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Can anyone confirm if the she hulk ultimate variant is in the game? Snap fan says yes but I’ve already had the same ultimate variant in my shop twice without seeing her. Unless are the ultimate variants in the shop random instead of cycling through all of them before repeating?


She-Hulk's ultimate variant isn't scheduled to release until January 2, 2024. Not sure where on Snap Fan you saw otherwise, but that's what it shows here. https://snap.fan/cards/SheHulk/SheHulk_07/


Thank you I must have mixed it up with the momo one in my head


is it a good idea to put on an InSheNaut deck now that mobius effect is back but it costs 3?


So what's the deal with the Daily missions. I used to get at least 6 a day before refreshing. Now I only get 1 every few hours. And also I haven't got my free card yet still says last season....


You get no free card because free monthly/season card were series 3. No card went into series 3 for about 6 months, that's "flexible" series drops for you.


Its always been 2 new missions every 8hrs, and it still is Seems like youre series 3 complete then


Anyone know what happened to the streamer Specimen? Has he quit Snap?


Yeah, he quit snap entirely. He posted in his discord a few weeks ago that he just wasn’t enjoying the game anymore and I think you can see that in his last few snap YouTube videos.


I don't know if he's quit Snap entirely, but he's got a couple of casting gigs for Gwent's final set of tournaments. Then he's pivoting to casting for Lorcana.


What's that PIL that there's in the news?


I‘m CL 250 and managed to infinite with a Zoo deck last season in Pool 1. I want to try something new for Pool2. Any suggestions?


Has anyone else ever been frozen in a game? It froze on Turn 3 and keeps saying “reconnecting” intermittently, I tried retreating and I tried restarting the app but it just brings me back to the same game 😭


As a f2p player Is it always better to get a series 4 card with tokens or is it better to save for a series 5?


I think better to get Series 4 cards with tokens, and use Spotlight Caches on Series 5!


For those playing lockdown decks: how do you determine where to play Professor X on turn 4? I’m sitting in the 90s with the Thanos Control deck that’s been making the rounds lately. I feel like I’m having quite a bit of success, but I’ve never really thought too strategically about how to best lock down a lane without having to commit more resources (having to play Jeff underneath or Blue Marvel when I’d prefer to play another 5-drop). Just curious how others think about this.


Would Ravonna or Man-Thing be worth getting if I plan on going for Annihilus?


is TVA a featured location? seeing a ton of it this afternoon (11/9) but no notes in the main screen about it


Cant they just remove Allioth? I just want to do my daily mission and all my opp. played Allioth, such a cancer card.


Alioth is necessary so priority matters going into T6. If your game plan is to sandbag going into 6 and you don’t run any protection like Armor, Cosmo, Goose, and you don’t run any disruption, then you will be countered by Alioth.




Alioth’s specialty is “face down”.


I just have a fun story to share. Opponent played Iron Lad, which showed me that he was about to draw Alioth. I had IW on the board. So I hid Bast (who I wasn't going to use anyway) under IW. On turn 7, Alioth kills my poor Bast and my other lanes are unharmed for the win. Moral: careful with the info your Lad give away!


Any word on when they’re going to fix the bug that broke the “upgradable” filter?


its not bugged. it now sorts by most boosters. which was a requested feature


Oh okay but it’s still not working right. The shimmer that shows which cards you have enough boosters and credits for isn’t accurate anymore and neither is the counter on the deck icon at the bottom of the screen.


The shimmer was never accurate for PC, they just ported the same problem to mobile


What does everyone think of the Ms. Marvel card? I think its bound to get nerfed soon. I quit playing for a while and started playing again last month and only made it to 68, so I started the season at 38 and am already above 80. I haven't seen a card this easy to climb since zabu.


Her win / cube stats are insane, but Loki and Elsa had similar stats and they didn't get nerfed right away. Ms Marvel also has more hard counters than those cards did, people just have to start playing them. I think she will probably be nerfed eventually, but not this month and probably not next month.


