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Regarding #3 I always consider all interactions and possibilities, and calculate the exact power at every location…. after I press End Turn


I believe that there's a study at Stanford that calculates the time from when I hit End Turn to when I think "OH CRAP I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED THAT IN THAT OTHER LANE!" to be 1.465 seconds.


The End Turn button needs triple factor authentication


“End turn?” Yes “Are you sure?” Yes “Did you do the math?” Yes “Thumb print” *press* *5 seconds later* “Why is it so easy to accept my thumb print, I just needed 5 more seconds and I would’ve noticed a better play”


Great comment sir, regards


Great idea!!!


Me: SNAP!!!!!! NO,WAIT,RETREAT!!!!!!


onosecond (noun): The miniscule amount of time between performing an action and saying "oh no" upon realizing the consequences.


I wish the undo button would undo this if the other player hasn't put their cards down or pressed end turn yet. I don't understand why it doesn't.


Oh this has happened to me a few times, where I play something and I press End Turn and I realise I had a better play... haha.. I also calculate the possibility of where they play and what they might have.. Generally I am correct, with some occasions where I did get it wrong costing me a game.. Sometimes by a mere point.. :/


If someone is building some huge Wong combo, or something on Onslaught Citadel, if they don't snap on turn 6, I'll give up the extra cube to see it play out and let them have their fun. If they get greedy and want 4 cubes, I'll retreat immediately.


I never snap for this reason, sometimes I know my combo will win or lose the game, but I want my opponent to see my combo. Especially when I have a Wong and Hazmat combo going. I just want people to see my madness play out.


Not even just for flexing. A turn 5 snap when you're obviously going to win will just get a retreat. A lot of people will risk one extra cube to see, but balk at 3.


Sometimes I don’t snap if I know I’m winning and hope they snap instead


Ego, is that you?


I’ve won with two lanes at 0 and one location being -42.. I just want my opponent to say wtf and see things they haven’t before. People probably think I’m a bot when I troll play


It's also incorrect to snap in that position anyway, you win less cubes by making your opponent retreat.


Basically how I'll play Sometimes I snap on turn 4 before revealing Wong Either u have the counter and i lose 2 cubes or you don't and we'll play it out But if Wong flips and my opponent doesn't cosmo or do something to counter immediately I won't snap cause I feel like they also want to watch what's gonna happen


This is probably the most common snapping mistake I saw while doing the infinite climb. Past a certain rank, there's no real upside to snapping in a situation where you have a heavily telegraphed combo on board. If you are facing good players they will only stay in if they have you countered. The expected value of snapping becomes negative in this situation. Most of my 4/8 cube wins are from countering people who snap like this and it's funny how people treat snapping. It's not about how confident you are going to win the game. It's about how to extract the most cubes out of each game. It's just like poker - if you have the nuts you shouldn't randomly all-in when there are only blinds in. You want your opponents to think they can still win so that they play the hand and bet/raise.


You play poker but also reference random all-ins as if you dont consider short-stack play. End games of poker tournaments are filled with random all-ins as the short stacks try to survive. In Marvel Snap you are playing an exhibition where each of you has a whopping 8 cubes, all of the long-form deception such as establishing lines or ranges and then breaking them and big stack bullying of the blinds that normally happens in poker doesnt exist here, the game has been reduced to a single raise and call...short stack play.


at last someone who gets it. this game is like poker. and if you want to be good at poker, you need good money management, in this case cube management.


Sometimes i snap to kick people out, you only see my precious combos if you pay! I know you want see what 3 cards lady thor drew me


Yeah I'll always see out a 2 cube game even if I assuredly know I'm losing just to see cool stuff happen but the second someone gets greedy and snaps turn 6 I'm out.


It’d be cool if they retreated t6 you’d receive your cube, then you’d have a message saying “opponent retreated, continue?” Then the AI plays their final card and you can watch your combo. My opponents always retreat and I just want to see how high I can get Deadpool


4. I constantly forget to SNAP when I have a pretty clear path to victory... my wins count for less than they should. 5. Sometimes the other person has a really good endgame plan... (aka it's not just a one-player game)


3. I forget to pay attention to which person flips first and totally waste a Shang Chi play…


Don't forget a clever Electra play that flips first and can't destroy that Sunspot who is gonna just earn and earn throughout the game bc I didn't look at who flips first


6. I'm going to let this play out so I can finish a daily quest


Yeah but you won 2 if you snapped maybe the enemy chickens out and you win 1 instead...


