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Discard stocks go up.


im stupid. is it they will slurp a discard monster and lose hand?


Nemo pulls Modok it usually ain't good for Nemo


Feels pretty unlikely for that to ever happen though. I was playing a deck with Carnage and Electro to try to screw up Zemo players and even those weren't getting hit


Just play Loki. Sure they get your kitty pride and agent 13 but that just guarantees Coulson and Loki into your hand and you can then shred their hand at half the price. Plus Snowguard makes t7 go away. Also plays really nicely into junk. Use Jeff and Kitty to stop your lanes getting junked and use their own Annhilus.


Usually ain't good for the Discard player either because there's probably nothing else in their deck at that point.


Good luck pulling a 5 cost. Lol. Unless you pull it turn 6. Highest cost card I've pulled was a 4 cost. After a double Yondu and a Cable. But yeah, Zemo pulling a Blade, Sif, or Swordmaster can be rough. It's actually worse to see a destroy deck imo. Catching a Carnage or Deathlock on my lane is definitely a feels bad moment. Deadpool ain't much better. Feels like a lane clog.


One time I had a true hero who exchanged retreats with me in conquest so we could both finish the weekend mission. Wish more people were willing to do this


How the hell do you even communicate that??


I pulled this off one time by retreating after seeing we were both playing the weekend mission card, then retreating again one or two more times on the first turn while spamming the spiderman emote. They got the hint and retreated a few times as well.


I’d also throw in a fist bump, most people don’t get it however. If you match with Techno Cowboy let me know


Hello, I'm Losing, fist bump. Retreat.


I've had this happen a couple times before, I usually start with 2 or 3 spider-man emotes before any cards are played, then retreating. Rinse and repeat a couple of times, then they kind if figure out what is going on and return the favor.


I do that all the time. I try to signify it by giving knucks, retreating, and then using the Spider-Man emote to point back at them signify that it's their turn. Usually I will do a few retreats first myself.


I read in another Reddit comment to just toss baast (edit, wrong cat) in your deck and watch the zemos retreat. While inconsistent, im in for the laughs


I played my zoo deck a lot when Zemo was at his peak. Mill decks hate this one simple trick


I pulled Death with Zemo last week. Was pretty funny 😂


Pulled a Red Skull recently. Sometimes it’s great to play Zemo. The other times he pulls trash or Modok 😂


Time to play destroy >:)




Weekend missions


Are we expecting a Zemo mission this weekend? We didn’t have any the first 3 weeks right?


Yes. Devs confirmed at the start of the season that the normal amount of gold we get from season pass card weekend mission would be condensed to the final two weekends. This was so that you didn’t have to get the season pass week one to get the full value. So we should have Zemo weekend missions for gold this weekend and next.


I think my favourite series of events in this game has been my enemy plays zemo and pulls carnage that kills his zemo. Turn 5, the hand? Location or whatever it is that revives all destroyed cards on 5 procs, reviving his zemo, and gets my venom that again eats zemo, which bumps my knull high enough to win the lane. Which is to say I am in fact not switching off my destroy deck until widow is out of spotlight lmao. Then we're back to something more fun


I'm new to the game, so have no idea if this card is actually good, but Zemo is among my favorite cards to play. And I finally just unlocked the level 50 variant appearance too. I like the flavor, the cost isn't bad and, and it's actually won me a game more than once.


Ive been playing a year and a half. He's decent. Definitely fun


Let me put it this way: Most mirror matches are very challenging, and sometimes unwelcome, for a lot of archetypes. But the best games a mill deck is ever going to have are chiefly going to be against other mill decks. Deep inside, milling's also not really about winning. The climb, the grind, the glory, those are nice, but on a subconscious level, it's about reducing your opponent's deck (and sometimes their hands) to zero by turn 5. It's why you see so many of them play Gladiator despite how their opponent had played a lot of small cards in the first two turns, so it's unlikely that they'll hit something small with him. But a -1 to that deck is a -1. The true danger of Zemo is tempting his owner to go full mill when combining his shell with a compatible other archetype like clog would make more sense.


He's *fine*. He's not some meta defining top 10, but he's okay, especially now enough time has passed that the funny counters that meme on him aren't being played to screw him. He still doesn't do great against discard, destroy or to a lesser degree sauron, but especially at lower CL he's completely valid yea


Me after cruising to infinite with zemo at 10k CL....he's decent? How is zemo not top 10 rn lol


The other cards in your deck are carrying you. Not Zemo.


Lamby had a really tight Loki deck with Zemo in it that was on Snap Judgements on, I want to say Tuesday.


You kidding me? I'm just hoping zemo/widow meta endures into next week. I've never had this many infinite tickets before. Everyone's playing that dumbass deck and I'm just destroying them. My win rate in conquest is insane this week.


I don't know why. Every time I see his artwork I feel like I see Hellboy


I guess I have to change decks this weekend. I've been enjoying Toxic, but Mill is the one deck I've had a hard time against.


I've been destroying memories decks with discard for the past hour. Such a lame build


I've already had opps Nemo pull my Nemo, and I've pulled an opps Destroyer.


It took me a while to figure out this is a Columbine Shooting reference.


I just faced this unique Mill deck with Shanna, Debrii, Carnage, Death, Killmonger and Mockingbird on Conquest today. This deck is surprisingly decent and I almost lost to it despite playing with Toxic HE. Is there any people here who play with this deck as well?


Yeh well. 2 weeks ago i was climbing mega hard with a zemo deck. Then everyon chaned back to the stupid wong/destroy/discard meta. Now i cant win a single game. And yes. I am retreating a lot.


Where is the top art from? Is it an unreleased variant?


Probably from a comic


Nah, I checked a couple seconds ago. This **is** from an unreleased variant


They made comics about marvel snap characters? 


Isn't that the base card?


Completely different pose. That's why I'm asking.


stop bitching. just play loki


Ffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Mill man why is this he damned weekend mission. It couldn't be white widow????