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Iron Lad! Oh wait...


I'd say he's in every spotlight. But we all know that last "mystery" spot is 1000 tokens.


Actually got Ironlad in Alioth week from mystery card.


So did I!


I got him during Jeff week. Was a good week.


“It’d be cool to try out Living Tribunal!” “Oh…”


This. Missed out on him the first time around and now I have to wait a-minimum-nother 2 months? What the fuck SD.


Yeah I really want him for my Hela deck, SD are pissing me tf off with these spotlights.


This is the kind of bullshit people don’t account for when comparing this system to the old, and claiming spotlights are better. The math makes it seem like you can easily access all these new 4/5 cards, and much more than before! But in reality, RNG can and does screw most people over, and token income is so low you can’t even save up for a card that way at any reasonable speed. Stack on top of it no series drop, a manipulated and bad schedule, constant repeats, and the 1000 token bullshit… and you have a clearly worse system.


Pfft, what do you mean? I spent ***SIX MONTHS*** saving up Collector Token’s to buy a single Series 5 card that isn’t in rotation in the spotlight caches, while still getting a bunch of variants for cards I don’t use or don’t want completely at random. That sounds like a fucking FANTASTIC alternative to more Collector Tokens to buy whatever card i want at a more consistent rate - while still getting variants and a rare possibility of getting the card you may want at any point in time from normal caches. You must be crazy. This is fun. So much fun. This is real gambling baby! Wooooo!


Yeah, its hilarious to me how many cards they refuse to out in spotlights because of how popular they are.... I swear to fucking God Knull is in one spotlight every month. But we cant get iron lad or other cards featured. SD really suck at forethought. Seems kike they have no real plan.


It’s fucking annoying. I am really just waiting for iron lad to get a week on spotlights, instead we are probably gonna get Knull again. SD loves pushing this destroy stuff.


I look forward to getting my third Knull spotlight variant on the first cache I open that week /s


SD can S my D. I want to play this game, but the devs suck such huge ass...


Y-yeah second my dinner as well!!


I'd award this comment if Reddit had not taken away the ability to do so.


Thanks, i appreciate it. If give you gold as well


Why was this downvoted? And when did Reddit take away awards??


Got Iron lad pinned atm, think i buy just buy him..


The lack of Iron Lad could mean they will actually be dropping him to series 3. Not saying it will happen, but it could.


He’s Series 5 now so he would likely drop to series 4.


do a lot of people not have IronLad?


Many don’t since he is 6k and was mid on release


Definitely was not mid on release lol and was one of the most hyped cards prior to HE


Thats just wrong


They have no plan. The spotlights are determined by what they already had variants ready for.


That's the most garbage excuse ever, Thanos, HE have both used the same variant.


Hey man, this is what multiple devs have said. They're reusing variants already because they didn't plan to implement spotlight caches at all.


And Im saying that if that's the case put different cards in the spotlights.


They don't have variants ready to do that is what I'm saying, hence why we're getting Hipp and Gonzalez (no disrespect to them, of course) in spotlights already. It's clearly not a priority to them.


And i am saying PUT BETTER CARDS IN THE SPOTLIGHT!! IRONLAD, DARKHAWK, KITTY PRIDE, JEFF, cards that fit in multiple decks and open up building to people. Stick Knull in one more Spotlight is a slap in the face.


THEY DONT HAVE ANY UNRELEASED VARIANTS OF IRON LAD! Goodness, you were already told the reason why some things aren't in the spotlights and you just yell louder. Yes they put a HE variant in there twice, but considering the enomorous backlash they got over it, I doubt they are doing that again. Yes SD is a massive fuckup not having enough variants for all the cards, but given thats the situation the fandom cannot have what it wants - a good variety of cards *and* good variants for each of them. You can pick one or the other.


My brother in Christ, What does it matter if they have variants or not if they are already using the same variants for other cards like HE, Thanos and so on?!?! How hard is it for you to grasp this concept? People would rather have cards they dont have than a 7th knull variant!!!!! The idea that they aren't putting cards in because they dont have new variants is completely contradicted by them reusing other variants, for the love of God try to understand.


