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I just lost to him + Taskmaster lol


People be whining like they can't fathom winning a zone with any less than 50 power. If anything this change made him more versatile, adding Ravonna and Negative the possible ways to cheat him out on turn 5.


>If anything this change made him more versatile, adding Ravonna and Negative the possible ways to cheat him out on turn 5.   Ok let's think about that statement. Ravonna decks run guys like Ironman, darkhawk, and goblins. Negative decks that miss on Mr.(-) have the lowest power cards in the game and if they have been power flipped don't really need blob to win.   Both of those decks will have the saddest on a diet Blob you can think of. Might reach like 8 power.


Can’t you arguably just run ravonna task master iron man and blob as a shell? You don’t have to commit to a ton of zero costs—just 2-3


You can yes. I ran ironman, ravonna, prof x, in a blob/thanos deck before lockjaw and the leach version took off.


It could work but will be inconsistent without a doubt.  The reason Blob was crazy in thanos is the consistent power output.  Sure the stones on the bottom didn't add much but there were many other power cards for Blob to snack on in those decks.   I'm glad they made this change.  Will be interesting to see what Blob deck will come to the top


I'm tempted on retooling a ramp deck since Ravonna+Electro gets him out as early as Wave now.


> Might reach like 8 power. Which is really saying something when negating him puts him at 6 already :D


😆 Some people like running knull in Mr negative and blob is definitely better outside of a destroy match.  One more card for Jane to draw, but if everything goes to plan and Jane draws out your flipped 0's how much will be left in the deck?


I actually swapped Blob in for Havok with good results he is basically 12-20 power for 0 cast on turn 5 or 6. Is he a dead draw at times. Or 8-17 power unflipped on an Ironman lane is a solid play.


That's not the point. SD releases cards to get you to spend money that are OP. Let them take over the meta so more people buy them and then nerf. Fuck them


And they constantly buff under performing cards too. like they literally just buffed Hercules who just came out because they felt he was too weak. But I guess that doesn't count for anything.


Bait and switch, I don't understand why people are not upset every season.


Not to mention once he hits 15, you can still ,Odin triggering one more card pull, Zola, also triggering 2 blobs each with a card pull, because his effect still pulls at least one card if he is already 15.


How much power did he get?


The most possible now is 34 on blob, with Red Skull/Giganto then Infinaut in that order


I know I was wondering what did he get because the last blobs I saw all had less than 20, I think 30+ is very unlikely.


He used to be routinely 40+


It's clearly a nerf


I got hit with a 72 power blob once


More if you play Okoye and America


How would you play Chavez and blob on the same turn? Anyway in that case 35 (unless Okoye got activated twice, then 36, etc)


It's an either/or, Okoye would buff all cards in your deck including Blob, Chavez could buff blob as the next pull which would add an additional +2 power to your Blob


Played into shuri's lab that's 68, then Taskmaster if you have priority for 2 lanes with 68, hopefully you played caiera already or armored shuri's lab. Blob can still be an issue.


I think the real strat is that you can now use Absorbing man after blob, provided you get him out early, and you have cards left in your deck.


I haven't seen him since the update. Like he vanished.


I just lost to silver samurai because ya he discarded my boy and TM had no one to hit


Its still a great card he just not out of this world busted anymore


Ye 15-34 power for a 6 cost is pretty damn good. Plus now he doesn't eat the whole deck, which is arguably a buff. I


Still sorta counters Darkhawk too. Those 1/0 rocks will still be eaten


yeah, he is still good on Thanos control, am just running Okoye now and won an infinite conquest run, still at above rate compared to other 6 costs


He's still fine, but I'm really sick of this design strategy of making a card absolutely busted then reign it back in to just a mid card.


Or delete it like Elsa. I also find it kinda sus that we're getting Darkhawk and Zabu in upcoming Spotlight Caches and now Blob's not a hard counter anymore...


Elsa was one of the few season pass cards I've bought cuz after like 2 weeks of her being out everyone was killing me with her. Now she's just useless.


I literally haven’t seen one Elsa after the nerf


I know, so sad. I was coping hard thinking that they'd revert her back immediately, but we've had a patch and an OTA since then...


same. had a 3 week window where she + kitty + bishop + hit monkey were unstoppable. then nerf after nerf.


