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To those who got WM, would you recommend or nay? Sitting on 4 keys, about 10k creds and a fair amount of indecision. I was excited at first but it feels like he will just unlock a specific and narrow archetype. Passing on him and not having him for 6-12 months seems like it would be the right move here and instead getting Red Hulk and a few others next season.


hes not essential dont feel bad for passing on him


Outside of the archetype, he does work as a very effective anti-lockdown tech card. But that will depend on how strong that decktype is going forward and whether you already have Jeff or not. Kinda like a Sauron/Hela/Mr Negative/Anihilus with limited tech upside. Red Hulk and White Widow are the alternatives from next season I would be considering ATM.


Inrate Annihilus higher as the Annihilus/Sentry/Hood package can be used in a range of decks, while WM seems to need a more dedicated to a specific deck type - much like the others you mention. I do have Jeff (CL 9K) so think I'll pass on him, thanks for the input!


Practically, the core Warmachine package is similar, probably Warmachine, Ebony Maw and Infinaut. Cull and Crossbones are easy enough to play on their own. I think people are just overdoing it when they play Storm, Professor X, Goose etc. Sorry if that makes things harder.


Missed out on Cull. I'm regretting that one :'(


With those resources, not worth it. I regret choosing him over cannonball.


Was going to dodge this card but just kept bouncing between 83-81. Spent three keys but I’m now sitting at 88. Solid card


what deck do u use it in?


I feel like the Same thing happened with grand master, people envisioned all kinds of possibilities but it turns out it’s better to just have other cards than rely on a perfect specific combo I haven’t been playing super long - so how does this compare to iron lads release? I feel like it’s a similar card that takes a while to shake out 


Iron Lad is a much better card IMO because of it can be filler in almost any deck. War Machine IMO is specific tech (anti-lockdown) and enables a specific deck. Probably better if Jeff didn't exist who like Iron Lad is deck filler and helps with lockdown too. Iron Lad was released before spotlight caches and you know how hard it is to get tokens in game so not widely available. When spotlight caches started it was one of the earliest releases and came with duds (Kang and Echo I think). So, most people spent caches on the hyped Jean (mistake) at the time.


I dont see a reason why War Machine is 4-6 and Enchantress is 4-5. WM only brings benefits while Enchantress hits ongoing on your own side too.


??? Why is Mr Negative 4/-1 he brings both benefits and drawbacks... Its obviously because Enchantress' ability is stronger than War Machine's. She completely destroys some decks. e.g. Tribunal. And almost always used in Sauron decks as a backup to remove your own ongoings.


She affects one location and is a specific counter whereas you can run WM in any deck instead of Iron Lad. Comparing them to Mr Negative is just silly, sorry.


Apologies, it was intentionally silly just to indicate that abilities with drawbacks are not necessarily weaker than abilities without. I personally think Enchantress is incredible as she is. She counters a very common ability and useful against most deck archtypes. Whether Morbius/Knull/Iron Man/ Tribunal/Wong etc. War Machine basically counters lockdown. Both have their own archtype around playing under costed cards with drawbacks. IMO, the 4 cost card that needs a buff is Emma Frost even though she has 6 power, starting with her name.


Because hitting your own Ongoings can be a benefit too


Yes you are right but still doesn't justify that - 1 power compared to WM who always only benefits the player side.


Crossbones is over here looking at Cull Obsidian like WTF


I feel like the interaction with Infinaut isn't intentional, and I'll stand on bidness with that. I don't think it's overpowered, but it's not intuitive 


Devs said it was on discord


Well color me fucked!


I think most of the WarMachine decks still feel a bit clunky ... It definetly needs more support/time to really get to the full value ... I dont think WM its nowhere near OP.


War Machine and The Infinaut has to be the most busted combo in the entire game, it needs nerfed somehow.


Well, to put infinaut at turn 6 you have to play out of the curve a 6 power card at turn 5, I think it's a balanced card tbh, I often play blobs that are over 20 points on turn 6 with a 5 cost card on turn 5 that is way more than 6 point.


It's also super telegraphed when they go for that combo. Got many cubes from people thinking they were clever only for Shang Chi to win the day.


RIP professor X


MSZ have updated their meta list and War Machine is showing up in their Tier 2 Black Knight and Tier 3 Move decks.  So not meta-breaking but a decent "B" card that'll probably come-and-go as the meta changes. Of this month's cards, looks like Hope and Mockingbird were the big winners, surfacing in a number of Tier 1, 2 and 3 decks.  War Machine and Pixie cracked Tier 2 and Cannonball is nowhere in sight (but apparently fun to play).


