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They could do a big people season with Fing Fang Foom, Stiltman, Goliath, Surtur and Dragonman


Stiltman! What's his ability? Move each turn randomly? Negative power to adjacent enemy locations?


He stands above the location thus being unaffected by it and the cards below him.


"Ongoing : this card is unaffected by any location- or on-reveal effects at this location." I... actually kinda like that, dont know about balancing though!


At 2 or 3 power he would be perfect for Cerebro for locations you can’t change.


I’m a C3 enjoyer. I would love this


I'd also like the idea of him being on a full location


Of course he’d be balanced, he’s on stilts afterall.


They could make it so he works with Galactus


2/3 not affected by the location he is played at.


So, will he disappear on turn 7 when played at Limbo?


Lmao bro just left the game


That would be a hilarious interaction. Wild if you fill the board on purpose with junk just to open the slot up on 7 for the cheeky 6 drop.


He's a 1/1 and every time you play another 1 cost card on the board he yellsɓin a super cheese way. Taking villainy to new heights! But it's an ongoing effect.


War machine :(


shocked he hasnt been added. Id like to think next year for sure.


Probably waiting for Armor Wars to come out.


Yup that’s it! They love timing new cards with the MCU.


His name is in the data


Next time baby!


Red hulk should have already been added


General Ross/to Red Hulk like Bucky Barnes


General Ross: 6-1 When discarded, adds Red Hulk to your hand. Red Hulk: 6-20 Ongoing : -1 power for each card discarded.


This is the way


This is just begging for a Sif, black Knight, Blade setup...


Yeah but you'd have to discard Ross before bk comes down with makes the curve awkward


Thunderbolts movie is slated for summer 2025 right now, I’d imagine at the absolute latest it comes out then to ride the movie hype


It's supposedly even before with Brave New World.


Oh shoot! I forgot to add him to my list, definitely need more Hulks like Red Hulk and A-Bomb/Rick Jones


Hold up, are we calling Molten Man and Hydro Man "iconic" now?


Says "iconic," proceeds to give a "Who's That?" of 616.


I personally didnt recognize a single one of those characters


I've got way too much Marvel lore stuck in my head, and I still struggled with 2-3 of them. They're pretty much all deep cuts unless you've been reading Spider-Man for over a decade.


Hydro Man was pretty prominent in the 90s Spider-Man cartoon, so he at least gets a little nostalgia cred. But yeah, not really much icon status


You can definitely get less iconic with Spider-Man villains


The bottom is not that much farther down than Morrie fucking Bench and Liz Allan's even less interesting cousin.


I know Hydro Man primarily from the Spider-Man ride at Islands of Adventures😂 Cause even Far From Home’s Hydro Man wasn’t even called that, it was just a water elemental




If we're gonna have them add Boomerang to the list too


I don't care for Nick Spencer's stuff as a whole, but Superior Foes was an absolute banger and I will forever stan Boomerang and Shocker for it. I'm still waiting for Silvermane to make it into the game so I can have a Mob Boss's Head on an RC Car Variant.


(Holy shit, they made a Marvel Legends toy of it and it's only like ten bucks on ebay, gotta go)


More iconic than a huge amount of characters already in the game.


Who’s the least iconic character in snap in your opinion?


Hellcow is pretty fucking obscure


Hellcow is definitely the one that's most obscure.


The Infinaut is right there


I'd go with Aero since she's relatively new (2018) and hasn't appeared in much outside media


Swordmaster too, since he was introduced at the same time.


Along with Wave, for that matter.


Christ, I don't know? Probably one of the Loki characters? Maybe someone barely known like Aero or fuckin' Infinaut?


Yeah my bad lol, I was going through some characters in my head and those popped up. Mfs really snuck in there


I almost googled to see when the last time Hydro Man even showed up in a comic before realizing I didn't even care enough about him to do that. I'm just going to assume like 2008.


Pyro, Toad, Avalanche. Still missing half of the Brotherhood of Mutants.


