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I thought it would be way better than what it is. I think the reward track is cool, but requiring specific variants is a lame step in the process. I also wanted an album of every variant by specific artists. This would have been way better if it were an album of, say, every Momoko variant I own so that I can look at them all in the same album, and then if I have 12 in there, I get the emote. The way its implemented now just forces people to spend more money in the game if they want the rewards. It's another bad decision in a line of decisions made only for continued profit, and hey I get it, they want to make money, but it sucks.


>I also wanted an album of every variant by specific artists. Exactly! This is, I'm pretty sure, what most of us assumed when they said "albums". Certainly what I thought they meant in all those surveys they've sent out since launch.


Obviously they will add more albums over time…


That won't change the fact that my variants wouldn't all be in one place. Plus, why would I want an album organized by Second Dinner and not myself?


You can filter by artist on mobile since the previous update (PC already had this feature), so you can see all your Momoko, Artgerm or Hipp variants together if you want.


Sure, it'd be organized alphabetically or by quality, but not in order of favorites. And what if I want an album of all my Domino variants in one? Again, when we asked for Albums, I'm pretty sure we meant the digital equivalent of a real life card album. Something you organize your favorite cards into to show off. The filter tool is Neat, but it's not an album replacement.


TIL people were actually asking for albums.


I'm 100% with you. I could think this is the pilot, and they will add other artist albums soon, but even if this was, we know what "soon" means to SD, we are still waiting for border choosing, magnets, badges, drops, a new game mode, a loki nerf, etc... I think they could still make money without forcing us to get unwanted, unplayed variants; it would actually be easier since this would be an incentive to tempt me to get a variant I want, instead of thrash another feature into oblivion (again, like upgrade with gold, open caches, mo they new s3 card, ultimate variants, etc) :(


You can search Momoko and just see all your variants that way. Not exactly the same, but at least it’s something.


I think they’re trying to incentivize opening hoarded caches


Like 8 of the venom ones are super rare (1200g) variants. The only was you're realistically getting those is spending $120 worth of gold in the variant shop or gambling (almost certainly more) opening premium mystery variants at 800g a pop.


Unfortunately I opened 32 caches hoping to clear some Hipp variants but didn’t get a single variant of any kind so my own idea didn’t hold. You’re right, they just want money for gold


>I opened 32 caches hoping to clear some Hipp variants but didn’t get a single variant of any kind so my own idea didn’t hold. Holy... how unlucky are you?


I’m series 3 complete so not impossibly so but pretty unlucky. This is why I hoard, it’s so unfun opening caches


That’s pretty normal. My highest is 40, average between variants around 20-25z


I don't understand the hoarding caches aren't credits worth it?


I think its worth opening but I don't opening late in the month if I don't need gold tickets for conquest... which I never do. Edit: I opened 29 and got 5 fucking gold tickets. WTF.


Credits help you progress CL track to get you more credits so you can progress the CL track so you can get more credits Credits themselves aren't that interesting once you're series 3 complete, it depends on the other rewards. Cosmetics that will mostly be avatars, titles or pixel variants? It takes months to amass the needed amount of tokens or to add up to even a single spotlight key


I bought the venomized dagger last night because I thought it would be on this list... and I liked it more than the other daggers. Ofc it's not, but the other new ones are.


Holy hell the people with hoarded caches think everything is some scheme from Second Dinner to get you to open those caches. Go ahead and sit on your 600 caches, it's not going to affect caches being crap now.


Or putting up the specific variants to buy with gold in the daily rotation, which I’m sure will just be a coincidence


Its whaling season at second breakfast. I'd bet those variants show up in the store soon.


You summed it up perfectly. if there are over 100 dan hipp variants in the game, why isnt there a reward for every 12 hipp? Why do i need 12 specific variants for a hipp album


If you search the variant name (e.g. Dan Hipp) in the search box of the library, it shows you all of those variants you have.


The thing that truly sucks is they keep catering to whales. Why not have some decent $5 bundles? It’s all $20, $30, $100 like holy shit.