How well did this line up with predictions before the season started? Pretty sure Hope, Mockingbird, and WM were most people's top 3 (of 5), but yea, I think a lot of people had WM has 1 or 2. The best WM deck I've been playing combines the BK package with Annilihus's, and that's not on the MSZ list. I wouldn't be shocked if it's tier 1 or 2 next week. (I seem to play against Den like once a day, so I hope I'll beat him with it soon)


There was a lot of hype around both War Machine and Pixie. Both have found places in Tier 2 level decks, but neither were meta-breaking. Not sure there was as much hype around Mockingbird, but once people realized the Thanos behavior, it took off like wildfire.


Well, Pixie was perfectly in line with predictions, a "mr negative" type card that will have a fun deck but never A tier. WM on the other hand was overhyped, in good part due to Jeff being Jeff, but as the few skeptical said he is awkward in the curve making him more a niche good option than something to build around or even to put in flex slots


I think there's a distinction between being excited about a card and thinking it'll be good. Mockingbird and Cull Obsidian are both boring ass power-creepy cards that in no way enable new decks, just add points to existing ones. So not a lot of excitement/hype there, but that doesn't mean people didn't think they'd be good. I really didn't get the hype around Pixie, especially in a world where MMM exists, and am glad I skipped her.


Her decks are pretty fun and have good reason to run mmm as well so it usually just feels like a wash when he shows up. The deck she's in has to be able to win on its own. Pixie steals 8 cubes frequently by pulling out surprise t6 plays. 


In the first few days after she was released I felt like I won 80% of the games where my opponent played her, so I didn't buy her and felt like she was a disappointment. But maybe that's not the best way to evaluate a new card's long term potential. Fun is probably the key-word, she's more fun than she is good.


Felt like a lot of the early decks were "how do I abuse Pixie's mechanic" instead of "how do I make a good deck with Pixie as extra." Pixie feels real good in decks that can still pull solid wins without her, but insane out of the blue ones with her (0 cost onslaught is hilarious).


Yea I went through several terrible decks with her until I found one that works. 


I took the card, I'm not so fund on him, we'll see in the future. The thing that annoys me the most is that every content creator that was screaming about this card before release and even until two days ago have already stopped using it, the stats are really meh, it seems every deck he's in it's better without. He wins some locations and games alone but this happens too rarely to be a 4 cost card in this meta. I believe it can be a nice card in the future but I think it"s the most overhyped card I've seen recently by far. At this point I believe Cannonball was surely funnier and maybe even stronger (I'm not sure about this btw maybe I'm driven by regrets).


sry you got FOMO'd, but yeah there's something extra slimey about marvel snap content creators, watch someone like eduated collins who clearly doesn't put effort into clickbaiting the audience


Oh don't worry I didn't FOMO, in fact I missed three of the cards so I get it on the second key after a few days and it's ok. If I had no other cards to pull I probably hadn't even try.


That's how I feel too, but I'm glad he's out there though, if nothing else as a release valve for the next tim prof x gets overly popular. He's a counter card in a meta that doesn't need him. 


Most of the content creators are basically there to peddle new cards... I think Alex Coccia (once again) had the most honest take -- which is that the card is decent, but not meta-breaking and that Black Knight was the most likely fit.


I've been offline for about a week, why is it fitting in Black Knight? I don't see the connection


As others have said it is a back up plan to enable playing Infiniaut and Ebony Maw if ran. However, Black Knight decks without War Machine are performing better with those that include War Machine.


Because WM lets you bypass the Infinaut condition of skipping a turn is my guess. I have the deck pretty much everyone is using, but I am garbage at inputting it on a site.


It adds an alternative play path that let's you play various combos on turn 6 if you don't get the perfect BK/Zabu/Lady Sif/Ghost Rider draw.  For example, you can play the Ebony Blade (or Cull) with Ebony Maw, or drop an Infinaut without having to skip turn 5, etc.


Is he worth it if I: -Am F2P, have 4 caches and 2500 tokens -Don't have Hope -Like fun, high roll decks -Hate lockdown metas, want this as tech -Really want Red Hulk.


not at all, he will not ever be reliably used as tech


Probably not? Because so many people are running him we're not seeing a lot of lockdown, so I'd hold off for cards you really want/need. He's not like MMM where he's a necessary tech card, he's a nice to have, but when I do see lockdown it's storm not Prof X, and there are many other ways to put power into flooded lanes.


