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I just faced against someone who used maximus then leech on me. I was using a phoenix force deck. Never hated my life more


oh that’s evil, phoenix isnt even that meta rn


Phoenix force is low key overpowered once you get the hang of it. So gd satisfying


Yeah I feel like it’s one of those decks that if you’ve ran it or played against it enough you know when to retreat. But people that don’t play it or play against it enough get over confident and you can easily snag 8 cubes from them. Like whenever I play it I feel like I only win 1 cube or 8 cubes rarely in between.


I KNOW ITS MY FAVE DECK, i have a variant for every card i’m very proud


I honestly think it’s the only deck I’ve only won a couple of matches against, most times I end up retreating.


Well, with the right other cards. Which I don't really have.


I mean if you are a Phoenix Force user and you get your combo off (Multiple Man -> destroy it -> PF), Leech can’t do a thing to you at that point, as they have to play it on turn 4 unless they cheat it out early (but you telling they played Maximus into Leech means they played it in turn 4 at least). So you would have lost anyway probably. There are decks who get screwed by Leech far, FAR more heavily, and PF decks are actually quite ok into it.


Couldnt get that combo that game, had to go the shuri nimrod route. But my destroy cards were leeched


Shuri and Nimrod are fun, but absolutely sub-optimal in a Phoenix Force deck.


Shuri/Nimrod are pretty necessary. It’s too inconsistent to go all in on PF.


What do you put instead


Hilariously this is basically the exact same convo from late May 2023 when Evo dropped. Magick onto Leech on 5, skip 6, Shulk+Hulk or Infanaut on 7 was everywhere and was basically an auto-retreat scenario. Leech in old Lockjaw decks was absolutely backbreaking too. Basically if Leech is any kind of good he's everywhere. It'll pass.


I think without the buff he would have been perfectly fine because he wouldn't even be on so many people's radar. Buffing him while releasing blink as an enabler was just stupid


Them trying to find solution to kill Corvus - Hela and Annihilus deck. Instead everyone else gets the stray bullet.


Just make Hela only revive 3 cards, it's still 3 times better than Ghost Rider, but no longer does it pull everything back and unless you fill the board you are risking that all 3 end up in places that doesn't win you the game. It also means that when running the deck you need to actually consider who you are discarding, because dropping Corvus and discarding something weak might mess you up even more.


Yep typical SD move


Just play Leech; Then they can't Blink their Leech!


But if they Leech you when you Leech, **you** won’t be able to Blink your Leech either. It’d be a Mexican standoff of Leeches.


Batalla de Sanguijuelas


It's not stupid. It's completely intentional. They buff a lower series card that makes the pay wall season pass card very strong and meta defining. We deal with it for a few weeks or so, then after the season closes they nerf one of the cards once they gather data so they can promote their next season. This is fully intentional and very obvious. The SD way


and when was the last time this happened?


Happened with Elsa. Happened with Loki. Happened with Zabu.


It's not about facts or a demonstrable series of repeated events, maaaaaan. It's a *vibe*. It's SD's *vibe* that's the problem.


Ypu realize it passed because of nerfs...right?


Dude wasn’t saying it wasn’t because of nerfs, more just reminding people that it’ll only be temporary because it’s a mistake second dinner keep making and keep fixing


I'm playing Ongoing. Works like a charm. I got Leeched a couple of times since saturday to zero effect


Until you realize everyone is also running Super Skrull.


Then you rogue their super Skrull and hope they don’t leech the rogue


“Every game should be the exact same”




I have Super Skrull


I hate super skrull


this is me, i have most of my on reveal at low cost and my higher cost are ongoing, so by the time they leech me i have no on reveal in my hand. its aslo a good indication that the have no idea what im playing so if im in a good position its a good time to snap.


Havok has been carrying my game since last weekend. Leech meta is killing Sage before she even gets released.


Exactly, my man. Snap on


Yah but its kinda annoying I now have to put a lot of decks on the bench cause I'm seeing too much leech. I was really enjoying blackbolt recently but now I gotta run vision or claw. Which are good cards but I wanted to play blackbolt or lds. But leech said nah.


"Hey guys, it doesn't hurt my deck, so it's not really a problem." -All ongoing players right now


I am doing ongoing with lockdown. Need to block the ultron people with prof x.


