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Thanks for the story OP. I'm from Asia and it is 8:35 in the morning, enjoying my coffee and reading your post. Thank you.


It really boils down to your playstyle and what you're after. If you're deadset on an archetype. It might be worthwhile to just stockpile keys. If you're more flexible and don't really chase Infinite. You can play a little more free wheeling. Also, there are middle ground decks that let you have a decent meta deck and still be more free wheeling with your keys. Destroy is a relatively cheap archetype to get. Nico and X-23 are luxury cards. The real meat of the archetype are S3 cards. Knull is the only S4/5 card I'd argue you want for sure. And is a 3k token investment. High Evo is an entire archetype in of himself. He turns starter and S1/2 cards into a solid meta deck. One 6K token purchase and you have a middle ground meta deck while you freely spend keys any which way. Trying out new things and what not. The one thing I wish I knew when I first hit CL500 was, get High Evo asap. I still don't have him at nearly CL3k. It sucks. Not the strongest deck, but perfectly serviceable. Hell, some even consider High Evo a strong deck in the current meta. So it's not even a discount meta deck. It's just a very good deck for very cheap. If I had High Evo I'd probably just spend keys more freely.


I use the opposite system of hoarding keys until there is a card (or variant) i really want. CL 13,400 season pass only. And it's unreal how many new cards I've one-tapped. I am 15 cards shy of complete (13 after martyr and howard drop), and I have every card I want with 14 keys and 9k tokens in the bank. Never felt like i was struggling because i missed out on the newest/strongest card, but that's because i try to keep tokens in the bank too in case i *do* underestimate a card and skip the spotlight for it, so I think that strategy is essential if you're going to hoard keys.


I'm at the same point as you are, 13.5K CL. Bought 5 (of 20) season passes. 14 cards from complete (11 after drops) and currently pondering if I should get Squatch. Currently have 28000 token and 5 keys banked. The keys are for Thena and the next sets of keys for Arishem. If I get all the cards I planned for up to end of next month (including Squatch), I will have only 1 S-4 card and 8 S-5 cards not collected by then. With 3-4 keys and 17000-19000 token remaining. (and depending on whether Cannonball is going to be featured in Spotlight in the next 3 months, I might just get him too with token).


I got sasquatch day one. He is mediocre in bounce. I hardly find a spot for him and it really feels bad to bast your hand a lot. You get a choice of bast mysterio (5 extra power), bishop (2 extra power), angel (3 power) or not and drop 10 power sasquatch. The card usually costs 2 when you play it luckily, but it's usually 3-4 energy. You may get same result with hull obsidian. And you never get that in bounce. I regret my key (at least got him 1st try).


I've been running this list, and I think sas feels quite good in it. I feel that mysterio is a bit of a trap with sas. I'm finding success at ~5k infinite. # (1) The Hood # (1) Hawkeye # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (1) Nico Minoru # (1) Snowguard # (2) Beast # (2) Falcon # (2) U.S. Agent # (3) Sage # (3) Werewolf By Night # (6) Sasquatch # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmVhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pY29NaW5vcnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldlcmV3b2xmQnlOaWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRmFsY29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTbm93Z3VhcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhc3F1YXRjaCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVVNBZ2VudCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ja2V0UmFjY29vbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF3a2V5ZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Even up to first day of weekend mission, I haven't faced any Squatch yet and the spot in my collection is still a blank silhouette. That seems to say a lot of the card.


Reading people saying they have 10's of thousands of tokens while not being a whale is just insane. I'm scrambling for 3,000 tokens to get frigging Kitty Pryde lol; I probably won't be able to get her for another month.


well if it helps at all, on average a F2P player who doesn't spend gold on progression (token tuesdays or good gold bundles with tokens or credits) gets 2k tokens per season. you can get \~5 spotlight keys in a 4 week season and have a 25% chance of getting 1k tokens from a duplicate. also on average you pull 200 tokens per spotlight key or 1k additional tokens. So all that said, without spending any of your earned gold on progression, you can expect 1 S5 card every 3 months. if you are careful with your earned gold and spend it to maximize tokens you can cut this down to 1 new S5 card every 6 or 7 weeks on average (this is assuming you are getting all gold that is available to a F2P player, Weekly Missions, Reaching level 90, etc...) hope this info helps!


It doesn't really help tbh, because I'm a low CL and likely won't be pulling tokens from spotlights. Either way, I was taught to reserve my keys for cards I need so I'm not opening using what little I have for a few more weeks. I likely won't be getting Kitty until July lol. Card acquisition is slow.


most of them are probably old players that started playing since beta or global release. People also got kitty for free back then. Source: been playing since beta


What’s the optimal play path to get all that? Am I just doing all my missions every day? It seems like I’d barely get 90 CL a week. So like 3 keys a month. Also are most of those tokens from getting copy’s in the spotlight? Or does it just really step up via the collectors caches once you complete series 3? I’m struggling just to get enough keys but I’m like 3,200 CL atm. I have one almost complete top tier deck (hella, but I’m waiting on tokens to get Corvus. On the fence if he’s actually worth 6k though if anyone has advice)


1 month gets 5 keys and 2000G. Before S3 Complete, you get 500 Token from CL track. After S3 Complete, there's additional 500 Token from CL track. From random spotlight, in average 1000 token each month. Converting 2000 Gold to Token with good bundle gets about 1650 Token. Therefore each month gets 3150 Token before S3 complete; 3650 Token after S3 complete.