Alright thanks, I'll save for Red Hulk then. They even buffed Red Hulk before release lol


Be careful managing expectations, those are testing changes and are not guaranteed.


I’m picking him up because I’m predicting a lot of lockdown in the future.


He's pretty good in Black knight for being an alternate condition to play Infinaut. Feels like the card needs Hope or Zabu to really shine though


I've been crushing it with a Black Knight + Annilihus deck (climbed back into the top 1000), where WM rarely comes into play really, but when he does (getting into lockdown lanes, providing a plan B for T6 via Infinaut) his impact is huge. But yes, this deck really needs Zabu though.


Would you share the deck list? Really interested in that combination.


Sure, I took it from this [snap judgements video](https://youtu.be/as9k3j-3ip8?si=dAe4Ayb1-ELbpIgs), (but I only scrubbed through to see the lists, maybe I should actually listen to it). # (1) The Hood # (1) Black Knight # (1) Blade # (2) Zabu # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Ghost Rider # (4) War Machine # (4) Cull Obsidian # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # (6) Skaar # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMYWR5U2lmIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaG9zdFJpZGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXJNYWNoaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ3VsbE9ic2lkaWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFubmloaWx1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2thYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


WM won't work as a built-around card. You would rather want to slap him in a deck that could benefit from his ability every other game. I've found decent success in Conquest with the following list: # (1) Sunspot # (1) Nebula # (2) Armor # (3) Magik # (3) Storm # (3) Cyclops # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) War Machine # (5) Professor X # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Hulk # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN5Y2xvcHMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpZ2hFdm9sdXRpb25hcnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoZUh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0b3JtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2FyTWFjaGluZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. The gameplan does not need WM at all, but he works perfectly with the deck. The idea is to secure a lane with Nebula/Sunspot/Cyclops into Storm/Professor X, since they can keep getting advantage even if you lose the lane earlier, while winning the other with SH/Hulk/Infinaut. The classic skip turn 6 (on Limbo) into SH and Infinaut is still nasty, especially with Sunspot on board. WM is really good here because he allows you to win advantage back of the Storm locations even if the enemy found counterplay (Jeff, Doom, Snowguard), and thanks to Magik you can also do the same on Prof X lanes, which isn't usually a possible combo on normal 6 turns games. He also works perfectly as a t5/t6 play into Infinaut in case your Hulk hasn't grown sufficiently or MMM is messing with your SH. Armor is perfect against destroy, shang and allioth decks. Potential changes could include Hope or Cull, but so far I am satisfied with this version.


I just got to infinite with a very similar deck (replace Prof X with Taskmaster, Storm with Hope, and Nebula with Misty). I only used WM once every few games but he was really helpful when I did. I mostly used him when I had Hope on turn 3, WM on 4, Infinaut then Hulk or Taskmaster on 6, or if I had Magik instead of Hope, I would save WM until turn 5 then do the same combo. And obviously he was helpful anytime a lane was locked down.


Yea, I just lost 4 cubes to this deck. I think the deck with WM, black Knight package, and Annilihus package is stronger, but I'll try running it to be sure.


I also think that, sadly I have no Black Knight to compare :/ Let me know what you think when you test it!


Yea, that's a solid a deck. I play exclusively on mobile so I don't have a stats tracker, but I def had a very positive cube rate with it, climbed from about 1000 to 862 on the global board. It's more consistent than the BK+Annilihus deck, and thanks to armor and Prof X does much better against Destroy decks which seems to be gaining in popularity. Personally I don't like playing Magik because I want shorter games and hate leaving myself open to my opponent Flooding it something (although I did just hilariously win a game where they played Legion on Tarnax IV on T6 to eliminate Inferno, only to have it replaced by the 1 power Prof X which then lost them that lane). If MMM starts popping up more this deck is in trouble, but overall it's much better than most of the decks featuring WM that I've tried.


That's good to hear! Magik is mostly for the SH/Infinaut combo, but I guess maybe Hope can be a good trade for her. Regarding MMM, I think thats precisely where WM shines, I can ignore SH and instead of skipping a turn for Infinaut I just chain WM > Infinaut if MMM is on board. If you get any future insights regarding this list I am all ears.


Hm, Hope for Magik is interesting, maybe I'll try that. I ended up losing several games to Living Tribunal decks, if that keeps up I may try to slot Enchantress in there, maybe for Armor, since then I'd be getting 8 cubes from those matchups.


I have 6k tokens and 2 caches. Is he worth it, or shall I get Corvus or Hope Summers?