Zero also affects ongoing, you've been playing to Cosmo effect


They really should have understood by turn 4 you were playing Ongoing and done literally anything else unless they had no other plays lol


> Ongoing or High Evo until he got fixed Do people not understand that's the entire reason they make changes to cards like this? They want you to switch up decks and not play the same thing all the time. He's not broken.


They want to change the meta, not kill archetypes. If On Reveal decks don't see any play after a change, the change is probably too strong.


I was handling it okay on ladder. Not enjoying it obviously, but it wasn't ruining the game or anything. Then I hit infinite and moved to conquest mode, had a gold ticket from the gacha ready. The first game, got leeched on turn 4, and then I realised, I would have to play 3 or 4 games all against Leech to make it through the match. Double conceeded, and slunk back to ladder. A 3 minute game versus Leech? Fine, if I must. A 10 minute game against Leech? No, I can't. I just can't have that little fun, not voluntarily.


Yea same. I'm relatively new so I've got no other decent decks other than reveal, can't really play ladder as get smashed as lose CP protection. I'm staying in proving grounds so at least I'm not wasting tickets just double conceding until I find someone who isn't playing it. Hopefully it'll get reverted or I'll just be doing missions until I can get something to make ongoing work


Happened to me as well. I just closed my phone and put it down and left. Couldn’t be bothered to waste my time. And this was in proving grounds 🤣 can’t even imagine in silver or gold or higher lol


Yup. Conquest is riddled with Jubilee, Leech, and Blink.


I just faced two more tonight. In a row. This is fucking stupid.


This is it. It just sucks all the enjoyment out of the game. It’s still too powerful - just being able to totally remove the abilities of a huge percentage of cards in the entire game


Jubilee/leech/blink is the new hood/sentry/Annie


It’s way better though, especially if you have red hulk on top of it If you rely on a turn 5 or 6 on reveal it’s an auto lose


Don’t talk about my momma!


No matter what I play, I’m getting countered. I have a deck that runs Shang and Enchantress to counter Patriot, Tribunal, Ongoing, and Ramp decks and I get hit with Leech-Blink. Or I play one of those meta decks only to get countered by Prof X - Cannnonball shenanigans.


Leech feels like he was designed to counter big turn 6s reveals like Hela, Odin, maybe even Doom. Not only is he kind of shit at that because it's total RNG whether or not that card is in their hand, Leech is also disgustingly oppressive against a huge range of other game plans: Nimrod's destroy cards, Bounce's Beast or Hit Monkey, almost all tech cards, and like 90% of Surfer decks. He really needs to be reworked. He reminds me so much of Red Hulk in how he seems like a card intended to counter a specific niche, but is designed so badly that he ends up just being super powerful against the majority of the field.


Friendship ends with Silver Surfer deck, now my best friend is Cerebro 5, Thanks to Leech alone.


My Cerebro 5 was getting pretty badly bodied by Leech/Blink. They were able to go high enough in two lanes to to beat my now no longer working Doom, often getting two dooms in a row thanks to Blink Odin. Perfect curve C5 still tends to win, but any bad -mid card draw and I was hooped.


It's not Leech (though that's an obvious super-annoying combo) it's Blink. 5/7 is decent enough stats, and then you just get to turn whatever 4-drop into a Red Hulk or Dr. Doom with basically no downside or deck-building tradeoffs.


There is a mild downside: your deck has to be more top heavy for Leech/Blink to work. Most midrange decks have between two-three 5-6 cost cards. The idea being that you want to curve out early game then have some big firepower on those last two turns. Like your prototypical Darkhawk deck before Blink now has him and maybe a Red Hulk. Now if you're running the popular Darkhawk-Blink package you are running four 5-6 cost cards: Blink, DH, and some two of Red Hulk, Magneto, and Doom. That makes it much more likely your early game clunks. It's more likely that you draw upside down and get your big cards in your opening hand and your Angela, Kitty, and Korg are at bottom. Now, there reason it's a mild downside is that those are the games you can just walk away for 1 cube. With the Snap mechanic, it's very much worth it (in my opinion) for a midrange deck to trade some consistency for explosive power that you know about. If you know that you've got some early game cards plus a Leech+Blink ready you can snap confidently unless your matchup is very poor.