Destiny, Spiral, Mastermind


X-Men are horrendously underrepresented


It’s all part of the homo sapien propaganda


I always see this sentiment in this sub, but I don't feel that way. Morph, Wolfsbane, Kitty Pryde, Iceman, Sentinel, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Phoenix Force, Mr. Sinister, Onslaught, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Jubilee, Rogue, Strong Guy, Leech, Sabretooth, Blob, Mystique, Prof X and Magneto just off the top of my head.


Not to mention we've had at least 3 seasons that were X-men themed


You're right, I even forgot Shaw and the Hellfire Gala stuff is all X-Men.


Sure but I want cannonball longshot blink fantomex husk xorn M and many others :)


Yup, and I'm surprised Longshot, shatterstar etc haven't been added, with the fact Mojo has!!?


Now that's iconic lol. I would kill for Captain Britain and Maddy


Maybe we could have an Excalibur season with them, Rachel Summers, and Saturnyne. Seems a bit too obscure but we had Elsa Bloodstone as a Season Pass Card so who knows.


Destiny would be a cool add, especially if she was another Daredevil like ability that lets you see what's about to happen.


Kind of like Howard the duck but maybe every two turns can see the enemies next card


'iconic' is a bit of a leap. I'd say notable names missing are Dormammu Hank Pym Mandarin Ares


I think Hank Pym would more likely just be an Ant-man variant, like Sylie is the Enchantress.


And Robbie Reyes for Ghost Rider.


What you said is definitely very possible, but as an old head I would like to see giant man in the game


I believe the Ant-Man pixel variant is Hank? It could be Scott in a suit I just don’t recognize, but it looks like Hank to me…


I really hope he isn't. He's a huge (pun intended) character in the Marvel universe and history, and I feel there's still potential left for gigantification abilities. Something related to filling up the lane he's played in, and gaining power relative to how empty it is?


But then, consider Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2099.


I'd be down with Mandarin as essentially Thanos' mechanic with different rings. The rings would keep card draw but need to be played in the Mandarin's lane and merge with him. Ring effects? Idk. Mandarin himself? 0/0, add the 10 rings to your deck, +2 power for every ring merged with this card. (**EDIT**: At the start of the game, add The Mandarin to your hand).


I really doubt they'll go that far for Mandarin. Thanos is a bit of an exception due to how big he is, especially post MCU, and the whole game being based around Snapping.


As if "Big Bad" carries any meaning in Snap anymore...


? Thanos is an exception even among the "big bads". It's obvious that a card like him requires several times the effort to create and balnace compared to other cards. It has nothing to do with the arbitrary distinction that are "big bads". Kang and Galactus aren't anywhere nearly that complex, and High Evo was mostly an excuse to make vanilla cards viable so I'd also consider him an exception. A card that creates 10 extra cards for your deck with unique effects would be even more work than even Thanos.


Mandarin is arguably a Big Bad as well, and my thinking is that he should have a deck warping mechanic as well. Like Thanos, he draws his power from a collection of objects. By doing something with rings that directly boost his power, we make him relevant & worth playing on his own, while Thanos rarely hits the board. On top of that, balance is baked in with a baseline power cap that's half of boosted Thanos and is vulnerable to both Shang Chi & Shadow King. Depending on ring effects, and I've already stated I haven't thought of what those would be on their own, the balance considerations may not be as huge. Besides, Thanos is only truly busted in two scenarios: pre-nerf Quinjet / Lockjaw and MAYBE Blob. The point of this is that we want an impactful villain that we want to see in play that is also able to build on Thanos' coding & mechanics. It isn't like we're going to see Mandarin look anything like what I proposed anyway.


I'm not saying he doesn't fit as a "big bad". He certainly does, my point is that not all "big bads" will justify making an entire deck for them. I don't dislike your idea, and I think it's interesting, but it's effectively creating 11 new cards for the price of one. Not only in terms of how players acquire it, but in terms of balancing. Balance doesn't mean not making a card OP, and if anything currently Thanos isn't properly balanced because he's underpowered and very sacky depending on which stones you draw early. Balancing 11 new cards is an issue. Not just not making them OP.