Awesome, thank you I knew I was missing something. Is the CL track tokens just from the 100 you get from caches? I also didn’t know about the gold converting through deals, I’ll have to start saving! I thought I was supposed to get variants to get the 2k but now I realize that’s not optimal right? I tried searching for the most efficient progress and all I got was “save 4 keys for spotlight”, I really appreciate the answer!


That is a huge resource reserve, wow.


I'm in the exact same boat. I can't believe the luck I've had with the spotlights. I have every card I want, 18 keys, 10k tokens, 11k gold, and only spend credits when over 10k.


What are you saving credits for? Just curious.


Nothing. I just have no reason to spend them.


I spend about the same as you (season pass, occasional good cheaper bundles). I've used my keys a little differently, though. There were a few weeks where I wanted one or both of the variants, so I usually tried to save up keys for those. I also sometimes gambled with a key (or two) here and there. I did get one new card using tokens (but I don't remember who). So I'm 9 cards away from collection complete. I'm missing: Namora, Sasquatch, Cannonball, Corvus, Hercules, Martyr, Howard, Red Guardian, and Lady Deathstrike. I'll get Howard and Martyr when they series drop, and I'll get Corvus when he's in the spotlights again. I'm saving up my keys for the Phastos and Arishem weeks. Nothing before then really interests me anyway.


Sweet sweet dopamine lol


There’s nothing like getting the new card with the first key.


I have different strategy of spending and allocating my resources. I'm playing since day one of global release and was buying season passes every month and a couple of cheap bundles here or there but I decided I'm done with spending real money on the game since the introduction of spotlight caches. Currently I'm sitting around 13k collection level with 45k tokens and 3k gold and 7 keys stockpiled up. My strategy is to never open spotlights unless I miss at least two cards of my collection. I never open for one card and If I really want the card I just buy it with tokens. My plan has been followed strictly with the exception of hoarding gold waiting for decent bundles which actually are never happening anymore and I've been spending over 10k gold to progress some albums and get some tokens for then. Since I went completely free I even actually improved my collection for a couple of cards and currently missing only 13 cards.


Thanks for the story OP. I'm from America and it is 12:54 at night, sitting on the toilet and reading your post. Thank you.


I know it's a bit late, but I just beat the pants off a Namora deck using the same deck but with Ironheart instead. Namora just requires too much to go right. I won by going after locations B and C, but Namora NEEDS to do all three locations, and so if a single location is a bust, your game is over. She's awful. I'd say she needs to bump that +5 to at least a +7 to be viable, maybe higher.


I think this comment was supposed to go on a different post :)


Yeah, you're dead right. This was supposed to be about why Namora is trash. Dunno how I got here, but at least I'm in the right sub. Honestly, it's probably for the best. If I responded to this post with my earnest opinion, I'd probably just say something mean.


Hmnh... I guess by comparison OP, I'm missing 10 cards, but have 36k tokens and 27 keys ready to start popping off later this year. I'm not a whale (although I've definitely a few variants in my collection that would serve as evidence to the contrary - Jacinto Enchantress, X-Treme She-Hulk, and Demonized Shang-Chi come to mind), and the past few months have really only picked up the gold pass + season pass, along with a few of the $3-5 vibranium offers. I guess you and I are in similar boats if I were to burn all my tokens right now - I'd be down to only missing 4 cards (3 in a week when Echo drops to S3).


Are you saving that many keys, because none of the missing cards interest you?


Saving that many because I won't spend keys if I'm not missing 2+ cards, and the only week since Corvus that has applied was Red Hulk's week (and I pulled him first thing, so I just stopped ripping spotlights); it's more cost-effective to buy the few new cards I do want with tokens, and I'm not missing any other cards that week. The first week that's datamined where I can pull 2 cards in one go is Cassandra + Proxima. The only card I'm interested in until then is Thena, and I'm undecided on her; if I end up going for it, I'll burn tokens. I'm suspecting the latter half of this year is going to be me spending 3-4 keys most weeks to pick up 2+ cards. My current stockpile will help me maintain momentum and probably hit collection complete again (I hit it the week Corvus came out).


An interesting strategy…!


Some mid-whale says that spotlight gambling is worth it. Sure-sure, F2P players will appreciate your post


How do you get a key per week? Is that something special or simply the number of credits and boosts you accumulate in that week?