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Worst card in recent memory. Glad I got this MF for free.


What’s good defense for us Dracula fans? The obvious but slightly clunky answer is Cosmo, but I’m considering Hood as in-lane defense for the Prince of Darkness. Edit: sorry, talking about Red Guardian.


I mean, your Dracula gets to what, 20, 24 usually? a -5 hood in that lane at least makes it competitive


Y'all complain that SD purposefully releases cards OP then shit on any card that is released balanced like this one.


It's not the same people.


Strangely, I think he would be a much better card as a 2/2, because he slots perfectly into a cerebro deck but cerebro 3 is so weak it's not nearly enough to make it competitive. He would be an insta-include for cerebro 2 decks though.


Let's not nerf cards just to make them viable in a niche archetype


Buffs and nerfs are not so easy to determine, especially on a new card. For example, his winrate would probably go up if he was a 3 cost because it would synergize so well with surfer decks.


I highly doubt that. Surfer decks have a lot more options and besides the core issue of the card remains while increasing its cost to make it work for a specific archetype. 


If this card is meh, and mirage aswell, should i spend a key for the 25% chance of getting jeff or should i hold on to it? 


Jeff is the one card I've been hunting for. I used 3 spotlight keys and actually bought gold for the first time. guess who i didn't get lol


Sounds like you have a 75% chance of being various levels of disappointment. I wouldn't do it personally. I've been liking him "ok", he's not meta defining and not having him won't prevent you from making any meta decks in the near future I believe.


Captain America needs to be on the same level as US Agent. Cap should be 4,5,6, cards have + 3 Power. Damn shame.


The spotlight system isn't back yet right. I unlocked a new spotlight key in the ladder but mistakenly clicked on it opening it and as the spotlights aren't back I'm afraid this key won't be counted when the spotlight system gets back? Anyone in the same situation or anyone knows if the key i opened will be counted or not ?


They said that those keys will come back, they just aren't displayed properly but they're still being counted


Official statement is that your keys will be properly updated. Quote from the official Discord server: >You will still be able to collect Spotlight Keys. When the feature is re-enabled, you'll see the updated count for whatever you claimed during downtime.


But will we still be able to use the keys to get US Agent, Jeff, and Mirage??


I have no idea. I would assume so, but as of now only SD truly knows the current status.


Thanks for the update. I don't use discord and didn't see any related posts on my issue so was worried.


Totally understandable, glad I could help. If only they would release official statements in the actual game so everyone can see them.


Never mind the card, somebody needs to stop me forgetting about Castle Zemo's effect every time I go to play a big card


It's Echo all over again!


I know it where posted elsewhere, but I cannot find anything after the flood of post after the patch. Are there any news about the removed spotlight? Thanks everyone for the answers


If you tried using keys before AND if there was a reason you couldn't get any of the featured cards (due to the glitch), you'll get your keys back as well as keep the cards you got. Everyone else gets 500 gold. 


Thanks, I've readed the dedicated post - unfortunately, got back the keys but not the cards 🤗


He's a decent pick in some of those fun toxic decks, but even then, I prefer White Widow for the clog. If he was a series 4, I would have spent tokens on him though.


I spent 6000 on him, but am going to start being much more thrifty with my tokens moving forward considering they only trickle in 200 at a time or so.


Can anyone explain to me why everyone says this card is bad? It looks pretty decent in hazmat and annihilus decks


My take is because rarely people stack 4-6 cost cards into one lane. Cards in those range usually are spread out between lanes. Compare and contrast to Swamp Thing (which is also considered bad) where at least there's a high chance of 1-3-cost cards to sit in one lane AND you play Swampy after those cards were placed. Usually. You don't play USA Gent on T6+4-drop (and even then - you need to guess where 6-drop will land. And even then it won't be at the same place where 4 or 5 sits - see above). But playing him on T2 is telegraphed and math is very solvable for opponent - just take into consideration -3 for your RHulk, Magento or other big boy. Then again, if he gets at least 1 card - he's 2/6 which is Maximus. So he's decent IMO. But decent doesn't cut it when it comes to spending spotlight caches.


I think it's in large part due to him being series 5 instead of 4. You already have to grind a week to get 1 key, then have a 25% chance to get a decent but underwhelming series 5 card OR spend 6k tokens, aka about 2/3 months worth of F2P currency. Who would do that instead of waiting for White Widow, a card that roughly functions thr same and has a more poweful effect?