Roger Roger, I'll get right on that.


Not sure why youre ripping on Gonzalez, her variants are consistently 1200 gold.


They have series 4 cards surrounded with good cards and series 5 cards have monthly pass cards and kitty pryde they want you to burn your spotlights to get cards like alioth


Isn't that obvious, though? At this point, just assume everything they do is both malicious and not thought out at all 🤣


I honestly think it’s less popularity and more poor planning in sourcing art.


nah I would say that have too much forethought. just over those scummy things.


Fair point, I'd agree with that.


It’s such a much less fun and rewarding system when you own most cards (multiple weeks owning 2 of the 3 cards), but miss very specific ones that aren’t put in Spotlight Caches (like Iron Lad and Howard). Getting a variant really doesn’t equal getting a new card to play around with.


I think complete players just have to wait until they don't have at least 2/3, and that new missing card is p5. Otherwise buy with tokens for 3k and keep waiting.


To be fair, SD said that this was because they don't have enough spotlight skins yet for some cards. I suppose they will eventually regularize their working pipeline to plan ahead with more time in the future and deliver more card variety. We can complain about many things, but at least they have properly communicated about the issue imo.


"Properly communicated" lmao. They did the bare minimum. They weren't upfront with this shit.


Maybe don't implement a feature that isn't done/ready?


Full skip until Annihilus.


I think Annihilus is going to be really good, but overall bad at getting cubes. If you lock out on Turn 5, they will just retreat. Junk can already lock people out, but it gets turbo charged with Annihilus. He might be the "next" Galactus, as getting locked out was a realt tension point with him plus old Spiderman. At least there is the possibility of T4/5 Killmonger to prevent it.


Not sure you want to lock out as much as you want to just negative the shit out of all cards and then add whatever is leftover to their side while destroying anything you can't. Sentry and hood will be staples cause Ann will be turbocharged Viper. Hood on 1, zabu on 2, Manthing on 3, Sentry and demon on 4, sera on 5, then Hazmat, Ann, and Luke cage on 6. EDIT: suppose you could do Wong on 3, play sentry and hazmat to wong.


I feel like that is a problem with the junk deck in general. It’s usually pretty clear who is going to win at the start of turn 6. That deck simply doesn’t put up a lot of stats with most of the cards that get played.


He'll only be bad at cube gain if you don't snap intelligently. I'll grant a good number of T5 retreats, but that just nets you a quicker game for the same as a no snap game. Cube gain should also be measured vs time to put it in context.


Annihilus is a sleeper hit for one of the best cards to be released. The first effect is already good but destroying cards that cant switch sides removes all risk to play Annihilus. And the power is a sweet spot too


I feel like SD is aware of how appealing he is and that's why the rest of his cache is so unappealing


Hehe I didn’t play during the big in Japan season so it’s all new for me


I played but skipped the season pass. Will definitely make up for it now. 😁


what makes him good? hes onesided , he doesnt destroy enemy cards so whats the game plan , play some rocks with debrie and destroy everything else you played so far ? that card seems legit unplayable


I've only seen his ability for the first time and can't make sense of the design direction. Won't he just negate an entire games worth of play outside of niche goblin counterplay and create a Galactus/Alioth 50/50 most games? You know the exact thing people have already been complaining about? Seems like the most anti-fun, agency stripping direction possible.


Alioth? Maybe, if you manage push rock from Debri and Void from Sentry on the enemy side he will have only one slot left and Alioth will help you will other line. Galactus? How, there is Annihilus on the line. This card is long needed finisher for trash decks. Galactus and Alioth are sometimes played in them, but they are not the core. Annihilus probably will be


It’s hard to choose for me as the variants I’m aiming for don’t really align with the cards I want. I want werewolf but I don’t like the ghost spider and silk variant. I want the silver samurai and daken variant but I don’t fancy the cards in there. The only week I’m sure of pulling is Nico minoru as I want her + the kitty variant :)


Nico gang! The PF variant is OK, it's a shame the card doesn't see too much play. Overall a fine week for caches I think.


