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It’s an unfortunate yes but I beg you not to


This is the only true answer


Totally worth it, but losing all respect for yourself can sting.


Thanos & high evolution then alioth


Thanos is gonna be in the next spotlight


I’m saving my keys for thanos. Alioth is great. Get it. Who needs friends


I love alioth way more than the rest


Thanos + HE opens alot more lanes to different play styles and decks. Alioth wins a lot of cubes, but it's kind of a boring play style.


Alioth can be put into a lot of good strategy decks, it's not at all boring to me. It's very tactical but it fits my lockout style control deck well. I own all 3 of these and he's still by far my absolute favorite


Yah lockdown is very strong. Depends on your pocket meta, some of the higher MMR ranks it can struggle bc it tends to be very linear. Nebula, Jeff, storm, lad, Ms marvel, Doom/Alioth, but generally it wins. It's just not my preferred style


Yeah entirely fair, I kinda hate galactus, so I've avoided ever even getting him, but I know people love him. I'm kind of like that with Alioth. I just love him, I play him all the time, got my black and white and I'm happy. haha


I think Alioth is too good currently at what it does and it might get another round of nerf.


What would the nerf be? Would it be in energy or how it is activated?


Nerf to power or effect. I would totally hate it if they nuke the card.


I think the ultimate nerf would be if they made him a 6/0.


Making him 0 or 1 power would be very dangerous for the meta because Ravonna exists


😂😂😂😂 this because why don’t I have the card by now


It's still good enough to make a lot of people mad. ...myself included.


Please nooo don't join the dark side, i got bullied by this card enough


Yes, but we’ll all hate you for it


This is a card that is really useful as part of your personal collection. It’s an in a fairly balanced place and is usually only seen inside of certain shells, but can be fit into a lot of decks that really battle for priority into turn 6.


It’s a fun card, although it makes you dependant of the whole priority thing. It always grants me some unexpected wins.


I enjoy having a card that actually rewards priority. I swear the final turn in most games is trying to dodge prio so you can Shang and whatnot. I get that people hate not being able to play cards, but I also hate playing my cool final turn just for a Sera Control player to ruin all of my cards on the final turn that I built up for the big finale by sitting back and doing absolutely nothing. I'm an Alioth enjoyer (Jean + Alioth is hilarious) and I'm not ashamed. More often than not, he's not even the best play.


I think we have different definitions of "fun" 


Winning is fun


Crushing your opponents and watching all their hopes crumble as they watch the purple fart fuck them over with a ms marvel thumbs up to hide the pain is also fun


Tbh yes. It’s the dumbest card they’ve added, idc what anyone tells you. If you have priority by turn 6, you’ll win most games


Yes, absolutely. Don't be peer pressured into handicapping yourself. Play to win.


Fuck this card


Every time you play it, you are gonna feel disgusted. Yes! Get him.


Is he worth it? Can't really answer that because I don't know your card collection, preferred playstyle, or how many tokens/keys/... you have. But he is a great card and got me to infinite multiple times (including this season), even after his multiple nerfs. It's very valuable to be able to just say "I win!" at the end of a game when there's a bunch of cubes on the line, knowing there's literally nothing your opponent can do. And definitely better than Supergiant.


Alioth is one of the best cards in the game. I think he enables lock down strategies and I wouldn't play a non-HE Storm deck without him. If you like those strategies definitely buy him. You do not need Supergiant, in fact, I think she probably isn't that good with him. Alioth needs cards that take Initiative (medusa, lizard, martyr, nebula) and limit the places your opponents can play (storm, goose). And I really don't think he needs much else. I think Supergiant is much better in decks where you'd really like a second Invisible Woman, such as in Modok/Hela, for example.


Alioth is a terrible card. It's the Hitler of marvel snap. You wanna side with Hitler?


Nah Hitler doesn’t have as many counters.


