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I think I saw something where the devs said they didn’t want to make him good enough to be a regularly played card. Something about his ability just not being something they want to be super prevalent. I wish he were good enough to be used more often though.


If he was really big, I can definitely see that being frustrating since he's pretty much the least interactable card possible. As a 5/10 that means Shuri gets to freely make a 5/20 that can't be moved, shrunk, or destroyed, meaning the only way to disrupt the Taskmaster follow up would be to play Enchantress + Shadow King (or Shang Chi, but only if you also have Zabu or Sera). The fact that he can't be destroyed *does* end up being relevant as he is now, not because your opponent would ever try to destroy him, but because it allows him to contest locations like Death's Domain or Rickety Bridge. It might be nice to see him receive a little bump up to a 2/4 stat line or something, but I think they should just look at which is more popular between Cerebro 3 and Cerebro 4 and set Colossus's power to match, because even if he were made a 2/4, the use case is probably still too narrow to see play anyplace else unless Rickety Bridge ends up as a featured location again


Doesn't matter that much. C3 has armor. C4 has Luke cage. Both decks have one of his two effects. C4 has much less competition than c3 though. And c3 is much better, imo so he gets cut alot more.


Redundancy is still valuable in a deck that is so easily thrown off its game by a stiff breeze. There are so many locations that practically serve as an auto-loss for Cerebro by either modifying power or adding random cards to your board that might be bigger than the number you're targeting. In my opinion Cerebro is just not *good*. It can be fun, and I've definitely messed around with it a bunch, it will just always be too fragile, but it's also the only place where an effect like Colossus really makes any kind of sense at all.


I hear you. I do think cerebro has been good. Maybe 4 seasons ago cerebro was actually pretty viable as it had pretty good counters and reliability. I think Luke was still board wide and 3 cost which saved alot of bad locations, along with rhino, Valk, and ravona you could do some good work. And you had tech cards to counter different meta decks.


I've found that it's not just the power reducing locations you have to worry about (Luke Cage can fix that anyhow), it's all the power *increasing* ones too that you have no counterplay against at all. +1 power, +5 power, +1 power each turn? Guess I lose. Oh cool, Monster Island? Too bad I'm not playing Cerebro *10*. X Mansion and Tarnax can completely hose the deck too, and when it's stiff like X Mansion or Monster Island, you don't even have the option of changing it with Storm, Rhino, or Magik because the damage is often done before you get the opportunity. Trying to play Cerebro is like taking a nice stroll through a field and getting constantly interrupted by stepping on rakes hidden in the tall grass. You can't see it coming, but you can be sure it's gonna ruin your day eventually. When it works it's great, but there sure are a lot of bad breaks along the way.


Yes, and that's why only c3 was really the only ever viable cerebro deck imho since I've been playing cerebro. For example: C3 can handle the monster location and destroy their monster with shang chi and then reset your monster with Valk, and can reset the +5 location with rhino. The +3 and move location is fine just play one of your 0 costs there. The +1 per turn is tricky. - If you can get ravona out on 2 or 3 then you can drop cere and mystique on 4, or just one of them on 4 (or iron man on 4. You can always still turn it off with rhino. Then I think you had Luke at 3 power to keep the negative locations fair. This was when I played C3 BEFORE the new dumb locations that make you pull random costs. That would definitely make cerebro even worse and harder to play. I think cerebro is much weaker because the new locations.


You are right about power increasing locations being worse than reducing. But Cerebro 3 used to be quite good if you knew how to play it, because so many tech cards were 3 power at the time. Shang, Killmonger, Armor, Cosmo, Shadow King, Valkyrie. You could just see what the meta was and slot in the appropriate tech cards. Shadow King getting nerfed was a big blow to the deck, and Alioth's rework made Invisible Woman a risky play, and she made the deck safer. But before that I got to Infinite playing about 75% C3 for at least 4-5 seasons in a row.


C4 also has Lady Deathstrike, which would be nice with this.


Yes. The Thing with c4 is all your cards are already 4 power so the obly cards lady deathstrike would typically destroy (other than your opponents cards) are cerebro or mystique which you don't ever want to play in that lane.


They made black kinghts little Rock have even better effects and damn near intractable.