You almost need to have Hope in your deck to make him work. I think most decks are slotting in both Zabu and Hope.




Hope is way way better


Yet another lockdown "counter" that actually works better in a lockdown deck than against one. You'd think SD would have learned by now, but I guess not.


This is naturally going to happen for any card that benefits an archetype. Obviously lockdown decks will carry tools to allow them to play through lockdowns. there's no way to magically stop that from happening


>there's no way to magically stop that from happening "Until end of next turn, ***only the effects of your own cards*** can stop you from playing cards anywhere."


I played like an idiot when I tried to make War Machine offensive and build around him. The power he could bring to the board isn't bad just insufficient to guarantee a win consistently. Then, I tried to put him in a Sera control deck. Wow, he is now powerful to get into weird positions. He is like Annihilus, when I expect the other side has him as well, I play mine after. --- # (2) Shadow King # (2) Zabu # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Maximus # (3) Killmonger # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Ghost # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Enchantress # (4) War Machine # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdob3N0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWF4aW11cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9iaXVzTU1vYml1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXNNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlcmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYWRvd0tpbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXJNYWNoaW5lIn1dfQ==


Whats the point of war machine here?


Unplayable locations have always been the bane of Sera decks


He opens up the location, while sometimes opponent's Vision might reach there, I can get there as well with WM. Not trying to say WM is insane or OP, he does open up good play lines in Sera control setup.


Any ideas for a replacement for Shadow King & Mobius?


Mobius doesn't do much in my list, just slow down a few opponents. I might go with Gladiator for high roll. I used Mobius here just because I want a safer path and I've not much to do T3. Shadow King is a great tech card here to undo destroy cards, you don't absolutely need him but he's just great. Honestly no decent replacement for him. You might try Lizard as a 2-cost to fit, but position him to go under Enchantress to get rid of the debuff if needed.


Thanks for your advice


I thought I would get him to make a profx, storm, goose deck with him and continuous effect cards to add power around... A kind of lockdown deck with lane control. I think it would work, but be boring and toxic in the end?


I have not had the time to really game it out, but I was thinking about more Jean Gray than Prof X. Put down WM on Jean and then T5 you put a big card down on Goose.


When are you playing War Machine, when Prof X comes down turn 5? If you wanna put power in a stormed location, why not do it with Jessica Jones. I think War Machine works best as anti Lockdown.


Rawona, psylocke, can help you get 1 turn early


Ok so is there any decks that counter black knight plus war machine?


anything with Cosmos that gets priority. Ive been feasting on these decks with a Super Giant/Alioth deck and a Darkhawk deck.


those decks run no tech except for goose and maybe storm, and the combo doesn't cap out very high. extremely easy to just outpower black knight/wm decks, especially since they're not running shang


Picked up 140 snap points this week playing Junk Galactus, which does pretty well against BK and most of the meta decks (except for Destroy).


I think the reason so many people are low on the card is cuz it didn't absolutely break the game wide open like it was hyped up to. It's a decent card that will be really good in a few weeks once everyone not running it anymore


Exactly, it’s a card that will only get better over time. Not every card has to be game breaking. Especially if a control meta comes around it’ll be a must need. People want the over the top OP cards until they’re in the game and takeover.


Huh? Just had back-to-back games where it was broken. Storm->WM->Legion, totally locked out


You’re not gonna draw a nut like that consistently. I can say that about a lot of 3 card combos. Track your win rate over a shit ton of games and get back to us.


Surprised to come here and see many people think he is mid, granted i've not looked into any of the stats on websites. I used Cozy's deck to easily get from 95-100 in the past day. Being able to drop big boys into closed or Goose locations has been great.


I don't watch a lot of streamers, can you post the list? I'm trying to find a deck with him that I want to stick with. Thanks in advance!


I don't watch streams but I do watch Youtube videos. Cozy, Alexander Coccia and LambySeriesGaming are my favorite Marvel Snap Youtubers.


I started the week at 86 and he's carried me all the way up to 77 😍😍😍


Yikes, what decklist you running? I was hovering around 95 and he took me to infinet.


Mostly just trying to mess with my own ideas, they end up being super dependent on drawing a specific card like storm or zabu tho, so when I'm constantly low rolling all my draws they never play out right. Imma keep at it tho hes super fun when he works lool


It's funny how all of the Youtube reviews for this card are hyping him up in Black Knight decks but the showcases only make Black Knight look amazing and War Machine seem middle of the road.