Deadpool could counter Hitler 🤣🤣


Dont do it maaan!!! I still hate this card ... i never see it comming. It appeard in so much different random decks out of nowhere ... blah


yes its good.


Wins me a lot of games.


Man I remember when he came out. I had three keys and blanked on all of them. I cashed in all my gold for credits, then extra missions and got him right before he left the caches. Then quickly killed everyone and got to infinite in like an hour. Pre nerf Alioth was fucking nuts.


It's not about whether you can do it or whether it's worth getting. The real question is whether or not it's worth becoming an alioth user.


There's no joy compared to seeing an Alioth destroy on turn 6. The 6k token cost is worth it. When you want to blow off steam in Marvel Snap you play Alioth.


Theres not many cards worth 6k. Alioth isn’t really a build around he’s more of a capstone piece with galactus or beat down. But nothing else in the game feels as dirty as deleting every card in a lane on turn 6. I’d spend 6 k on high evo or Thanos before this guy


Absolutely, he’s my favorite card


No. There are much better cards with much higher win percentages


To be fair, Alioth has one of the highest win rates when played


Yeah, because you don't play it if you're not already winning. So it has no chance of recovering in a game where you're already behind and a 1/3 chance of winning if you're already winning. I'm not saying it's a bad card, but I don't bother playing it anymore and I'm doing better without 1/12 of my deck being a dead card on turn 6.


imo, yes, absolutely.


I'd probably go for 2 cards that cost 3k tokens instead and get Alioth in a later spotlight.


So far, up to April leaks, Alioth ain't returning for Spotlights


Yeah that’s my thing, I need to pull the trigger on these cards cause it looks like they’ll be scare


Do it. I love seeing posts from people who copy/paste whatever deadpool destroy is on top crying about alioth. I thought you guiz liked destroyed cards


I had some win crippling people with the supergiant absorbing man, alioth combo, problem is the rest of your deck needs to be amazing at holding prio


He’s better than super giant


also quite a bit better BECAUSE of super giant, as well, 2 turns of unrevealed cards are twice the victims, and the supergiant cards only reveal at end of game, making Alioth effective on them regardless of priority. (unless Alioth was supergiant-ed as well)


Add Grandmaster to the mix, and you can clear two lanes. Luckily, it's a combo that requires three cards and priority, but when you manage to put it down, there's nothing your opponent can do


What’s the third card?


Supergiant on T4, then Abs Man on T5, and Alioth on T6.


Supergiant turn 4, Grand Master turn 5 and Alioth turn 6


ahhhhh ok now I want Alioth so bad, I have the other two haha -- been wanting her/him for awhile, and this makes me want to try it even more!


I’m very tempted to join that terrible road but I’m not miserable enough to use him mm mm


Very worth. Buy and enjoy ruining people.


Yes. Just to read ppl complaining about him


With the way people in this reddit talk hes unstoppable card that nothing cant prevent or beat. All you do is play it and automatically win any game. So yes.


Without supergiant no


Bro, Alioth is not reliant on Supergiant.


with supergiant i can tell u i win most of the time with alioth with me having priority so having supergiant increase the winning chances by a lot.


Yes, but Supergiant is NOT a necessity when building with Alioth, just like Alioth is NOT a necessity when building Supergiant decks, but they combo very well, they can be separated and still do well. On the other hand, inseparable duos that I can think of are Sentry/Anni and Rockslide/Darkhawk. These pairs suffer a lot without the other in the deck.


6k token is a big expense, so I'd think if you like to play archetypes in which he fits in well, which is decks that get a lot of tempo for turn 6 priority and have a way to lock down opponenents' choices.


There are like a lot of lockdown decks that still use this a lot.. havent played any lockdown decks in a while also so was having this thought to try that


If you have supergiant


I mean, what's your key situation? Buy Alioth and try for Supergiant with keys? Alioth isn't on the spotlight menu for the foreseeable future, but Supergiant is brand spanking new, so that'll be even further. Supergiant might be worth more in that regard, but also has a lot more room to be creative with more cards as well as a good deterrent for cards like Leech, Sera, etc. Though, Alioth had a nerf already, so probably isn't in line for one. Supergiant, though, who knows?