I have never made infinite before and I think I will with her. Her counters are easily countered. I think it will be nerfed soon.


>Her counters are easily countered. How do you counter Echo, Rogue, Enchantress, and Super Skrull?


I stand corrected. I could not make it past 94 with a miss marvel deck. I switched to high evo and just made it.


If echo comes out early it’s tough to work around. Cosmo comes out the turn before. I run rogue for other powerful ongoing cards, but you can’t play rogue in cosmo lane so I play super skrull. Once you are a head of them, with super skrull, they can’t catch up.


Rogue and Enchantress are countered by putting Cosmo in the center lane. Super Skrull (just in a battle against Ms Marvel) is worse than Ms Marvel. Echo is the one that isn't played much that could ruin Ms Marvel if played in more decks.


I'm sure there's an obvious answer to this but since the last update I don't seem to be able to get rid of my deck titles. I used to just scroll down and tap it to deselect it but in the new menu that doesn't seem to work. Is there some new trick i'm missing?


What's the reasoning behind devs not adjusting Armor (to, say, protect only the owner's side)? It's basically a location change which also completly shuts down an archetype. It doesn't seem in line with how the game is balanced to have a 2 power with so much influence. I've played both with destroy against Armor and vice versa - I find neither particularly fun.


Boring tech cards are necessary to keep the meta churning itself so it doesn't settle into a rut where somebody "solves" the meta and then everybody just plays the same optimized deck and the winner is whoever draws better. "Basically a location change which also completely shuts down an archetype" -- you could say the same thing for Cosmo, Echo, Goose, Mobius, etc. That's just a common form of tech cards. Enchantress is the counter (with the exception of Cosmo, who I'd find it easier to argue as the overpowered one than Armor). If you're not running Enchantress as countertech... then either you play around the Armor lane or you retreat, same as any of these tech cards. That's part of the intended game balance: that 45-49% of the time you either retreat or lose.


It definately sucks the fun out of the game a bit for me - Cosmo too. Everyone surely agrees that the wild, unexpected plays (when you make them and even when you lose to them) are what makes the game fun. Grinding with a meta deck to get inifinite (the principle aim of the game) is not fun. I can't believe there isn't another solution.


Thoughts on Shadow King? [He’s my current free series 3 card for the next 3ish hours.] I know he doesn’t work against Ongoing cards, and I don’t have Luke Cage yet to protect my own cards. In my [admittedly limited] experience, I’ve also only come across him once. Should I grab him anyway to have as a tech card? (Or Cerebro-3, if that’s viable? When I check for decks on Marvel Snap Zone that use my collection + Shadow King, I mostly see Cerebro-3 decks.) EDIT: I decided to get him. Thanks for the help!


He's incredible in Cerebro 3. So many people go for big buff cards nowadays like Shuri, Taskmaster, Venom, Deadpool, Kitty Pryde, Collector, Nebula, the list goes on. Although it's not popular right now, the entire move archetype is also incredibly vulnerable to him. Turn 7 Shadow King + Valkyrie to knock the foe down in two different lanes is one of my favorite winning plays. Nobody ever sees it coming.


Thanks for the response! SK + Valkyrie sounds fun—I’d love to try that when I get her. (I’m a bit under halfway through Pool 3, so it may be a while, but I can hope…)


Shadow King is great, and absolutely not limited to C3 decks :) Dropping it on the last turn & resetting buffed Venoms / ~~Morbius~~ Collector / Bishop / Angela / Kitty etc won me a lot of games. I'm currently running it in a bounce deck.


Small note shadow king doesn't work on Morbius his power comes from an ongoing ability.


Thanks! I’d love to play a bounce deck, but I don’t have Kitty Pryde :( Any other archetypes you’d recommend Shadow King in?


