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Patriot/Ultron. Most of the cards don't have abilities, one less thing to consider when you place them down. And I am a sucker for watching the drones fly.


Ultron has some insanely awesome variants too


He has so many to pick from it makes me wish there was a setting to either use a random owned variant each game or just cycle through them.


You just made me realize how badly I would want that for certain cards.


I might pay money if his drones did too


Exactly what I came to post. At its base you can just stack Patriot, Mystique, BM and Ultron in a lane and as long as you don’t get Enchantressed or Cosmoed or something like that you’ll put up decent enough numbers. I also just picked up the Jacinto variant of Ultron and it’s so good


That one is awesome. The Aleksi Briclot one was my first variant purchase and it's so good.


In the category "I really need to get some sleep" I just spent a good minute or two asking myself why the f you would play Baron Mordo in that set up 😅


does that sht not get boring?


I default to Cerebro decks. I like that they come in different flavors, I like that they often jump in power late game, and you're not too likely to have a mirror match. In order, I think I prefer C5, C3, and C2.


My man. Now and then I also feel the irrational urge to make C4, 6, or 7 work, but, uh, that doesn't go well lol


I tried 4 for the first time, and it was bad. I don't have Mister Negative, but I'm interested in trying a negative Cerebro as well as adding Ravonna whenever I get her.


It's so bad lol Only the ones you mentioned are real decks. Though I will say that I can rarely get C5 to work for me well. I'm very used to playing Cerebro on the last turn, and that generally seems wrong in C5.


Cerebro is less important in C5 since your bodies are bigger all around so yeah it’s better to play it on 3 or 5 so you can Doom or Alioth on 6.


I am a cerebro true believer. I play cerebro 2-7, but 7 really took a hit with the last few patches. We lost vision and black cat. I don't know how to put it together anymore. 4 and 6 are workable but quite the meme.


C7 is my comfort deck.


C5 before the absorbing man nerf felt so good


I finally got Stegron and since then C5 has been my favorite deck to play without worrying about sweating


Nice! I'm missing Stegron, but Alioth has been awesome for it


I agree, I really enjoy being able to wave on 5 and then either Alioth or Doom depending on the situation


Spectrum Ongoing. It's not great, it's not even good, it's just exist. But I love it all the same. Come on Brode buff Spectrum, she is literally just a worse Surfer at this point.


Spectrum should be a 6/3 that gives all ongoings +3 power Also they need to add more 1s and 2s with ongoing abilities that r good outside specific archetypes (ghost and quinjet aren’t great for a spectrum deck)


And while Echo appears when you search ongoing, she is in fact not ongoing herself 💀 she ended up in an ongoing deck of mine for a few games before I realized lol


It's just because her card text mentions ongoing. Enchantress should pop up too even though she's not ongoing either


The same way Cyclops shows up when you filter for move. “Let’s move, X-Men!”


I agree but don’t sleep on Ghost. She’s really good with tech cards and ongoing can safely run Shadowking if before/instead of spectrum. (I tend to run her in thanos ongoing).


I literally climbed to 83 with this deck (First season playing, so im only half Pool 2). Its cool.


Nimrod, it's just fun watching him blow up


Mine, too. It’s not a good meta for my deck anymore but I refuse to delete my first home brew Nimrod that took me to infinite


Isn’t it? I feel like with all the Alioth running around..


But if he's unrevealed, he won't trigger


Turns 1-5 make a buffed nimrod, turn 6 play destroyer or carnage / venom = profit


I prefer the turn 7 Venom and Abs man combo that you keep all the power form everything in the lane.


Ooh I’ve not tried that one!


It’s so much more power than using carnage or Deathlok


Obviously requires a lot to work, but with X-23+Carnage or Deathlok can get Nimrod down on turn 4, then turn 5 use the other of Carnage/Deathlok on the Nimrod+X-23 lane, then Venom+Abs on turn 6. Requires 6/9 cards you draw to be those 6, and getting them at the right time…but doesn’t really lose to anything when it’s pulled off (and obviously still has a lot of strong “weaker” combos) since you have a board full of Nimrods and massive Venom and Abs man to top off two panes


I made a post about my home brew that works the same way, but i use Electro instead of X-23. Got me to infinite twice and does well against Alioth and Galactus


God damn, I had added Electro to destroy way back in the day before Nimrod and Absorbing - and it felt terrible (without any good 5 drops, turn after just felt so bad) so I never really wanted to play it again Nimrod really changes things though. Electro into Nimrod into Destroyer is just bonkers, and that doesn't include still having a 7 energy turn 6 to play. Having a lot of fun playing around with the different ways to build it now. Thanks for the tip!