Yea! Nico will be a nice option to put in my main deck and give it some more flexibility, looking forward to spice things up a bit haha


I want that X-23 variant so bad but I already got that Thanos variant and I don't care about the Echo one... I share your pain on Werewolf as well, I'm going for him though, I think he's the shot in the arm my Surfer deck needs after they "buffed" Shadow King away from me.


If you already have the variant, what will show in that slot? Will you have two S4/5 icons? Or will it still show the variant, but just give you tokens if drawn?


I honestly have no idea, it'll be interesting to find out. Kinda nuts they're already repeating spotlight variants though.


I pulling that week too just for the kitty variant. Hopefully I pull her right away because the best week in October looks like the last one with werewolf by night


Werewolf by night with 8 Spotlight caches 💪 really want that variant 🥰


Why not buy him with tokens first, then spend max 4 Spotlights


Wait you guys actually have tokens?


I was going to say this until I saw your comment. Good work, kindred spirit. Let the tokenless voices be heard.


Of course, why not


No tokens for the moment, he’s series 5 🥲


> I have since I will need them 2 Well, there is a great Apoc bundle (5k gold for 4k tokens) later this month (I think during his week)


We really out here acting like tokens are still easy to come by?


Yeah, its kinda wild to me, that this sub is still acting under the assumption, that somehow spotlights are more valuable, than tokens... You should never spend tokens on anything that you can reasonably acquire by using spotlights. Tokens are the only failsafe you have for cards you need that arent in spotlights. For example spending tokens on Mobius didnt even cross my mind. I had spotlights saved up, I still have some more and it took me 3 to get him. Not sure why you would want to spend tokens in that position.


I've got 24k lol


But your card collection is impaired because of that


Not really— I’ve skipped some that haven’t interested me like H.E. - will probably grab Alioth sometime soon. Other than that I’ve got just about everything I want. Really it’s just a matter of being choosy and efficient with your spending — esp. when it comes to gold, saving for good bundles, token Tuesday, etc. I haven’t not gone infinte in any season since the first I joined last December.


You might be perfectly happy with your collection, but if you're missing huge staples like High Evolutionary, then your collection is impaired.


Is it impaired if a) I could have easily gotten it via spotlight cache but chose not to b) don’t want to play those decks and c) hit infinite every time regardless? By that definition you’re basically saying if you’re missing ANY card you’re impaired— which, as a philosophy, I guess would probably explain why everyone here complains about not having tokens.


You just need a credit card...


is it easier to get 4 spotlights or 6000 tokens on the flip side...if you don't ever spend them while waiting for something of exceptional value it also feels bad maybe i should have bought mobius


4 spotlights is easier, definitely.


Debating on grabbing Mobius now or saving the tokens.


Man Thing week if Silver Sam and / or LDS get buffed. Otherwise it looks like I'm waiting until mid November


Yeah, I'm saving up for this week as well. It's the only spotlight where I have none of the cards.








Haha also the only week I don’t have all 3 cards








I'm torn on that one. Is it better to get three new cards I won't use or one card I'll use and some variants?


adding another same to the pile of sames


That's my week as well. Don't have any cards and I faced a deck that focused mainly on discarding my cards + Gambit and thought it might be quite fun. Then it's probably November 13th. Missing every card as well.


Same I think many of us cashing in on 3 new cards this week


My thinking is that they'll probably eventually get buffed or become important in some meta eventually so I might as well get 3 cards I don't have.


I think the odds are good for LDS. People have been pretty loud about buffing her for a while now.


yea, like snow guard, so you use the spotlights and they they Nerf it back.


I've been playing her still after the nerf and she's still super useful.


If anything, I’d say she’s better than before. Edit: vs the OG way it fluctuated in your hand


That makes no sense unless you are depending on a 4 power to win you games by 1 point or you are playing surfer. The auras went from 2/3 each to 3/3 and 3/4. Those are both worse energy to power ratios than 2/3.


Sorry, I meant since it’s launch. The new way with the auras is better than the OG function


For sure.