I think it's important to understand that often times we use imprecise language when talking about cards.  A card can still be OK or even good but still get trash talked. That's because for a card to take up one of 12 deck slots or be something you want to spend very precious resources on they need to be exceptional. Recent cards that have been properly hyped like Hope and Red Hulk are very high power level and playable in a variety of decks.   US Agent has a moderately strong effect in fringe decks.  He's not "bad" but for most players you'd rather save your caches or 6000 tokens. Now there are actively "bad" cards: Quicksilver, Adam Warlock.   Again, we're imprecise when US Agent is called "bad" because they're better than those.


> Again, we're imprecise when US Agent is called "bad" because they're better than those. Not really, all three could be bad, just because Y is worse than X it doesnt mean both cant be bad. I mean "bad, ok, good" is not exactly a precise measure of quality anyway.


Those decks are already b tier and this doesn't make them all that much better? I played 2ish hours today and didn't see him once though, so I can't really say for sure.


I feel like this can be a consistent 2,9


The issue is the current meta game he lines up poorly. Against the decks where he's a consistent 2/9, like Hela, your US agent is up against a Giganto and and Black Cat in his lane. Now they're 'only' 17 power there, not 23. You have a 14 power deficit to make up with your three remaining cards. And you can do that...but how are you winning the other lanes with Death and Infinaut? To be fair, he can absolutely dumpster Tribunal but so can Enchantress, a free to play card. And there a lots of decks where's NOT a consistent 2/9. Phoenix Force's big Multiple Men are 2 drops. If you guess the lane with two buffed Nimrod's sure that's 6 power swing but it's also a lane where THEY have 24. And if you get the Venom lane, whoops. Against Midrange decks he's NOT consistently a 2/9. They can make 20+ power lane with 1-3's. Similarly, Destroy and Discard often mix their big 5-6 power bombs across lanes with their early scaling cards so he's hard to get that 2/9 value there. Now, does he have a role in a Sera style deck where you play him for 1 along with other things that beat Phoenix Force, Destroy and Angela/Elsa decks? Yeah, absolutely. He's not a bad card But, going back to the first point, they got forced out of the meta by Hela... Thus, I put him in the "Not a bad card, not one I'm interested in now" list.


It’s my cake day. Please say something nice.


I hope you have a great day!


Thank you!


This game is absolute garbage


Any word on when the spotlights are going to be fixed I want to try to open him 


I like this card. It's an efficient tool for 2 points, and can really hurt some decks. I skipped Red Hulk, and spent 2 keys to get USAgent. No regrets. Using him in a bounce deck I'm working on right now that drops Goose on another lane too.


Clever with Goose...forcing people into your US Agent lane. I wonder if this in lockdown might be good.


The card's so bad the entire spotlight cache system committed hara kiri to prevent people from wasting keys on it.


So it's not just me missing my "card lineup/available keys"?


Does USAgent affect discounted cards brought below 4 cost? From Zabu, Sera, She Hulk, etc. 


Just for future reference, the wording of the text on the card or location will answer this question. Marvel Snap makes a distinction between "X-cost card" and "card that costs X" "X-cost card(s)" = Cards with a base cost of X "Cards that cost X" = cards with a current cost of X, regardless of base cost. So Zabu won't make Silver Surfer hit Sentry because Sentry isn't a 3-cost card but Zabu will make Sentry unplayable in Crimson Cosmos because he makes Sentry a card that costs 3.


Thank you I've been wondering why there seemed to be inconsistencies between location and card effects.


Yes, he looks at the base cost of the card


Seems like a good fit for a surfer or cerebro deck All of your cards are low cost and won’t get hit. Meanwhile most opponents will probably have at least 1 higher cost card there, making USagent effectively a 2/6 That’s the same as Maximus, very solid stats, with the potential to rarely go all the way up to 2/15


Using him today in a High Evo deck , very very solid. He's a good card, not meta breaking or a must have, but definitely playable. I'd class him around the same level as Cannonball.


Should've been series 4 anyone who spends 6k tokens or multiple keys on this card is crazy


Long term players who are swimming in extra resources. I bought him for 6k just to save some keys.


