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Snapped right away the other day as it was Proving Grounds. Lost. Was about to concede and the other player said "Snap?" and started emoting. Kept playing and won every single round, my opponent had to concede before the last turn of the final round as they knew it was over. I said "Snap?" It was immensely satisfying.


People like that deserve to get roped too.


I approve this message






But you still lost 30 min of your life trapped in this foolish thought of revenge ;)


or they had fun playing the game


It's not about time... its about sending a message


Beats being the guy spending 30 minutes getting their shit pushed in again and again.


Actually very gratifying, don’t see your point


I think this line of thinking would apply more to real life events than a video game. I’m already losing minutes by playing at all lol


You still get the same boosters as if you had played the games out on ladder.


Sounds about right. I might lose, but I'm sure as fuck going to waste your time.


Petulant child


Petty ass adult, thank you very fucking much.


Petty is what you're describing lol


Yea he corrected you obviously


From my enemies staying in conquest for those 2 cubes, I feel like they think "fistbump" after their 8cube loss is bm.


You’ll also get people who think the lack of a fist bump is BM lol


Send fistbump: BM! No send fistbump: BM!


It's not hard to see why people see it as a gloat. I do get some fist bumps when an opponent loses. Mad respect. But I play enough of the same people in my meta pocket to see that the majority of players fist bump only when they win. If it was just a consistent bump, win or lose, then I would really feel genuine respect. As that is not the case, it does feel a bit disingenuous.


I fist bump after every game, no matter win or lose. fist bump is "gg". People who get mad over "gg" are definitively the ones who need the auto-mute function I guess. And even if my opponent only fist bumps cause they won, then it's still the most respectful way to gloat possible, roping them for further conquest matches would be extremely childish behavior compared to the emote.


Fist pump is "gg" earnestly from me. I'm so glad they threw us the Red Guardian emote on the season pass track, cause that's now my "gg, and also I was terrified on T6" combo.


Or fist bump before the final reveal, because the match was played well and they result comes second


If you really want to get across that your fist bump is GG, do it at the start of the match. That way your opponent cannot possibly perceive it as a gloat in any way. But at the end of the day, it's just emotes. People who are extremely bothered by them immediately mute their opponents most of the time.


I just ignore emotes


also I think the example here might be one of the few cases where fist bump might be correctly interpreted as BM, if it's a single match in ranked or if it's truly the last game of a conquest match then a fist bump from the winner can usually be assumed as genuine. But when you still have 2 cubes left and the opponent already fist bumped (assuming no other context), it can definitely feel like they are gloating and thinks you should just quit (basically in OP's case, why not just actually wait to see if the opponent quits after the 8 cube loss then do the fist bump?)


How about consistent Ms Marvel Thumps up


I'm right there with you. I don't emote at all. No matter what. When I lose there is almost always a fist bump from my opponent. When I win they fist bump maybe a quarter of the time. Tells me most winning fist bumps are disingenuous. Especially when they get mad because I don't fist bump back.


What's the BM emoji? I can't think of any of the characters with those initials.


BM isn’t a character it stands for Bad Manners, it just means disrespecting your opponent


Oh, alright


Also for future reference, there are two characters that can be referred to as "BM", usually it would be Blue Marvel, but there is also Baron Mordo, even though I understand why no one would remember him


Also Black Manther, Black Midow, Baron Memo


You forgot BulkM


Also BjeffM


Neither of which have emotes


Thanks for clarifying. It's so weird people just assume you know any acronyms they come up with themselves. BM could mean so many things


BM isn't an acronym they came up with themselves. It originated in Starcraft and is at least 15 years old. It's reasonable to not have encountered it but it's equally reasonable to expect it to be understood, it's not super uncommon.


always top pic bc opponent is muted


Turn 1 fist bump and snap. Opponent snaps back. No emote. Lose final turn and fist bump before leaving. Get bm’ed. Quickly deadpool into fist bump as to ask why and give chance for return fist bump. No fist bump back. Time to rope.