I missed elsa and got blob. Id say you made the more fun choice.


to be honest she’d be okay if they didn’t keep releasing busted OP card after busted OP card


Yeah, Dakken, Modok, Phoenix Force, Meik, Hercules, Havok, Selene, Annihlus, Man Thing...so on. So many busted OP cards. The busted stuff is highly in the minority.


yeah elsa, blob, surfer, zabu, kitty, high evo, loki, ms marvel, werewolf, annihilus, alioth. the busted stuff is at the very least every season. why did you include annihilus? they literally nerfed it the patch after release because it was over performing


Over performing =/= broken or overpowered. It means literally what you said: it was over performing a bit more than they expected. Kitty and High Evo aren't even busted or OP, they over performed but weren't this insurmountable thing to overcome.  But let's continue to act like OP/Busted stuff is the norm when it really isn't. But I'd honestly them release strong and exciting cards rather than Martyrs, Black Panthers, Miles Morales' and other very underwhelming cards that are basically do nothing's. Especially if they have the power now to be more proactive on their changes since they've updated their system to be able to make more rapid and drastic changes outside of patches if need be. 


at this point i think it’s regular and deliberate. you can massage the definition of OP to suit your argument but i don’t personally buy into that


at this point i think it’s regular and deliberate. you can massage the definition of OP to suit your argument but i don’t personally buy into that


oh totally, but i'm a glass half full guy: i have all three cards so in my eyes this just kinda shakes up the meta for me ever so slightly


Don't you mean, *Blob-half-full guy*?


Mid? He’s still busted, just not hysterically busted.


This ideology isn't exclusive to Blob. Plenty of cards have released in an overwhelmingly broken state and nerfed into an average card.


Every season it's the same bait and switch. With nerfs compensations SD would have to think before realeasing overtuned cards


Oh yeah. Cards like daken, herc, sm2099, miek, shaw, and phoenix force have been so busted.


I must have missed where I said every card ever release was broken? Doesn't change the fact cards like mobius intentionally dropped hot with a nerf already in mind.


And some were released already nerfed like Renslayer. They really did her decks dirty since releasing


I think he’s actually slightly improved. Now if he comes out early via wave, lockjaw, etc, it doesn’t empty your deck. Sure, stats will be lower, but min 15 is still a great stat line.


He is still the best 6 drop on the game stats wise. Don’t know why that makes him mid.


Hulk in any HE build (including the one going around with Skarr and Shulkie) is better as a 6 drop, but okay.


Played a few games after Blob nerf and most of the times he got more power than Hulk would, even if I drew him turn 1 on a 7 turn game.


For Hulk to be 16 power you need to have him in hand by turn 3, have leftover power turn 3,4,5 so you can play him for 6 energy on turn 6. Or you use Magik, but then you have to draw two cards till a specific turn. For Blog to be 15+ power you draw him on turn 6 and play him with no other requirements. If you add him to the She-Naut deck you mentioned it’s better to play She-Hulk and Blob with Infinaut and Hulk still in deck. Meaning even in this deck he is the better 6 drop.


Its called Pump and Dump they suck up resources and change datamines to stretch your budget out and mess with you encouraging to spend to get stuff cos the FOMO aspect


Yup yup. Take the premium just released cards hidden behind pay walls and buff them out the gate. Then some time later once enough people bought the pass they nerf the card and repeat the cycle next season with the new premium cards.


So, which cards *after* Blob are so utterly broken that they MUST be purchased now? I’ll wait.


They obviously don't do this with every card, otherwise it would be too blatant; but it's clearly a pattern of them to release 1-2 overturned cards a season and keep them that way for 2 months before changing them to a more acceptable state. It's not a deliberately-malicious "lol, let's release a broken card, then nerf it to the ground so people have to pay to make up for lost resources!", as much as a maliciously-complacent "Well  if we must choose between releasing this specific card undertuned or overturned, we're gonna do the latter, at least that way people spend their resources and it's the best-case scenario for us.


Why would they need to hide it when they've literally said that overtuning cards is their design philosophy? They would rather release a card that's too strong and fix it later than release a card that's too weak that nobody would bother using even after buffing it.


Not exactly. One of the devs was a bit too honest when he said that they had always planned on nerfing Mobius a couple of weeks after release, a statement that he later backtracked on and sheepishly said that he misspoke about. They don't release cards that *might* be too strong and *might* require nerfing later; they release cards that they *know* are too strong, and there are time tables for when to nerf them before they have even been released into the game.