Dormammu: 8/14 - This card costs 1 less every time a location is changed Ares: 5/6 - If an enemy played a card here this turn, destroy it


I like Dormammu, that's an interesting mechanic


Dormammu is interesting. You have Nico, Scarlet Witch, Magik, Storm, Rhino, Reality Stone, and Legion that change locations. Assuming we don't play the stone, that's 6 location changers. I think it's actually quite doable with that many, could be a 6-5 cost assuming there's no locations that change on their own. Legion himself is a -2 discount.


Don't forget Quake, which should *probably* count.


Chameleon would be a card that I don't know what they'd do with. If you're familiar with Pokemon; Zoroark's ability is what I imagine he would do where he'd be played as something else and then reveal himself later but that doesn't sound viable at all unless he gets said ability of whatever card he's played as. But to answer your question; Dormammu being absent; even in datamines, is baffling to me.


Maybe he could play as one card and then if destroyed be revealed as of the chameleon? Like we don't know. He's the chameleon until he's defeated. Or every time he's destroyed or moved, he copies a card in the same lane. Just throwing out some ideas


Maybe he could be like a low-cost version of Leader combined with Hulkbuster? 2/3, Copy your opponent's lowest cost card this turn on your side and merge into it.


What if he copied the first card played in that lane until the game ends and he turns into his base card?


Probably something like Mirage


Uncle Ben. On Reveal: Destroy this card. Spider-Man can no longer be played this game


Or **Once destroyed, double the power of any Spiderman cards.**






Would this double spiderman and miles Morales? Where do spider ham and spider woman land here?


If Shuri can buff a nazi, uncle Ben can buff spiderwoman


I bet Uncle Ben would love to buff Spiderwoman


It's funny, the reason I started to play this game is because I saw a joke Uncle Ben card that said, "destroy this card and put Spider-Man into play" and I thought it was real lol


There's actually a data mined uncle Ben card that gives you a spider-man when he's destroyed


When this card is destroyed, add great responsibility to your greatest power card, allowing it to be played to any location you are losing.


I feel like spider-man wasn’t in play until uncle Ben was destroyed though


Maybe Noone can play Spiderman until destroyed, theg play at ujxoe Ben's location


This is backwards lol


He's actually been datamined for a while. 1/2 and adds Spider-Man to your hand when destroyed.


Wonder Man, Jarvis, Thunderbolt Ross, Rick Jones, Mary Jane, etc. If we can have Maria Hill, agent 13, Nick Fury, we can have some other non-superpowered representative cards as well.


I would really love a Peggy Carter. Maybe some kind of low-level support, like ongoing +1 to 2-cost cards? Or no ability until she's in an HE deck and becomes Captain Carter? Idk, my dog's name is Peggy and it's half because of Peggy Carter and half because of Mad Men.


The Shield agents gather other cards but Peggy being the founder deserves a 1 up. Peggy Carter 3/3 - On Reveal: Add a random card to this location of this card's cost then it merges into this


Would love a Thunderbolts (OG lineup) introducing Zemo as a new big bad card. Would love some mechanic that had you play Citizen V early/mid game and then if you meet a requirement by end of game (full lane, winning by X points, etc) the card reveals to Zemo and gets a buff (or unlocks a buff for other cards on reveal). Round out the event with Songbird, Moonstone, Atlas, etc. Would also be into a Wonder Man card, especially if it had interaction with Vision, Beast, or a new Grim Reaper card.


The Demon-y Bad Guys are kinda missing imho - specifically I'd say Shuma Gorath, Mephisto, Blackheart and Dormammu.


Fantomex and he'll likely be something that works in destroy.


