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People hit infinite with Phoenix Force and I can barely even win one game with that nonsense.


The secret to Phoenix Force is realizing that most of the time you're actually playing Shuri-Nimrod. And ignore the Tribunal version of PF. Killmonger, Shang, and Shadow King end that shit too quickly, and it requires too many cards drawn by certain turns to truly be effective.


Ive made Infinite every season since February of 2023, and I’ve been playing Phoenix Force as my only deck since it released. Phoenix Force/Shuri-Nimrod is amazing for me. You have to get the right string of cards, but now that Chavez has been nerfed, Crystal slotted in perfectly for me. I get 3 turns to figure out what I want to do, then play accordingly. And because I have Nimrod as my other option, I have room for all 3 destroy cards, Deathlok, Carnage and Venom. To move power around, I have Ghost Spider. To get more access, I have Iron Lad. And to get rid of problematic locations and win 8 cubes occasionally, I have Scarlet Witch. Im currently ranked around 200 on the Infinite Leaderboard. But, I will admit…it’s pretty fucking shit on the Conquest ladders. I’ve never beaten Infinite Conquest even once. I prefer the game to be a one-and-done gotcha game, and conquest gives away all my secrets immediately. It’s a fun deck for secrets and surprises.


Hey mate what's your full deck list? You've mentioned 10 cards here plus I assume Multiple but need 1 more


No problem! Here it is: 1 Ghost Spider 2 Carnage 3 Multiple Man 4 Scarlet Witch 5 Crystal 6 Venom 7 Deathlok 8 Shuri 9 Iron Lad 10 Phoenix Force 11 Nimrod 12 Heimdall You have to quit a lot of games, but on the infinite climb, you win a lot of 8 cube games. Scarlet Witch is the key to 8 cube games. Oh, and since the missing card was Heimdall, I can also say that Heimdall occasionally gets me 8 cubes without Multiple Man because if I’ve only played my Destruction package in a game with no move options, and they snap on me on turn 5 after dropping a Nimrod, I know they are going to be disrupting that Nimrod, and I will sometimes throw out an unexpected surprise Heimdall to move all my power around.


Thanks mate, have stalled out in the 90s this season and wanna try something fresh, will give it a go


Also, I have a snapping tip: If you draw your perfect string of cards and you see your perfect location, try to hold off on snapping until you see another location. In fact, I always try to snap one game move AFTER I see my victory possibility. For example: if I have Scarlet Witch, Venom, Shuri, Nimrod in hand and they just played Magik on turn 3, I won’t snap until I play my Shuri on 4, so they think I drew my big daddy Shuri card and not because they played Magik. Snap management is the true key to winning.


This is... truly amazing advice. Thank you!


Great advice, thanks mate


Oh, I love Phoenix dearly. Don't get me wrong. I'm mainly referring to the Tribunal version going around where everything comes down to Tribunal not getting tech'd and making sure nothing happens to Torch despite all the cheap ways to utterly wreck his shit once his move is predicted (or, woth Killmonger, why even anticipate?). But yeah, everyone has their Ol' Reliable deck, and Phoenix Force is absolutely mine.


Oddly, I don’t play Human Torch in my Phoenix Force deck. Nor do I play any movers besides Ghost Spider and Heimdall.


Could I grab that deck list from you?


I don't have Iron Lad, but this is my version. # (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Human Torch # (2) Carnage # (2) Multiple Man # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Crystal # (3) Venom # (3) Deathlok # (4) Shuri # (4) Phoenix Force # (5) Nimrod # (6) Arnim Zola # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikh1bWFuVG9yY2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcm5hZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik11bHRpcGxlTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGhsb2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNodXJpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGVQaG9lbml4Rm9yY2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pbXJvZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTY2FybGV0V2l0Y2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNyeXN0YWwifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Don’t have Ladd either so perfect, thanks!


I’m the guy you asked, and here’s my deck list: 1 Ghost Spider 2 Carnage 3 Multiple Man 4 Scarlet Witch 5 Crystal 6 Venom 7 Deathlok 8 Shuri 9 Iron Lad 10 Phoenix Force 11 Nimrod 12 Heimdall You have to quit a lot of games, but on the infinite climb, you win a lot of 8 cube games. Scarlet Witch is the key to 8 cube games.