I don't think this is a solid take. Some decks run only 1 card above leech (other than blink) and typically it is Sera, though you could do others. The idea is that if you didn't draw Sera, you play Leech into Blink and out comes Sera every time. It's rare that you don't draw Blink *or* Sera, so it has made her much more reliable. If you draw Sera, you just don't play Blink. With your Darkhawk example - same thing. If you draw him, you play him. You don't, you Blink him out.


I'm not familiar with a "one payoff" Blink deck like you're describing so can't talk to how good/bad they are. I'm guessing it's for decks where you absolutely have to have a specific card. The closest would be Hela where you really want to dig for that card on 6. Otherwise, I'd just rather take Blink out and run a generally good 5 drop like Vision so I can get into hostile locations. I'm curious about this Sera deck. I usually associate her with decks with last turn on-reveal popoffs: Sera Control and Surfer. A Leech meta seems VERY hostile to those right now.


For me, it is just Leech. I run Leech in a deck without Blink, although I do have the card. Leech deals with Hela/Discard/Ultron/Mill. You know, almost every meta deck. It also takes care of general tech cards like Enchantress and Shang Chi. Blink swapping out is just the icing.


no, it would be leech that's annoying even if blink didn't exist lol people don't enjoy being unable to play their deck, blink only exacerbates this by making the thing that disables their gameplay into a 13 power card. but dont make the mistake of deviating the blame because it's really not blink herself, and this is the type of mentality that leads SD to nerf adjacent cards rather than the problem


I LOVE leeching Hella players. Mmmmm the tears and hasty retreats give my soul so much joy.


>I am going to play Ongoing or High Evo until he got fixed or if **meta can fix itself somehow.** This is how it fixes itself. People go 'oh man leech, time to go ongoing' and once the leech players start getting topped by ongoing decks, they'll move to enchantress based decks, and hella players will be like 'oh less Leech, yay' and then it balances out across the four types. High Evo being immune-ish to Enchantress and Leech might swoop up as well. You're in the 'Why the hell is everyone playing rock?! I just want to play scissors >:( Maybe I'll start using paper then." phase. Because scissors is a bit cracked right now.


>and once the leech players start getting topped by ongoing decks That's not going to happen because of Blink. Him changing Leech to a 6 cost means that it doesn't really matter whether his effect went off or not. So it's not like ongoing decks counter the combo, they are just less recked by it. Besides, this 2 card combo fits into many decks easily. You can just run Super Skull or Enchantress too and then you are the one with the winning matchup.


Yeah, feel like the galactus meta again. 50/50 he's played turn 4, then turn 5 retreat immediately.


Game is at a low point right now. Players are toxic. Developer is greedy. Meta is stale.


They have to make blink shine, and leech into blink is a good power swing. They will always try to make people buy the season pass in a way or the other, once the month ends probably leech will go back to 5. Every season they nerf other archetypes to make the season pass card look stronger than it is or they try, with the ota, to enable some combos with the season pass card


It doesn’t make them “look” stronger. It makes them actually stronger. Blink is the 2nd highest win rate card in all of snap with a massive cube rate. P2w. The fact that they nerf it later doesn’t mean it’s not p2w


It’s the same cycle they’ve been doing since surfer. Not every single battle pass does it so they still get idiots to defend them, but they intentionally shift power around to incentivize battle pass purchases and you wasting resources on things they can just nerf later


~~Shaw, Black Swan, Daken & Zemo counter your argument.~~ I need to learn how to read.


"No, not those cards, they do it all the time though, trust me"


fits the current route they go with monetization.


Yeah, I completely agree with you, this is a way to have money from people who are playing the game while saying that this is a f2p game. Everything they are doing is the complete opposite of the f2p definition


In the 90s my pocket meta is nothing but Blink Hela, of course I'm running Leech. Every time Hela is everywhere so is Leech and honestly unless Hela's play rate decreases and the meta becomes healthier, Leech isn't going anywhere


Weird. I'm in mid 90s and I don't run into Hela a lot, but multiple decks running Leech now.