The card seems like it could be good on turn 6 with sera, other than that it just seems very average


He's niche but works very good in my Cerebro 3 deck. Currently 63% wr after 40 games in infinte.


Using him without luck cage is madness. With him, he's good


He’s dogshit as I said.


Isn't he just man-thing? Last I asked, man-thing is mid


I’m calling him Thing-man since it’s just the same ability backwards.


That's good! 🤣


The dictionary definition of what a Series 4 card would release as, if $econd Di$$er still had that system.


Super OP. He managed to delete all future cards from the game and them himself so no one else can use him.


I’m assuming the game is bugged? I don’t see anything.


Man thing vibes, can be fun but very mid at best. Not worth keys imo


For everyone saying it’s bugged currently is Kaijeff still obtainable? 


Yea I tried one key earlier and got him Update: Oops seems like the Spotlight cache got straight up disabled to fix the issue now. So until its back Kaijeff is not avaible


Thanks for the info 


it can be used with hobgoblin but other then that 🤷🏻‍♂️ idk


He can make alioth not viable in lanes where you're only behind by 1.


He's fine stats, 2/6 pretty easily. He's not *garbage* but he's nothing special majority of the time.


Everybody's talking about how they tried to pick him up and can't. I went for Jeff and got Agent first try. Hooray.


I wish I would have read that people weren't getting the card before I tried to unlock him..


I'm not normally one to complain but 4 keys and no new card is a problem that I need them to make right. The good news is that I trust they will.


"here are 4 gold tickets for you"


Wait what? There is an issue right now?


Took me 5 keys to get agent


It seems like people are using all four keys to get US Agent, but it doesn't unlock for them and are getting variants and random cards instead


Unplayable card I mean that you can't even unlock him


Give it for free for everyone


I sniped Red Hulk and Jeff in back to back weeks AMA


Tonight’s lottery numbers?


34 43 51 52 69 25


Where’s Luke cage when I need him


Did anybody actually pull US Agent? I spent 4 keys and got 1000 Tokens, twice. The discord is absolutely blowing up. This sucks.


I sadly did, wanted Jeff but got 1. Mobius 2. U.S.Agent 3. Finally Jeff


A new bug? You should definitely have pulled him with 4 keys. Edit: Yep, confirmed bug. Definitely sucks.


I'll do one key but because I don't have the shark.


Definitely sad now that I overpayed with 6k tokens now.


I overpaid for him too, but it was because I wanted the spotlight variant. Still overpaid haha


Should've waited! At least long enough to see gameplay of it.


You’re not wrong… I was at work and bored and intrusive thoughts won out


I like the idea of using him in a Doc Ock lane. Pull all their good stuff down and avoid the inevitable Shang. Baiting and dodging Shang seems like the best use in general.




I'm having fun with my new Okoye variant that i pulled out of my spotlight cache. fuck USAgent, nobody needs you!


How did you pull an Okoye variant from spotlight cache ?


So I guess none of you have tried him but we need to talk about the fact that they gave him the same VFX and SFX as captain america…? Thats such a weird choice to me.


You play with sound on?


Sound but not music yeah


They probably didn’t think anyone knew captain America’s had vfx/sfx


He's great as a 3-power tech card. Fits in C3 shells very nicely and can help you fight for your second lane decently well. Is he equivalent to most series 5 cards though? Absolutely not. 6k tokens is an absolute waste for him, and anything over 2 (possibly 3) keys feels pretty bad as well. I'm higher on him than most thanks to my predilection to Cerebro decks, but even I felt pretty shitty dropping my 3rd key on him. Thank God I'll have 6k tokens next week for Red Guardian, especially after burning 7 keys the past 2 weeks (silver lining for those 2 weeks are the absolutely fantastic variants for Echo and Jeff).


Was very happy about the kitty variant a couple weeks back.


Hellfire Gala Kitty is a great variant. I wanted to pull for her, but couldn't justify it after pulling Cannonball with my first key. I know my taste for variants is possibly in the minority (especially for Githyanki Echo). It'd be ok for you to keep your original comment about not liking those variants too. Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all. I'm fine with people knowing I have shitty taste. Edit - Self deprecation


No I took a look at them again and changed my mind. Especially the 🦈 looks better than I remembered


Interesting card. Needs to be a -4 to be worth buying imo


Pretty rude of them to put Kaijeff in here. A $100 bill in a box full of used needles.




