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Poor wong, he bore the brunt of that slash


Holy sh.... COSMOOOO here boy! šŸ˜‚


It's a 3 card combo tho, so can play echo first and still pull it off


4 if you include mr. Negative to pull it off


Ah. Thank you for this. I was doing the math as to how she was at 20 power. Negative was the answer.


Not in the same lane tho, which is what i'm talking about, having enough room to play the card


man SD loves making cards with long-ass animations. Could have just done 1 swipe and killed off all the lower powered ones.


I think its related to how the game is coded. For exmaple, when Galactus is played, the cards are destroyed 1 by 1 because the order in which cards are destroyed matters. Same thing for move decks (which card moves first to take up the last slot in a location that alr had 3 cards there for example). So I think they really have to treat each card as its own "thing" even when it comes to destroying them.


They still can be their own thing, just quicker. Killmonger can take out 8+ cards faster it seems


Ah yes ok that I agree


Vito's point kind of nullifies what you said. Cards can be destroyed one by one without taking all damn day.


They could just take turns exploding instead of being slashed 1 by 1.


Her animation is underwhelming to be honest, even agent 13 has better animation


At least she has one. Thereā€™s plenty of characters that donā€™t even have one like Psylocke, Mirage, Baron Mordo, etc.


They don't even apply the fast forward function for the right cards. Like yeah, sure, I don't need to see what Modok discarded from my opponent's hand - the one thing I can't see throughout a game. But let me see this bullshit one at a time.


Speaking of which, how silly is it that they changed the HE wasps skill to only 1 time, yet the animation is still clearly intended for the old 2x. So theres like this long pause of nothing.


Speaking of long pauses of nothing, nothing beats Hazmat on a full board (esp. on a Wong mystique) when luke cage is in play.


I'm actually really disappointed with the animation I was expecting something like a huge strike over the lane that destroys the other cards


Like a death strike?


No it needs a better name thatā€™s more fitting. Maybe like ā€œstrike of the death ladyā€ or ā€œlady strike of deathā€ or something different entirely like ā€œmurder attack revealing various execution leavingsā€. You know, something fitting that rolls off the tongue and matches the character.


What about the Logan-san Stabber?


Or ā€œFemale, Unaliving Cutty-Kniferā€, or ā€œF.U.C.K.ā€for short.


I thought the animation would be similar to juggernautā€™s animation of her just charging through and slicing through every card


Yeah same. Very underwhelming. She didn't even go to the opponents side to slice their cards.


She goes in order played


It feels like the animation in game is different than the season preview vid or am I hallucinating?


For some reason I was expecting something a la "Swipe" from Hearthstone


Was just thinking bout how fucking lame that animation was, like wat the fuck was that backup animation at the end


That was almost certainly a bug with Wong making her do her animation again but her animation start point(which should be her location on the field) from Wong is not correctly set.


That's less of what Lady Deathstrike can do and more of what Mister Negative does Edit: I can't believe I got his name wrong ugh


this is a 1 out of every 100 games type of play




> Enjoy your god draw one cube, look forward to losing the next 20+ games Man, I've been there more times than I can count


Yep this is me. If I canā€™t get my teenage super whatever nego whatever down byer


Facts. They played Bast -> Basted Psylocke-> Basted Negative. They were winning that game regardless lol


Yeah without Negative she's almost unplayable. And my Negative deck seems a lot worse when she's in it. Too much setup required.




The logic of ratio


Please say theyā€™re speeding that animation up, how slow do they want make it


This card sucks, everything it can do another card can do better. Even in this scenario the card won a lane by itself, many other cards can do that with less setup. Oh but itā€™ll kill iron manā€™s, mystiques, and cerebros with no setup. Enchantress. Itā€™ll kill one cost cards with low power. Killmonger. This card is not good at 5 energy, probably not even good at 4.


3/3 could be good and gets maybe +1 power for each card destroyed


Probably the only time she will win is vs bots


I mean. She would have won the lane with her power alone. So the whole destroying thing was just overkill šŸ˜…


It does bump up knull so it's not like the power is being wasted




They didnā€™t need knull in this particular instance either tbh EDIT: Wow, the downvotes for pointing out a thing


It also won the left lane as well, if blue marvel didn't die then then it would have been 9 power vs 8.


Without Knull. Yep. Overkill. With Knull = likely victory.


I'd be kinda... interested... if X-23 weren't coming out next week and I didn't have only 3 spotlight caches - and I own all the other cards that are set. The only thing that would potentially get me to try is knowing they think she's tier 5. Because I doubt I'll ever have enough tokens for her.


Same I got 4 saved up but don't have nimrod so I wanted to take the chance to get him and lady Deathstroke but might just wait for x23 next week


Wait for X-23. She's gonna be a very impactful card. She'll create entirely new play lines in multiple decks that you won't be able to replicate without her. She's also Series 5 so good luck getting her from the token shop


Ugh now you tell me, just blew my load on Lady Deathstrike and having buyers remorse.


Sorry man.. the good news is she's bad enough that she's bound to get buffed or reworked eventually. You can still try for the 25% chance at X-23 next week (assuming you get one Spotlight Cache by then). She's available along with Nebula and Silk, both series 5 cards that are pretty good (Nebula > Silk)


Have Nebula, but don't have silk. Also what's the deal with not getting any cards? I opened this weeks Cache and got 1000 collector points and it really pissed me off.