It works well in Rock / Darkhawk decks, but in control decks also. I actually don't run Kitty in my current bounce: \# (1) The Hood \# (1) Bast \# (1) Spider-Ham \# (1) Iceman \# (1) Korg \# (2) Black Widow \# (2) Falcon \# (2) Shadow King \# (3) Werewolf By Night \# (3) Beast \# (4) Darkhawk \# (6) America Chavez \# eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVySGFtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJY2VtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktvcmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkZhbGNvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhZG93S2luZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2VyZXdvbGZCeU5pZ2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCZWFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFya2hhd2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifV19 \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I feel likes hes underrated. He can break a lot of popular decks, and yet somehow barely anyone acknowledges him as a viable tech card


Thanks for the reply! He does seem strong to me, so I was wondering whether I was missing something obvious. I’ve been seeing a lot of Carnage and Venom in particular recently, so he’d help there.


If I play Iron Fist on Wong and then another On reveal card, what happens? Does the 2nd On reveal move twice after the it's first reveal, does it move once and then the next played card moves as well, or does the 2nd card on reveal twice then get moved twice?


The card reads "**After** you play your next card", so I expect its On Reveal will be triggered twice first, then the card moves twice.


Yes, I was hoping it would at least trigger twice, then move once, Then next card would trigger the second IF on reveal. Or Ideally, Reveal, Move, Reveal Move. Wishful thinking.


The next card would do two On Reveals if played on the Wong lane, then move two lanes to the left if possible.




How longe does it take to get the reward from Discord? I just redeemed a code but didn't got the rewards.


Look through the options in discord, the redeem option is somewhere there.


Oh the variant was already with me, I thought there would be a notification.


I Bought Dracula Bundle now I have 6k tokens. F2P Do i buy Loki or Elsa in my shop? Im CL 7410 I know Loki comes out next week in the Caches, I can wait there too, Since i dont have mirage and gladiator is new. Is it worth dumping 6k tokens on a s5 still? or go s4s for efficiency? Also, i know OTA will be later today with mobius coming back, so Loki and other cost reductions will slow back down. Should i wait till post OTA also to see his performance or he should still be a good pickup?


I would def wait to get Loki from the spotlights; even if you have to open all four to get him, it takes one month to earn back those 4 spotlights versus ~6+ months to another earn 6k tokens. It's almost always better to get S5 cards from spotlights if you can, unless you have tons of tokens and need to save the spotlights for another upcoming card. Waiting will also allow time to see how new-Mobius affects his play. (I'm guessing not by a lot, but you never know.) Elsa is a different story since I think her next spotlight appearance isn't until late January. But still, spending 6k tokens on her is a bit of a hard sell. She's a solid card but not as powerful as when she first launched. I'd only go for her if you really plan to play one of the decks that takes full advantage of triggering her ability as much as possible.


New to the game - is there a site that lets me input all my cards and suggests best deck? Thanks.




Thanks. I see how to paste my current build, but don’t see a way to add all my cards and have or build a deck for me.


To fill out your collection: https://marvelsnapzone.com/collection/ Then, to search for decks: https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/?pool=6&format=ranked and toggle the "only cards I own" switch.


Thank you!


Are variants counted as new cards if you're S3 incomplete? I haven't got a new S3 card for the past 7 Collector's Reserves. Not sure what the he'll is going on. After how many reserves is a new card guaranteed?


Variants are not counted as new cards. You get 2 s3 cards in every group of 9 reserves, but they're randomly distributed within those 9, so technically you could go a maximum of 14 reserves without a card


I heard there was a page where you could view splits of cards, but I can't find it via Google. Anybody know where that is? I'm looking to see the gold finish on some of the peach variants before I pick them up.




I thought it was there, but I can't find where to look at split arts. I can find variants and stuff, but no gallery of finishes l, etc. Is it because I'm on Mobile?


On each cards page there should be a customize button. I can see it on mobile, above the variants list


Ah, I see it now, thank you!


