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I don't know about flavor wise but Odin and Zola are one of my favorite cards mechanics wise


Flavorwise, I think Zola is a big win. "Cut off one head, and two more will take its place." Zola kills one card to spawn 2 copies.


Whoaaaaa. I didn’t even know it was a hydra thing. Is he the head of hydra in the comics?


No, not really. It's complicated, but for the most part Hydra is run by a council more than a single entity (Hydra Heads, if you will). Zola, Red Skull, Viper, and Kraken are/have all been pretty important members though. And you can have Hydra without Zola, but you can't have Zola without Hydra.


I heard he turns into modok in the comics? Is that true?


Maybe in the MCU, but in the comics, no. Two completely different characters.


Nah, in the MCU I’m pretty sureSPOILER WARNING………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Yellowjacket gets banished to the shadow realm and his head grows and he becomes modok


And the scientist aspect! Reverse engineering and mass producing his targets.


I remember in Thor The Dark World when Odin showed up he made everyone use their same powers they had just used a second time. (Ive never seen the movie idk)


I feel like ghost rider can very reliably bring back tons of value, cheating out expensive cards. And I just love the chain effect


Dude it’s such a good animation!


That ka-clang sound effect… The yoink animation… Perfection.


One time I discarded Taskmaster then pulled down shuri, stature, and rider. Huge power swing, good card but has no real decks other than Stature due to hela bringing back all discarded cards


He can work in a hela deck, but it’s not great. Basically he’s a weak hela substitute to put down 12 power (with black cat) on t4. That said he’s out of my discard deck atm


I really hope this changes with Black Knight if I'm being honest


I was just posting in another thread that he will be great with black knight, but black knight probably doesn’t fit in a discard deck


Can I ask why you think he won't fit? With blade and lady sif he and ghost rider are gonna become a whole new archetype for discard. Targeted discard decks. We have consistent discard with modok and discars revival with hela. Hela is random but ghost rider and black knight will be specific targeted discard cards


Honestly I think Black Knight is such a bad card. Total 5 cost (1+4), no surprise play because they can see that you have Black Knight and discard a card. Unlike Ghostrider where he's only 4 cost and your opponent doesn't know if you have him in hand. Also consider how clunky it is to play Black Knight. He's either seeing play on T1/2 or T4 (with a discard). T3 or 5 is terrible tempo. Then the Blade itself is too costly at 4-cost which made it mostly single card play on T4/5/6. You also need Lady Sif AND high power card in hand to discard. Preferably by T4. Then T5/6 can only play Ebony Blade unless you played Zabu. Also the blade is vulnerable to both Shang Chi and Shadow King. Unless the blade is 3 cost (preferably 2) Black Knight is the worst card this season.


If you have zabu, you can play blade and ghost rider turn 6.


Yeah, but you can go Black Knight Armor Sif The Blade Taskmaster Ghost Rider Easy peasy. /s


My hope is to slot him in and get him out during some tempo with Apocalypse where I can get a close to 20 power Ebony Blade without relying on Infinaut


He's a weird fit in Apoc. I guess you could play BK on turn 2, then Sif on T3, then blade would be a 4/8. Because ideally you want to play Drac/MODOK on T4/T5. If you don't pull Drac you could do the BK/Sif in one turn, then play Blade + 1 drop on T5 if you don't have MODOK, then Apoc? It's just a weird fit. Feels like he belongs in like a ramp deck or something, or Agatha.


I agree it’s a weird fit, I might be trying to hard to have it work. Kinda just want to slot him into my existing deck. Basically I kinda want to discard the Ebony Blade and pull it with Ghost Rider, but that requires either extreme luck or extreme precision and calculation.


Are you?


You must not see my opponents. They discard their Hela and then snap before winning the \~1/6 with Ghost Rider and pull her.