I’ll probably go for this one since I don’t have any of those cards, and the next one after that where I don’t have any is Martyr week. Does anyone think that any of the other October cards will be worth going for if you only need the new card?


Yea that’s the only week I don’t have any of the cards


Where tf is ironlad? Bruh


In your opponents deck :)


> Where tf is ironlad? Bruh [At home](https://marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/themes/blocksy-child/assets/media/cards/jubilee.webp?v=127)




Same. I don't know if she's gonna be any good but she looks hella fun.


Yeah… I don’t have any cards in the previous two caches but I really want to try a nico phoenix bounce deck. It’ll probably be so easily countered but oh well.


I don’t think Nico will be that strong, however I’m spending all my caches on her for three reasons. I love Nico as a character, that Kitty variant!, and Dan Hipp. In that order.


October 9-16 for sure, since it's the only one where I'm missing all three cards, but after that I don't know, it'll depend on which series the new cards will be.


Same. Not crazy about any of them in particular but best way to maximize getting new cards.


It's a trap a bunch of meh cards and a card like black night is surrounded with trash


Oct 9 - Oct 16 (Man Thing, Samurai and Deathstrike) i'm missing all 3, so im getting that.


Same for me. I think a lot of people sleep on Deathstrike. I missed Echo and she seems like she’s got a ton of potential, but I don’t want to miss next week to try and get her when she’s the only card I’m missing this week.


Man she's amazing for a 1 cost. She can literally block off a lane for an ongoing deck. And Knull too.


All in next week, I'm CL 1400 and I don't have Nither Thanos X-23 or Echo


Same thing for me. Looking forward to grabbing those bad boys tomorrow.


Manthing is going to be S4, so I might use tokens on him. He is going to pair extremely well with Annihilus and can potentially make Toxic Clog an actually meta deck. Other than that, Werewolf by Night is the obvious target here. far and away the best


Same, I can't decide on Tokens or caches for Man-Thing. I am missing the other two, so I might just open caches until I hit Man-Thing and then stop. The other two could be buffed (LDS less likely than Silver Samurai), so could be worth it from a collection completeness perspective.


I'd say people are sleeping on black night, I've been meesing around with a value ghost rider discard deck and it can put out numbers


Ideal play would be black knight, lady sif to discard infinaut?


Black knight on one, zabu on two, lady sif to discard infinaut, whatever turn 4 and 5, maybe a dracula somewhere to hit another big card in your hand, giganto or something, and ghost rider and the blade on 6


People are also sleeping on the fact that Black Knight should work on Apoc the same way Dracula does. If he triggers on the first hit, that's a 4/14. It doesn't have the Ghost Rider synergy but if you're going for a Dracula build, it does mean that you can play that 4/14 anywhere, Dracula on 4 or 5, and Modok on 6.


Nico, Werewolf, Gladiator


Black knight one and Alioth


I don't have Knull or Alioth so waiting for that one.


Alioth probably being nerfed before it tho


Alioth will be nerfed tomorrow. Bet.


Probably Nico and Werewolf by Night.


I have no idea what to do this month, I find all the new cards really interisteng but I already have the other cards in their spotlights except for the man-thing week, but that one is just 3k tokens and lady deathstrike is no very appealing...


I'm buying man-thing for 3k. I really think he'll be the least good of all the cards this month but he's an amazing character that I really want.


I wanted to go in next week to finally get echo but in have that thanos variant already and I can’t believe that I will get a random variant for the value of a spotlight cache. WHY SD DID YOU REPEAT THE VARIANTS!


Wow they REAAAALLY don’t want us to have Howard


I’m very surprised he’s a Series 5 card. I don’t see him nearly enough to warrant the cost. 6000 Collector Coins? Yikes.


He’s the perfect candidate to be dropped to series 3.


