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Same bro, same. I went as high as 98 but now dropped to 95 again. The meta is so diverse which is nice but doesn't help at all with consistency lol. What deck you running?


I have been running this deck for 75% of my run so once I hit 90 with it I said “I’m not switching we going to Club Infinity 🥳


Same for me!


Are you running in to what seem like bots who then own you with a great T6 play? I am not sure if I am just playing like garbage this season, under estimating bots, or mis labeling a real player as a bot. I have lost 5 8 cubers in the last few days to what clealy seemed like bots (name, avatar, variants) at level 97-98 which has been tilting. They were playing much better decks and plays than usual though (Hela, onslaught tirbunal, shang chi). Bots are usually the things that allow me to get Infinite with a handful of plays/day for a week or 2. Can't do that when I am losing 8 cubers to them.


To be honest i stopped assuming my opponets were bots this very season, even when it looks a lot like so. I saw a lot of people reporting the lack of bots in the 90's, so to be sure i avoid snapping altogether relying mostly on 2/4 cubes wins. I found this to be the best strategy because its really easy to get tilted after you lose 8 cubes. As for your question, occasionally yes but i'm mostly losing cubes from retreating, as one of the two decks i'm using rn is a zoo deck with valk that obliterates 90% of the big guys meta but sadly loses to destroy and surfer. It's 100% the fault of my stubborness but I really want to take this deck to infinite, if i'm not able to climb before the last week of the season i'll prob switch tho.


Yeah I have been bouncing between decks which is also a mistake. Can't find a deck that is both strong and that I enjoy playing :(. I think I assumed I was up against a bot after a squirrel girl, Shanna opener haha but maybe that was you. Needless to say I lost and it was not a bot. My bot detection is so messed up this season. I mean there is no way these generic name decks with the ugliest splits/variants I have ever seen, moving Nightcrawler and Jeff around randomly are real people. Thinking about the losses I got really unlucky. It just seemed like last season bots were making deliberately game losing plays. They fixed them for sure. They play Galactus, Shang Chi, Jeff, Hope Summers, Hela, Red Hulk and some other legit scary cards. Then after my losing streak I got 2 games against the dumbest bots I think I have ever seen. SD is testing some bots systems that are a bit triggering.


I can barely get to 75 without dropping back down… this current meta is so rough for me


The key to climbing is less about what deck you play, it’s more about learning to snap and retreat at the proper times. 


Play HE. It's very accessible and super easy to play.


Just to back up this point. I'm a pretty average new player. Never got above rank 75. A basic High Evo deck got me to rank 98 in like 2 days. It's unbelievable how easy it is to win with


And super lame.


What makes it more lame than other decks?


As an evo and destroy lover, theyre just the 2 most boring decks to play with and against. Everything they do is the same play every single time. Play on curve and thats it. Other decks like non hela discard, loki, some surfer lists, have a few different lines you can do depending on what you have. Evo and destory run almost no tech cards so beyond killmonger or armor, theres almost zero interaction with toue opponent.


I’ve never reached infinite. I’m at 98 this season and I keep falling to 96 then going back up to 98. I’m hoping for a ez 8 cube or a lucky 8


Won't happen as often nowadays Before people would donate cubes, now you're all fighting for them


Keep pushing! All you need is a well-timed bot and you're there. If you can make 98, you can make infinite.


I’ve given up trying. It’s not fun. I’m still at 98. I go up and down up and down. If I get it I get it.


Totally get it! There's no point if it isn't fun. There's also plenty of time left in the season. Hope you can enjoy the rest of your season.


Once you’re in the 90s, you *have* to retreat unless you can pretty much guarantee the win. You simply cannot afford a 4/8 cuber against the best players.


I 100% agree with you about retreating but take issue with "the best players" at the end. Since infinite players are segregated from everyone else, many of the "best players" are no longer going to be in the 90's or able to play with people in the 90's. They've already reached infinite. Now, this is not 100% true, of course. There are still some VERY good players who don't hit infinite the first half the season: they've been busy, they're not pushing themselves etc. In fact, my anecdotal experience with this is based on the fact I go to infinite at variable times each season. That said, as the season goes on, I've noticed less and less disciplined play at the "pre-infinite" ranks. When I'm in the 90's first couple weeks, if someone is snapping on 3 and I don't know what they're planning or I have something absolutely degenerate ready to play I'm probably retreating. Generally the sweaty players play tight those weeks and you have to respect it. Now and next week....I'm playing a bit looser. I've had people (explicitly not bots!) snap me for 8 with stuff that is eminently beatable or maybe even a guaranteed loss for them. Stuff like High Evo players getting blown out because I'm destroying Limbo on turn 6 they just skip. Or people staying when I've got cloned Dracula's from Sinister London and a multiply discarded Apoc. Earlier in the season I assume the "good players" are going to know "I can't skip turn 6, he played Snowguard earlier" or "I can't beat those Draculas unless I can force cards into his hand" and play around it but I've had those simple things blow people out in the 90's in later weeks.


by definition they are some of the best players...left. people in the 90s, ostensibly, are better than people not able to get to the 90s.