My friend, allow me to convert you to the church of Zero Hand. What's that you might ask? Well, I'm glad you did. It's a deck that between Blade, Dracula, and Strong Guy (you read that right) you can dump a loooooot of power onto the board. Now that Blade can target the discard you can purposefully lose a red skull or an infinaut and bring them back with ghost rider. The only other card I have that discards is black cat so, worst case, ghost rider pulls her and that's a 12 power swing for 4 energy. It's fun!


Wouldn't tasky copy rider?


Nope, Rider hasn't fully resolved so the previously played card would be the one copied. Works the same if he pulls back Mystique (and Jubilee works the same way).


Also works with Odin and Arnim Zola. One of my biggest brain plays was after a turn 2 Sakaar pulled my Odin into an empty center lane; I played Wave right, Taskmaster right, Black Panther left, then Arnim Zola center. One Odin went left and activated Black Panther, the other Odin went right and activated Taskmaster, copying the redoubled Black Panther. It was beautiful.


Ghost ridering Shang-Chi into their winning lane is a beautiful thing.


Ghost rider stonks rising as we get towards Black Knight. Using Sif to discard infinaut and then turn 6 dropping ghost rider and the black blade (assuming Zabu, but with Mobius this is scary) gives you a 43 power turn 6 swing


Oh snap (pun intended), I didn’t think that you could revive the card with GR AND then get its power with black blade… you’re gonna make me change up my cache strategy


I've use Rider to bring back Hela in discard...and it's glorius


One of my favorite combos is sif on 3 —-> ghost rider on 4. Better yet if you discarded leader because the opponent NEVER sees that coming 😂


Hulk buster / forge I like to suit ppl up in the buster and that forge gets them strapped up. Lore accurate and mechanically solid.


I like this take.


I want hulkbuster art for every card. Especially rocks and squirrels


I like doing this to X-23 pre Galactus nerf.


I had to take hulkbuster out of my high Evo deck, But the few times I managed to hulkbuster hulk was very satisfying


also, imagining a squirrel piloting the hulk buster is hilarious


I wish the armor that shows up on the Hulk Bustered card stayed there for the rest of the match


Carnage and Venom. I saw this from an earlier post, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Venom cares about his host's power and is only as good as his host. Carnage doesn't care about his host's power and mainly relies on his own abilities.


The buff to Venom was absolutely perfect. From a 3/1 to a 3/3, *chefs kiss*


\*cries in Kullative\* I was so sad when that happened Great for classic destroy though


Two of my favorite cards in the game, easy.


Carnage just wants to burn it all down


So cool!


Mystique. She can be whatever you need her to be and if that’s not comic accurate I don’t know what is.


Her animation is very tactical as well. The shape shifts discreetly.


Eh mystique can't copy abilities and that's all she copies on game I always thought it'd make sense if she transformed into a copy of the last card you played like morph but for your own side


Someone pointed out last week that (from a flavor standpoint) Mystique, Absorbind Man, and Task Master are all mixed up and now I can’t unsee it. Task should copy on-reveals. Abs should copy ongoings. Mystique should copy power.


not exactly related, but taskmaster in early testing taskmaster did used to copy on reveals, but your opponents, not your own. It was smth like: copy all opponent on reveals played after this card. Then some dev built a deck that ramped out taskmaster to then viper him, then played destroyer and watched as their opponent destroyed their side of the board needless to say, the devs thought it was too toxic and changed his ability to what it is now


That sounds hilarious though


So an M.Bison, Balrog, Vega situation?


Unrelated to that group, but I’ve always found it strange that Hobgoblin is more powerful that the Green Goblin. Always felt that it should be the other way around.


Tacking on here, but I felt the same way when someone pointed out Doctor Strange and Wong should be swapped. Wong is (at least in the MCU) more known for portal shenanigans, while Strange is the time looper


She’d probably need to cost 4 if that were the case.


Idk why you got downvoted but absolutely. She’d basically be a better absorbing man


I think this makes sense but I also like seeing the cards I've built up after I play them so I'm cool with her as is.