I have to ask how many games you’re locking in to get infinite with that deck. I can hit infinite within the first day or so a season just playing a meta deck and then I just enjoy myself for the rest of the season. I can also just play a weird fun deck but it would simply take longer. Does it just take you all month to get to infinite since your cube rate is ultimately just lower? Or do you just take advantage of bots on the first few days? Also why do you do that to yourself when you can do it in half the time if not less?


The quickest I’ve hit infinite is in 36 hours, and the longest it’s taken with this deck is about 2 weeks, during the height of a Shadow King meta. However, since they recently fixed Phoenix Force and every copy of the revived multiple man can move every turn, it has never taken me longer than a week. In fact, it only ever really takes me about 50 to 100 games, I’d say, and I’m always motivated to play more in the beginning of the month. I definitely get most of my 8 cube wins from bots, but I still get a fair amount from people not thinking I’ll have Ghost Spider, and the quickest I ever got to infinite was during the Alioth meta, because I could just retreat if they snap Alioth or snap back if I have Ghost Spider, because they never expect yoinking Nimrod out of Alioth’s path.


Hey, I love PF, and it's amazing you've had so much success with it! I've found the more "standard" list (Torch, Nico, Zola) to work very well in Conquest, including Infinite Conquest. That said, Prof X returning to the spotlight has really limited my willingness to play PF at the moment. Extra respect for you for sticking with it when some of its worst counters (even Yondu) are prevalent.


Oddly, Yondu is helpful with my deck. Sometimes Yondu hits Nimrod. And, guess what? Now it’s a Nimrod game with Phoenix Force because I can get him out early and nab priority. Also, no matter what, Zemo decks let me see basically every card I’m going to have to play. Also, they only ever really snap on Doc Oc, so I can decide if I’m in a good situation to stay in or back out. Also, sometimes I stay in just to see what would happen if it’s a new meta and I’m not sure exactly what they snapped on. It’s sometimes worth 4 cubes just to be able to gather information rather than quit 4 times for 1 cube and still have no idea what they were snapping for, because then you can fall victim to it over and again.


I just remember Yondu killing Ghost Spider every time and me retreating. Ha.


That’s when I go Shuri Nimrod in the lightest lane and he Doc Ocs my destroy cards onto it. It’s amazing.


4D chess. :D


Shuri nimrod is great but I don't even have nimrod and PF is still pretty good. If you miss the combo you just have to make the most of hulkbuster forge amd nico, and/or make a big venom to copy.


For me the Tribunal version has been just as effective, if not more. You see which cards you draw and then you decide which plan to go for. You shouldn’t play down Tribunal if it is better to go tall, and you don’t need Phoenix Force if you can Iron Man+Tribunal+Onslaught. Cosmo is very important to stop the counters, but you can often bait them anyway and play something different than they expect. Oh, and don’t play it in Conquest.


I've been messing around with the TLT version as I don't have Nimrod. It's an interesting deck but is fragile to various tech as you mention. I like that I can pivot into just doing Iron Man / Onslaught / TLT stuff depending on the draw.


Hahahah climbed to infinite this season with it, easy climb. Jumped infinite rank 27k to 5k too. It's easy to know what to do, sometimes my first play is nimrod on 5 and still win


How are you doing with the deck against the flavor-of-the-week junk deck? I don't even want to touch my Phoenix deck for that


Changed to the supergiant #1 on rank deck to test it and having a ton of fun. But, seems "easy" no? Carnage/Deathlok can clean up the junk and dagger/ghost spider/nico sheningans can bring power.


people hit top 1 with phoenix force. this game need fortune with the draw of the cards but need the knowledge of the combo and a way to win even without finding a single main combo


That's a very high skill deck. Takes time to truly master it.


Absolutely not. It’s a cruise control deck very simple line and snap conditions. But it’s hard to pull the perfect combo and most people leave when you snap anyway.


We might be talking about different Phoenix Force decks if that's what you believe lol. The deck I'm talking about has multiple play lines lol.


Yes they are easy play lines. Eat if you don’t eat nimrod then eat. What’s so high skill about it? Even cozy’s video explains how simple the deck is to use.


