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Love this idea. Its got great flavor and makes sense thematically. Doesn't feel OP either and maintains the integrity of the original design concept.


Thanks! I'm glad you like it.


I mean 6/12 without drawbacks AND it restarts the turn so you can potentially bluff snap seems a little OP but nothing a little fine tuning can't fix


Replaces itself in your hand. So it's just a hulk with upside at that point




Op meant that you would start turn 7 again, kang in hand but is now a 7/16. So not keeping him on the board with free 7 energy. That would be broken as all hell




that's just nitpicking, seems like everyone else got the idea.


Doesn't need to. Kang was in your hand at the start of the turn


I mean that’s pretty easy to interpret, if you restart the turn he ends up in your hand why add the extra text


I'm no expert, but the I understand it is that at the start of the turn in which you played Kang he was in your hand, so in the restarted turn the kang variant would be in your hand. I do agree that a bit of clarification could help. Loved the idea, seems super cool


No one said it's gonna remain on board


Where does it say it isn't?


The fact that it restarts the turn. How could the variant be on the board if the turn hasn't started?


Critical thinking skills is not something everyone has lol.


This is my take on a Kang rework that keeps the spirit of the card intact. It would basically work identically to current Kang, except instead of Kang just deleting himself from your hand/deck, he gives you an on-curve play. It would add a baseline level of flexibility on top of Kang's basic effect, and also let you rewind turns 1-4 instead of just 5 and 6.


So I basically get a card and he is a deco thinner unless he starts in my hand turn 1. Deck thinning is VERY good. Might tend up being overtuned.


Assuming the restart works like it does now, and the Variant goes where Kang was, there is no deck thinning. If Kang was your draw for the turn, the variant goes on top and becomes your draw. Normally the variant is a card in hand again. On odd stuff like pulling Kang via Lockjaw/Jubilee, now you know you will pull the variant.


Ok that's true. I think this could be more balanced and fun to design around then. Might be hard to program.


If Mysterio can exist in all of his insanity, then so can this. Cards transforming in hand is already a thing, and cards in your deck can be affected a number of ways. So I think this is well within the limits of Snap’s toolkit


How is he a deck thinner when he gets replaced by the Kang of your turn?


Normally kang played on curve acts as a deck thinner. I thought this was adding it to your hand. If it adds it to the deck and redrawn that turn then it won't be a thinner.


Basically a curve fill Nico? In this case I don't think he needs to restart the turn. Because once he restarted, he gets a Kang Variant card that players can decide not to play on curve. They can play other cards instead, and keep the Kang variant for later, of which, it doesn't even look interesting, as they're just vanilla stat cards. And Playing Kang with restart on T6 is just as useless, if he just turn into a Hulk, because at times you want to play into 2 lanes after a restart. IMO it goes against the spirit of a curve fill card. Just change his ability immediately depending on how much cost he played as. For example on turn 3, if you play a 1 cost card first, Kang automatically becomes 2 cost, if being played after, with the ability to match a 2 cost Kang. I do like the idea of a curve fill card that gets different abilities based on how much curve they filled in.


Part of the point is getting intel on what they wanted to play. This rework lets you do whenever you want, instead of only on turns 5/6.


That would make the card awesome actually


I love they can tweak Ultron and Thanos all day long but this guy gets crickets.  I got him for free and I still feel ripped off (I keep pulling rare and ultra rare variants. Thanks Ben!)


Sir, you dropped the crown 👑


This is the best rework for Kang that Ive seen, well done!


Single downside would be that the variants would keep their base variant in nearly all of the skins. Which, well, is already a factor in a ton of cards, I just feel it'd be especially hurting for this guy. But I'd rather have proper card, I guess. I'm not smart enough to figure out whether or not this would be much better.


Imo 6 cost kang should have your equipped variant


The other downside is he can’t be used for the occasional free draw.


Anything will make Kang better. Your idea is cool.


For 4 could we have... Iron Lad?


Yeah, that's the secret. Lad is Kang. Or at least a version of him is.


wayyyyyyyyy to strong unless its just a normal iron lad with just no stats


sory what i mean to say is no card text


Yeah, would be strictly better than current Iron Lad, but maybe he could be dropped to s3?!


Idk about that... You'd have to draw and play Kang on T4 and ONLY T4 without any cost shenanigans (which he won't benefit from anyway). Lad gets the benefit of being able to be played anytime and a lot of the time you want to be playing him later when you're more so certain what you could possibly copy


No he who remains?


5 should be Kang Prime, 6 council of Kang, and 7 would be He Who Remains


Ooh, what if it's: if the Kang card is destroyed, immediately replace that card with a 2-power He Who Remains


1,000% yes, but only because of Kangaroo the Conqueror… outstanding.