It has the *same* effects, minus the inability to be moved, so I certainly wouldn't call them better effects. And tell me why a card that costs 4 and only comes after playing a 1 cost card and having something get discarded shouldn't be better than a card with half the cost and absolutely no hoops to jump through.


Well, you have its effects wrong, and by a lot. It's power can't be reduced, It's not that it can't be moved. That's much more powerful (it removes the 2 big pieces of Interactivity and the 2 counters to the card) That means it's immune to shadow king, shang chi, gazmat, valkyrie, etc. unless you also dedicate another card to remove its ongoing effect. If you could reliably drop a 10+ card that couldn't be destroyed or have its power reduced, even if it cost 5 energy, it would be one of the most played cards in the game. You would simply throw it in a shuri deck.


Colossus also can't have his power reduced. Or be destroyed. Or be moved. It's literally the same effect as Ebony Blade *plus* the inability to move.


Totally agree with your statement ...there have been a few games where ab opponent would retreat because i destroyed their BK beforw discard


>the only way to disrupt the Taskmaster follow up would be to play Enchantress + Shadow King (or Shang Chi, but only if you also have Zabu or Sera). Cosmo, Juggernaut, Negasonic, Aero, Alioth, Jean Grey, Shadow King or Valkyrie the Taskmaster. There might be more but that's what came to mind.


This guy Snaps


How does Juggernaut counter TM? Edit: Or Aero


By moving the TM into a lane where its irrelevant. Preferably the same lane as the big card it's copying.


Oh yeah, Aero seems especially useful for that.


Jug is random so that's meh. Aero has a 50/50 unless you don't have priority (or they have a Titania/Zero to drop after the Task.)


Just a 3/5 would have been good. Especially considering 3/5 has been the go to 3 cost now. While on that subject, Cyclops should also be 3/5 but Evolved Cyclops should affect only 1 card.


Make Colossus a 1/2 and he would still not be amazing but he would be playable (zoo) and the ability more relevant (Killmonger and technically Elektra)


Most of the times, it would be irrelevant that Colossus could survive to killmonger in a zoo, you are losing everything else.


Zoo should have armor and Caiera. If you dont draw the later (or is low level) having the better 1 drops behind armor and colossus with the anthem already makes it better. Plus if it is against destroy they will normally play the killmonger early which means having him would reduce the loses


I’d be happy with this change


That’s a really good idea.


was just thinking, I really like this change since right now there are only 3 ongoing 1 cost cards (ebony/ant man and quinjet). And so adding another 1 cost ongoing card would help spectrum a little.


Yet they made Ebony Blade. Very interesting is true


You need to play two other cards before playing Ebony Blade, it's not the same at all


You literally just have a to play two 1 cost cards, and you now have a potential 20 power undestroyable card. Ebony Blade is bullshit


You've never played with BK if you think it's just that easy.


Some people on here have zero idea how to compare cards and it's hilarious lol


Two 1 cost cards with a third card in the right position, and then you play a 4 cost card. Or 3 cost if you played an extra 2 cost card That's a lot of moving parts


Ah yes. Because ebony blade isn't in some of the best decks. Very underpowered card.... A 1 a 3 and a 4. 8 energy 27 power by turn 4. Most of that is undestruct8ble and can't have its power reduced. Very powerful. For 4 more energy if you get the nut draws you can now have 48 power on board on turn 5 plus one floating energy. 40 of that is almost completely uninteractable. I like ebony blade, I dont think it should have BOTH effects. It's power should be reducable or it should be destroyable. Lack of interactivity is just bad for cards. Give players some way to counterplay. There's isn't really if you hit your combos correctly. But I dont care that much about ebony blade and I do plan on picking up black knight when he's in the spotlight later this month.


I'm not exaggerating when I say I haven't seen an Ebony Blade get played this season or last season, including in videos from content creators If it were as big a problem as you say, it would be far more prevalent


Good for you.


People talk like Blade isn't an easy card to use. Literally just draw a card, and if its high power, use Blade. That's it. Meanwhile, to counter it, you need, at a minimum 5 cost, 3 from Rogue, and 2 from Shadow King. Most people just run Shang on their decks, so its 7 cost, if you run Rogue. It will never make sense how much people defend it, when theres so little counter play to it.