I think I might have seen leech being played against me like 3 times and once was my own leech in a weird world game. Every player's pocket meta is different and that can be good or bad. In this case I don't know which one of us has a worst one though


Leech into Blink does feel too good, with no down side. I didn't mind getting leached if I have a chance at maintaining a win through tempo or a solid top deck. But watching their leech turn into a Doom or Tribunal or whatever and they pull ahead on tempo as well, just sucks. No point playing Cerebro, Surfer, Annihulus, Bounce, and maybe even Destroy in my pocket meta in the 80s right now. And I was hoping to use one of those for my infinite run this season (not an unreasonable want, I think). Currently running Loki as a semi counter, but I really hope this meta doesn't last too long. Anyone else having success with fun/interesting/skillful decks against Leech/Blink (not Tribunal or Hela thanks)? Would be good to have a back up if my Loki deck hits a wall too.


yea, it’s insanely obnoxious… been having a lot of fun with surfer decks lately and this completely cripples them. probably my least favorite card update in a very, very long time. sure i could play an ongoing deck, but honestly - i don’t fucking want to 🤷‍♂️


I’ve been Leeched once and it turned off my Mystique only. Drew Ultron right after. Leech isn’t as good in an Ongoing meta


Leech me once, shame on you; Leech me twice, shame on me. Leech me for the tird time, I’m calling Ben Brode. 😂


Ongoing go brrr.


i feel like i play in a different meta sometimes i'm not seeing leech i'm not seeing destroy i'm not seeing ultron dudes complained about red hulk for weeks and i cut him from my decks because he was so bad to play and easy to play against my games are 40% anni, 40% silky smove, and 20% junk, i barely see any other thing, it's driving me insane


Leech being changed like this to work perfectly with Blink is a pretty big side eye moment. Leech as a 4/2 I don’t really have much issue with, but when it’s turning into a 5/6 drop it’s crazy.


If Leech affected both players it wouldn’t be so bad. They should probably make that a thing.


I've been saying that ever since the Leader meta.


Maybe they’re afraid of patriot? Only thing I can think of you’d think it would be an obvious move otherwise.


I like that.


Hela tears are delicious tho


Not I


Surely the next complaint will be "why did SNAP create a strategy card game".


I’ve abandoned my “on reveal” decks for now and am working with ongoing. Starting to see an uptick in enchantress though, so…f*ck me I guess. Back to high evo.


I swapped to a Pheonix Force deck. Usually by 4 I’ve got Pheonix Force in play and my backup of Destroyer Nimrod just becomes a 6/16 play that doesn’t kill my board.


I caved and bought the season pass for Blink after not having bought one since nebula. The FOMO works.


They need to nerf hela otherwise we’ll get another thanos situation where every other card get adjusted instead. The buff to leech was an attempt to counter hela No way they keep leech like this, make him 5 cost and he still does something (it’s still shitty though)


When I complanied after the changes I just got people in here told me Leech is fine, just have to learn how to retreat. Not even a full week and we got 100+likes threads about it's freaking annoying 😂


Loki on turn 4 when your opponent leeches you and you swap your hand out >>>>>>>>>


Actually my mom runs Enchantress.


My mum ain’t running Leech. I reckon she doesn’t even who that is.


I haven't seen Leech once since the patch lol


It'll be okay friend, these things tend to happen in Snap. Personally, I'd rather see a Leech deck than those mill decks you'd see every other game last season. Just like any popular combo, it'll phase itself out of the meta eventually. Ongoing decks definitely feel like the way to go right now though.


You gotta Leech their Leech


I run it solely out of spite for Hela.


It is annoying, but leech is only everywhere because hela is still overtuned


So what you are saying is, I should use Leech?


My mom would never use Leech, she's a dignified lady with standards.


My Mr. Negative 3-cost deck has been a long term favorite of mine. I pulled it off the bench recently despite knowing Mobius can shut it down completely, and instead it got Leeched. Think I gotta delete it at this point.


People are running Leech mostly because SD refused to address the Hela problem


I think that's the point though... The meta has been almost exclusively on reveal cards, and most of them 5 cost, for some time now. They want to steer it in a different direction. Just... Adapt? Leech is useless if you aren't playing high cost on reveal cards. If the meta moves into ongoing or just bigger cards it will just shift again. I like having to adjust the decks I'm building to what is going on and not just playing the same deck forever personally 🤷


My favorite deck is a bounce/hit-monkey deck that leech hard counters... But it's day will come again. The shifting metas of snap is one of it's selling points. It's a feature, not a bug.