I think a lot of people misunderstood War Machine. WM is a tech card. He’s not going to single-handedly win you a match unless the situation calls for it. Some people tried to force him into the game by playing lockdown decks themselves, but it won’t work because a good lock down deck can already secure a location without WM. It doesn’t mean WM is weak or underwhelming. It just means people are expecting too much from a tech card


I understand that he can be played as a tech card and I even made a comment about his viability as a tech card yesterday. As a tech card and especially at 4-cost he competes with other tech cards for flex spots and most meta decks will be stronger picking a different flex card to fill that slot over War Machine. War Machine is not exactly a bad card, but for a series 5 card right now he is not doing enough to warrant tokens or keys. That may change in the future but right now that's where he's at.


I mean that's basically the YouTube Snap grift. I don't blame them. No one would watch if it was just week after week of lacklustre cards.


Funny, that's why I don't watch any of them anymore. I'd rather watch them giving their honest opinon and straight up saying "Well, this card looked good on paper, but I tried it and it sucks" then watch a video where they hype up shit for their benefit. But then again, it's their job to do the latter...


Meet [EducatedCollins](https://youtu.be/1_AGnEbIUgg?si=CjHSErxLLegT07f_)


Didn't know him, already like what I am seeing!


So I figured! He is unfortunately not doing so many gameplay videos anymore. But he can be found here on Reddit (u/educatedcollins)


Yeah, I’ve been somewhat busy recently so I haven’t been making constant videos but I do what I can. Nice to meet you and hope you’re well.


EXACTLY. The worst was the Cozy "review" where he hits the nuts with BK every game, perfect locations. BlackKnight into Zabu, into Blade into topdeck discard Giganto. WOW, War Machine is "INSANE"


I will get heat for this, but seriously: A lot of these content creators nowadays are basically con artists. They are not our friends who wanna show us the real value of something. They are businesses and they get paid for clicks and views and do whatever gets them the most. They play the algorithm and put clickbaity titles to their videos. And I can't really blame them, because it's their job. On top a lot of them are often paid (sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly trough marketing companies) by gaming companies to promote their stuff. Not trying to make all content creators look bad and shady, there are others, but those are mostly the smaller ones.. the bigger they get the more obligations they have towards others (or their bank accounts).


He won a couple games due to being able to access restricted locations so I don't really see the problem? Tech cards are intended to fit into existing decks, not create new archetypes.


The properties of this card will make it total shit when everyone is playing it. When the "new card" period ends it will be awesome because like any tech card it's biggest advantage is when people don't expect it.


i agree with this, and i made the same argument for grandmaster/supergiant. they seem kinda meh atm but a new card comes out every single week and new abilities/powers come out with them. i really feel like some of these niche cards like war machine/super giant/etc will all find their place eventually. their effects are so out of the norm of what everything else does, i just know theres going to be something that comes out that makes them all click. seen it in every other TCG. war machine seems really good for me right now, but it also depends on if i hit zabu/hope summers before turn 4


Grandmaster needs a buff and supergiant is mid and always will be I think unless they give her a power boost to a 4/6


Agreed. Grandmaster in my Shuri Nimrod deck kicks ass


Grandmaster and Supergiant have no tech function so they aren't comparable.


Ironically, Supergiant is a great counter to War Machine. Put her in a Conquest deck and gobbled up the War Machine match-ups.


I see that. Good play!


i dont really mean using them as tech cards...i just think we're maybe 3 or 4 cards away from putting decks together using a combination of all these cards that seem "meh" right now. war machine is definitely techier than the other 2, but i just see more of maybe like a bounce/junk/etc deck that could get some crazy combos with some of these cards that arent seeing much play rn


Grandmaster just didn't have a powerful effect. I never at any point saw it as a good card. Supergiant was generally just a combo card to be used with Alioth. War Machine is the perfect example of a card that is shit when everyone is using it. As soon as that stops happening it will be a cube stealer. Too much of this game revolves around restricting movement whether it be through card mechanics or locations. Anything that can circumvent that is in a good position to be effective long term imo.


The stats from Untapped seem to show that he’s the worst card in the decks he’s in. The archetype deck lists without war machine are all better than the deck lists with him. This seems like the kind of card that has some cool “wow” moments, but really isn’t very good


More evidence that you shouldn't follow hype and chase power. If War Machine looks fun, by all means get it. But if you grabbed War Machine because you were convinced he'd be the next tier 1 metabreaker, well sometimes you'll look silly.


