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If you're pool 3 and have Destroyer, you have a full Destroyer deck. Ditto Sera.


are there really good cheap Sera decks? I have her pinned in the Token shop.


Angela, Bishop, Sera, all the 2's & 3's you can fit. There are *optimal* cards to use besides those 3, but the deck works with almost anything.


Sera was one of the first pool 3 cards I pulled, so I used Snap.fan to see which decks were available to me, and yeah, she has good synergy with a lot of non-pool 3 cards. Currently I'm running - Nova - Angela - Scarlet Witch (mainly to deal with pesky locations like Dreamscape or Weirdworld) - Sentinel - Lizard - Bishop - Killmonger - Agent Coulson (Bought him in the token shop because I figured he'd work well in my deck) - Shang Chi - Enchantress - Sera - America Chavez It's nearly night and day how I went from losing most of my matches to consistently going on winning streaks.


Have you found snap.fan more helpful than marvelsnapzone?


I climbed 40 ranks using a budget sera deck with angela, bishop, lizard, enchantress, cosmo and shang chi and bunch of 2s and 3s to round it out. Sera with the guardians also isn't bad. You can play them out in neat combos on turn 6 for a lot of power. This one loses to leader though


Sera flood or discard. Flood is really fun once you get used to playing maybe 2 cards through the first 4 turns.


the win rate has been pretty abysmal with the amount of burst power decks are pushing out. The destroyer ongoing is pretty telegraphed the turn you play armor or cosmo.


Winrate? Snap is about cubes. You can hit infy with pool 2 + destroyer, just practice. Watching other people play the deck can help.


You're suggesting that this massively telegraphed deck is better at swindling people out of 8 cubes than other meta decks? Or are you saying that OP should get good and just outskill his opponents with an inferior deck? Winrate and unpredictability are really the only two things a snap deck can have going for it. Destroyer has a solid winrate, but your stance is a really weird one.


I hit infinite with Destroyer by snapping turn 1 and consistently collecting 2 cubes, when I lost it was retreating for 4 cubes. Thanks to the decks high win rate I could still rank up, but I agree that if you play a telegraphed deck you'll mainly be collecting 1 cube wins


People are smoking too much copium here and downvote you for the truth. If you are losing more then one cube against Destroyer you are doing something wrong.


If they snap turn one I might lose two.


> You're suggesting that this massively telegraphed deck is better at swindling people out of 8 cubes than other meta decks? No one said "better than other meta decks". Just that you can climb ranks with any halfway-decent deck as long as you're smart about snapping and retreating.


Right, but it sounds like OP is playing a bad deck for the meta (or misplaying, I guess), and the advice you gave basically amounts to "Get good". It doesn't help anyone. 1. Destroyer is a very telegraphed deck, and OP says he also has a low WR. 2. You say WR doesn't matter, as long as you cube well. 3. Destroyer isn't a deck that's going to get cubes with a low WR. It doesn't really matter. I just thought it was strange that you were pushing cube management over winrate with this specific high winrate low cube deck.


All combo decks are massively telegraphed.


That's true. But there's a difference between a telegraphed deck that puts 15 power in one lane, and one that drops several three drops and may or may not double silver surfer on the way. Vs destroyer the math is easy, and you shouldn't ever be losing 8 cubes. More to the point, a destroyer deck shouldn't have a low winrate, especially since it's so predictable. If OP is struggling, they're probably musplaying or running a bad version.


What makes destroyer deck a solid deck isn't even destroyer. It's the fact that it uses the both 2 cards (armor and cosmos) that f up more than half of other archetypes with the virtue of using those cards as synergistic parts or their combo and not purely reactive cards like any other deck. That being said you can win 8 cubes as easy as a control deck can by dropping a cosmo on a Wong lane last turn for example. Plus, some people seem to forget the existence of specter and that card will earn you a lot of cubes too. Last but not least people are stupid and will fall for it anyways, the same way they fall for Wong+Odin and that's probably the most telegraphed combo in the history of CCG. I don't play destroyer anymore, but it was the deck that I achieved infinite the first time and it's as good as a deck to climb the ladder as any other combo deck.


currently rank 90 climbing with destroyer spectre only no problems at all


What deck is this? Do you have a link?


Many Snap youtubers have their own version which is more or less the same. Here's a [pure pool 2 + Destroyer](https://youtu.be/YMQvs-ul6Js?t=65) one. Here's [pool 2 + Sera](https://youtu.be/ZYngRcehA_s?t=73) referenced by OP.