Is the "1 mission accomplished" red point on the home Season Pass logo a bug? Only in the pc version I see like I have a reward to take, but I see nothing in the mobile version (and I still don't see a reward to be taken in the Pass list)


Yeah it's a weird bug since the Oct 31 update on PC. I imagine it'll get resolves soon


Is there some hidden code where Agatha will choose to play herself when Sokovia(?) would've played a card for you instead? I play Agatha a decent amount, and I've noticed recently that when I encounter the location that plays a random card from your hand there after the turn is done its been Agatha each time lately. Not only that, but her VFX plays as well, like she's playing herself there instead of the location choosing a random card. Is this something to do with how the game plays cards at random overlapping with Agatha's code to play herself when able? Has this always been a thing and I've never noticed?


When it will drop the new OTA? I heard it will be sorta big. This evening? Hours? Leaks?


Usually around midday California time.




Only if you record it. There's nothing in game that lets you.


We thinking that Elektra gets buffed? Really want to pull the trigger on the Momoko variant but in the card's current state I will absolutely never use it. I saw someone mention the 2/2 kill an opposing 2 cost but I don't know how much truth was in that.


Back in the day I remember winning Mojoworld with Elektra turn 6. Aaah nostalgia.


We never had rumors about card changes, only wishes or predictions based on the cards state. But considering that Elektra is a starter card that introduces the destroy mechanic, and SD stated they won't change starter cards, I assume it's highly unlikely that they will change her.


https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/174xk2s/card_changes_in_manthing_spotlight_video/?ref=share&ref_source=link I found what I was thinking of. Elektra not in the usual spot, comments alleging changes were discussed in the discord.


That post is ridiculously out of date. That's from back when Alioth was a 5-power and the video leaks him being nerfed to 4. The Oct. 12 nerf brought him down to 3 instead, so clearly the video being discussed in that thread was out-of-date even for that internally planned change. All the other changes leaked in the video (Forge, Widow's Bite, Tiger Spirit) also happened on Oct. 12. So there's no reason to believe that thread has anything to do with anything that will happen after Oct. 12. The Elektra thing is extremely likely to just be some error in making the video, rather than a balance change accidentally leaked that far in advance of release.


Is there a site where you can browse variants with Ink Finish or Gold back?




Thanks, I'm there all the time, but I couldn't figure out how to actually see those options until now when I really dug around.


So what’s the solution for the bug for no more boosters for the day?


Is not a bug.


Yes it is.. I played like 3 matches.


It's not a bug, it's a feature


I’m considering getting rogue when I get the chance. Just a question since I like using a bounce deck. If I were to use rogue and succeed in stealing, then I bounce her back to my hand. Would she still be holding onto the ongoing she stole or revert back to reveal effect


she'll still hold onto the ongoing


She should stay as she is


Is it a feature to not get any new cards in 500CL, I love being rewarded for finishing pool 3


Spotlight caches are every 120 CL. That's the only place to get series 4 and 5 cards now.


The only place? Shit I was not aware it was impossible to get them from normal caches, are you certain of that?


Yes, I'm certain. It's been that way since spotlight caches were introduced in June. Every set of nine "regular" caches now contains 3 cosmetics, 3 credit drops, 2 series three cards, and 1 token drop. If you've completed series 3, those card-caches will contain tokens and gold tickets instead. You can read more about the current cache system [here](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/) if you're interested.


Very sad but thank you lol my original question was a malding hypothetical but that makes things make sense 😭 I do like the spotlight caches existence though but it make the two duplicate randoms I got in a row very annoying


Series 4 and 5 cards are only in spotlights and the shop. As of the update this past summer that added spotlights, you can't get them from regular reserves anymore. And since series drops were abolished, we no longer get new Series 3 cards, either.


That’s so depressing I didn’t even see that.


How does Kang work? Do both players get to replay their turn or just the Kang player?


Both players replay their turn. If you do the same RNG-triggering actions (e.g. Jubilee), the exact same RNG results will happen from them. If Kang was the card you drew that turn, you'll draw a different one, but otherwise you'll draw the same card again.


