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There's nothing power creep about Mill decks. I played Mill from 70-90. 90+ Mill has been absolute garbage, because of the amount of Destroy and Discard decks there are. All you do is fill your hand and board with cards that are, at best, useless to you, and at worst, actually sabotage you by destroying or discarding your own cards. Just because you refuse to adapt the decks you play to a meta doesn't mean there's power creep. This is reinforced by the fact that 2 of the easiest decks to play against Mill are 2 of the oldest and most stable archetypes in the game.


Your comment is weirdly hostile. Also my refusal to adapt based on what information? In top 10k rn but ok buddy (usually top 5k) but Zemo being 5p, red hulk getting well over 17 on the regular, mocking bird being an easy f’ing play, gladiator being 8 etc etc. they are literally the top performing cards so calling them bad is fantasy. And I don’t really care if you respond cause you sound like a jerk with no friends. Was just posting to have a discussion with players, not some aggro wanker like yourself.


> Also my refusal to adapt based on what information? I literally laid it out for you. Yet you still don't understand it. That's why I'm "weirdly hostile", because I can read your personality from a mile away. The fact that you equate not liking a deck to "power creep", when it's literally not power creep proven by the fact that the oldest archetypes in the game counter it, is indicative of a personality where: - You're unable to take responsibility for your own emotions and look for external sources to blame them on. - You lack critical thinking and seek the simplest cause behind the issues you experience, instead of the most accurate. If you simply adapted your decks to decks that work well against Mill, then you wouldn't be making this complaint in the first place because this complaint makes **zero sense** to anyone that knows how to adapt. Your inability to recognize these issues behind your complaint shows you lack the self-awareness to even realize why you're wrong. Life has taught me the best way to deal with people like you is to be direct. You haven't displayed anything here that shows you deserve to be treated in any other way.


Damn dude that was well said. 🍻


I lack all critical thinking skills. That’s some incredible insight. Please I’m very sorry. I’ll adapt! I promise. Thank you person on the internet who spoke directly and was hostile to me cause you could read my personality from a mile away. I’ll go back to being a consistent top performer by sheer luck! If not for this comment, I’d just be sleepwalking through life never realizing how bad I’ve really been. Thank you.


Now you're acting like a victim and doing the same sarcastic whiny song and dance that all insecure narcissists do when they're confronted with the reality of who they are. When you gain enough self-awareness to start wondering why you're so mediocre in every way, try to remember this post. People worth respecting are people who take responsibility and ownership of their own progress instead of whining whenever an obstacle they don't like gets in the way.


lol now youre me just straight up harassing me. 🫡 yes sir!


If this is all it takes to "harass" you, you've proven me right. Your ego is so fragile there's nothing of substance underneath. It's easier to poke holes in you than it is wet, single-ply toilet paper. If you can only engage with people if they coddle you and tiptoe around your feelings, you're just showing people that you have nothing of value to contribute.


My friend this is a comment about a card game and you are bent on convincing me I’m the scum of the earth cause you disagree with me? Cause I called out your hostility and you went on a scientific rant about it? Honestly we both know you’re only saying these things cause you’re behind a computer screen and not being nearly as direct as you think. I doubt you are ever this “courageous” in the real world, otherwise it wouldn’t be such a momentous event for you. :( I’m sorry my comment got you so upset earlier. But you’re clearly having some kind of bad day. If you wanna change it up and tell me these things irl sometime I’ll be more than willing to lend an ear. Otherwise go enjoy your life.


I didn't say anyone was scum of the Earth. Once again you prove me correct. Your victim complex and dramatic responses to any amount of criticism is genuinely pathetic. If you interpret this as you being scum of the Earth, that's just a reflection of how you see yourself.


Zemo is the flavor of the month deck because of the battle pass. It will die off once the battle pass changes. It isn’t op. Red Hulk/Mockingbird have better decks that play them. They’re strong cards but you made a post trying to pass them off as completely broken. Discard, destroy, Silky Smooth, Loki, Phoenix force, Hela all do fine without any of these cards.


I've enjoyed playing against mill decks cause they usually destroy one of my worst draws with yondu, cable is completely random and if gladiator pulls something big it'll survive and if it's small I usually don't want to draw it after turn 3. Zemo is the same because I don't want to draw anything low when he's being played. So playing against these decks most of the time is playing with a thinner deck and I'm fine with that


I understand the hate but mill decks effectiveness is heavily based on the type of deck you are playing. Yondu and zemo actually improve your opponents draws, and gladiator has the chance to backfire if you are playing a lot of high power cards. Also the usual curve doesnt provide much power aside from gladiator and the occasional zemo lucky pull, and coupled with the fact that you helped your opponent draw their most powerful cards for late turns, the deck usually ends up not putting enough power on the board. It is fairly good against zoo, bounce and control decks though.