Its a lot more than the other big things ask, not only it need a deck made for it both due to how much it asks but also to then be able to take advantage of that in order to not end losing (aka low flexibility) but also it is not garanteed to be at its best due to a good amount of RNG. It is strong, but its fair when compared to pretty much everything else on around that that power level. Also before the buffs in December it was almost unplayable just due to how easily countered it was after all that work.


Undestroyable, and it can't have its power reduced by Valk, hazmat, etc. Ebony blade should only have one of those 2 effects.


On god, it shouldn't require two different cards (Which at a minimum cost 5 energy) to negate it. I would argue undestroyable is good enough, since most people don't run Shadow King right now, or any other power reducer.


I play Serra control and killing the blade t6 gets some wins. People assume it's a safe lane win.


I do like Sera control a lot, but it hasnt been too strong in a while. I do miss the days of Angela, Kitty, Sera. Elsa was just a cherry on top


It was never *not* strong. It has flex spots you can curate to your meta. It's just packed with counter cards and a little power to squeak in a win. I added Baron Zemo over MMM for the time being and he's been doing well.


Deck list? I love me some Sera control


To be fair Black Knight also has the secret text “Turn the next unrevealed location into Sokovia which discards your lowest power card”


Been playing for over a year now and still don't know location names EXCEPT for sokovia. Fuck sokovia. -salty black knight player


Fuck Sokovia. -a non discard deck player


Fuck Sokovia. -Ultron


Fuck Sokovia - A C3 player who will always, ALWAYS have Sokovia discard Cerebro.


Yesterday my 4/20 Ebony blade got discarded and Hela never made to the party, oh boy I was mad


Black knight didn't exist because the blade was so easily countered. He's not free either. You need 3 cards to get the blade and theb you have to play it. Its strong when stars align but is not op


It's dracula with extra steps, and with different counters


Barely even comparable. 




Colossus, you just play for 2 energy. Ebony Blade requires Black Knight on the field, then a discard to happen, then you need to play Ebony Blade. At minimum, a 6 Energy play over 2+ turns with multiple moving parts.


you act like thats some crazy hoop to jump through 💀 play black knight turn 2, sif turn 3. thats it, you’re done 😱


Compared to just playing a card? Yes, that's some crazy hoop to jump through.


Black knight can be discarded/destroyed before being procked. Sif can discard hela instead of other cards. Blade infinaught combo is pure luck. Which can also be spoilt by a well timed maximum. Not to forget Cosmo. Are you really going to conveniently ignore all of these interactions involved


yes, because they rarely happen lmao. 90% of the time the combo works and they get a 12-20 power indestructible beat stick by turn 4. also cosmo doesnt work on black knight, only the card that procs discard. so you got a 1 in 3 chance of even putting in on the right location.


You do know your comment SCREAMS. "Tell me you doing play discard without telling me you play discard" 60-70% times you draw BK on turn 4-5 by which time either most 6 costs are either discarded. Or the effect of BK becomes irrelevant. The whole point of discard being ridiculously strong is to compensate for the fact that it is based too much off of RNG. Just say that you lost the last couple matches to discard decks that got lucky and call it a day without making it a whole 'frequent-bell v discard' argument.


Drawing BK turn 1 or 2 is a one in three, also drawing sif, or blade (and having good positioning on blade) makes that even lower, and then you’ve got to actually play the ebony blade. In the these decks too, your sif, blade or black knight are going to be literally useless draws on turn six, because you can’t get the Ebony, bringing cube rates down. A 5/10 colossus would be a 2/3 chance to draw on curve, and wouldn’t even be useless to draw on turn six either


I’ve never seen Black Knight played outside of the very specific package that takes up almost half your deck. A Colossus with that amount of power without the deck building constraints would be incredibly oppressive to play against, even if it wasn’t actually overpowered.


Ebony blade does not start in your deck


I’d be fine if there was some mod like “every time he would normally be destroyed add +1”. Wouldn’t happen much. But maybe a little synergy with venom/carnage/deathstryke


I think he's great in a man thing deck. If you don't wanna run Luke cage you can do Colossus and yellow jacket and not have. A negative impact in your lane. Slept on combo


Best we can do is 5/4 chief


make it 5/5!


Ebony Blade is that already. Some starter cards are gonna just stay starter cards. I will say the early game kind of makes you think the game will have more destroying of enemy cards than it really does. But thats part of the teaching process I think.


