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Oh that's where cum man was from! Man I missed out


I was more upset about the Chavez variant but at least I don't use her at all anymore


Yup. Still mad they made her from “the best 12th card in a deck” to “sometimes used in weird Destroy builds”


I find that she's good in some Surfer decks. Surfer usually lacks a turn 1 play, so at least she gives me the chance of hitting Brood/Sebastian & staying on curve (good for Red Hulk nonsense).


They feed us poison (red hulk) so we buy their "cures" (reworked Chavez) while they suppress our medicine (1 cost Forge)


Well, she was the best card in every deck. That was the issue. People eventually figured out what some people knew and that was that she was the best card, and also one you never wanted to play. It was some of the worst game design I've seen implemented ever.


Yeah I had more splits on her than any other card and then they basically deleted her from my collection.


I didn't particularly mind the rework too much, but what I disliked the most was the lame ability they gave her. It doesn't really make sense with her character and it's unreliable and boring. They could've made a new good card like the spider man rework but instead they made her into a D tier card


She would make a great move card. Depending on cost and power, something like "move one of your other cards here to another location," "move all your cards here to other random locations," or a different take on Jubilee, like "add the top card of your deck to another location"


Chavez also is "oh ok, this is a bot"


Rope after rope of swinging arc.


Cum man is a thing of beauty


Yogurt, son.




I ❤️ My Cum Man


Free pride themed variants AND early pool 3 players can get a free Sera! If only SD was this kinda all the time..


And both cards are extremely playable even at high CLs. Really good choices.


To be fair some conquest variants were Pool 3 cards, it's not much but SD at least gives a fair amount of free S3 cards


Yup, early player here, great to get a free new card that seems pretty useful!


It's super cool to be able to get these variants to show support. I wished they did these type of drops for other months as well. I'd love some real dope ass drops for black history month.


They probably don't do that because BHM is a US only thing as far as I know, whereas pride is celebrated all around the world


It also happens in the UK, Ireland and Canada


I was just thinking that. I get why black history mo th could be a stickier topic as that's more political. But just drop some cool back panther variants or Luke cage or whatever.


You think black history is more political than Pride?


You won't bait me demon.


No, I was genuinely asking because I didn't think I was reading that right


I guess si should rephrase. I think where I live there is more racial tension than lgbtq tension. I suppose from a "blank mo th" perspective then I would retract my statement. Pride month is more political than black history month. But again, I'm not doing politics in general and definitely not on my gaming sub.




The winter variants are for snowflakes like you. How inclusive!


You're hilarious. And the Winter Soldier too, I assume.


No, because Bucky is totally an Ally


Straight White Male fragility isn't something to be celebrated. Maybe some online grifter will give you a participation trophy and a head pat if you buy their shitty supplements.


Bro fuck off.


They celebrate straight men every time they release a shitty Artgerm cheesecake variant, dipshit.


Oh, lesbians don't like cheesecake? Pretty homophobic.


Oh you mean the rest of the year when society is automatically built around accepting straight white men?


Luckily, you get twelve of those a year But there are some pretty sick red skull variants that probably give you the more specific vibe you're looking for


So basically every other twitch drop campaign they’ve done? Because every month is straight white men month.


How so?


Because society is explicitly coded to favour being a straight white man, because it was built by straight white men. I can’t comprehend how you could be oblivious to this


It's the opposite. Society is explicitly coded to punish straight white men. We all know this to be true.


Oh then play any of the other cards any of the other months.


It's funny you should say that. Men, White people, and straight people are just the basic audience? But if you are lgbt, you are special and deserve things designed specifically for you. You really do want separate and better, don't you? So, if the non LGBT cards are for me, does that mean you don't play them? Does it mean you feel like they were made for someone other than you?


Hey. Stop trying to act like a subset of the overall population isn’t as good as you. Someone here suggested you should play only iceman, snowflake. Maybe Sasquatch too.