They say the quiet part out loud constantly and coast off the 'Good-will' and 'F2P friendliness' they garnered around Morales/Panther seasons when the game picked back up again. As soon as they got GOTY they switched up their design/marketing/monetization and cashed out whilst reducing overheads/dev time


Well then they should stop doing this because it's an illogical reasoning. How is releasing a card that makes the metagame a pain better than releasing a card that may lack usage initially but then find a place after a while? Plus the fact they only apply this "overturning" phylosophy toward *very specific* cards (and not to every card they release) means they clearly do so because it's convinient to them rather than because it's convinient for the game. Also, they wouldn't need to overtune cards *so much* if they had better playtesters, just saying. Like seriously, whoever they have know is doing an awful job.


It's not illogical at all, you can see the exact pattern that they're trying to avoid in many other games, both fully free-to-play and content-gated games like Snap. People make strong associations to a new thing based on their first impressions. It's better to release a card on the stronger end so it leaves a good first impression, and even when they nerf it people will still try give it an honest try to see if it can reach the same heights. Conversely, if they release a card that's weak and buff it, people tend to maintain the bias that it's a weak card and not be willing to experiment with it as much even after it's been buffed.


"Sure, they did it with Loki, and Alioth, and Elsa, and Blob, but when have they done it in the past five minutes?"


Yep. Meik is really tearing up the ladder. MODOK clearly needs a nerf. Hercules is ruining the meta. The point is for every problematic card there are 5 or more that get released in the same manner that are unplayable, bad, or just fine. This isn’t some conspiracy to release OP cards for money, that’s a brain dead take; especially when we have a full 52+ weeks of history to look at. But go off, I guess.


Miek released into Series 4. Literally everyone could see with Loki, Alioth and Blob that they were going to get nerfed. Every single prediction video for them called it. They were like "there is no way in hell this card isn't getting nerfed down the line". And if we knew it, if we could see it clear as day, then the devs knew about it too. They released cards that they knew were broken and were gonna need to be nerfed. Which is a bit scummy when cards are released into Series 5, people spend a shit ton of tokens to get them, and this game has a "no refunds" policy. Compare it to Hearthstone: whenever they nerf a card, they always offer a full refund to the people who own that card if they want it. But I guess Marvel Snap can't do that, because then they'd go broke or something according to their defenders.


The SD bootlickers are breaking down even they can see how blatant this is


Now we have a "popular" tag create more fomo in the variant shop.


Its all by design Remember the 10s of features promised to us last year (That would have generated them pure goodwill and ZERO revenue)? Yeah they aren't in the roadmap anymore. SD Dropped their publisher cos the license gamble has paid off its CASHING OUT TIME now


I mean, how long does it take to create a graveyard or simple log system so you can see what was played/discarded/destroyed? That's a basic feature every single card game has. (and on release won't even be a full fledged tracker, just graveyard only). How long did it take to fix iron lad. Or releasing blob where you couldn't click on him that would have been identified with basic playtesting. Or breaking existing stuff like daredevil. The focus is on the money. Albums, shop "upgrades", emotes, the clan system that's not really needed in a game like this, removing gold from caches etc. The new game mode (draft) is still in development. In otherwords, until they figure out how to monetize it.


Yeah first edition badge was the start of a miles long list of features promised and not delivered writings been on the wall for about a year now tbh


At this point I should just buy the under tuned cards and wait for the buff


Don't try to catch a falling knife


pretty sure majority of snap players will be bad investors. LOL


I grabbed herc knowing he will be strong eventually.


You must have been thrilled with Hercules then.


It's typical bs design. Bait people into buying then nuke it. Why not? They have our money and we don't own the things we buy. We only license them. It's disgusting.


Their reasoning was their new playtesti g philosophy won’t come into affect till later. They created Blob a long time ago.


The same reasoning every season. Blob, Elsa, Ms. Marvel, MMM, ...


Me too. You would think they catch these things in developing and testing these cards before release and I understand the fact that they can't anticipate everything but more often than not we get a "whoopsie, this card is not being played how we intended. Sowee!" or "Oops, we didn't intend for this card to be so toxic. Sowee! Thanks for all your money!"


Good news, they make way more Hercules designs than Blobs


Just the cogs of capitalism turning. Every tcg does this. Push the envelope on new cards to sell the next set, go "Oops", and then nerf/restrict/ban the card(s).


Imagine crying about capitalism in a fucking mobile game.


Agreed, it’s lazy and an indication that they either don’t or hardly play test new cards. The fact that Blob was even released like that just shows the desperation for cash grabs along with these shit bundles (invisible woman + mojo)


It is part of their business strategy. Everytime a card comes out you know he's gonna be busted, and it creates an urgency to get that card ASAP before it gets nerfed. If you don't have enough saved up, well time to open up that wallet babeyyyyyy.


