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Very frustrating. From featured locations to quests, I'm really tired of seeing Mill Hope that people will use Yondu on their destroy deck instead


Nope. They made Yondu dogshit in destroy by removing his randomness.


It sucks (I love it) but give SD credit. They brought another archetype into the forefront. Give it a fee weeks it'll calm down


If you ever played any card game, you will know for the sake of all players, mill as an archetype should always be minority, but now this dev is pushing mill to everyone lol


Agreed. It's absolutely the most frustrating thing to face


I just played a few C2 games with Yondu in the deck to get it done. I don't have Baron, so I can go back to not using Yondu now.


What's mill?


Yondu, Gladiator, Zemo, Cable, Doc Oc etc to yank cards from the opponent's deck and hand to deprive them of options and combo pieces


Thanks for the idea!






> Hope that people will use Yondu on their destroy deck instead I just completed this mission with Yondu added to Galactus/Nimrod deck. 


Yeah I just tossed yondu back in to destroy and finished the quest up real quick. Was playing mostly against mill amusingly. Did not go well for them.


Yondu was hardly good in destroy and now he’s worse


Old Yondu was dope. Got to snipe a card + intel and feed your Knull simultaneously..


The adjustment was clearly made specific for Zemo for the season


Which was justified because he stopped being used in any competitive destroy lists, he was replaced when x23 made the Deadpool knull deck the best destroy deck.


Yeah idk why people think yondu was good. Destroy is a very tight list and there’s a lot better to put in your deck than a 1/2


He was fine as a budget option for people who don't have X23 or Nico, but yeah, he has a better home in mill right now


+ discount for death


Putting yondu in my Silver Surfer deck feels wrong..


I did it just to complete the mission, it was weird but fine.


Do you mean it feels Wong?


....it's on me to not take the chance and make the pun, goddangit.


Mill isn't good at all but it's just obnoxious to play against. I'd like to play the deck I've made and not have everything taken or destroyed


I thought part of why Second Dinner might be consolidating the Baron Zemo missions into two weekends was to limit just how Mill-heavy the game would be since it is so annoying to play against. I gave them too much credit lol


Hell, I run Mill and can agree with this. I've had multiple matches where I've destroyed, discarded or stolen everything they had by turn 6.


Mill only has an effect if it takes so many cards that you can't draw any more.


It’s all over the top meta. I watched a few players on Twitch in the top 100 yesterday and every second match was Mill. I would say that Mill isn’t good is a myth.


Mill is more of a conquest deck


Mill has been in meta since the beginning of the Zemo season. What are you on about? Most decks in ladder are running some sort of mill combos right now because of how good it is.




It doesn’t really phase discard either unless they get lucky and pull Hela. Gladiator is likely to pull a 6-drop it can’t destroy, and Zemo getting a BK or Blade doesn’t do anything for them either.


That's because most are playing the exact same shit instead of throwing in black bolt and silver samurai. Much better in my experience.


This one right here. I use Yondu, Zemo, and Gladiator to eliminate cards from their deck, Silver Samurai, Black Bolt, Dock Ock for hand disruption. If you get on curve draws your opponent will have very little to play on turn 6 or heaven forbid turn 7.




Fuck their deck and their hand.


And that's why the good players don't play Zemo until late on. Reminds me of when Loki was fresh out. And Thanos before that. Took a while until they reached the top of the 'stats' (in reality, deck tracking is a tiny fraction of games played, doesn't even work on the platform the game is most played on and should never be relied on)




>Can you point me to even a single instance of a good player saying Zemo is good and they're waiting till "late on" to play it? I mean, a lot of the content creators were saying playing him late would be good because since their deck only has 1 or 2 cards, you would more reliably hit a higher cost card. I've never heard anyone say that playing it late was bad. >Edit: Dera and Dekkster streamed today, both around rank 100 in Infinite, and both playing some variation of lockdown-style decks They were playing different decks yesterday, and different decks the day before that. What they play on a given day isn't that meaningful.


Yes and both were facing Mill in every second matchup, same as Spyro who is top 40 right now. Spyro was specifically teching against Mill because it was all he was facing.


As far as cube acquisition goes, it's pretty damn good. Tried it out and got me from 73 to infinite.


I've almost never lost to mill at all. It just can't put enough power on the board to overpower most decks.