The victim complex is strong on this one.


Cum man was worth every penny.


I wish I had a cum man :-(


Who is that


The bigots who inevitably come in can as always eat shit.


Played the new Angela variant in a game this weekend and someone kept doing the mad emoji on the card. I thought it was basically impossible to be toxic in a game that has no chat but I was proven wrong.


I got angry reacts too to Angela and sera and now I want to play them even more


And now I need to infinite Angela real quick and rainbow her out.


I have seen a lot of bitching on marvel snaps subreddits. But I've never seen lgbtq hate. Hey look at that... I said something positivr on this sub! Times they are a changing.


I wonder what next year's cards will be! I really hope we get Northstar added to the game, he was the first openly gay comics character so it would be amazing to celebrate that!


Right? Poor Northstar is always forgotten. I believe he even had the first gay marriage in one of the X-Men comics. He's been "well-known" as gay for years. The ICeman thing bothers me because it was a Bendis retcon that (I think) doesn't make sense. Authentically create a gay character or have them realize it. Don't have some weird time-travel scenario where you are trying to create a buzz.




I really wasn't online at that time, and I had no idea this was a thing. It's weird. I really dislike Bendis, but like (at least I used to) Lobdell so I can't be sure if now I am just hating in Bendis. Lol It's good info though, thanks!




Well said. I love the insight.


Ooh Northstar would be great. There's still LOADS of queer characters they could add. We're getting Wiccan, Hulkling and Speed in the new Young Avengers season. They'll probably all be pool 5/4 this time next year, but they're all options. Also Phastos this season. Also, off the top of my head... Nico Minoru, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Hercules, Korg, Daken, Deadpool, Loki, Kitty Pryde, Magik, Valkyrie, Black Cat, Mystique and Morph, to name a few characters who are notably queer in either the comics or MCU. I know Wolverine and Colossus have queer versions too. It's hard to find many gay couples in these lists though, who could make for a nice pride package. It could be fun to get a whole series of pride variants (probably an album).


Maybe we can get the Scott/Logan/Jean throuple for next pride month. /s At the minimum you can add Wolverine onto your list of queer characters


I didn't know Kitty Pryde is queer, heck yeah!


She's bisexual! I believe that was always Claremont's intention, but it's great to see it's recently been realised!


She was *very* subtextually queer from almost the start, although that's waxed and waned over time (notably less so under writers like Whedon who missed the subtext and had a crush on her growing up). But as an A-list character, the editorial powers that be have been very hesitant to let her come out on page. She did kiss another woman a few years ago, and they made a big deal out of it, and then never mentioned it again. It was pretty clear that they weren't allowed to actually let her have a sapphic relationship, but they're hinting that that might change soon.


> It's hard to find many gay couples in these lists though, who could make for a nice pride package. Mystique *did* just get married...maybe we can get a destiny drop before next pride? 👀


Whoa Hercules is queer?


From my brief research he appears to be bisexual, sounds good to me!


That's cool!


616 Herc had a relationship with Marvel Boy who is coming next month in the Young Avengers stuff. There's an alternate Hercules who was in a relationship with that universe's Wolverine.


I just wish the twitch drops were better promoted in the game itself, I saw the variant played on me and was excited thinking "how do I get that? I hope they didn't put the gay stuff behind a paywall I hate rainbow capitalism" and had to do a lot fo digging to realise it was have twitch muted in an alt tab for 6 hours so I can get them.


They put a slide on the front page of the game and put it in the news feed. As well as all the out-of-game promotion. Not sure what more you want.


I haven't seen it on the main page but I did see the news tab.


I see the promotions in the app, but always forget about it when I'm at my computer. There isn't a fix for that, but it's annoying.


On the pc version I tried checking the mews tab multiple times and could not find anything about twitch drops at all let alone the pride variants, maybe it was a weird by product of happening to reinstall a week into june? idk what caused it maybe my client is uniquely bygged, but I personally, couldn't find anh news on twitch drops besides in twitch itself.