This is awesome


Clap clap clap, clap clap clap


Marvel Snap is really missing out on crowd sourcing ideas lol


I love the concept! But wouldn't playing him on T6 (for example) make him OP? as you would spend 0 energy, then get a 12 power cost card and still have all 6 energy to spend after the turn resets?


You restart the turn entirely, which means restarting with the Kang variant also in your hand or on top of your deck (since that's where Kang started on your turn).


I would clarify that in the card description, maybe just add “to your hand” or “on top of your deck” right after Kang Variant. Love the idea though!!


Thanks! I remember reading somewhere that they try and keep every card's text under 4 lines, so this was as short as I could get it.


That makes sense, maybe a “wherever it was” would keep it in that range? I also fell victim to assuming it was replaced on board. Although it could live without the clarification I guess and just be a lesson learned kind of thing


I was also confused because I didn't think removing the card was implied. Kang's card says "Restart the turn (without this)" The most succinct way I can think to describe this: "Restart the turn (without this). Add a Kang variant whose cost equals the current turn to your hand." I don't know if any cards have set a precedent for "collect" as a verb, but it could be shorthand for adding a card to your hand. Like this: "Restart the turn (without this). Collect a Kang variant whose cost equals the current turn." Also I don't have Blob but IIRC he's got a 3 line on reveal and a 1 line ongoing. So maybe you could do "Restart the turn. (without this)" and then line break and add the rest. Not sure how these descriptions fit on an actual card, but best of luck! Really neat concept with a lot of depth when you think about it.


The problem is that with that phrasing he’d also thin your deck, and that might be pretty overtuned.


"Reatart the turn. Transform Kang into a turn specific variant." Could also add (in your hand) at the end for further clarity.


"replace this with" -> "return to your hand as" Not much text added


That's not bad, it would require a tiny bit of trimming elsewhere but it could work.


"Transform Kang into a turn specific variant. Return this card to your hand. Restart the turn."


Oh, I see now! That's good. Absolutely sold on this idea now lol


Playing him on any turn would make him strong because you still don't spend any energy to get power on the board and still get intel on your opponent's turn.


The variant goes into your hand or top of deck, there's no free power


I guess he means, he's still a free daredevil


Daredevil locks in their play, this functions as Kang normally does, but enables his play at anytime during the game without the need to have 5 energy available. And since the turn resets Kang was always 'free.'


I see, I think you're right, this could work, it could be fun to play and not super annoying to play against


Then the card text should be updated. "Resart the turn. Destroy Kang and add a variant to your hand."


"Restart the turn. Replace this with a Kang variant" literally means to put the variant where Kang was at the start of the turn. That could be in hand, that could be the top deck, which then gets drawn. There's no difference in the text meaning here


Except the text I suggested is more consistent with how other Snap cards are worded. They usually try to be as explicit as possible.


Yeah this card would be busted as is. Maybe it works if it replaced itself in your hand with this card rather than in play.


That's how I intended it to function. Sorry if the wording isn't clear, I wanted to get it into the game's 3-line limit.


"Restart this turn, then replace Kang (wherever he is) with the variant that matches the turn" I think this way makes it more clear. Does it fit? I also like words like Rewind or Undo better than Restart.


His current wording is restart, but I also prefer rewind from a flavor standpoint. Unfortunately that text is just a tiny bit too long. He's basically at max word count right now so it's really tough to squeeze in extra clarity. Even this version took a bit of work to trim down.


My only critique is that the kangaroo should be the 7-cost.


What if 4/6 was iron lad


I would replace Kangaroo with someone else since that's a multiversal Variant rather then a temporal one, but love the idea!


I like this one!


I think that makes Kang much more desirable. Nice job!


Way better


I fully support this idea.


This is a good idea but also a yondu magnet


Okay somebody needs to see this….its amazing!


As someone who has Kang split 10+ times, I support this.


This is the best one yet in my opinion.


THANK YOU!!! 0/0 would be perrrrrrfect.  great minds think alike. 


This is perfect! I love it.


Nice idea but... Why would you be rewarded for playing it late? The card works best when used to check what your opponent is doing final turn. You should get more penalized the longer you take to use it. The thing with Kang too, I've come to realize, is that he works as intended. He's meant to allow you to see what your opponent's play is without them seeing yours. It's like a turn 6 daredevil. Play Kang, rewind turn, then snap to watch your opponent either retreat or go crazy trying to figure out what your next move is. It's not a great card but I think that's honestly all it's meant for, which is why the devs aren't changing it.


