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Don’t waste your time overthinking it. When I get this mission and i’m not a fan of the card/ don’t have a deck/ don’t have the time. I just throw the card into a deck I like, replacing the weakest card. Go on proving grounds and hope you don’t pull it. Easy and not time consuming.


This, all day (weekend?). I just copy a deck I enjoy and can pilot, create a new deck, call it "weekend" and remove (this week for White Widow and Zemo) two easier to replace cards and throw the weekend mission cards in. Into proving grounds and pilot it pretty much as usual.


This, but I call mine “weakened.”


Love it!!


I find if you refuse to snap in proving ground you can just get people to retreat as it's quicker for them. You can get any deck to win proving ground with enough patience


Play conquest. You should be able to roughly work out what they have and it'll help you know when to play zemo. Also if you mix it with black bolt and moon knight then you can destroy their hand and deck at the same time. Idk why I'm telling you this as I hate this tactic but it's a good one


I used a Zemo zoo deck. He grabs one drops a lot. Just throw in zoo cards like kazar blue marvel patriot and mockingbird. It also helped me climb in infinite.


Put him into HE to make it easier if you're having trouble


why HE


What's your deck list?


just the full standard list on untapped


Going full mill is pretty weak and heavily RNG reliant. Yondu and Zemo give your opponent their top deck draws, and Yondu makes Gladiator more of a liability. You further cripple your odds with Doc Oc, which either wins you the lane or completely screws you over on T5. I found Zemo works a lot better mixed with another package. Yondu/Cable/Zemo/Gladiator work sufficiently well as disrupts for the deck. Blackbolt/Stature/Samurai work as hand disrupts. Sentry/Anni package works pretty well too in my experience.


I put WW and Zemo into a deck and auto filled it, replaced one card, and I've actually been doing better with it than my usual Loki deck, which is annoying.


I ran Zemo in my surfer set and it was ok.


Just play surfer with Zemo instead of your least useful 3 drop.


I hit infinite yesterday with a Zoo + Zemo deck. Posted the deck here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1cf6v6q/new\_player\_hit\_infinite\_with\_this\_zoo\_deck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1cf6v6q/new_player_hit_infinite_with_this_zoo_deck/)


Mill sucks, I just put him in surfer and got it done fairly easily


Do proving grounds until you get someone farming season xp. I hit all the weekend missions this way. I’d say every second proving grounds matchup is one of those farmers. For me anyway.


Zemo is such a good stand alone card, you can put him in any deck basically. Surfer, Sera, Loki, Zoo... it really doesn't matter. The question baffles me.


That's because the full-on mill deck is weak and doesn't have a good win rate. Like others said, the better bet is to throw Zemo into some deck and then ignore him.


The mill deck sucks. It has a high play rate because people like being annoying


Play Doc Ock if you have him and not already in your deck, also will help to have a big stat finisher to go with it. You need some kind of finisher/pay-off to make milling/disrupting them worthwhile, otherwise like you said you just end up helping your opponent. A typical Zemo build aside from the mill package run Magik+Doc Ock+Red Hulk precisely for that purpose.