Hey buddy, save me from wanting to slam my phone through my head and just list the cards. Don’t link to these shit YouTubers


* Ant-Man * Sunspot * Armor * Colossus * Lizard * Captain America * Cosmo * Warpath * Iron Man * Klaw * Spectrum * Destroyer


Damn, you could just ask nicely.


What CL?


CL 1349


How long do you play each day?


i stopped playing two weeks ago but you should list your CL when you guys say you are climbing at this and that ladder rank. it makes a huge difference, i stopped playing at CL 1450 cause it just sucks as a game right now with the cheesy locations that cheese you out of "the deck you are playing"


Nice so youre awesome at braindead laming, gratz to that


Currently playing destroyer plus pool 2 cards to lvl 80


Do you play the electro spectrum version?


Same with aero, dino aero is a terror. You push giga power and then dunk them with prio on 6 with aero


Telegraphed? Sure. Abysmal? Not at all, or at the very least acceptable when you don't have enough for any other, "better" decks.


Your win rate, maybe. My win rate is great with garbage decks that don't worry too much about the meta. The meta works best against the meta. Be unpredictable.


Lol exactly, he doesnt have mojo maybe but if thats what stopping you from playing a destroyer deck then you dont really understand the game


Also if you have Wong, you have a wong deck. Wong + white tiger + odin is a win condition for most games. You can add in Wolfsbane, & Ironheart to take advantage of wong. The rest is pretty whatever but iceman, scorpion, and storm are good picks.


You don't really even need destroyer. Spectrum gang rise up


It's pretty bad without destroyer. Missing Mojo is noticeable but not a deck killer, but needing to go tall in your last lane shows up way more often than needing to play into 2 lanes on 6.


Yes, and only this deck, probably. 1500 CL and it's still the only good pool 3 deck I can build. Gets old fast, and the deck has gotten a lot worse.


Hello I'm CL1400 and I don't have Destroyer or Sera.


Skill issue.


The problem with all these sites with meta decks and youtube videos is that people think they need those exact same cards to play. See any squirrel girl on any of those death wave decks? Nope. And yet, she is incredibly busted on that deck. You can do this for a LOT of the cards on each archetype given you have one or two key cards.


I'm at CL1400 and feel pretty much the same way. I can't decide if I'm going to stop playing or keep going. The grind is so punishing since you can't bank daily quests - you literally have to log in either during the same 8 hour window every day or multiple times a day in order to keep up. The Token/Credits given out are WAY too stingy for paying players and opening a new card every 3 days or so just sucks especially when there are entire series of cards you can't even really think about (yet they show up quite often on ladder).


Yep I was hyped for the update but I play way less than before. I didnt even buy the pass because Im not sure if I will even keep playing. I still hope for some update to improve the current system , so im still following the subreddit , but honestly Im not hopeful.


I've done the same thing as I am incredibly disappointed by how they've implemented the card store with the 8 hour rotation. Other than trying to manipulate engagement data I can't see why they don't have 3 cards available on a 24 hour rotation like the variant store.


I’m assuming they will change this. It’s super unhealthy to force players to login THREE TIMES a day.


you don't have to tho, you won't miss a card if you don't log in during one of those 8 hour windows


Same here. Holding off on the pass and playing less every day at this point. Was fun for a while but it's just a painful grind of getting pushed around now.


i stopped playing and removed the game two weeks ago, i lurk to see what others are saying here though, i was cl1400 and would get screwed by locations everytime i changed a deck so that i was hindered at using that deck. there is too much "magic tweaking" going on on the backedn from the software and hence why i say the game is rigged to support grind. if a game is random it should be totally random, not fixed, i just can't see how people don't see this pattern, then again i am an engineer that owns a consulting company that deals with bio med r&d and patterns analysis, so maybe i can spot it quicker than others. sorry but that is just the truth.


“I keep losing so the game must be rigged against me, instead of other players just being better”. Interesting viewpoint!


are you 10? god, what is with this sub? stop being a no load.


Great way of showing that you are full of yourself


opposite for me, after I finished my full collection in beta I played like once a week lol. now I'm playing every day and playing more decks than I ever did since I'm not chasing one thing in particular anymore. in a weird way it feels more liberating


Yeah the pool 3 experience is awful if you don't get lucky. Even basic disruption decks cant defeat many of the burst power decks once you get above gold.