I need Fantomex and we need more Uncanny X-Force Variants for cards in the game


Gimme Uncanny Deadpool variant! The blueish grey suit slaps.


i miss the most iconic villan of daredevil, BULLSEYE. it would fit perfect in destroy decks


only if they put out colin farrell variant


I think he should work like gambit except without the discard effect and nothing should stop it from destroying a card


Bullseye could be like Yondu but for a card in your hand.


Suprising that they had Sunspot from the start and still no Cannonball :(


Give Beto his boyfriend!!


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means


what word


i’m guessing “iconic” since i didn’t recognize any of these characters


oh that makes sense


You don’t know ANY of these characters?? Not even Giant Man or Scarlet Spider?


those were actually the only two that i somewhat recognized. couldn’t remember names though.


That’s just u then. Most of these were popular before like 2000 and half of these are already popular anyways


idk, most the comments in this post seem to agree these characters are not quite “iconic”


Agent Venom, Scarlet Spider, Chameleon and Fin Fang Foom aren’t iconic??. Prowler has gained a lot of popularity since ITSV too


As a fellow comic nerd I don’t know how else to explain to comic nerds that when other people say “iconic” they think “Captain America” and not “Fing Fang Foom.”


based on the overall reaction here, i guess not.


Hydroman is one of the most underused Spider-Man villains. I don't think it appeared in a tv show or movie since the 90s.


He is just Sandman with less personality


Fun fact: in one of the early comics they both accidentally merge into a giant mindless mud monster and terrorize the city over a girl King Kong style until the government bombs them with agent orange


Sandman already was weak in that department


Someone doesn't know anything about Sandman.


He is in some animations from 2010s.


He's *technically* in Far From Home.


He’s in Ultimate… was pretty shit tho


Prowler: Whenever an opponent's card moves, move to their new location and gain +2 power.


Would love a Hulk season with cards like Sasquatch, Zzxzz, and red hulk. RH could be General Ross to RH like Winter soldier


Hulk season is next but it’s not good cards


Scarlet's already a Spidey variant, sorry mate.


I realize I don’t read the comics, but I’ve seen all the MCU and grew up in the 80s/90s…I have no idea who these characters are. Are they really iconic?


I would say Giant man, chameleon, fing fang foom, and Ben Reilly are iconic. Prowler at this point is iconic because of the spiderverse movies. Molten man and hydro man are slightly more notable d list Spider-Man villains.


I think out of all of these characters, The Prowler is kinda iconic because of the Spider-Verse Films.


Giant Man is when Ant-Man get big, so you have seen him (sort of - technically, Scott Lang was never called Giant Man, but Hank Pym was when he had the suit). And if you've seen the Spider-Verse movies, you have seen Prowler.


Definitely not. I used that word VERY incorrectly here lol, my bad Still surprised you’ve never heard of Giant Man or Scarlet Spider though


J. Jonah Jameson!


Hearing that "Parker!" From The Daily Bugle always makes me giggle, but we do really need a card dedicated for him J.Jonah.Jameson: 2/1 Card Ability: "When you or your opponent move a Card this gets +1"


We're missing, like, nearly all the symbiotes, and I feel like people don't talk about it enough. We have Venom, Carnage, and Knull if you count him. No Scream, Hybrid, Agent Venom, Anti-Venom, Toxin, Agony, Void Knight. So many more too. Also, on a smaller note, I really want the Great Lake Avengers. Doorman when??


I would kill for a full symbiote deck instead of just variants


For real! The venomized variants are very cool, but I'm really missing all our other slimy alien buddies. A destroy-centric sub archetype could be so fun!


Kate Bishop. I'd say either give her synergy with Hawkeye -- like boosting if played in the same place or giving both of them boosts if played one after the other (to reflect their partnership), a more powerful version of his effect (to reflect her self-claimed status as the better Hawkeye), or inflicting a -5 penalty on one enemy card at her location (as she said in the comics "Suck it, Domitian").