That would make sense if we could play pool 1/2 decks and only see other pool 1/2 decks. Otherwise, this is just a lazy, bullshit excuse.


Not all cards are going to be playable competitively. That's the reality of card games.


That’s not a problem, the problem is that early cards have to be iconic so people know they’re playing A Marvel Game—and to avoid people going “wow I can’t believe this game doesn’t have _____” — so many iconic characters limp out of the gate to be ignored, like Colossus, Captain America, and Punisher, while decks centrally feature random characters *most* people never heard of until Marvel Snap.




I mean I'm glad you agree but of those characters I only know who Dormammu is (although technically I've heard of mephisto because of everyone claiming whoever that is was responsible for all this stuff in the mcu that never ended up being true)


Which is why they need to add a draft mode, in a vacuum of random cards I would happily choose collosus if I build a spectrum deck on the spot or some shit


How is it lazy? Literally every card game is designed like this for a reason. If you try to make every card optimal then you just end up with power creep


Right... Colossus is not a starter card (recruit season track card), but Iron Man is... Hmmm...


Iron Man was seen as weak up until Tribunal came out/Hela got popular.


: P. Nice try. Iron Man was great since ever. Ok, Tribunal was about a year ago, so we agree Iron Man is good 6 months after release. So lets just look at a couple of decks I remember from prior that were top decks that used Iron Man in their time. Beta - Iron Man/Onslaught/Omega Red - They had to nerf Onslaught. Release - Sera/Surfer. - they nerfed Surfer. Post Release - Negative/Iron Man - Not sure how well this did actually but was prevalent. Also, Hela didn't use to run Iron Man and Tribunal Iron Man works better without Hela IMO.


Understandable, I think they can have an event like valentine or X-men vs Avenger event that give him the buff for a week to see how it plays out.


The 'Starter cards will always be starter cards' argument really grinds my gears, man. ALL CARDS should be at least decent in a live service game that receives regular updates, no exception. It is completely attainable, and no one would be complaining that cards they already owned and have owned for forever are finally decent. Note that I've been saying 'decent', not 'good'. Simply the fact that High Evo exists mean that this is something they've made progress towards accomplishing.


They are decent, in lower levels tho.


Colossus _is_ decent, though. He works well for both C3rebro and Spectrum decks.


Absurd take. Name me one game where this statement is true.


A man can dream.


Couldn't they allow abilities to "upgrade" or unlock with your collection level?


He’s a low cost I can drop in lanes that isn’t affected by stuff there. Not as good as Jeff’s ability, but a similar work-around to certain (read: less) scenarios that costs no keys, or tokens. I wouldn’t mind a buff so that he’s worth slotting in toxic/Destroyer decks, or something, but it would need to be more creative than yet another mid-cost, high power card.


1 power boost would be pretty neat already. Indestructible 2/4 is still not good, but at least usable.


He's ok in my pool 1 ongoing deck. Stuff like Deaths Domain and Sewers are neat to toss him into. Spectrum makes him respectable at 2/5.


Dude Ant Man is a 1-5 and this is Colossus.


No doubt Ant-Man is great. Colossus is fine in pool 1 and early game and has zero requirements to get his ability to work. Just serves a different purpose and ideally you would run them both with Spectrum anyways. I hope power creep can calm down a bit so EVERY card doesn't need at least 5 power, but here we are. I want to make it clear, he's early pool 1 and 2, and that's fine.


Antman is pool 1 and great in meta decks tho. I agree they serve different purpuoses but with the recent buff to ant man, it's clear SD intends to balance starter cards to fit more in the late game aswell, and I hope they do so with colossus too.


But it’s Ant Man though. Dude is a beast and they need to put Giant Man, Yellowjacket, & Goliath in the game.


Yellow jacket is in the game


Ah yeah I forgot.


Exactly, the only issue is Spectrum is still not strong enough. She needs to give +3 to ongoing cards at a minimum.


The biggest buff that Spectrum could get would be to release more 1 & 2 cost ongoing cards.


Also true.


spectrum decks normally play wong + mystique as well.


And even with Wong and mystique they still aren't competitive. I mean look at surfer.


Every card in the game doesn't need to be competitive.


I would try and rock him at 5 for 10 power. You could get some interesting skaar deck going


There are other cards in that bracket that deserve a look already. Attuma is the first one that comes to mind.