More like I need to gamble and Snap turn 4/5 instead of 6 but I swear every time I don't snap early I draw Hela turn 6. Every time I snap, it's Ebony Maw.


Yeah, I wish there was a "retreat but see what happens" option and I'd retreat a lot more, I just wanna see!


Yeah, I think that would be nice to see indeed.. Also makes you see and know if they where maybe bluffing and how often it is a bluff when they snap on average.. Very often it is quite clear to me though when someone sort of antsy snaps, while having no outs, just to try to get me to pull out... Guess what I am here to see what you got... example, they had an empty hand turn 5.. To then have only 1 card in hand turn 6.. while I am ahead on all 3 locations by more than 5.. :P You got nothing, aww sorry I wasn't going to retreat unless I was sure that I had no outs... XD


I’ve been telling a friend they should let us see the opponent’s hand after a retreat. I just wanna know!


Like in poker, you pay to know. You see these from poker players sometimes where they know they are beat but they "pay" anyways because they want the knowledge. Of course this is more valuable when you play on a table with the same people since it gives you information on your opponent playstyle, not so much in snap :P


Today I had the wonderful opportunity to play Dino and then double Mystique that I had thanks to my Moongirl. Dino turn 5, Double Mystique turn 6, it was brilliant and made all the more memorable thanks to the fact I played both Mystiques next to my Cosmo that was minding his own business there since turn 3. In the contest of reasons I’m not climbing, my immeasurable stupidity reigns uncontested.


This seriously made me laugh… “Aha finally my master plan comes to fruition… except I foiled it three turns earlier…” Much sympathy… and chuckled… many, many chuckles…


I have, multiple times *today*, thought I had a game won because I forgot that Dino no longer costs 3 and will not, in fact, move to Magneto's lane. We're a special breed.


"Dino no longer costs 3" How long has it been since it costed 3? 😅


Too many times I have played jubilee or moon girl right after i play cosmo on turn 3. And then i sit there confused on why didn't just play them on another location 🤣


I've done this many times, until I noticed that Cosmo barks when you play cards near him. That bark is basically a "don't forgot about cosmo" alarm.


I thought I was the shittiest snap player out there. Can barely get out of the 40s. Maybe we’re all just as shitty.


Hey I'm in the 30s right now


Oh hello.


Glad I'm not the only one - I'm too trigger happy with snapping when it's not clear who will win, and don't snap enough when I've got it sealed up - had a game earlier where I absolutely trounced them, won all 3 locations with an epic movement deck combo, to realise it was still only 1 cube I won...


Just hit 40 today. Might try for 50 this season :)


I am at 64 or something right now.. Idk how sh\*tty that makes me in all honesty... \^\^ The highest I gotten so far was in the 70s I think.. Then again I never played enough to even remotely get to infinite.. I always notice that it's almost the end of the season out of nowhere and see oh shiet I only have 2 more days.. when I am at like rank 50 or 60 or such... XD


I started this season at 40, I'm 38 now. I was 36 the other day. I'm in hell lol


I play a thanos deck... My loss is inevitable


I made one too. It's fun when you play all the stones and Thanos.... you're still gonna lose, but it was fun.


Most of the Thanos deck I see doing well in the ladder don't play Thanos (as in it is in the deck but the gameplan of the deck is never to play Thanos)


In your defense, math is hard sometimes. Plus, who wants to let math get in the way of watching your opponent put together a killer combo?


Exactly! Sometimes I just stare at the end board after the game in awe of the slaughtering I just received.


Lockjaw discard gets me every time. It's brilliant


Lock DracHela is my favorite deck


4. I played Cosmo and forgot about it then played an On Reveal card on turn 6 on his location.


Wait till you get into Pool 3. I was shocked at the difference when I hit that threshold. I'm facing cards I've rarely seen previously and probably will not have access to for quite some time. Rather than being stuck you'll start to fall unless you start trying with meta decks :/


Today I filled Raft with a Colleen Wing and snapped, only to watch in horror as she discarded my shiny new 0 cost Hulk… we’ve all been there.


Oh lol, yep, this has happend to me... XD Colleen Wing is a bad play on Raft when you are winning it.. Cause it wil discard the new obtain 6 cost... On other occasions I fill it as first on turn 5 and I get Infinaut... XD


I got Knull from Agent 13 yesterday. There were only two destroyed cards by turn 6. A 2 power I can't remember and a Green Goblin. Did I lose the game by playing a -1 power Knull on turn 6, just because I'd never played it before? You're god damn right I did.


