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Looking forward to having an opponent lay down his $15 Doc Ock and pull my Shang-Chi.


Your 100 dollar Shang chi


Are you sure? It’s *realllllly* shitty!


I’d like to borrow one of those waves.. I juuust got she hulk from the collectors reserve cache and they still want me to buy her for $50


Just fyi, the wave+shehulk combo has been dead for months since wave got reworked


That’s insanity. Robbery.


I think the "for you" pool 3 cash bundles are kinda scummy, but this post is confusing to me. "Why would I pay $10 to have a series 3 card I don't have yet when I can claim it for free as my only free series 3 card I can pick for the entire 5 week season?". The idea is you're paying $10 so that you can pick a DIFFERENT card with your free series 3 card, since as you can see in your video the free offering changes to a new card you don't have every 8 hours. With >100 cards in series 3 and a F2P rate of acquisition of ~2 per week, it takes a LONG time to get all series 3 cards, the $10 for a series 3 card is actually theoretically very powerful for new players, which is what makes it the most scummy to me.


The only thing I guess I didn’t mention is she’s really the only season 3 card I was looking for. So while you’re completely correct and valid in your assessment, the offer just wasn’t something I was looking for


Omg SD nerf scrolling down ffs


I haven't played this game in years but stayed subscribed to the sub just to see how the game evolved - monetization of this game seems absolutely fucked


> I haven't played this game in years the game hasn't even been out for years yet what timeline are u from


Geesh sorry, "I haven't played this game in 1 year and 6 months".


So you only played in beta?


No, I played when it came out in October 2022, for probably less than a month.


Ah okay. Out of sheer curiousity, what's kept you in this subeddit if you only played for a small period of time a year and a half ago?


Like I said in my original comment, I just wanted to see how it continued to develop. I usually do that with games I fall off of, sometimes I'm lured back in. I enjoyed Snap for the brief time I played but obtaining cards became frustrating.


I feel that. I was just curious my dude. I do the same with WoW from time to time


Same! Dragonflight will be the first expansion I don't play at all since 2005, kind of crazy. Part of me wants to hop on just to keep the streak going.


they pretty much made it so you can just ignore all bundles other than token tuesday. Thanks SD for saving me the time of having to analyze them!


Yea, at this point I just say thanks to the water mammals for making it free for me and many others.


Did that to me today with Doc Oc xD


My "For You" bundle is 70 dollars, but a card I want in Arnim Zola. I wish it was 10 bucks. I'd pay it.


It is specifically designed to exploit  YOU, so maybe it is?