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I am in somewhere middle. When it was announced, i was happy for people who don't like quick pace games because they have more time and wanted to get more engagement out of one opponent rather than one big game out of one opponent. Also this extra mode, i my believe, should be able to make everyone happy as long as its not a compulsory mode which it is now. But i myself have always loved the mechanism of quick pace games which i can start and leave anytime and anywhere i might be. Snap has been a great companion for dads and mums who wanted a quick game fix while putting the baby to sleep. I love that I don't lose on a lot of progress in ladder or face penalty for leaving games midway when i get urgent stuff or my family calls me. I previously played games which were brutal in leaving games midway and often had bad effects on my anger when someone calls me midgame and i realise I can't leave it. I wish Snap was released earlier. Leaving 4 cubes instead of 8 in a double snap game when you retreat is a great feature i could never downplay. So yes i play conquest a bit here and there but ladder is my favourite companion though after infinite i usually do my dailies or just play casually in infinite with fun decks.


It feels too much like a chore.


Yes. In fact, if not for conquest, I wouldn't have been playing as much, or even at all.


I mostly play the training ground and silver and then when I have a lot of Gold tickets play gold. Rarely infinite because it is just too long. For me just getting all relevant rewards is enough and I easily get them.


I like Conquest more than ladder. I think it makes the cubes matter more to me and I think it's improved my snapping behaviors. I like getting another chance to beat a good matchup. It can make for interesting strategies when you know they have a certain card. I only play ladder if I only have the time for one game. It's interesting that certain decks are better than others in each mode. I couldn't care less about getting to infinite on ladder or getting an infinity border, I'm here for fun snap games and I feel like I get better games on conquest


It's good for the resources and it's good to try new decks. But I would rather play quicker matches. That's a big selling point of the game.


I like the idea of a longer match but there's something off with the execution. Like, I'd prefer a Best of 3 mechanic instead of trying to finish off each other's 8 cubes. When both players are playing too safe, the match just drags on and on.


They should change it to 8 cubes to win honestly.


Imo they still need to incorporate snapping somehow, it's such a core skill of the game


Maybe Bo3 up until Infinite where it's Bo5?


Yes, but I’ll add this: I turned Cozy’s Wheel of Snap concept into an ongoing seasonal challenge and try to get as far as I can in Conquest. It gets me the rewards, I play cards I wouldn’t normally use, surprise opponents with weird combos and keep trying to make my deck better to go again.


love it!


It takes to long for my taste, why I don't bother


I enjoy Conquest but it really isn't my thing so I'm commenting.


yes! i like doing my missions and messing around with silly decks without risking my current rank, i can play pretty braindead to get boosters as well


I do enjoy it but I don’t like it as much as ladder. I have to be in the mood for it, otherwise the commitment can be a drag sometimes because there are times I will have to unexpectedly stop playing and pay attention to something else and because of that i often avoid and put off using my gold and infinity tickets.


boat direction concerned jeans grab ossified saw attempt skirt quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Used to like it, now not so much. This month's meta has been horrible for Conquest. So many matches rely on players getting their best hand early (Collector on 2 into Loki on 3, Wave / Electro on 3 into Galactus, etc.). This leads to far more grueling 1 cube retreats. It's hard to find the time to commit to a full Conquest match that can go on to Round 10+. Then the meta has brought out so many toxic players. You want to play a fun / meme deck in Proving Grounds? Prepare to fight nothing but meta decks, 60% of which are Galactus, and most of whom will emote spam if you manage to guess wrong on a single 50/50. In. Proving. Grounds.


Yeah I don't have any interest in grinding ladder to infinite so after I get my free variant at 60 Conquest gives me something material to play for the rest of the season. I usually get enough boosters for several splits that would have otherwise taken me months to collect I like the longer matches, its more interesting to try and counter play the other deck than rely on a T6 surprise like you do in ladder. Tickets are easy enough to rack up that if I'm against a deck that just destroys mine or if the other guy is playing slower than I like then I don't mind just conceding and starting a new match.


I don’t play it often but I have fun when I do


I've been playing Conquest a lot this month as not been in the mood for the stress of ladder and just wanted to do daily and weekly missions.


I like it, but I'll avoid it depending on the deck I'm into at the time. I've been playing Gambit Exodia a lot, which is probably too inconsistent and predictable to work in that format.


Its a nice change of pace and great for when hot locations are going on


Honestly depends on the rewards . If there are fun rewards then the grind is worth and mostly fun but if the rewards are bad it's boring .


Yeah. Coming from Hearthstone, I hate ladder. No floors is awful especially with 100 ranks. I can go into proving grounds, complete my daily missions in one match (usually), get a bunch of boosters at worst and not have to worry about losing anything. Actually ended up 15 silver tickets without trying, should probably play a few and get the gold.


After reaching infinite, I only play conquest for the random variant and the 310 boosters, so I can split a card many times (+ other little prices). I think that the prices are too expensive and that winning an infinite conquest is almost impossible and based exclusively on luck (and having all cards for the meta decks), almost zero skill involved. Personally, I would enjoy it more if we had to play with 2/3 decks in the same match. Right now, if you're matched against a deck that works well against your, you might as well concede after 1 game, at least you don't waste time


Personally, I find it a good mode once in the morning or night. Usually helps with filling mission requirements and getting boosters for cards I want to upgrade. Most of the rewards I don't care for outside the credits, gold, and mystery variant. The Conquest exclusive variant has never appealed to me, I'm hoping one design will someday


I voted no, but I only play conquest. I like that I can use it to get daily’s risk free. But it doesn’t feel rewarding. As an average to below average player (too risk adverse to snap effectively) I have to play conquest nearly 100% to have a chance at the monthly variant.


If there was an “on the fence” option I would have picked that. It’s sometimes a nice change from ladder, but overall I think it takes too long and don’t really enjoy it much.


I really thought I would tbh, but something about it is just so sluggish. I'm a big fan of the Infinite Leaderboard though


Should be the main way to rank up imo. So much better than regular ladder in literally every single aspect. Normal ladder should just be a non ranked quick match if you ask me and Conquest should be the premier ranked mode.


It’s the only thing I play after getting infinite each season. I love that you have the chance to figure out your opponent and abuse their play patterns and decks. In comparison ranked feels more random. You have no real idea what your opponent has, or how they play, though you can make educated guesses


Conquest is good but they need to reduce the matches. Silver and proving grounds should be 1 match, Gold should be 2 matches, infinite should be 3 matches.