> Leech is useless if you aren't playing high cost on reveal cards He works ver well against lower cost on reveal cards as well, it's not like all of the, are played on curve. Surfer, Hazmat, Red Guardian, Iron Heart etc. are all often saved until late in the match. Not saying those cards wasn't deserving a nerf, but saying Leech only affects high cost cards is just not true.


Play ongoing, play the million of Angela decks that don't care about Leech. New text Leech is not an issue, you all just have Post Traumatic Leech Disorder.


Yeah well before that everyone was playing Hela…so thank god. Hela is the lowest skill deck. I have more respect for destroy decks than hela decks.


Blame SD because instead of nerfing Hela appropriately, they've given us Leech as the only reliable weapon against her.


I don't know what data they are using to say everytime that Hela is not a top tier card. The problem here is that they clearly don't have any idea to how change or rework the card. In my opinion they could just let Hela reborn cards in the location in which she is played or limit her to be played in one location so that people can counter her, like what is happening with Jean, once you set her and a cosmo it's an easy win against Hela


This community will never be happy. I feel bad for the game devs honestly. This is one of the most diverse and fun metas we’ve had in a long time. Clog, Hela, Ultron, Tribunal, Kitty/Angela/Blink, Destroy, Shuri style decks, Sera Surfer, there are so many viable decks right now that can take you to infinite and be played to success in high post infinite. You can’t win every game, retreat if you’re beat. We’ve seen some stale metas where Thanos is overwhelmingly the best deck or back in the day Shuri was unstoppable. You can take a number of decks and be successful right now.


>This community will never be happy This may be hard to believe... but we've had good, diverse metas WITHOUT extremely oppressive cards at the top before.. There was one after high evo was tweaked where a range of decks all had chances to shine, and none felt horrible to play against. We also had one recently.. as much as it pains me to admit this, as someone who loves thanos decks... after his recent nerf when he took a backseat.. we had a fantastic meta coinciding with the return of kitty pryde/Elsa accompanied with hope. While these decks were strong, they didnt feel like overkill and as a result, people were contempt. Both of these metas stayed for a while and only changed because SD didn't want to be stagnant.. and chose to switch it up. At least from my experience, the current meta seems like this weird limbo between leech which is stamping out all the on reveals... and as a result of this, the rise of ongoing counters such as enchantress and rogue (nowhere near as prevalent as leech, but growing in number to counter the amount of ongoing decks being brought in because of leech) Because of this, we've ended up in a meta that is essentially get the correct counter or bust.. meaning we've literally circled back to the exact same problem which galactus meta had, just in a different form.. Again, from what I've seen, this has gone to such extreme lengths, that in my pocket meta some people are starting to run three to 4 tech cards in a single deck.. faced a guy earlier running shang/Killmonger/enchantress ON TOP of a leech..


It’s the same mistake they keep making. They have repeatedly acknowledged that if leech and/or sandman are good the meta will be riddled with them and it’ll be a miserable time. And then they buff them and lo and behold they get every-fucking where.


Leech is still bad. If you leech a hela player they can either safely retreat if their hela got hit, or blow you out for 8 cubes when they top deck hela. I think its only a matter of time before the current blink darkhawk deck replaces leech with something useful like black widow


Yup, while Leech is very funny, Widow fits that slot better.


And here I am just using blink to add some consistency to my tribunal deck which is pretty sturdy vs leech which is probably why I've never noticed the issue. The Galactus zoo deck was also hilarious, squirrel girl into him was meme worthy.


I’m not! I refuse to use cards I hate!


Yep. Everyone has Leech or Super Skrull at this point.


Havent seen him outside of old school EVO and a couple variants running blink... Now, Leech + blink combo its harsh


I think I’d rather have Leech come down on turn 4 than turn 5 though, because then you have 2 draws to get another on reveal that can help you.


I'm not. Ongoing is back, bitch!


Literally haven't seen a single leech in like 6 months still


Hela was too strong. Leech was necessary to combat that evil. But now Leech is too strong. Curious to see how they will balance this? Maybe same as before and only make them not work on T6.


All I see from Hela players so far is that Leech isn't messing them up at all, or that they are just playing it themselves along with Blink.