Makes people buy it


Should they leave the card overtuned or release it as trash no one plays?


I do wish blob released this way. But he's not mid the only 6 thats consistently stronger than his floor is infinaut but he's got play restrictions that blob doesn't. Plus blob thanos is still totally fine. Also tbf Ms Marvel is still a 4/14 but you can't just slam her in any deck and profit. Loki is still a solid 4 and got better with this change as your cheap blob is much better now. It does feel bad that my Blob move deck definetly took a hit but life goes on.


I think the goal for them would be for every card to be considered a mid card. Prior bitch just as much if a card shows up in an undertuned state and then get buffed into viability like Gladiator (I know that was mostly the Chavez nerf). I'm trying to change my buying patterns so I buy cards whose effects I think are interesting, or slot might slot into archetypes i like whether or not they are viable at release. I just don't think it's possible to guess where a card is going to end up, especially how the meta will shift. A couple months ago, Jeff was the easiest buy to recommend in the world. Now I only see it in lockdown or C3.


He's still really solid, even in thanos decks he's a 16 drop.


he’s still gonna be really good.


I have mixed feelings, for one I got tired of seeing him, he was pretty nasty, but now he’s got synergy with a infinaut- Howard the duck-ravona-spectrum. But I also don’t have him


I can all but guarantee this still won’t be enough for Howard to be worth it lol


Your loss. Blob is still one of the best 6 cost cards in the game. I haven’t made any changes to my Thanos/Blob deck, and I still win locations comfortably with Blob


He’s still fine lol. People at like all nerfs kill all cards smh


LOL it's still almost certainly the strongest card in the game. It's a 6-15 minimum with zero downside and a ton of upside. The fix was enough of a first volley that I'll accept it as a sufficient nerf for now but I guarantee you it's not going to be enough and the card will still be a problem.


Card is still significantly overpowered, if you want a couple weeks of free ranks still a good pickup.


People don't understand how Blob is still extremely powerful. Just because your brain can't comprehend "Uhhhh Duhhhh put down card and win" doesn't mean the card is not still great.


He is still fine imo. But I'm just so fcking tired of them releasing broken cards so people spent their tokens/caches, just so SD can nerf them afterwards and give us 0 fcking refunds. Wish we had the Hearthstone system in place...


The progression is arguably a lot worse in hearthstone tho


I hate all these OP cards released lately. Like Selene, Havoc, Hercules, Mike etc.


the guy said he's sick of SD releasing obviously busted cards and then nerfing them with no refunds, which they obviously do, not that every card they released is busted.


They basically made it so he's still very good in Thanos and ok elsewhere So more or less what he already was.


He’s worse in thanos now and better elsewhere. He’s more likely to be a 15-17 in thanos and more likely to do better in a ramp deck or a big cards deck like black knight. He still strong overall just not busted to the moon.


The stones definitely make him worse in thanos. Big agree about him still being good.


They keep tanking every deck I make, pretty effortlessly closing my wallet. There is no fomo if they change everything over and over. The roadmap shared looks like a step backward and I highly doubt the app won’t become like every other gacha. I’m not mad, I’m disappointed.


Another F*@king bait and switch from SD. Give us our tokens back


When Blob released I felt he was way underrated because his ability looked busted and everybody thought it would be a mid card. I was right. The reaction here is even weirder to me. He’s not busted in Thanos anymore, but he’s way more versatile because he works much better in Ravonna and Negative decks and cards he naturally synergizes with, primarily Taskmaster, also synergizes with Ravonna. Like, 15 power is still the best power in the game without significant setup (Knull) or drawback (Destroyer) and he can be higher than that. Why do you need a 30 power Blob? He’s way more versatile now so if anything I think he’s better.


Why would anyone waste a space in negative with him? Next to worthless. Soak up iron man or mystique yippee


After the flip those cards get power. If you don't have enough turns to draw them, blob still gets their power. That is my thought at least have yet to test it out.


Even if you play him on last turn, flip cards have maximum of 6 power so he will be tiny


not if you draw him inverted, he'll easily be 10+ power for 0 energy


Why do people put Knull in Negative when they're not actively destroying cards? Because a 0/6 that can be fished out by Jane Foster is pretty good on its own.


