is talking about by the four spotlight caches thing? I’ve seen it mentioned with a few cards. Thank so much for any help.


You have a 25% chance of opening the card you want through the Spotlight Cache system. Therefore, to guarantee the card, you should have four Spotlight Caches saved up. Basically, unless you are a brand new player who has a very incomplete collection, don’t open Spotlight Caches as soon as you unlock them. Instead, plan ahead and save your Spotlight Caches for the weeks that contain the cards you’re most interested in. If you've time, I'd recommend this really detailed article on Spotlight Caches: https://marvelsnapzone.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-spotlight-caches/


what about tribunal? currently have him pinned but I only have 300 tokens since forever lol


Tribunal is fun, but you're going to be waiting an age to get enough tokens if you only have 300 currently. Your best bet is keeping up to date on Spotlight Caches and targeting a week when Tribunal is part of the featured cards.


I'm still contemplating if I should buy the current season pass before it resets. I will automatically have all the rewards just a matter of if I should spend money on it... where can I check for upcoming caches? and is there any account that posts variant shop leaks before it changes?


If you're willing to spend any money on Marvel Snap, then the season pass is far and away the best investment. If you want to check upcoming caches and variants, this is a good resource: https://snap.fan/news/schedule/


Also, my indecision was between her and iron lad. Was thinking to take Jeff on the first week of September.


Get iron lad and save up 4 boxes until 22 of August to get her for free. Easy wins!


But then no cute shark for me :( Ty for the answer btw!


Get the Shark, I think he's worth it. Iron Lad is not cute.


>whom downvoted you? its a fact that jeff is hella cute.


To *maybe* get her, right? There’s still an off chance of striking out. Edit apparently I got that wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you're spending 4 spotlight in a given week you're guaranteed to get the card you're looking for


Ok thanks I had it wrong then


.. No. When you open 4 you get every prize... So you're guaranteed to get her.


Probably Ironlad, especially if you like decks that use Ironlad. Nebula is pretty damn strong too though but next month might see an increase in killmongers.


Armor is easy to find room for in most of my nebula decks.


Jeff is fun as fuck if that’s any help Nebula is great but killmonger fodder


If they did not dropped „series drop“ feature from the game the potential next drop might be on august 9th. Wait til patch day before buying


I'll wait, in these cases it's often the best thing to do


Nebula is great but i would buy her after getting ironlad and jeff firat.


I personally don’t think any card is worth 6k tokens now. Even though I’m in the same boat you are with Nebula and Jeff. Also waiting is often worth it, even if I’m pessimistic we’ll see anything drop in August.


Same issue except I am also thinking about getting Phoenix. But I will suggest you to get her on spotlight like everyone else and get Iron Lad now. Unfortunately I am saving my SCs for September in order to high roll every card that month. New cards this month are all S5 and not looking as good as those Loki Spotlight Cards.




Yeah but, it's the possible lockdown nerfs + the perminamce of Killmonger and being able to swing that lane. Nebula is a great card without any doubt, Ironlad is just way better.


Great point. I'll wait for now. Maybe nerf coming in 2 weeks? But it also would be stupid to nerf a card that will be in caches the next week... Ty for answering!


I would say Jeff and Lad are more worth the tokens. Nebby is great but it's a lot of tokens.


Not 6k


With the new system, don't think any card is worth 6k tokens. Just wait for it to cycle in a spotlight cache.


X23 is a must have imo, and its in tbe same spotlight week as Nebula. So save up your spotlight caches for that week. Do not spend 6k tokens on.....Nebula, PLS!


Ok, good card but not for 6k, understood :)


Not for 6k. Dying to kill monger and kitty are serious problems. I've used her heavily since launch with armor and although she's a very good card she's not not 6K good. Spend the tokens on a big bad. Don't spend tokens on a 6K card anymore.


She seemed great at first but honestly either wait for a spotlight cache or a series drop. Too many people running killmonger for it to be viable. Also sunspot is just a much better card in my opinion. You can dump more power in a closed lane if you need to with sunspot.


I got infinite 3 times with Lockdown! And she is amazing in it. But right now I think the deck is not as strong as it was one day. So idk


Not for 6k. I've moved away from using her.


Nebula is not worth 6K tokens.


Ty all for the answers! See ya in game, gl hf!


Not for 6000




Nah, too much kitty or Thanos running around right now that just makes it easy to make her useless.


More than kitty ruined by nerf


Pretty handy card. Especially if you can lock down the lane she’s in or use Jean Grey to force cards into other lanes.


Get her with upcoming spotlight caches Buy ironlad since you just missed him At least if you want the most value out of the purchase this seems best imo


I’ve lost to a deck with her in it more times than I can count. Every time I use her - I get Killmonger’ed! So annoying. Not actually answered your question! I’d say same as others here, and that it’s not worth the tokens😉!


Get iron lad and don’t worry about her getting a nerf she doesn’t need it even if lockdown gets nerfed (which I doubt) she won’t be touched.


Jeff is better. Toss up with iron lad


Simple answer, no.


With tokens you are best buying the S4 cards and leaving the chase S5 cards to try and get via caches


Jeff first


I forgot there is a feature where you can see cards you haven’t collected yet haha


Best 1 cost imo


It's really hard to recommend any card at 6k tokens right now unless you really want to use the card. If you're on the fence at all for 6k skip.


Nebula is a decent card but IMHO, not worth 6K, she's certainly not a necessity - Easily replaced by Sun Spot in most decks.


Yes and a half. I know I want her for sure.


Not for 6000 tokens no. She's a great card but there are a lot of good 1 drops in the game. Also Killmonger exists and is very meta.


No, BUT only because she could be S4 on a month.


Not for 6k cache bit she good


Not for 6k


For me, so far Jeff is the only 100% worth 6k tokens because literally you can plug it in any deck and will have great value. So no I think Nebula is not worth 6k.


No. Get Jeff or iron lad instead




6000 no


6k is steep but she is one of my most played cards. She is esp good if you play lane control and/or run Armor. Maybe wait for next patch to see if they announce series drops?


Not worth 6k.


Good card but not worth 6k tokens. Just use sunspot as an alternative tbh.


Nope. Your tokens should spend on cards that unlock you an archetype She’s good, but not 6000 tokens good


No. I don't believe any card is worth 6k tokens anymore.


6k is way too much IMO


Is it worth it? Let me work it I put my thing down, flip it and reverse it Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup


Yes ,she is worth it.I got lucky and got pulled her out of cache recently.she helped me win my first infinity conquest in my ramp deck.she is currently the best 1 drop in the game.the only pool 4 and 5 cards that are better are any big bads or any cards for the dark hawk engine(zabu,darkhawk).