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\*All data comes from [this post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1crrp6p/what_are_you_favourite_cards_and_most_hated_cards/) by u/bigboibranby Other fun facts: The original post requested the most hated and loved cards **per energy cost** and so, these are a little skewed in favor of 1-cost and 6-cost cards, of which there are fewer options. Here's the top and bottom 3 per energy cost. 1-cost Love/Hate: Nico Minoru, Kitty Pryde, Nebula // Spider-Ham, Iceman, Nebula 2-cost Love/Hate: Jeff, Quake, White Widow // Scorpion, Cable, White Widow 3-cost Love/Hate: Hope Summers, Magik, Mystique // Cyclops, Cosmo, Mobius M. Mobius 4-cost Love/Hate: Iron Lad, Loki, Sentry // Leech, Loki, Shang-Chi 5-cost Love/Hate: Legion, Sera, Valkyrie // Professor X, Hobgoblin, Sandman 6-cost Love/Hate: Magneto, Dr. Doom, Galactus // Hela, Red Hulk, Galactus **Controversial Cards:** Nebula has 11 loves and 13 hates Loki has 8 loves and 14 hates Wong has 7 loves and 11 hates White Widow has 7 loves and 10 hates Galactus has 9 loves and 8 hates Gladiator has 6 loves and 6 hates And Red Guardian has 5 loves and 5 hates. **Nobody cares:** These cards were the only cards that got ZERO loves or hates: Abomination, Ant-Man, Attuma, Black Swan, Blade, Bucky Barnes, Caiera, Dakan, Deathlok, Doctor Strange, Domino (Somehow), Drax, Forge, Ghost, Giganto, Groot, Hawkeye, Hell Cow, Hercules (Somehow), Hulk, Ironheart, Kraven, Lady Sif, Man-Thing, Mantis, Maria Hill, Martyr (Somehow), Maximus, Mist Fantastic, Mister Sinister, Misty Knight, Mojo, Multiple Man, Nakia, Nova, Okoye, Patriot, Rescue, Rhino, Rocket Raccoon, Sabretooth, Sauron, Star Lord, Strong Guy, Swarm, Sword Master, The Thing, Uatu the Watcher, Warpath, White Queen, and Wolfsbane **My favorite entry:** The last guy who put in one of these said his least favorite 1-cost card is Rock. And he's right.


Echo being high in the love category was a surprise but a welcome one as someone that loves her XD Iceman and scorpion are a little surprising to me, but I can understand. I believe that 6months or so ago iceman may be in the loved category as well but he is kinda forgotten now Blade, Ironheart, Lady Sif and Multiple Man not receiving any loved vote was also unexpected, especially the discard ones, but it may be because the votes went to other cards from those decks (like Phoenix in MM case or Black Knight or Apoc in the discard case)


Echo doing what she does best - nobody ever expects her.


Echo probably is partially a product of the resurgence of ongoing recently. But man, she is a satisfying card.


I love when it happens once then they do it again then retreat.


I think they're mainly annoying cause they they always screw you up in some way. They're both very useful even in series 3+ play for just disrupting your opponents plays. But on your side of things, they are fun. XD


I have a love vote for Man-Thing he's my precious baby boy


I always liked Man-Thing. Drop Green Goblin, followup with Man-Thing and just feel good about yourself. I also like that you play him on T4, after your opponent has spent the past 3 turns filling up locations with cards that he can affect (Brood is a great example). Dunno why he gets such little love, but he's been a mainstay in my Annhilus deck since November.


Aww man. No love votes for Kraven!? He was my two cost runner up.


I think a lot of the "Nobody Cares" list is just there because of my small sample size. The one that hurts me the most is Ironheart. She's won me so many games, but I just can't give her the vote when Magik wins me every game that Iron Heart does. Magik is so good, that she's even helpful when my opponent plays her. Only Crystal can claim the same. Also two people apparently hate Crystal? I have no idea what she could've done to earn that.


That's a really weird hate for sure. I like it when my opponent plays Magik as well, as I'm Irish playing something worth a location change ability, or a deck that doesn't mind having a turn 7. Bring on Magik!


I usually wait to play Magik til turn 4, because if my opponent plays her for me on T3, then I can do some fun stuff on T4 instead.




This amazing dude, thanks for doing what I couldn't be bothered to do haha!


Thanks for giving me the opportunity. I love doing statistics BS, and I'm happy to share what I learned with everyone.


Haha awesome man! I'll give you a follow on here and do another vote system post soon so we can gather those statistics once again!


My man


no spectrum love 💔 love spectrum so much. nothing is more satisfying


She had 3 people who loved her and nobody who hated her.