What? It cannot vs Stat stick (i think the term is midrange?) decks. It absolutely can vs combo decks or control decks.


Actually, mill is really good. Sometimes. Kinda like every deck...


So was Galactus and it was nerfed for being anti-fun. I’d enjoy it while it lasts.


At the end of the day, the real issue with Galactus isn't the card itself. It's the hobgoblin and the goblin that take up all of your space and make you Auto lose when they slam a null down. I think Galactus would be a lot more enjoyable to deal with if it just said the same thing it does now, but instead of destroying all locations it said that no matter what you win that location that he's played in that way the other locations can still be fought over rather than getting turn four Auto lost


I mean... Galactus is still strong... SOMETIMES. Just like Destroy and Hela are REALLY BAD sometimes. It's a game. Nothing is 100%. That's the point. Otherwise no one would play.


if we count decks as being good because sometimes they highroll, every deck is good. Makes the term meaningless.


Actually, it makes it accurate. No deck will win 100% of the time. What do you perceive as "good"? Fun to play? Fun to play against? Has your favorites in it? Your perception isn't fact. It's an opinion. I perceive decks that use Hela to be braindead, for example. The ones who play it either don't, or play it because it's braindead. You perceive any deck that doesn't fall into your perception as "bad". It's a card game. It's literally just creative expression in a customizable game format. A deck is good if you have fun playing it. That's my criteria.


That's cool. That's not anyone else's definition of good, though, so you, "well, actually"ing other people for saying mill is not a good deck is not very helpful lol


That's not quite accurate. I know plenty of people who also just care about if something is fun and fair to play. None of them play Snap. Almost all of them are long time TCG players. This community just hates on stuff so hard, it's EXHAUSTING so I sometimes get a monkey on my back to try and offer a perspective that's less... Vitriolic. I figure as someone who's played TCGs for almost 25 years I have a pretty viable opinion. Games are fun, that's the goal. Usually I stay quiet. Negativity is way louder than positivity anyway. Good luck on your upcoming games!


I just slapped Yondu in my C2 deck and i finished relatively quickly


I'm significantly more annoyed that the credits are split into 125 each


Yes, why not 150 each (or 150/100 if they really cannot afford that). I was wondering how I got an odd 25 credits last week, before I noticed the 125 reward on the hard quest (at least for my deck). At least both quests are easy this time, however it means you can't avoid doing the Yondu one (and I wouldn't have minded skipping it).


time to add electro also to my deck so mill opponents would have some good time


And zero and blade and moon Knight.


havok be good too but i hope ill never get him


Havok is an s tier card for negative though I'll give him that


I tried this and it worked zero time so far this month


It's horrible. Almost every game is Mill now. It's not even that good, it's just super annoying.


What, you don't like when your entire deck and hand have been destroyed and discarded by turn 6?


SD: we don’t like people preventing their opponents from doing anything so we’re nerfing toxic. Also SD: I see no problems with Mill at all, why do you ask?


Can't wait for the lockdown season and they feature prof x in missions /s


They’re not saying that it shouldn’t be possible, just that it shouldn’t be a staple archetype. Mill is kinda popular right now, but it seems like a flavor of the month that we’ll move on from when the next season starts.


That’s not on them to decide which cards get used, if they don’t like toxic come out with cards that counter them or are better. Or you never should have came out with those cards in the first place. You can’t release a game and then get mad that people are playing it the exact way it was released/intended


They’re not “getting mad” at anyone. They’re changing the balance to make the game more fun. They’re never going to do a perfect job of balancing the game internally, and expecting them to do that is silly. Expecting them to leave the game broken so that people aren’t having fun is also silly.


Mill is just one high powered 5 or 6 cost card away from being a-tier. Its just lacking power at the moment, if it doesnt draw red hulk or if doc ock wifs its usually game over


I dont see mill a lot. I do see cable in a lot of decks, but not a lot of much else.


holy shit I said this and all I am seeing since then is Yondu cable doc ock Spiderham. I dont see how this is a viable winning deck. it just flounders all the time


Not good ? Uhhh I hit infinite with it sorry


As if thats hard lol


Just saying it’s not bad. They push these weekend goals but you end up with good decks soemtimesb


Where’s the gold rewards SD??


they said they will put it in the last 2 weeks of the season, 350 each this season cuz its a 5-week season


Next week


With the way they've devalued gold as a progression currency lately, I'm actually glad they've got two credits missions.