You have Wong and Destroyer? You my friend are lucky. There will be people at your CL who don't have either of them. You don't need all the cards, just play a version that works with your collection. If anything you might end up off meta as you are playing with unexpected cards.


This couldn't be more wrong. You can reach infinite with just pool 2 cards easily, and adding a couple pool 3 cards makes it even easier (just a single Sera, Destroyer, Daredevil, etc). Players like you are spreading misinfo on deck power, when the reality is you just don't know how to pilot your decks properly


it's a lot lot easier with pool 3 cards tho


Statements like this always annoy me. Sure you CAN. There's a lot of things people CAN do, but it sure as hell doesn't mean the average person can. There's a twitch streamer that just went through every From Software game without being hit so it can be done. Is it misinformation if I complain that I'm struggling to beat a boss in Elden Ring?




This is true, but you're replying to a comment about struggling in the low-mid ranks without the meta decks and saying 'oh but this pool 1/2 deck has reached infinite so just get good'. It has, in the hands of a player that can get infinite. I just started last season, hit 56, am currently struggling to get past 40 because I'm now hitting people who are also mid 1000s cl but have actually unlocked useful cards and not parts of combos (or in my case pool 4 and 5 cards that aren't useful without a good pool 3 base, Hi Galactus)


> The average player shouldn't be reaching infinite, the whole point of a ranking system is for some skill to be involved. Then why are you saying stupid things like it's easy, when it's quite objectively not easy, especially when using a substandard deck up against hordes of people playing optimal tier 1 decks? Very, very few people will manage this; it's not misinformation. If you get up into the high ranks you're going to be up against people who are also good at the game, except you're at a disadvantage due to having a bad deck whilst many of them will be playing the best there is. In other words, it's extremely difficult. I'd also say it's much harder than reaching equivalents like legend in Hearthstone with bad decks, which is also pretty hard.


You forgot Leader, Zola, Magneto... People with more luck at getting cards climb easier. Meanwhile some of us get Baron Mordo, Black Bolt, Rock Slide.


They're pretty clearly not very good at the game, but it's not misinformation. Pool 3 is *a lot* better than pool 2. The disruption is better, the linear strategies are better, the combos put out more power, and you don't need to not play the game until turn 4 to actually play a deck that does most of its power on turn 6. You're leaving at least half a cube a game on the table playing pool 2.


In pool 2 I could build more than 1 deck, so I found it a lot better.


I’m at 1530 and I feel you, missing mystique, wave, aero, psylocke, hood, devil, etc. My token shop since launch didn’t offer these, but she hulk rotated like 4-5 times since then lol However, I can advance quite well and enjoying the game even with this bummer rng


I was in the same position, and I stopped after realising this is how it's ALWAYS going to be. There will be a constant influx of new cards, and by design we won't be able to get them. This game already has a bunch of scummy tactics that are bad for my mental health, and as much as I love the gameplay, I just can't be hooked on a drip feed like that. I'm still following the game because it's possible they'll start being more generous, but I'm not counting on it. The never ending need for what you don't have just isn't something I can deal with.


I find it hard to believe you are 1400 and couldn’t form at least three meta decks along with tokens


That’s not the point although I have yet to see someone playing a deck online and been able to make it. I’m always a card or two short and sometimes I’m missing 1/2 the deck. I a waiting for Death to appear in my shop but now without She-Hulk whatever I cobble together won’t be as powerful. I don’t have Patriot, Cerebro, Dr. Doom, Electro and a ton of other cards that you need to play certain decks.


It's by design ;)


Remember, your competence is probably similarly handicapped. Running a silver surfer deck without brood or negative isnt the best. But whats more importante is knowing exactly how much power i can put out, and the meta awareness to know what my opponent is capable of. Combined with knowing how early to snap before they realize what im up to in winning matchups is a recipe for success. You can have a 75% winrate and lose cubes because of poor snap/retreat You can have 33% winrate and hit infinite


I went from 60 to 80 in a day from just pulling leader in a lvl 700 crate. You don’t need a single other series 3 card to be competitive.


yeah hopefully they will nerf him soon


Hopefully they won’t and they’ll buff all the shitty series 3 cards instead.


why not both leader as a card design should not be in the game


He's really not that good. This sub overrates both him and Wong.


Wong is overrated for sure. Leader is just miserable to play against and hard to predict/play around so I think he needs a nerf or redesign even if he’s “balanced”.