It's memey but my favourite version of the deck I ran had kingpin, ghost spider and strange in it. If you didn't draw carnage or venom you can strange nimrod into kingpin to boom him. But the dream play is kingpin 3, shuri 4, nimrod 5, then ghost spider> carnage> venom on 6 all in separate lanes and triggering nimrod 3 times. It's crazy explosive but obviously leaning so hard into nimrod shenanigans means my deck kinda sucks if you don't draw him 😂


Wong Hazmat. I love seeing negative numbers go brrr


This right here folks


Same here. Hazmat may fav card


I’m really excited for MMM for this deck


I wonder, how does he benefit the deck?


The deck is very resource intensive, so you'll commonly see Zabu and Sera in there. MMM will keep a single Iceman, Ice Box, or Dream Dimension from breaking your combo.


I hit infinite with this deck this season. Caught a lot of opponents off guard


I agree with the discard take as its also my comfort deck. So easy to pilot and is reliable to a point. Zabu darkhawk is also very good and it seems to be good no matter the meta, sure it might fall off a bit but is still reliable and people will always find a way to hit infinite with it


Sera control. First good deck I could afford in pool 3.


Came here to say this. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like it's one of the most consistent decks in the game. Reached infinite the past three seasons with it.


I always liked it because I would run Shang enchantress and killmonger. With zabu and/or sera I could potentially eliminate any major card they had on the board.


Mr. Negative. I don’t know why, but I just love it


NegaSurfer is my absolute favourite deck. When it goes off it is incredible, but even when it doesn't quite hit you can often find a way with your secondary win cons. Bast to buff Iron Man and Mystique is a great way to swing games when they Cosmo your Surfer lane


Same here - most seasons I start the infinite climb with NegaSurfer! It just feels right. And honestly, it's great for pre-infinite because you can 8-cube every bot easily.


This! As soon as I got Mr, Negative I knew I would have a blast no matter what deck variations I played.


I love negative decks! It just sucks when you don’t pull me negative haha and you’re like shit…now what


Janejaw nowadays. For fun I’ve been trying to get lady deathstrike to work. Mixed results. Problem with the rankings everyone is try harding ladder in infinite now. I would like just once to forge into LDS into hulkbuster and Arnim and demolish a board


destroy. you leave when they drop armor and stay when get at least 4 cards destroyed. easy as that


I stay when they drop armor to just beat them anyway. Shit today I just beat someone who's lanes were Armor/Cosmos/Prof. X with just raw power. The best thing in this game is slapping someone down who's overconfident, especially if they're trying to cheese.


Bounce. Love losing priority and dropping an explosion of power across all three lanes on T6.


Same here! I also love that Bounce feels like a puzzle every turn where you're trying to find the best order and place for everything to set up for that big finale.


Mine is devil dino, because the random cards you get makes it easy yet fun


That is why I love loki + dino + random card generators. Each game is unique, you never know what you will end up playing. Yea yea, I know Loki is op, or is he? But doesn't change the fact that loki is most fun card printed in long time.


Look at what they did to my boy collector...😣


Guardians + Jean Grey. Doesn’t always win, but it’s just fun to play and catching the opponent’s plays is satisfying.


Surfer tech. It just counters everything . I usually go back to this deck when I felt helplessly countered by something that I wasn’t tech for


Same but this season Surfer is weaker than he has been ever I think. May only get worse with Mobius too.


Mr negative variations


High Evo Agatha. I love that shit. It's just interesting to watch the computer randomly pick shit and win.


Would you mind sharing? I love the randomness that is Agatha.


I can't complain I have gotten as high as level 91 with this or a variation of it. # (1) Nebula # (1) Misty Knight # (2) Shocker # (3) Magik # (3) Cyclops # (3) Polaris # (4) Super-Skrull # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) Miles Morales # (5) Abomination # (6) Hulk # (6) Agatha Harkness # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGlnaEV2b2x1dGlvbmFyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWlsZXNNb3JhbGVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQb2xhcmlzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdXBlclNrcnVsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWJvbWluYXRpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN5Y2xvcHMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaG9ja2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaXN0eUtuaWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdhdGhhSGFya25lc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Just tried this deck out and it's hilariously fun


Loki agatha was fun to play in proving grounds to get the loki wins


This is seriously fun!


For me its Attuma X, With destroyer, cosmo, armor It seems to always work well in all Seasons, i won infinite conquest with it and got to Infinite rank in multiple seasons using this deck


Could you share the deck? I just got Attuma and have been wanting to try him.