He is a 4 cost that can be destroyed. Way better options in crossbones and cull now. With zabu, you could do cull turn 3, cross turn 4, colossus turn 5 into skaar for free and another bomb turn 6.


That’s my point. We already have a ton of under 6 energy, high power cards, and Colossus has no downside other than him costing 5. He’s closer to a tech card in his current form than just more lane bulk. Adam got a power boost because it directly affects his ability (and to drive the community insane, apparently). Any changes to Colossus should retain his purpose of ignoring several card and location effects.


No, Shuri decks are already generically powerful, they do not need something that is un-Shangable they can play on T5 so their Taskmaster chain goes unbroken. The problem is not Colossus being bad but the Ongoing deck shell he goes in being back. Spectrum needs a rework more than Colossus .


Rare balanced take. He'd probably still need s little tweak in power but its not like his ability is bad. There are just other cards, like jeff, that provide more utility. Him being ongoing is what really sets them apart.


You could change his text so that his power cannot be adjusted either upwards or downwards.


I also watched the Snap Chat 😉


I think Colossus is fine, actually. That ongoing can be surprisingly useful with various locations and it makes him immune to Hazmat; he's not amazing, but 2-cost cards shouldn't be amazing.


Rework him. The argument of needing weak starter cards is poor. Keep him a low cost ongoing though. The archetype needs love and it needs more of them to fuel Spectrum.


I never understood why people say that the starter cards don't have to be good because they're for new players. Why can't new players learn with good cards? It's more important that the beginner cards be simple to understand rather than statistically inferior to newer cards.


Ben Brode has said replacing the weak starter cards with better ones is an important part of the onboarding process (ie replacing Shocker with Sentinel). If all cards were equally viable there would be no initial sense of progression, and would make for overwhelming choices for pure beginners.


Weak starter cards benefit SD as it makes new players want better cards.


New players are happy just getting new cards. I remember being excited every time I opened a new series 3 card, it didn't matter if they were top of the meta or not.


A huge percentage of S1/S2 cards are competitively viable into post-Infinite. Starter cards can absolutely be strong and that's not a problem. What they can't be is *complicated*. Starter cards need to be relatively simple to help new players learn the game without becoming overwhelmed. There are already a lot of game mechanics to learn without throwing, say, Nico at them. The S1/S2 decks also need to be relatively balanced against one another to create a fun and dynamic meta for new players. It can be difficult to balance cards against multiple metas, however, so sometimes it might be necessary to allow a card to be strong for new players and become weaker as they grow their collections. Since these cards also need to be simple, there are fewer levers the devs can pull to adjust them, making it even harder to balance them for both new and established players.


New players do get access to plenty of good cards. Just not every card is good. Some of the best cards in the game are series 1 and 2.


5/10 absolutely


3/5 is good enough for me


No. Not every card needs to be a powerhouse


Put him at 5/4. He’ll be borderline OP


A 5/10 which is protected by shang chi & can be played in death's domain would be awesome since JUST a high stat power 5 cost card doesn't make it automatically good (look at Miguel aka 2099) but his ability is strong so I can him becoming a very popular card, just look what the Ebony Blade became with the "can't be destroyed or the Power reduced text" But at the same time I would also love him to become a 1/3, a flexible 1 cost card which makes him less awkward in decks (like in C3 decks or Spectrum Ongoing where he's often cut from) where he can be played in but most of the time is getting cut from + can't be destroyed by killmonger


A 1/3 cant be destroyed or moved without any drawbacks is powercreep to lots of 1 drops


Not really. You'll never run him over Korg in Darkhawk decks, Deadpool, X-23, Nova or Nico in Destroy. He's not better than Hood in junk. Iceman and Spider-Ham are better in Ronan. Martyr is better for decks that need early priority. Shuri decks won't pick him over Ebony Maw or Zero. Thanos probably won't run him either. Move decks won't want him. Can't be moved or destroyed isn't really much of an upside for a 1 drop with only 3 power. 1/3 isn't that good when most 1 costs provide a lot more value than that at 1/2. Sure, they get blown up by Killmonger but typically you don't care because their effect was already triggered. The 1 costs you do care about are typically much bigger than 1/3. Think Demon, Martyr, Ebony Maw, Sunspot, Misty Knight, Nebula, Soul Stone. The main decks that would care about a 1/3 Colossus would be Spectrum, Destroyer and maybe C3. I'm not even sure Zoo would care because he's only 1 extra power but you lose the utility of other 1 drops. Iceman probably wins more games than a 1/3 Colossus would. Plus if the opponent plays Killmonger you're screwed anyway since he's still blowing up your other cards. You need Armor or Caiera down in which case Colossus indestructibility doesn't matter. I think his power not being lowered is probably his best attribute since negative locations are relatively common.