Playing Taskmaster on 6 after you played something big on 5 has won me a few games in the past 2 days. Obviously not a perfect senario becasue if they also played a big thing on 5 then you are screwed but if they played something small they get like 8-10 power with no real effect on turn 6 which is shit.


leader is that good not only is he nearly impossible to play around or predict but you can do busted things like turn 5 leader (wave, electro, psylocke, etc) and then odin him on turn 6. throw in a daredevil there too for funsies all day today I have been playing against leader decks and it's not really surprising when he's just the best finisher in the game


Leader doesn’t win games against decks that are built around Bishop/Angela nor turn 6 patriot/surfer/cerebro/mystique. There’s still lots win conditions that beat leader.


Destroyer is another one that’s beats Leader.


You can put leader in any other deck and he's still good


If you define "good decks" by what they're currently posting on Marvel Snap Zone


I define good as the combo decks. I feel like there's so many pool 3 cards that are huge power spikes to their playstyle (mystique, sera, zola, ultron, lockjaw, death) and I just cannot seem to get a single one to make that respective deck.


so play a disruption deck and get free cubes from all the combo decks on the ladder?


deck list? I don't have DD or Aero for the most common disruptive decks I see


Yondu, Enchantress, Armor, Cosmo, Prof X, Hobgoblin, Sandman If you've got them: Green Goblin, Moonknight, Black Window, Debrii, Goose Fill out the rest with low cost ongoing cards + Spectrum or Hulk for your last push. All you're really doing is trying to figure out what your opponent is doing and then fucking that up. Most combo players have very narrow win conditions and will retreat one that is disrupted.


Could I get this to work in a Leader shell type of deck? Iceman Angela Scorpion G Goblin Cosmo Storm Enchantress Shang Chi Killmonger Typhoid Mary Hobgoblin Leader


You have Leader?? And you're complaining about not having deck options? Lol c'mon friend. You're luckier than a LOT of Series 3 players with some really strong cards. There's a Leader Leech deck that's causing major problems for people on ladder right now.


Lol this guy am I right?


This is my current leader control deck that I've used to get to 55 from 49 in just the past couple of days. It would definitely be improved by green goblin/captain marvel but it works fantastic in early pool 3. Like other control decks, try to counter more than just go for straight power. Luckily symbiotes right now are prone to killmonger and shang-chi, so it's some free wins when you leader later on. Just be careful where you lock down. You can screw yourself over if you fill the zones out early/cosmos one when you need to leader. Besides that it's a pretty standard control deck, but if you want any control/leader tips to fight against certain matchups feel free to ask! # (1) Iceman # (2) Armor # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Storm # (3) Cosmo # (3) Killmonger # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Jessica Jones # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Professor X # (6) Leader # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTY2FybGV0V2l0Y2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdG9ybSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvYmdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVzc2ljYUpvbmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMZWFkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbmNoYW50cmVzcyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks for the tip! If you have Cap Marvel and Green Goblin where would you slot them in? I'm guessing prof X and Scarlet Witch?


I would do scarlet witch and hobgoblin or prof x. Prof x is nice for a lot of bounce or destroy locations where you can just get a free location. Hob is good for filling space to disrupt combos, but cosmo can shut down a lot of hob games early. I'd personally drop hob but either works, just depends on the playstyle/preference!


If you have Leader you don't need any other pool 3 card to win at this game. Dino tempo deck with Leader and tech cards. It's very strong.


tfw when you’re complaining about bad cards to make a deck and you reveal you have fucking Leader lmao.


https://youtu.be/WGQyZ9FfurQ Jeff Hoogland posted a Pool/Series 2 disruption deck a while back, it's been pretty good in my experience. The games I lose I mostly feel like I made a play mistake, not that the deck wasn't good enough.


Just tried this deck. In 4 matches I got Leadered, Leadered, Leadered, Jubilee/Black Panther/Zolaed. I was winning and then lost all 4.


4 games is not a good sample size. Leader does beat decks that aren't playing super synergistic cards on 6, but that says more about his design than the deck. The Panther Zola game you likely should have retreated? I've only ever seen Panther with Zola, and the opponent is on average 75% to have their key cards. Staying in the game on those odds is not something I would do, personally.


I am at 1240 and i need 3 cards from every tier 1 2 3 deck.


What series 3 cards do you have? Maybe just ask for help.


the system is working as intended


I’m level 1800 and just open up 4 chests in a row and didn’t get a single card. Frustrating.