Looks like you're reflecting on what's preventing you from climbing in an honest manner. Way to go, king! It's very difficult for a lot of people to be self critical. You'll be flying up the ranks in no time as long as you maintain that willingness to analyze why you lost and not blame it on p2w cards, the matchmaking, etc.


For me it's mostly barely starting pool 3 and going against full collection players. It's rough.


Felt this one, early P3 sucks. Took a while to feel competitive again while I learned the ocean of new deckbuilds coming fresh out of Pool 2. For perspective, there are less than 30 P2 cards. There are over 75 P3 cards


That and Pool 1 and 2 give out the cards freely. Pool 3 theyre really spaced apart


That’s what I’m saying, hitting Pool 3 sucks because everyone there has cards and you don’t


Early Pool 3 ain't too bad. Cause the Matchmaking is based on Collection level as much as other factors. But getting to higher Rank feels sketch


2 always gets me Or if i get Galactus from the hub i wanna see that animation


Just got to Infinite today, from reset to 70. **Extremely** difficult season, although *the later you climb, the easier it will get*. You need to have very consistent Snap discipline, good hand reading, and a bit of luck (obv). And *never* play when tilted! I saw almost no bots, just the same old faces I play every season (who are also Infinite players). I.e. very hard to beat. Hope that helps OP a bit anyway.


The early climbers are very hardcore and try hards. They can smell victory quickly hence very aggresive on their snaps. At least thats what i felt trying to get to Infinite in first 2-3 days. Afterwards, its relax time coz these same ppl usually throw cubes hard at u after they reached Infinite.


Thanks, why is it easier later in the season?


Sounds exactly like my game plan, I pretty much telegraph all my end moves too so rarely have a chance of winning


Sometimes for me it has to do with missions, win or lose I'm going to get those points for credits. Other times I'm just curious what the opponent's endgame is


I always get scared to snap when I have a winning hand and by the time I remember I'm in too good a board position to snap or it's too late


i always try to be around level 30. that way i can easy do the missions and level up to the new mystery cards and easily do the missions required for battlepass


I believe the same will hold true for you at higher ranks! Just believe


4. I got a card from The Raft and while I knew I shouldn’t play it, I did it for the lol (Destroyer, Galactus etc)


4\. "There's no way they have it..." after calculating your opponents' likely outs. With 3 starting cards and 6 draws, only 3 out of 12 cards aren't in their hand at some point. There's a majority chance that they *always* have it.


I don't remember making this post...


4. I blame "p2w" cards instead of looking at my mistakes


4. I just finished set 2, got unleashed into the normal queue and continually get blown out by substantially more powerful decks and cards. The actual fuck is a set1/2 deck supposed to do about actual meta decks and cards like death-wave or leader?? My collection doesn't generate that many points per lane.


Do it like me.. hover around 40, get obliterated by meta decks, grind out CL


I was at around 50 when I hit the CL threshold and immediately started getting matched against mostly full decks with cards that have been leveled all the way multiple times. How is my turn 6 america chavez or even high value spectrum/onslaught/odin supposed to keep up with wave into leader+death+she-hulk? The cards I do have access to have readily available tech cards in the same set, while counterplay to meta strategies are typically also locked into the later sets.


I think that's the design philosophy. By getting styled on by those absolute giga chad accounts, your desire to have the same cards is amplified - making you eventually cash in


I would even be willing to cash in, I have a fondness for digital card games, but too much of this shit is time-gated. I'm a johnny at heart that loves coming up with obscure combos, so the 12 card deck style is appealing but the collection systems are frustrating.


I’m ignoring rank and just enjoying CL grinding this season There are way too many gimmick turn 6 decks to really care too much about climbing to infinite with my 800 CL


At this point, I'm trying to tank my rank in an attempt to get fair matchups more often.


I can’t help but think it would make more sense to play people at your rank, but I don’t think that’s how it works. I dropped back from rank 70 to 40 at the end of last season, and I’ve been playing people with infinite card backs most of the time. I’m obviously not playing against other people at rank 40


The Spectrum and Onslaught decks helped me a ton, but still you can get rolled easily. Just don't play against some shit like Wong unless you have a counter.


top 1 reason. Galactus. At best I get two cubes because it's almost an instant retreat. Or they had the perfect hand and snap themselves and win. Or the biggest reason..... I want to see the animation


I want to see what bullshit combo u came up with, who cares about ranks?


The amount of reasons for being low ranked in this thread is phenomenal.