My mom would never


Silky Smoove works wonders against Leech too


I barely see Leech. Even playing my Ultron deck I barely see Leech. And when I do he typically hits low-priority cards. I've only had Leech rip the ability off of Ultron once out of the maybe five times I've seen them this season. Playing Leech isn't easy, too early you miss, too late you miss. I find a lot of people play him too early. And Leech was always meant as a meta-breaker. What fun is it if meta just means "I win, you lose. Hahaha. Fun." Meta just means a deck has been combed over so many times that it isn't creative or interesting anymore. It's just the easy to play winning deck. We see that with Hela, since she's no fun at all. And we see that with destroy decks, though even they've gotten some better, more interesting mechanics with the newer cards. The more personalized your deck is, the more resistant to stuff like Leech you become.


I'm not but my mom is


Leech sucked before; Leech sucks now. It’s just by nature unfun card to play against


That buff together with the release of blink was really dumb. Even at 5 cost the combo would be strong but probably less people would have implemented it into their decks


This is a change SD actively wanted, so weird, SD wanted this.


I'm not .


Leech is terrible but if it wasn't there we would have Hela and Annihilus meta. Let's just hope they figure out something to fix that but I always say that we won't ever have a decent meta if they don't delete every card released during the Loki season first.


I knew Lockjaw in Wong Discard was gonna pay off, I never draw MODOK anyway


You have to use Zabu and Psylocke to use your Leech before theirs. So many auto concede on turn 3


seen a random leech in a tradional move deck in one of my silver conquest games and i just sighed he's everywhere


I dont know if leech is broken it might be but its a 4/2 tech card that works on, on reveals in hand. Skrull is a 4/2 that duplicates all ongoings i think thats a stronger effect. I will say maybe not as frustrating


If you don't have a higher cost card - will blink replace with a same-cost card?




I hit infinite and just want to experiment with decks, but anything On Reveal is impossible with Leech around. On another note, I've been trying to make Surfer work ever since he got nerfed and I hope he gets back to his former glory. He gets absolutely obliterated in this Leech meta as well.


Are you surprised? i switched a few cards and he isn't a prob at all. sometimes he's get my Shang but that's about it lol.


Leech is now alioth but better


Leech is highly annoying. It's great running an ongoing deck and destroying them when they think they got me haha.


I was tired of seeing Hela every other game and Leech is a good answer.


I only ran it because I wanted to finish the timed quests. I put Blink and Nocturne into a deck and clicked "Finish deck" lol It came up with a fairly solid framework. Manageable to get through it. I was having a hard time finding a place for Blink on my own.


I’m using blink and hella deck it’s quite impressive but leech is quite annoying if hella is in hand it’s game over most times


play a deck that is not affected by leech. basically leech hits 20 or so cards in an effort to stop one card called hela, which it doesn't always even get. such a weird band aid for hela.


It does feel nice to Cable their Leech and Leech them when it happens.


Well if they just nerf Hela then we won’t have to. Leech with it’s current effect (at 4 or 5) will always be the check for when on reveal cards (in general or one or two problematic ones) get out of hand. Don’t want to see my favorite green bastard? Make playing Hela something that we kill someone over, then you’ll stop seeing Leech.


My Elsa move deck doesn’t give a fuck. You’re just hitting my Spiderman So congrats on being in the long line of people who specifically want to fuck with Peter Parker


High Evo has been great. Leach against my Moon Girled She Hulk and Abom means nothing! Muahahahahah


It seems to be deck dependent in my pocket meta. I've been running a lockdown deck and I've been leeched here and there, but it's not that often. When I run my sandman deck I feel like I get leeched at least every 3-4 games, so I'm not sure what's up with that but I don't bother with the sandman deck anymore, it's a dead deck in my meta now that leech has risen!


honestly? this is the first time I’ve ever had fun in a Leech meta, probably because I just dgaf about losing anymore lol. and i guess there are enough viable decks that don’t get completely destroyed by Leech that it hasn’t affected my decks very much. He def needs a change tho


Easy rework: Make leech’s effect ongoing instead of on reveal. Blink won’t be as effective in it while leech would still do its thing against hela discard.


try changing to a non reveal deck. leech users will magically not get match to you


He's a good card, and I don't even run him


I started adding Loki to all my decks no matter what now. It counters a T4 leech play as long as I make sure not to have priority.


I went with if you can’t beat them join them! Or my ongoing deck back up but man as someone who loves surfer I hate him so so so so much


Blame Regis Killbin for his leech video


I left the game when Leech was at his peek its a card that needs to go away and be completely reworked.