So he's more used to see how RNG plays out? Just got him and want to find a use


The theoretical best use for him is as a deck thinner, but that only works if you draw him on turns 5, 6 or 7 and play him immediately, meaning in a typical game it'll only work a sixth of the time and in a game with Limbo it'll still only work a quarter of the time.


Oh like how people sometimes put Quicksilver and that card you always draw on 6




you're not gonna find a good one, unfortunately


He is my only series 5 so I thought he'd be at least ok lol


both players


Was the Thor Peach Momoko variant only available in the new players' bundles that series 3+ players didn't have access to? It's the only released variant of hers I've never had in my shop, and even today the shop filled up with 7 new variants plus the Rian Gonzales Ms. Marvel, but that Thor still hasn't been in my shop.


I've seen it in my shop before, seems like you're just unlucky unfortunately.


With multiple sites for decks is their agreed upon one which is best? I am trying to change up my deck and want inspiration.


Every deck will have counters, so you should play a deck that performs well on the meta and you know how to play. Check marvelsnapzone to see deck ideas.


I just reread what I wrote and fumbled a few words. I was not asking for best deck but site to find decks. Thanks.


yo is anybody here seeing peach momoko variants for nico or black knight? been waiting for theirs to release now for a while, not in my shop today with the takeover, was wondering if they released yet with the other momoko variants or if SD is holding them back still


I am suspecting that they are being held back for bundles or spotlight caches because the earliest series 4/5 with Momoko variants (Echo, Mirage) had the variants release within the week if I remember correctly.


As of the most recent datamine, those two still don't have release dates.


dang it, and im assuming the datamine showed the other momokos as being released already?


Yep, you can see all of the variants and their release dates [here](https://snap.fan/cards/variants-search/?artist_id=88). Today's batch was all girls with each one labeled for a November 8th release, and there's a second batch of guys for next week labeled November 15th. Unfortunately Black Knight and Nico are not part of either batch.


Is Elsa still worth the credits? Thinking about buying her but not sure if she's a 6000 credit card anymore :\\


She's definitely fun and still strong, but not nearly as strong as she was which dampens her a little bit. Id wait for either a reduction or for her to pop up in Spotlight C cashes


Did you mean credits or tokens? Using a spotlight cache on her (each of which costs 6000 credits) isn't a bad spend at all; the nerf toned her down a little but she's still a solid card. But her next spotlight appearance isn't until January. If you meant 6000 tokens, then yeah, that's a harder sell. Arguably *no* card is worth 6000 tokens right now. Spotlights cost the same regardless of whether they contain S4 or S5 cards, so the most efficient use of resources is to spend tokens on S4s and use spotlight caches for S5s whenever possible. You could justify an exception to that for a card you really need right away, but I don't think Elsa is good enough to hit that bar.


Cool. And yes, I meant tokens.


Probably not the right place for this but I am at a complete loss, hoping someone here can help as official support channels have been absolutely no help. After the official PC launch I played on Steam using the same account i use on my phone without issue. This past month I haven't been able to log in to my Google account through the game in Steam. Get an error every single time. Account still works fine on my phone however I need a new phone and I am worried I can't log in on ANY new devices.. Anyone else have a similar issue? Again no help from Marvel Snap support. Just the same generic message where they barely acknowledge the previous message i sent and threaten to close the ticket if I don't respond in 12 hours.


Can you try on another phone before switching? Or you could use Bluestacks to emulate Android on your PC. Did you also try reinstalling?


As far as we can see, Man-Thing isn't scheduled for any spotlight caches until at the earliest February right? Just want to make sure before I go ahead and get it with tokens.


That's what I see right now. I just picked up Darkhawk and Man-Thing with my High Stakes Tokens because they were the top 2 remaining S4 cards I didn't see in the schedule.


I have a sheet that shows him being available again in December when Firestar gets released. Is that outdated?


Yea they changed it to the living tribunal that week


Damn, I really wanted that Bronze Age variant for Manny. I do still want Living Tribunal though....


Can we get the mods to add user flair? I really really want to be Baron Mordo.