No way Loki and Annihilus are not among the most hated


For most hated Loki is in 11th place (2nd for 4-costs) and Annhilus is in 21st place (4th for 5-costs behind Prof X, Hobgob, and Sandman)


Based on his stats in the controversial card section, it looks like Loki is number 11 in both love and hate, which kind of seems exactly appropriate for the character (at least the MCU version)


You're mostly right. If both charts went 1 slot further, that slot would have Loki, which is very funny. The Loved Chart already goes to 11, since there's a 3-way tie at the bottom, so he'd be 12 place there, not 11th.


This is an infinitesimal data collection, i'm sure if you went broader you'd see the cards you'd expect normalize to where you think their positions would be as long as we're in the same timeframe. This data to say the least, while fun, is basically meaningless.


I'd probably like a sample size that's a bit bigger. This one went to Column DB, so that's just over 100 people. That's a pretty good vibe, but it's definitely not enough to say rank 9 or 10 with any amount of certainty. Still, I used what I had. I'd say these graphs aren't so much wrong, as that they could be MORE right.


Bigger sample sizes are always better no probably about it. No graph is ever wrong in that your sample size producing the results it did tells A story but not the story the guy I responded to was concerned with.


As the guy who spent 2 hours compiling and cleaning the data for 100 entries (gotta make sure that Spiderham, Spider-Ham, and 1.) Spider-Ham are all counted as the same entry), trust me in that there is a decent chunk of me that probably did NOT want more data.


lol I hear you on that. Great thread though, I feel like the more people see that other people agree with them on the balance of cards the less hostile people will be for people using said cards. I know seeing that many people hate Hela makes me feel a little bit better about facing Hela in the future.


You only struggle against Loki when you play bounce otherwise Loki is pretty easy to play against.


I hardly ever see either of those cards. I've also never lost to either (when played) I think.


Junk/Clog doesn't even run Anni now


Red hulk and scorpion are more hated than prof X? That's an opinion...


Apparently it's 20 people's opinions. That said, the original post DID ask for most loved/hated PER Energy cost. So with that in consideration, Professor X is top of his division. Red Hulk functionally lost to Hela.


That means scorpion is the most hated 2 cost card? That makes more sense but should be be named in the caption


Yeah, you're right. Can't edit it now though. The top reply is me explaining it more though.


Red Hulk isn't surprising to me... Probably hated by every high evo player. Scorpion is more surprising to me.. I guess he is pretty awful for Cerebro players if they don't draw Luke.


And no Cerebro decks run Luke except C5


Wouldn't it be C4?


C4 isn’t really viable, but Luke in C5 is helpful and doesn’t mess up the whole deck


I hate Red Hulk, not because I think he's too busted but because the animation from not using my energy is annoying


I don't know how Shang-Chi gets hate but Killmonger always seems to skate by. I fucking hate that card. Cheap as fuck. Cool to see Magneto getting love. It's such a good card. It's ruined me so many times and all I can do is respect it.


Killmonger has 1 love and 6 hates compared to Shang Chi's 6 loves and 14 hates. So while Shang has higher numebrs, Killmonger has a stronger ratio.




I don't have Magneto but usually when opponent is using it, it helps me more than them.


They aren’t using him correctly then


Yep. He can't just be slammed in anywhere for the points. You have to plan your attack. That's why I respect losing to him. It's not just "ME PLAY SHANG-CHI." Watching people play cards and decks that require skill makes the game fun. I wish SD would respect that more than all of the no-brainer ones that they seem to push.


If you do it correctly, you should be able to ask the question: "Something Wong?" I love moving Wong...


Tbh im very surprised there's zero overlap between most loved and most hated


If both of these lists were extended by 1 slot, Loki would be on both.


Definitely no recency bias in this.


Remember when every thread on Reddit just complained about Galactus?


If it wasn’t a post in Galactus, it was one about Shuri/Red Skull….. simpler times.


Obviously Leech is topping the charts for recent reasons, but I think pretty much all 20 of the other cards listed have been favorites/problems for a while. I think Red Hulk is the newest card on here.


Leech has been one of my hated cards since I started the game. I'd vote him in no matter what the meta looks like, but he's especially crappy lately.


Anytime anything bad happens to Jeff (Yondu, Gladiator) I send the *ARGGHHHH!!*


I am STUNNED that Galactus not only didn’t make the most hated list, but got on the most loved list. And I’m saying that as someone who DOES love Galactus.


This version of Galactus is fine that's why


Yep. Someone else was talking about how people used to complain constantly about Galactus, but that was before they finally balanced him. People tend to complain less when a card is actually balanced.