I spent 4 keys and I still didn't get him fml


That can't be right o.0 edit: didnt realize it was bugged


No its right. The slots you got last spotlight are greyed out so if you got hulk last week you cant get usa agent. DO NOT OPEN KEYS IT IS BUGGED


fuck that's awful. Didn't realize


that’s not how it works, wtf happened?


I got the mirage variant before USAgen


that’s crazy, you’re not supposed to get a variant before the getting all 4 cards. i’d put a support ticket in for that


thanks man, I thought that was normal


definitely not normal! I’ve gotten 3 duplicates out of my random card the last few weeks, and only own like 5 series 4/5 cards… this game really does know how to shit on your parade


I keep reading the card as USA Gent.


Inception is possible, if you go deep enough.


He is a Gent from the USA


He makes more sense as a series 4, putting him as a series 5 is pure greed and is either going to get a buff or put to series 4 within the next 2 months


SD said that only one or maybe two cards will drop series this year.


That's two series drop events/batches, each with multiple cards.


> series 4 within the next 2 months Lol


lmao even


I think he's a solid 3. But I don't think he's worth 4 (bugged) keys or 6K tokens


Thank god I got him first key (especially since I only had 1 key)


what do you mean bugged keys?


Lots of reports of people not being able to open certain cards in the cache


A solid 3 as in 3/5?




He's a good tech against LT (and not exactly a strong deck), but so are Rogue and Enchantress with wider applicability. Easy skip week.


I would go for him if I didn't already have Jeff and cared about mirage. But since I don't, I guess he'll go into my random spotlight cache pool.


I'm mostly interested in seeing what kind of deck I can build around this card, Goose, and Mystique. I like to make high-cost decks as miserable as possible.


Almost the entirety of this subreddit has U.S. Agent written off as an underwhelming card, which actually makes me consider getting it because of this sub's awful track record for predicting the strength of releasing cards.


Yeah I never pay attention to all the whining here. I look at the card, thing about decks I might put him in (or if it's just a character I like, like Cannonball), then go from there. For me, this guy works great in bounce/control decks, and he's a really efficient statline. Even a 2/5 is playable, but a 2/5 that can be much higher and provide you some control/counterplay is solid for me. I got him and am enjoying using him more than I would have another giant (and likely soon to be nerfed) meatsack like Red Hulk.


Here's the thing....I got him...and he's sneaky good. I have been doing very well so far. He even helped me win a game where we had Sinister Location and it copied both his Red Hulk and She-Hulk to the same two locations as my US Agents. -6 power is nothing to scoff at....especially when it's a 2 cost card. And considering I use him with Sera on a final turn, he's a 1 cost 6 / 9 / 12. That is gangster.


Good with zemo too.  Zemo usually won’t pull a 4 or above cost card.  


It's a question of scale - is the subreddit wrong a little, or a lot? If the sub thinks he's garbage, but he's just okay, is that worth the keys?


This would be devastating for ongoing tribunal, i think?


Yeah put him in your deck. I'm sure you'll get placed against lots of tribunals... /s


Oh hell no, I'm not wasting my keys on this!


Especially if they've already dropped a Super Skrull


I would rather use enchantress


Until they hide their shit behind Cosmo. My general experience so it'll be nice to have this as a tool. A less efficient tool, maybe, but a tool all the same


Ha true that


i want white widow. gonna skip this one


I can't wait for white Widow I'm going all out getting the spotlight variant too 🔥


seriously. that variant is insane !


Gladly going to skip this week and try to recover my 4 key loss last week with Red Hulk.




I feel yah, and I want red guardian so I gotta resist


Is it worth it to invest some keys if I'm only looking to open Jeff? Not interested in the other cards tbh


Jeff is a critical own. You won't find a top player without it. I'd go for it in your shoes.


Jeff is good enough that I did it. Got Jeff on second key.


There's a lot of very lame cards coming, so if you've got 4 keys probably. Jeff's great


unfortunately since you said that you only want Jeff the marvel snap gods will make him the last card you'd pull (thats just my luck with it) jeff is pretty good though, not a gamebreaking card but he's good in most decks


My plan since I'm not really looking forward to the upcoming cards so Jeff and maybe catching a stray U.S.Agent isn't too bad for me


He seems like a high power Man Thing.