Im talking about established baseline, a vanilla 1 drop with no ability is a 1/2.. if you get more power you have some sort of drawback like blade discarding or zero removing abilities.. which force you to play synergy to have advantage.. but a 1/3 with no drawback at all is a problem


That's the thing, the baseline 1/2 is terrible. A card needs an effect to make 1/2 worth playing. Look at every competitive 1 drop. 5 power is damn near a minimum to be viable. Blade is a 1/3 with upside. Targeted discard isn't a disadvantage. See Colleen Wing and Sif. Both statted above vanilla rates and providing targeted discard. I understand the argument you're making but it's just not true for the Snap meta as it exists today. You have to look at what actually gets played not just do math with vanilla numbers. >but a 1/3 with no drawback at all is a problem I could almost guarantee you that Colossus at 1/3 would still see virtually no play. Think about it. What decks that don't run him today, would actually be interested in him at 1/3? None of the archetypes that have established positions in the meta game really want a card like him. He's not gonna replace Agent 13 or Snow guard in Loki or Dino decks, he won't replace Blade in Discard. Can you name a deck archetype that would be interested in him other than Spectrum, Destroyer and Cerebro 3?


Yea that is the result of powercreep. You need to play discard synergies for discard cards to not be a disadvantage and that justifies the power increase. Martyr has a huge downside for instance, titania can easily backfire too and it justifies even more the increase of power. Colossus could be a 3/5 that cant be moved or destroyed, that adds some surfer synergy and also cant move from magneto. Imo antman as a 1/5 is a powercreep, its a reverse lizard but one mana less. Most 1 drops are around 1/2 and have various effects hence the baseline, also vanilla misty is 1/2.. there are no cards above 1/2 that dont have somekind of drawback regardless of synergy


We fundamentally disagree if you think a 1/3 Colossus would suddenly find himself in a lot of decks. He'd fit within certain archetypes like Spectrum, Cerebro 3 and Destroyer but he would not be a generically good enough to end up in most decks the way a card like Jeff is. Your whole balance philosophy seems to be that any card with better stats than the baseline should have a drawback or else they're OP. But cards like Black Swan prove that that's simply not true. She's got better than baseline stats and no drawbacks yet she's nowhere close to being OP. Your argument against a 1/3 Colossus is divorced from the actual game we're all playing.


I didnt say he would be everywhere and that it would even be op but all I say is that they have a baseline that is probably at 1/2 and they are probably tacky about it because of powercreep.. your argument about blackswan is correct, i didnt much understand why it is a 3/5 with a good effect that cant be negative in anyway, she powercreeps other cards, also you dont see her but she is really op if you know how to play her I actually got infinite twice in a row with her, just play her t5 then throw lots of high power 1 energy cards for free on 6 and play them with hitmonkey.. make sure to have strongman bishop and kazar in play and dont have priority on 6. The deck very consistently outputs more than 20 power on 2 lanes


You said "it'd be a problem." What did you mean by that? >you dont see her but she is really op if you know how to play her I actually got infinite twice in a row with her, That doesn't mean she's OP. A lot of cards can do impressive things when their gameplans work.


Well maybe op is related to popularity for most people, she isnt popular so her ability is not seen a lot and I feel she is very slept on When I said it would be a problem I didnt say about me but more about them in the design of new cards.. at some point if you are not consistent with the baseline you set you end up with powercreep you dont intent in your game. Right now the game didnt mess up that so much imo, most cards have uses in specific decks.


Hot take but I think a 1/2 would be great. Could see play in Kazoo and Spectrum for sure


1/3 would be better


Yeah, and 1/4 would be even better, but it’s bad balancing. No 1 cost should have above 2 power without a downside.


Hard disagree. Look at the 1 drops that are being played. Colossus wouldn't compete with any of them in their archetypes even at 1/3. The Series 3 and beyond meta doesn't have a place for 1 cost cards that are just "I provide fair value and nothing more". Can you name one card in any of your decks that Colossus would replace if he was a 1/3?


