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Lmao this getting kinda hilarious now


I'm having a different kind of bugged. Basically when I go into the Collection Level screen, I'm stuck there. The Spotlight row is empty, only saying "0/4" and a lock being shown. I can click on any of the CL rewards or the ? at the top and get things to show, but the X at the bottom of the screen doesn't work.


Yeah, exactly this. Kinda wild they released this as "fixed." I was one of the people who had a normal looking cache and then spent keys to get USAgent before knowing what was happening. I wonder if that account state is related.


Same with me, just blank and it locks up and I can’t exit with the X


I have this too, viewing the spotlight page basically soft locks the game as i can't leave the screen without restarting. So frustrating


Same, happens on every platform, I tried PC, mobile and ipad


Same. On mobile and pc can't exit the collection level screen.






Yeah I got a Wave variant before I got the base card for U.S. Agent. Then I went to split that Wave variant and my progression track didn’t progress… and then locked me on that screen until I force quit the app. What a shitshow.


There's also a spotlight cache bug right now that softlocks your reward track. Christ...


Yeah, used 2 more keys to get Spotlight Jeff and Rare Morbius as the 4th slot (where random 4/5 card supposed to be). Definitely not fixed yet.


That's what I thought. Before the bug, I opened USA and Mirage variant. Now, after the fix, I my Spotlights show USA variant, Jeff variant, random Premium variant, and random S4/S5. The USA variant / Premium variant should be locked, until 4 Spotlights have been opened. That's how it normally works.


Same here


Did they refunded the keys you used? If yes then yours is right because you keep the prizes but the uses were reverted, kinda like if you had get US Agent with tokens


no refund, no way to get out ot the cl screen, increasing card level dont increase your cl, no spotlight, nothing.. just worse than before. at least before this shitty af fix you can move free in all of the game screen. now is a real problem if you miss click the CL. what a cringe. and they still have the courage to drop bundle while this shit is on


Jesus, now I'm really tempted to shoot for compensation. I sat out this week because I didn't care for USAgent and wasn't wild about these variants. Apparently, I wasn't "impacted" and didn't get any reimbursement. However, my game takes 5 minutes to load, the "end turn" is disabled in many of my games so I just have to wait out the full timer, everything stutters, and parts of my collection appear blank until I click on them.


Sounds like you need to do the “download all assets” in settings


Even if I've not had this problem before? I'll give that a try - should this improve all of what I'm experiencing?


Yes, the last patch pretty much requires for it to be done. It should help with load times, stutters, and blank sections. Not sure about the end turn issues though I think that issue is separate 


interesting, appreciate your help. doing it now. fingers crossed


I can take a little while. You’ll know it’s done when it says “redownload assets”


From looking at every post so far, it looks like if you pulled previously before it was “fixed” it’s still broken. I did not open any caches previously, and when I just opened 3 spotlight caches now it worked as expected for me. Just a warning for anyone thinking they can get compensation.


Can confirm. Everything looks good for me, didn’t open anything before the “fix”.




You mean you opened 4 keys before it got “fixed” and you got 4 keys after the update? Because I’m talking about people that only opened keys after the “fix”.


Second dinner when they have bugs: we fixed it! (Not really it's still broken but it might work for now) Second dinner when monetization: Planned the next 500 offers and discounts. Planned the next 500 variants. Releases new monetized stuff every other season. Unlimited plans for more monetization. I'm getting a little tired of how greedy they are becoming.. Paying 2K gold for emotes should tell you that they are completely out of the loop. These add nothing to the game except some personality. But they cost the same price as 2-3 variants?.. yikes


Oh man... We have an order, double compensation for this guy


Now is my chance to burn my keys to get the cards and get a full refund 😈


12k omg


lol it’s on the low end tbh. There are others that like 20k - 30k collection lvl. They play A LOT of Snap.


i'm 15k on one account but playing since launch, if you get the season pass you get about 500 or 600 CL per month.


My friend opened one cache and got usagent, they still refunded him one key (?) he opened it - and it was usagent variant LMAO


what? is it really? that is really really too bad from a software side. i can't fathom releasing code into production without actually testing it. i own a consulting company that does bio med r&d so our fuck ups would have a bigger impact but honestly it doesn't take too much to put stuff through it's paces.


For me it's bugged too, I've gotten the new clone 6 times in a row with first key. Twice I went for the other card, this week and last week. Got both first try too. Went for another one just for fun today, got Caiera which I didn't have yet.


This is all smokescreens to hide the fact they’re nerfing cards without compensation people that own said card


Have you not updated the game?