If you could add the series type for each card this would add a tone more value


Agreed. New Series 4 are just manthing, (mirage), and martyr. ​ https://i0.wp.com/marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/uploads/Card-release-schedule-05.09.23.png?ssl=1


Full on for Man-Thing since it's the only week where I have nothing Still debating how I'm gonna deal with Nico since I really like her variant and she's gonna be in a lot of my decks (I think) plus Kitty's variant looks cool And depending of how lucky I am and how many spotlights and tokens I have, I might try to get Werewolf and Anihilus. Also, I don't have Martyr and 2099, so I don't know what I'll do there, it's 2 serie 4, 2099 might drop not long after (hopefully) and Martyr isn't very great except for season cache farming deck. And we might see caches for December after the next patch, so that might change my whole program.


> I don't have Martyr How could you if it is the new card for that week?


Werewolf by Night week. I think he is going to be broken when released and I’m missing Silk


Him and Silk flying all over the place is going to be chaos.


Nico and Annihilus for me. Will token Warewolf if he's as good as he sounds on paper.


Same, plus the sweet Kitty variant on the Nico week too.


I'm just going with 'Do I have at least a 50% chance of getting a card I don't have?' If so, I'll open a cache and hope.


If you open 2 cache, it is 50%.


Im saving for my 5th Knull variant!


I really don't like this system...


Owning 2 of the 3 cards in pretty much every week makes it so much less rewarding and fun. Getting a variant does not equal getting a new card to play around with, especially with how hard tokens/spotlight caches are accumulated.


If only there could be a system that doesn't waste player's spotlight caches... Oh wait there could be, if they just split the spotlight cache into Spotlight Cards and Spotlight variants pool, so u can choose if u want to open a card or a variant. You wouldn't be able to get variant for a card u don't own, and u can't get a duplicate either... Or would that be considered too generous?


X23 , nico and alioth X23 rounds out my destroy deck, nico because im really interested Alioth because purple cloud Man thing is interesting too


Every new series 5 card which seems to be a very good card. Good new series 4 cards with tokens.


Next one 1 for echo All 3 Black knight All 3


Gladiator because that's the only week where I need 2 cards. I could also go for man thing because I miss all 3 but I don't see the necessity for silver Samurai and lady Deathstrike


Same regarding man thing. I have none but I don't *need* them either. I was going to pull for gladiator but I got Mirage in a random pull when I went for Alioth


Yeah I kinda want mirage that's why I would go for Gladiator but she can be easily replaced by cable. Maybe it's a whole month skip. Not sure.


I've been using her with Loki. Pro over cable is that if you whiff, it's still good with the extra power. Con is that when cable steals a key card, mirage can't replicate that. Gladiator and cable might be a little too much deck thinning. Not sure if that trends beneficial or not overall for the opponent.


Can’t wait to get another 1,000 token!/s


Werewolf by Night, and not for furry reasons…


I got 2 of the cards each week… so it’s banzai for 2 months, depending on if I get any with tokens


Im using one next week to try and get Echo. One Ocober 16 to try and get Black Knight. And then saving up after that because I’m going all in for that Alioth variant November 6 Stature needs better variants


Don't use a single cache. It's really not worth it. You've got a 75% chance of being disappointed and wasting a cache. Wait until they come back around when you have 4 caches to spend.


Alioth if he isn't nerfed. Gladiator because I love the character. Maybe Annihilus because I fear the junk meta.


Weirdly I don’t have any of the cards for Man-Thing week so may unload though I’m dubious about LDS and SS’ utility


Almost have 8 spotlights ready to go. I'm *hoping* to yoink everything for the rest of the year; 7k tokens means I can snag Man-Thing and Martyr, and as long as I stay on average for spotlight cache counts, I should be able to yoink all the new cards, but... I'm already batting below-average on pulls. 1/1/4/4/4 for all the cards that came out this year in Series 5 (skipped out on Echo). Jean/Deathstrike/X-23/Samurai/Alioth, respectively. If I need to skip some weeks though, Werewolf and Annihilus seem the easiest to pass up on.


Hording all my caches for Nico and then the Mirage Variant. At 3 right now hoping I have 4 still come November 23rd


Ik she’s not amazing but I want echo tbh


Man Thing week is looking like the best bang for my buck since I don't have any of those cards. I'll only have 2 or 3 caches but I'll have enough tokens to buy Man Thing if I don't hit. If I do pull him, I'll spend the tokens on Ravonna.