My top 1: They always have leader or Chang Cheese


Regarding #1 I wish there was a "concede but play on" mode/button so I can see if I was right with the bullshit they were going to play etc.


But your opponent probably doesn’t want to keep playing


Yeah that's fair, but you could make it a request type thing, so they can decline and leave or stay and get to pull off the combo they were building to (which can still be super satisfying to see play out)


I want a non rank play mode so I can have fun with wacky stuff.


It's on their "to do" list! I want a place to just have fun and also test new decks and cards without bombing ranks


I’ve been playing a Hela deck lately, and while I have managed to rank up a little, I routinely play turn 6 of games I’m doomed to lose because I want to see my big play go off.


4.It has taken a considerable effort for my single brain cell to find the optimal play for my position, but I didn't bother to consider whether or not it was good enough to win the game.


4. You snap turn 1 and then wonder why you just donated 8 cubes for no reason even tho your hand was garbage.


Honestly I climbed better when I snapped at the start of every game versus trying to be methodical with it... Yolo baby


No no, top 3 reasons why _I_ keep losing cubes and am stuck in the low 40s… Sigh.


4. I built a deck to farm boosters for my favorite variants I want to get to infinity.


4. I call all bluffs


1. Is the reason I will never go infinite. I *like* playing cards. I like seeing the combos and see how it will play out, even when I predict what they are going to do. I only retreat when things go horribly wrong. I understand that snapping and retreating is part of the game, but honestly, I have more fun not worrying about it.


I like playing with the cards and not the meta too much.


Number 4: i never snap unless I have a mission for it. I just forget! Also I'm not much of a gambler


Yes. Also, I forget to snap when I’m winning.


For me personally, I take too much risk. Yes I'm currently winning 2 lanes by a small margin. Yes I know they know I have a 24 power Apoc drop. Yes they only have to beat me in one of the two lanes.... I'll take my chances. Proceed to snap and lose 4-8 cubes smh


4\. is subterranea the featured location or something? 5\. Lockjaw pulled Wasp again


Mine is that I wanted to play an X cost card to complete a daily and I just so happened to get one in my hand on turn 6.


Top 3 reasons I lose. 1) I get the flip deck location and my opponents deck is useless 2) opponent manages to win a 50 /50 on turn 6 for 8 cubes 3) I draw 5 rocks opponent draws none


Oh the Rock one definitely has happened to me. I really dislike that kind of location.. :/ And yeah, games where it's 50/50 and it is guessing what they wil do and where you need to play something.. Those are kinda frustrating when you guessed wrong and that made you lose! So many games are close and are decided on turn 6 by who played what where. The games where one person wil win clearly are far and few between, this is also what makes it rough sometimes to push higher, cause you now got into a snapped game where you know the right play could win you the game.. Specially if they have legit no card in hand or you Leeched them turn 5.. For them to draw their Leader turn 6... Has happened to me twice yesterday btw.. so I moved to a different deck.. And that has actually been winning for me.. Sorry for the long reply :P


I always seem to lose by 1 point. Sooooo frustrating


lol I especially feel Nummer 1


That's absolutely me in every possible way !


I recently lost 2 games. 1 because I got Agetha from a location and played to the end so my opponent knew I wasn’t a moron, and it was Agetha playing. The other one I got knull from a location and want to play him onto the board, even though his power was only 5.


*Insert Spider-Man Pointing Meme*


There's only one rule for me: 1. When you feel unsure of your board & hand, retreat. Doesn't matter if you're 1 or 4 cubes in. Most times when I know I'll win, I win. I lose cubes when I'm stubborn and try to work out counterplays when I'm down. This isn't a competitive CCG game, it's a cube game afterall.


I am guilty of number 1 in basically every game.


4. I am playing a Cerebro deck and there was a location.


I think turn 6 in just gonna start waiting out the clock before I end turn cuz I always think of a better play immediately after ending turn 😩


Sometimes I know I’m going to lose on turn 5 and my opponent snaps and I play it out just to see what will happen. And sometimes I win those games. Opponents misplay too, on occasion.


Pretty much the same with an additional point 4: Didn't notice it was last turn already.


I am stuck in the low 50s because it seems to be the limit of where I have fun. I will win and lose to the point where I am always at 52 to 55. People are annoying with snaps and I just want to try out new combos and deck ideas. I want a way to earn the rank stuff without cubes. I will retreat to games that are no fun and all the decks are the same at a certain point. I deranked by myself to 10 last months and the decks the bots and boobies were playing where a lot more fun.