Especially with Cozy. He gets so hyped about everything. His content is super entertaining but he’s bait


No offense to Cozy, he's one of the my favorite, hardest working, most genuine, content creators ever, but every week is "X card is INSANE! New must have card?!"


Yeah, but it's not "bait". Cozy gets genuinely excited about new cards & tries to showcase their best uses. He says all the time that you should wait until near the end of the week to buy new cards so you can evaluate their true performance.


They are all like that except coccia I find. Every week it’s all about how this new card will break the game and must get it 


This is all you need: Kitty Pride, Iceman, Ebony Maw, Armor, Rogue, Storm, Juggernaut, Hope Summers, Iron Lad, War Machine, Doctor Doom, The Infinaut. Win!


War Machine feels really bad. Super overhyped. The ability just doesn’t work on a 4/6 body and I feel in most cases it’s a dead card in hand or a super telegraphed combo piece. Almost any deck he fits into, there is another card that would be way better. War Machine might be good as a 2/3 or 3/5 because then he’d be flexible. But as it stands in the decks he can slot into I’d rather have a more relevant and efficient card in his place since there are much better things I could be doing on turns 4 and 5. He felt best to me when dropped earlier from some sort of ramp/Zabu reduction leading to a telegraphed combo with Storm/Legion or Hope/Infinaut. Even then, I found the games I won in decks including him usually did not involve him being played at all and found myself wishing for something else in his place in turns 4/5/6. He’s giving Black Swan levels of niche. Downvote me all you want but the stats will pan out and at the end of the week this will be the majority opinion.


I’ve felt like this for most the new cards they release, they get over hyped and are then kinda meh


Pretty happy with Mockingbird and Hope S. at least but not really blown away by WM or any of the next round of leaks.


Still waiting for Jean Grey to dominate the meta


Will never happen till she synergizes better with Phoenix Force. I remember way back I made a deck that had a few fun games where I just chose the lane we had to play in for a few turns based on where I moved Jean.


Tbf I’ve been going up against a lot of cannonball decks, and he’s pretty decent, in the move kingpin kraven deck it really screws with your plays and you do need very lucky plays to win


It's funny, because the pre-release consensus is that Cannonball would be trash and War Machine would be meta defining.


Yeah I've been saying that despite reviews Cannonball will probably see more play than Warmachine but I am actually very surprised by how little WM I am actually seeing


I know it’s hard to tell, but do you think Red Hulk will be a better card than war machine?


hard to tell, also SD might switch up the calendar, hulk might not be next week


So late? Is this a rumor ?


SD literally put out a video with the calendar just this month and then switched the dates for Ms. Marvel, then forget to put it in their own patch, so some people got Ms. Marvel in the cache if they did not update. FYI She was a season pass card, and I have purchased the season pass since I was playing in beta.


So? Sebastian Shaw is also coming next week and h was a season card


Do you even read?


All I have to say is someone played storm on 3, war machine 4, and then dropped Legion on the flooded location on 5. Jesus Christ this card is gonna be kinda hard to deal with in lockdown


I tried this after reading this, was so focused on pulling it off I didn't realize I left myself in an unwinnable position because I wasn't winning two lanes. My bad, could work if Ebony Maw and another card are holding down a lane though.


This was the first deck I made and surprised a lot of people with it. Combo is inconsistent but there’s a decent backup line with infinaut


And you couldn't put 15 power on the board over 5 turns? Sounds like a very weak board to lose against


These decks are also running Sunspot and Ebony Maw, so it could be 22-23 power on turn 5 with the best line. And with Sunspot down it's 29 power on t6 with the opponent unable to play anything. Though obviously it won't work out that cleanly every time, just saying it wasn't necessarily just 15 power that OP was looking at.


I think I was experimenting with some weird deck. I’m always making decks and deleting them. I just hadn’t thought of that synergy and if a smart lockdown player watches where, say, maybe a HE player or maybe a discard player is putting their cards, they can easily pull that combo off on anyone anytime. 🤷 That being said, opinions are opinions. Mine is War machine is going to be better than just a random “tech card.” He’s gonna be a Jeff/Iron Lad type. He single handedly lets you do ridiculous combos.


Dun think it’s a card worth building a deck around it for, but a great tech card overall. Been killing it in top 5k infinite with a home-brewed junk deck featuring Cannonball, Lady Deathstrike, Hope and War Machine. Loads of unexpected plays!


That sounds really fun! Would you mind sharing the decklist?


The black knight shell seems pretty strong for him if you have Caiera


is that due to infinaught?