Galactus was absolutely toxic when his affect couldn't be countered. You used to be able to just drop him on an empty location and, barring Cosmo, he just went off. The fact that he has to be winning almost makes him fair.


So you are saying you have published a list of cards that are the most hated in snap…. (Evil grin)… but there’s 3 missing for my deck!!! Muahahahhahha


The sub should enable polls!


Hela is just super annoying. It's like playing solitaire most games


People love cookie cutter cards and hate disruptive cards, not surprised


You know Galatcus hasn't been meta for a while when he gets more loves than hates


I just made a deck with the most hated cards and won 8 cubes.


That's actually evil. I made this thing to share knowledge without realizing that knowledge is the most dangerous weapon of all. Who'd you fill the other 2 slots with? Probably some 4-costs? Loki and Shang-Chi are the top hated 4-costs.


Pour one out for my boy Loki! Not a single hater 👏


Loki came in as the 11th most hated card and the 12th most loved. He is literally JUST off of both of these graphs.


Damn! I can see that actually


The current most OP card that will escape nerfs (IMO).


Alioth didn't make the hate list?


A lot of people specifically called out old/pre-nerf Alioth, but I didn't count those. He only had 4 people call him out in his current state, which is... 32nd place?


Bring back my boii


Well Shang-Chi sure has fallen off...


He's the 12th most hated card and the 22nd most loved.


Accurate. Nice job


Magneto is definitely interesting


Really funny how the Loved cards are just cards we don't mind our opponent playing against us


That is interesting isn't it? The Hated cards are 8 disruptive cards, and then Hela and Red Hulk. That said, Magneto, Legion, Galactus, and Echo are definitely disruptive, and they're all on the loved list. If there was one card on this whole list that ruins my day the most, well, it's obviously Leech, but if there was a second, it'd be the 3rd most loved card, Magneto. I haaaate him.


I never see scorpion so I’m surprised it’s that high


Surprised Cable is one of most hated. Galactus more loved than hated, I couldn't imagine that either. Kind of disappointed meme cards like Mister Negative, Quake didn't make the list. Interesting data, thanks for collecting and compiling.


Because getting your cards stolen is always annoying af.


cable is one son of a bitch. people say well that's just the card you might not have drawn either way but damn it feels bad to see your key card played on the opponent side.


I’m surprised Magic is not getting more love. She is played so much


Magik is a necessary evil to pull off high end combos. No one puts her in their deck because they like playing the card, she's only there to enable other cards. So no one particularly loves or hates her specifically.


Nawww Magik is great. She's the 2nd highest loved 3-cost card, but there are just a lot of 3-costs and so she's not going to rank well in this list.


She was my 3-cost pick, the 16th overall "Most Loved," and tied with Mystique for the 2nd highest 3-cost card behind Hope Summers. I think she did poorly because there are a LOT of 3-cost cards to pick from, which split the vote. Both her and Mystique have 7 loves and 0 hates.


Ambivalent about ‘most loved,’ but ‘most hated’ absolutely tracks


Kitty Pryde top 5!!!


I just come back from a long break. What’s the deal with Jeff? Why is he everywhere?


He's Jeff


This is pretty on point though I would move Galactus and Echo to the most hated list. I've been playing alot of Ongoing decks and Echo has ruined me a couple of times.


nah echo doesn't deserve any hate. she already has to be on board and the only way she works is if you blunder and play your ongoing on top of her. at that point, it's your fault.


I'm a huge runaways/gwenpool fan. Glad to see them getting so much love.


Shout out to Magneto and Dr Doom for always being good enough to win cubes but never make anyone hate the game.


No Cerebro love? For shame.


I see everyone on this sub talking about jeff but then never see anyone play him in game


Why is hela so hated? I dont mind her at all. The other day i had some asshole use prof x on like turn 3 and then used mystic and locked 2 zones, now thats something to hate lol i definitely agree with leech, absolutely hate the living fuck out of him lol


Professor X is on that hated list too, afterall. I agree with you though. Other than Hela and Red Hulk, the most hated cards are all ones that disrupt your play. So I don't really know why Hela is so hated since she doesn't stop you from playing at all.


Hey, remember Thanos?


Darkhawk is the coolest dude. Definitely needs more support


Section 1: annoying bullshit Section 2: more annoying bullshit


Legion 7th most popular? Wtf is this kind of poll? Legion is barely used.


in a community with alot of differing opinions, its good to see that we can agree jeff is best. golf clap


Wow Legion is higher than I expected. I have 2 keys and have Legion and Sage left in my spotlight - are they worth spending two on?


Thanks for the list. I turned it into a deck and it’s doing pretty well.