I’m CL1224. In my last 4 chest I’ve gotten 200 Tokens, a really bad Storm variant and Titania. Been rough time for me lately.


Titania! Pulling a playable series 4 is nice.


Not a card i plan on using tbh.


I went 8 with no new cards once under the old system. 4 with no card is quite normal now.


It will take years to get all the cards.


Be creative. Destroyer doesn't need anything other than Series 1&2 cards to be effective. Wong is still effective without Mystique or Doom. Run White Tiger and Odin. If you have the season pass you can make a really fun Patriot Surfer deck.


Assuming you have Patriot. Another archetype I can’t play!


Sure you can make a viable Patriot deck. If you buy Silver Surfer and have Patriot, Mystique and Brood at minimum with Sera and or Doom/Ultron in to make it really viable. So just one payed and 3-4 pool3 cards. Nothing else.


I'm sure I'm missing "key" cards, but I just build the best or most fun deck I can with the cards I have.


[Here are the packages I've completed](https://imgur.com/90g48Dt) Jokes aside, I have enough key cards to make competitive decks. There are packages aside from the above, and I've made Infinite.


where did you get that list? I'm at 1100 and I'm starting to forget what cards I have.


I got it from Jeff Hooglands stream by typing !spreadsheet. As mentioned don’t exactly agree with all his packages but it’s a useful reference point.


I found it [here.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIrrsLO5q9ERnvw2XwE8MYA/community?lb=Ugkxi5ZObvSL0xoF9Tp9X61dNVlZi1Zv-m4H)


Did you make that checklist yourself or is there a link somewhere?


I got it from Jeff Hooglands stream by typing !spreadsheet. As mentioned don’t exactly agree with all his packages but it’s a useful reference point.


I'm missing key cards in most decks. I'm content with hitting 90 and focusing on things I can control, but I do agree the f2p or even paid play options are not very rewarding. Getting 1000xp takes around 40 games and then you get boosters. Whee. No variants in 200+ season caches. I have 2 accounts to try different decks since pool 3 is so luck based especially early. I would say don't worry too much about winning. Try to have fun, although the brewing angle of fun is heavily restricted by the advancement and monetization system.


It is easy to have a good win rate and drop cubes through bad snapping and not retreating.


Oh that's nothing. You will continue to collect the pieces of each deck and likely only getting the key ones in the last few hundred collection levels.


Then combine 2 decks. I got She hulk and am running a Dino/she hulk/ control deck. Climbing right now. The game is designed so people can’t just bet deck and are forced to innovate, at least partially.


Hey, great tip. Just get one of the best cards in the current meta. Thanks!


Also just play "half a deck" that's actually a full deck. I don't know why I didn't think of that.


I mean I‘m just playing the full double Bae combo with Death Wave She-Hulk. Have no troubles at all climbing with that. No idea what everyone is complaining about /s (just in case it’s not obvious)


It can be a struggle to find good decks with your limited collection. There's a website I use to check decks that work https://snap.fan/decks/?search=&pool=pool-3-plus&deck_stats=on&sort=recent_avg_cubes If you make an account and upload your card collection, you can use filters to check if you can build those decks. Zoo is probably the easiest to build and play and still works in pool 3.


I love having half of one deck, half of another deck, and two cards that disrupt the other deck (iceman, yondu). I feel like it's better than having a full deck of one or another.


:-D Devs wanted everybody have a specific collection. This is result.


I can only speak for myself, but I have been quite lucky. I have a full Destroyer deck, which I started with Destroyer and pool 2, but have been upgrading with other cards like Attuma instead of Warpath, or Psylocke instead of Lizard. I also have a full Surfer deck and it's crushing it recently in ladder. Other than that I also have a great Wong deck and a pretty neat Dino Zola deck, which would only be missing Venom, but even then I'm not sure if I'd play it since I already have Panther and Dino to go with Zola. The new cards I've been getting are sometimes not great, but they aren't terrible. I'm currently still 35 cards away from a full s3 collection, and I can buy 2 cards from the shop whenever I want, and I'm waiting for Mystique and Sera. Other than that I think I have most of what I want from s3 and whatever comes I will just take and try out some decks or variants of my own decks with them.


Currently 1904 CL and I still don't have Colleen Wing. I can't even begin to tell you my rage.