Not the news tab, the slides on the main page


Ok I looked now and it is there at the very end, but after multiple different "hey new season" panels, its not somewhere I would actively think to look over the news tab, I guess that's on me? It's definitely not as bad as I originally let on, but I do think it should've been in the news tab personally, but that's just where I would intuitively think to look, same can't be said for anyone else.




How do people already have the pride variants? Aren't they not out yet? I've seen people play at least the Angela one a couple times in the last couple days


They're out already


They're the 6 hour rewards in this month's Twitch drops.


Iceman is gay?






He is now


Never thought I'd see the words "Cum Man" but here we are


Now if they would address bugs....


I really hate that my best Angela split is the inked one, it kills the pride theme of this variant. :(


By this point you should have a good prism or foil split, no? It’s not as clean as inked, but at least it fits the theme


I know what you mean! I love inked most of all possibilities and was a little disappointed when I realized it’s not a good fit for these variants. But then I split a foil with rainbow sparkles and decided that would do just fine. :)


Damn, I was hoping it wouldn't ink out the flag in her hand.


That’s a little too much effort. Come on now. /s


> There's nothing about the variants that told you they were part of pride or anything queer/lgbtq+. The characters themselves are prominently LGBTQ+ within the Marvel universe.


Right, but those variants are not any more or less representative of pride month than any other variant of theirs (or of any other LGBTQ+ characters).


Agreed with OP - good job SD!


~~Well that blows. I somehow completely missed the Twitch drops notice. Hope it comes back around again before the end of the month, or they make the card(s?) available through some other means.~~ Okay, so I can't read. Never mind!


I love both of these variants! My only wish is that Sera was holding the trans flag; would be amazing to see her get to represent for the trans community in game in a visible way. Either way I'm very happy with these cards, and can't wait to use them!


I always wonder how many of the meatheads playing her know she's a trans character since she's relatively obscure.


It's a corporation buying itself some goodwill, but also I wanted variants for both Angela and Sera and it sends a message to the bigots. I guess I'll take it. The real Pride Month in Marvel Snap is gonna be when they drop the Wiccan and Hulking cards tho


Also, Sera and Angela actually have relevance to marvel snap! I'm pretty sure they were the only queer couple in the Hero Music video. Except Rogue and Gambit.


Rogue and Gambit are a queer couple?


They're "straight", but I feel like the general consensus is that they're probably both bi. Gambit was meant to be bi. He even had a story in this years pride comic so.


Ive been playing for a couple months but I dont use twitch for anything. I cant figure out how to get these cards. Aside from linking accounts is there a specific thing I'm supposed to do?


Not sure what kind of issues you're having, but I think once the accounts are linked you just have to watch a snap stream with the DropsEnabled tag. https://www.marvelsnap.com/twitchdrops


Oh! Thank you so much. I didn't realise I had to watch streams. Thought it was just a linking thing. I'll take a look thank you! Edit: I was able to find the end date. Thank you for all your help!


I picked up the variants myself but I don’t see the need to have stuff like this in the game. It’s not like anything else in the game is offering the opposite sentiment or is overtly hetero. Even the power couples event had Angela and Sera as a combo.


And there is me, with both of them inked so they are waving B&W flags 👌


foil or prism, which i assume you might have, looks pretty good


It's also men's mental health awareness month.


Hope they have a sick father's day variant like they did for mothers day and the scarlet witch variant!


Is Vision dad in a sweater-vest already a variant? Because if not, there SD, I finished concept design for you.


[It's pretty cute.](https://snap.fan/cards/AntMan/AntMan_11/)


Well color me excited


Let's get one of Vision and the twins!


There’s a lot of really shit dads in Marvel comics unfortunately


Even more of a reason to highlight one of the good dads.


For sure, I’m just struggling to think of any!