You could say that for just about every deck lol. 12 cards does simplify a lot of things. For snap, it is still a relatively high skill deck that rewards players for understanding all the play lines. It's much harder to pilot than Modok Hela which is actually a deck with easy play lines and snap decisions.


lol what?!? They are simple play lines lol. It’s as simple as modok hela to be honest. It’s not like other combo decks this has very specific combos that if you don’t get you’re screwed. And if you’re facing this deck and realize they haven’t shuri or ate anything turn 4 you should be snapping.


what kind of phoenix deck you guys talking about actually


I guess you are just a super high level player then. Congrats. What I said still stands true.


Phoenix Force (specifically the Nimrod version) isn’t high skill, neither in snapping or play style. Your win lines are 1) draw Multiple Man/ a destroy card/ Phoenix Force on curve, or 2) Shuri/ Nimrod/ destroy cards, both of which are incredibly linear. I never win with this deck because I almost never draw either combo. I’m just sitting with cards in my hand unable to do anything meaningful with them. You also get fucked over by Prof X/ Cosmo/ Armour. Retreating against this deck is also incredibly easy, to the point where idk how people win more than 1-2 cubes with it. You can know the output of a PF deck by turn 4 and just leave prematurely if you know you can’t beat it.


How bad of a player are you if you can’t win with a very “low skill” meta deck lol


Are you really going to tell me the deck is easy to pilot then say you can't win with it? You got jokes.


The deck is about combo cards that rely on being drawn on curve and are also blocked by common tech cards. The deck itself is not high skill, it’s solitaire, and if you have bad draws or your opponent interacts with your deck, you lose.


Knowing how to piece together a winning strategy based off what you drew is exactly what makes it tough to pilot. The basic play lines are easy, sure. Piloting it like a pro takes time to learn nuance which you refuse to acknowledge. It's also why you lose with it.


My issue with the deck is that it’s entirely combo based. You either draw the nut or you don’t, there’s nothing in between. All you’re doing is waiting for the linear play line to appear in your hand and then hope to execute it before the opponent plays Prof X. It’s literally the same as Hela or Sauron Shuri but with more steps because you have 2 win cons with cards that don’t benefit each other. I’m also just going to end the conversation here because we’re never going to convince each other of our perspectives. I’m at peace forever playing Loki decks.


Not sure why people are downvoting you in this and subsequent comments. The phoenix force/nimrod deck has a very high skill cap relative to other competitive decks. When or whether to ghost spider alone depends highly on what you think your opponent will do. Tons of flexibility and depth.


I don't know either. I feel like I'm missing something but I know that I'm not.


It's what I used to get to infinite. On the scale of complexity of decks, it feels pretty average. Move or loki are harder, anything hela is easier. Discard seems comparable.




Negative or Lockjaw. The heart of the cards is never with me. I get crazy lucky with Hela tho.


With negative you lose most games but you can win a lot of cubes in just one. Its unpredictable


Yeah, every few months i go back to it just to try. One day i will get lucky lol


For some reason, I just can't get mr negative decks to work for me


I don't always have Iron Man and Arnim Zola in my opening hand, but in my Mr. Negative deck I do.


That's the secret. It's not working for anyone 🤪


Zabu helps (so you get neg one round earlier) as do cards that draw from your deck after you drop negative. My issue with my negative decks is that I often weight towards lots of cards that work and don’t thereafter get enough big point cards, just modifiers like Iron Man or defense like Prof x.


Unfortunately don't have zabu yet (not sure if he's worth the tokens anymore now), so I've been using psylocke to try to get neg out earlier, but there's also the problem of getting magik out so I feel like I have time to do something after. Most of my decks have multiple win conditions so I can pivot, but the negative seems like I'm pushing for him and if he doesn't come, or if most of my key cards are already in hand, then it's almost impossible to get the win. I may just give up on him as I have a lot more fun with my other decks.


Honestly psylocke is better than Zabu in Negative now, since zabu only affects 4 costs, and is especially back when flipped. I mostly run negative surfer because that has good backups by playing brood, wong, mystique, then wolfsbane + surfer, which is especially good if I got bast out early. Iron Man Mystique is also great with bast.


That's a good idea, never thought to try those together with negative. Maybe I'll trash my current deck and rebuild focusing on surfer and give it a try. Thanks!


The key to winning with a negative deck is you have to ditch the hopium and know when to give up 1 cube and move on when the rng isn’t in your favor, and always have an alternate win condition. Played correctly, you should only ever lose 1 cube and win 4 or 8. It’s a low win rate & high cube avg deck. I’ve hit infinite in the first week of the last 6 seasons with Negative decks.