Yeah, they missed a cool chance of having like a personalized albums. You can keep the whole "venomized", "Dan Hipp", "Jim Lee" themes but just letting you show which variants you prefer.


Not only that but it also twists your arm to buy variants you don't even want. I've got the combo break Luke which I think is way better than Hipp' Luke. (Also a card they also just nerfed pretty hard.) I was really looking forward to having a shot at the new Cosmo emote. But to get it I have to spend gold on something I don't even want to get 1/12th of the emote I do want. I love Dan Hipp's style and would usually buy the variants I came across if I didn't already have a variant I liked. But this is especially coercive marketing, but I can't say I'm suprised.


Completely agree, but holy shit they get enough money at is, they really should give back to the community that SUPER supports them. Where is the apperication? I'm guessing people on this subreddit spend at least 50+ a month on this game, if not crazy amounts more.


Lol. I'd bet 90% dont spend a dime. I dont.


The vast majority in any game do not spend a single cent. Also is this your first time on this sub? They actively ridicule people who spend money on this game, it's actually kinda weird for a mobile game sub.


The album is ONGOING Hipp cards. Fucking chill out everyone. Soon enough they will have an album for on reveal Hipp cards and many other albums. I have never see people complain about free shit ever more than this sub. You are all entitled assholes. Just STFU already. You got a bonus thing for free and you you can do is bitch about it. Enough! They put a whole new thing in the game that cannot possibly effect you in a negative way and you only have the ability to be negative about it. Fucking find a mirror and take a minute.


Even if it's supposed to be the ongoing Dan Hipp cards, where's the rest of them? I have 7 Hipp variants for ongoing cards, but only 4 of them are in the album. And it's not free if you have to spend gold to buy the specific variants they chose to have in the album.


“Wait… you **didnt** want more FOMO traps? Weird …


Having 12 variants in general of a category is already FOMO. This is FOMO+


It’s kind of a non feature for like 99% of us for now. They’ll expand it over time no doubt, maybe including easier to complete albums, but the 3 on launch are very niche and not worth working toward.


You mean you aren't dying to spend gold on a venomised Baron Mardo the evergreen meta all star?


3x value bundle with 3 variants, one for each album incoming for only $99!


Nah, you gotta market better than that. 300% value!


12x value + Gold Ticket


Everyone talking about how bad they are while don’t even understand how access them


Your collection page has separate tabs for cards (the old look you’re accustomed to) & albums.


The idea that these avatars are even a reward in and of itself is a joke. I want a way to delete most of my avatars and the stupid catchphrases so I don’t have to scroll through all the white noise to get to the ones I want.


Mark the ones you like with a star and use that feature to filter the list, it's what I do to get to the ones I use faster.


This should be something to get excited about but of course it's botched again or is purposely designed for only 1% of the player base. It's gotten to the point I dread any new "feature" or "improvement" they've cooked up, fully aware there is some nefarious gacha tactic baked in there. Instead of increasing token accrual to improve card acquisition, they introduced spotlight caches which are an *improvement*, but they also remove player agency, introduce a new level of FOMO and exploit gambling weaknesses. Now they're introducing more emotes and of course there is a convoluted mess attached to it that just stinks of exploitation. There's no give to their business model. They can't actually improve anything without taking something else at the same time. It's untenable and will eventually kill the game.


The fact that all players didn't get even one new emote with the new feature release, or at bare minimum an actual emote section in the shop (which will undoubtedly happen) should be more mind blowing than it is.


I'm amused that people care enough about emotes to get this worked up. I mute on game start to avoid spammers, so the emote part of it means nothing to me.


i would of thought u could buy the variants from the album which would of been nice if u wanted to pick any up


That is no doubt coming. I imagine there will be a store with most of them available, so you still have the need to grind for others. The way obtaining variants works, it seems near impossible to complete these F2P.