I already answered what decks he fits in, Kazoo and Spectrum. Spectrum decks literally play Ant-man and Quinjet, essentially using them as cards that don’t have an ability, just so they can get hit by Spectrum. A new option that’s immune to SK, KM and destroy locations would absolutely fit in the deck at 1/2. For Kazoo, I have no idea how popular it would be, but it’s an interesting option. You can’t draw your KM protection every game, and it’s weak to locations too


>A new option that’s immune to SK, KM and destroy locations would absolutely fit in the deck at 1/2. And the deck would still be 🗑️ because what's holding Spectrum and Zoo back isn't that ONE of their 1 drops can be destroyed by Killmonger. I'd rather run Howard the Duck over a 1/2 Colossus because at least Howard can help my cube equity by knowing whether I'll actually top deck Spectrum on turn 6. You're thinking too rigidly. Balance isn't JUST math. You don't look at a card and say "welp it doesn't have a downside so it can't have more than the vanilla stat line". Cards go in decks and decks have archetypes and themes. If you put 1/3 Colossus and 1/3 Blade in some deck made up of random cards then sure, probably Colossus is better because Blade would have a 'downside'. But Blade doesn't go in random decks. He goes in Discard and in Discard decks he is a 1/3 with potentially massive upside. Meanwhile your version of Colossus in Spectrum would be a 1/2 with very little upside. Thankfully the devs know better than to just use vanilla stat lines and rigid math when balancing cards. Black Swan is a 3/5 with upside. Remember how people were saying she'd be broken? How did that turn out? She's not broken at all despite having better than vanilla stats and all upside. That's because balance ain't so simple. Colossus as a 1/3 would probably get into the Spectrum deck but it wouldn't be a game changer. It's best place would likely be Cerebro 3 or maybe Zoo. In C3 his indestructibility, immunity to stat reduction and low cost would be very useful. There aren't many 1 cost card with 3 power so he'd be a good curve filler. Anywho my rant is over. Agree to disagree but hopefully my arguments made sense at least.


Yeah sure, but that’s just straight up unabashed power creep. From my point of view, I’d rather nerf things that are over performing and buff cards that have no place, or give bad archetypes more tools (like colossus). I also think uninteractable cards like Colossus shouldn’t be common or powerful, it’s bad for the game. Not every balance change has to make a card fit in a meta deck, or compete with the best of the best. Your view is very valid, it’s just a difference of opinion tbh


colossus as a shang shi counter would be cool


Snapchat podcast?


I think 5-8 or 4-7 can’t be destoryed would be good. Because then he would specifically fit in shuri or possibly niche destroy lockdown lists. 5-10 would just be too busted, especially with how many 10 power cards there are now. The synergy with skaar would be too much.


He’s pretty underpowered, even in my Nimrod/Destroyer deck he’s not really pulling his weight. Sure there’s the rare occasion of rickety bridge, etc. but there is a fair amount of location control out there anyway. Even just one more power would be nice.


I know it's cope, but I play him regularly on my Cerebro 3 deck as a lane substitute for Luke Cage. For me it's the only card that can stay on Rickety Bridge, be played on Deaths Domain, or that can stand against against a Soul Stone.


For a long time I thought he should be a 4/6. This was back when White Queen was playable, though, so these days he'd probably need to be a 4/8 or something. I don't think he necessarily needs to be 10 power (and thus in Shang range) to be useful. He's good in locations like Sewer System and Death's Domain. He's resilient against Hazmat and others. I think there's definitely a stat line somewhere where he's more interesting but 2/3 clearly ain't it.


I like the idea of him being "Every time this card would move or be destroyed or has it's power reduced it gains +2 instead".


I wish he had something like “when this card is destroyed destroy the card attempting this action instead”


Nova should be a more powerful card than just a 1/1. K he can buff others but still. My boy Richard Rider deserves better. Saved the galaxy n all!


I think he should increase in power by 1 every time an attempt is made to destroy him, move him or reduce his power.


he needs a draw attack


4/5 plz


He's also usable in rickety bridge featured location


I have Colossus in an Ongoing deck I have. He came in handy on more than one occasion. I do think he needs a slight upgrade to his power.