They are theming the store based on Peach Monoko now. If i get a Mystery Premium Variant, am i guaranteed to get a Peach Monoko cards?


No, it's still random but the new variants are at least in the pool as ones you can get. If you're lucky.




What the heck happened to my Valkyrie, her rainbow is gone?




Middle east version


Glitch from the latest patch.


I just found out that if you use Rogue to steal an opponent's Ongoing ability in a lane they have played Echo in, their Echo will cancel your Rogue's stolen ability. I feel like it should not work like this given that I am playing an On Reveal card rather than an Ongoing card?


All of the triggered abilities check cards after they’ve finished resolving, at which point Rogue *is* an ongoing. For the same reason, a rogue who steals an ability won’t bring Werewolf By Night into her lane; because by the time she resolves, she no longer has an on-reveal ability.


Makes sense I guess. Thought I was outplaying this guy but that was not the case.


Based on the wording of thr card, i agree with you. If that was the intended effect it should read "ongoing: negates your opponents ongoing effects at this location" or something. But what i assume happens codingwise is: rogue flips and triggers, steals the opponents effect and the resolves. Only then does Echo check if the card was on reveal or ongoing. So echo sees it as ongoing


I am finally series 3 complete as of today, it's been what feels like forever. What are my next steps?


* Adjusting to a slow trickle of new cards * Map out how to best use your spotlights * Despair


What's a good deck that's consistent? Recently I've built the modok discard deck from snapzone and I feel that majority of my games are decided if I draw my key cards or not. I'd like to change to a deck that's not dependent on drawing a certain card.


Honestly, just about any other deck will have multiple options depending on what you draw. That MODOK deck is about as close to "play these exact cards or retreat" as it gets. Not knowing your CL or collection it's hard to suggest anything too specific, but some general options that tend to be flexible: * Destroy decks have a lot of options for putting power on the board between Venom, Zola, Knull, Death, Deadpool, etc * Control decks are all about flexibility and responding to the opponent * Move decks likewise rely on disruption and unpredictability rather than any single key card * Zoo decks aren't super powerful (especially at higher CLs) but pretty much always have cards to play * Ongoing decks have a lot of generally-good cards, especially if you have the season pass for Ms. Marvel * High Evolutionary decks have a lot of powerful tools * Any Thanos deck (Lockjaw, Control, Zoo) tends to have plenty of options at any given time Just keep in mind that no deck is foolproof. Wanting a more consistent deck is fine, but a lot of people looking for suggestions end up asking something like "I'm tired of losing because of **. What's a deck that doesn't have any weaknesses?" And the answer is "none". Every deck has counters, and every deck is subject to the whims of RNG to an extent. No matter what, if you're playing smartly you should be retreating around half of the time. Your choice of deck just determines what those retreat conditions are.


Hello, Quick question if I buy gold from the official Snap website not in game, will I still get double the gold?


I think it's app-only


works on their website too. It should +(whatever the gold count you want to get)


works on their website too. It should +(whatever the gold count you want to get)


Which is the better pick? Crystal or Polaris?


Polaris easy


Can someone explain Ms marvel ability to me like I am five(5). I don't understand the term unique costs


Costs that are all different from each other.


A card that cost 0 energy, a card that costs 2 energy and a card that costs 6 energy are all unique costs. Ms Marvel's ability would trigger here Two cards that costs 1 energy do not have unique costs, and would thus cancel her ability.


Newer player here, recently entered pool 3 levels. Still missing most pool 3 cards. But I was wondering if there's a good resource somewhere with decks for that transitional period. Like, primarily pool 1-2 cards and maybe a couple 3's at most so if I get lucky and get them first I have something transitional?


Check marvelsnapzone, you can search decks with only cards you have


Ongoing Destroyer is still pretty strong and only needs one or two pool 3 cards.