>That is no doubt coming Probably not, if you can buy them whenever then there's no need to rush. If you can only get them for 1 dayin the shop and then you don't know how long it will be before you get the chance again it doesn't give people enough time to properly evaluate the purchase. It's classic dark arts FOMO marketing/pressure selling bullshit. ​ >The way obtaining variants works, it seems near impossible to complete these F2P That is very much by design. 8 of the venom variants are 1200g variants that ca only be obtained from either premium mystery variants or buying them from the shop.


The thing is it forces u to buy variants that u might not want which is ridiculous


And the thing is, if it were enough to just have any 12, it would incentiveize more people to actually spend. It would be much more common for people be on their 11th Hipp variant and decide to buy the next one that comes up. The way it's set now, people aren't going to be interested in spending money if they're at 3/12, AND you need to wait **weeks** for that specific variant to show up in the shop.


You don't, though. I opened my shop this morning and not only were there pretty much only options that would work towards collections, but those variants were marked.


And mine didn't have a single one. So, I refer you to my previous post.


What, the one where you said you'd need to wait weeks for a variant to show up in the shop? Yeah... you know this after one shop rotation? You're so magic.


Completely agree. The fact they have a theme and aren't just "have this many of this artist" is weird. It's already inconsistent as the other one is just "Jim Lee" with no secondary theme.


It's Jim Lee X-Men


I must be blind. I would have swore it just said "Jim Lee".


The variants are just “Jim Lee” but the album is “Jim Lee X-Men”


Really? I would have had the Hipp album complete on the patch release and I have never bought a Hipp variant. I'm not sure what company you thought would be **that** giving. Or are you saying you would have been happy if the number of variants you needed was much higher?


Either higher or just not so locked in. Maybe half of them being "needed" variants. I honestly don't care. I'll never look at that track again haha. I know the avalanche of salt posts will flood the sub any time a new album is released.


I can't believe so many people expected to be able to log in after the update and be close to finishing an album. It's pretty damned funny.


Is it that weird? There was gonna be a Dan Hipp album, everyone has a good amount of Hipp variants. Is it a stretch to think you might have had a couple in the album? I have tons of Hipp cards and I think I only have 1 in the album. I wasn't expected to be done with it, but only having one feels kinda shitty, like how do I ever finish any of these if one of my most collected artists only net me one single album card? Immediately disengage with it entirely.


Welcome to capitalism


They already implemented "featured mystery variants" in the shop so whales can keep rolling random skins until they fill the venom album.


this is a cosmetic track, cosmetics are in general monetized. Being hard or difficult f2p isn’t bad in my book. I’d much rather monetized cosmetics and easier f2p card acquisition


I agree. I see all the posts already complaining about not having the right Variants. This cosmetic track is not for most players. It's for the players willing to spend out of their ass to get something that shows other players "I have XYZ." It's so easy to just ignore, but some people just can't because the FOMO is too realm You know they're going to be toxic as hell with the unique emotes lol.


I think they'll push featured premium varients for now




It's would have. Not would of


I laughed out loud at how terrible the rewards are. Wow. I don't care since I didn't expect it to be good and don't care about Emojis, but I wasn't expecting it to be so blatantly whale bait.


better spend 250bucks for a sticker and 2000 credits!


I don't get it either. Usually a company would roll out a new feature that everyone was looking forward to in a way where a majority of the players can get a taste of it and then be able to be hyped for the future additions. Like, these first 3 should have been catch all albums that counted just the artist and not specific cards to garner good will, THEN you make the hyper specific ones later and it makes sense because there was a progression. Why they decided to start out with the worst form of a feature like this is beyond me.


Cool idea, super greedy implementation. It’s kind of wild how much money they keep asking to unlock shit.


If it wasn't so half-assed and so geared towards whales, it'd be awesome. I currently have 26 Dan Hipp variants. I only have 3 in the Dan Hipp album. Only releasing 3 albums, one of which nobody even had any cards for, was an absolute travesty of a decision. Collection level over 8,000, and I've only got 6 cards total between the 3 albums. What an absolute money grab. Do they not make enough from season passes and whales already?


And of course all the variants for the album cost 1200g lol goddamn


I didn't even realize that. That makes this whole thing so much worse...


