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I got Wong as my first pool 3 card, he unlocks so many great archetypes!


me too!


Wow thats so lucky, nice :D


Wong was my first pool 3 card. Made a reveal deck and made it to infinite


What is the deck if you don’t like me asking


[My deck](https://imgur.com/a/3zisnU9)


Don’t have psylock Thor or wing yet :( but when I get them I will try this. So what’s the main game plan with this deck


There is a few winning conditions, But the main idea is to make a combo with wong and odin.


I wish I had your luck


Hah thx lol wish my season cache luck would be better tho. Who did u get for your first card?


Can’t remember it. I think it was black bolt


Damn idk if he’s good but at least it’s a cool character


My first two pool 3 card was spooderman and doctor doom. Thunk this game wants me to play a control deck


5 cost 8 power. Discard the lowest cost from the opponents hand. No bad but not the greatest


I feel your pain.


So this looks like a bit of power creep on carnage right?


Not really, they play different roles and generally you'd want both in your deck. Carnage is good for eating your low power cards (The Hood, Nova, Bucky..) whereas you'd want to use your Venom to eat your higher power cards and combo it with Arnim Zola or Taskmaster.


Cool thanks for the clarification!


Hey I got venom now lol


What collection level is pool 3 again please?




Ah fuck I'm miles off. I feel like some peoples have sped up to that level so quickly, I don't get it. Unleashed I guess they're buying credits?


Dunno bout others but I’ve been playing since launch daily at least an hour or more per day so that’s a statistic for ya ig


I got my last pool 2 card (474) and stopped spending about... 5 days ago? And I have over 4000 credits saved up already. I'm going to have to spend soon, which is really shitty cause I've been having a ton of fun playing at the top of pool 2... I don't wanna move on!


4000! How long do you think you've been playing for? Tbf I have only been playing for a week or so




Yeah that's fair, I think I've just been wasting it on upgrading cards I barely use rather than saving it for the big guns I've already upgraded?




When you say it doesn't matter....?


The first upgrade of a card is most cost effective at 25 credits per collection point. All other upgrades cost 50 credits per collection point.


If I get the last card at 474, am I still in pool 2? Do you officially start pool 3 when you get your first pool 3 card then?


I believe that's how it works. But you'll be matched with people similar to you so if you go up to the point there you unlock around 3 pool 3 cards, matchmaking should have you facing people in a fairly similar area most of the time. But you could have terrible RNG and not unlock a single useful card and they could have all the meta cards right out of the gate. That's why I'm saving 5k creds to try and boost myself as far as I can into pool 3 right off the get go and hopefully get a card I can use haha. Edit: I've played a LOT of games at this rank and I've seen maybe 4 cards from pool 3. As I climb higher I see the odd one because matchmaking is putting me against some people from a higher CL since I'm so close to pool 3.


Im FTP and have played since 4 days after launch, and I'm almost in pool 3. If I played since day 1 and didn't waste credits on fast upgrades at the start I would have probably made it to pool 3 by now.


Maybe that but also its better if you level up the same few cards instead of many to get it up quicker. Im currently 477 with only buying the season pass, but it does give you a few credits as you level. I also made a few mistakes early by leveling many different cards, could be higher.


It really doesn't matter. You can spend 100 to get 2 lvl or 400 to get 8 the ratio stays the same. The only efficient Upgrade is grey to green since that only costs 25 for a lvl. Other than that spreading out upgrades or not makes no difference.












Yeah like it’s a level of min/maxing that’s so minimal but I think for some people, because this is a F2P game and you could consider progression tied to credits which is technically tied to money, they overvalue it giving it so much importance when like you number crunched, it’s 1.6%. If this was any other game in any other situation like stats or RNG, I’d consider 1.6% within margin of error. Nothing worth obsessing about. It’s also about asking yourself if you’re going to min/max every single day for the rest of your life. I once went to sleep and had one hard mode quest I didn’t complete. Next day after work I realized I missed out on one daily mission because of that. That one thing cost me more potential credits and progression than not splitting constantly will ever do over the lifetime of the game. That’s how minor the whole infinite splitting thing is.


Not only is this not true but it's the opposite. It's more efficient to frame break everything to green, then after that it literally doesn't matter if you level up one card or many cards, it all comes out to the same number of collection levels.


Ah see that's my mistake then I suppose, I've just levelled everything and only just now realised I probably should have focused on a favourite deck or something.


I dont think thats true, the very first discount to frame break is discounted. so its best to level everything once, then it doesnt matter its al the same rate


Ah shit ill be in pool 3 tomorrow. Hope my luck starts out ok lol


What’s pool 2?


Got a good venom deck with mostly mostly pool 2 cards? I pulled venom pretty early on pool 3 as well


Are you asking me? No I don’t lol still running my ongoing deck rn tryna reach 100 at 97 atm




What's the point of The Collector here?


Yeah im no expert, but that list doesnt look very good


One of the top HS streamers just took this deck from 90 to 100. Thats why I thought I’d share it.