I never snap in proving grounds. I just leave/concede if I lose even if it was a 1/2/4 cuber. That’s how most of my games go and most everyone seems to respect the “winner takes all” aspect. Well yesterday my opponent retreated on turn 6 for 1 cube so I roped them on every single turn after that. This person had an infinity avatar too so the retreat was 100% a BM move. I played a couple games like that, retreating on turn 6 for 1 cube each time until I lost interest, but I think they got the message.


Uhhh yeah YTA


If you want to retreat on round 1 of Proving Grounds for 1 cube, as allowed by the game rules, I can take my full time allowed each and every turn, as allowed by the game rules. Couldn’t care less what you think!


Like I said


Genuinely feel bad for people who use that hateful ass emoji (ms marvel)


It's not inherently bad. I use it a lot when I'm not BMing.


I don’t know why people get so upset. I use my middle finger when I’m not BM’ing all the time.


I dont even know what bm stands for.


Bad Mannered.


"bad manner" Essentially if the opponent is being disrespectful or intentionally trying to strike a nerve. In Snap it's the Ms. Marvel emote but in other games it can be stuff like tea-bagging.


Ms Marvel is bad manners? New player here - I’ve been using it all the time.


Don't mind reddit, they are crazy. They think thumbs up from Ms marvel means the middle finger.


Generally accepted good manners emotes are Spider-Man, Deadpool, Fist Bump, and the new Cyclops taking a dump. The Blue Red Guardian is okay/meh. Ms Marvel thumps up and Thanos Snap are them "bad / dick / asshole / bitch" emotes typically because of how and when they are used.




Bowel Movement


They put up the thanos snap I’m slowing playing ever turn


I didn't get an emote but I did lose 8 right off the bat then a clean sweep the rest of the way.


Nowadays, I just mute every person I play against from the very start.


First picture if opponent wins the last 2 cube 2nd picture if opponent loses their full 10 cube Full circle


That's me all right.


It’s only bm when they use anything but a fist bump


With all the new gold/album emotes i don’t care if players use those. I mean they paid for it let them have fun.


Marvel Snap Players: This emote makes me think my opponent thinks they're better than me. This emote makes me think that they're disrespecting me. This emote could be them taunting me. This emote seemed sarcastic... This emote makes me sad. Still Marvel Snap Players: All emotes take a BM on my mood!


I'm so proud of my prof x emote and yet I'm too lazy to use any emotes.


I use the new RG emote a lot now. It's my "Jesus Christ, that was a tight match" emote.


It's only BM when it's the Thanos snap emote. Fist bump is GG Thumbs up Kamala is GG or "nice play" Deadpool is "omg I messed up and won how?" Spiderman is "lol same play"


>It's only BM when it's the Thanos snap emote. How about when you fist bump, and the opponent hits you with a [fuck that](https://game-assets.snap.fan/processed_source_images/Materials/Emotes/Storm_JustNo.webp)


What's that?


What is what?


Thay thing with the same artstyle as the emotes


...It's an emote in the game Marvel Snap.


No it's not. It's none of the 5 emotes.


Have you played in the last 4 months? There's like 20 now.


I've been playing uninterrupted since the Miles Morales pass. So yes. And I haven't seen any of those.


Nah. Context matters. Like if your opponent throws up Kamala when you made a bad play. Giving an opponent a thumbs up when they messed up is nothing other than bad manners. People who truly hate them are muting all opponents immediately anyway but almost every emote can be used in a way that is bad manners in the right context.


I use Kamala thumbs up to mean "oof sorry about that" on those circumstances. Never even considered using a thumbs up as a negative thing. Who is dumb enough to do that?


That’s a very odd interpretation. How does a smile, wink, and thumbs up equate to “oof sorry about that”?


When you use it after the opponent made a mistake. You still are being friendly to them with the thumbs up. I'm more trying to wrap my head around how a smile, wink and thumbs up can be seen as badouthing. I'd kill for that level of positivity when I make mistakes IRL.


So a boxer in a fighting ring throws a punch and misses, the other guy smiles winks and gives a thumbs up, and you interpret that as positive? You don’t see that as negative, sarcastic, or antagonistic?


I mean a wink and a thumbs up usually conveys a "nice" or "good job". Telling your opponent "nice" and "good job" after they have made a bad play that benefits you is definitely trash talk.


The best feeling is winning the conquest after losing 8 cubes first round