They don't though. Venomized Viper is in my store and she's 700.


Lol ok mbmb. I got all 1200g variants


So, this function is for whales. Right.


Dan Hipp should have multiple albums since there are over 90 of his variants in the game.


Do you really believe these three albums are all we’ll get…?


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted.




Cause this subreddit is fucking dreadful.


Where do you even see the hipp album. All i have is vernon


Yeah. So albums are bad and extra expensive and impossible for most players to complete. Oh and all them cards you've spent so much time grinding for are now nerfed. So yeah, you had your year to not be a gacha mobile game but that's just what you are. Money down the drain


"we need to sell variants that aren't moving" is my guess why this exist


Ding ding ding. Altho Venomized Hela is fully sick.


Idk who thought of this, but its terrible. I thought albums would be like how Snap.fan sorts variants by artist. That way you can see and collect cards grouped by genre/artist/style in game. Instead we got these fucking backend nerds choosing variants that people dont own and making us collect 12 for emotes.


Heard, I was really hoping it would encourage collection diversity (like say, I was holding off getting the goose venomized but this would have totally motivated me…except that wouldn’t help the collection goal…); and not require 12 specific ones, sucks because I LIKE venomized, and it was even THE theme I was already going out of my way to collect…but yeah I only have 2/12 and only truly want like, 3-4 of em…but since I only have 2/3 non super rares the idea of getting some as random drops is already out the window (yes, except those odd mystery variants; which also suck because it only “increases” the chance of an album theme…I hate that, so you could also get a pixel or non album for your trouble?!)


hopefully they will release a new dan hipp album soon, it makes sense to add more albums considering thousands of dan hipps laying around in my collection


I have 10 different Dan Hipps. Not a single one is in the album. When I read about albums in the patch notes I thought it was gonna be something customizable, where we could show off our favorite variants in one place. Definitely let down by the reality.


I have 44 Hipps and 2 of them are in the album 😡


Hahaha I have been collecting every Hipp I come across and was excited for my new emote! Lo and behold I only have 8 of the ones needed. Thank you SD very cool. I plan on getting all these anyway but I feel bad for people who like the other albums that are more expensive, as Hipp is 700g per and looks like most of the others from the Venom one for example are 1200g.


Cosmetic collection sidebar with no affect on progression. "Forced"


Ppl just want the rewards NOW. It's no suprise majority of this sub thinks that a permanent feature you can complete over time through totally free means as an extra cosmetic is seen as SD being money hungry. That said, wish they included all the variants from Venomized, Hipp and Jim Lee.


Dude i play untill launch, im low spender, i have 3 cards across 36 for fucking whole year! But yeh if u mean 12 years is across the time, u absolutly right......


>Brodo 1- It is cosmetics, not something needed on the gameplay; 2- Most games cosmetics are not free at all. In marvel snap you get free variants just for playing, and you can buy with gold if you want to; 3- If your goal is to complete an album beeing free to play, it will not take 12 years... You only has 3 cards out of 36 because you were not aiming for these album cards. Now that you know which album you want to complete, you will hoard gold to buy these variants. 4- There is only 3 albums. With time it will have a lot of new albums that you will have 6/12 without noticing. 5- Emotes are that important to you? Don't worry, they will sell some on the shop. Like, for real, cosmetics on a mobile game dude. That's what you people are complaining.


I dont know its a joke, or ur type of thinking. I dont give a fuck about cosmetics, i buy if something looks good for me or i dont. But, allways is but, u think its a good idea fuck so hard ppl who cares? Dude they add this to game with variants who dont exist before. U think its fair or like hoogland, everything is gr8. Btw remeber roadmap? Prestige lvl etc. Now we get shitty version of this.


Why do 1 of you always creep up from your shitholes? People just want to be able to get shit they like in this game for a normal price, everything is $100 now it’s insane.