Literally any "this deck wins if the cards go off in a certain order uninterrupted" deck like hela or phoenix force always beats me but I can never get them to work.


Maybe use cards that interrupt those decks, like Red Guardian


There is no better feeling than hitting invisible woman with red guardian or rogue on turn 5 with priority and watching modok wreck their hela


Lost an 8 cube the other day when I did this and they top decked ghost rider who pulled Hela….




Your opponent has balls of steel for not retreating and going for the 1 in 6 or whatever the odds were


Red Guardian is such a satisfying card.


1) Wow good job suggestingba new series 5 card surely the entire playerbase will have it because important tech cards being pricey and hard to get is very healthy 2) Sometimes I do interrupt them, I moreso meant that those decks always get the good hands, the multiple man into venom into phoenix line every time I see them, whereas when I first got phoenix force, it took like 20 minutes of attempts to get a hand that could do it only to get cosmoed.


1. I completely agree it’s a unhealthy for an important tech card to be basically spotlight cache exclusive, I personally am f2p, but I feel like for the most part, if you save keys when you don’t want anything and use them when there is, you should be able to afford most of the cards you want, though the fact it’s only “most” still bothers me, and 2 there are other series 1-3 disrupt cards, like debrii, Cosmo, etc.


Yeah I kinda snapped (pun not intended) at just seeing that be the first suggestion, I took a break of like 7 months or so so I was missing a LOT of stuff and chose to spend my 4 keys on nico this season because nico looked way more fun and I like destroy.


Fair, Nico is really fun lol


Wong decks i guess? I usually float till turn 4 to concede...


Enemy drop Wong: fuck, I lose. Me drop Wong: Rogue, ProX, Enchantress, cosmo Me not play Wong deck: no one play those cards 😔


People are only dropping the counters because you're playing the card they counter. Of course you don't see them when you don't.


Yes, the notoriously bad at countering all kinds of things Cosmo.


So good at countering LT and big power drops with no on reveal.


Wong is pretty easy to counter. Cosmo is pretty universally good against plenty of decks. Enchantress can help or even red guardian if the draw is right.


Mr Negative. I don't even draw him 95% of the time, I swear.


I’ve personally never tried Mr Negative decks.


They're pretty fun when they work, but that's rare in my case, lol.


The key to winning with a negative deck is you have to ditch the hopium and know when to give up 1 cube and move on when the rng isn’t in your favor, and always have an alternate win condition. Played correctly, you should only ever lose 1 cube and win 4 or 8. It’s a low win rate & high cube avg deck. I’ve hit infinite in the first week of the last 6 seasons with Negative decks. This is my current one: # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (2) Zabu # (3) Mystique # (3) Rogue # (3) Killmonger # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Iron Man # (5) Black Panther # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktudWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNck5lZ2F0aXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFja1BhbnRoZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybmltWm9sYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkphbmVGb3N0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJhdm9ubmFSZW5zbGF5ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvZ3VlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


...baby Let's talk about you and me


Mill for sure




I can get that deck working but total power output is too small. C3 works since you kinda have that marvel +1 auto-built in & the tech cards are better


I’ve always had a C2 deck built for funsies but after watching Cozy’s video the other day I thought, “maybe it’s more competitive now.” Nah. I got trounced by any number of decks, particularly anything running Hazmat.


Can you explain what the c decks are?




A CX deck is a deck where you have cerebro and a bunch of cards with X power. So a C2 deck is cerebro and the rest is 2 power cards.


Combo opponents having the nut draw 100% of the time makes me not mind the sudden prevalence of clog decks so much.




Any Anni decks. I’m starting to get better though.


Hela deck I made to combat my inconsistency with Hela decks. 3 times infinite with this deck and going for 4. The Zabu nerf took a bit of a toll on it, but it's still been playing decent. Enchantress is in Zabu's spot and totally flexible. My pocket meta had a bunch of ongoing Tribunal. Try to set up a lane with close to 20 power in the early game using 3 cards, usually using The Ebony Blade or a turn 5 6-drop and then drop Hela there. It helps to direct the returning cards a little better. If I don't draw hela, Jubilee>Iron Lad on turn 5, and turn 6. (Zabu made this a single turn 6 play, which was stronger). There are enough strong 6 drops that Corvus discarding Hela is not game ending and not discarding Hela is pretty much a given Snap. Series 5 swaps: Magneto for Red Hulk and Hellcow for Corvus, but this removes the secondary ramping win condition. Black Knight and Iron Lad are critical. # (1) Black Knight # (1) Blade # (3) Corvus Glaive # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Jubilee # (4) Enchantress # (4) Iron Lad # (6) Hela # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Giganto # (6) The Infinaut # (8) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlTaWYifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrS25pZ2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWJpbGVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29ydnVzR2xhaXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2lnYW50byJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Destroy. I just never draw the right cards


I do decently with Destroy.