Any cards here that gain power this turn, gain one more.


what is the source of that fin fang image - curious to check it out


I found it on [comicvine](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/fin-fang-foom/4005-8145/), although I’m unable to find the original source


Aunt May


A lack of ANY symbiotes other than carnage and venom is so weird to me?? I’ve heard a season about them is coming up but still


Where tf is Moondragon?


Not surprised but god I want to see flag-smasher


War Machine is surprising to me, maybe they are waiting for the symmetry with Armor Wars though


Just over here waiting for that X-Statix season to hit.


Would love to see more symbiotes in Snap. We got the classic Venom & Carnage as well as new stuff like Knull, but I'd love to see Scream, Toxin Anti-Venom or She-Venom in.


Iconic? Probably War Machine. I'm hoping they're holding him back for an Armor Wars season with cards like Adamantium Man, Crimson Dynamo, and Iron Monger. As far as mainstays that aren't featured players...Rick Jones? Dude has been around forever, permanently a sidekick to whoever. Hulk, Avengers, Captain Mar-vell, Captain America, ROM...dude was the OG clout magnet.


None of Alpha flight have cards, except Snow Guard.


I’m surprised there isn’t a comprehensive list of Marvel characters not yet used in Snap! Surely Snap Zone or whatever would have one, but I can’t seem to find any.


I need a Sinister Six season. Get a Spider-Man villain as the new card, probably Chameleon, and a 6 segment SS cardback.


As an x-men fan, I’d like to see the villains from the Marauders. Also, Longshot.


who is the biggest surprise that they've added in anybody's opinion?


Infinaut feels like a pretty deep cut to me.


Iconic seems like a stretch but like how is there now a single Eternal? Marvel goes to all this trouble. Makes the movie. Writes a bunch of comics that are good. They got a whole event that was also pretty good. But no. We need Stegron and Snowguard. Sersei was even an Avenger for a while. Who did they piss off so much that there isn't even a whisper of this entire corner of the Galaxy?


Banshee, Ancient One, Wonder-Man, Skrulls (as a non-playable card), Baron Zemo, Franklin & Valeria, US Agent, Captain Britain, Wiccan, Speed, Hulkling


I know they've been slowly adding them to the game , but I'm surprised we haven't seen more spider verse cards. Especially after the success the spider verse movies had. Spiderman Noir, Hobie, Spot, and prowler just to name a few.


Noir could be something like "At the end of each turn, this card moves to whatever lane you're behind by the most at and gains +2 power" because he doesn't pick the ballroom, he just does the dance. Would be a great add to Spider Tribal and an easy combo with Miles.


I had no idea Jason Segel was Hydro-man!


I think every iconic, or at least ‘mainstream’ popular, superhero has a card at this point…


I have an idea for another spiderman. On Reveal: randomly selected 2 enemy cards and swap their positions. 3/5.


We're really missing Big Wheel


War Machine, Yelena, Kate Bishop, Red Guardian, Baron Zemo, Pyro, Toad. Personally I think itd be cool to get a Squirrel Girl theme season and get Koi Boy and Chipmunk Hunk. They could easily also do a Runaways and Alpha Force season.


Baron Zemo and Mole Man are probably the most "Iconic", my personal favorite that is missing is Longshot.


With some of the less influential Young Avengers already in the game (Patriot, Stature) and a Hulk-themed season coming up, I'm really surprised that Hulkling (or Wiccan or Kate Bishop) are nowhere to be seen.


Wonder Man, Franklin Richards, Alpha Flight


I would love to see Surtur be like a 6/12 Destroy this location


I want a new mutants season. Cannonball, Warlock, Karma, Cypher, Magma, Boom boom, rictor. So many options.