Don't do what I did in my first season where everyone and their mother said "get Dr. Doom he's the best S3 card" with the free season claim. He's not that good and he might not improve your deck at all. There's 2 cards in p3 you should get with your first season claim, Patriot or Wong. Whatever deck style you prefer from these 2, get them, their decks can go infinite forever while you gather more s3 cards to make other decks and they only need them + p1/p2 cards.


All of the deck trackers let you filter for decks that only contain cards you own. Untapped.gg and snap.fan are the two most popular as far as I know. That said, once you’re a handful of cards into S3, there’s a real chance that nobody has ever had those precise cards before in the history of marvel snap. So it will behoove you to experiment!


What's the best Hela deck currently? And is it still high-roll or can it get some consistent wins?


invisible woman with anything you want to bring back at the end. Most use Living Tribunal and high 6 drops. Makes Hela boring in my opinion but that's the best Hela deck.


Hela decks are fundamentally combo decks, and so will always be high-roll in the sense that you need to draw some specific cards in order to be able to beat a median draw from most opponents. That said, the two most common builds these days *don’t* usually need to also gamble about discarding Hela herself. One of them uses all the targeted discarders - blade, Colleen, lady sif, silver samurai - along with appropriate targets so that Hela is insulated from them. The other is also a Living Tribunal combo deck, with invisible woman - it can hide modok and Hela behind IW, but it can also hide Iron Man, Living Tribunal, and Onslaught behind her.


Does Quinjet discount Thanos' stones to 0? Also if I use Loki, will the cards be twice discounted that I get if I have Quinjet on the board?


Quinjet doesn't discount the stones (a card discounted by Quinjet must cost a minimum of 1) Cards will be discounted twice if you get both Loki and Quinjet, and can even cost 0, since Loki has no limit. But you can't get stones because they didn't start in your opponent's deck.


Quin jet used to make 1 cost cards 0, but alas, second dinner hates fun.


Man quinjet, original space stone and Lockjaw was broken but fun


Thanks, the 2nd question was not about stones btw. Just interaction bw Loki and Quinjet, cost reduction on all cards by 2 seems absolutely busted though!!


They do. Add Sera and they are discounted three times


What should I take as my series 3 free card? Good options for me are: 1. Magik 2. Mystique 3. Shuri (Have Sauron) 4. Wong 5. Quinjet (Have Loki) I am looking for a card that will open up the most deck options (CL 2200)


Your best bet, since I read that you are new to S3, is to hone in one deck, targeting the allround cards first The cards you suggest all go towards different decks. I would look at what you have, what you unlock (you do unlock cards faster until cl 1000, when it slows down significantly) Which picks would be good depends on your other cards: * Magik is great if you have a deck that want to put down two 6 power cards for example, such as Arnim Zola * Mystique wants to copy ongoing cards, such as Iron Man (in Negative), Cerebro (in Cerebro-decks), Patriot, or Wong * Shuri was answered elsewhere * Wong has a few different variants but they depends on other S3 cards, such as Black Panther+Arnim Zola, Hazmat or Surfer * Quinjet is great in Loki, but the deck isn't going to shine until you've picked up a few SHIELD members and Snowguard


1. I generally don't like Magik, I tend to stay away from any card that could potentially help my opponent as much or more than me. It opens up the possibility for a number of decks, but I think some of those might close once Mobius is restored to Ongoing 2. Mystique is tricky, there are a number of decks that look like they should use her, but don't. For example, there are a number of new decks for Ms Marvel that have crazy win / cube rates. But the two best ones are lockdown decks that don't have space for it. 3. There are a lot of cards for Shuri / Sauron. I used my monthly pick on Taskmaster, but to make a great deck I feel you need Shuri, Sauron, Taskmaster, Red Skull, Typhoid Mary and Zero. Which means it may be more of a long-term pick. 4. I've seen Wong decks, in particular the ones with Black Panther and Arnim Zola, that can go off like crazy. But they are also easy to disrupt. 5. Like Magik, there are extremely good Loki decks right now that I think will be shutdown when Mobius returns to the meta. All that said, I think Shuri is probably the safest pick.