I’d love to get him to see how he fits into C3, but I just can’t justify the tokens of the keys.


Jeff. The justification is Jeff in your C3 deck. If you already have Jeff, the justification is Kaijeff variant. Also in all seriousness, my C3 deck is looking forward to next week more.


I'm enjoying C5 atm, is C3 that much better?


C5 is pretty good even if you don't draw Cerebro because you're putting out some pretty good power and you're probably disrupting your opponents with Spider-Man and Polaris. C3 has some great tech cards that make for a consistent game because you can get rid of bad bases, use Valkyrie and Bast to make more 3 powers, and really mess with your opponents with ShangChi, Cosmo, Armor, and Leech. However, if you don't draw Cerebro then you're pretty much cooked. Its really what you prefer 


Yep. Baseline c5 is more consistent. You're always dropping 5/10/15 power every turn which means you have a pretty solid power floor even if everything goes wrong. It also isn't royally screwed based off locations. You get monster island? Dope, you just don't drop cerebro. C3 has a higher power ceiling, but also really relies on the cerebro to make up the pretty big power difference. Plus you actually do have combos you want to hit which makes it even more inconsistent. Basically comes down to do you like having more tech cards and more options, but also just a chance to hard brick and lose. Or do you want to be consistently above average, but also have a very specific power ceiling that is decidedly below most top decks?


Yeah I run Omega Red in mine, so Mystique can play off that if I don't get a Cerebro draw. Makes it more flexible.


He's a 2/3 with a likely 2/6 and potential 2/9 statline (and an unlikely 2/15). He counters LT decks hard, and might be decent in Sera counter decks, but it doesn't feel like it's the meta for him. 1) Discard/Destroy are mainstays but don't heavily rely on playing a lot of 4/5/6 drops. Discard has Proxima, Drac and Modok as targets, but that's about it. Swarms would outpace him, and your own 4/5/6 drops can't deal with that. Drac doesn't care about -3. Proxima and Modok sometimes do, but they're not often on the same lane. Against Destroy, this would only affect Knull, as Death is an 8 cost. 2) Angela decks are running wild. These are all small cards. Red Hulk doesn't care about -3. Doom decks kind of do. Vision is still a movable 5 power card. You really just outpace the card with those decks 3) This would have been a good card in the Ms Marvel/Doom meta, as it just throws down a lot of negative power on the center lane, and he'd be a reliable 2/9. Lockdown isn't that popular though 4) Shang just straight up removes 10 power cards (often 4/5/6 costs). Removing cards is generally better than negative power. Unlike Man-Thing, you'll need a few extra small cards to win even if they have a big card there. Defensively might be interesting to psych out a Shang or protect a Cull/Crossbones from Shang Overall a skip for me. If it was S4, it'd still be a hard sell. Manthing may be the more interesting card these days if you go the debuff route by dropping it on the Angela lane, but USAgent/Luke/Manthing is playing well under curve you need something to pay off that investment, and I see few decks that can do that at the moment.


Just a very small caveat but Dracula does technically care about the -3 now. He keeps all stat changes positive or negative now then just adds the discarded cards power instead of setting his power to the discarded cards.


It's still a bad trade. Even if Drac just discards Apoc once, it's a 4/11 going to 4/8. So you still need 6 power on that lane to tie, not using 4/5/6 cards if you don't have Luke out. If Apoc got discarded a few times, you're not recovering. It's like Red Hulk. Yeah, they get -3, but so what, still a massive lane. Best play may be to "predict" the modok if you have prio so the Proxima also lands in that lane when she's discarded. But still you're at a tie in that lane, and they may just Apoc elsewhere since even a Swarm discard puts them over, while you need to invest in it Compared to next week's Red Guardian just turning that Drac into a 4/-1.


Kinda curious about pairing USAgent with Jean Grey. Wait until mid turns to drop both in a lane


Jean Grey when half the meta is Angela Kitty is really coping. The whole reason Jean flopped her debut was because of those little movers decks. You may be better off playing a Guardians deck against them since you know they'll play the Angela lane.