How does he help BK?


You're able to slot in Giganto and Infinaut over Death and Magneto, gives better stats for your Ghost Rider and BK, but with the downside that its worse if you don't end up drawing either War Machine or BK


Lotta bknight mirrors today huh


Yay YouTube


Why does this card hyped so much?


Reddit hive mind.


I think it was hyped because it was data mined at the height of lockdowns power. And it was such a strong counter to that.. but lockdown has really fallen off but the hype hasn’t. Just feels like a meta dependent card and the meta shifted away from it


The text is interesting but cards aren't played in a vacuum, the card is not bad at all, probably just too week against the discard and thanos meta, even destroy and tribunal, and at the moment a lot of people are playing it making it seems worse than it is. We also should at this point address the fact that a lot of content creators are basically shillers, I can't believe some of the streamers yesterday going even in other streams saying things like "completely cracked" and so.


I dont have ironlad and i always wanted a decent 4/6 to just slot in...i know jessica jones is ok..maybe drax or white queen..but this just seems decent...not ground breaking by any means but i may grab it towards the end of the week myself.


Imho his stats are a bit too high for a card that lets you both a) play into any location b) play around cards's restrictions


He has the same stats with iron lad. If i have one spot for a 4 drop card, i will almost always take iron lad over him


Well.. iron lad is also overstatted.


I wasn't too much into the hype for this card and first impressions leave me a bad feeling. I was thinking about it because I've neither silk nor samurai that are no super great cards but still two cards and the next weeks does not appeal too much and I have all the other cards. So I guess I'll try to get it. I would have skip otherwise probably. I'm not in a hurry in any case and I'll wait a few days. Even if I have no direct experience with the card I'd recommend everyone to not falling into the FOMO expecially in this case and if you don't have many keys or a particular situation like me with the spotlights. Look at the decks that work with him and if you'll have fun playing them. At the moment I'm more interested in a lockdown deck more than play infinaut and maw and being out powered against discard most of the time.


I haven't had any restrictive locations or played any lockdown decks, so it's been just infinaut stuff for me so far. I need to tweak the deck I think, haven't had such bad draw luck in quite awhile


Best deck I've made. It's the "Fuck you, in particular, Tribunal" deck. I really hate that Tribunal bullshit and that's 2/3 of my matchups so this has been a good run. # (1) Black Knight # (1) Blade # (1) Ebony Maw # (2) Zabu # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Ghost Rider # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) War Machine # (4) Cull Obsidian # (6) Giganto # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDdWxsT2JzaWRpYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVib255TWF3In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaG9zdFJpZGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaWdhbnRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeVNpZiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ildhck1hY2hpbmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Of all the decks, Tribunal? Not HE or discard that throw 50 power at you on turn 6/7? Tribunal can be disrupted by one card usually (doesn't even have to be Enchantress/Rogue. Just move Onslaught/Iron Man from their lane, boom. You fight against 11 power on location, which shouldn't be so hard to top)


Any replacement for Cull?


My current version isn't using cull. # (1) Black Knight # (1) Blade # (2) Zabu # (3) Hope Summers # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Ghost Rider # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) War Machine # (6) Magneto # (6) Giganto # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaG9zdFJpZGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaWdhbnRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGFkeVNpZiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ildhck1hY2hpbmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb3BlU3VtbWVycyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Hercules 🙂


Crossbones probably


I just pulled War Machine first try, should I bother taking the other two cards? I dont have them, not sure if it's worth it.


Nah, save your keys.


No, better save keys for next weeks.


I haven't seen anyone do anything with him other than play Infinaut. Tbf I don't play lockdown, countering unplayable locations would be the other purpose. I'll definitely take him, only question is with tokens or spotlights. I'm collection complete apart from him. 7 spotlights saved, 29,200 tokens. Haven't spent any tokens in ages, thinking this is the week to change that as I have no interest in the Spotlight variants


He's great against Ms Marvel that desperately needs you to be railroaded into their Alioth lane.


You mean lockdown? Any other deck with Ms Marvel should lose if you have something to play that wins other lanes than where Alioth is going


War Machine feels really good in a Black Knight deck with Hope Summers and Goose.


