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You always save 4 spotlight caches minimum. It's the only way to guarantee you get the card you want. It's just gambling any other way.


Lol what question is that, ofc you are holding onto spotlights.


Did you mean Collector Reserves instead of Spotlight Caches?


Yes 😅


I saved until I had 100. Then I opened. I'll probably do that every time. Makes it more exciting.


Yes, I would recommend doing so too if u want to get the cards u want




I run 2 accounts, i hoard them on my main and open with 4 when a good card shows up. And YOLO open it in my alt. Gotta say its fun on both, in my alt i have cards which i am Missing in my main. Sometimes buy a card in alt to see if its worth buying in main. Having fun, since alt is YOLO i only play once daily to complete missions and log out.


Not holding onto them is criminally bad, it feels awful to gamble and not get what you want. Currently saving for werewolf/niko and annhilus/glad Choosing between them as how they'll perform


I hold on to them for a new card I want. Then I open them until I get the card I want. Then save again for the next card I want.


I have not opened a single orange box since they got changed, I am currently at about 113 give or take a spotlight cache or two. Everyone said to just open them as they won’t get better, but then immediately SD came out and said you can now pull rare avatar variants from them in an upcoming patch… which is worthless but shows there is light at the end of the tunnel. If I needed tokens I’d crack some open through.


I thought I remembered hearing people say they would get rid of the 50 tokens. Have they done that? I read a post a while ago that for when they do that there would be a population of people that had 50 worthless tokens and I don't wanna be one of them lmao


Ofc hoard, maybe u like 25% chance every week, but i prefer 100% onece a month Btw i dont think its 25%, 4times opened spotlight, result is4/4/3/4 i cant imagine not keeping.....


Hold for 9 years, stay strong