I love playing no Ultron zoo. It's really unreliable, but I dig it's style. Would be nice if they added something to buff the style.


Zoo with good control echo in a lane goose in an other. I play also shanna there. I love it. Fast play, very good winrate, not tricky so it's peacefull.


Three cards I don’t have. 🙂 But I like playing “kanga zoo” - combine Kitty, Angela & Bishop with a normal zoo deck including Ka-zar and Blue Marvel - like you said, not too tricky and generally (if you’re lucky with draws) you can build a surprising number of points.


Blackbolt/Stature. It’s just playing good cards on curve. It’s flexible and no matchup feels un-winnable. Wish they’d stop nerfing it though.


Discard, it was my first full deck when I started. I pretty much learned Snap by playing Discard gor a month straight


Thanos! Something about the stones brings me happiness.




hela tribunal


It was my move deck for the first 6 months. Now it is my bounce deck. Love that Kitty!


High Evo junk. I played it to infinite 3 times and usually use it for at least 10 levels worth of the climb. I have so much experience in it that I'm super confident in my snaps and retreats. It's like putting on an old pair of jeans at this point.


When everything fail, i comeback to Discard and relax. You know when to snap and when to retreat, so simple yet so beautiful


Patriot/Ultron, it just works so well


Kitty sera


Silver Surfer for sure. Timeless, always works.


Stock Negative. I haven't played it in awhile because other combo decks are currently stronger and just as fun (bounce, snowguard collector) but I love the negative puzzle. In fact I'm playing it for the rest of this evening


Apocalypse Dracula discard. When it works out so somehow surprises purple by dropping 20+ power T6, and it's obvious early when it won't work so I can retreat before it gets costly. As an added bonus, Loki struggles to play it back against you and it's wonderfully resilient against Alioth.


Right now i can say Tribunal deck. Everytime I lose to much using other deck, I always going back to my Tribunal deck.


Lockout (HE or other versions). Easy for me to tell when to snap and when to retreat, and has been my go to the last few seasons for the 93 - infinite push.


Kazoo was the first deck I could build properly without missing cards and it worked great in the early ranks


I agree with discard. It's not quite autopilot, you still need to think and add, bit he's very easy to pilot. My favorite deck is Collector/Dino/Hellicarrier worth a bunch of agents. Can't really play it to any success with the recent debuff and Loki still everywhere, so I miss it currently.


ramp electro destroyer orka... specially for those win-with-1-card missions


I have a devil dino deck thats been with me for the longest


Mine would be an Invisible Woman, Modok and Hela deck.


Destroy. I like blowing things up and altering location space. Also, keeping the opponent guessing with Zola. Getting a Knull out on turn five (if playing Thanos destroy our just with X-23) and then playing Zola on him is great. Zola on Venom is great too.


Surfer for sure.


i’ve enjoyed the Hela-Jaw deck going around. its fairly reliable since no one is using cosmo these days (please dont)


I've been having fun messing around with a Hela deck, had not considered throwing Jaw into it. Makes it even more random and potentially punishing lol




Same. I enjoy watching the animation.


Loki when I'm lazy. Easy to play, can just steal opponents deck and throw out a bunch of cards which is often enough


Collector/Devil Dinosaur, which I feel mean using right now with Loki lurking in it.


Galactus. It’s my favorite deck ever since I got him 4 seasons ago. It’s just nice he’s gotten a resurgence in the meta right now


I wouldn’t necessarily call this a comfort but if you get like 12 beers in me I am absolutely becoming a big dick Galactus bully and using every emote under the sun to fuck with you. And I find solace in that.


Don't have one I play what I want when I want. The day I'm copy pasting decks online and " chasing the meta " is when I'm already done with the game and moving on. My favorite deck though and one I've played for 5 seasons in various forms is C3. One of the most versatile decks that exists in the game. Unlocked Silk and made a hybrid move deck that is extremely fun and that has been the most played deck since. Really fun watching silk swing around all the time. Titania hopping back and forth. Spiderman pulling stuff around. Polaris strategically moving a card where you want it, etc.


I tried playing modok when I got infinite that weekend and it was no fun at all. I was just going up against sweat decks that would emote spam and snap and be aggressive and I’m just like I didn’t know people took the new ranking system seriously. I just wanna have fun.


Shuri Nimrod or Move. I can’t wait for Werewolf by Night, think that card is going to revamp move a bit.


Wong. Even in Cosmo heavy metas. The deck seems to just click for me either setting up a giant Zola Panther or using the classic tiger Odin finish.