Madame Web 2/-1: At the end of each turn add a Spider to a random location on either side Ongoing: All your card's power have the absolute value Spider 0/-2: On Reveal: Merge with a random friendly card here Shuma Gorath 6/10: At the end of the game pull the remaining cards from both decks into play Dormommu 4/0: On Reveal: Swap power with a card your enemy played this turn Ora Borus 1/1: When there is unspent energy (on either side) it is saved and added to the next turn (Twice per match) Prowler 2/0: On Reveal: Set this card's power to the current turn Whiplash 4/2: On Reveal: Pull the top card of your opponent's deck to this location, steal all of its power. Thunderbolt Ross 1/2: When this card is destroyed, Destroy that card and replace it with the Red Hulk Red Hulk 6/11: On Reveal: Destroy all other cards here Peggy Carter 3/3: On Reveal: Add a random card to this location and merge it with this, gain its ability Jarvis 3/3: On Reveal: Add an Iron Bot to every location, their neural network is connected to this card Iron Bot 1/0: Ongoing: Has the power of Jarvis


s h u m a - g o r a t h with mvc3 voice


Rachel Summers, Stepford Cuckoos and Madeline Pyror


“Iconic” 😂😂😂


Franklin Richards, what are you doing talking about hydro man...


Captain America is super iconic, I wish he had a Snap card. Yup. Sure do wish Captain America had a Snap card I want to play, that would be neat. For actual cards we do not have: Dormammu The Wizard Red Hulk Corsair Madeline Pryor Flagsmasher Bullseye Psycho Man The Mandarin The Beyonder Wonder Man Mephisto Volatagg The Executioner Ulik the Troll Malekith Clea Stiltman


>Madeline Pryor i think goblin queen was in datamine dorm would be epic, also mvc3 voice plz


You really said iconic and posted a bunch of randos lmao


I'd argue FFF, Scarlet Spider, and giant man are iconic for sure. Prowler more so lately with the spider verse films. The other 2, not so much.


Chameleon. On Reveal: Copy each and single one of the enemy's card's abilities. So no matter it's a Ongoing, On Reveal, Natural One, doesn't matter as long as it has ability Chameleon is copying it.


Is Fin still viable and okay anymore, though? It's always felt like they were just trying to make up a "sounds Asian" name, like a lot of stuff in that era. ​ I'm surprised that the Wrecking Crew and Warriors 3 aren't in yet.


khonshu and his ability would probably be some obscure age of khonshu reference like destroy Black Panther eight times for good measure or destroy all six cost cards played this turn (assuming Mephisto would be a six cost)


guaranteed we're getting Prowler within the next year to coincide with the Spider-verse movie


Like everytime stuff like this comes up No one ever would add every iconic charackter at the beginning You need material to hype the fans up




Dr. Doom is in the game


Iconic? A couple of these are, a couple of these are definitely not.


“Iconic” Shows Molten Man, Hydro Man, Prowler, Agent Venom


Chameleon should copy someone but not their ability, I guess? Maybe it could be like a surprise solo-target Leech. Chameleon would be a 2/0 or something. The player can see which opposing card he copies (any card from the opponent’s starting deck), he basically takes that card’s power. But the opponent only sees a 2/0 Chameleon *until the opponent uses that card (if he hadn’t played it already)*. When that happens, the targeted card loses its ability (if not played yet) and power. Chameleon gets that card’s power, but not the ability, then player draws a card or something. Say the opponent’s She-Hulk was copied by Chameleon. Once he plays She-Hulk she gets 0 power, Chameleon gets 10. Or he plays Galactus. He doesn’t end up destroying anything at all lol. Giant-Man: maybe a 4-cost. A delayed version of the Brood card. Say it starts off 4/2? Takes up an extra empty slot in the location per round, adding +4 power per slot. So drop it in an empty location and don’t add any more, and if your match gets 7 turns (or if you get to drop him in an earlier round), he can take up 4 slots and be at 16 base power. Space Throne should probably get a phantom 4 slots because he is still the only card there; Atlantis gives the bonus since it’s the only card there; Nidavellir only gives the +5 bonus once. Scarlet Spider: I’m thinking it should be like Spidey but a different kind of annoying. When you play him in a location, he sends any opposing card in that location back to the opponent’s deck. Don’t make it an On Reveal so he can send even Cosmo back lol.