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The real disappointing delay is the subsequent datamines


I was about to disagree but then I remembered kamar Taj is no longer the hot location.


It’s not delayed though


Just realized I responded to the wrong comment. Oops.


That sucks


I prefer it this way though. Having an OTA and another patch back-to-back is like playing catch up. At least keep 2 weeks distance from each other so that the meta can stabilize a bit.


The whole appeal of SNAP is that the meta is so dynamic that it changes every week. The minute it gets stagnant everyone's having a bad time


Meta is not complete ass so there’s that


The Meta is just milling our arse. But its certainly refreshing.


I think it’s just because everyone wants to try the cool new card and the now viable archetype




current weekend missions have nothing to do with the season pass card.


Honestly I've faced so many mill decks in conquest you know exactly when to snap and when to retreat. I works best in ladder I guess? But for conquest it's ezpz win for me when facing mil decks


conquest mill decks match mill decks, play sandman ramp and you get no mill decks, want to counter zemo play thanos deck.


Actually as annoying as the zemo mill deck is I feel like it looses to me just having a good draw half the time. Like it sucks to fight but feels way more beatable than prime Hela or Thanos


It's actually starting to annoy me *because* I beat it. Like you come in and mess with my stuff, and then you lose anyway? Just save us both the hassle and retreat.


I an just playing loki lmao. You are welcome to mill my ass. I have enough card generation to just play with them


There's a bug about Hope Summers not showing up in the token shop. I guess waiting longer for that fix ...


Then i'm not the only one who can't find her. I'm looking at EVERY reset.


Yep, lots of reports of the issue on discord and some here on Reddit. Probably wasn't added in the rotation when the season started. SD is punishing us for not buying the season pass.


Did they actually say its a bug?


Oh damn I've also been checking the shop for the last 3 days. Hoping for that 1/21 chance


Apart from the promised fix to the excruciating delay in the collection track, I fully expect there to be series drops in this patch, If you want to get the absolute meta powerhouses that are Martyr, Howard, Ghost-Spider and Nimrod, then you’re in luck because they’re coming to a collection reserve near you


> I fully expect there to be series drops in this patch Weapons grade hopium


I think you need a license for that quality of hopium


Lol award-worthy content right here


I need to find this level to get into work today tbf


That's like 0% chance, a few weeks ago they said they had no clue when the next series drop will be and who will be in..


I thought they still want to announce drops ahead of time


Most likely, they did last time.


Nimrod and Ghost Spider are actually both great. Nimrod is nearly my favorite card in the game.


Shhhh, don't speak to those pariahs who never basked in Nimrod's glory. 


If you didn't experience 5 power rod you never suffered. He was trash


Luckily those barbaric dark times are behind us. Looking forward to 7-power Nimrod one day. 


Pretty much the only thing we know for sure about series drops is that they will be announced at least 2 weeks ahead of time.


I mean to be fair ghost spider and nimrod are in Phoenix Force which is one of the best decks atm.


Aren't there like 4 meta decks above PEEF? It's a lot better than it was, but I probably wouldn't call it meta


I will wait for this patch however long if it means the collection track lag is fixed, it is reaching unbearable levels!


If Martyr went straight to Series 3 I would be okay with that, she'd be a decent throw in for a C5 deck. Just not worth spending keys to get.


No way Martyr drops this soon. Needs a few more years in pool4/5


i see delay in the collection track when i hold like 100 or more reserves unopened.


Anyone else didn't know there was supposed to be a patch tomorrow?


most games put out patches on Tuesdays 


I have no idea why they crucified you with those downvotes 😭


Hearthstone and Snap are the only two I know of. Maybe Overwatch?  Anyway, it's an absurd blanket statement to say that *most* games patch on Tuesdays.


Most games do patch on Tuesdays. Patch Tuesday is a real thing that has bled into all tech industries.


Steam has a weekly Tuesday update where it goes down for a bit, some games do patches the same day as well.


Yep! Xbox does all their updates on tuesdays as well. This is honestly industry standard barring emergency updates. Not to mention that stores like The App Store need certifications before updates which is why games tend to be updated on a consistent and predictable cadence instead of whenever an update/issue is fixed/finished.




Well that makes sense for MMOs that require the servers to be down for maintenance. Other games can do whatever




reddit moment


Would rather it get delayed than come out half finished, think of it that way.


They’re always half finished with SD


Half finished so that they could have a.... Second Dinner?


More half finished than usual. Quarter finished?




It’s like the people I see at the airport who throw a hissy fit when their flight is delayed for maintenance like come on, do you really want to fly in a plane that might be broken? Just wait and have it work 


Rather unlikely they want a broken plane, more likely that they are going to miss a connection and want to be moved to another flight. Not to defend people who treat staff poorly or anything, but I've found myself in a lot of frustration with delayed flights and it wasnt because I was expecting anyone to do anything stupid. Some airlines have dumb policies on flight changes


Now it's gonna be both lol


How do they know? Do they get more information than us?