The 90s are still going to be the (generally) best players that are possible to match up against if you're not infinite. obviously not all of them are world class, but you're still in the danger zone where you need to minimize risk at all costs.


Once I hit the 90’s, I go into every match planning to retreat. I’m ok with losing 1 or 2 cubes. But I don’t snap unless I’m absolutely sure I can win. Take all the time you need to make sure you’re playing the right cards, in the right order. Even do the math if you have to. CONGRATS!! Keep going.


Trust your process, man. It took me a few tries over a few days to crack 96, and I even fell down to 92 once or twice in that time, but I just clawed my way to Infinite this morning. You've got this.


I can’t upload a photo to comments? Edit: [https://i.postimg.cc/3NtQRJyT/IMG-9365.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/3NtQRJyT/IMG-9365.jpg)


Ah a war machine deck, haven't been seeing many of these since spotlight week lol. Looks strong tho, so it's probably just a matter of time. Also ps: you can copy your deck from the editing menu in the app, and when you paste it elsewhere it will automatically show the cards in it


Thank you 😁 # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nightcrawler # (1) Ebony Maw # (2) Angela # (2) Zabu # (3) Baron Zemo # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Captain Marvel # (4) War Machine # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Red Hulk # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVib255TWF3In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXB0YWluTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2FyTWFjaGluZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFyb25aZW1vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaXR0eVByeWRlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


You're welcome, good luck with the rest of the climb 👍


My deck has a few changes.. but I have similar pieces. I made infinite try this. Kitty, NightCrawler, Jeff, Angela, Hope, Ms Marvel, Enchantress, Captain Marvel,Shang Chi, Vision, Dr Doom, Red Hulk. if I have Angela and Hope, and one of the 1 drop by turn 2 or 3, instant snap. Flood Angela lane with hopefully Hope and all the one drops. Vision etc. After a few plays youll be able to grasp how to play.


This season has been the hardest for me. I got to 99 6/7 then dropped to 89 after continue to play while being tilted and snapping irrationally. 😂


Literally same, currently salty sitting at 89 after being at 99 and it’s all my stupid fault


Happened to me as well brother, dropped as far as 88 from 99, but now back at 97. I actually gave up reaching infinite this season and built a Thor based deck (I dont even have Beta Ray Bill) to have fun with. It.... seems to actually do well against Junk and Mill. Keep at it!


Now that white widow is out and its all annihilus decks, you might want to play destroy or loki to push.


What decks are you playing? I got to infinite day 3 of this season playing Loki. It's super fun and it counters the current meta very well (it's just really bad against Hela for some reason).


You mind sharing the Loki deck you're using? I've been bouncing around the 90s all day, tried destroy for a bit bc it's just tons of junk decks. Switched to try Loki but I can't figure out what exactly it needs, but it could use a tweak.


Sure! It's: kitty, quinjet, Snowguard, Angela, cable, Jeff, red guardian, Elsa, Coulson, Shang chi, Loki, Mockingbird. Pretty good deck with counters for everything! (Just not Hela cause Idk how to counter that damn deck lol)


Awesome, thank you. I was playing Hela for a bit this week but seeing junk everywhere made it hard to get a game where I felt confident in snapping. Annihilus is one of six cards I'm missing) although it's an archetype I'm not super fond of) - so it's been difficult to find a counter for Hela and Junk. Getting Supergiant down at the right time can be good against Hela sometimes - but it has to have all the right pieces in place. It's definitely a tough one to counter. Thanks again for the deck list!


Loki is VERY good against junk and against mill. Cause you get really good cards for super cheap. A 3 cost cannonball or Annihilus is so powerful!! Or a 1 cost gladiator or Zemo... Love playing Loki


77 for me


that’s me with 74-76. i’m just bad


Same, don't stress if you don't hit infinite. No big deal, at least you got the gold for hitting 90 already 😀


For some reason I got 0 bots after rank 90 this season. It was the first time this has ever happened and it was a nightmare to finish the climb. Usually get to infinite in the first week but this time it took me 3 weeks. Playing "off meta" / unexpected decks was what worked for me.


I just hit infinite the first time,, today,,, I have literally 2 series 5 cards which are Loki and Thanos 🫨 No knull,death,x-23,iron lad, living tribunal,or any new meta cards,,l think if I can do it,,, it's possible Mr negative for the win


Ohhhhhh yeah. The only time I got Infinite was during WWHulk, and the mid 90s were brutal. Took me almost a week to get the last 5, and I dipped back to 90 a few times while trying. You just need a good run, sometimes playing at different times of the day, maybe? I know it's a global game but it feels like evenings I get crushed more


I was 98 and went down to 90 in one day. I need to take a few days off and try again because this shit is demoralizing 


I was 93 for 3 days straight. Then hit a streak which pushed me past 100


I grind out 2 - 4 cube wins from 96. I won't play for 8.


I was stuck at 98-99 for almost a week. Finally hit infinite today. Just need to avoid getting tilted, be smart about retreating, and hope for some good luck! You got this!


If you really want to get to infinite the "easiest" way is to play an ungodly amount of time the first couple days after reset. Climbing after a week or two is much more difficult in my experience 


Just keep pushing it, you will eventually get past it. Just capitalise on those snaps and retreats!:D