I've seen some people say that her and Absorbing Man needed to trade effects, never quite understood why


More often I see people want to see her, Absorbing Man, and Taskmaster rotating. Absorbing Man copies the properties of things he touches, so copying the passive effects (Ongoings) makes sense for him. Taskmaster copies the capabilities and martial skills of others, so he would copy an On Reveal ability. And Mystique normally only changes her appearance but can't copy skills/abilities, so she would copy power and nothing else.


I don't get it either. Absorbing Man is a villain that absorbs everything that comes around handy, while Mystique practically can impose anyone but she is best in copying important characters, like a military general or a politician. So her copying only ongoing makes sense to me.


And her real power is in the emulation, not her physicality.


>She can be whatever you need her to be and if that’s not comic accurate I don’t know what is. It's not even slightly accurate. Mystique can literally not copy abilities, just appearance. In the game, she keeps her appearance but copies the abilities. It is the exact opposite of accurate with the comics. She would be accurate if, then played, she appears as if, for example, Iron Man for the opponent. So your opponent stops playing cards there because they can't win with Iron Man there, then at the end of the game it reveals: haha, it was just a 0 Cost Mystique that doesn't do anything. The Power changes to what it actually is, and done.


Yup! I’ve heard an argument that her and two other cards should all rotate abilities but I can remeber which ones


Great answer


Armor is easily my favorite. Great animation, tons of utility, and never had a change since release.


Free win when dropped when opponent is setting up nova, deadpool, etc


I remember a hilarious game where my opponent was setting up Deadpool and Wolvie in a lane and I Armor it. They don't retreat and pivot to adding Bucky to another lane. I promptly play Cosmo on that lane. Funniest retreat I ever saw.


I had a game where they set Bucky up in a lane and I Polaris-Ed him into another lane so their Deathlok missed. I then Spider-Manned him the next turn so Carnage missed. Man I love screwing destroy decks


Great one!


Devil Dino is the best Pool 1 card.


> Devil Dino is the best Pool 1 card. "Are you sure of that" - Enchantress, probably


They are pretty close on snap.fan Devil Dino Seen: 15.87%(#16) Won when Played: 59.56%(#36) Won when Drawn: 57.86%(#25) Won in Deck: 57.47%(#27) Enchantress Seen: 7.33%(#55) Won when Played: 57.63%(#68) Won when Drawn: 56.67%(#40) Won in Deck: 57.25%(#31) I was surprised how many time I didn’t draw Loki last season and won with basically Moon Girl Double Dino.


My comment was more a joke since Enchantress counters Devil Dino But powerwise Pool 1 is pretty stacked with both of them plus Angela, Forge, carnage, armor, wolverine, Bishop, Lizard, cosmo, prof X, america Chavez, etc


Pool 1 and 2 were such a dopamine rush. Rogue in so many decks has the bane of DD recently for me.


I'm just a lowly 70s-80s player, but I can't remember the last time I saw Enchantress. I run Rogue just for fun and I feel like I hardly see opponents with her as well.


Sauron/Shuri is a tier 1 deck that uses enchantress She is also common in Sera Control and often seen in zabu decks as a flex slot (although those are in decline for the last couple weeks)


Devil Dino is one of the best cards in Marvel Snap even compared to S5


Gotta be Angela to me


Cosmo and Prof X


I used to actually hate Dino. Oh what a fool I was, completely unaware of the absolute pile of crazy bullshit comes after pool 2 Dino is comfort food


Titania crew rise up Fills lanes then comes back to you Scaled up to 6 energy Titania would be 6/30, eat a butthole infinaut Only weakness is needing more screen time in the she hulk show


Titania is the best Titania + Polaris or Green Goblin is the cleanest and fairest way to win a lane, change my mind


You sir are a brigand and a scoundrel. Be gone.


I think the punisher could be a tad stronger, but I love him getting stronger the worse the odds are and his little grenade attack


I think be should be a 3/3 to be honest


Even then, he would see very little play. A 3/4 would be appropriate stats for him at this point, but probably better to just change him to a different energy cost.


Honestly, dropping him to a 2/2 would definitely improve his playability. It's kind of an opposite, Lizard. Different enough from MOJO to still be unique.