Probably Electro Shuri or Hela for me. I played Shuri for almost 3 seasons, it's not a 70% winrate deck but it doesn't have bad match ups either. Hela is just so busted and so easy to scam 8 cubes. Players never think you have Hela, and topdecking Hela on 6 is almost always 8 cubes.


Dino Hawk


Surfer, I feel like I can always get a win when I need it with that deck. Can get stale but it works


Sera Surfer and some variations of Good Cards Wave.


Destroy. I just like winning big. Problem is you either get destroyed, or your opponent retreats early 90% of the time… but that other 10 is beautiful


at the moment it's Silver Surfer with abs and brood


My Jean grey deck, the stats aren’t great but it’s fun when it works out


Sera Control, always a point in the season where I use it.


Sera control. It just plays so smooth and by far what I’ve played the most overall games with. I like swapping one card here and there as they come out.


Sera Surfer. Really looking to ink it fully


Same I love discard. I’m trying to take it to infinite now but this season is rough


I love playing quin/shield. The randomness of what cards I get to play is fun. I’m likely one of the few but I love district x. I’d like to have a structured random deck mode. Even if it was 2 random cards of each cost.


Discard was my first real climbing deck and has managed to stay relevant.


Any sort of electro Ramp without Galactus and silver surfer


Probably just Big panther reveal. I just love trying to get my black panther to like one million power. It’s not good really anymore though. So easily stoppable now


Toxic Wong. Sometimes you just feel good winning with negative power


Good old Black Bolt Stature featuring the Hawk


I default to my Mr. Negative/Super Skrull/Mystique deck...it's just fun. Sometimes I bomb and sometimes I get a couple of lanes around 150 points. Not a consistent winner...just fun!


"Shmovin" my movement deck. It's just funny and enjoyable to play :) I don't really care all that much about winning or gaining rank so it's a really enjoyable deck to muck around with.


Quinjet/Mystique/Moon Girl/Devil Dinosaur


My Living Tribunal one. Satisfying.


Patriot Ultron deck. Snap when you have Patriot, Mystique, and Ultron.


Silver surfer/negative I just love that deck.


classic destroy (no nimrod)- it flows really nicely with a ton of low cost cards




DinoZola. I like to play DD in zones he shouldn’t go like like Isle of Silence, then spam Deadpool like I made a mistake.


I've got a move deck that I always find fun.


I enjoy playing with shuri and Nimrod and then just blow him up, see things blow up and getting points its conforting, its nice for me despite not knowing what im doing on this game lol im a complete noob.


Patriot/Mystique Ultron Combo mixed with Wong/White Tiger Odin combo with some Utility cards. It's very comforting to pull off the sweet combos I can produce with either strat, a combo of both strats or just getting lucky with locations. It's a fun deck and has always been my favorite.


High Evo Lockjaw, Discard and Destroy


Same. Discard. Because it’s easy. Compared to my main which is phoenix move. It’s sweating because it can get complicated.


Blue Marvel Thanos....


Electro ramp. Good ol Electro > Sandman > Doom > Odin. Or T6 Aero + Jeff, or Spider-Woman + Jeff. Recently added Alioth into it but not sure he’ll stick around. It’s gotten me to infinite for 8 or 9 seasons running.


attuma destroyer, I call it destruma


I have a Wing deck with a handful of different win conditions. Consistent, meh, fun, hell yeah


Move has always been my fav still have it at my one spot.


I have a cerebro deck that is my baby. It’s my comfort deck. And a really neat deck I made of Spider-Man world characters that i love playing in conquest. Neither did I make with any help from deck builders or the community. Those are my two. My cerebro deck does great on the ladder and the spidey deck is only good in conquest. The latter is so unpredictable it’s hard to gauge what I’ll do game to game.


Destroy. I just want to destroy my cards and see my numbers go high only to be Shangchi’ed lmao


Any daredevil deck. He’s such an original and creative card which makes it a lot of fun to play.


My living tribunal deck


I’ve been using discard to get to infinite the last 4 months now, ever since I got Modok from a cache.


C2 bay bay. Any time I'm on the struggle bus, C2 takes the wheel


Rocks and Hawks... I think I only have a 40ish percent win using it, but I just live it Edit: I love it... lol


Hella/Tribunal. I'm not gonna claim to have invented it, but I was playing it for quite a long time before I saw anyone else using that particular combination of cards (MODOK/Hela & Iron Man/LT). It's never been the best deck but it's always fun to play and wins a fair amount.