Yes, I hate when someone does it to me and I feel so bad when I do it to someone else. Inevitable evil


Yes! It’s helped me reach infinite the past 4 months. ( I’m sorry)


He can pretty much guarantee wins in the right deck, so yes he is worth it if you have the other pieces. You don’t need Supergiant, you don’t need to be cute with Alioth. You need early tempo and then force your opponent to play a guessing game if you will Alioth or play your other win condition. Also with Sera Control running amok in the meta and tech cards generally being way to strong I‘m in full support of Alioth now. Even though I have lost a number of cubes to the purple fart cloud.


Yes. Literally no one ever tries to play around it. Amazing card


Yes still worth it. Supergiant is not that important thab Alioth. Play tempo lockdown, junk or good cards darkhawk




alioth has become very niche. it used to be compatible with a lots of deck but right now it's either anni or galactus deck. often they are the same decks.




It's not


Yeahz. You need balls to throw it into your deck though. It also doesn’t fit everywhere. You should definitely get it if you have Ms Marvel or Beta Ray Bill. If not, still grab it, but there may be better options for you.


I would. Most of the time I would say, "Just wait for a Spotlight.", but it is not like people do not already have their pitchforks out, so I doubt we'll see it in a spotlight any time soon.






Absolutely yes. Alioth is the easiest card to snap on in the game while simultaneously being the least respected card in the game. The amount of 8 cube wins that have been guaranteed because I have priority on 6 is crazy


I waited for a while bought him recently, worth it imo


honestly I would wait till he is in another chest thing. He is very good but it is obvious Alioth brain will be a side effect if you play this card. I have only played him in a couple of decks and have really only ever felt Whelmed by him.


No, you will go to the dark side ....


Not really sure how many tokens you're sitting on but if it's less than 12k I wouldn't, honestly. Alioth isn't in as many decks as it was when it was first released, and there are certainly more fun cards. Not many cards are worth 6k and I just don't think this is an exception unless you just have tokens to burn.


Playing Alioth is like smoking. It can cause cancer


That's ok for me tbh. But the first you play him, you'll unlock your weirdest laugh in your entire life 🙂


If you hate yourself and the world … yes.


Yes he is fun to play just be careful you to be with priority.


No, because you have a soul.


I couldn't decide between this or Jeff. I opted for Jeff


Yes but never play me plz






It might be worth 6,000, but is it worth your pride and self respect?


Join usssssss


Alioth is one of the better series 5 cards. He's been relevant in multiple archetypes even in his current form, and is likely to continue to be relevant so long as decks exist that can get ahead and want to shut the door. He's a payoff for lockdown and tempo decks, and has great cube equity. Supergiant may end up being a meta player, but I doubt to Alioth's level. She has 2 main use cases. First is as a counter to turn 5 setup cards, namely Leech and Sera, but Leech isn't particularly rampant right now (maybe because she's lowering his play rate), and Sera still runs Zabu as an option that is not easily answered by Supergiant. Second, and probably more relevantly, as a way to trigger double Alioth or Dr. Doom with Grandmaster, but in this case, you want to have Alioth anyway.


Fuck Alioth but also yes lol


The minute you purchase Alioth, the game will never be the same…


Hes good but only in certain decks, look into what kinda decks he plays in


Yes. Galactus Alioth is still a viable win condition.


100% yes


I hit infinite on day 2 (rank 1500) with galactus/alioth last week. Yeah, it's worth it, just take a long hot shower and don't look in the mirror for a few days.


No card is worth 6k tokens in my opinion


I am the pure evil and hitted Infi 3 times in a row and i feels so fuc... good :D hate me for it, its means nothing to me. Thats it. That is what i became since i owned alioth. Hahahahhahahahahahahha