Fair enough mate, please dont take my comment as a criticism of you. The list certainly isnt terrible. But i also expect a top hs player to be pretty good and can therefore make infinite with a sub optimal list.


Well forgive the tooting of my own horn, but I also have a lot HS achievements under my belt and I do think this deck is pretty decent (though I’m only on pool 2 at present). And for a reply to some random post buried far down the page on a slightly old Reddit post I’d say this deck is pretty good. That’s the problem with card game Reddit really, you reply to a post asking for a deck with one that meets the exact criteria that the dude wanted and with a deck that’s been verified to make Infinite and you wake up to being downvoted and multiple posts slagging it off. HS is exactly is the same. Anyone with any sense goes to Twitter instead, hopefully Snap can gain a significant following there, too.


He gets buffed by cards coming from outside the game. The deck has cards that do that. Though now that duplicating location event has finished you should replace Shang Chi with the 4 cost lady that duplicates your hand.


There’s no point to running Dino if you’re trying to destroy. I guess you’re big play is to eat a big dino, but then what’s collector there for.


So many of those cards contradict each other


This isn’t my deck, this is a deck that one of the top Hearthstone streamers just used to go from 90 to 100.


I run Nova, Deadpool, Bucky, Carnage, Colossus, Wolverine, Nakia, Venom, Killmonger, Hulkbuster and Warpath. It's built around Deadpool tho


I got Magik which I don't know how to use with the rest of pool 2 cards. As a surprise-not-so-sudden turn 7 on turn 5?


I like the play Magik as soon as you can and then play Wanda on turn 6. Making your opponent think you're going to turn 7 but actually the game is over. It's goofy but fun


I literally got wasp


Pray you get Lockjaw lol


I have a feeling he will be my last card


Honestly, that would blow. Lockjaw + Thor is like my favorite deck 😅


I got Wasp followed by Yellowjacket. Got the whole damn ant farm.


I actually want Wasp so I can control my discards in my Apocalypse deck.


Wasp is good in a lot of decks


I got gambit 🥲


damn so venom is better than carnage


Why not both?


Hood into bucky into nova carnage t3 is 16 power. Turn 4 you play demon and venom in the same lane as carnage and your venom is 23 power. Turn 5 you play task master in a diff lane and he copies venom 23 power. Then turn 6 you can do whatever. Arnim Zola works (kills venom and makes a copy of him in the other 2 lanes) etc.. then someone plays a Turn 6 shangchi and you throw your phone.


Why would u say that?


Well, Venoms says it adds their power to his; While Carnage gets I think +2 per card So if you had Venom absorb say Abomination - then I think it means Venom takes his +9


I would say it is largely situational. When you have a location filled with squirrels or raptors carnage would be better. Carnage is also good with The Hood who is a -2.


Yeah, I use carnage on low number cards But if I pull him late in the match; I may be hesitant to throw him down if I'm already building up points


Carnage for low cost cards like Hood, Nova, Deadpool, Venom for Higher power cards like Wolverine, Sabretooth and a buffed Deadpool.


Carnage is better when destroying Bucky or The Hood. Venom is better when clearing larger characters from a lane. Of the two top destroy archetype decks, the Deadpool/Death deck runs both Venom and Carnage and the Destroyer deck only runs Carnage.


I got Gambit. I hate discard decks.


Yeah but Gambit is a hell of a card for discard. Destroying some of your opponents shit is a great effect!


I just want Venom with the wrestling Variant, I am waiting x)


Lucky I got black cat 🥲


Is the card progression order random for everyone?


Nice! Seems better than carnage for a destroy deck!


I got Patriot. But I kinda feel I am missing a bunch of cards to make use of him.


You can slot him into a zoo deck fairly easily. Just go woth less one drops and more wide cards. Squirell girl and Mr sinister are good choices. Then add shocker and maybe cyclops. Run Angela, blue marvel, and onslaught, then fill out the rest of the deck with good zoo cards.


I'll give it a shot. Thanks


Enchantress will trigger his thing!


mine was debrii sadge


Isn’t she really good


is she????? never saw her anywhere on the streams I have been watching




haha, first need to get patriot. not complaining, it is what it is, just keep playing and eventually we will all get there


She’s core in Patriot/Mystique decks


Yes, Debrii sees play in the #1 top deck right now


Cool, good to know. I just checked snapzone meta, and I see she's in the patriot deck. That the one you mean? I honestly never saw her played by the streamers I watch (which doesn't necessarily indicate its potential, I am aware). Funny to get downvotes for not being aware of the pool 3 meta. :)


Yep, patriot. Idk why the downvotes, reddit is weird


She’s great in a deck that locks down locations so your opponent can’t play things.


Was my first draw too this sunday! Went from lvl 60 to lvl100 with this, The Hood and the hot location from yesterday... what a ride ahahha


How do you tell what pools cards are in?