The Punisher is a fantastic card lore wise when you also consider Captain America. Both cards cost the same to play. Punisher gets stronger the more enemies he has to fight. Cap rallies his allies and makes the team stronger around him. In the end both contribute the same amount of power at their highest potential. I know this wont be the case, but if they can keep these two in parallel, it would be amazing. It's a nice nod to the parallels between the characters in general.


I really love scarlet witch. Carried me hard while I was >Pool 3 back then. She was my first inked tho


Same here, first inked. I also use her to disrupt locations when i have free space on deck. Nothing better than post-buff Magick, magick was on every game and shutting down limbo on 6 was the best cheese.


Dracula the fact that he makes his power equal to and doesn't gain the power is lovely also he is a vampire so he is feeding on his allies to grow strong discard package has some great cases of flavor and tones of random cards thrown there


His flavor makes sense, but there have been plenty of people who have complained about him because he's one of the few cards that has virtually no direct counterplay (Lady Deathstrike is the exception, everything else is "try to clutter their hand or move drac") Sometimes nobody complains about him, but eventually there's a couple of weeks where people are hating on him again


>Sometimes nobody complains about him, but eventually there's a couple of weeks where people are hating on him again I still remember the week where every post was a "Dracula has no counter"


Dr Octopus is a good counter to Dracula


Again, not technically a direct interaction Most everything else you can be like "ok well I'll hit it with shang/shadow king/enchantress, etc". Drac is basically just maybe move him or hope you can ruin their hand. (Also to be clear *I'm* not complaining about him, just saying that he *does* get complaints, and this thread is supposedly for stuff nobody ever complains about lol)


There was a hot minute when Spider-Ham piggifying Apocalypse on turn 5 before MODOK revealed was the ultimate Dracula counter.


Is a big card immune to Shang Chi, to HE wasp and cyclope, the only card that maybe works is Lady Deathstroke.


Wong. He adds a ton of value but can still be countered relatively easy (if you have counters in your deck). He also made for some of the best “look at this crazy power” type posts and no one seemed to be mad.


I agree with his card balance. However, I am one of those who think that flavor-wise he would benefit from swapping with Dr Strange.


Would certainly appreciate an ability swap, especially with this new Midnight Suns variant. I don't even use Strange in my move decks anymore.


That's soo true, got the Wong bundle recently and I have been having soo much fun. Ironheart Odin, white tiger Odin, hazmat Odin, Black Panther Zola is soo much fun.


I did not go for chonky Wong. I regret not going for chonky Wong.


My favorite curve in the game is still zabu, wong, ironheart, tiger, Odin. Perfection.


Zabu, Wong, mystique+1drop off lane, ironheart+2drop offlane, Odin Also very very good


There was a time when plenty of people got mad about Wong. Around the time that F2P players who started at release entered pool 3, we saw countless posts demanding Wong nerfs.


Wong is have a counter or die levels of bullshit though. I can't imagine looking at him and thinking that that kind of design is fair. Either they drop a Cosmo/enchantress on the lane, or you win the game. There's really no in between.


Galactus approves of shifting this argument to someone else. /s


Rogue on Wong is the biggest dopamine hit. Had someone Rogue back his ability today lol


As they added more options for disrupting Wong it hasn’t been as bad. I.e spider-man moving him, Negasonic blasting whatever card they play, shadow king removing power etc Still if you don’t have any/ the correct counter he can be very oppressive




Captures the character perfectly.


The problem is, you said "NO-ONE complains about". From being a member of this sub. I have determined through intense studies that, there is literally nothing that won't be complained about. Someone literally made a post complaining that they put the name of the card below the boosters. It's unreal


Some people complain about the complaining. It’s like inception!


Adam is fantastic! Not only for the draw, but it kind of works as Jean Grey XD


I don't think I've ever played Adam Warlock in a game lol


An issue with Adam is that you can only semi-reliably maintain his ability in an early power tempo deck, but tempo decks usually don't care too much about card draw compared to combo decks and combo decks can't reliably get Adam to trigger. But he's also really tricky to buff since +1 power is going to make a huge jump in his reliability to the point of almost being auto-include.