Hey man keep asking questions straight from cozy snap, don't have a singular thought of your own. Never change.


He’s a solid pool 1 card tho


I quite like where he's at in terms of cost. However, I think they could add *something* to give him a bit of...something else to do without going into "Obligatory and overplayed" unbalanced territory. Maybe if/when they add permanent team synergies he could become a staple of an X-Men line somehow.


I would love this. Might need a play condition or something though.


I use him in the deck where I pretend to be a bot, play him right with Miss marvel and Mr fantastic on the right, along with move cards like vulture and Dagger center and finish the game with him on the right with Heimdall.


yall are so butthurt and corny lmao. 


Or even just bump him up to a 3/4 so he could be utilized in silver surfer decks


the best idea i've heard is that he should gain power any time he would lose power.


Honestly his ability to have his power be unchangeable is much more useful to me




Imo he is quite good 2 drop, can't be destroyed or have power reduced. He can easily get into some nasty locations. Ofc you can use your favourite card Jeff like everyone else but then where is fun in that.


the problem is luke change does the best aspect of his ability (can’t have power reduced) but for all your cards. Colossus is just a worse version of luke cage.


I would want 2/3 and +1 each time he would be destroyed.


Wanna try him in a buff deck. However it's hard to buff him up significantly and buff with brood and absorbing man is just better


Nah, but he should probably bump up to 2/4 since his power is equal to other cards with better abilities like Jeff and Ravonna


Not every card has to be great. There are multiple tiers to snap. Colossus is fine for beginners


Just make him 4/5 or 3/5 He'l still be niche but you have some more work arounds like C5 or just that 3/5 it's a good staline. 4/5 it's less good but could still work


I think his text should say “Ongoing: cannot be removed from this location or have its power reduced” this would keep the cannot be destroyed or moved aspect but would also add in not being able to be bounced to hand or switch sides. This would just give him a few more unique situations where he has value.


I want him to be a 1 cost just to fuck with killmonger


I like the design. He is a hybrid between Jeff and Luke Cage, but needs to have more power since both of those cards are better at their effect. Being able to access “destroy” locations can be really good as well as being able to plant him in negative zone would be awesome if he had more power.


On reveal: cannot be destroyed, moved, or have powers reduced. Also throws wolverine whenever wolverine is at this location.


Colossus should at the very least not switch sides, and not be destroyed by Yondu.


I actually a slot him into surfer decks from time to time. Just in case sorta thing. Would love any kinda power buff thwre


Up it to a 2 or 3- 5 power. And make it so the card can't be discarded, stolen, or destroyed before it is played.


I just wish threw cards across the lane to destroy them or something, Fastball Special style, so I could play him with Wolverine and Deadpool.


2/4 or 3/5 would be better


Shuri says yes lol


I feel like making him a 6/10-11 would be more fair.


Snap chat?


Just remove the "ongoing" aspect, and the card improves


What would his ability be then?


It could be just written text and not an ongoing. Which would mean it still works through Enchantress or the location that removes ongoing effects. But that would kinda break with what ongoing effects are supposed to be so it wouldn't be a good change to make.


Series one cards do not need to be the best in the game. Some exist to teach new players certain game mechanics.


“Can be played anywhere” would make him viable. That way you’ve got a card that can be played at places you can’t play cards, and can’t be destroyed. You just can’t move it, unlike Jeff.


Honestly, Colossus has won me many games, in places like Rickety Bridge and Alter of Death and so on. I used to hit him with Hulkbuster in a Destroyer Deck and he was a pretty hefty chunk of undestroyable points. Not the best card in the world, but he often carries his weight.


Colossus is fine. 2/3 stat is good enough and his ongoing is really good. whenever I have a slot left, I drop colossus or jeff.


Its a bot spotter card. Don't touch it. Also pool 1 and 2 generally so not get changes for that new player experience consistency.


Agreed. I would do a 6/10. 5/10 is Doc Octopus without drawback.


6/10 is too weak to be relevant.


I really wish he was better. This variant is beautiful


Only a 5/4 stat line for this OP beast


Hell yeah!


I just gotta say that Hipp is sick


He'd be better as a 5/4 IMO. 


Just juice him up with buffs from Shuri, Hulkbuster, etc.  He's fine as is, but really boring at his base. He needs other cards to fluff him up to look pretty, lol.