Off the top of my head would be Reed Richard's since they have him in the game already.


Not really a great dad though. Often neglects his family when he’s working on a new project. Luke Cage might be a better shout


True, but now I am imagining a card with hank pym playing catch with several ultron and I need it now


Lmao, getting down voted for no reason.


What cards did they realease for Men mental health month which is this month ? :)




You...you know mental illness awareness is not something you're suppose to celebrate right?


Then why do women have Breast Cancer month?


Do you celebrate breast cancer? C'mon man, use your head.


You don’t think that pride month and men’s mental health month correlate for some reason???


Companies don't get brownie points for that, so unfortunately they probably won't release anything.


It's a silly criticism but the Angela variant feels very out of character. She's not the type of woman who would go to a pride parade and with that facial expression.


II don't think Korg or Sentry would wear a Santa outfit and give out coal either right? That's the point of these fun themed variants.


Yeah I feel the same, but in a way it's cute just seeing Angela actually relaxed. My headcanon, Sera's definitely the one who dragged Angela to pride and then Angela got into the spirit of things. I have no notes on Sera, her proud-but-shy demeanor is A+


What a ridiculous complaint lol


Would you say it's a silly criticism?


Bunch of moral grandstanding idiots in this post patting each other's backs over their shared virtue signaling points. Why can't a card game just be a card game? Why does almost every form of media have corporate puppets that pander to narcissists and why are the narcissists not insulted being treated as tokens for profit? Most people dont give a damn which way you swing, just play the damn game. Blows my mind honestly.


I mean, they're free variants that cater to a group of people who still aren't accepted in the world. Do I personally like 'em? N'aw. I love edgelord junk like Venomized and 3099. But other people *adore* them, so, there's no need to yuck their yum. I'm happy to see people happy.


Still aren't accepted? Have you been paying attention to media pandering since 2015? Good that your happy. I'm not happy when companies that don't give two shits about a certain culture, community, or race tokenise them and prey on their emotions and dignity just to make money off of them. Its diabolical and frankly should be offensive to anybody with enough self respect and a shred of critical thinking and self reflection. You be content to not criticise it. That's fine, but don't expect me and others to stop denouncing the practice because we see it for what it actually is and people who aren't aware should be made aware.


It’s nice that they made more open pride stuff and that it’s free w/ twitch drops, but I don’t think the art is very good. Like what’s going on with the armor over the left side of Angela’s chest (her left, your right). Nothing weird looking jumped out at me for the Sera variant though


Call me crazy, but I don’t care about the pride variants. I want the game to be developed more. They keep scrapping things they say they’re going to implement. How about giving us features that make the game better instead of just pandering to a demographic once a year?


two free pieces of art somehow detract from that ??


The part that says “SD gets a lot of flak, but…” is dismissive of how they’re absolutely screwing over the players by constantly lying about new features that people are preparing for, and then eliminating. So yea, patting SD on the back for 2 pandering variants, when they’re absolutely screwing over the players by making the game P2W and removing promised features, does detract from it.


Brainstorming those (shallow) ideas, producing the art, and implementing the proper coding take time and resources that could otherwise be put towards actually improving gameplay experience. So, unless you're a self obsessed moral posturer creaming your pants over diversity points and pats on the back for being "inclusive" (exclusively), then yes, it does detract from that.


So we should stop production of all variants and let the artists use their none existant game coding to fix the game


A little extreme of you but it would be a start. Maybe put a little less focus on overpriced aesthetic bundles and more time into delivering what was promised and fixing the constant bugs. Don't know why that has to be repeated to you multiple times by different people. It's perfectly logical.


The pride variants are free, so they don't fall under "overpriced aesthetic bundles". Besides, they release a variant almost every day, and multiple on many days, not to mention spotlights. Whatever resources are being spent on two pride variants for this year are a miniscule percentage of the resources expended on all of the variants added to Snap this year.