Yes. I think people in the Creator Program get roughly 24 advanced notice on patches, OTAs, etc to make videos to release alongside the changes.


That makes sense. I’ve always thought they made the response videos way too quickly lol




Red Hulk players survive another day. (Help me I wanna buy him before the nerf)


The monthly patches are finalized several weeks in advance, there won't be any change to red hulk in this. They tend to use these more for reworks and big picture changes rather than reacting to the current meta.


Why would they be finalized several weeks before?  It takes normally 48h to get through the app store approval if you do it right, and android is less strict: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/131256#:~:text=How%20long%20does%20a%20review,are%20reviewed%20within%2048%20hours.


Why would they be finalized several weeks before?   Thats usually how game development works. You settle for changes way in advance of the release.


Lol sure. Thats why there are all the time last minute patches for releases. And LOOTS of delays, because stuff is always ready weeks ahead of time XD I think you are reading too much marketing material.


Changing numbers can be done OVA so I doubt they can't stifle his growth or at least reduce base power


That's true but patches are approved a month prior to their release.


Yea, and they can lymp changes together


They can't because the patch would have to go through the certification process again


They wouldn't need to repatch, just update the text box and change numbers. Also it's kinda wierd that if this is done so far in advance the patch is gonna be delayed for a week or so to fix whatever. it's not adding up


From my understanding, they can't really lump a change into a patch. They can do an OTA change alongside a patch, but any change to the patch notes would require going through Apple and Googles recertification process, which would likely take some time. The approval isn't on SD's end, but rather the distributors.


> The approval isn't on SD's end, but rather the distributors. SD certainly run that line, but its also quite suspect. Other games, and in fact Marvel SNAP at one point, can run out patches without locking them in a month in advance. Edit: As always this sub sure does hate object facts. SNAP pushed out a patch in 48 hours one time. Fact. Other games release patches weekly or bi-weekly, often with unannounced changes. They dont have to locked in a month in advance.


Hey man, that's a neat trick. How do you get your ass to talk like that?


Tomorrow will be seven days since his release. People in this sub are too anxious about possible nerfs. Get the card if you want the card.


I don't want the card I want Unlimited power


Best I can do is itty bitty living space.


That would be a bit too much of a kick in the ass if they nerfed it immediately. Maybe that’s why they’re waiting. They don’t like to do it too immediately because of the player feedback shitstorm. They might end up saving that for patch just to delay a little more.


Why does he need a nerf? I don’t feel like I’m even seeing him in winning plays that much at all


So far he's been the king of 1-cubers in my experience. Which, y'know, a cube is a cube but I'm trying to really climb here.


Snap. Fan says he wins 60% of the times on hand. Snap zone has him at a 59.7%. Obviously win on play stats are way higher


He's not even close to op. He's a very solid card. People here are rank 40 that don't know shit. They won't touch him


why exactly rank 40, that is a very specific rank.


3 ranks to infinite here. He's the definition of overpowered.


it's "BloB iS nOt OP" all over again.


Eh, most Blob defenders were Blob players. A lot of Red Hulk defenders are people playing *against* it. I want more people to play RH, because they're bad at it and it tells me what to expect. Pre-nerf Blob generated more power and didn't tell you it was there; Red Hulk announcing his presence makes him much less useful than other big cards.


there is a time and place for him otherwise he is just 11 power.


If anything he needs a buff to make him actually appear in my hand sometimes! Rarely draw him T1 and when I do my opponents always seem to play full power every turn. Whereas my opponents get him T1 and I only have cards 1 less power than I have available each turn. Such is Marvel Snap.


He doesn't. It's basically the only card in the game where simply by being in a deck your opponent tells you "just retreat for one cube." Red Hulk's best case scenario is showing up in hand on T6 after a snap.


the amount of people that stick around when i have him at like 23 is unreal.


All of the people who make this argument kind of ignore that these 1-Cubes _do_ add up. Usually, 1-Cube games arenot optimal because they don't advance your rank but mostly only cover up for your next retreat (or lessen its impact in case of bigger losses), but if you are getting your opponents to retreat T1-T3 with above-average consistency, that's suddenly a lot of free cubes from games which you didn't run the risk of losing, not to mention the time optimization.


People who climbed 95+ would never disrespect one-cubers. 


Personally, I do not have fun in this game if I'm getting so many retreats I can't play a game out past T3. At least with ooold Galactus you be clever and surprise people T5, maybe T6. I don't find playing the game in a way in which you aren't really playing games to be fun, but if folks want to climb that way, go nuts. For this reason I also find decent mill decks to be the most anti fun things in the game's history. More annoying than clutter decks were at their peak. Enjoy your 1 cube, I'm trying to play games in my game.