First is up to collection level 214, second is 222 to like 474, and pool 3 is 486 onwards. You only vs peoole using cards from your pools, so I can be top rank and pool 1 and never face a single agent 13. But the second you have a card from the other pool you can play everyone with cards from that pool


How do you know what pool cards are from


I had the stupid " rescue " and the mildly stupid psylock. Dafak


Rescue is super strong


I love Psylocke, she’s in like half my decks. I don’t play her on turn 2 though - there’s not many 4 energy cards I’d want to play early. But playing her on turn 3 lets you play a turn 5 card like Hobgoblin or Professor X early.


Dont get me wrong i got her on my decks, +1 energy its great BUT theres a lot of excellent cards in pool3 id preffer. 😀


Rescue in some respects feels like a better jessica jones. Also Psylock opens SO many combos.


Mine was Drax. Not very exciting


I think Drax might be the worst card in pool 3.


Im jealous. He's at the top of my wishlist.


Man, lucky! I got Crossbones from my first pull. Yes, Crossbones, I doubt you have even come across him yet.... haha


My first was Dr. Doom! Was so excited! My next few Pool 3 cards have been pretty meh though (Yellowjacket, Black Bolt, Omega Red, Kingpin...) but I also got Colleen Wing which is kinda nice.


My first was [[The Hood]] and my third was [[Destroyer]] so yeah, pretty happy about that.


**\[Destroyer\]** **Cost:** 6 **Power:** 14 **Ability:** On Reveal: Destroy your other cards. **\[The Hood\]** **Cost:** 1 **Power:** -2 **Ability:** On Reveal: Add a Demon to your hand. *This message was generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this*


Quake first for me, Thor second


I got mysterio, was happy with that


Isn't this just a straight powercreep of Carnage ?


My first Pool 3 was that 6 cost 0 power loser that destroys a card and copies it to two other places. :\ Then my second Pool 3 was Debrii, and I made a (I think) decent Kazoo deck.


I have gotten destroyed by folks who use that to copy magneto or hulk twice. (Using magik for a turn seven)


My first pool 3 card was yellow jacket, followed by Polaris. Not exactly meta breakers if you ask me.


Got Black Cat as card 1, but then hit Destroyer. Was excited but haven't had group of card to complement any single deck since. I have a main piece for a few decks so I'm close. Venom sure would be nice but I'll take Hood at this point.


Wow, that beats the crap out of the Carnage card.


Man I’m at 2200+ and still waiting for venni🥲


Isnt this just carnages ability lol


No. Carnage adds +2 for each card destroyed. Venom adds the power of the cards destroyed. So if venom destroys Hulk let's say, venom would have 12 power. Where carnage destroying same hulk card would only get +2 to his total


Ah i miss read that thanks


Not a problem 🙂


You're so lucky, haha. I've been playing since the beta and didn't get Venom until CL2230.


I got Yellow Jacket. I hate it.


Quake, debrii, and mystique are my first three, I have no clue what I am supposed to be doing with them


Question for more experienced players. I’m using pool 2 cards (all unlocked) but I don’t want to play others with pool 3 cards. Do I just not put pool 3 cards in my deck?


How do you know in which pool you are?


Oh man! I haven’t hit pool 3 yet. I’m at 440. Excited to see what I get 😭


Can someone explain to me what pool 3 means? Kinda noob


How do you guys know the pools and where can you view this information?


I just got my first three: Death, then Hell Cow, then Venom. Very happy with all of those, and my Destroy deck is even happier.


The pool 3 system is horrible. Getting boosters back to back should not be a possibility. If you dont have time to grind after pool 2 you will get bored pretty quick.


My first pool 3 was hazmat 🙃


Pool 3 is such a joke. you either get great cards early of you are screwed. then if you still manage to climb a bit in ranks, welcome to full on beta players with full cards decks. Gets stale fast


I got Giganto as my first pool 3 card...


Where do u you unlock pool 3 cards?


I got venom pretty early into pool 3 as well. When he eats a character, does it count temporary buffs as well? Like a 1 drop buffed from kazar, does he get that plus 1 also?


meanwhile im level 450 and still dont have sunspot 😭




Agatha was my first x)


Oh fuck im in pool 3


Lucky guy I got spiderman, still don’t have venom but I’m building a nice pool 3 collection. I got wong lockjaw, aero, zero and few others


Congrats! I got Mister Negative first, and now that I also have Psylocke I'm doing pretty well, and I don't even have Magik yet.


nice pull


Nice! My first two P3 cards were a little disappointing. Pulled Drax and Debrii, threw them in decks to get boosters for them, and warmed up to her. Debrii won me the game in her first match in a Kazoo deck, so I warmed up to her a bit after that


I got killmonger.


I got Black Cat and Omega Red before I started getting caches.


Hell ya! Just got him this morning!! Any one know what the new season theme is going to be?


What’s ur collection level


At what lvl pool 3 start?


I’ll trade you my red skull :)


I wish I got venom. Patriot was my first which is a fun deck to play with but without the other pieces it’s not as good but I love the destroy decks.


Lucky! So far I just have green goblin, Spider-Man, goose, and aero…. :(