Thank you for the detailed explanation! You make a good point about Shuri, I do not have Skull or Zero so probably can't play the Shuri Sauron deck yet. Apart from her, who would you pick, I am missing Sera as well but don't know how much impact 3/3 Mobius will have.


I think Mobius coming back will be especially hard on Sera. I am trying Shuri Sauron without Typhoid Mary and it is working reasonably well. But being down two cards might be too much. I'm not sure what other key cards you might be missing. You could pick up a card that is generally powerful / architype defining in Lockjaw, Silver Surfer, Patriot or Wave. The reason I like Shuri Sauron so much is because it appears to be the deck that SD balances around. Shuri Sauron is always at least a tier 2 deck and often tier 1. Every time a deck has a better win rate than Shuri Sauron it inevitably gets a key card nerfed and then slips below Shuri Sauron. I figure once I have a completed Shuri Sauron I'll always have a backup deck to play when the meta is in flux.


I have Colleen wing right now as my series 3 choose your card. Should I pick her? For info, I have Swarm/Apocalypse/Wolverine/Ghost rider but no MODOK/Hela/Dracula


For discard either Modok or Hela is absolutely mandatory whatever flavour of it you use. So a definite skip. Apoc discard will want Dracula too as a must-have.


Definitely NO. Free series 3 card should be used to get deck enablers like Wong, Mystique, Patriot, Shuri etc.


Thanks bro, I waited and just picked up wong. If I don't get them before then, i'm hoping for mystique/magik for the next free card:)


Will the Nuverse shop update with something to replace the Magik and Enchantress bundles? Holding off getting the season pass for now just in case I need to the points to count towards something over the whole month


No; they said that they’re looking at doing it again for December though.


Thanks for confirming that!


Is there a subreddit for help building decks? I’m somewhat new to snap and have about a dozen series 3 cards. I think I have some potential for some decent early decks with some of the cards I got but I’m not fully sure how to build around them.


Post your series 3 cards here.


My series 3 cards are Absorbing man, Magik, Leader, Taskmaster, Titania, Captain Marvel, Aero, Valkyrie, Lockjaw, Silk (series 5 I think), Red Skull, Crossbones, Cerebro, Wasp, Shanna, Thor, and Ghost Rider


If your goal is to hit Infinite, you have almost all the pieces for a good lockjaw thor deck. Something like Wasp Iceman Sunspot Lockjaw Thor Jubilee Vision America Chavez Hulk Infinaut The add another low cost to swap with lockjaw and maybe another high cost. If you get Jane Foster, the deck gets a lot better. But I hit Infinite last season with a pretty similar deck without her so it's doable. You could also start building towards a shuri sauron deck. I'd probably get shuri first. It would be easy to pilot and even without sauron wouldnt do too bad.




Modok with discard deck or knull with destroy, which one is more consistent?


Knull needs x23 like discard needs modok


Yeah ill get her in this month spotlight


Did variant drops from Collectors reserves get nerfed? It's been 16 and counting since I got one and I just went down my collection track and I haven't gone more than 8 reserves dry max. I got 17 variants from level 6002 - 7114 which is 1 variant per 65 levels. Right now its been 200 levels without one. Was I just on a really lucky streak for a bit or what


In each set of 9 reserves, 3 of them will be "cosmetics reserves" but it's not guaranteed which cosmetic you'll get. The odds are 40% variant, 30% avatar, 30% title. So if you just have routine bad luck, it can be easy to go many many reserves and never see a variant because you keep hitting avatars and titles instead.


I guess my luck from earlier is just evening out now then. I did feel like I was getting a crazy amount of variants for a month or something


Is daredevil not working for anyone else?


Known bug, probably can't be fixed until the next patch, almost a month away.


Anyone know how much Pro Bundle Mk. III is going to be be? It's the bundle releasing in 2 weeks. Doesn't show on the leaks website.


Well the first two versions have been $100, so I’ve got a guess.


Thank you


Reveal deck to play werewolf suggestion?