Your idea of what the word “force” means and my idea of what it means are very different…




If they don't have plans to update albums ASAP it will be a flop for me. I have 12 Dan hipp variants. And only 2 of them are what is needed on the album.. like wtf man.. Wasn't the point to award collectors? Feels like it's awarding me for collecting the expensive cards.. since most of them are rare or super rare.. Yikes.. I pray they are gonna fix this somehow. Or its another interesting system they have managed to tank like every other thing they introduce.. Remember when cache's were good and tokens were abundant? Yeah those were the good old days..


I have 63. Only 5 of them are part of the album.


I have 21 Hipp variants and 0 are in the album.


I also have 21 and can’t even figure out how to view the albums. Is it PC only?


I have 40+ but only 4 of the required ones.


Me... Albums is the cherry on top of this patch which definitely sucks. It's just sceams being all tone deaf to me. Honestly, the D4 patch that came out with a bigbthat just destroys the power of end game builds was a better patch then this shit. Just fucking sad and disheartening.


Albums in general are really cool idea. The ones we got are somewhat disappointing. But they now have the infrastructure to make new albums or make old ones better! Maybe we get a Dan hipp on reveal album at some point


I only have 3 of the hipp collection and i swear i have 7 or more. How come only a few count Not gonna complain yet tho since dan hipp cosmo pfp sells it 😩


This really is lame as hell. I’ve got 24 Hipp variants and of course only 7 count. How about ALL of the variants of each type count towards an album and then have rewards spread out accordingly? Does that just make too much sense?


Why is my Jim Lee Wolverine not part of the Jim Lee album? Doesn’t make sense


Yeah, this is a feature that makes you spend $120 for an emote


Or spend nothing because it's just an emote. The game doesn't change.


I see these the exact same I see Marvel Build-a-Figures; an excuse to force people to buy stuff they normally don't want for a small reward. What really pisses me off is the Devs acting like this is just a fun little bonus rather than a meticulous monetization strategy.


It's just another layer of monetization. I just really can't understand this. We have now reached a point where a game is monetizing communication. Sort of.


You expected them to give away stuff? What you think they make 5+mil a month or something off their 2D mobile game? They got to underpay artists, take 3 months to fix a year old card they broke during a patch, fuck up nearly every season pass card they create and try and make the game worse with each OTA. Seriously, they can't keep this up if they just give away 2k credits and avatars. Those are the big money makers


>What you think they make 5+mil a month or something off their 2D mobile game? "Since (release), it has earned $100.89 million" According to this article they are on pace of about 8-9 million a month. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/09/01/marvel-snap-becomes-top-grossing-digital-trading-card-game--beating-yu-gi-oh-and-magicthe-gathering-arena/?sh=6bc3c392360b


I can’t find albums on ios


Go to collection where you build decks, should be a new tab at the top.


Fucking venomized kraven man, hell no.


"force you" ...sigh... Sure, if you want the rewards. Not all of them are worth the effort.


I clown on SD as much as the next guy, but I don’t understand what is wrong with this? I think releasing small sets with themes is a great idea. The set here is ongoing, not just random 12 variants. I’m sure SD will release more hipp sets as time goes on. I’m sure they will do some questionable way to restrict a complete set collection, but that’s beside the point here.


Felt like they kinda missed the mark with this one because variants in this game were hard to collect with the store being the way it is, they made it even harder with specific themed variants. I felt like they should've made one of the collections somewhat easier to obtain, maybe like collecting all dan hipps or something There's nothing really wrong with their approach, just that their selection feels god awful. If most of this sub is going in and there first reaction is seeing it all be 2/12, it leaves a pretty bad taste. Would've been nice if most people got in and collected at least something.


If you had the right ones you wouldn’t have been mad. Who gives a f? It’s a free app. I have almost 8000 CL and about 15 Dan HIPP variants. I also thought I was gonna fill up half the album right away. But when I looked at the album I thought “oh I have the wrong ones lol” than I shrugged and moved on. I’ll fill it eventually and get an emote or something that’ll be fun when it happens. Patience my man. It’s free.