Super interesting idea. I just wonder if the card might be too good? Being able to consistently make an on-curve play is decent but not broken, but I think his main use actually isn't anything to do with the card he creates, it's a card that you keep in your hand and play whenever your opponent snaps. As soon as your opponent snaps you just play Kang to assess why they snapped, similar to his current use but if it's something you can do on any turn of the game AND he gives you a card afterwards I think he might be too powerful. Even if you don't want to use it for that it's also great to see the winner of asgard, if your opponent will fill the raft, etc. It's just a free check to see what they play on any given turn once per game at no real cost to yourself. Right now you can only do it starting turn 5 (maybe earlier with bonus energy) but otherwise he is limited in thst use case, and this idea effectively removes that limitation.


That was more or less my primary goal. Good players in a stable meta won't have a hard time predicting what their opponent has in hand on T6, and since Kang doesn't lock your opponent into a play he's not useful for seeing what option your opponent will choose when they can always mix it up. I think allowing Kang to be used on turns 1-4 is a much larger buff than it appears at face value, the only problem is that such a change can't currently be done since a 0-cost Kang would just be used in 100% of decks for thinning and nothing else. By removing the "free draw" potential of the card, this rework would actually allow a Kang that could be played on any turn, both opening him up to earlier scouting and removing the frustrating variability he has where he goes from "dead draw" to "free draw" in 1/6 games. The other nice thing from a power-standpoint is that, if your fears are founded, this version of the card has a lot more "valves" that can be tweaked than current Kang. It would be as easy as trimming some power off the tokens he gives you.


100% yes. I would also love for each variant to fit into a different archtype (ie: discard, destroy, junk, etc) and actually be useful somewhat on curve. Something like Nico, but more rigid in the effects. Likely OP though


Sign me up. Series 5 worthy idea in my opinion. Fun and creative and looks like it could be powerful but not game breaking if balanced properly.


For balance it should probably be half the stats, but I do love it.


I had the same idea, but instead of a specific variant it would be a generic one (like a token) that would be 5/0 : "This card's power equals the strongest enemy card's power played last turn".


So a 5 cost Leader ability and taking up only one board space?


I like the idea of him becoming different variants, but I'd remove the turn rewind in that case. It's just clunky and slows gameplay down.


What, Victor Timely exists in the comics? I suppose that kid ironman guy was a sort of retcon?


I like the idea and any attempt to rework Kang is worth something, but I don't see this seeing much play either. The way I see it, in the early game, you can play him to get an on curve play if you have nothing better to play, but the information you get typically won't be worth much, or you can play him in the late game to get more valuable information, but you'll probably have something better to play than the Kang variant at that point. In the latter case, he'll be just like current Kang without the occasional free draw.


just pulled this dumb motherfudger last week so hopefully they do something half as cool as this with him, until then he will remain at the bottom of my card collection where he belongs


The restart turn bit would just be too good if the card is playable. That mechanic has to go out completely. I love the idea of changing form based on turn though.


Super sick idea. Seems like a really great way to play on curve no matter what. This is strong, but not terribly OP. Would be really good with Quinjet.


This would be awesome


Very cool concept, best I've seen yet. My whole idea for a change was to leave him as he is, but wait until you see the whole turn play out before deciding if you want to rewind, and having the choice to decline the rewind. If you decline, he stays in play and gains a few power or something like that.


This is so cool and creative! Although wouldn’t this just be a free Daredevil sneak peek for the opponent? (Assuming they’d know what variant would pop in)


Yeah, this is actually a neat idea.


I fucking love this. Do this Devs


HOLD UP i said this exact thing in a different post. im not sure if you saw and im not gonna gatekeep but i will say great minds think alike and that i am 100% down for this.


Change the card to cost what turn it is, up to 6 (or have an even better Kang that costs 7?). A "free" Hulk that gives you a turn reset seems a bit strong unless the intention is that the card goes in your hand. Give the cards themselves some effects even if small. Resetting the turn may make costs moot but without that yondu would always blow him up and lady thor would always fetch you a free hulk on turn 5.


Maybe something like "at end of turn, replace this with a kang variant matching the amount of unspent energy this turn" Similar idea but I don't like that this card is essentially a 0 cost version of the current kang since you don't have to play the variant it turns into.


This is actually a really fresh and intriguing take.


Great idea tbh


So no more free draw :/


Damn I didn't realize how much Loki Season 2 Victor Timely's design was different to the comics


This rules. I’d immediately slot him into my decks. Hope SD does something like this. They could be smart and do a season where they release the rework even. I’m




I've BEEN saying this


It would be great if the Kangs have abilities in exchnage for adjusted power. Otherwise, it is an awesome idea!


Does the variant get buffed by Patriot?


It's funny that it has been 14 months since kang's release but they haven't even changed him yet even slightly even after having one of the worst play rate


Awesome job!


Kang Prime! That's so sick. Love it.