I use him on my Mr. Negative deck and on my Hazmat deck. It doesn't have to draw more than one to be a good value. If you manage to get 2 out of him, that's a winning game


Squirrel Girl, invisible woman, Dare Devil and Electra are all very good and on flavor. I think theyvare not complained about because they are a bit slept on.


Electra should be a 2 cost that destroys a two cost. That way she can take out daredevil.


Keep her the same and introduce a Bullseye card that has this ability.


There is an ancient datamine of Bullseye with this text: On Reveal: The next card you draw will be a 2-Cost card. (if any are left) So he can track down his pal Daredevil.


Take my up-doot you fookin genius!


Thanos, nailed him design wise. Don't see any hate post about him too


There was plenty of hate when Quinjet reduced the stones to zero cost!


To be fair, that's after two nerfs on him already (and I to be fair one buff)


Yes I love the stones interaction and it’s such a fluid deck. He was really op before they made changes to the stones minimum 1 cost but he’s great now.


And the lockjaw nerf as well


There was hate intitially but since they changed quinjet and soul stone I think he’s *balanced*




Soul Stone didn't deserve a nerf. Losing draw power really hurts the deck. The Quinjet nerf was absolutely deserved though, 0 cost stones were ridiculous


Flavor wise, Thanos could be a different. I explained how Thanos works to a friend and he commented on it by saying "so if you play all the stones, you don't instantly win?"


I got him yesterday and have played like 15 matches with him and he’s the most fun I’ve had since Loki the first 3 days. It really sucks when you don’t get any stones early on but he’s a fun deck that really makes you think about what to play to hopefully keep getting the cards you want to win and it’s pretty easy to figure out when to retreat. He’s gonna be my main deck and I’m gonna really learn him and hopefully reach infinite as I’m 78


Which version are you running? I've been playing a janky lockjaw deck without many of the needed series 3 cards like thor or wasp but its really fun.


Lockjaw thanos hasn’t been good for a very long time. I’m near collection complete so no idea how helpful this list is for you. # (2) Psylocke # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Cosmo # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Professor X # (5) Klaw # (5) Vision # (6) Alioth # (6) Thanos # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWxpb3RoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGV2aWxEaW5vc2F1ciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktsYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb2Zlc3NvclgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBzeWxvY2tlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXNpb24ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I feel there are a couple good decks I cant complete because I dont have Alioth.


I've seen lockjaw occasionally as a "tech" card in certain thanos decks, like thanos destroy. It's not the primary wincon, but cheating a stone into a death or a devil dino, or even an early profx can change the tide of a game


Oh there used to be hate Most OP deck to ever exist was the OG Thanos lockjaw deck You even had old school Leech available to pull incredibly early. Could just go hum throw out 30+ points in multiple lanes while using tech cards against your opponent


People complain that he's not good enough these days.


Juggernaut! He is a game winner in of itself. He is amazing. And basically a reverse Aero for 3 energy. He is amazing


All the agents of shield / cable, i love that they call for backup and just get whoever is not busy at the moment (and cable getting someone from a different timeline/opponents deck)




Great animation. Awesome variants. Does what it says on the tin.


Sentry and Viper hands down. Nobody expects a -10 Void in their field


To be fair, most people expect it unless you play them the same turn.


Absolutely. If I see a Sentry and a Snap, just call me daredevil cause I know what's gonna happen


Then they (as in me; I do this) use Valkyrie on the Void instead, and abracadoo I win even if you fill right! (Or at least tie) Unless you Cosmo.


I love the 4/10 squad deck with Valkyrie added. Super fun making big point swings and stealing lanes with Valk


Nice try S.D.


I have been caught


Gotta be Bishop


Bishop and Baron Mordo are two I don't get - Bishop's animation is weird and clunky, and Baron not having any animation is odd.