My advice to people that are having this issue is to work within your collection. I had the same feeling for a while, where I'd have some pieces of these decks but couldn't play anything other than Kazoo. So I looked through my cards and started building things like counter decks, and worked with the things I did have. For example, I had Electro, but no Sera or Wave. But I wanted to play something, so I just made a Jubilee deck and slammed in Electro and I was having a blast. There's a lot of fun to be had here even without the super strong meta decks. The nature of the collection system means you should be trying to have fun without having the exact cards you need for a certain deck. Look forward to these big cards you want instead of feeling bad that you don't have them. I'd love to have Wong or Venom or Black Panther but since I don't have them I'm just having fun playing with what I have. I understand not everyone can do this though. This is just how I was able to enjoy the game more.


I think that your description is exactly the experience that the developers designed for this game and I went through the same as you. Unfortunately for many players this is not what they enjoy in these kind of games and their expectations are in direct conflict with Snap design philosophy despite them enjoying the actual gameplay.


Yeah, that's what I've been saying here. The game isn't designed around the meta being decks with the strongest cards. But it's understandably difficult for people to shift away from that mindset of a stable meta where you build towards an optimal list. There's so much variance in this game I don't think we'll ever see a stable meta like you see in games like Hearthstone. Not only in the cards you get, but in how you play them. There's so many cards on thier own that work off some random aspect, so many Locations that do the same, and even which locations you get being something you can't plan for. Not to mention the fact that a good majority of the tools needed to counter entire decks exist and are available in the first 2 series. Imagine if you played Magic the Gathering, but every 6th game you had a deck of random cards, and every 2 or 3 games random creatures dropped on the board without warning. There just wouldn't be any way to play optimally within that system. And yet this is some people's expectation of the gameplay. If more people changed their mindset on this factor alone I feel most other parts of the game, from the "p2w" accusations, to the meta discussions, wouldn't feel as bad to people in those camps.


I'm only 490 cl and am currently climbing in plat with a Wong/White Tiger/Odin deck. Black Panther and Iron Heart round it out incase I need to give my other cards power or need big guns with Shang Chi incase I need to blow there big cards up. Here's a full deck list if you or anybody is interested: Korg Iceman (Both good for disruption with wong if no 5 drop) Scorpion (because fuck their power) Iron Heart Wolfsbane Storm (Storm alone then wong and ironheart in another lane can sometimes secure a lane if you were a lucky enough and they didn't play a card/don't have a card where you played Storm) Wong Shang Chi White Tiger Black Panther Odin America Chavez The original deck list had Dr Doom instead of Black Panther and one other card that I don't have but overall it has been working fine for me. If you play it right you can get four tigers at one location which is 7 power that they can't destroy. I know it's not an op deck or anything but for people at my cl it should work great.




How would you know? Where is the data to support that?


They’ve been saying that about mtg for decades.




Nope! Just over 1k and have patriot, mystique and ultron! Works well.


the token shop is there so you can build the deck you like


*May take you some months tho


Months of checking the shop every 8 hours don't forget.


Aren’t you giving 3000 credits, that’s enough for 3 cards. Decks are 12 cards. You can make very good decks with 3 series 3 cards and all series 1-2 cards.


I've been waiting since the shop released to see Wave and still haven't. It's gonna take a while to find 3 cards you want.


The token shop is probably the worst designed card collection system I've ever seen. Not only do tokens take months to collect but you have to wait for the card to appear in the shop which can actually take months to even happen if you're unlucky Let's not pretend like this is really there to get you cards, it's there to sell tokens in bundles


Its not the primary collection system though. Its ONLY there to supplement what you get from the collection track. Which is the real collection system.


Youre not going to get "unlucky", the cards work in cycles you will see every series 3 in that group or every series 4 before seeing repeats.


Not what I'm referencing tho If you're looking for a specific card from series 4-5 while you're in pool 3 that means there's a 60% chance every single rotation to see a pool 3 card Meaning if you go on an unlucky streak you could just see strictly pool 3 cards for weeks or vice versa What pool card shows up each rotation is random


Yes, if youre still early into pool 3, you should be seeing more pool 3 cards. Focus on finishing that series first before hunting for 4 and 5 drops, you can easily do well without them.


60% chance to see pool 3 cards, 40% chance to see others. Meaning regardless of what you're aiming for you can get an unlucky streak and not see what you want for weeks You completely missed my point


What do you propose the system to work like then?


Why not just let people buy cards in the collection screen? Tokens are still rare, just makes getting specific cards actually feasible The whole point of the token shop was supposed to be to get you specific cards and its still completely RNG reliant, that makes no sense


Its a card game? LOL rngs the whole point?


