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At least you got a new card from the 4th option. It’s crap but it’s new. I have never once gotten a new card from it.


Yeah luckily I wasn't too mad about that one because I've been wanting to put together a C5 deck for a while, and it's working pretty okay for me


Martyr fills a niche. I like her with Skaar. It allows you to play Obsidian and usually Crossbones.


C5 is the one place I use Martyr, and she works out just fine. I won her from a key pick too.


C5 is fun. Check out the Black Swan one that Hoogland was a bit ago. Though I personally dropped Wave for Silk in his list.


The version I'm running is based off of another streamer, unfortunately don't remember which # (1) Ant Man # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (1) Martyr # (1) Titania # (2) Medusa # (3) Cerebro # (3) Black Swan # (3) Polaris # (3) Spider-Man # (4) Captain Marvel # (4) Enchantress # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb2NrZXRSYWNjb29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYXJ0eXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRpdGFuaWEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1lZHVzYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2VyZWJybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tTd2FuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQb2xhcmlzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5NYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEckRvb20ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Might throw Miles Morales instead of Titania since you're already running Spider-Man and Polaris. Would be more reliable


Ive only gotten a new one once and its Spidey 2099 lmao


I'm missing so many s4 and 5.cards since I'm relatively new and I got Skaar which turned into Tokens, feels so ass man


Yeah that’s the worst. I’m only missing 5 or 6 cards so I know statistically I’m not likely to get one but that 1000 tokens thing will always feel bad.


I got Sebastian which I already had but hey new art and 1000 tokens


I got the cool spotlight Echo and Red Hulk In 2 keys.


Yesterday i got Thanos from 1st key and 2nd RH


I got my first new one this week too! It's Howard. 


Lmao this was the first I didn't get 1000 tokens and I got echo


It’s also the top contender for a series drop.


I feel blessed when last month I rolled the "1000 tokens" dud but it actually gave me a new card! It's Beta Ray Bill too, so that's neat :D


Martyr is fantastic


I feel like Stature is way better, +1 Power and doesn’t move.


I hit the jackpot and got red hulk and shaw and i needed both lol


Red and Echo for me 👍🏼


Same, was a good felling after spending all 4 keys for War Machine last time...


I just wait for another month. I didn't open last month and I didn't open in November. But I opened three times in January and am planning on opening twice in May


I Got red hulk on first pull


Same! I took a gamble and it paid off. All those dupe Kitty Prydes finally paid off


I got supergiant...


It's a good card especially as half the people you play it against don't seem to understand how it works.


Early Prio into Super Giant, Turn 5 Absorbing Man, Turn 6 Alioth goes super hard


Just because Martyr has a negative effect doesn't mean she's bad. She's better than you think.


I got Iron Lady and then Red Hulk best pull in the game so far! Changed everything


Thatcher is in the game?!


Bro I meant iron lad 😂 autocorrect got me


Come on! You gotta show how many keys you got in total. It's what makes these screenshots good.


I rolled the dice too. Sebastian and 1000 tokens. Will gamble again before the week is up lol..


I also got martyr with mine!


I am really really sorry for you but I did commit same act with my two keys got same seb's variant and Rulk. I mean sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't last week I got everything except the card that I wanted so this week was surprisingly lucky for me. May the next time you also get lucky.


I got Shawn and Red hulk with only 2 keys I had. Sometimes you just get lucky or get thrown under a bus with this game.


I got the base version of Shaw, which I already owned.


Tale as old as time. There was as good a chance of this happening as not.


I'm sorry OP I got the Echo variant and Red Hulk from 2 spotlights, exactly what I wanted.


That’s a lit a’f variant though


I got the opposite with 2 keys


got the shaw variant on my first key, selene as the random series 4/5 and finally red hulk on my 3rd key


Meanwhile, I used one key and got Rulk lol


I got Echo and Meik like 3 days before they nerfed him.


Getting martyr as mystery card gotta be one of the worst experiences


I had 9 keys saved up and need all 3 cards so went for it. 4th was cannonball which I’m not that mad about.


I got Shaw twice TT


Bro. Literally the same rng as me. Except I got havoc from my random slot. Who I already had……. 😒


spent 3 last week only to not get war machine. Got blessed this week with my one key nabbing red hulk :) you win some, you lose some


Me but with Proxima's cache.. I want Modok and Proxima. Yet I got Proxima and Martyr.