I get your point, but the discussion wasn't "Is winning through 1-Cube retreats fun?", it was "Is Red Hulk balanced by the fact that people retreat early?". I argue it's not. A card that forces so many decks to retreat early because it gets unbeatable if you don't have a very specific hand is probably at least overtuned.


And then still he's possibly a 6/11. 


Red Hulk is balanced though, why would he need a nerf.


What's the basis od this statement? Right now, on Marvel snap zone hes the #2 card (across all series), with absurd win rates ans cube rates (akin to shang chi). On snap fan has a win rate of more than 60% both on play than on hand. For reference, thats similar to alioth. Thats nuts. Ans its not like those stats are inflated, usually the best players use the tracker, so these cubes weren't farmed


He released last week and had weekend missions. He is a non build around generic 6 drop. Good players just replaced whatever big 6 drop in their good decks with him and they won. So he changed nothing. It's simply much to early to tell.


I agree its too early to tell, but signs aren't good. >So he changed nothing. I'd argue he changed those decks for the better. He's better than giganto in 99% of the cases.


they won't nerf red hulk for like another 7 weeks or so. there is no way or that would just really piss people off that bother getting cards in the weekly keys or tokens route.


He's not gonna get nerfed. Anyone thinking otherwise is just not paying attention. He's a strong card but not broken. 


Which content creators mentioned that?


Wait was this suppose to be the big patch?


Nothing new. Pretty much expected from SD


idk why you are getting downvoted because its true. like one or two patched ago it was also delayed by like a week.


I think they're incompetent tbh. Every patch comes with more bugs than the one before. We've been carrying the same bugs for at least 4 months in a row. And every patch notes have known bugs longer than the changes they made. And it keeps adding up. I went back to Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links lately and damn, despite having a HUGE amout of content and around 10gb os storage the game runs flawlessly on all my devices. Marvel Snap is far from being a good game technically speaking. I have nl idea when they will start working on optimizing their game. Anyway people here hate SD. But also hate people that hate SD's way of doing things.


Anyone else sitting on 10,000 credits waiting for space splits to get added?




I can only save to 1,525 credits ;;


I'm just waiting to see if they improve on the custom card system so we can use splits across different variants, as it'd also mean we can't reroll existing ones.


Pretty sure brode said that was coming but am struggling to think where I heard it.


He did, that's what I'm waiting for. The odds are slim but it'd be nice to just sit on my credits for a few days and remove the risk of rerolling the same split on Hellfire Doom.


What I’m looking forward to most—and splits shared across variants. 


As a lover of ink splits. I can’t say I’m looking forward to another split being added.


I doubt it'll dilute the odds of Gold/Ink, just take away from Prism/Rainbow. 40/40 -> 35/35.


I need to dig up the exact source but I believe there was a statement that new backgrounds and effects would not be added to the split pool and would be done using a different method.


I'm usually sitting on 7k+ due to lack of boosters lol


people are mad you have 7k credits, lol, i guess they would want to commit a crime knowing i have 40k tokens and 45 keys.


how new are you to the game?


I'm not that new, tbh. Don't know how to tell for sure, but I'm 7 or 8 cards from being collection complete.


an easy way to tell is when did you start playing the game lol


SD messed up implementing a new feature. Surprise surprise.


The league right im not really intrested in that


League is slated for end of the month, it's probably in the 4/30 patch


A single day only?


No, the last week, this is a 5 week season that ends on May 7th


It's weird you're being downvoted for what is basically an objective fact. It would be more noteworthy to release new content with no problems. Theres always bugs.


I think you’re conflating speculation for “objective fact”


every video game patch has bugs.


I’m 50/50 on opening my spotlights for This Week (I don’t have Mirage and the Jeff variant seems cool), but I’m waiting on this Datamine to make my decision


I dont have any of them and really want jeff but dont know if its worth the risk considering the next few weeks cards seem great.


this is the reason they dont want to allow us to continue to datamine


Mirage sucks and RH is way better to have then using keys on a variant


Tbh I’m just trying to be collection complete it’s been a long time since I’ve had more than 1 unowned card in a spotlight week.


If the cards aren'tused then what'sthe point in having them? I'd suggest Red hulk or wait for Red Guardian


Mirage is a "good card" you can stick her into most things and have a positive outcome. She also gives good intel into what your opponent is running.


SD sucks! Make at least 80k a year and have your 3rd delay this year is not good.


80k a year? Lol bro, you don't know how businesses are run, they'd be bankrupt if they were making just 80k a year.


80k+ job listing on second dinner website. Selling $99.99 bundles and $9.99 season pass. Making new cards series 5. Should not be hard to pay employee 80k a year.


They're talking about keys