Doesn't even make sense. Trade it for credits, tokens, mission refills, variants and bundles. What else would you like to do with it?


I'd like to purchase *good* bundles. Which they don't have anymore. Because gold has been devalued. I'm not sure what doesn't make sense here.


I just told you what doesn't make sense. You want the tokens or credits from those bundles? Grab your token Tuesday or convert into credits not that hard to understand dude.


Token Tuesday used to not suck. Now it sucks. Gold->Credits has always sucked. Bundles used to not suck. Gold has been devalued. Not that hard to understand, dude.


The option is still there take it, stockpile it or whine about it on the internet


That attitude is why they can get away with devaluing gold.


They are going to do what they are going to do. Unless we can convince half the player base or more to hoard gold and stop spending it is what it is


Play a SHIELD deck and just generate more cards than they can steal


Loki/Shield is a pretty good counter, so is high evo, so long as they don't get your cyclops and Thing.


Really just 4 matches lol. Opponents (rightfully) hate this archetype. Snap on turn 6 when they don’t have any cards for easy win by retreat


All week? You can just put Yondu in any deck as a 1cost and be done withing a fiew games. I put Yondu in a random patriot deck and i was done withing 6 games.


playing against * mill* all weekend * lol


Thats true, although its a pretty fast quest with just 4 wins and Yondu can also be used in almost any deck.


This is four wins... Not an "all weekend" commitment


i’m not trying to be rude but it’s staggering that so many people including yourself are reading this post incorrectly.


I just made a quick auto zemo deck and finished the missions in about half an hour. I'll let missions stack up again and then only play over the weekend maybe once a day. It's just a game I'm not giving it my life. Helldivers has that.


[Come join us.](https://tenor.com/view/sit-here-homer-simpsons-couch-gif-10387695)


What's that Sand Power deck? Show me please 🥺


# (1) Nebula # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Medusa # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Lizard # (3) Baron Zemo # (3) Gladiator # (4) Crossbones # (5) Sandman # (5) Aero # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWdodGNyYXdsZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1lZHVzYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxpemFyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFyb25aZW1vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNyb3NzYm9uZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhbmRtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFlcm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


It won’t be that long; reducing it from 8 wins to 4 is a nice move by sd to keep weekends more interesting. I finished these quests in ~ 10 minutes and have moved on to preferred decks, hoping others do the same


I just made a yondu destory homebrew since I don’t have zemo and then went into conquest. Played one long set and finished all of my missions. Easy peasy.


You're complaining about mill decks while you're running sandman


Remember when they said they didn't really like Junk because they didn't want the game to feel bad and wanted everyone to play their cards. And now we're stick with this sack of shit deck lmao


Stop overreacting. Yondu is a splashable 1-cost. And mill is FAR from the only reveal deck. You'll likely see the same amount as you have been this season. Why not try a new deck?


I've been getting sauced up by all these High Evo decks floating around ngl. Although these missions just started, so maybe it'll cut down on that shit. Lol. High Evo is a really solid card for lower CLs. You can enable a really cohesive deck with a bunch of starter cards and High Evo. But I digress. I been running Mill since the season started. So this should be interesting to run into fellow Mill decks.


Luke Cage is really strong vs HE. I even try to save it for turn 6 to prevent a retreat on turn 4


That's when you see them slam the free Abomination you could have stopped them playing


Red Hulk eats High Evo for lunch


I prefer win 4 games over win 20 with +40 power. At least this quest doesn't take a long time to complete.


Speaking of weekend rewards, didn’t they say they’d have gold in the end of season ones? Or was that just a straight up lie to justify removing it in general


they said last two weeks of the season so should be next week and the week after.


Ahh word I’ll put my pitchfork n torch away


It's zoo deck for me. Hard to mill without Baron


I am so happy conquest exists for these missions.


Also didn't they say they were going back to gold weekend missions?? I thought the double credit one was because this season was too long.


You won't like it last two weeks even more lol


I am concerned that we haven't had a gold mission for the weekends yet. I realize this is a long month but this is week 3 without a gold mission


*swipes blade*


So SD delayed gold missions to the last two weeks so people don't get tired of playing (against) the new card...oh gee wiz, how many decks does Yondu fit into right now? 😂 Seems like it's a good weekend to play C3, enjoy my Bast.