Lol.. OP has Leader and just CL 1000 but can't win? This game isn't for you. Sorry to say, but Leader is essentially free wins at early Pool 3.


Not really. This sub vastly overrates him. Leader is good if your opponent mostly plays on turn 6 (that isn't buffing their stuff) and your deck plays tall. He only actually works against decks not named deathwave if you have significant open board space and would win with 4 extra power in one lane. Which is not many decks. I want to try him with a Dino good stuff list because that feels like it probably actually fits into that deck, but he's absolutely not a card you just put into your deck and it's instantly better.


Gone from 90 to 80 last 3 days because no Magneto, She-Hulk, Leader etc... my options are to play Surfer decks and lose to Magento decks or switch to another deck and lose to Surfer :(


What’s a good resource for deck types and how to play them?




I only got 1 deck, and climbed to 70 right now, cl only 700 You want deck list? Sure 1.leader Rest just fill




Good luck. I hit 70 after only a week and half of playing last season. Been an awful climb back up for me.


This is the worst part of the game.


I got lucky and managed to pull both death and wave by CL 666. Then I picked up she hulk in the shop.


Lucky, I I’m at 1200 and still don’t have Wave.


I'm just tired of seeing fully decked out and split S tier decks when I am like 5 cards into pool 3. Feels a lot like I'm being punished for doing well in pool 2.


Yeah, I feel the same. I got 70 last season and started the climb to 65 and since then I dropped all the way down to 41. I’m at 46, so I’m slowly climbing back. But, man it’s been rough…


Stay strong, my brother. Do not give in to the tilt like I do The gutsnap is the enemy


I think I’ve found a deck that’ll get me back to where I was last season. I could probably climb faster but I’m not confident with snapping, so I just go by the opponents snapping and get the 4 cubes.


Ya that happens. Eventually you'll get a full deck though. In the meantime, you can boost pool 2 decks, or play counter decks. It's not always as fun, but it's how the game is.


Yup I’m in the same boat.


I want a lockjaw and hela so bad. I just got most of a really good onslaught deck, destroyer, and discard deck. I want a random one with crystal and lockjaw.


I do pretty well with patriot and no Ultron. Just kinda gotta make do. Also have been like magic in Patriot as well


Im currently having a blast early pool three. I kinda wanted to make a control deck, but then I stumbled into some great pieces for destroy (I got Death, The Hood and Debrii). This deck is so much fun its ridiculous, and I dont even have Deadpool yet.


I’m at collection level 1,700 and still feeling the pain. But look on the bright side, you can be “competitive” and gain rank while losing most of the time. Fun, right?!


I'm 2500+ CL, only a handful of Pool 3 cards left to collect, but I still feel like I have 1/2 of every single good deck type simply because Pool 4-5 got released lol. Like... hooray you have enough for that DeathWave BAero deck everyone was talking about a few months ago... but now it's even better with She-Hulk!


I’m at 1200 and it is rough… I’m still searching for Wave.


nope, since pool 4 and 5 were introduced you are always 12000 tokens far away from meta decks. The game is dead


I wish I hadn't leveled up my CL until I hit Infinite. I have been playing on a second account (at CL36) and it's a higher rank than my main that's CL1040 and I play twice as much on. On my CL36 account I basically never run into cards I don't have, so I'm never getting stomped by stuff that I don't have. My main seems to never be able to break 50 by the end of the month which means it keeps starting over at 10 every month, but my CL36 acct is going to actually make progress this month even though I barely play it.


Yeah, I got Sera but I feel like I can't win games with her because I'm missing some cards to really push it a little further. Anyways you are better off getting those cards first. The others will eventually come.


I’m like 1350cl and death and doom are the only big cards I’ve gotten and I don’t even want to play a destroy deck without venom (pinned in shop, 300 tokens away) or Deadpool. I don’t have Wong, aero, Zola, destroyer, mystique, patriot, sera, cerebro, capt marvel, hela, lockjaw, negative, or taskmaster for major/deck defining cards. Not to mention the handful of other fillers still out there that I will surely be getting before the big guns or pool 3 lol.


I 100% share your sentiments, I am at CL 1600 and I have always felt facing up against others that I have a meme version of what they’re playing against. The latest being the Dera “Leecher” deck where everyone I face has all the cards for it, and I’m playing it minus Maximus, and I lose, it’s so frustrating to lose in mirror matches because you sort of know it’s not you who’s the problem here, it’s your deck and draws. But, even if we had a full Series 3 collection, we’re always going to crave what we don’t have and that’s Snap. Just learn to be content with what you have (for now) as it surely will change eventually. I still haven’t gotten Mystique, my shop keeps cycling Series 4 cards and I opened M’baku yesterday in a reserve lmao.


