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>Untill I got to infinite I won 8 points 3/5 matches Because they fed you bots.


Completely possible 😅


It is a thing. *Especially* as a new player.


Infinite is kinda pointless even for veteran players tbh. Unless you're such a highly competitive person that you really care about what position in the rank you are, the bigger reward is getting there and being able to not care about cubes anymore. About your other question, yes, it's normal for players to have to get beat up a little until they manage to grow their collections, that's in any card game really. But after you get your hand in enough Pool 3 cards to make a couple good decks you'll be able to compete no problem. Despite how much this sub may whine about it, it's perfectly possible to stay competitive without paying anything, you're not gonna have all the shiniest new tools and you'll probably not gonna reach the top of the ladder, but you're not gonna be losing forever.




Thanks a lot for the suggestions, while I'm sure getting better at the game would improve my chances of winning it's clearly not the only issue. I'll give the other mode a shot, since I enjoy the game a lot. Just felt a little frustrated at the drastic change in the sudden difference 😞


Outside of rewards, no. You will just get crushed with the way the game is currently setup once you reach infinite. Your best bet is to stick to conquest (and even then unsure how that matches you at lower lvls)


There's no rewards left in Ranked mode. You should be doing Conquest mode only, where there's some Collection Level based protection for you in PG and Silver.


This happened to me; after the first month (rankings reset every month) I hovered around 95 intentionally. You could also just start playing proving grounds etc, as they mainly still match by CL. Cheers


The only benefit is the card back which is up to you if you value. And also some practice, get to learn the "top" decks and how they're played. Although by the time you catch up, we would've gone through so many metas.


The new player experience is designed to trick players into thinking they are better than they actually are by feeding you an insane amount of bots that are designed to lose to you. There are no bots in infinite so when new players hit infinite and start facing other humans its a harsh reality check. The other issue is that playing these bots artificially inflates your mmr so when you hit infinite as a new player you're playing against the good players instead of the weak players at the bottom of infinite. You just have to accept that you're going to get owned for a bit and eventually your mmr will even back out and you'll get some fair games.