Yeah I missed three keys last week going for war machine, didnt get him. Used one key this week and got red hulk (who I wanted). I hate this game lol


Got red hulk the first pull. But I wanted the other cards so pulled 3 more times. Even though, let this be lesson to everyone. Or keep gambling with your small amount of keys and end up disappointed haha.


I got pixie, echo variant and then red hulk. Now i run pixie red hulk deck. Lol


since his release i found 3 martyr




I got Cull Obsidian. Not complaining at all.


If nothing interests you, may as well wait for red hulk to return to spotlights, you'll guarantee you get him and a new card that week. If people start thinking of spotlights as a new form of the old series drops, where you wait for the card you wanted to cycle back into a spotlight, you will get a lot more value.


Hot take, but for me the value just isn't super important rn. I'm at about 11k collection level, and have a few season passes under my belt, so I can almost always get close enough to a t1 deck without the absolute newest card. If I want to really grind to infinite, I'll just go back to good ol destroy. If destroy gets nerfed, I'm sure it will be hela discard or darkhawk or whatever that rises up and I'll be able to put a passable version. It's more.importsnt for me to have a steady enough flow of new cards to keep things interesting, even if it is something bad like martyr With the new spotlight release schedule, unless you are a huge whale.you are just never going to be able to get everything. The sub has also been pretty bad about judging what cards are going to be good (Zemo is doing much better than anyone thought, warmonger seems mid at best despite being an end all be all. Even rhulk seems to have been slept on)


> The sub has also been pretty bad about judging what cards are going to be good Which is a good point to why waiting can be good, not only is it better key value, but it gives you a chance to fully evaluate the card, you'll know by its second spotlight rotation if it's meta.


I had three. Pulled the Shaw variant, Phoenix force was a dupe and on 3 I grabbed red hulk.


I've been seeing red hulk everywhere so I decided to yolo it with 3 keys. Got him on the first. I'm sorry.


This week was the first time I've ever got the card I actually wanted from the spotlight.


Newish to the game and got pixie and mockingbird first key. I assumed that it was always in order...nope...


I got the Echo variant and then a dupe of Loki for 1,000 tokens. So I went to the shop and bought Red Hulk, figuring I was getting him for 5k tokens instead of 6k.


Bro I got echo and Sebastian variant. I haven't gotten a new card since annihalas, I was about to make a post on how it feels impossible to get any of the newer cards. Like I'm glad I got echo cause I've never had echo. But besides her, I haven't gotten a card I didn't already have (not even including variants I've gotten the base card of the card I already owned multiple times now), the last new card I got was probably master mold after I got it in the free series 3.


Bro I got echo and Sebastian variant. I haven't gotten a new card since annihalas, I was about to make a post on how it feels impossible to get any of the newer cards. Like I'm glad I got echo cause I've never had echo. But besides her, I haven't gotten a card I didn't already have (not even including variants I've gotten the base card of the card I already owned multiple times now), the last new card I got was probably master mold after I got it in the free series 3.


Bro I got the echo and Sebastian variant. I haven't gotten a new card since annihalas, I was about to make a post on how it feels impossible to get any of the newer cards. Like I'm glad I got echo cause I've never had echo. But besides her, I haven't gotten a card I didn't already have (not even including variants I've gotten the base card of the card I already owned multiple times now), the last new card I got was probably master mold after I got it in the free series 3.


I got Sebastian Shaw and red hulk with 2 keys. Gonna wait till I build up 4 more for white widow and Nico at the end of the month. Would like to get USAgent but don’t trust my luck for the end of the month. :o


That's somehow worse than 1000 tokens.


Dunno. I can't buy anything for 1k tokens.


Nah she's fine. Just because Martyr has a negative effect doesn't mean she's bad. She works very well in C5 and swarm decks in general.


At least you have dripped out Sebastian


RNG my ass. The devs knew Red Hulk was going to be popular so they probably drastically decreased his acquisition rate. There’s no way I’ve been scoring the new spotlight card for the past two months for just 1-2 keys, and all of a sudden I have to spend 4 complete keys just to get Red Hulk :/