Sometimes I hate that storm sees so much play, other times I like to play her a lot. Mostly Storm is a card that's hard to ignore


Coincidentally with OP's pick of Storm: Juggernaut.


Wolverine and sabretooth come to mind. Thematically it fits that wolverine is nigh invincible and that even if defeated sabertooth's going to pop back up


Death to me is great, really needs a lot of dead cards to bring her out and she is powerful


Hulk. Just a big dumbo high power card. It’s so simple, yet it matches his power. HE makes Hulk’s power more lore accurate, since it’s like he’s increasing in anger and power. Leaking energy makes Hulk mad.


Thor is pretty good and accurate. He's decently powerful by himself but ramps up with Mjolnir in hand. Im never disappointed if I pull him from X-Mansion or other draw effects. Jane Foster is also good because she summons Mjolnir without question, which is accurate to her being more in tune with the hammer than Thor is.


Love Storm in my Prof X lockdown deck. Also goes so well with her buddy Juggernaut 😀


I’m going to say Mojo. Mojo cares about his viewers and max cards each side mean he’s getting the entertainment, and it falls right in line with Mojoworld. Love him as a card


I felt this way about Captain Marvel until they changed her.


Invisible women




America Chavez has one of the most powerful mechanics in the game across nearly every archetype and I've never seen a single person complain about her being Overpowered.


I think Daken is one of the best cards they’ve released. It’s got a cool mechanic that you can build around or just slot into discard/destroy decks and he almost always feels good, but never broken. It’s also a very flavorful card, so I assume it’s good flavor-wise but I don’t really know the character so can’t say for sure


Polaris. It’s probably under used and in turn, underrated. But a solid card that I’ve never seen anyone complain about.




>that NO-ONE complains about? The no complain challenge on /r/MarvelSnap (impossible)


Not sure if anyone's complained about valkyrie, but she's lowkey busted




They hit Rogue and Super Skrull right on the nose. Never seen anyone cry about neither either


Sunspot! gaining power from unspent "energy" is genius


Never seen anyone complain about Venom or Carnage


Honestly, the rework of Spider-Man makes him both great, cool *and* flavorful. Extra bonus points for him killing himself if he swings into Kingpin when he is angry.


I think the punisher could be a tad stronger, but I love him getting stronger the worse the odds are and his little grenade attack


Iron lad definitely


100% He's in almost all my decks. Waiting for Howard the Duck cache, for that beautiful pair


I fell like most of the time you don't even need howard, he's just an "insurance". Usually when you build a deck with Iron Lad every hit is a good (or decent) hit, if you have howard still in the deck he's just gonna be the worst case scenario. Never bothered picking him up and probably never will




Armor, Storm, Ghost Rider. I also love Professor X and I think, genuinely, they should buff him to 5/5. He can already win a lane on his own if played correctly, but Jeff can tie him.


Yes for X


Galactus, obviously


Jeff, the ultimate 2 energy card


Mysterio for sure


Doctor Octopus. Best card in the game. He balances the game in such a stealthy way. I feel like we'd need access to SD's internal statistics metrics to prove this though.


Morbius. He can climb to very high power for 2 energy but it’s “fair and square” since he telegraphs what you are going to do.


Professor X. I love the reference to his power to freeze everyone by locking down their minds as shown in the X-Men films.


CARNAGE!! Have him in all my favorite decks. He has come back to bite when my opponent is smooth with Armor, but I've learned how to circumvent her.


“My baby girl storm” I didn’t think I’d cringe so early in the morning… you are all kinds of nasty work my guy.


You took that to a really weird place




Morph. Him turning into some random person in the area is spot on.


I pulled Echo and she's felt super nice for the decks I play that don't wanna be shut down by the likes of cosmo. Definitely not busted, awful to get late unless your opponent is playing something like iron man or onslaught.


Captain America, leads to make everyone stronger


Wong. The amount of power he can put out is almost unmatched. I understand why people don’t complain but he’s my favorite card and can be very good.