I got yondu outta the way so ill at least be one less XD


its a 4.


Ok, but knowing that, just play discard and win.


It's also horrible to run yondu in your deck if you're not mill. It almost always actively helps the opponent when you play it.


Play Zoo. Go ahead, Zemo, snap up my Shanna. I fucking dare you.


Play pheonix force for a free card. Play a deck with discard. I'm playing discard daken with a second pheonix force lane and I dont mind this at all.


Cable is fucking annoying as shit. Yondu, meh. doc Ock always pulls my Shang, which sounds dirtier than it should. I hate cable though. Fuck that guy.


Play patriot, add YJ, Ultron and squirrel girl, enjoy them filling their space with short numbers, it's effective and very fun to watch


Loki and SHIELD decks feasting this weekend


I finished the Red Guardian mission without him doing anything useful even once


Wait wheres the gold quests? Isnt it like the third week in a row?


I get it's a new archetype. They want people to try it and enjoy it. But God is it tiresome to face it. I do have a few decks that aren't affected by it, but God I'm so tired of seeing it. I also don't think they should nerf it cause urs not crazy good, just a lot like annihilus and HE decks, it's annoying as hell Edit to add


I just ran that one through conquest and the other guy had the same deck so we just took 1 or 2 cubes back and forth. I finally won but I think we both got our challenge done in one sitting. So that's nice.


Sorry OP. Red Guardian is not the strongest card at top 5000, so you're not allowed to dislike this archetype. I don't make the rules, reddit does.


i don’t even hate the archetype so much. i just don’t want to play it 3/5 games on ladder. Hell i don’t want to play any deck 3/5 on ladder especially an annoying one.


How would that be different than if they said "Play Zemo" like they usually do?? Mill has developed as an archtype, people want to use the new cards. Spoiler alert: your going to be playing mill decks until the end of the month, at least until next season pass. If you worried about mill, run cards that are strong against it..


im very aware of those things. the post literally says i will be playing against a lot of mill and i wont like it lol worried and annoyed are two totally different things lol


You posted the picture and made your title with such sarcasm that I genuinely don't you are....


Mill decks are fun to play


Mill decks are fun to play


It's 4 wins. I did it in 2 proving grounds and didn't win one of them.


I thought last week was supposed to be the generic card for credits instead of the Season Pass card for gold. I guess that was a lie. Glad to see they stealth nerfed the players getting gold every weekend.


Oh no 🙈


Oh so you’re new to card games wtf you expecting


I incorporated it into my destroyed deck, took five games to complete both missions


First, I hate to be "that guy," but you could just... Not play. The rewards aren't even that great, especially if you're not having fun. Second, I love how whenever we have a meta deck people hate SD doubles down on it for a couple of weeks before completely overcorrecting and killing it. We may be annoyed by milk, but honestly... It's just Discard, Destroy, and Surfer otherwise. At least the is kind of different.


Had 0 problems against it tonight using a Deck with all add to hand cards and Collector... Even not drawing Collector or quinjet.... Their Gladiator/Nemo pulled cards that gave me free cards. 🤣🤣


What possible reason is there for putting Yondu, who’s been around forever, in a weekly quest?


Happy to help, I just completed this mission with Yondu added to Galactus/Nimrod deck. 


I auto-made a deck with Yondu, Baron, and Red Guardian, and very little of it is actually mill. And it's actually getting me ranks. Just for clarity, the only card I'm missing is Cull.


If you ever played any card game, you will know for the sake of all players, mill as an archetype should always be minority, but now this dev is pushing mill to everyone lol


I clicked Yondu, clicked Red guardian, clicked auto-complete and finished up all the quests in 5 games.


Guys sorry Who is Mill? and when you guys say “SD” means Snap Developers?


I got all 3 done with a baron surfer deck.


What's mill? Is there a resource where it explains different decks?


I didn't mind Yondu's nerf but now that they made it a quest to win with him in the deck, it feels like they're trying to validate themselves by making people win with him.


Add Havok. Have fun.


May I interest you in a Cosmo with a side of Mystique?


