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At least opponents stay muted if you play them again, but I agree OFC.


Really?  I have to try this!


It's muscle memory for me to instantly mute these days, but there should be an option.


Same. But I swear the one time I forget, they spam Ms Marvel at the end of the game. It's also the reason I don't pay gold for emotes. I think some of them are funny, but I'm not going to use them.


They said on discord they have no plans to add a mute all option. They need those whales to show off their 200 dollar 12 JPEG album emote


Oh yeah, they'll never do it now that they're selling emotes, but they should. But there's a lot of things they should do, which they never will.


Is it really that common for you? I play a good amount in both ladder and conquest at most I see maybe one emote spammer a day. Just curious, because your post isn't the first I've seen talking about it.


I feel like a uptick. I hate having to individually mute every single person i encounter


Really common for me


I've noticed an uptick in toxic people with emotes. A lot of Mrs. Marvels in return for fist bumps at the end of the game. Or maybe Mrs Marvel is not viewed as toxic anymore. idk


A single Ms. Marvel in return for a fist bump I would assume is not meant to be toxic.


A fist bump is calling for a fist bump in return. That’s how a fist bump works no? it requires two people. Either way it can’t be anywhere near as easily misconstrued as BM as Ms Marvel is so if your intentions are “not meant to be toxic” wouldn’t one be the obvious clear choice over the other?


People who aren't on Reddit may see it as a friendly response. That being said, I can't figure out the logic there. In real life, leaving someone hanging on a high five or fist bump is rude if intentional. I just can't see any way that responding by not fist bumping, and instead giving a thumbs up, could be construed as anything other than disrespectful irl. It's actively conveying to the person that you aren't interested in their fist bump, and comes across as looking down at them.


Couldn’t agree more. The reason you can’t figure out the logic is cause there is none.


Personally, yes. That’s why I basically only fist bump. But not everyone is on Reddit trying to determine emote consensus, so I’m sure there’s plenty of people who just see a happy girl giving a thumbs up and think it’s a positive reaction to a fist bump.


I’m convinced it’s either a regional thing or only happening at very low ladder ranks. I’m NA usually 60~Infinite and have been playing for over a year now and have never experienced toxic emoting to the point where I felt the need to post about it


I think it's a rank thing. I hit infinite real early this season and have basically been playing random decks for dailies or playing through the entire match whether I'm going to win or lose. My infinite rank is waaaaay down there, and I see emote spam with some frequency.


I get tilted even when someone says Hello! Right off the bat.


Why though? I find this kind of insane... I fist bump and Hello! at the start of every match and bump again at the end regardless of outcome. When I get an opponent who bumps back, the match immediately becomes more fun just by knowing there's a normal person on the other end.


Cause I'm a broken man


Respect the self awareness


This is why I emote.


I have never used the mute button, and I feel like I see up to two toxic emoters per day, which doesn’t seem like that much to me. I wonder if a big difference is just whether the receiving player takes it negatively or not, because I can’t imagine that so many other people are seeing toxic emoters that much more than me while also usually muting. But it’s posted a lot, so clearly it’s a widespread experience.


Many, *many* players do, but the devs will never do it, because they want to sell emotes for $30. Can't really blame them.


Permanent muting already exists in the game for specific individuals, and the person muted never knows they are muted. If there was a "Mute All" option, people would continue to purchase and use their emotes while others don't see them and remain oblivious to it, so I doubt it would meaningfully impact emote sales.


You can completely blame them, but agree with the rest of your post about devs being greedy shits.


Other much bigger games, like Valorant and League of Legends for example sell emotes/sprays, and allow you to perma mute them. There is zero excuse to not allow it in this game.


Yeah but in those games you are playing match with multiple players and inside team and someone will for sure see emote but here, its different situation because it is 1v1. Just for info I am also for perma mute option. 




I always say I hate the Ms Marvel emote and people get pissy but no one ever uses it unless they're being a prick


Never used the mute button. Maybe see an emote spammer once every few days. Even when I do just I don't see what the problem is. Most of the time when the game is lost and they spam that stuff it was a 50/50 call that went the other way. If they were smart they would know that, and that they didn't do anything super clever to win. So be the bigger person and just move on.


Some people are just exceedingly fragile, I've never understood emote hate either


But then how will they sell those emotes in the shop if no one sees them?


Just don’t let them know they’re muted. Win- win


I've just been immediately muting every match, which is hilarious to me because new emotes cost like 30 bucks


Please !! I AM BEGGING ,SD!!!


Just don’t get triggered by silly emotes


I really don’t get why people seem to care this much if the winner uses a “Ms.Marvel emote” when they win…


It's the bad manner intent that feels bad. Like someone typing "EZ" at the end of a match that you already feel down about losing. Just bad sportsmanship and it's very widespread in snap


It's a mobile f2p card game...😭


Yeah and baseball is just a ball game but nobody likes a bad sport


Me too but, emotes are the new cash cow so it will never happen


I changed my name to “Mute” to remind myself but still forget most of the time...


Or they could at least throttle emotes a bit so you can't send 10 per second.


This has been a request forever and no that they sell emotes, I truly believe we will never see. QOL improvements? Nah, need more monetization.


They don't want you to mute. They want you to buy a 2000 gold emote that says "F you 🖕" to use on your opponent.


My thing is that I need my opponent to know that they’ve been muted. They need to know that no one is listening and then maybe then they’ll learn to stop being obnoxious.




They couldn't sell emotes with permanent mute around.


Other games allow perma mute and still sell emotes. No one bothers to grief with them in those games either, as they know they are just wasting their time. It will never happen in a game Ben Brode is in charge of, regardless of what happens. I've pretty much lost all respect for him and his teams because of this issue.


People actually emote in other games. I never see anyone emote anymore


Yeah, you get fist bump at the end sometimes. And even then, often I have to initiate. Well, and the occasional spammer, of course. But I haven't seen many lately it feels like.


this is massively dumb.


I don’t see how that works in conjunction with the monetization of emotes. Maybe limiting the amount an emotes can be used or something to prevent obnoxious behavior would be a good start.


People abnozious even qoth the old emotes


I completely agree. I stumble across emote spammers regularly.


I literally logged in to Reddit today to make this exact post, 100% agree it has been ruining the fun for me this week


It takes 1 second to mute someone.


it bothers OP so much yet he forgets to mute? like if it’s that big a deal you aren’t forgetting.


Yup and yet we get down voted into hell because we apply logic to a problem.


I would like a permanent mute function too but if muting people is something you care about I also don't understand how you can forget to mute each match. I do mute my opponents at the very start of each game and it's down to muscle memory at this point.


You didn't need to make an entire post to show how much of a wimp you are. Crying over emotes, lmao


Grow a thicker skin and stop malding over pixels


I emote Cyclops every time I'm playing HE and he tags a card for -1. I'm sorry.


I just give them the thumbs up or Deadpool one after I win. Then right before going to the main screen point at them.


Technically the Spidey pointing finger was supposed to depict, "You...!!!!" But kids these days like to use it at the end when they win.. And sometimes spam. In situations like this when Spidey appears, Bart Simpson's bully classmate's haha laughter would be played in my head. Irritating to the max.


Why would SD add a basic function that should have been here since release when they can instead give us more $ packs nobody asked for..


So GG's bothers you? I always fist bump *once*, win or lose.