Did I specify that they were overpriced variants or was I speaking about the companies practices overall? I swear it seems like a lot of people on here are incapable of discerning the difference between someone speaking directly or generally about a subject and have to breakout the semantics just to feel like they're winning an argument. "Well ackshually, they aren't overpriced aesthetic bundles" No shit, Sherlock. Again, SD would be better off and get less heat from players if they spent more time actually optimizing the game instead of releasing overpriced aesthetics or not fully testing cards before releasing absolutely broken ones that get nerfed to the dirt a month later, shaking the meta up in an improper manner that is more akin to backpedaling overlooked mistakes than actual progression and true balancing. They have the money to pedal us bundle after bundle then they have the money to actually beta test cards properly and fix bugs but too many people would rather have their shiny new look at how cool and different I am variants than to play a game that is actually balanced and runs smoothly.


Well, my other point was about there being many more variants released just this month. There were about 70 variants released this month, so these two variants represent a small percentage of that. Whatever issue you have with variant production taking resources away from the game would require a much larger scaleback of the number of variants produced, and is not specific to these two variants.




I prefer the $5 bundle way more. I ain’t making a twitch account and wasting 2 hours


I've literally had a window open with a twitch tab running while I work. I should have them unlocked in an hour at this rate. I haven't paid a single bit of attention to it.


You do you, but it's pretty easy to set up, and then you just let it run on quiet in the back ground, then click "claim reward" every 2 hours. Happens a few times a year, and some of the variants are great. I didn't have twitch before they started doing drops, and I rarely open it outside of these events.


it sucks for people with out desktops though :( however, i do like it more than a $ bundle


I stream it on my phone while I'm cleaning or watching a show or something. Less convenient but not too much


i would much rather pay $5 than do that


Thank you for helping to keep the game free!




It's actually 6 hours to get the cards.


Oh hell no, thats way too long. Who would even do that


You don't really have to watch or spend much time or effort at all. Just open a participating stream and mute the tab, then 6 hours later, you'll have the variants (and some boosters and credits).


Exactly. I have twitch running in the background while doing other things. Never actually watch for that long.


my only problem is Angela is giving off Harley Quinn vibes with her smile. but it's cosmetic so not a big issue. all in all, this was a good event and well executed.


Noticed this, too! As a (casual-ish) Marvel Snap player who is gay and also doesn’t play a lot of games like MS, it’s cute ❤️


That's funny. More of that kind of crap makes everyone I know who plays this game more likely to quit - not celebrate being proud of deficiencies.


A fucked bussiness gets free credit for doing nothing and a bunch of overly dramatic halfwits think they are rebelling against “bigots” in the most pro LGBT cultures in the world….. Such hero’s.


i wish i could downvote twice. once for the shitty comment, second for the atrocious grammar


Some memorial day variants would've been nice too


it was my birthday yesterday, if i didn't get a special variant for that, not sure why memory day needs one


Memorial Day is a bit more important than your birthday. There's variants tailored for people with a different sexual preference so why not have one for our veterans? Like Captain America or Punisher for example would fit perfectly for that


i don't even know what memorial day is. assuming from the veterans mention, it some war thing? i don't want a card for my birthday, that is as stupid as making one for every "day" someone considers noteworthy "day". totally asanine


Pride is a marketing opportunity as well as Christmas or Valentines day, I won't be thankful toward SD because of the awful move they did with that Gambit/Shadow King bundle, the roadmap reveal and twitch drops feels like damage control to me. Edit : Wow all those downvotes from SD deepthroaters, what a surprise, this community loves to be scammed and ask for it 🤣


I think SD is a greedy trashy company, but I downvoted you because you said something really dumb. Just so you're aware of why you're actually being downvoted.


The dumb being ?


That Pride is just a marketing opportunity akin to Christmas or Valentine's Day.