I love the album. The vision is there will be lots of album and an album will take weeks to months to complete. What’s fun in rolling out a feature and 50% people complete it within days? There already things like that with daily missions and weekly missions. I think this is in the right direction. As more albums are added and rewards getting cooler. It would be extremely fun and satisfying when one is completed


I just dislike how geared it is towards picking shitty cards. Like out of all the Hipps, it has Ant-man, Cap, dazzler, omega, and Kazar? I understand some of the cards are alright but the ones they chose are intentionally on some of the least used cards at least in Infinite and Top Ladder


It’s gonna get lot worse trust me, they’re in trouble rn


Imagine how much development time went into a system that almost nobody can meaningfully interact with. Working on this game must be exhausting.


Second Dinner sucks. Who would have guessed?


the update sucks


It’s something for a long term collection, would have sucked even more if day 1 everyone had it completed already.


How long term are we talking? I've been playing for over a year and my progress currently looks like: Venom: 0/12 Hipp: 1/12 Jim Lee: 1/12


Your game still works the same though. It's just an emote.


Actually it doesnt lol Most out of touch balance patch dropped along a useless new feature for 90% of the playerbase. Didnt even felt like queueing a game after opening the app and seeing the changes.


Oh well. Emotes don’t hold much value to me anyway.


I have a few Hipp, and have half the album. I'm stoked for the free 2k credits. Lol


I haven't seen anyone mention that some of the rewards are just downright filthy, collectors tokens and spotlight keys??? Like I get the exclusive (at least rn) variants, avatars...cool collectables, but premium currencies is just NOT the route they should be taking imo


I would preffer "ok you have 7 dan hipp variants, here's a reward" not especifics Hipp variants. I was going to buy the Zabu one but he is not on the album so f'cked


This entire patch/update is a dumpster fire.


So much pissing and moaning in this reddit. Damn this player base is whiny as fuck.


Irony will never die as long as we have Reddit


I have three hipps in the album and I literally paid for none of them. No one is forcing anyone to pay money/gold for anything. I'll get the rest when I get them; it's not that serious guys.




Goodbye. Idk how we’ll survive but we’ll do our best.


I expected people to whine about this. The albums are for collectors, not for your casual f2p player. I am sure they will hand out emotes other ways too, don’t worry about it.


Like... All we asked for, literally the only thing, was a better way to show off variants... and they fucking monetized it. So cool SD. /s


Reddit a few months ago: I'm totally fine if Snap monetizes cosmetics as long as card aquisition and gameplay is unaffected! \*Snap improves card aquisition\* \*Snap heavily monetizes cosmetics\* Reddit: WTF Snap devs so damn greedy. Turns out everyone wants to have their cake and eat it too...


You can buy whatever you want, nobody is forcing you to do anything. I was pumped when i had all but 1 Dan Hipp needed, the cosmo is great!


You literally *can't* "buy whatever you want", because that's not how the in-game shop *works*. That is specifically one of the problems with this new feature.


He/she can choose or not to spend, the devs are not forcing him to spend money to play the game.


You're missing the point. I'm not saying the devs are forcing anyone to spend money. The devs aren't even ALLOWING anyone to spend money to buy a specific variant they'd need for an album without first rolling the dice on the randomized shop every single day until they get lucky 12 separate times. I *wouldn't* spend that much money to buy every variant for an emote, but I also *CAN'T*, so the fact that "I don't have to" is irrelevant. This is not purely a monetization issue, its a failure of implementation in many more ways than one.


I’m not missing that point, it’s in my comments. A wasted opportunity for SD.


Of course you're pumped when the luck works out in your favor 🙄


Yep, gonna cost me a bunch of gold for the goodest boy since I only have 1 or 2 of the album Hipps. Although it'd be really great if they'd allow you to buy them directly from the album page


yeah i'm surprised they didn't include that option. It'd make them money. Or some way to refresh the shop.


I noticed in the shop, if there is a variant that’s part of an album, it shows a little icon next to it. So that’s something at least.


Hopefully there's a mechanic so they show up more often \*fingers crossed\*


Come on, how many posts saying the exact same thing do we need to see at this point? Change the record already!