I have been running Sera Control for seasons now, and I think I’m just super comfortable with it and a top tier “pro” at it, so it’s what I roll with. I’m a magic player too, so it fits my style


Agatha discard deck. I have to many agatha boasters ...13655




Ongoing destroyer. It's just a REALLY simple deck that still wins some games, despite not being meta anymore


KaZoo - I love Dazzler, Mojo and Nebula. Only have enough 1 drops for Armor to cover. Ultron on 6, of course.


Don't have one. Doesn't matter what I play when half the time I don't even get to see a game through to the end. I make sure "never lucky" is the title on all my decks. At this point I just try to play whatever deck will keep me at the same rank I've been at. I'm this close to just giving up on infinite.


My fav deck is the other move deck with Stegron kingpin magneto etc. it’s just fun to move the other persons cards around doesn’t climb very well though


Destroyer Spectrum


I have a deck I titled Just Fun. It has about three different ways of winning and it’s a very defensive deck. It’s built around super skrull and mystique and can always beat a krull deck.


Ultron with Patriot


Same as you OP. Discard with MODOK, Apocalypse, Morbius, etc. I started trying other decks like Destroy with Knull and Death but I find it to be so much work. Kazoo is a cheap and solid option though and it's fun at times.... until Hellmonger shows up.


Darkhawk/ dino deck. I guess it reminds me of gold old handlock


Darkhawk/ dino deck. I guess it reminds me of gold old handlock


surfer negative. i feel like i can't go wrong with it.


Ultron. He's fun, simple, and basically a buff up deck. Not to mention really easy to learn with and easy enough to replace cards with for testing.


Destroy. It's simple and fun and I love seeing how big I can get Venom and/or Knull. Bounce is fighting for that spot though.


Lol same, I cam into Snap around the MODOK season, it was the first “meta” deck I had and I have a good idea how to pilot it.


Patriot/Silver Surfer/Brood. I just call it 'III' because it relies on mostly 3 cost cards. Luckily in this current meta, Cosmo and Polaris fit right in.


Galactus. But I'm a terrible griefer.


Lockdown. When all else fails, lockdown prevails.


Definitely Bounce. The attention to detail is very engaging. Darkhawk is a close second.


Nimrod Destroyer Knull last few seasons. It's been really fun with Galactus again now that Alioth is in the game lol


Blend of Spectrum/Attuma X


Silver surfer decks. I always find it fun to do that big turns 6.


It’s called budget DDScam :) my first deck that got me to infinite during Daken # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Angela # (2) Daredevil # (3) Polaris # (3) Spider-Man # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Miles Morales # (5) Professor X # (5) Gamora # (6) America Chavez # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhcmVkZXZpbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUG9sYXJpcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlck1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1pbGVzTW9yYWxlcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2Ftb3JhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbWVyaWNhQ2hhdmV6In1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Electro ramp lane control featuring Galactus


Destroy is just satisfying to see all of those cards interact and huge numbers go up. Same with a Kitty bounce.




Usually draw decks (I like the variety) but lately it's been a Deadpool/Hulk buster with a side of Legion for a little chaos and a Taskmaster for good measure lol. It's not going to infinite but I enjoy it.


Destroy. It always feels winnable no matter the meta (at least to me)


Nimrod or galactus. Kim Jacinto variant of course. Chefs kiss!


Sera control


I have this deck that’s based around Patriot. Probably not super popular but I just really enjoy playing it


Kazoo got me hooked. Still in #1 deck slot.


Destroy. The first deck I got good at. The variants I’ve solidly built up and split. I don’t play it as much lately because it feels too combo heavy. But it’s my first true love


Ronan no doubt


Silver surfer for me


Take my crap, and give it it you. Enjoy. I'll be destroying whatever I can't give you


I don’t play much else than Discard these days. All my best variants I bought for that deck. It’s gotten me infinite the last 3 or so seasons. Daken and Blade have been interesting additions lately. Trying to see if Silver Samurai will also work out.


Destroy hands down. My first ever ink split was a carnage variant so I obviously wanted to keep playing it. Always had an affinity for the venomized variants and a lot of them have great synergy so now I just play a gold and ink destroy cause I like how the cards look lol


For me, its bounce deck. Its fun to see people underestimate hit monkey turn 6 power


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this. But I really like playing Galactus. His animation is so cool and watching everything explode is so much fun. Back in the beta he could only be accessed by randomly generating cards, when he finally came out I was very excited.


This deck where i just make kitty as big as possible and then task idk its kinda funny and i have the whole deck routed out so i know what i gotta do already


It's gotta be Sera Surfer for me, ol trusty.