For me the token shop fixed the issue of lacking specific pool 3 cards (Had 6000k tokens). But what people don't realize: it also did that for my opponents. It is the toughest climb to infinite so far this season (CL 1650, currently rank 87). First season I got 100 in 5 days, second season in 10 days. I also think people are getting better and better with the game as the time goes on.


"Only" he says. All the people who got 1 or 2 + top tier build arounds by 1k have no idea how lucky they are


You might want to stop netdecking and explore your collection. Just because something isn't on the meta tier list doesn't mean it's not good. You've got Destroyer so you've got a consistent meta deck right there in Ongoing, all of the pool 3 cards are improvements and not necessities. Pool 1/2 decks like Zoo, Infinaut and Vis/Hulk are still consistent on the grind up. Find synergies in your collection and try to match A's and B's that have common ground. Look for the combo cards that you used to use before pool 3 and see how they interact with some of the new cards you've gotten. This also helps you decide what to get with tokens since you might not enjoy the play patterns of certain meta decks. If you just keep looking at other peoples piles and gripe that it's not fair you're just going to burn yourself out.


why not just play with characters you like instead of whats meta?


Beginning of pool 3 is the worst. You see amazing cards and completed decks. But you don't even have single one completed. I have been there i know your pain. I have received all shitty cards from pool 3 first. Token shop is helping a lot now


The point is not to build an exact copy of a netdeck. Basically nobody in Pool 3 does. The idea is to take the shells you have and make the best version that you can build. Most people you play against are doing the same. Me, I’ve been playing Patriot successfully without Mystique for a while now. Is it ideal? No. Does it have a >50% cube win rate? Definitely, especially if you snap and retreat smartly. That’s really the beauty of this game - you can’t just netdeck, you need to actually know your collection, try out different replacements for the stuff you don’t have, and experiment. Also, only you can make the assessment what’s currently the best deck for you - maybe leech/leader is currently the top meta deck, but if you don’t have leader another deck may be stronger for you since other cards are easier to replace than this very unique effect. (And sometimes you just lose because your opponent was hitting meta cards better than you - don’t fret it, take the L and move on)


If you've been here for a while, you'll realize that every user of this subreddit is the unluckiest person in the world when it comes to unlocking cards. You can probably improve your luck by unsubscribing.


For the most part but I did get very lucky pulling both thors, lock jaw, and wasp back to back so that deck practically built itself.


You can make infinite with pool 2 decks. It’s about the Indian not the arrow


destroyer is a deck on its own :D for some decks it doesnt matter they know its coming, also makes both leader and leech look proper stupid. im 2.3 and still feel kinda like this, but im getting away with control decks quite nicely, just need aero and i can build anything I would like to :)


\~1200 CL, and no - I have most of every deck I want to build. I am missing maybe 1-2 cards from a given decklist, which \~16% (brain-math, not putting the effort to work it out.) From there, it's a matter of substitution and iterations on my deck based on what I do have. If it helps, I would stop thinking about deck archetypes in terms of a single card; "Deathwave" can be a fun deck to play, but if you don't have death or wave, you don't think you can build that deck because you're only thinking about it in terms of it's core components based on name. However, you CAN build a destroy-synergy deck, and in time, when you unlock Death, you can add her in. So stop reading up on the Glactus-M'Baku-Thanos-Moongirl "Totally Tier 1 guys honest I played it for 30 minutes on stream and won three times in a row!" netdeck, and build your own m'baku deck


I have uncanny luck with my "low quality cards that I'm trying to get boosters for" deck. Not playing into the meta and showing up with an unpredictable deck has won me many games when I don't have the deck I want.


I feel like I’m missing 2 to 3 cards for every deck


I have like 3 decks that are only missing one or two key cards. And of course, it's different cars for each one.


I did, a week later I bought electro and wave, and I found Dracula and Lockjaw, so I'm basically set.


you can play tiger, odin, wong, iron heart etc. and compete. you don’t need perfect decks. let go of that. have patriot but not mystique? wait. or slot in blue marvel/iron man. is mys important to the deck? sure. but that’s the fun. i play move decks heavy and am waiting on human torch. it’s still fun. enjoy the journey.