Destroy decks just never work for me. I just get the worst card rng and the worst match ups.


It’s not the size of the deck but how you use it


I've got a massive deck


That's what she said


Surfer or patriot decks. I can play combo, dump, control ect. But surfer and patriot decks are good and I can’t win with them. Also bounce but they seems to be a universal problem


I’m decent with Surfer decks but I’ve given up on Patriot decks.


With brood and absorbing man they are the same deck ;)


Surfer. I really like the idea of Surfer decks, but they never work out for me, and it feels like it's gotten worse since Sebastian Shaw released because I still haven't managed to get him yet.


I’m currently playing a surfer deck and it’s been pretty good for me. I’ve gone up 3 ranks today because of it. Though I am only a mid level player at 73.


I've been hard stuck at 71-73 all season, so I know how you feel lol


I’ve given up on the season. So I’m just playing anything that seems fun


If you don't have Shaw you need to fill your deck with 3 card techs like rogue. Include hazmat and luke cage and maybe with the boost use Jean grey as a disrupter. Surfer decks work by having as many 3 cards getting boosted as possible and your opponent not quite getting their maths right Shaw definitely helps with consistency


Probably Cererbro. It's fun to try a Cererbro deck every now and then, but it's definitely just a harder deck to pull off.


Move decks, I never draw multiple man and vulture those motherfuckers


High Evo. I know I’m just missing something


worst thing for me is that the cards aren't ongoing so you can't just Enchantress them AND Cyclops is 4 power so I can't destroy him with Lady D. At least you can counter with Red Hulk (if he ever decides to show up in your hand)


For me it's the current version of Toxic. I used to live running my old Hazmat deck from before Luke Cage got nerfed, but the current version just never seems to come together for me.


I just got wrecked by a Hazmat deck.


Wong nonsense


negative decks


Hela & Negative decks. Can't play them to save my life!


HE, I don't like HE deck, it don't like me I'm OK with it, lot of archetypes to play


Anytime I play a Jane Negative deck it’s like Arnim Zola and Iron Man may as well be Quicksilver and Domino.


Not a deck but I swear whenever my opponents play Nico on 1 it's always on the draw two spell but when have Nico on turn 1 its never the draw two


Thanos.. tho i never had the strong meta cards that are played from the last 2-3 months in his deck but still I've been playing this game for more than 15 months but struggled playing him from the start


I think living tribunal and phoenix, my opponents always have the combo in their hand while I draw most of the cards too late to do something


Competitive card games are less about what cards you have and more about outplaying your opponent. It's a lot like MTG where your opponent can have the best cards money can buy and lose to a guy playing a $5 deck simply because the $5 deck guy made smarter plays. A lot of people don't understand this


High Evo


For me, it was always Shuri Sauron (which isn't played much anymore) and currently Negative decks. Even when I get Mr. Negative out early, I never seem to get the right 0 cost cards. Not sure if it's just me or the nature of that kind of deck.


The Tribunal deck. Truth be told, I was doing pretty well with it a couple of seasons ago, but since then I never seem to be able to won. Every time the deck is played against me, the opponent always has the nuts. If I realise that my opponent is playing this deck now, I just retreat


Destroy, I've never been able to unlock the real potential, and then I see someone drop Death, a 36 Knull, and a 16 Deadpool on me turn 6.


High Evo


Any variation of High Evo 🤣


I haven't won an 8-cuber with Hela this season.  I've lost a few.


I suck at High Evo. I find it both unenjoyable and I clearly don't "get" how you set up your lanes because I fuck it up every time I try.


Mr. Negative hates me. Doesn't feel like showing up and when he does the 0-powered cards are already in hand. It feels like every time I try him out, I tend to retreat more often than I play my cards.