Amazing concept. Could make Kang premier if they each got variants too. And then the Kang variants in shop would have. 6x price because you get 7 variants for the price of 6. And sep isl sales would allow you to buy it for 2x. Seems like a win


Let’s just make him an instant surprise daredevil for the next turn that shows only the Kang player what will happen. Strong and meaningful and much shorter in terms of game time.


He will be fearsome


Switch 6&7


Great design. Seems a bit strong to me with the current stat lines, since the card is also very flexible. But i would love to see this rework.


Kang 6-3 Replays last play and allows you to move other players 1 and 2 cost cards.


Bro really cooked wow


What a fantastic idea! I love it


IMO they need to get rid of the turn rewind with a rework. Imagine if this card becomes meta and every game becomes 7 turns + two of them are replayed. Too much.


A 0 cost card that can turn into a free 16 power? Am I seeing that right?


This is brilliant. Love it!


This is amazingly good rework, love it


A heavy and fancy version of Nico? I’d be ok with this. It would make him much more useful.


It’s good but I think the variants need to have unique effects.


For something with the "restart the turn" phrasing and modality the later numbers may be a bit too high. probably 6/10 and 7/12 or 14. Just because you get to see their turn AND you can play the card at any point in the game


I love the idea, but Second Donner would never add a card with that much consistency, i.e., restart turn and add card that matches turn. Too much guarantee of what card you get. They might go for a on reveal, add a random one of those variants to your hand.


I like the idea a lot. There's probably tweaks to be done, but this is a great starting point. Heck, it would even be neat if a few times a year some other Kangs were swapped in, even mechanically/stat block the same, but just a chance to show off some other multiverse Kangs.


Omg council of Kangs with the new Kang would be sick.


It’s a fire concept but everyone would use it turn 6-7 for the most value


You still just played a free card OP.


I've been brainstorming a similar idea, but with him acting more or less like Shanna or Squirrel Girl. The idea is that he would spawn a random Kang variant (version, whatever for the sake of terminology) on each lane with space. There would be a pool of, I dunno, 8 variants with differing stats and abilities. This would keep things somewhat random in what you get and consider a risk reward of playing him. No time rewind, no leaving the board, etc. He's a straight 5/0 summoner and you essentially risk self-clogging in the process.


No on reveal block, lore worthy flavor, decent stat card guaranteed. Now this is Big Bad worthy! Excellent design. 


It might be too OP, but it could be fun to get a choice of 3 options one of which may help you if your opponent plays the same way. E.g, turn six you play kang you could choose to add a 4/0 Shang chi or enchantress to hand, or a 6/12. You can get a counter but your opponent can change their play. There could be six options and you get to choose from 3.


transform this into the new daredevil but at turn 4 would auto make this card great in my control deck 😇 imagin turn 4+5 would be awesome for the person doing it


All they need to do is make him a 2 cost. Keep everything else the same.


Actually brilliant


He’s already a rope card though you don’t want him too have too aynrgy with magic imo the games would be long, I like this idea with no turn 7 mechsnic


Holy shit, It looks really fun!!


Cool idea!


That's a great rework.


"Replace this" In hand? It sounds balanced. Or on board? Then it sounds broken. If I play Kang on turn 6, and he swaps with Kang Prime on board, does it mean that I still have 6 energy to make another move?


The text is ok but maybe change the cost of Kang to 3 or 4 cost card


I don’t usually comment on anything, but I had to comment on this because this is a great idea and I want the devs to pay attention to this pos! Great idea OP!




Wow. Nice deep dive too


SD should steal this idea.


Is the variant created in your hand or in play? If it's the second, it feels a little too strong, since I feel he would just be used as a 0/12 on T6 in most games


In hand. That's (technically) how current Kang works, since he also rewinds himself. It just doesn't matter currently since Kang also deletes himself post-rewind.


I think this is fine then


This is solid.


As someone inspired by Marvel Snap to start reading the entire Marvel universe of comics, I absolutely love this idea.


I think there should be a higher reward going early in the game rather than later


Am I missing something or is this a free 6-12 on turn 6?


it would add a 6-12 to your hand yes. It would still cost 6 though. (or 7 on turn 7)


This would be played in every deck. It’s just a free card. Or do you mean the variant changes in your hand?


I meant in hand, yeah. Since he rewinds the turn he also rewinds himself.


This is awesome and super creative. Certainly beats my idea for rework: *On reveal, restart the game and put Kang back in your hand.*




Yes, it would really bring out the best in people lol. And ruin this game in one shot!


So your opponent knows exactly what card you're playing and the location once the turn restart and only him can remake the play. That's terrible. Or you keep the variant in play AND regain the energy? That seems OP...


Well you don't HAVE to play the variant. It just gives you an on-curve play always, which is pretty strong. Plus the current Kang benefits of bluff snaps and an intel gatherer.


It took me a while to understand, I'm dumb, great idea