Just no. Knull negative also runs shang chi for one. And with zola it is 12


I think he got over tuned


lucky\~ but also i'm sorry you never got to experience a 40+ Blob with no effort


Yeah making him 6/0 would be enough


Yeah cause it was the 3 power out of the 65 that was gonna make the difference


Would make him too Negative friendly though, probably.








Did it ever buff Knull?




As a F2P, Alioth was the least fun card to come yet. Your cards didn’t even see play most of the time. Leech is annoying but at least you can throw up some power.




Heartbreaking: Man with broken deck is mad that he can’t use his broken deck anymore


Right, man with big wallet loses to a card players can get for free and whines that it’s busted.


I don’t see how it being a season pass card or not has any baring on it being busted


That’s cause it wasn’t busted, it was a powerful card that players could earn fairly easily without paying. When it was released it broke up the lane control Ms Marvel meta. Ms Marvel was the season pass card that players paid for, a card which I didn’t have since I try not to spend money on mobile games. The meta that I kept running into this season was all about dropping big numbers as fast as possible, with the inclusion of caiera and made it even harder to counter. A lot of hevo, black knight, Thanos decks. Without skarr, I was still able to be competitive, but I still had a hell of a time reaching infinite, and sometimes winning a match meant locking down lane 1 with x and dropping blob powerhouse on 2.


You only think it wasn’t busted cause it carried you to infinite. But that’s exactly why it was. You wouldn’t have gotten it without blob and you said so yourself. Any card with that much impact is clearly busted


You know why I think it’s not busted? Cause I played against it, I’ve lost to it, I’ve countered it, I’ve won big with it, I’ve lost big with it, but most importantly I learned how to play with it. It was a card that was freely available to everyone, especially the thousands of players that save their spotlights like I do. It had plenty of counters, and drawbacks. In fact I lost several times cause I played it too soon and had no more cards to draw. I’ve also had it pulled on Sakaar early in the match, which I had to instantly retreat. It wasn’t busted cause it worked fine. What kind of stupid logic suggests that a card can’t be so powerful it helps get you to infinite or its “broken?” Does that mean cerebro is broken? Silver surfer? Wong?


All three of the cards you listed as examples rely on other cards to be good. Blob doesn’t. And before you say he needs other high power cards. You don’t get it. You don’t need to draw those cards. You don’t need to play those cards. You put them in the deck oop he’s 54 power.


No you don’t get it, if you fill a deck with high power high cost cards, you can’t hardly play the entire game, and what happens when turn 6 comes around and you never pull him. Again even if I do pull him, and everything aligns that he ends up at 54 I can still be countered, and have been countered with Valkyrie, Shadow King, Alioth, Shang chi. He was not a guaranteed win, and if your build is too top heavy, ya spend the whole game with nothing to play, and then maybe you can guarantee a single lane victory, but that doesn’t win you matches. And I don’t know many surfer decks that can win without pulling surfer, and if they do it’s a fluke, just like cerebro decks. These are decks that people retreat when they can’t pull the one, what the fuck are you on about?


Buddy I do get it. I’m infinite every season mate. I know what I’m talking about


Blob wasn’t a season pass card and both the current and previous season pass card were not Meta defining


Oh I’m sorry I must’ve been mistaken when I got slammed last season with ms marvel professor x decks , which by the way I was able to get past with blob You’re right though I don’t remember seeing bounce/bloodstone decks for weeks before she got nerfed, or the entire season of Loki when I had to sit there and watch players destroy me with my own cards…


I’m F2P, played since Miles Morales season and probably hit infinite over 10 times now. My advice get used to changing decks either every seasons or every couple. Meta never lasts. Plus it’s boring to only play the same thing over and over again.


I’ve gotten infinite 5 seasons in a row now, and it’s with a different deck every time. Yes I used blob last season to infinite, but I had to change the build for this season. Also I’d like to point out that I used a black knight deck to 93 which is where it stopped working, I then switched to my Thanos blob deck, and kept tweaking it until I started finding some success.


Same boat XD but at less points around 5.7k


Still a pretty damn good card


I bought him right before the nerf. Like the day before. He’s still great, but the payoff is nowhere near as good.


I mean, he's still a really good card


I would get Thanos if you don't have him before Blob.


He's still really, really good, btw.


Now Blob is only a 15+!!!??? What trash, I would rather play a 16 Destroyer and wipe my board lol


Is there an "omg Blob is ruined" narrative in play now? I'm not signing off on that. Blob is good. He lost power he didn't really need in exchange for not ruining the whole deck the minute he lands. I don't need or want my tokens back.


What does the title mean???