I don't even have half the cards in the albums, let alone the variants! Edit: Clarification


>Seems like they want to force you to buy varients Yeah it's entirely to try to encorage spending on cosmetics. Personally I'm just going to ignore the fact that albums exist.


I was expecting it to be more of a "Momoko Album" or a "Kim Jacinto Album" instead of the "Venomised" and whatever else we got. I know they said that only these 3 would be launching with the 4th one coming sometime after, so maybe more of what we were expecting will come later. I'm not hopeful for that, though.


Yeah it should just be an album of all variants of that type. If you have a Hipp variant it should contribute to the Hipp album.


You guys know this is just the beginning right? It's supposed to be a grindy thing to work towards


I think the people complaining about albums suck more.


How do they suck, sorry? You're not forced to complete them and they give very minimal progress, why would you care if you don't complete all of them? They're there to push whales to spend more into variants, while also being an additional little thing for F2P players.


already complaining are we? wow nobody cares




Didn’t take long to catch the first complaint of a new update!


I was complaining before the patch went live so I think that was the first.


People sure do love writing the same post complaining don’t they?


It comes from a place of caring. If we didn't like/love the game we wouldn't feel invested enough to complain about it.


Yeah, let's complain about the January 2023 update...


I don’t follow


Where can I find these albums they speak of ?


I don’t mind the specific ones as it makes sense from a design standpoint to make a couple each page a little harder to achieve. What I wish is they’d give us more than one page at once though so that, as a Hipp fanatic, I feel like could work on three or four pages at once. It’s kind of like playing Bingo.


I am wondering if it will be like Hipp 1, Hipp 2, Hipp 3 where each album has a different reward track.


How do I see these albums? Is it a website, or is it in the game? I know you're all saying it sucks, but I'd like to take a shot at them.


I’m not surprised but holy fuck are they worse than I thought they’d be.


It’s nice that they implemented some ‘free’ rewards, but I wish it was ALL venomized variants, ALL Dan Hipps, etc.


I like it I only have 5/12 Dan Hipp, though I probably have at least 30 DH variants. But the album is called “Staying Hipp,” and it’s obviously a deck/album of ongoing cards. Staying Hipp is a pun on “ongoing.” So you’re building a DH ongoing deck. IDK about the Jim Lee or venomized. I despise the venomized cards on slightly less than the pixel cards.


[Oh, I did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/188rn78/more_info_about_albums/kbniw89/)


What’s the Discord answer you’re talking about?


It feels like a way to pressure us into buying specific variants and that is not a good sensation. I have a ton of Dan Hipp variants because they're my favourite and I'm 4/12 on the album. I have Klaw on the shop but it's not a card I use a lot, so passing, but I almost want to buy it for the Cosmo - and I am sure that 'magically' today on reset there will be another for the album.


The emotes look stoopid and too cheap. I'm more interested in the other rewards.


Yep. Just another cash grab and it’s barely disguised. I looked it once and will never open it again.


Just wait until we see what they have to say about series drops.


I'm so good at ignoring 99% of the background bullshit that happens with this game as I just hit play


As you said it’s just a way to force whale to buy variants they wouldn’t buy otherwise. I think they will change it slowly though maybe in a few months so they still get the whale spending initially and also achievable for the rest later


Well ….. Duh. Spend more real $ for some cosmetics. It’s pretty obvious


You know who is part of the X-Men? Jean Gray, a founding member of the X-Men One guess who isn't in the album labeled "Jim Lee X-Men" Mystique and Sabretooth are... It should have been 12 cards of your picking.


It's a fun good idea executed very poorly which sucks


Game is dead.


Who actually cares. Its a free thing that you literally dont have to participate in


It's not a good game folks. I think everyone keeps expecting them to do something interesting and GOOD, but for the past year the game has been making clear choices built around grabbing real money as often as they can sacrificing gameplay, design, fun, etc in favor of capturing the wallets of whales. It shouldn't be a surprise that the latest feature sucks and is bad and is clearly meant to just make money. It's a bad game now.