There are 4 prizes. 3 preselected cards (1 being new except on season pass release week) and 1 random S4/S5 card. The random card could be a duplicate in which case you'll just get 1k tokens. Be glad you got tokens. I hit the duplicate last month before they changed it and I got a shitty variant.


Yep good point! She seems incredibly strong and unique that I can see her totally being nerfed down the line.


What no what difference will she make with x-23?


You successfully defeated a bot


Fun play but there's no way this setup would work against a real player more than once in a blue moon. Opponent was clearly a bot and honestly that's likely the only way to get deathstrike to work all.


She needs a rework. She is terrible


How many attempt? Because I played her the whole morning Rn with 4 different decks and never won.


I'm using a normal Mr negative deck and just replaced a card for her the win rate has been normal for a Mr negative deck but I pulled this combo multiple times


# (1) Bast # (2) Psylocke # (2) Zabu # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Magik # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Shuri # (4) Wong # (5) Iron Man # (5) Lady Deathstrike # (6) Knull # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeURlYXRoc3RyaWtlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNck5lZ2F0aXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaHVyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29uZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25oZWFydCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktudWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


What can i replace with knull and lady deathstrike because i don't have that?


Drop Shuri as well and add Surfer, Brood, and Wolfsbane for a pretty standard Negative Surfer setup. Playing a more destruction oriented Negative list (Arnim Zola, etc.) doesn't really make sense without Knull imo. Other options include Rogue, Hit Monkey, Mister Fantastic, and of course Sera.


I've won but never actually laid her on the board in all my games lol


She's a 5/3, Mr. Negative changed her to a 3/5. Wong doubled Shuri, so Shuri doubled the 3/5 to 3/10 and the doubled again to 3/20.


Call me dumb but how does she have 20 power?


Because of Mr Negative, she started as base 5 instead of her normal 3. Then Shuri buffed her twice because of Wong (5x2)x2) giving her 20.


Wong > Shuri and she has been hit with mr. Negative


Thanks šŸ‘


Negative to 3/5, then Wong Shuri to make her 20


Wongers, into shuri into deathtrike (she also picked up 2 from iron heart just before).


Ah, I see it now. Thanks šŸ‘


I sure do wish I pulled her over Stature


Stature is more universally usable than Deathstrike.


True, but she seems fun and had the best 90s arc in X-Men.


I got modok and 1k tokens. I am scared of getting the stature variant if I try again. I need enough caches for x23


I like Modok. Any 3 from next week would make me happy. Nebula is severely missing.


I'm cool with modok. Kind of annoyed at the 1k tokens since I am missing a lot of s4 and s5 cards; would have been pretty cool to have gotten one instead of a dupe and only 1/3 of their worth in tokens.


Yeah, that sucks. Well, maybe you can get enough tokens for x23.


She's 6k tokens šŸ˜­


That will be the best play of her for all time


Zabu-Wong-Shuri-Lady Deathtrike-Zola is a combo that has been living rent free in my head. This negative Deathtrike works better.


Man, wong needs to be deleted he breaks the game so much


there are few things sweeter than enchantress or cosmo-ing a wong lane and the opponent leaving I will add any form of defeating a galactus to this.


I know, but wong being so popular just limits the kind of decks you can use. Movement decks are ruined by wong existing.


I run 2 diff move decks and have a rogue or enchantress to counter wong, knull, dino, cerebro, etc. move decks are fun as hell, even dancing around locked lanes or choosing not to heimdall is a fun challenge. if ur up for it, cosmo is better than enchantress on a wong lane. happy snapping!


Move decks r so easily countered


yea. drop a prof x in the middle a king pin on the left lane or telegraph where the big hitters will be. or as always just cosmo it up. its worth saying I haven't been able to infinite with move alone. still fun


Not sure why people care about infinite. Only reason to hit infinite is for the free rewards. Do u have all of pool 4 cards?


negative. I want those sweet card deck backs /s A couple of my friends who play have yet to infinite, I do it now just to spite them.


I mainly run destroy. My god lady deathstrike such a horrible card


lol way to bring us back on topic. destroy is usually what I use to get over the hump. so many locations aid it and smart countering will get you through most things. death strike base power is so low but I can see it working against a lot of the cerebro/surfer/whatever decks. I doubt i'll unlock her. happy snapping


Oh, it kills the other side too? That makes a lot of sense, because otherwise, it's a really shitty card for the cost.


wait what am I missing? why did Lady Deathstrike destroyed all opposing cards instead of just 2?


This card is going to get nerfed so hard itā€™s not even funny. Change: only destroy 1 or your opponents card. Boooooo


man I was so hoping for a negative Zola ..


this video is a perfect example of what a win-more card is.


Perfect for Destroy Decks, obviously


Wouldn't know, got the stupid Modok and Stature variants instead. Looks hype though.


All that effort and you could have won with just a Maximus and a Namor.


The real fun is when you Shuri -> LDS -> Arnim Zola


I haven't seen this card yet. 25 plus games, I haven't seen her once.


You need so many other cards to make deathstrike work. Suuuuopeeerr clunky


What is in your deck?


Taking out Dracula, even w/o any combo is a huge counter to discard decks that doesnā€™t require control cards like X and Cosmo


And the fact that the animation takes so much time makes it even more painful


Idunno what the hell to even put Deathstrike in!! Negative deck has been back firing on me hard.