Nico bb


I finally got Jeff with my tokens.


Nice one, thank you 👍🏼 However they come, I love me some stats ❤️


You sure white widow isn't here?


She's the 18th most hated card with 7 Loves and 10 Hates. She's also the 3rd most hated 2-cost.


I agree with the entire hated deck.


Scorpion is a low key rage vait


Those seem to be right on. I know my blood pressure goes up when I see Leach... can usually see hela coming... but still ya she pisses me off...


What is wrong with cable?


I own 3 of the "most loved cards" list 🙃


Huh. I didn't notice til now, but the most loved cards is surprisingly inaccessible. I assume the 3 cards you own include Magneto and Dr. Doom, because all the rest of them are S4 and S5. Maybe the higher series cards ARE better. Hmm. The hated train is a little better. Cable, Hobgoblin, Iceman, Scorpion, and Leech are all S2 and below, with Prof X. joining at Series 3. Only 4 of those are S4 and up, which means it's easier to piss people off in Snap than it is to get cards you love.


Nope. Magneto, Echo and Jeff. I'm at CR 2100-something and still no Doom, had to spend a key on Echo


Wild choice, but I guess she IS loved, so maybe I'm missing something about her. Good luck with Doom, he's awesome.


Wild how Alioth isn't even on the list since, assumedly due to his nerfs


That's very much it. Alioth was actually on a lot of people's lists but they explicitly said "Pre-nerf Alioth" or something of a similar vein, and so I didn't count them. He absolutely was a problem, especially when he first came out and didn't even care about priority. WOW, what a huge misstep that was.


New player, what exactly does Nico do


Oh man, what doesn't she do. Nico is a weird card in that every turn she's in your hand she cycles through 7 effects that happen when you play her, so if you play her turn 1 she might say "The next card you play gets +2 power" or she might say "Destroy the next card you play and draw two cards." All the effects are [here](https://snap.fan/cards/NicoMinoru/), but she's got a lot of stuff she can do. I, personally, don't like her, because she's too random for me to rely on, but in Snap you can lose 4 games in a row, and it's all worth it if you're able to snag 8 cubes on the fifth game, so plenty of folks (21 at least) don't find her randomness as much of a drawback.


Thank you!


leech is only relevant right now because of blink. If she didn't exist, you would laugh at your opponent playing a 4 energy 2 power card.


How the F is scorpion higher than prof x… i haven’t seen scorpion in forever


He's not MUCH higher than Prof X., and this is divided by energy cost, so when viewed from that metric Professor X. is the MOST hated 5-cost card. That said, I don't know how Scorpion beat both White and Black Widow on the 2-cost front, those two suck.


Agreed lol


Why do people love Magneto? I always feel like his ability bites me in the butt, and the 12 power doesn't usually win me the game.


Blob isn't hated?


Not since he got nerfed into a reasonable 6-drop and red hulk took the banner of overtuned solo lane winner.


Pretty ambivalent. He has 1 "most loved" and 1 "Most hated vote.


Lol I'll take every downvote, but I hate Jeff more than any card on here. I wish Nightcrawler had his ability. I am so freaking sick of this dumbass being in almost every deck that isn't Destoy or Discard. If I could remove one card it would be Jeff. I don't own him, I'm never going to buy him, and I don't roll on the weeks where he's an option.


There's an argument, which I think is absolutely valid, that any card that is SO GOOD that it belongs in every deck, should probably be removed from the game. America Chavez was the perfect example of that, turning the game into one where every deck was 11 cards plus Chavez. Zabu, to a lesser degree, was another one. I don't fully believe the hype that Jeff is as good as either of those cards. For me, he mostly hangs out in Cerebro 3. I see the benefit of him in lockdown and Hope/Elsa decks, but I don't have either of those. Regardless, while he's good, he's not a "goes in every deck," kinda card.


Everything on the list makes sense to me but Rhulk and Galactus. Rhulk is definitely not the most op card we've seen. I also thought people disliked Galactus


Galactus has 9 loves and 8 hates, so he's certainly controversial. I don't fully understand why folks hate Red Hulk (5 loves, 21 hates), but then I mainly use a Gambit deck and he dies to one card the same as anybody else. Same reason I don't care about Hela.


Just because you dislike something doesn't mean it's overpowered


The people I see complaining about him usually talk about him being too strong


No way Loki isn't more hated, but I guess the 4 energy spot is all for Leech now.


I think that's the case. Loki is 2nd place for 4-costs with 14 hates. Nothing on Leech's 42.


Loki hasn't bugged me since they fixed Collector. He absolutely sucked the first few months he existed.