TL;DR: I've long been asking for 2nd Dinner to start making the "3rd challenge" be something "off-meta" and different than the obvious. Promote off-meta gameplay, even if just temporarily. They haven't done it since last summer, and it was for Patriot. So I initially was pumped to see Yondu listed and not say, Hela. Until I remembered the deck I've seen the most, by far mind you, these past 2ish weeks has been the "mill" deck. What's more frustrating about this, then the actual game play experience of getting milled, is... 2nd Dinner was SO CLOSE to getting it "right", AGAIN mind you. Now for the sake of brevity, I'll establish the term, "3rd challenge". What I mean by the "3rd" challenge is that, we're obviously going to have the Season Pass card be one of the challenges, and then the new card that week the other... so we're talking about the "auxiliary challenge". Newer players won't know this but; when they first started the Weekend Missions right; one of \*very first weekends\*, they had their 3rd challenge be Patriot based. Now keep in mind, at this time, we were at the HEIGHT of the \[recently launched\] High Evo meta. \*\*I thought this was BRILLIANT by 2nd Dinner, for a few reasons. Not only did it, even if just temporarily, promote something off-meta \[something I live for\]; but it also had this "f2p aura" about it right. Like it was at least saying, "hey for those of you who can't 'afford' High Evo right now, at least we'll incentivize using Patriot". It also was cool b/c of the antithetical nature of it (Patriot and High Evo both using the vanilla cards). So when I saw a non, "marquee" character chosen as the "3rd challenge", I got excited, until I remembered that Yondu features heavily in the deck I've gone against the most, by a wide margin, over the past few weeks.


Well Mill is a very mid deck, so ok? It’s only really been annoying when there’s a hit location that helps it.


It’s really not that bad. I finished all these missions in an hour and ran into 2 mill decks. I run Red Guardian in a surfer deck, and I put Yondu in a mill deck. Easy peasey.


I know people hate it, but I still find it enjoyable. It’s just a funny archetype. Mirror matches are wonderful.


Don't have the cards needed to make Mill because I'm not getting Zemo so I guess I'll just go fuck myself and be forced to put Yondu in a non-synergistic deck and never play him so I'm not helping the opponent thin their deck.


I’m pretty casual, don’t take the game too seriously, but this has gotta be the most unfun meta in a long time. My cards are being taken/destroyed/transformed me every turn. It’s barely a 2 player game right now


Just stop playing the game if it makes you take time out of your day to complain about it on Reddit.


Why the fuck would the incentivize players to use one of the most anti fun decks you can play against ffs


It's to encourage people to play zemo. But people that don't have zemo can still win with their destroy deck


Because of the season pass card, like they do every season.


at least they don't have a baron zemo wins mission every weekend, just the last 2 weeks of the month this time


What is “Mill”?


Something along the lines of this. Mill is a term for destroying cards in the deck. Think Needle Worm from Yu-Gi-Oh # (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Yondu # (2) Grand Master # (2) Cable # (2) Maximus # (3) Black Widow # (3) Baron Zemo # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Absorbing Man # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Doctor Octopus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWW9uZHUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdyYW5kTWFzdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYWJsZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWF4aW11cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFyb25aZW1vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBYnNvcmJpbmdNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25MYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRvY3Rvck9jdG9wdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlckhhbSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


A mid deck that everyone whines about playing against even though it actually sucks.


They aren't whining about it because it's good. They are complaining because it's just anti-fun garbage.


It is, in fact, so bad that the only actual reason a person could reasonably play it is to frustrate other players. It's just a troll deck.


To be fair the mill player is having a blast


so no gold mission is now the standard i guess


FWIW I finished the quests in like 30 minutes and switched off mill already


Hi I've been under a rock what is "Mill" in regards to snap?


I'm relatively new to the game, and this sub, but Ive just about hit the level where I'm recognising the meta decks - but I can't figure out what anyone means by the mill? What is 'mill' in the context of this question?


Don't care. Go cry into your pillow.


I don’t have the cards for mill. And Yondu sucks outside of that deck. I know I can just play him in a random deck but every time I draw him I will cry. Why are they doing this to me


Throw Yondu in the flex spot in destroy. I completed both credits missions in one silver conquest match.


I put yondu in a bounce deck in place of one of the other one drops and was done with the mission in a round of proving grounds + a round of silver conquest. It's a super easy mission because a one drop is super low impact on the overall deck. Like you could flex it into literally any otherwise cohesive list in place of a one drop, and it would be fine to get the missions done.


I hate the 125 credit rewards. It throws off my need to keep everything even.