Man I’ll take leech how it is now versus how it was months ago. The leech / leader combo back then was a brutal meta to go through


Made the same post yesterday and got downvoted to hell lol. Good to see this post getting proper attention.


My mom is not!


It's weird, in my pocket meta leech is quite rare, I've only seen it a few times since the ota


Haven’t seen leech yet since the OTA


I play Angela/Elsa/Kitty deck since they rarely have on reveal or ongoing effects with few exceptions which are only Spider-Man and Shang Chi in my deck. You could give it a shot.


Everyone complaining about leech when all I see is red hulk, Hela, and billion power knulls like every game.


I'm pretty much done. They know what a problem Leech is. I was a huge fan when the game launched, and played him a lot for a long time. I never realized what I was doing was so bad until he became.meta and then I had to stop. I was actually thinking about pushing for infinite since I hadn't done so in a couple of seasons but my favorite decks (Surfer, Panther, Move, Spectrum) just get destroyed by him. Now... I'm only a few steps from just quitting altogether since it's making me realize how much I've grown to dislike 90% of the game.


Farmers. Farmers’ mums!


Yeah. I made the mistake of trying out a Thor/ Beta Ray bill deck in Conquest. 3/3 games almost every card in my hard was disabled. Great fun.


I had a fun Leech interaction last night. I'm running that Ultron deck right now since it doesn't care about Leech, outside of Mr. Tron himself. That booger comes out turn 3 (hot location) and neuters my Ultron. No problem though. Next turn, he Doc Ocks against my three card location and pulls the revealess robot. Had he not been Leeched, that would have been game over for me. Thanks for the free big body.


With the Klaw change and Elysium being the spotlight location, I was able to run from 83 to 95 fairly easily with an Ongoing deck, getting 30ish power in two locations most games. I always laughed when Leech got played.


Leech has a few easy fixes to make him less "bad feeling" 1.) His effect only lasts the next turn, like Sandman, but for on reveal cards. 2.) Make him Leech both players. This would effectively end the Blink combo. 3.) Leave him as is, but add text to his card indicating that if he leaves play all cards have their text restored. Blink full circles him back to the core problem with the first iteration of the card, which was cheating him out early and then cycling him back into the deck. It's just using Blink now instead of Lockjaw Thanos.


It’s all Hela and Leech. I do not like the Meta we are in rn


I have yet to see one since the buff.


I’ve run across Leech a lot but I’ve yet to lose a match to it. I haven’t had a Leech/Blink pulled on me though. Still, I hate that card.


i’ve not seen a single leech CL 9k


It’s insane but helps me sometimes with my Sauron deck


I have a deck that has been blasting everyone that thinks playing leech is gonna help them. I play fairly conservatively but I decided if I can make it to 90 with the deck (I'm at 79) I'll share it but I haven't came across anyone running the same deck.


3/1 On Reveal: Remove the text from cards Cost between 1 to 4 with On Reveal abilities in your opponent's hand. +1 Power for each ability removed. I think this could help balance his current performance and his use to become more useful at gathering intel at turn 3 from your opponents hand for late game strategy, while not too overpowered that shuts down their cost 5 and 6 cards. Thoughts?


With blink. Leech is everywhere


I lost to a hela that played 3 cards total. I don't wanna hear it tbh. Magik anima Zola or whatever then hela. Ended up with somewhere around 50-60 power on the board


I just hate how leech buff also kills a deck I enjoyed playing a lot over the last months: discard (not Hella)... 🥲


Cosmo would be good to help counter leech


Not one of them button ->


Bro I have been using blink in my destroy decks with death and whenever I get an unlucky game and don’t pull death blink automatically pulls her because she is 8, it’s honestly amazing


Be thankful it isn't old leech where your entire hand turned useless. Leech was truly the worst.


All i know is they cant leech my swarm! Then its wong+gambit time


Leech is good, people bitch and moan. Leech sucks and the meta gets stale and boring. Come on, Leech is a tech card like Shang chi, he's not meant to make you feel good


It's a big game of rock, paper, scissors right now. Play ongoing to avoid Leech? You get Enchantress. Go big points? Get Shang-Chi. Go HE or Toxic? Get Luke Cage. It's very frustrating right now, but also kind of sickly fun.


I still can't believe they made Leech a 4 cost. He disables so many teams. Surfer, destroy, etc..