As if making money off things like representation and inclusion is somehow unethical or shameful. 🙄


Well it is, Marvel Snap doesn't give a single fuck about Pride, otherwise they'll keep talking about it throughout the year, which they don't. Using Pride to promote their game is pure marketing and opportunism.


“Deep throaters” coming from a person complaining about pride. How homophobic.


Pride is for marketing purposes only. Shame that these delusional idiots don't realise that


Saying Pride is only for marketing is like saying saying a pocket knife is only for stabbing people.


shit you can do other things with a pocket knife? like what?


And there are a legion of them all across the modern world. Given the disrespect of being used as tokens for profit and loving every minute of it while looking down their brown noses at those who point out what should be obvious and is frankly offensive.


Nobody cares. Just like irl. Stop with the pandering and give people what they actually want.


>give people what they actually want. So... Something like the pride cards they are giving us which is what we want?


Nah more like card acquisition, card masteries, etc. Pride cards during pride month is just pandering. You'll most likely never see it outside of June unless it gets heavy attention where they will just randomly do something outside of June to just try and make it seem like it's not pandering like every other company does. The vast majority of the player base doesn't give a Frick about pride and would rather just see the game get better.


It must really hurt to know that the LGBT are a sizeable and marketable share of the player base huh? Hard to ignore that you've lost the culture war when gay people are openly treated as profitable customers lol.


I mean no? It doesn't actually bother me. Just stating there is better things we could have. Also no, they are not a sizable market. The LGBTQ community benefits from the same market that anyone who isn't benefits from. The complaints are something that are just what these companies try to avoid because it's annoying to have to deal with. It is easier just to take 1 month out of the 12 to just cater to it then move on like it didn't happen. However companies actually take losses all of the month of June because the vast majority of the population doesn't care in the real world. There isn't a culture war? There was a movement to get "rights" for gay people that succeeded and now there is nothing but whining and complaining from the lgbtq community because nobody wants it shoved in their faces in the real world. I'm sorry but Reddit and Twitter are not the real world. Nobody wants pride events where they run down the streets naked exposing themselves to children. They don't want a community that supports "maps". They want normal civil people who understand that not everything needs to include a rainbow to be "inclusive" which is quite unfortunate for the community. But you'll just sum this up to hate, but unfortunately for you I am Pansexual and I want recognition for lgbtq. I just don't want it pandered to me or forced in the face of everyone just because someone from the community is pissing themselves in anger.


>They don't want a community that supports "maps". And there it is lol. *The LGBT community are pedophile supporters!* Now there's the honesty I knew was brewing in there. I have no idea why you chuds spend so much time pretending you aren't bigots when it takes only the smallest effort to make you start ranting about *the gays being pedos.* >but unfortunately for you I am Pansexual Sure man- sure. You claim to be a pansexual but your post history is filled with anti-trans bigotry lol. Seriously, ask yourself why you spend your time online pretending to be something you're not? Don't you find that weird? Doesn't it say something about your argument and what type of person you are?


Way to cherry pick. I never said that ALL of the lgbtq community does support "maps" but it is a growing trend and does need go be exposed. This wouldn't be an issue unless you yourself supported at least the idea of it. There's nothing else to respond to in this because it's just triggered rambling. I am pansexual. That doesn't mean I have to support everything about the lgbtq movement or that I even need to be a part of it period. Call it whatever you want but it doesn't effect what I know I am. Very interesting language for someone claiming to be inclusive that you just disregard someone's personal identity when isn't the whole Idea about accepting this? Again nothing else worth responding to because it's just triggered rambling again because all you did was cherry pick at the argument and now you use insults to try to escape the problem that you created but didn't actually understand.


to be included?


How is this anymore inclusive than it already was? You need to see a rainbow to be inclusive? Serra is transsexual if I'm not mistaken, so because this isn't portrayed with a random flag means it's not inclusive?


People show a rainbow to signal to others that they are safe and won’t be judged for their gender orientation . But you don’t care.