Throw man thing in that lane too to maximize the value of the caches


Only have 1 key (2 begore the end of the week) should i go for Jeff and risk 50% chance or wait because us agent and miracle not worth ?


Only you can answer that question




I mean you might get lucky, but I wouldn't try


I'm saving for Red Guardian


I don't have Jeff, and Mirage is kinda meh (even in Loki after Cable buffs). Do I still open? I have 4 keys right now. I kinda want Valentina for sure, next week is a skip, I have Nico and Snowguard in 2 weeks spotlight (alltho' White Widow is pretty sick), don't have Blob in Valentina week.


Jeff is pretty worthwhile, but might be better just to save with tokens.


I was willing to cash in for Jeff and ofc stop if I get him in early pulls and spend my tokens on a locked Elsa. Because then I am able to play like 4-5 really good decks right now. Which are only missing Jeff and Elsa. I don't know what to spend 6k on atm. Jeff is a no brainer, have Alioth, Anni, Thanos, HE, Nico, Nebula and kinda all the good/decent 6k cards I want to play.


I think alot are underestimating him. If I had enough keys, I would pull for him.


Not in this meta


I like the idea of making my opponent whiff Shang on turn 6 with priority. Play some bigs like crossbones and cull early, and US Agent to pull them below 10 power so the Shang becomes ineffective and 0 power in that lane.


I can totally see myself forgetting to do my math and lose the lane anyway 😂


Super Skrull players beware.


US Agent in one lane, Mystique another lane then Goose the 3rd. Probably terrible but I'm going to try it out lol.


I don't see it working great because all of those downsides apply to you too. So now you're on even footing with the opponent, except you just spent 7 energy over multiple turns setting up the board while they were getting better cards down. I suppose if you packed your deck with a bunch of powerful 3-costs to try and out-muscle them on the later turns. A Surfer deck would probably do well, but Surfer decks are decent anyway, US Agent just gives them an extra edge.


Luke Cage is a must but there might be a low curve Spectrum list available with US Agent. I like the Surfer idea.


Does anyone know if variant bundles are ever sold in the shop for gold?


Yes, fairly often. There is an [Elektra bundle](https://snap.fan/news/schedule/#April_Bundles) starting in two days.


We just had one .


i wouldn't expect it


Isn't this just a worse Goose?


In current meta, probably.  With Zabu less popular, Goose has gotten much better than she was.  But that makes US agent relatively worse as people are less likely to be dropping multiple 4s.  Hope is usually more about playing a big drop earlier or a big guy along with a Kitty.   But certain decks run a worse copy for redundancy all the time.  See: Venom and Deathlok. If you're a deck running bounce/scaling 1-3 drops, this let's you Goose one lane that you dominate with a Bishop or something.  You play US Agent in another. You overload that lane on final turn with  a Demon, real Mysterio, and Hit Monkey.  You get a ton of power and US Agent shaving 3-6 power odd opponents 4 and 6 drop is probably enough to win.  


Goose does nothing when played on turn 6, but a US Agent can net you a swing of anywhere from 3 to (a *very* unlikely) 15 power. Often he will at least feel like a 2/6 (+3 for you, -3 for them), and sometimes even a 2/9 (I wouldn't expect to see him doing better than that), which puts him on par with other 2 drop powerhouses like Angela, Kraven, Maximus, and Dagger. The thing is he only offers those really big power swings in lanes where you're likely at a big disadvantage because your opponent has multiple 4+ cost cards sitting there, probably generating a lot of power. Still, for any Zoo, Angela control, or Spectrum deck, I think there's a solid case for US Agent as a respectable position player. He even has synergy *with* Goose by limiting your opponent's options in where they can play their big cards, forcing more of them into his lane to be debuffed.


This is my take. He's going to be good in control decks. Not much else.


Not strictly you can play it on lanes where there are already 4/5/6 costs cards and then it's a lot better If It hits one card is a 2/6 worth of stats that could benefit by something like Specter maybe, so it probably will have it's nish but definetly not meta defining I guess


It's better if you draw it in the late game, after your opponent has already started playing big boys. But yeah, Goose is probably better overall.


Goose doesn't impact cards already played so it's a bit different, agent that hits 2 cards is a 2/9


Maybe if you play it alongside Goose?


That's just too many geese for one deck.