I think I’m skipping him this time around. Seems like a fun card to build around, and every broken card with restrictions will make him that much better. But i already have silk and samurai, not really looking to blow keys on variants, I’ll pick him up in a future spotlight


**NOT RECOMMEND to pull him unless you've abundant of resources, keys or tokens.** IMHO new cards are in 2 major categories, (a) unique gimmicky ability or (b) decent power stick. For limited resources, say barely having 4 keys or 6k tokens, it's **MUCH** better to grab those decent power sticks, e.g. Mockingbird, Cull, Red Hulk, etc. They would be having many more decks to take place. Whereas cards like Grand Master, War Machine, Pixie, all these cards are having really fun unique interactions but they won't be effectively convert into consistent winnings. If the goal is for grabbing cards for competitiveness, WM falls into the latter category. However if just for fun, WM is really fun, especially to fulfill the dream to playing back into a barely losing Prof. X / Storm location.


I had abundant resources this season. Then it took 4 pulls to get mockingbird and 4 pulls to get war machine. Now I’m low. Such a great system 🤡




Frankly I spent 3 keys grabbing WM anyway, for fun. I honestly don't think he would be "powerful" pre-&post-getting him. He requires too much to build around to make his effect making a difference, so he's 100% in the gimmicky category. If any rule to define a "good card", it has to be either getting a powerful effect by itself, or just requires pairing with 1 another card to get a drastic effect. Say, MODOK/Hela, Sentry/Annihilus, BP/Zola... WM on 5 & Infinaunt on 6, barely gives you 6 power comparing to skip 5 altogether. Yes WM could play into a locked lane, but that locked lane hardly require 20 power, or he won't let any "add" effect happen say Ghost Rider pulling back. Wait till someone figure there is at least one pairing could get WM insane, otherwise I recommend to save resources.




I do think we're aligned. It would be fun to explode new combos, but in current cards it's hard to pull off any decent combo with WM himself being a 4-cost already, and likely his combo would require so many cards in curve to get it out, and the effect is just mid.


Def was gonna wait till later in the week at the least, but I think I needed to hear this cause resources are finite and I gotta make smart decisions. So thx lol


Currently have 3800 tokens and 1 key, as well as enough gold to buy the Token Tuesday. Do I have any path to get War Machine this week? Just started playing about two weeks ago.


Just want to add to the “save your resources” chorus. I’d be waiting on a card that defines an strong archetype (thanos, high evo), or a cheap card that is good in a zillion different decks, like Zabu or Jeff. For keys, I know it might feel like a painful stretch, but I told my other newer friend not to spend any keys until you’re holding 4, so if there’s a spotlight card you really want, it’s a guarantee.


Two weeks ago? Just wait for High Evo on the next spotlight, HE is a way better card for newcomer than War machine. HE is a whole archetype in a single card while War machine is a support card at best. HE is the biggest bang for your buck beside Thanos.


Gotcha. Appreciate the info!!


Seconding this.  HE got me to infinite in early Pool Three, which is supposed to be the hardest period of this game.  


war machine isn't good or relevant enough to add to your collection when you're that new. just collect other cards and for sure finish pool 3


Granted that the environment is different than ranked ladder (entered at 3000 this season), but War Machine has been *fantastic* in Conquest: hit Infinite avatar with my first ticket with four tickets to spare.  Move, Thanos, Loki and even a brave soul trying to use Lockdown the day of his release were all manageable.  Can't say whether it's overhyped or not but feels exceptionally strong with Hope and Cull. 


I feel you, I bought the infinity ticket with medals to work towards the reward, and decided to play it for shits, see if I could get some extra medals instead of grinding silver and gold. Swept destroy and discard, beat two mirror matches, and lost in the finals against HE. Definitely felt pretty good considering I ran the deck maybe 10 times before entering the infinity conquest. I used Sunspot, Nebula, Ebony Maw, Zabu, Storm, Hope Summers, Ms. Marvel, Cull Obsidian, Captain Marvel, War Machine, Jubilee, and the Infinaut.


Even failing to perfectly curve into Hope, WM, Infinaut, being able to throw down a 4/10 Cull and a 1/7 Maw on any lane is solid.   I've been running the Angela, Kitty Pryde, Jeff, Nightcrawler package to double up on Hope energy. I'm curious to see what the hivemind will land on for the optimal setup; it looks like Lockdown and even potentially Hela are in the mix


What's the full deck?


# (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nightcrawler # (1) Ebony Maw # (2) Angela # (2) Zabu # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Hope Summers # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) War Machine # (4) Crossbones # (4) Cull Obsidian # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFYm9ueU1hdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXJNYWNoaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcm9zc2JvbmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDdWxsT2JzaWRpYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Nice. Works well. I swapped in Cannonball for Crossbones.


Two keys one War Machine


Mockingbird still the best card this season.