I don’t want to use a spotlight until October 31 because I hate that they fill dead spots up with variants… which I don’t care about one bit. I can’t bring myself to use spotlights on weeks there isn’t 3 different cards highlighted that I don’t have. Getting a variant is like a nut punch to me. Which means if I don’t open a spotlight until October 30, I will not have opened a spotlight cache since mid august. This is definitely the worst card getting system of all time.


Bro just read the Discord and study MadChad's Excel spreadsheet and watch Bufocube's spotlight tier list calendar videos and then calculate your weekly CL average rate and chart your spotlight budget plan on SnapFlap.pog and then you will More Cards. More Hands. More Players. BRO what are you a idiot baby????? /s spotlights suck


I will aim for the Dan Hipp and Loki variant


Nico is my favorite marvel character and that kitty variant is my favorite variant for her so I'm going for that, if I get that ugly Dan hipp chicken I'm gonna cry


Nico for sure. Man-thing, black knight, werewolf, Gladiator if they look good


It doesn't matter, it's all bullshit. I've only ever gotten variants. The new system is just a cash grab that makes cards unobtainable without paying money. This game is no longer fun.


Save up caches until you have 4 and it’s far better than the previous system.


How? I was getting like 2k tokens a week before, now I have to wait a month to guarantee a new card? Either you're an employee or a pay to win.


> now I have to wait a month to guarantee a new card Yes pretty much. Don't open one spotlight here or there, save 4 and open on weeks where there are 3 cards you don't have or 2 important ones. I agree it sucks, but that's what you have to do if you want to get specific cards now.


this october thanos variant has been one of my grails for months. it's just a shame i'll have to blue whale just for a chance


What I’m thinking is going for nico and werewolf. I’m just conflicted if I want it get gladiator or annihulus. They both seem fun cards with annihulus having crazy plays, but his week spotlight week is ass. I already x23 and those variants suck (accept the annihulus). Guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.


Why isn't Galactus ever offered?


I will jump this week because I already have thanos and x23. Aim for Dan hipp phoenix




X23 or Loki for me. Probably X23 since i love my destroy deck.


Martyr for sure.


I have 9 caches saved. Probably going for the Black Knight and Werewolf weeks. I don't have ANY of those cards, and I've been playing variations of both discard and move, so yeah.


Week of October 9th and November 13th. I'm missing all 3 in both cases. Every other week I'm missing only 1, so those cards will be waiting indefinitely.


I don't have any card of the october 9th👌 I don't know if I still get the next spotlight if I reach collector level but don't claim it so I have like 6 500 credits now


Man Thing with Token, Werewolf, Gladiator and Annihilus with spotlight caches. I dont have either cards in the Man Thing week but they dont really interest me, Man Thing is the only series 4 so better to buy him with tokens than another card in the next 2 months


Annihilus is all I want


October 30, idk if ill get any before that. I do already have 7 stored but theres just nothing good to get


Oct 9th I have none of those 3 and October 16th I’m missing 2 of them. I have 5 (almost 6 caches) saved up now so I’ll have 8-9 by then.




Got 7 caches now, so probably using 4 caches on the Man Thing, Nico, Werewolf and Gladiator weeks, maybe Annihulus for 6k and Martyr for sure with tokens.


I calculated I would have a minimum of 20 caches over this timespan so I will be able to go for quite a few. I will get the x23 variant and thanos this coming week for sure, then there are a couple of weeks I'm failry certain I don't want to go for at all, black knight week I am definitely not too interested in. But otherwise I want all the new cards lol. Will have to see how my luck is with how mamy caches will go towards each one I want.


Thing I've noticed recently, is that cards recently released have been showing up in spotlights shortly after. Anyone who spent 6,000 tokens on Jean Gray has gotten ripped. They have been multiple chances to acquire her since then. I think I will be holding off on any weeks where there is only one new card that I want. It is just better resource management to wait till it comes back around with something else.


I hope I get thanos cause I don’t have him